Here are a few interesting items from this week:
Travel show host Rick Steves is helping to launch an initiative to get more people talking about this country’s marijuana laws, which he’s found in his travels to be incredibly counterproductive compared to how it’s dealt with in other countries. The 30-minute video he produced is available to Comcast Digital Cable On Demand subscribers and will hopefully also be shown on some of the local networks in the state. Scott Morgan and Dominic Holden have more.
With the help of The Daily Show, Senator Arlen Specter (R-PA) demonstrates the complete uselessness of the Senate by being more concerned over the destruction of taped football practices than over the destruction of CIA interrogation tapes because the Patriots beat the Eagles in the Super Bowl a few years back. And speaking of New England, Congress, and sports, the only Republican Congressman left in all of New England right now is Christopher Shays, whose district is the closest one in those 6 states to New York City. Now, because of his statements on Roger Clemens, New York City sports radio hosts Mike and the Mad Dog are going after him and trying to help his Democratic opponent, Jim Himes.
Yesterday’s tragedy at Northern Illinois University is being explained to us as a completely normal young person who just stopped taking his medications. Why is it that before we had these medications at all, we didn’t have people going on mass murder sprees all the time? There seems to be something very odd about how we view mind-altering drugs as being one of two extremes – those that make you crazy when you take them and those that make you crazy when you stop taking them.
And finally, I think this is what you get when you elect a president who spent much of the early 80s getting balls-out wasted and playing Space Invaders.
This is an open thread.
I hope you libruls out there dreaming of an Obamanation have no illusions.
Make no mistake. Bubba OWNS the DNC. The “superdelegates” will nominate The Smartest Woman In The World to be his Trojan Horse back into the WH.
Fuck what you want. Fuck the 22nd Amendment. He fucked up his first two terms. He wants two more. And nuthin gonna stop him.
GOP Epidemic of Plagiarism
For the second time in this campaign, a rock star has told a Republican presidential candidate to quit using his music without permission.
First it was John Mellencamp telling McCain to stop playing “Our Country” and “Pink Houses” at his campaign events.
Mellencamp’s publicist wryly noted, “If [McCain is] such a true conservative, why [is he] playing songs that have a very populist pro-labor message written by a guy who would find no argument if you characterized him as left of center?”
Now, Tom Scholz of the rock band “Boston” has told Mike Huckabee’s campaign to stop playing his song “More Than a Feeling” without permission. Scholz, after stating his band “has never endorsed a political candidate,” added that he “would not start by endorsing a candidate who is the polar opposite of most everything Boston stands for.” Scholz is an Obama supporter.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Why should anyone be surprised when Republicans take stuff without paying for it? That’s their whole fucking m.o. Most people call that “stealing” and in most places you go to jail for it.
Have you Obama-nation fans seen the thing about women swooning and fainting at his appearances? Funniest schtick I’ve ever seen. He’s done it at least 9 times. This will boil over in the next few days.
What he does is give his standard empty speech, and while he’s doing it a woman just behind him swoons and falls to the floor. Every time it happens, he says and does the same things. Highly scripted. And the crowd goes wild everytime.
Just like a snake oil salesman.
@1 Pay your gambling debt, you curdled conglutination of putrid pigeon poo!
@3 Jealous? All you can attract is a dead crack whore.
I supposed it’s not so strange that school shootings are becoming routine now that a generation of kids raised on psychoactive drugs is reaching gun-bearing age.
It’s looking grimmer each day for Hillary:
The best part about this is all the lefty regulars here would be supporting HER if Obama hadn’t come on so strong after NH.
Now the powers that be are getting nervous:
50-50 chance the Clintons try to pull a fast one near the end, and destroy the Democratic “big tent”. You guys never should have let it come this far; how in the world was she appointed as the front runner for all these years?
Yes, Pelletizer@6. Thank your friends in the NEA.
“I don’t think concerns is the right term here. Being concerned about giving school children drugs began in the 1970s, and then “concern” was the right idea. Now we’re way past that and into the realm of denial and acceptance. Acceptance within society and schools has also become synonymous with blindness. People, including parents, teachers, and administrators don’t see the big, historical picture of what has happened: schools, like so much of society, are failing children in the worse possible ways. School should be a celebration of life – a festival; it should not be the house of coercion and external control that it has become.
2) Attention deficit disorder, hyperactivity and impulsivity seem to be well known words in education circles. Do these things really exist or are a lot of teachers all wrong?
Where were all these problems a century ago among fifth graders? A poll of grade-school teachers taken some decades ago found that chewing gum and “cutting in line” were the greatest problems facing the classroom.”
Fiar use and copy left to the URL owner.
Ok so we are pointing out the R’s looking into the Pats cheating? Are we freakin idiots here??? That statement alone is exactly why there is so much animosity in this state. Us D’s are the ones who opened the Steroid investigation and yet we mock the R’s opening an investigation into the Pats cheating??? Isn’t it all the same thing? Our D’s opened the Steroid probe and now the R’s open the Pats probe. Its all the same and when one points out that the R’s should be concentrating on the CIA tapes, well what the hell does that say about the D’s? THEY ALSO SHOULD NOT BE WASTING TIME AND TAX PAYER MONEY LOOKING INTO BASEBALL! I am getting more and more aggravated with this Democrat double standard that I am questioning why I am and have ever been a Democrat! Thanks Horsesass for making me rethink my beliefs…I’m heading for independant!
How To Get Away With Crime
“SEATTLE – … Surveillance cameras recorded men pumping nearly 200 gallons of diesel and premium fuel into blue barrels at a West Seattle Shell station located on 2805 SW Roxbury Street … the criminals … used a gift card with 68 cents on it to turn the pump on and then … broke into the pump to keep the fuel flowing.”
Quoted under fair use; for complete story and/or copyright info see
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Steal stuff, that’s how! If you smoke a joint, the entire reduced weight of federal law enforcement will be brought to bear against you. But if you tear down phone wires to steal copper, steal gas by the barrel, or cart off anything else that isn’t nailed down … well, tough luck for the victim, because there just aren’t as many police as there used to be.
That’s because the Bush administration has systematically eliminated law enforcement resources. Remember Clinton’s program to give communities federal funding to hire 100,000 more cops? Bush eliminated it because, well … because if Clinton is for something, Bush is against it. And after 9/11 Bush gutted domestic federal law enforcement by diverting over 1,000 FBI agents to anti-terrorism duties — and not replacing them. Consequently, bank robberies, internet fraud, and other domestic crimes have soared on Bush’s watch.
In fact, the only federal law the Bushies have any interest in enforcing is the one against pot. The Bushies are determined to eradicate the 1960s! All pot smokers will be hunted down, and all tie-dyed shirts will be thrown on bonfires! Long hair and beards have to go! But, above all, the pungent sickly-sweet odor of marijuana will be eliminated from this land even if it takes thousands of drug agents and billions of dollars to track down, arrest, prosecute, and imprison ever single pot-smoking hippie!! The 1960s must be purged from living memory, no matter what it takes!!!
Meanwhile, America is overrun with petty thievery and scammers because there’s no cops on the corner beat.
If tough-talking Republicans really meant what they said about shooting looters on sight, there’d be no Republicans left.
Hey, just kidding! Wingnut humor, ha ha.
@10 Just what this blog needs — another wingnut liar pretending to be a Democrat. Go fuck yourself.
So Zip, who are “you guys”? As far ae I can remember we guys and gals in Washington pretty convincingly chose Obama.
The poster @10 must be a newbie trying to make a name for himself on HA. He doesn’t realize that posing as Democrats is the wingnuts’ oldest and most frequently used ploy on this blog.
But since we have a wingnut new guy in this thread, I’ll give him the standard ad hoc HA briefing:
1) This is a liberal blog.
2) Anyone can post here.
3) There is no censorship.
4) As liberals, our mission is to verbally kick the living shit out of you fascist traitors.
5) No mercy for wingnuts!
6) Our terms are unconditional surrender. There will be trials.
7) klake is a nazi.
Now go fuck yourself.
If they’d done their homework the McCain folks would have seen that Regan got spanked for using Pink Houses. But then, that would require doing your homework…
@15 “You guys” is them. Hillary was the wingnutz’ favorite Democratic candidate. How ironic to see the wingnutz gloating over the Democrat they wanted to run against losing. They don’t have a candidate of their own in their own party, so they adopted one of ours.
@18 I’ll bet these thieving GOP campaign operatives are the same guys who are ripping down phone wires and stealing gas.
You have to bolt everything down when Republicans are around.
Pud @ 9- life ain’t that simple. Ever had a kid with attention trouble? One of my several did. And we tried many things. At 18 and now entering college with some distinction he will tell you that his meds helped him.
In another time, he and many of us would have lived a different lives. Probably more physical activity, and yes tried many things from martial arts to sports to family hikes.
But unless you have some basis for your opinion, spew carefully.
@16 Agreed. Besides, who with any self respect would even bother to pretend to be a Democrat? It’s not like anyone would ever have their mind changed by anything said here, anyway.
That statement alone is exactly why there is so much animosity in this state. Us D’s are the ones who opened the Steroid investigation and yet we mock the R’s opening an investigation into the Pats cheating??? Isn’t it all the same thing?
Yes, of course it is. I’m mocking a single Senator, who happens to be a Republican and then I write that it:
Do you think the Steroids investigation isn’t part of that criticism? The whole damn thing is a waste of time. I referred to the Senate because it’s not about being left or right here, it’s about having a country club mentality – where it’s easier to do some senseless bullshit than to do what’s often both hardest and most necessary. And yeah, it happens on both sides. We get it.
@24 Country Club mentality? You got that right.
I’ve often thought that a freakin’ random drawing of names from every phone book in the country might be a more effective means of selecting our officials. That way you’re sure to get people who don’t want the job, and they won’t have the necessary network built up to be able to exploit the position, before the next election replaces them. ;)
Go Huck!
The race for the Republican presidential nomination was declared over again when former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney endorsed Sen. John McCain. Two weeks ago, it was declared over when Romney, Huckabee’s rival for the party’s conservative vote, announced he was suspending his candidacy.
Huckabee says he realizes the numbers are against him — Romney won 286 delegates, and Huckabee has won 217. Add Romney’s delegates to McCain’s, and it gives the Arizona senator a 899-delegate lead and puts him 75 away from the number needed to be the nominee.
But Huckabee said you can’t assume that Romney’s delegates will switch their allegiance to McCain. Video Watch Romney endorse McCain »
“Well, the question is, will they go there?” he asked. “We heard all along that the reason they were with Romney was because they were splitting with me over the conservative wing of the party.
@ 23
Exactly! If you are a Republican, you are a worthless piece of shit traitor! If you are a Republican pretending to be a Democrat, you are a worthless piece of shit traitor who doesn’t want anyone else to know.
Some town should definitely do that and make it a reality TV series. Just randomly pick some folks to be mayor and police chief and see how quickly they figure out their jobs.
@27 And what if you’re a Libertarian?
He’s just a righty troll, spending his weekly cleverness points to make a complete ass of himself.
@28 Great idea, except that too many people behave “strangely” when on camera. So that might have to be taken into account, in some manner… Otherwise, I like it.
You pitch the proposal, and I’ll write the script?
@ 31 a reality TV series with a script? Yep, you are as stupid as your posts make you appear.
That’s referring to comment #10, not I-Burn.
@16 Well I am a young newbie you could say. Have voted dem all the way til I just recently got into paying attention to politics. After reading these blogs and comments all I see on both Democrat and Republican is blame blame. It makes me want so much more for this country, as for the past few years I see so much separation amongst party lines. I feel now I am truly an independant. I just wish we had a legit indy running. My true wish is for this country is to abolish party lines. Just 40 years ago we didn’t have this much contempt. Sad what “Americans” have become. No wonder we are looked down at by other countries. They must mock us and laugh at how divided we really are.
@32 You don’t recognize tongue-in-cheek, but I’m stupid? Uhhhh yeah…
May I suggest standing up before you suffer any further brain damage?
@ 35 “You don’t recognize tongue-in-cheek, but I’m stupid? Uhhhh yeah…”
Yeah, you’re stupid. And having your head up your ass does not qualify as tongue in cheek.
Well I am a young newbie you could say.
Just 40 years ago we didn’t have this much contempt.
C’mon, dude, this is less believable than Romy and Michelle’s High School Reunion (side note: fuck you, St. Valentine, whoever the hell you were).
I think we’ve got ourselves an interesting new sock puppet around here.
I’m signing off for the night, about to pop in the next episode of The Wire.
See ya.
Let me get this straight, your dems are bitching about the way that the republicans do business, but you failed to mention Mr. Pelz and Co. getting the Douglas County numbers mixed up?
And you try to slam Esser, but his numbers were right on, weren’t they? McCain is still in the lead. Now if Esser had been wrong, then I could see you having a point, but as usual you libs don’t have a valid thought amongst yourselves.
Speaking of disenfranchisement, let me get this straight, you dems are wasting Taxpayer money, but holding your half of the primary, to elect nobody? And your Super Delegates are getting their campaign coffers Super Sized, due to being bought off by the 2 leading candidates.
Come on, you guys give new meaning to the word hypocrite. I mean come on. Next thing your gonna tell me is that the majority of the Super Delegates for the Democrats are Rich White Males.
@37…well young as in under 30! The 40 years ago remark is you know HISTORY CLASS???
Gawd! IDIOT! get over yourself! Just because I’m not a hard core left winger you tell me I am not a “good enough” dem?
Who made you God of all dems?
40 years ago was 1968, you nitwit! You think the Republicans and Democrats were singing kum bai ya with each other then?
“Less contempt”?
Go away Troll, we have enough wingnut morons on this blog.
@23 “Besides, who … would … pretend to be a Democrat?”
That’s a mystery only you wingnuts can explain.
10, 24 – There are many reasons for political animosity, and steroid use by athletes is among the least of them.
@ all who keep calling me names (wingnut)…well I would never go to the other side Republicass but I am definately seeing the true colors here. I am not the believer in “its everyone else’s fault but ours” so thank you for pointing in the proper direction.
Why is it that before we had these medications at all, we didn’t have people going on mass murder sprees all the time?
Well, while some of this may be correlated to the various regimens of our vast cornucopia of Big Pharma, we do need to keep in mind that “back in the day” we used to actually house and treat people in institutions. One of Governor Reagan’s first acts was to open the doors of the institutions and send out the minions (he did the same as President). The concept was that the mentally ill would be fine on medication, could be productive members of our society, and we couldn’t afford to keep them institutionalized anyway. The essential problem with this was obvious; who was going to remind the mentally ill to show up at the clinics each day, or each week, to get and take their meds???? Aaaahh noone.
And thus began nearly 40 years of mentally ill homeless living on the streets of our cities. But rather than treating them first, we started medicating the kids in the schools because they had health insurance. Now we are living in a world mediated by pharmacology and all of those side effects they whisper on the advertisements.
Wondering- Ever read much history? Nixon in the 60’s? McCarthy on the 50’s? Ever look at the attacks on Lincoln? If you’re not a willfully blind troll, you are a woefully ignorant fool.
@ 42, You tried to pretend to be a disgruntled Denocrat and you failed. Now we wave pointed the way to the door, don’t let it hit your wingnut pretending to be a Democrat ass on the way out.
$800 a month studio apartments have come to Tacoma. Eesh…
I blame Seattle!
@25 “I’ve often thought that a freakin’ random drawing of names from every phone book in the country might be a more effective means of selecting our officials. That way you’re sure to get people who don’t want the job, and they won’t have the necessary network built up to be able to exploit the position, before the next election replaces them.”
You might be onto something here, although you’re going to have a lot of evasion. This is the same system we use for selecting juries, and it produces fairly decent juries at times, if you can get anyone to show up for jury duty.
American politics is largely a hobby of the wealthy class. Unless you or your family is rich, forget about being a big shot in national politics. Congress is full of millionaires, and we now live in the era of billionaire presidential candidates running self-financed campaigns. How many ordinary Americans can shell out $50 million for a White House run, as Romney just did? At a very basic level, people who have to work for a living don’t have the time or energy to get involved in politics. Politics is for people who can afford things like competing in dog shows and traveling abroad, i.e., people who don’t have offices to go to, and have no financial need to exchange their time for money.
@28 Reading the local newspapers persuades me that quite a few towns are already doing something similar.
@29 “And what if you’re a Libertarian?”
Then call yourself a Libertarian and there’ll be no misunderstanding.
@34 You’re in the wrong blog, son. This web site is for mature adults with the long experience in politics that motivates people to want to kill each other.
RR @ 50 that is about the most succinct and accurate description of this blog I have ever read.
Roger @ 47- It is quite a challenge to be an elected offical. No, I am not one, but I know several local electeds, mayors or councilmembers from local cities. I’ve heard stories of being harassed at the market or at their kids’s activities ovedr a variety of issues, And these are pert time positions! And that;s not even getting started on the need for fund raising and running for office.
@ 50 well I guess I don’t want to be part of a group of people that want to Kill others HA
Wow we have a newbie here! And the young man seems to be confused and ready to jump ship. I am OLD kiddo (72) and all I can say is good job for doing your “political” homework and trying to figure out where your views are. I have been a democrat for as long as I can remember…the beliefs and values are just how I want to see things go. Keep searching yourself and you will find where your views stand. Don’t pay attention to all the name callers!
The way I see it, is we need you newbies for your ideas and values just as much as you need us for our experiences. Don’t give up just because a few people here call you names.
Travel show host Rick Steves is helping to launch an initiative to get more people talking about this country’s marijuana laws, which he’s found in his travels to be incredibly counterproductive compared to how it’s dealt with in other countries.
Lee maybe he could get Goldy’s’ friend Tim Eyman to help get that initiative set up in this state to past all the legal hoops. Remember you have to keep it simple because the local lawmaker has to be able to read it and express it in English. Those funny Judges also said all those folks from Seattle have a comprehension problem so they also need all the help they can get to understand the initiative. No you can’t be under the influence in order to vote on any initiative for drugs except in Seattle. Let’s not just pass a new marijuana law but allow all types of drugs to be consumed in King County. Yes it will prevent anyone from shooting up the University of Washington or any other campus in this state. Even the Rabbit in Green Lake will get all his necessary drugs to deal with his breathing problems. Man just think everyone now will have all the free Med’s that Hillary dreamed you would need and the law will not be breaking the door down to arrest the druggies. Just think how many RCW’s that can be removed from the books and the cops will be able to remember the right code to put on everybody’s’ tickets. Yep just like paying toll when you cross a bridge the RFI device will make it possible to just mail the ticket without stopping the violator. Then the Governor (Queen) can now let all the criminals out of the prisons. Then everybody will be dancing in the streets with joy and getting gas out for the night. Yes no need for those drug free zones in school anymore and every kid will now listen to the teacher and learn how to read. Now the Judge can allow the voters to vote on more complex issues in the future. Yep life is just a dream just ask Hillary and Roger.
@34 You haven’t thought through what you’re saying. The ink was barely dry on the Constitution before political parties formed. Why? Because they perform necessary functions. Let’s say an “independent” got elected president. First of all, that’s unlikely because he doesn’t have a party organization behind him to raise money and volunteers, provide policy research or a cadre of trained campaign workers, and all the other support that parties provide to candidates. But let’s say he got elected. How does he fill the thousands of appointments in his administration without a party organization to draw on for experienced political people? Hold a job fair at the YMCA? Where will he get cabinet secretaries from, and judicial appointees, and so on?
When you elect a president, you’re also electing an entire administration, which consists of a large group of people who share a common set of policy goals that derive from a political party’s philosophy. The federal government is simply too big for one person to run it. There needs to be a source of both ideas and personnel, and the two major political parties provide both, although Democrats do it a lot better than Republicans.
Most of the time, though, voting for an “independent” candidate is simply a protest vote, and a wasted vote, an expression of frustration with the two party candidates by someone whose vote will play no role in selecting the winner. It’s simply thrown away on a candidate who has no chance of winning. It’s also an expression of egotism and political immaturity. In a country of 300 million people, it’s absurd to expect the presidential nominees to reflect exactly what YOU want. The sun, moon, and stars don’t revolve around YOUR desires. Tens of millions of other people have a say in the matter, too. Party platforms and nominees reflect a massive amount of compromise that has taken place through a complicated process with many participants, at the end of which we are given either-or choices between Republican and Democratic candidates.
When one of the dominant parties drifts too far away from mainstream public opinion, then a third party may have a chance to become a major party by replacing it with a more relevant and popular message. Political parties can die and be born, and that has happened in American history, and may happen again — especially if Republicans continue down the road they’ve been following since the Gingrich-Rove mentality took over their party.
In fact, right now you could argue that America has only 1 major political party, and I think this is going to be evident the morning after this November’s election. But the Democratic Party is a big tent with plenty of room for different, and yes, even competing viewpoints. The Democrats have always been pretty loose in that way, and they also are a grassroots party, as opposed to the top-down GOP that tells its supporters what to think and expects them to toe the party line.
So, if you want to vote “independent,” go right ahead. As far as I’m concerned, that’s kid stuff. Grownups know how to look outside themselves, consider other peoples’ needs as well as their own, and to vote for the good of the country as a whole. And that requires voting for the admittedly less-than-perfect candidates of the only responsible and competent political party America has right now.
Oh cripes, klake, if you don’t know how to turn off your italics have a kid show you.
Leave it to a wingnut to fuck up the font.
@37 None of them are very interesting, but you’re probably right about this being a new one. I’ve got that covered — see #17.
@39 Oh no, by all means stay! We can never have too many wingnuts to kick around. Especially since they make it so easy.
now…are the freaking klake italics fixed?
@52 That’s why it’s better to be a president surrounded by Secret Service agents who can arrest any dissenters or opponents who get within a mile of your bulletproof car.
@53 We don’t actually want to kill Republicans, although they frequently say they want to kill us. We only want to incarcerate them.
The Blatantly Obvious says:
@ 42, You tried to pretend to be a disgruntled Denocrat and you failed. Now we wave pointed the way to the door, don’t let it hit your wingnut pretending to be a Democrat ass on the way out.
02/15/2008 at 8:01 pm
Hey sweet pee Blatantly Obvious is this how you get the People of the World to love you? How do your friends in Europe (sheep) would that that message? Where is that joint my friend? Yes love and Pease will save the world and Osama bin Laude is just a figment of your imagination right? TBO when will you say something nice to a stranger? You may never know Roger might think you are stealing his carrots and shoot you for showing no respect.
Roger @ 56- Seconding your post in a round about way, I, the King County employee, was complaining to a Seattle employee how having a partisan county council resulted in issues becoming polarized for no apparent reason. The response I got was that without two parties they got nine different positions.
Parties force at least some degree of consensus building while contriburing to polarization.
@ 65 take your medication.
@54 See #55 for example of a wingnut who could be euthanized* without any loss of “ideas or values.”
* Just kidding! We tell a lot of wingnut jokes on this blog. Some of them are actually funny.
Hey sweet pee Blatantly Obvious is this how you get the People of the World to love you? How do your friends in Europe (sheep) would take that message? Where is that joint my friend? Yes love and Pease will save the world and Osama bin Laude is just a figment of your imagination right? TBO when will you say something nice to a stranger? You may never know Roger might think you are stealing his carrots and shoot you for showing no respect.
@65 klake, why don’t you start with learning how to turn off the fucking italics before you tackle world love?
Oh cripes, he did it again.
Fixed again…
Klake… seriously take your meds. We don’t want to read about you in the morning paper.
In the future it is probably safest to start your message, if preceded by a klake rant, with the “end italics” tag.
Don’t know about the rest of you, but I would be a bit frightened to be in a room with klake.
@66 People don’t agree on everything, so the political system has to provide an outlet for differences. In this respect, a polarized county council acts as a social safety valve. Channeling social conflicts through candidates, parties, and partisan debates and votes in governing bodies tames these conflicts so they’re not acted out on the streets. Thus, partisan conflict serves a socially useful function, although partisan competition works better than partisan conflict. Unfortunately, Republicans don’t understand this.
Klake… seriously take your meds. We don’t want to read about you in the morning paper.
OHHHHHHHHHHH1!!!!!!!! How sweet you really care about me. Buuuuuuuuuuuuut I gave all my meds to our friend Roger Rabbit because he need them more than I. XOXOXO TBO
@77 Hard to tell whether he’s worse on his meds or off them.
Roger Rabbit says:
@77 Hard to tell whether he’s worse on his meds or off them.
Now you don’t sound like a dumb ass lawyer who just retired off his meds now.
@70 Whats with the italics reference? You post more than anyone else on here you have nothing better to say than bitch about italics? Are you a tennie bopper hiding in your room behind your computer with no life??? Go to myspace and play! This is a voice your opinion on the above state issues not complaining about italics!
Roger @ 78- Agreed. A function of the parties is to force participants to find enough others who agree with them, Another effect is that it should force participants to the middle. Far left or far right should not win. They need to seek compromise (note different than pandering) to bring the majority with them, That means the true believers do not get all they want, but incrementally move things in their direction.
@ 56… Party lines need to be broken as just like the Nazi’s needed to be stopped. Nazi’s were doing what was best in their eyes only, not what was best for everyone. Both political parties each have great ideas and if we set aside party lines, they could all work together to make a great country. The Reich will rise again!
And the lack of any concept of seeking to bring the middle into your party explains the current state of the Washington Republican Party.
‘Supporting the troops’ as only GOPers could do
“WASHINGTON (AP) – Hundreds of U.S. Marines have been killed or injured by roadside bombs in Iraq because Marine Corps bureaucrats refused an urgent request in 2005 from battlefield commanders for blast-resistant vehicles, an internal military study concludes.
“The study … accuses the service of ‘gross mismanagement’ that delayed deliveries of the mine-resistant, ambush-protected trucks for more than two years.
“Cost was a driving factor in the decision to turn down the request for the so-called MRAPs, according to the study. Stateside authorities saw the … vehicles … as a financial threat to [other] programs ….
“The [MRAP] vehicles … have been effective at protecting American forces from improvised explosive devices (IEDs …. Only four U.S. troops have been killed by such bombs while riding in MRAPs; three of those deaths occurred in older versions ….
“More than 3,200 U.S. troops, including 824 Marines, have been killed in action in Iraq since the war began in March 2003. An additional 29,000 have been wounded, nearly 8,400 of them Marines. The majority of the deaths and injuries have been caused by explosive devices, according to the Defense Department.
“Congress has provided more than $22 billion for 15,000 MRAPs …. As of May 2007, roughly 120 MRAPs were being used by troops from all the military services ….”
Quoted under fair use; for complete article and/or copyright info see
@80 The only thing I’ve gotten from you is a trainload of b.s.
@36 What a little pissant you are. You really are too stupid to be walking around without a goddamned keeper. At least come up with an original insult you dumbass.
Let me explain it in little tiny words so that you can be sure and get the meaning.
Your brain is suffering oxygen deprivation, caused by having your head jammed up your fourth point of contact, and resulting in brain damage. That is why I told you that you’d better stand up before you caused further damage. Get it now?
k says:
Don’t know about the rest of you, but I would be a bit frightened to be in a room with klake.
YEP that’s what Osama bin Laude friends said when they met me in the dessert a few years back. It is really fun to see people react to my many different personalities. It’s too bad you miss the fun we had over in the Middle East but you had to stay home with your mommies. Yes they don’t know which one gave birth to you because they were both on drugs and pregnant. Yep it’s really great to be a government worker and have no voice in the government you slave for on a daily bases. Don’t for get to share that join my friend. It really helps when the boogeyman visits.
Wondering- Cut the bullshit Nazi references. If you cannot see the difference between mass murder and other lesser wrongs you are too simple to engege.
@56 Thanks for your concern, klake, but pills can’t replace lung tissue that has already been destroyed.
Is klake done? Can I take my fingers out of my ears?
@85 Maybe you could explain how the GOP’s anti-union policies would mesh with the Democrats’ support for collective bargaining, or how GOP “tort reform” ideas (i.e., taking away your right to sue those whose negligence injures or kills you) could work together with Democrats’ commitment to protecting consumers?
k says:
Is klake done? Can I take my fingers out of my ears?
@84 Unfortunately, parties also act as a focus for pragmatic, or powerhungry types, who proceed to use the party organization for their own ends, rather than their intended purpose. I think this is one of the unfortunate side effects of our representative republic. If had a parlimentary system, it’s more difficult for one party to become dominant enough to fuck everything up. It can happen, of course, but it is harder.
Right now, the Dems and the Reps and full of power hungry statists who don’t give a damn about their constituency, only in acquiring and perpetuating power.
Even Rush Limbaugh doesn’t like the GOP’s pick for top gun. Looks like a smooth ride for whoever wins the Dem nomination.
@6: Oh, didn’t you hear? It’s all his girlfriend’s fault now. Heaven forbid that any woman should break up with some unstable fucker, because she’ll be blamed if he goes postal!
@ 88 … all this time and that’s all you came up with? Sleep on it I-Burn, maybe you can come up with a snappy reply after your beauty sleep.
Roger Rabbit says:
@56 Thanks for your concern, klake, but pills can’t replace lung tissue that has already been destroyed.
Roger did that damage come from Viet Nam or smoke fill court rooms?
Roger Rabbit says:
@56 Roger did that damage come from Viet Nam or smoke fill court rooms?
@98 It’s obvious that you won’t.
Roger Tm @ 94- so now you have admitted you are klake, can you pick one name and stick with it.
Poor Silly klake.
@ 95- I won’t argue this current system is without problems. Note my beginning complaint about the KCC. Parlimentary systems are attractive. They will not be in place in November.
The Blatantly Obvious says:
@ 88 … all this time and that’s all you came up with? Sleep on it I-Burn, maybe you can come up with a snappy reply after your beauty sleep.
I-Burn says:
@98 It’s obvious that you won’t.
The Blatantly Obvious it is real obvious that you are still having problems making friends today. How do you expect everyone to love you like your mommy did when you really work hard at pissing them off? Remember your friend the Socialist Democrats only believe in spreading love and peace all over the world. Now don’t you want to be a part of that glorious moment?
k says:
Roger Tm @ 94- so now you have admitted you are klake, can you pick one name and stick with it.
Poor Silly klake.
Roger TM- because when I called you klake @ 92, you answered @ 94.
And now I’m done with you.
1. k says:
Roger TM- because when I called you klake @ 92, you answered @ 94.
And now I’m done with you.
Yes having a no name is really meaningless today and using one that doesn’t belong to you shows that you have something to hide. K it must be really hard to work for the government and have a one syllable name. You are a bleach person with no real color in your personality and no one can admire who you really are because you can’t be defined. Yes behind the scenes lost in the chaos of time and events. Yes no one will ever know what you brought to the world because they can’t define you by your name.
As if this wasn’t already obvious, comments #34, #39 and #55 are from the same person. That’s a long time to age in 16 comments, dumbass. Here’s the IP if anyone wants to look it up:
@95 Of course career politicians who make their living by occupying elective office have a personal interest in staying in office. However, they accomplish this by being better than competitors at representing the wishes their constituents, just as successful businesses are ones that understand their market the best. Positions in the legislature and congress, in particular, require spending a lot of time providing constituent services. I would rather have a seasoned professional in these offices than some rank amateur who has no idea how to do a politician’s job.
I’ve sometimes wondered if a parliamentary system would serve our nation better. It’s one of those things that looks great on paper, but when I look at its track record, I see a few countries where it seems to work fairly well (e.g., England, Canada) but I also see countries where the parliamentary system has produced political instability (e.g., Italy). I think the conclusion to be drawn from this is that cultural and other factors unique to the individual country have much to do with whether a parliamentary system will produce successful government. Of course, from the ordinary citizen’s point of view, any form of democratic government is preferable to military rule or a dictatorship.
@97 My mistake. Maybe it was something she said, for example, “You sure have a small dick.”
@99 klake, I would expect you of all people to be familiar with courtrooms, and to know smoking isn’t allowed in those places.
@99 Vietnam wasn’t exactly the most sanitary place on earth.
Three are lots of ways to wreck your lungs. For example, breathing the smokestack emissions that Republicans don’t want the government to regulate. Or how about car exhaust. Or working in a uranium mine or a dusty factory — another area where Republicans oppose health & safety regulations, worker right-to-know laws, and paying compensation to workers injured by their dirty industries. I’m not the only rabbit in this country breathing filthy air. Thank God I don’t live in China, where the air is much worse, and they eat rabbits.
MMMMMmmmmmm, rabbit!
Golly spyder I didn’t realize the conversation jumped to Gov Reagan. Blame Reagan for all the ills of Ritalin and it’s sister drugs Adderol, Cylert, Strattera and Concerta used in school? I don’t think so, but good try. Maybe that’s the issue with many 16%ers here on this board. They are members of the psychotropic drug generation like their parents were members of the psychedelic drug generation. Being poor in Philly we never had those “opportunities”.
As I remember, the NEA was a donkey institution way before Reagan came into power. Try 1961 when it unionized. Look back at it’s over 150 year history. When did Reagan become governor?
Schools all over America started doping the students in the early 70s to “control” them. Kind of like what donkey want to do with the Fairness Doctrine, various governmental handouts, welfare, etc. Now it’s being determined by dietitians and food researchers today the diet, food additives, and sugar are what’s the real problem with children hyperactivity and deficit issues.
So these children who were given these drugs are addicted to them and kablammmm another sollege/university school shooting.
But but but these are gun free zones… Yes for law abiding citizens. But for the criminal element, when have they ever followed gun laws.
We now know when the shooter was reloading someone yelled run. So there was time for some law abiding citizen packing heat to destroy this character. But but but it was a gun free zone…
Case dismissed.
Interestingly Lee outed someone by their IP Address yesterday. Didn’t Goldy once say he’d protect everyone’s personal identity which also means their IP Address?
So Goldy, what punishment will you mete out on Lee for breaking one of your tenets?
A photo in the Flyer shows Campfield holding a bumper sticker that says “Confederate Values.” It’s part of an online article on his sex orientation teaching bill, but the problem is that the picture is fake. It was altered from a picture taken six years ago at a Phil Bredesen and Van Hilleary debate.
Marvs’ commentary – typical left thinking. Make stuff up and hope the dumb and ignorant believe. Proof the left has lost the debate when they have to make stuff up. Of course it never says it was democrats/liberals that did the photoshopping… but we all know it was, it’s the way the left operate.
Strange how confederate values is what headless lucy has been trying to paint conservatives with lately.
#116 Puddybud, The Fact Finding Prognosticator… says:
Strange Lee never outs headless lucy for his multiple accounts. Is that proof Lee condones the racist views of headless lucy?
#114 Roger Rabbit says:
I’m not saying there isn’t pollution, but you have even admitted you still smoke. Take some personal responsibility for your own life.
The day before Mayor Carty Finkbeiner’s spokesman was suspended for three weeks for allegedly using vulgar language with an off-air radio producer, the mayor himself used a profanity during a live interview broadcast.
Mr. Finkbeiner uttered the “f-word” followed by “ruckus” to describe the “few days” after his order last week to cancel a Marine Corps…
Marvs’ commentary – dropping the f bomb on the public airwaves, and also fellow leftist jane fonda drops the c bomb on national television. Liberal family values at it’s best. If this is how these people talk on the air, just imagine how they talk to children when no one is around.
How do liberals talk to children when there are no conservatives around?? Let’s ask liberal radio talk show host bernie ward.
Ward discusses group sex he had at an infamous porn theater in San Mateo. Then, nearly an hour into the conversation, he brings up photographs, “I love trading pictures.” “Sexfairy” answers, “and why haven’t I gotten any pics, slave? Send me some.”
Ward sends several pictures — one of a woman and two children. Ward describes her as a mother in her late thirties, she’s topless. He says the naked boy is 14, that the girl wearing clothes is 12. They’re all touching in a sexual way.
marv says – Hey, maybe that’s why liberal talk radio always fails… the hosts are too busy with their child porn.
Silly me…I thought we got rid of klake.
Better go to the store and stock up on A200. Wash EVERYTHING…AGAIN!!! Go to the Doc and get some more Qwell.
Shit. I hate it when it’s so hard to get rid of.
#123 Who is Marvin? says:
Excellent find! Chuck’s been my idol since I was in high school and heard Jack Daugherty Class of 1971 album for the first time. Took lessons back in the 80’s from both him and his brother. NARAS voted him the most valuable player so many times they should have just printed his name on the award.
First,I’m a Canadian so don’t throw stones right away thinking I’m one of these undercover neo-cons(That’s what we call them up in the frozen north).If you guys think your senate sucks come take a look at what we have up here.A parking spot for former hacks that have the goods on the ones in charge and are being paid to keep their mouths shut.Specter and all the rest are just about as job secure.Why is that?I’m really curious.Don’t you guys actually elect these uh,people?