– Seattle, our tree canopy is going in the wrong direction.
– Impotrant Tacoma doughnut information.
– The pandemic food assistance is coming to an end. So it might be a good time to give to your local food bank.
– Get vaccinated or boosted if you’re eligible.
So it turns out that Mayor Pete was a mentor to the homosexual mayor of College Park, MD who was arrested for possessing and transmitting child pornography.
Mayor Pete mentored him…and he was just arrested for kiddie porn
He’s a “Pete-ophile”.
Mayor Pete was G-clown’s preferred presidential candidate in 2020. Whatever it takes to make NAMBLA mainstream is A-OK with G-clown.
Not a good week for America’s homosexual mayors, and it’s still just Friday morning. There’s the evening news dump to come.
Yes, I wrote that last sentence to titillate.
Mitt Romney digs in.
So, Mitt, you’re saying the fourth-largest city in Indiana might not be sufficiently populous proving grounds, and that Mayor Pete’s incompetence in his current role is exposing that?
G-clown haz a sad.
If Mayor Peter wasn’t a threat then they wouldn’t utter his name. And clearly attacking Mayor Pete is blatant passive aggressive bigoty…..can you say dog whistle? Can you say cultural war?
Instead of attacking Mayor Pete you would think they would try to pass some rail safety measures in wake of rail accidents. But a few hillbillies are expendable so why bother especially when you can exploit them like they can a fetus. Unfortunately after exiting the vagina they are free to be victims of the Hetero Neanderthal STD carnage.
People who fuck horses, like Bob, are in the news all the time.
Axios has it;
House Republicans’ first big win
Regarding that last line, the preferred policy of white liberals regarding crime-infested black cities apparently is “Let it burn.”
The normalization of wife and child beating. The only think that didn’t happen was that daddy didn’t photo them nude LIKE he would have liked to have done before killing them.
@ 5
The normalization of wife and child beating.
Leave it to G-clown to misunderstand the meaning of normal.
If it was normal, G-clown, he wouldn’t have been convicted of double murder and sent to prison for the rest of his life, without the possibility of parole.
If your sexual preferences were normal, G-clown, your anus wouldn’t be a festering, ulcerated mess when you wake up after your Saturday nights.
We will strongly defend the ass of our new brother, Alex Murdaugh, during the course of our new brother’s incarceration..
Of course, there will be a cost for that protection.
Most peeps are heterosexual…
It only follows logically that most pedophiles are…
ding.. ding.. ding..
A 1994 study, led by Carole Jenny of the University of Colorado Health Sciences Center, surveyed 269 cases of children who were sexually molested by adults. In 82 percent of cases, the alleged offender was a heterosexual partner of a close relative of the child, the researchers reported in the journal Pediatrics. In only two out of 269 cases, the offender was identified as being gay or lesbian.
“The empirical research does not show that gay or bisexual men are any more likely than heterosexual men to molest children,” wrote Gregory M. Herek, a professor of psychology at the University of California at Davis, on his website. Herek, who was not involved in the 1989 or 1994 studies, compiled a review of research on the topic.
even as the male offenders with wives and kids rip off little boys.
the preferred policy of white liberals regarding crime-infested black cities apparently is “Let it burn.”
Considering that some of the most violent cities in the U.S. like St Louis at #1..
“Let it burn” is definitely the preferred policy in Misery. A repuke governor, two repuke senators and a majority repuke state legislature makes that clear. Does it not?
btw, St. Louis is the home of the gateway moron, one of kreepshit’s favorite link-to’s..
Thought for the day:
There is no such thing as a well informed centrist.
The media intellectual fetish with both-siderism reveals manifestly profound ignorance on their part about the issues at stake. “Centrism” is a posture. It is not an analytical approach to understanding a controversy. You can’t become informed about the moral and political questions surrounding civil rights by adopting the precise middle between slavery and equality. While it may be possible once in a while, by pure dumb luck, to arrive at “truth” by splitting the difference between opposing views, it is never possible to achieve a rational outcome.
Most people who call themselves politically “centrist” are actually politically “conservative”. But they choose to label themselves “centrist” to avoid the judgment of peers. They may “oppose extremes”, like slavery. But they pursue nothing, beyond perhaps the status quo. There is no affirmative, objective, independent goal of “centrism”. The only goal of “centrism” is always opposition in the form of limited and often severely delayed compromise to “whatever it is those peope are fighting about”.
Thus, “centrism” is nothing more than a dishonest re-framing of “conservatism”. And it is this ref-raming of “conservatism” by giant corporate owned media that has created the political space for Republicans to move away from traditional forms of “conservatism” and toward a greater embrace of anti-democratic authoritarianism, corruption, kleptocracy, and bigotry.
Third in line to the presidency. Falls in line behind the GOP.
She’ll be caving to the political reality, but is too chickenshit to admit it.
The next swing state domino has announced itself.
North Carolina state lawmakers have finally agreed to approve a bill expanding Medicaid in their state and send it to Gov. Roy Cooper for his signature.
About 600,000 lower income people in North Carolina would be covered by health insurance under the proposal.
@3 “can you say dog whistle? Can you say cultural war?”
How about “guilt by association”?
@6 You misunderstand “normal.” What used to get people jailed for treason is now normal Republican behavior.
There is no such thing as a well informed centrist.
The late local talk show idiot Dori Monson called itself a “centrist”.. I’ll never forget its idea of a far right extremist was Fred Phelps.. Phelps’ schtick had nothing to do with politics.. Its “God hates fags” stunts at veterans funerals were to provoke lawsuits and grift munee from settlements.
I regret a bit not following the jerk Monson over Jan 6. Maybe it condemned the insurrectionists (doubt it), maybe it called them “tourists”, maybe it found a weasel “centrist” position .. Can’t say that I care all that much.
Old troll here, little maxwipe, was a Dori Monson fan and called itself a centrist as well.
’nuff said about that..
Neo-Nazi inciter exposed as blonde dildo saleswoman.
Apparently she fucks herself a lot, because she posts reviews of the products she sells, when not inciting mass murder.
@15 Just about every word in the dictionary gets misused these days, when rightwing propagandists get their hands on it.
@ 17
Just about every word in the dictionary gets misused these days…
Domestic terrorist
misused these days… Domestic terrorist.. Nazi
The Terrorgram Collective is at the heart of the international neo-Nazi accelerationist movement, the most extreme and explicit iteration of white supremacism, which advocates deadly violence and other acts of destruction to hasten the collapse of society so that a whites-only world can be built in its place. The collective produces propaganda — audiobooks, videos and memes — that travels across the web in hopes of inspiring the next Christchurch shooter, who killed 51 Muslims in two mosques; the next El Paso shooter, who killed 22 Hispanic people in a Walmart; the next Pittsburgh shooter, who killed 11 Jews in a synagogue; and the next Buffalo shooter, who killed 10 Black Americans in a grocery store.
Seems domestic terrorist and Nazi enough to me.
And gives moldering in widbee a new meaning, eh?
And if it wasn’t normal you would be talking about it more like you do Drag queens and pedophiles (when done by a straight repuke) and rape by frat boys and Presidents.
You have normalized wife beating and child beating and killings by simply saying, ohhhh, you go to jail….while not saying it.
Chicago, Chicago, Chicago….but no Man Kills Wife, Man Kills Wife, Man Kills Wife (silence on that one).
Go Fuck a horse. Double Go Fuck Yourself and your horse.
Ding, ding, ding! Let’s not talk about it…let’s talk about the others.
The problem with the Man Kills Wife and Child and Pet is unproportionable in Hetero Neanderthals. So yeah, Bob, let’s talk about it, show your concern and not your normalization.
@ 19
A certain asshole demanding to be called a millionaire and who exhorts similar-thinking liberals to take up weapons – “Liberals must arm.” – comes to mind.
Headline du jour from the white liberals at Slate:
Why Biden Stabbed D.C. in the Back
Hey, y’all:
With Feinstein in the hospital and Turnip in the hospital, the Democrats in the Senate no longer hold a majority should legislation be put up for a vote.
Joe Manchin just can’t get a break.
It’s because she’s awful.
Scoop: Dems fear Biden FCC nominee Sohn won’t be confirmed
What Democrats really fear is that one or two of their caucus might actually possess a spine. Oh, and see @ 24.
take up weapons – “Liberals must arm.”
As allowed by the 2nd amendment, for self-defense and in response to the eliminationist rhetoric of the unhinged always wrong wing..
Why is this so hard for kreepshit to understand? Oh cuz it’s fucking brain dead.
O btw, there used to be a blog called “Armed Liberal”.. maybe kreepshit even read it.
@ 26
As allowed by the 2nd amendment…
Ironic, seeing as much if not all of @ 19 may be (cue McHillbilly) permissible under 1A.
When I wrote @ 27 ironic I meant hypocritical.
I’d like to echo concerns raised about the nominee’s positions on matters of importance for law enforcement, both nationally and in Nevada,” Rosen said at the outset of her questions to Sohn at the Feb. 14 hearing.
What does the FCC have to do with public safety?
Are the kops afraid Sohn is hostile to the police band radio?
I read something or other ’bout her work with EFF – ok maybe she opposed over the top surveillance by local kop “intelligence” units.. bit of an oxymoron there.
@ 29
What does the FCC have to do with public safety?
Well, gee, YLB, let’s take a crack at it, shall we?
1. Where do we go for information when a disaster strikes, or even when a serious storm hits? Would the FCC have something to do with that, Princess?
2. When a coup attempt is launched, what is the first thing the participants attempt to control? Is it something the FCC might have to do with, girlfriend?
HA unserious twat, self-identifying yet again.
@18 If the shoe fits, wear it.
seeing as much if not all of @ 19 may be (cue McHillbilly) permissible under 1A.
It is.. like the rape porn you indulge in and project on to others here.. which is hardly the point…
If there exists internet places (fair amount of them even) where Nazism and domestic terrorism is celebrated and encouraged; then that same ugly propaganda is CREDITED by perpetrators of heinous acts of violence..
then NAZI and DOMESTIC TERRORISM is NOT “misused” is it?
Been red-pilling lately kreepshit? It won’t roll back the advance of years. That certain day will get here and maybe soon – see Dori Monson.
@22 I’m glad to see I stimulated conversation this morning. Now try real hard to figure out the difference between terrorism and self-defense. Here’s a clue phrase that might get you started:
“Rightwing eliminationist rhetoric”
For further reading, go here.
@30.. LMAO! You’d have “two shit’s” worth of a point if you linked to anything relevant in Sohn’s record.
But let’s take your points “seriously”:
Where do we go for information when a disaster strikes, or even when a serious storm hits?
Where all those of your ilk go: Faux Geriatric Snooze.. You’d see drumpf talking about.. what was that shit? Nukes in the eyes of hurricanes?
Did Sohn oppose that? I hope so.
When a coup attempt is launched, what is the first thing the participants attempt to control?
The well of the U.S. Senate.. a “nearly nude dude” wearing horns said a leedle prayer to jeebus there and hailed a victory for orange dear leader..
yawwwn.. next?
Funny how Doctor Dumbfuck is okay with rightwing militias (he has one just down the road from his horse barn), talk of civil war and “executing” liberals, saturating America with guns, etc.; but let a liberal talk about defending himself against all this shit, and he’ll twist his panties into a knot. I believe the common phrase applied to this is “selective outrage.” He thinks this way because he’s a dumbfuck. If he had normal intelligence and wasn’t burdened with a personality disorder, he’d want to live in a quiet, peaceful country instead of the slaughterhouse his fellow Republicans are talking about and arming for.
wasn’t burdened with a personality disorder,
Pretty clear that’s the case isn’t it? But it’s for our cruel entertainment..
So.. let the show go on!
@27 The 1st Amendment seems to be in play. For example, Florida Republican legislators have introduced bills to (1) ban the Democratic Party and (2) require bloggers who criticize Gov. DeSantis to register with the state, subject to daily fines if they don’t. No telling what the Partisan Court might do with this; the justice(s) in favor of banning condoms might overturn free speech and freedom of association, too, citing medieval texts and practices.
Plenty of Jews took Hitler at his word and left Germany, maybe even before 1933.
Those who thought he was just a loon who wouldn’t last, paid a steep price.
Mebbee they should have “armed”?
@30 “When a coup attempt is launched, what is the first thing the participants attempt to control?”
Um, let’s see, the D.C. National Guard? the Capitol Building security cameras? the route of the presidential limo?
Noteworthy: The first thing the House Republican majority did, after being sworn in, was remove the metal detectors so their members can smuggle guns onto the House floor unimpeded by the Capitol Police.
Dozens and dozens of true patriots came to hear me speak at CPAC today. Biggest crowd on the history of ballrooms. There were barely any seats.
I meant taken seats.
Anyone seen my worthless son recently?
@38 Well, at least some of the Warsaw ghetto Jews got ahold of enough arms to make the
DeSantis Blog PoliceHitler Einsatzgruppen squads pay tit-for-tat.Many conservatives appear to believe that in the coming civil war they love to talk about there will be countless dead liberals with no casualties on their side.
Doctor Dumbfuck is slightly smarter than they are, although not by a whole lot. He realizes that armed liberals could do what the Warsaw ghetto Jews did if someone comes for us with murder in their hearts.
Turns out I was a close friend and CLIENT of Jeffrey Epstein and that woman Maxwell.
At least the kids I rape were girls.
You might remember me from such statements as “Corporations are people my friend”
“(Obama voters) are entitled. pay no income tax.”
‘hey that’s MY healthcare plan. Willardcare!”
I was relevant once. At least I’m not Jeb! Please clap.
“The late local talk show idiot Dori Monson…”
Dead? Oh, how sad.
What was the cause? Accidental testicle tasering? Machine gun cleaning accident? Drowned while arm-fishing?
Thoughts and prayers.
Anyone wanna argue this neo-Nazi isn’t a terrorist and traitor?
This is just who we need running Disney World’s properties:
“An appointee to Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis’ new oversight board in control of Disney’s special tax district called homosexuality ‘evil’ last year and shared a baseless conspiracy theory that tap water could be making more people gay.”
If I were Disney, I’d be packing up the attractions, handing out pink slips to the employees, and looking for a buyer for the real estate.
Just heard that Mississippi wants to bring back citizen ballot measures..
Just one catch…
Abortion measures need not apply…
Can ya’ll feel the FEAR from repukes in red states?
If I were Disney, I’d be packing up the attractions, handing out pink slips to the employees, and looking for a buyer for the real estate.
The Morse family of The Villages fame would be an eager buyer..
If only Disney would settle for the price of a rendition of “Feed the Birds” sung by H. Gary Morse.