King County is in Phase Two of the coronavirus response. The link has what various types of businesses can do. I am still pretty nervous about any indoor gathering for the foreseeable future. Like, you’re only as safe as the worst person around. And card rooms seem particularly no good. Ick.
Anyway, wash your hands right now.
Fortunately, Carl, “the worst person around” is easy to identify from the “Trump” yard sign. These people are super spreaders. Avoid them at all costs.
When I think of a Trump rally, I think of the concentric circles people draw on maps to calculate mortality rates at given distances from the epicenter of a hydrogen bomb.
There’s a certain zone which you cordon off and nobody is allowed in or out. It is assumed that everyone with that zone is beyond help and has to be written off.
Today this is known as “the Orange Event Horizon.”
pos rapey mcdimfuk touts itself as such a sophisticated music fan.
I just found the next band it’s going to catch at “NEMOS”:
And the babblin’ butthurt is sure as hell going to see that show.. (even if means puttin’ the high fivin’, high singin’ white folks FIRST)..
“Trump says mail-in voting is top threat to his re-election”
Orange Decoder Ring Translation: He’ll lose if we’re allowed to vote.
Oh I got it:
The Average White Nationalist Band.. coming soon to
that’s the ticket. Go for it rapey dimfuk!
The unserious YLB getting as much mileage as possible @ 3, 5 out of a one-letter typo by me
twoFOUR years ago.It keeps YLB out of trouble. Last time the unserious one ventured out of that safe area nestled between Goldy’s taint and codpiece, we were told that Mitch McConnell should fear Senate redistricting because of a state house race result in Virginia, or something. YLB has the link, as with the link shared @ 3, but would be embarrassed to dredge it up.
YLB’s that player who jumps on top of a dogpile tackle last and runs off, first, with arms raised in celebration.
Hey Goldy, since you’re all over a story about cops from the early 1990s, how about retweeting a story or two from some NYPD cops on, say, 9/11/2001?
Goldy hates cops. Almost as much as Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit hates cops.
Awww.w… “serious” rapey dimfuk is butthurt…
snowflake triggered… thanks for playing.
And.. “mileage” now that’s “seriously” funny. Thanks for the laughs.
@3 They’re cute. Stupid, low IQ, but cute.
@6 I agree there are much bigger issues where you’re concerned.
@7 We’re not concerned about the fine cops who do a good, professional job. We want them to stay. Our focus is on cops who shouldn’t be cops, and cops who should be in prison.
It’s kinda like the news business, dumbfuck. The train wreck that didn’t happen isn’t news. Right now American policing has many train wrecks; that’s why it’s news.
@8 It’s touching that you like a loyal, patriotic, Hispanic-American (and first responder to boot!). Now if only you were loyal and patriotic yourself, instead of a Trump-hugging and killer-cop-loving traitor to everything that is decent and good in this country.
Latest development in Trump vs. Nuclear Secrets:
Chapter 1
“A federal judge said Friday that he was uncertain how he could grant the Trump administration’s request to delay publication of former national security adviser John Bolton’s book, ‘The Room Where It Happened.’
“‘It seems to me, as we used to say in Texas, that the horse is out of the barn,’ said Federal District Court Judge Royce Lamberth during a two-hour videoconference hearing. ‘What am I supposed to do?’
“Justice Department lawyer David Morrell said …[,] ‘There’s still an interest we have in limiting further dissemination, such as with audible books or e-books and any new printed copies’ ….”
” … Bolton’s lawyer, said the government is asking Bolton to do ‘something he is utterly powerless to do. The book has already been released. The speech cannot be unspoke.’ … [H]e said more than 200,000 copies of the book have already been printed, bound and distributed to booksellers throughout the country ….”
Chapter 2
“The judge, who did not indicate when he would rule, said a central issue is what kind of approval Bolton was required to get from the classification review process before going ahead with the book.
“[Bolton’s lawyer] said he was required only to wait for a White House official’s confirmation that the book was free of classified information, which Bolton received in April. But the White House then launched another review ….
“But the judge also asked the government how common it was for senior officials to step in after the usual reviewing official didn’t find anything classified. …
“Bolton may have been required to get written permission if the book contained a type of classified material known as SCI — sensitive compartmented information. The government’s lawsuit filed Tuesday did not make such a claim, but it filed a revised suit Friday that contained the allegation. [Bolton’s lawyer] suggested during the hearing that the White House …. added that classification after the initial review was concluded in April.
“‘I need to look at when that stuff was classified,’ [Judge] Lamberth said.
“Mark Rasch, a former Justice Department espionage prosecutor, said …[,] ‘If it wasn’t SCI when Bolton received the approval, he would have been entitled to publish.’ …”
There is some research out there suggesting that those with the A-positive blood type are more at risk of contracting the virus than those with other blood types. So, if you’re A+, you should probably be very careful about where you hang out.
We should all be glad John Bolton is no longer in government.
Let’s revisit how Donald is going to get a big enough share of black voters to make up for dead seniors, military who agree with Flynn at al and think NATO is a good thing and Latinos.
The highest ranking black woman in the administration resigned. And she’s not going quietly.
a one-letter typo by me twoFOUR years ago.
Hmmm.. “Serious” “NEMO” blunder made on 3/15/2017.. Methinks this is incorrect..
3 years, 3 months, 4 days excluding today.
There’s sites on the net that can help you calculate these things, oh “serious” rapey one. Again, thanks for the laughs.
When we say defund this is the kind of shit were talking about. Even if they got it for free There’s no justification for a city of 10,000 people to have a police force training and spending time dealing with a tank.
I kicked my worthless son out of he house three months ago. I haven’t seen him since, but I did receive a couple of odd cards from him in the mail. What’s odd is that on one he signed it as “Thomas Jefferson” and the other as “Thomas Paine”. What wasn’t odd is that he used both cards to beg for money, which I didn’t give him, of course. No more!
I’m glad he’s finally gone.
“Twitter has permanently suspended the account of extreme right-wing British columnist Katie Hopkins for violating its hateful conduct policy.”
While I’m on that subject, the posted commenting policy for Steve’s blog ( is as follows:
“A. Comments are welcome. Debate and diversity of views are encouraged.
B. Comments on the identities of anonymous posters will be deleted.
C. Comments that are racist or advocate violence will be deleted.
D. Comments that are libelous, infringe copyrights (and are not “fair use”), or otherwise might cause legal problems will be deleted.
E. Comments containing vulgar or offensive language may be edited or deleted.
F. Robo comments (and suspected robo comments), and comments deemed to be spam or advertising, will be blocked and/or deleted.
G. When quoting material they did not write themselves, commenters are expected to put quote marks (“”) around that material and identify the source.
H. Excessively long or wordy comments may be edited, not posted, or in some cases I may decide to post them as an article with attribution to their author.
I. Comments will be posted exactly as written; typos, spelling, grammar, punctuation, etc., will not be corrected.
J. Content is the sole responsibility of the submitter. In keeping with The-Ave’s open commenting policy, the fact a comment has been posted is not an endorsement by The-Ave and does not validate its content. I generally won’t censor content, as a matter of principle; but that said, I won’t promise I’ll never, ever, under any circumstances, consider deleting a comment that is incomprehensible gibberish, total nonsense, a pack of lies, or appears to be enemy propaganda.* Even free speech has to have some minimal standards. (* Yes, I realize this could be an issue if quoting Trump, but I’ll generally let commenters quote Trump’s gibberish, nonsense, lies, and propaganda and deal with it in other ways.)”
So far Shortbus is largely complying with this; I’ve deleted only one of his (almost daily) comments, and that one was a judgment call on wording. He’s been behaving since departing from HA, although he’s still as incoherent as ever.
Any more than knowing who the President is? You’re a dumb shit Thomas. What about Ivanka and Jared? Devos? What’s your point? Do you have a point? Or just brain dead?
@23 Well, I’m glad he’s no longer in government, and I hope he never is again.
@18 We all make typos. Some of us even fact-check before we post. Others are too busy fucking horses.
@24 Agreed.
No different from the rest of them, and more, that I mention.
Later Friday night Firing
US Attorney for New York who is investigating Rudy, Jared, Ivanka and and Donald and is a SCOTUS decision away from having the tax returns.
Now I don’t want to speculate but the two big SCOTUS losses this week may have #OrangeMussolini a bit nervous.
Hey, someone tell Railfan to stay the fuck away from his disgusting coworkers. The transit types are some sick puppies.
@27 One of the worst, if not the worst. Draft dodger. Chickenhawk warmonger. Eager to work for Trump. Quit in a huff / was fired (depending on who you believe, when you can’t believe either of them) when Cadet Bone Spurs proved too yellow to give him his war. Then turns on Trump and squeals, but only after Trump is home free on impeachement, and only because there is (or he thought there was) money to be made. What a pathetic piece of shit. Republicans deserve him; Democrats and liberals shouldn’t give him the time of day.
@28 I was wondering this afternoon who would get fired this evening. The object of all these firings, of course, is to ensure that no one with any morals, integrity, or decency is left in government by the time Trump leaves.
Hitler and Stalin got rid of such people permanently. I’ll bet Trump wishes he could do the same. He’s probably working on it. The Uighyar concentration camps are a test run.
@29 And not a word about BEACH WEEK!!! or POOL PARTY!!! or TULSA RALLY!!! Should I explain, again, why you have no cred around here? Nah, I’ll let you figure it out.
So we shouldn’t be allowed to vote by mail because this dumbass doesn’t know how to lick a stamp?
What unemployment insurance looks like under GOP management.
Had you voted differently four years ago, he would have stayed out of government you feckless traitor.
Shame on you.
Try to do better next time. And if you can’t, then just stay away.
They tried to get him to step down voluntarily by offering him a host of big promotions to main justice. He had until the close to accept the move or face termination.
Stupid Hitler team obvs has a big problem with one of his current cases.
House subpoena in three… two… one…
Matt Gaetz is one braindead incel repuke. No way I thought could anyone be as crazy and stupid as Michelle Bachmann, Louie Gohmert and Steve King but
Matt Gaetz found a way…
BTW, Berman has not stepped down and has issued a statement saying that he will remain in place until a nominated appointee is confirmed. Berman may be the one USA willing to burn the office in order to clap back at Barr. Might be a few more shoes dropping over the weekend. If I was an AUSA in that office I think this would be a very good weekend to go fishing out of cell coverage.
Tweeted from Gaetz:
“For all those wondering, this is my son Nestor. We share no blood but he is my life. He came from Cuba (legally, of course) six years ago and lives with me in Florida.
I am so proud of him and raising him has been the best, most rewarding thing I’ve done in my life.
Here is a picture of him in his “home-schooling” uniform:“
Statement from U.S Attorney Berman, NY
Goes on to say that until his successor is confirmed he will keep working.
Couldn’t even fire him in person.
What a bunch of FuckWits at Justice and of course, Donald.
Not actually even clear that he is fired.
The statutes conflict on this because Berman was appointed by the DC after Stupid Hitler fired Bharara and then never obtained Senate confirmation before the 120 day limit.
Berman is still an “inferior officer” as the constitution sees it. So I would guess that a court will uphold his firing. However, I don’t think they get around both the District Court and the 120 day rule. It may be very difficult at this point to get a Senate confirmation. So that leaves it up to the DC, who has it within their authority to re-appoint Berman, or Bharara for that matter.
Barr fucked this one up. Maybe he had no other choice. And he obviously doesn’t give a shit how bad it looks. So perhaps he’s been given some assurances in advance that Moscow Mitch can head this thing off. But I doubt that. This is clearly very political and born out of a corrupt desire to prevent or derail criminal investigations as a way of buying campaign assistance in the form of both donations and active measures. That’s a very hard look for the vulnerable Senate Rapepublicans.
I’d wager this fuckup is mostly born from Stupid Hitler himself arranging drug deals and then ordering Barr to make it happen. It should have raised all kinds of alarms in any case. But now it really will.
Of the manipulated video, McTwit said, “I think the president was making a satirical point that was quite funny, if you watch the video.”
But somebody else didn’t think his “satirical point” was funny.
What a pathetic excuse for plagiarism, copyright violation, intellectual property theft, and lying.