Good morning. If you live in the 3rd District in Seattle, I hope you will vote again the recall of Kshama Sawant. I am glad that she has been a left anchor on the council. From the $15 minimum wage to holding the line on many progressive issues, she has been a net positive on the council.
Furtjer, the things that she is accused of are pretty ticky tacky. If you want to fine her, I guess? But having wealthy people fund her recall is not reasonable or proportionate. It’s tough to imagine one of the more conservative members facing a recall for similar reasons.
I will also add that many of the arguments against her were true when she ran last time. DSA has too much power in her office? She can be tough to work with? These arguments were made and rejected. She’ll be up for reelection, or won’t run in less than 2 years if you want to recruit someone.
Anyway, please wash your hands right now. And get vaccinated if you haven’t yet.
the things she is accused of are ticky-tacky? lolz
Carl – do you understand why addresses of federal prosecutors are kept secret? Go look up the name Thomas Wales and educate yourself. And then to lead a mob to the mayors house?
punt this bitch and her sycophants out of office. people are tired of her 1920’s communist sales pitch.
“punt this bitch” Only the greedy racist incel calls liberal women slurs like that routinely. Let the voters decide.
Can any of you tell me authoritatively if your state’s/city’s recall law includes a specific legal requirement for misconduct/corruption?
Voters wouldn’t be interested in 1920’s communism if capitalism worked for them
go look up the court’s review of the accusations against that communist shitbag.
2 hurt your feefees did I? some women are bitches and cunts – so what. Just like some men are assholes and cocksuckers.
what? you dont like equality?
and the voters will decide – next week.
capitalism works just fine for most people who want to work and not be lazy fucks. but hey, you want 1920s communism, there is an island near Florida you could move to. If thats not your gig, go try this other place just south of China..I hear EVERYONE is really really happy there.
5 not equity. Thats bigotry. But you already know that.
So thin skinned. Haven’t read anyone that triggered since a republican saw a black child get a reduced cost sandwich.
Captiolism is great if you are rich, or a rabbit.
I have no use for 1920’s communist sales pitches. But it seems to be a local problem and I’ve lived in a rural county for decades. Seattle can do what they want. My beef with Seattle is with the lack of maintenance of the war memorial on the west side of Symphony Hall. Disgraceful.
I’m sick and tired of 1930’s fascist sales pitches. That’s a national problem, as well as state, county and municipal. I want those “bitches”, both male and female, booted out of office.
And then there are those worthless low IQ dumbfucks who don’t believe in anything but their own faux superiority and their store-bought manhood. Gitmo showed us the way. I’d gladly offer my services if the proper application of voltage and current flow would be helpful in delivering what is now long overdue justice to them.
God bless America.
Capitalism is not broken. It is working all too well, concentrating money in the hands of the few by exploiting the work of the many.
Runaway climate change, war, mass migration, widespread poverty and ever-increasing authoritarianism are the inevitable results of an economic system that rewards corporate actors for their absolute commitment to profit, regardless of the broader consequences.
If you don’t know, you can just say so. No shame in that.
Anyone else know? I’m just curious how it compares to California’s recall statute. So there was a court case over the recall. Was it a challenge to the initiative or to something else?
What most people want is a job that pays a decent wage and offers both some satisfaction and security. The harsher critics of the system, like Anderson, believe that these goals are incompatible at a deep level with capitalist dynamics. But at least for some, especially for white men, market capitalism delivered pretty well for at least a generation. This is why it was so important to fight to crowbar the doors open for women and people of color. The progressive goal was not to curtail the market, but to open it.
If ticky-tacky was an exclusion, there would have been no first Trump impeachment.
3)The Recall law has safeguards to avoid it being used because you don’t like the outcome of the election. Although Frank Edwards was recalled for firing the Superintendent of Seattle City Light. Turns out J.D. Ross was more popular than he was.
A pre-presidential declaration.
I can wait.
Socialism is much better than capitalism in making sure everyone is taken care of and that no one is really poor. A socialist country is full of taxes, and these taxes allow the government to lift people from poverty more easily. What these taxes do, however, is they make the rich poorer, making everyone fairly close to equal. If you want to be better, richer, or more successful than others, then a capitalist society is for you. Capitalism offers opportunity, while socialism offers economic safety. Both are good things and you could argue that either one “works” based on whichever you deem important.
Let’s get into the problems with capitalism though. Capitalism, by nature, leaves people behind. If the goal is to make everyone rich enough, then capitalism is the wrong choice of the two.
You like brown shirts because you think they won’t hurt you.
The DCCC tweeted out a chart with three data points, which shows that the price of gasoline fell an entire two cents – that’s $0.02 – in the past month.
It thanked @joebiden for it.
Okay. I got it now.
RCW 29A.56.110 requires “misfeasance”, “malfeasance”, or “violation of the oath of office”. That’s good. Means it not just a vague popularity contest re-litigating the last election. She’s accused of diverting public funds for a political campaign, and disregarding COVID closures endangering city workers. The first charge is very serious in my opinion and ought to be sufficient grounds for a legal recall for any elected official.
If voters conclude that the evidence supports a conclusion that the charge is truthful then she should be removed from office. It’s a terrible slippery slope to go down when we allow elected office holders to use the public resources of their office to promote any private political agenda. It seems quite telling to me that she does not dispute the facts regarding this, the most serious charge against her. Instead her approach to this legal requirement of all public office holders seems to be “apologize later rather than ask permission first”.
I think it’s in the public interest that all public office holders regard the potential for unlawful diversion of public resources with grave respect and an abundance of caution. Before considering using public resources for a private political purpose office holders should always seek a qualified legal opinion first. A message sent in this case would go a long way toward reinforcing that presumption among elected and non-elected public officials.
Also, and in closing, to 1, 5, and 6, go fuck yourself, troll.
Thank you. You are a fine human being.
1, 5, 6,
again go fuck yourself troll.
Using a few thousand dollars of public funds to help organize a private political effort is not “ticky-tacky“.
Neither are extortion, bribery, and obstruction.
EXCLUSIVE: Epstein visited Clinton White House at least 17 TIMES
Hillary Clinton was an unattractive version of Ghislaine Maxwell for decades.
And then Steve tried to make her president.
This is akin to saying there was some very good news in the 9/11 attacks because some of those killed in the WTC were white-collar criminals.
Rattner wrote Overhaul: An Insider’s Account of the Obama Administration’s Emergency Rescue of the Auto Industry, which is actually a pretty decent read.
Shorter 23:
@6 “capitalism works just fine for most people who want to work and not be lazy fucks.”
We could debate that all day. Short answer: Any iteration of capitalism works better than any iteration of communism, which is saying nothing, and regulated capitalism works far better than laissez faire capitalism. Now, moving on to “people who want to work” vs. “lazy fucks,” most people work because they have to, and you’ll find a surfeit of lazy fucks among those who don’t have to.
@8 “Captiolism is great if you are rich, or a rabbit.”
I never said it was great, I said it was better than working. I said it’s not great (as explained @10), but I’m only a little rabbit riding the wave in the system we have.
@11 Washington doesn’t allow recalls simply by getting enough signatures. To get on the ballot, a recall has to satisfy statutory grounds of misconduct. That’s why, for example, a court threw out one of the four grounds pursued by the Sawant recall backers.
@13 Horseshit.
Republicans impeached Clinton for lying about a tawdry Oval Office affair.
Democrats impeached Trump for hijacking military aid to any ally appropriated by Congress to extort falsified dirt against a domestic political opponent from said ally.
What Clinton did was seamy; what Trump did was corrupt and an attack on our elections. (More of that would come later, resulting in a second impeachment.) It also aided an adversary.
What you are is a dumbfuck who can’t tell the difference between seamy and corrupt.
@15 From the governor who should formed his own state army deliberately out of reach from federal command and control.
The same governor who ordered a SWAT raid at the private home of a state employee who blew the whistle on his administration’s corrupting of Covid-19 infection data.
Florida looks more like Belarus every day.
And you’re just fine with that, because you’re (choose one) (a) a dumbfuck, (b) a fascist, (c) both.
@18 It takes six weeks for dropping oil prices to reach the pump, idiot.
@19 Voters are entitled to consider how serious the misuse of public resources was. Misappropriating a stamp for a private letter probably shouldn’t be a recallable offense. Misusing a franked government envelope for that purpose might well be, because the latter is made a criminal offense by statute.
@21 What you (and we) are dealing with is a new Republican mindset that essentially removes all guardrails for their side.
A classic case of “ends justifying the means.” These people believe God sent Trump to set aright an America gone astray, and “Demonrats” are standing in the way, therefore literally anything goes (including slaughtering people as needed) because they’re doing God’s work and a precept of their religion is that all the evil they do will be forgiven anyway.
As has happened repeatedly throughout history, mixing religion with politics removes all restraints; most of history’s worst excesses have been committed in the name of, and justified as being in the service of, religion.
So it is with this latest batch of witch hunters.
@22 Clinton rode on his plane, too. So did Bill Gates, Donald Trump, Prince Andrew, Kevin Spacey, Naomi Campbell, and Alan Dershowitz, among others.
Now show us what Clinton knew, and when he knew it.
“Guilt by association” is one of the very oldest Republican smears. And one of the most dishonest.
Honesty is not your forte.
@23 That’s just plain stupid. Even middle schoolers could do better than that. But Elijah said it better @24 than I can.
We learned today that Michigan Mom’s text message to her gunslinging son after he’d killed four and wounded others was: “Don’t get caught.”
Additionally, we learned today that School Shooter’s “concerning classroom behavior” included, among other things, shopping online for ammunition instead of paying attention to the teacher, and that Parents refused to take him out of school for that.
We also learned today that both of School Shooter’s parents have criminal records for things like DUI and check kiting.
We learned further today that both are charged with involuntary manslaughter and could get up to 15 years in prison (or is it 20?).
And it goes without speaking that they’re going to be sued into bankruptcy and oblivion.
They’re Trumpers, too, or at least Mom is. That, however, isn’t a crime; merely a symptom of terminal stupidity.
@ 35
A few more felonies and those parents might pass the Biden family relative threshold.
Above average Trumpers. Long mash letters to Orange Daddy proclaiming their everlasting subservience and devotion as one does… when one is a Republican voter.
@ 26
…I’m only a little rabbit riding the wave in the system we have.
The technical term for that is “parasite”.
We learned today that Michigan Mom’s text message to her gunslinging son after he’d killed four and wounded others was: “Don’t get caught.”
I’ve said it for years. The greatest crime to a klownservatic is:
“getting caught”..
Getting caught means risking their grasp on power.. and when they lose power, their greatest fear makes their lives miserable:
losing their fookin’ munnee..
Whether they actually “lose” a lot (two pennies are a lot to them) or “lose” a little or “lose” NOTHING.. it matters not – their fear makes them miserable. And misery loves company. See fb, 4/8 chan, email chains, hate talk radio, blah, blah, blah..
It’s hysterical when klownservatic trolls come here to call us every name in the book when they’ve lost munee. It’s too f’in funny..
I wonder how many degrees of separation there are between this dude and the (MS)NBC types who were trying to follow the Rittenhouse jury bus last month.
Man charged with harassing judge in Kim Potter trial
Of note are two things: First, dude was arrested in Waukesha. Second, dude is the one who claimed to have Rittenhouse jury info.
Doin’ shit in front of the homes of people is the type of unacceptable antisocial behavior that hopefully will get Sawant bounced off City Council. It’s nothing short of physical intimidation.
It’s always seemed to me that capitalism deals with corruption better than communism. China is the perfect case in point.
Still corrupt as fuck. But whereas the institutionalized corruption of China under communist centrally planned economy retarded growth and development and produced famine for three decades, the Four Modernizations and transformation to state capitalism produced an explosion of growth and development, largely ending mass starvation and launching a consumer economy. Just as corrupt as ever (and almost as corrupt as the U.S). But capitalism transforms the purpose of that corruption.
Left off the headline: vice presidential incompetence.
Burnout, money, fear drive turnover in Harris’s office
So will prominent women who continue to provide cover for elected men who abuse women, but I digress.
As it turns out, only the one.
P.S. Looks like the court tossed the charge against Sawant brought by the fragile mayor.
@ 41
…the Four Modernizations and transformation to state capitalism produced an explosion of growth and development, largely ending mass starvation and launching a consumer economy.
Let’s build on that. How were the laborers who launched that economy treated?
Relatedly, why the Democrat opposition to
S.65 – Uyghur Forced Labor Prevention Act
117th Congress (2021-2022)
Mirror Brought Into Courtroom So Jussie Smollett Can Face His Attackers
When I first read that they were charging the parents with manslaughter I was skeptical.
Not at all skeptical anymore. In fact, setting aside the race, zip code, and other status markers of the parents, and looking just at the evidence and the customary practices of criminal prosecutors I’d have to say at this point they are being under-charged. Bigly.
I’ll bet their homeowners policy just went up by about 5000 percent. Not that it matters. The cost of their criminal defense is going to bankrupt them.
They’re hoping to replace “indoctrination mode” with something until it all blows over and they can go back to underhandedly teaching CRT.
@ 46
Any idea how the mother’s texts were released? Possibilities other than a leak?
Now that they are charged, how do those released texts affect their prosecution/defense?
@36 Unlike them, nobody in the Biden family is (a) currently charged with a felony crime, and (b) on the run from the law.
Pistol-Packing Kid’s parents have disappeared.
Kshama Sawant is one of 9 on the City Council..
I live in Seattle. My life has not been impacted one iota by anything she’s done or not done. Nothing I can point to.
What I’ve seen of her antics here and there doesn’t impress me but it doesn’t affect me either. On the whole I’m disappointed by her performance in office. I hoped she’d find creative ways of advancing her agenda instead of being so polarizing.
So yes, let the voters in her district decide. I’m not impressed by those who hate her one bit. Hateful people don’t do anything for me.
Better than these guys.
I’m waiting to see if someone says this kid is Kyle Rittenhouse on steroids.
@38 As I’ve made clear in numerous posts in this cesspool over a period of years, I’m a capitalist parasite like you.
Like you, I used to work, until I figured out that under our system working is for suckers and saps, and the smart money sits on its lazy ass cashing dividend checks and interest coupons.
As I’ve said before, I didn’t (and wouldn’t) choose this system, but it’s the system we have.
Workers are overworked, underpaid, heavily taxed, mistreated, and above all disrespected. Idle capitalists like you and me get most of the money and tax breaks.
So why shouldn’t everybody be a capitalist, and why the hell should anyone work?
And that was before the pandemic. What we saw during the pandemic was Republicans trying to force workers into working conditions that would literally kill them. Last summer, they thought they could do that by, among other things, cutting off unemployment benefits to force people back into jobs before it was safe. So they cut off unemployment benefits. And workers gave them a great big “fuck off” middle finger and didn’t take those unsafe jobs.
We’ve also learned that millions for former workers have started their own businesses and will never return to their shitty former jobs. Another “fuck you and fuck off” to Republican forced labor.
But you should welcome this. Our country has millions of newly-minted capitalists. That should make you both proud and happy.
Closed restaurants and/or lack of table service is but a small price for you to pay for this vast expansion of capitalism.
They would have been recovered from the mass murderer’s smart phone when he was arrested.
It’s very likely that the texts and other relevant records of communication between the accused parents and their mass murderer son will be introduced at their trial.
It’s not at all clear what you are asking here Dumbfuck, nor what you think makes this “a leak”.
What is clear is that, amazingly, you are experiencing some kind of weird feelings of sympathy and concern for these two garbage people. Well, maybe that’s not so amazing. After all, these are the very people Steve Bannon is so proud of bringing into the GOP.
@40 Good. Prosecute harassers of all stripes to the full extent of the law. No exceptions for leftists. Or for your side.
@ 54
…what you think makes this “a leak”.
It’s that we know it now, rather than at trial. We knew it, IIRC, before any charges were filed.
I suppose one of those charged could have released it. Or someone at Verizon/T-Mobile with access to their phone number. Or LE/prosecution.
It’s information that, now that it is in the public domain, makes it harder to seat an impartial jury, doesn’t it?
I guess my second question is why have the mother’s texts been released but not the shooter’s?
No “sympathy” here and it sounds like the kid is a product of POS parents. Just wondering why we know one side of the text convo but not the other, and wondering whether this release of info, however it happened, will make the prosecution’s job more difficult.
To put things in perspective, Sawant’s followers didn’t plot to kidnap and kill Mayor Durkan. They don’t brandish guns in public buildings. If she loses the recall election, they won’t try to violently overthrow the election results by storming city hall. But all of this accurately describes Doctor Dumbfuck’s tribe. This isn’t an endorsement of Sawant; if I were in her district, I’d prefer to vote for someone else, if there was a reasonable alternative. It’s a commentary on the pathetic state of Dumbfuck’s party and its voters.
There’s no secret evidence in our system. Absent an order from a judge, and without objection from prosecutors, if police release details of evidence discovered in a criminal investigation to the media there’s nothing unusual about it. Police do this all the time to accused people you don’t like. And it doesn’t bother you.
And this is highly relevant evidence. It’s not like they are informing the media about the dating habits of a rape victim or decades old history of prior arrests without conviction. Again, this is evidence the jury will be asked to consider in reaching their verdict. If it were “prejudicial” that would not be the case.
It’s always possible that defense might win a motion to exclude, but I don’t see the grounds. Evidence that makes the accused look like a flaming hot pile of human trash gets presented at trial all the time. The question being, is the evidence relevant to establishing the guilt or innocence of the accused. This looks very relevant to me. Mr. and Mrs White Trash Trumpalo stand accused of leaving a Sig Sauer semi auto lying around where their troubled teen son could play with it at his own discretion. Then they learned the kid was shopping for ammo while at school. When the school authorities attempted to contact the parents to alert them to their concerns and sought to intervene, Mr. and Mrs. Trumpalo thwarted that effort at intervention and then warned their troubled teen via text message that the school was on to him.
Closed restaurants and/or lack of table service is but a small price for you to pay for this vast expansion of capitalism.
Some things I’ve learned since youtube became a thing. Cooking and baking aren’t hard, are fun most of the time and yes cleanup can be tiresome and there’s a world of tasty recipes out there for the picking.
Thai, Indian, Chinese, French, Italian, Turkish, Mediterranean, Persian, Americana… Breads, Cakes, pastries.. I’ve done all that and more. A whole world of flavor and satisfied appetite.
I like restaurants but they are expensive these days. So I’ve learned to rely on them less and less and haven’t sacrificed much if any quality of life.
Fine dining at an establishment just once or twice a year is ok by me.
We know the side documented and recorded in the smart phone that was recovered when the suspect was arrested.
I wouldn’t hold your breath for these two, Bob. The next thing you are going to learn is that they are being charged with obstruction because by now the fucking idiots will have attempted to delete all their text messages and tried to burn their phones in the backyard grill. Guess what? That gets presented at trial as well.
Being phenomenally stupid shouldn’t necessarily be a crime (lucky for you). But perhaps not too surprisingly, most really guilty criminals are dumb as fuck (see Trump). These two will be no exception.
Many people would view overturning Roe v. Wade as an illegitimate decision by an illegitimate court empaneled by illegitimate means. Recognizing this, and to head it off, Roberts is seeking to forge a compromise that gives the conservatives nine weeks but not the whole hog. However, it’s unclear whether greed will overtake wisdom on the rest of the conservative bench.
Meanwhile, if the Republican Taliban get what they want, or even part of it (as is extremely likely), I wonder if they’ll pass laws making it a crime for their residents to get abortions in states where it’s legal. If that happens, I can’t see those states extraditing those women into the hands of the Republican Taliban to be imprisoned or executed for doing something that’s legal everywhere else. Instead, they’ll give them permanent asylum, but those women will never be able to return to their homes, or even visit their families, in Republican Taliban-controlled states.
Such laws — i.e., criminalizing obtaining abortions in other states — would seem to violate the commerce clause and general principles of free movement. But a supreme court that doesn’t respect women’s privacy rights couldn’t be counted on to protect those rights, either. And the Texas legislature and governor appear to be perfectly capable of offering taxpayer-funded bounties to any private vigilante citizens who captures those women and brings them back to Texas for judicially sanctioned persecution.
I fear we may become like an Afghanistan where the Taliban controls only half the country. I think Roberts foresees this, too, and that’s why he wants to limit the damage to women’s rights to more restrictions on abortion in the Republican Taliban controlled areas of the country.
@56 “I suppose one of those charged could have released it. Or someone at Verizon/T-Mobile with access to their phone number. Or LE/prosecution.”
All of which is fact-free speculation, in your usual mode and style.
And you get after me for speculating about perps’ racial identity? By the way, this perp is white. This time somebody posted the right photo on the internet.
What we saw during the pandemic was Republicans trying to force workers into working conditions that would literally kill them.
In a lot of ways it was much worse, started earlier, and was a bipartisan effort.
The early declaration of “mandatory closures” that exempted “essential workplaces” was scary at first. But very soon the PPP loans went out and most office workers found themselves being “forced” to take a paid vacation all summer. And while we went hiking and built decks and outdoor kitchens, all those essential workers stayed on the job maskless and exposed. And tens of thousands of them died.
Imagine the average grocery worker standing at a pre-vaccine checkout as thousands of sweaty assholes pass within inches every single shift. Transit workers, letter carriers, food processors, warehouse workers, etc. Guess what killed the most cops in 2020? Do you really need to guess?
And each day as they waited to board the bus to their shit job they saw us out dog walking in the neighborhood in our designer athleisure wear, logging our steps, listening to our new favorite podcast on our earpods, unloading lumber in the driveway, and tanning on the balcony. More than a few very ugly truths about work and labor markets were exposed in 2020.
After all that, it would take a very strong character not to spit on all the burgers.
I know this seems rational to most men. But most men have absolutely no idea how unpredictable some women’s menstrual cycles can be, especially young women. About one in four women of all ages experience menstrual irregularity. Almost all women experience menstrual irregularity at some point at least briefly. The most common form of irregularity is amenorrhea where a woman’s menstrual cycle stops entirely for a period of about two to three months without a pregnancy. Oligomenorrhea is the second most common irregularity in which menstrual cycles are more than 35 days apart. Young elite athletes frequently experience amenorrhea brought on by extreme training.
Making abortion unavailable after nine weeks of gestation, aside from being arbitrary and thus legally without merit, would also have the effect of making abortion unavailable to a giant percentage of women simply because their menstrual cycles are insufficiently predictable.
@ 19, 20
after you, you cocksucking twat.
Ethan Crumbley and his family shows us where this leads.
Madison Cawthorn, “If you are raising a young man, please raise them to be a monster.”
@63 “Guess what killed the most cops in 2020? Do you really need to guess?”
Covid-19 did, with vaccine refusal an accessory before the fact.
@65 What a lazy reply to an argument looks like.
The Crumbleys may go to prison, possibly for years. Even if they don’t, they’ll pay a prohibitive price for their foolishness. First and foremost, they’ll never see their son again, except through plexiglass. They’ll incur huge expenses for their legal defense and his. They’ll be sued for more than they can ever hope to pay, and many millions more than any insurance they have conceivably might cover. They’ve lost their home and jobs; they can never live in that town again. Probably nowhere in the state. Even if they change their names and have cosmetic surgery to change their appearance, they may have to live in a foreign country to escape the notoriety that will hound them for years to come and possibly the rest of their lives, because the world isn’t generous about stupidity. And they deserve all that’s coming their way. Let this be an object lesson to all parents who allow their children to play with guns.
CEO Fires 900 People Over Zoom After Securing Billion-Dollar Funding
“But don’t you worry about me. I’ll be fine. I will still be able to afford that next yacht.” – The CEO probably.
Isn’t Capitalism great? Merry Christmas. Get out.
“I feel nothing.” – the greedy racist incel.
Remember that the next time some HR person at company says (with a straight face), “Our employees are our most valuable asset.” Yeah, right.
In a communist system the factory chairman would still close the deal, get the money, and the yacht, the 900 workers would still lose their current jobs, but they’d keep their apartments and health care in perpetuity and be reassigned to jobs they don’t know how to do and that nobody cares if they don’t know how to do.
In a socialist system the CEO would be obligated to pay for retraining the 900 workers and they’d be paid their full salaries while they are retrained. The CEO would still be able to close the deal and buy the yacht. But his incentives to do so would be reduced in direct proportion to the social cost of the decision. The ability of company managers to externalize the social costs of their decisions is largely eliminated.
Socialism, when well run, deals with corruption even better than capitalism. Mostly by reducing and eliminating the incentives for corruption.
“Justice Department prosecutors say they have evidence that an alleged rioter who brought a gun to the US Capitol on January 6 was targeting both House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and then-Majority Leader Mitch McConnell.
“According to a filing Thursday, Guy Reffitt, a member of the Texas Three Percenter militia, ‘specifically targeted at least two lawmakers — the Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi, and then-Senate Majority Leader, Mitch McConnell — whom he sought to physically remove or displace from the Capitol building.'”
I wonder if the asswipe senator from Wisconsin is still calling this guy a “tourist”?
@ 70, 71
It’s a newish (still considered a startup) company that is still losing money and is merging with a larger company. The larger company is infusing cash into it. That’s the “funding”.
Half of the funding is a loan, now, which is converted into shares at closing. This dilutes ownership of current shareholders.
The other half (the total is $1.5 billion) of the funding is another loan, which could be converted into equity at a later date, and if so will further dilute ownership of current shareholders.
Shareholders aren’t agreeing to have their ownership diluted so that they can keep the employees fat and happy. They’re having their ownership diluted because is still losing money, and needs capital to expand further, hopefully eventually becoming profitable.
Mergers commonly involve job losses as redundancies are identified and addressed.
It is foolish to read a headline and the first sentence, and then assume there’s no backstory. Make that moronic, seeing as it was posted by The Even Bigger Fucking Moron.
Newt, I used to expect better of you. Not so much these days.
@72 People need to realize Republican ideology is socialism bordering on communism, except their economic system is based on “from each according to his poverty, to each according to his greed,” or some similar iteration of wealth redistribution from the poorest to the richest. Republicans certainly don’t eschew government-sponsored monopolies, government no-bid contracts, or government subsidies when they can get them. Our agricultural system is almost pure socialism, with government-provided reclamation projects, crop guarantees and subsidies, various ag programs, and countless tax incentives for farmers. And farmers, of course, vote Republican. And for all their lip service to the glories of risk-taking, and the need to generously reward risk-takers, they’ll shift risk to government every chance they get. Under their system, taxpayers get the risks and losses, and they get the profits. All progressives are asking for is better management of this type of socialistic capitalism, with more equitable distribution of its output, at least to the point where the workers who actually create the wealth can afford to eat and don’t have to live in plastic tarp shelters. It seems like such a simple and undemanding request, but Doctor Dumbfuck’s response is to replace them with robots and automation.
@ 59
I like restaurants but they are expensive these days. So I’ve learned to rely on them less and less and haven’t sacrificed much if any quality of life.
Pretty sure that’s what Goldy meant to convey when he wrote, “I’d pay another 50 cents for a banh mi.”
He meant fuck ’em, I’ll just learn to make ’em myself.
I like restaurants but they are expensive these days.
I’ll allow that they are more expensive these days. Hey YLB, what’s the largest expense category for restaurants?
@74 “This dilutes ownership of current shareholders.”
Why shouldn’t it?
@74 “They’re having their ownership diluted because is still losing money, and needs capital to expand further, hopefully eventually becoming profitable.”
So the answer to a money-losing business is to expand it, so it can lose more money and faster?
I thought under capitalism the idea was that profitable businesses would grow, and money-losing businesses would go out of business. Isn’t that how you get an economy that efficiently delivers goods and services people want? Not by prolonging the life of zombie companies?
@ 78
Behold, HA libbies, the business understanding behind Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit’s 10/20/17 recommendation to Newt that he accumulate shares in GE, when it was trading at a shade below $24/share. It’s now less than half that.
Of course it should.
From the standpoint of the single investment they made as share purchasers they are broke as a joke. They are going begging to outsiders to keep them fed, clothed, and housed (with infinity pool and butler’s pantry).
When was the last time you saw a greedy capitalist investor (gambler), having placed a lucky bet and picked the right investment at the right time, give the credit for their windfall to the workers or managers at that company whose stock they bought?
But when the bet loses, they are the first to blame the employees and the rest of the community and take it out on them. Always. Every time.
It is not a “team”. It is not a “family”. “We” are not “partners”.
It’s a one sided, exploitative business relationship in which investors externalize risk and loss onto employees and society at large while demanding all the benefits from success.
@ 72
In a communist system the factory chairman would still close the deal, get the money, and the yacht, the 900 workers would still lose their current jobs, but they’d keep their apartments and health care in perpetuity and be reassigned to jobs they don’t know how to do and that nobody cares if they don’t know how to do.
In a communist system the government would be the housing authority for everyone and there wouldn’t be a to begin with. Nor would anyone have any interest in purchasing a dwelling.
@79. Nobody cares. Gawd you must have lost so much money on GE to have it fester in you like a rotted tooth.
Great. If it makes you happier, call it
You still haven’t yet made any point.
And capitalism’s greatest virtue is that it does a better job of dampening and re-channeling corrupt urges and conspiracies when compared exclusively to communism. But neither manage it as well as socialism.
I’m not insensitive to the current situation with the Michigan shooter and his parents. I’m just sayin’:
Y’all are libbies. Are y’all sure, very sure, that y’all want to start incarceratin’ the parent(s) for the handgun homicidal behavior of their kids? ’cause I don’t think y’all have gamed it out as thoroughly as y’all probably wanna do.
Go ahead, give it some additional thought; I’ll wait right here.
“… the business understanding…
Gambling on the stock market is not “business”. It’s just gambling.
Chances are your bookkeeper knows more about business than you. Chances are your pool cleaner knows more.
It’s times like this I’m glad the nation is in the hands of
Joe BidenKamala Harrissomeguy nobody electedWhite House Chief of Staff Ron Klain.84,
You poor ignorant sheltered fucktard.
Prosecutors across America already do what you are are STOOOPIDLY implying.
Low income, non-white, single mothers are prosecuted in America every fucking day for being “bad mothers” you soaring nitwit. You absolutely picked the wrong see-saw this time idiot.
Trumpalo Barbie leaves a loaded pimp-gun in her purse in with her toddler in the shopping cart. Kid pulls it out and blammo!
“Unforeseeable tragedy”.
Make her low income, Black or Latino or Native American with a DUI record and a social services case file and she goes to jail.
My gad you are a fucking idiot. That was about the dumbest thing you’ve done in a long time. Those Michigan parents are getting off light because they are white. If they were non-white and in the wrong zip code they’d have stacks of charges on them right now.
@ 85
Chances are your bookkeeper knows more about business than you. Chances are your pool cleaner knows more.
Chances are each of them has less money patiently sitting in MM funds, and don’t care as little as I do if it turns out they miss an opportunity because of it. I can wait.
Oh, and since you brought it up I pay my CPA to know more about business than I do. That’s one of the reasons he’s my CPA.
@ 84
Those Michigan parents are getting off light because they are white.
I disagree. Whether incarceration is in their future is something I won’t weigh in on, but for once I think Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit is largely – not entirely – correct (upthread a ways):
There’s a reason we know the name Justine Sacco, and always will. We won’t forget Crumbley, either.
Stop pretending you do then, at least here. It’s embarrassing you.
You know about ball gags, and shovels and the wrong end of horses. And that’s seems to be about it.
While we’re making sure we blame everyone who deserves blame, let’s ponder this comment by Oakland County Prosecutor Karen McDonald at today’s presser:
That’s gonna leave a mark.
The school could have searched his locker. The school could have brought in the on-site LEO. The school could have forced him to open his backpack or compelled his parents to open his backpack.
Maybe he had already stashed it in the rest room, but if not…
“I’d pay another 50 cents for a banh mi.”
50 cents is no big deal.. But youtube teaches you to make bahn mi too.. Make the bread even… Most of the time perhaps not worth the effort. So buy away.
I’ll allow that they are more expensive these days. Hey YLB, what’s the largest expense category for restaurants?
I encourage all those who are too tired or uninterested in cooking or baking or bbq, etc. to patronize the local fine dining establishments of their choice. What I do is not for everyone.
Been at work, and listening to the EWU Game on my way home. Have they caught the Crumbley parents yet?
We’re playing Montana, down by 16, but have come back from worse.
Playing Montana, down by 16. We’ve come back before, including against them in the regular season.
Bob is fixing them a bed out in the barn, the poor dears.
Thoughts and prayers, etc.
$10,000 each if we gun up, head up to Bob’s place and smoke ’em out. That’s the Kyle way.
96)Probably wouldn’t head to Canada. I believe the CBSA is armed now.
Great game, the officiating a little too neutral. Tough end to a great season for EWU. Hope Berriere wins the Walter Payton award, it’s the FCS Heisman. He had great numbers his 4 years in Cheney. Good chance if no NFL takes him, he’ll end up in Canada. 3 good QBs of ours did, 2 whose teams one the Grey Cup,.
@79 Herewith the Doctor Dumbfuck version of dancing like a butterfly and stinging like a bee (reprising Mohammad Ali).
More dancing (away from the subject, like he usually does when confronted) than anything else.
@82 I don’t think he lost any money on GE. I think what festers like a rotten tooth is that I, having bought GE for $6 and sold it for $12, doubled my money.
He can’t stand seeing anyone else investing successfully, especially when he would’ve made almost as much money from GE as I did if he had shorted it at $22 like I suggested.
@84 “Are y’all sure, very sure, that y’all want to start incarceratin’ the parent(s) for the handgun homicidal behavior of their kids? … Go ahead, give it some additional thought; I’ll wait right here.”
She explains it better than I can.
I would only add that fretting over your kid’s gang tattoos isn’t exactly the same thing as buying a handgun and giving it to your 15-year-old mentally disturbed kid as a Christmas present.
You don’t need to keep proving you’re a dumbfuck. We’re already convinced.
@86 Yada yada, blah blah blah.
Here’s what “vegetable” is planning to do if Putin invades Ukraine.
Of course, it won’t satisfy you, because Biden’s plans won’t spill enough American blood to make you happy.
@88 ” … money patiently sitting in MM funds” waiting for what? Interest rates to go from 0.1% to 1.0%? And you call yourself an “investor”??
@89 You’re comparing Sacco, who most people outside of your severely constricted intellectual circle haven’t heard of, with parents who made worldwide headlines by handing their mentally-disturbed 15-year old son a handgun he promptly used to shoot up a school?
Maybe you should go into hiding before the world finds out how stupid you are, and somebody (it won’t be me) appends your real name to your stupidity.
By the way, the Crumbleys have been captured. They withdrew $4,000 of cash from a bank (credit card purchases can be traced), abandoned their car in Detroit (cars stick out like a sore thumb), and were found hiding in a basement 1/2 mile from the Canadian border.
@91 You could have added no one searched the kid’s backpack or locker before releasing him back into the classroom. We know without asking they didn’t, because they would’ve found the gun if they had.
The school will furnish the victims’ families with the deep pockets the Crumbleys don’t have. It’s obvious where the lawyers will go to find compensation for the families.
@93, 96 Yes. See #103 for particulars.
McConnell’s plan for America should the GOP win the midterms:
“Mitch McConnell has told colleagues and donors Senate Republicans won’t release a legislative agenda before next year’s midterms, according to people who’ve attended private meetings with the minority leader,” reported Axios on Thursday.
The piece went on to note that ‘McConnell has long held the view that putting out an agenda ahead of midterm elections is a mistake — at least for Senate Republicans.'”
Does this need explanation? If so, go here.
The one thing the Crumbleys accomplished with their little escapade is that, having demonstrated they’re a flight risk, instead of getting out of jail on recognizance they’ll now have to post substantial bail, if they can get bail at all.