The House Judiciary Committee passed a bill to get rid of the infamous crack-cocaine sentencing disparity.
Oregon becomes the latest state to allow hemp farming.
Russ Belville writes about the hypocrisy of television networks who happily air shows about marijuana that are entertaining, but censor content about marijuana when it’s about legalization.
Media Matters breaks down the recent lame attempt by the health care industry to scare old people away from reform. More here.
Bill O’Reilly is still terrible at math.
Publius at Obsidian Wings looks at the new Net Nuetrality bill.
Link Roundup? I don’t see any stories about Link in your post!
By ending the disparity that exists between crack and powder cocaine sentencing, are they going to lessen the charges for crack, or increase the charges for powder?
I wonder what percentage of people who are participating in the Cash for Clunkers program are turning in cars that totally paid-off, only to go into debt getting their new, more fuel-efficient car?
A lot of this hysteria about marijuana comes from that worthless asshole William Randolph Hearst. He was probably the biggest reason marijuana was demonized by the media and government.
Hearst was a hypocritical asshole, too. He openly engaged in adultery in his “castle” at San Simeon, yet wouldn’t allow unmarried couples to sleep together under his roof. In short, he was a dick with ears and should be reviled just slightly less than Hitler or Pol Pot.
Hey Lee–
Here is a sign of the times for you–
Thursday, August 06, 2009
And this is in Big Union New Jersey!
@3 I’ve been wondering about that, too. Sounds to me like in each case, the government shelling out $4500 means some poor sot is now double that or more deeper in debt, and that indebtedness has already been wrapped up as we speak into more derivatives, which will float around in the bond market masquerading as assets.
One big difference, in this case, is that unlike with mortgages, the money loaned has been used to buy something that is certain to decrease in value to nearly zero by the end of the term of the loan.
You raised a very valid issue.
Obama seems to love deficit spending by the government and now poor bastards that cannot afford a new car but are borrowing to get one anyway.
The Tea-Partiers main gripe is Deficit Spending. And that is a worthy cause to fight.
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Here is the cover’s off the latest lie by THE JOKER OBAMA! Just in from FoxNews
#10. Duh…..
We already discussed this accounting trick on progressive blogs during the bush administration, where were you and fox news then?
@4: PI Agree with you on that one! Hearst was a demagogue and a hypocrite.
@5: Rasmussen is unreliable as a polster – they only get close to reality near the election. they are a republican operation, bought and sold.
Republicans will probably have some gains at the midterm elections – but they will be minimal as the public now sees republicans as demogogues, hypocrites and no-sayers.
Keep up the good work Klynical – you are creating the impression we want for republicans as know-nothing, ignorant, loud-mouth, racist fools.
Every one of your posts helps to reinforce that.
Impression, hell…..
CNR @ 14,
It’s rare, but sometimes we actually agree on some issues.