I am still reading this opinion (.pdf). But this thread about it is a good summary. The Washington State Supreme Court found that you can’t rant about illegal immigrants and building a wall as part of jury selection. It was just horror after horror done to this man to send him to court at all is vile. To also have jury selection go like that. Fuck, man. Fuck.
Anyway, please wash your hands right now. And get vaccinated or boosted if you’re eligible.
Just try and stop him, motherfuckers.
He hasn’t even gotten started.
Ouch. It’s going to be a fucking circus.
Preznit Pringles thinks Fat Midget might possibly be considered to serve as his bottom:
I love it!
Fat Midget is well suited to it:
When it comes to grovelling, he’s unsurpassed!
Florida, Man.
@ 3
Things were different then, weren’t they?
Socialist Barbie AOC was still pouring drinks for cash.
Christine Blasey Ford hadn’t yet been exposed as a lying sack of shit.
RBG was still alive.
Joe’s son MethMeth was still on the take from Burisma.
Joe was warning about the danger of blowing up the filibuster.
Good times, good times.
This is breathtaking. And it may perfectly encapsulate the fatal predicament that the GOP now finds itself in:
She’s probably going to lose this primary to one of those degenerate pinheads. I can’t feel any sympathy for her, nor her party. But it just underscores the futility of the GOP’s efforts to move beyond Trumpism.
And the lesson for liberals is that, for the last time, THERE IS NO PIVOT. Cheney, despite her impeccable “conservative” credentials and ideological consistency, stands alone as the sole rational adult in a room full of capering lunatics spouting conspiracy theories. And GOP voters will reject her.
It’s going to be this way from now on. So liberal and moderate voters who think they can look forward to some point where they can STAND DOWN and not worry so much about the GOP need to make some adjustments. In every cycle and every race the GOP is going to shift toward the extreme and the irrational.
I for one appreciate it when “conservative” Trump worshipers remind the rest of us how important state and county elections are. From a decade ago:
Yes. It is a long game. More than a decade to gain control of county elections boards, state assemblies, Sec of State’s office, and the Gov’s mansion so you can cancel registrations, purge voters, close polling places, and rig elections in your favor.
The good news for liberals is that with a unified Congress and the White House we can pass federal legislation that stops most of this GOP fuckery, not just in Florida but nationwide.
@ 1-3
Y’all missed the racing stripe down the top of his head, McHillbilly.
Well, Carl, the prosecutor is a “true Eastern Washington man,” and that’s how they do things there. When he decided to go back to private practice (he was elected in 2014), Grant County Commissioner Cindy Carter said, “Garth has done a great job.” The cops, too, no doubt.
I’m kind of surprised he doesn’t have a disciplinary record at the WSBA, at least not one I could find; maybe some sort of inquiry will follow this court decision finding that he engaged in racist conduct as a prosecutor, to the prejudice of a defendant.
That wouldn’t, of course, keep the good (mostly white) voters of Grant County from electing him to the bench, based on his credentials as a former prosecutor, should he choose to seek judicial position; and they very likely would do so, as he checks all the boxes in terms of their community values.
This one should bankrupt Moses Lake, but probably won’t, as it has too large a tax base. The victim is a known drug user, so don’t trust him with the funds; put $7.5 million of city money in a trust fund, and use it to make sure he doesn’t have to live in a squalid tent under an overpass in Ephrata, or in his niece’s backyard, but instead has comfortable shelter, food, all necessary medical care, and whatever else he needs. Take it out of the Moses Lake police department budget.
And before the next time you drive through Grant County, make sure you’re white; if you’re not, paint yourself white.
Still Fat.
Still a Midget.
Still gargling Trump’s wrinkly ball-sack.
I won’t bother looking it up. But I’m willing to bet, even without any evidence, that the best place for that money would be in that county’s indigent defense budget. None of it would have happened if the appellant had received competent legal counsel upon arrest. And I’m not going out on much of a limb here to speculate that this county employs their own office of public defense, that the office is, at least indirectly, supervised by the county prosecutor, that it spends less than 10% of what the county spends on prosecuting attorneys and investigators, and that the number of public defenders employed is deliberately kept low enough that they are compelled to plead more than 95% of their caseload.
Reading the court’s decision, it looks like the prosecutor had some trouble eliciting the knee-jerk racism he obviously was looking for in prospective jurors. Several of them said they hadn’t been victims of violent crimes and weren’t worried about the immigrants in the community. One even said, “I don’t believe it’s just immigrants who may be leading to that.” (N.B.: Illegal immigrants have half the crime rate of citizens.) Another even said we should do more “to help them gain legal access” and didn’t think a border wall “would help at all.” Damn! That’s going in the wrong direction. The prosecutor wasn’t having a good day. (Wtf is going on in Moses Lake? Are Seattleites retiring there?) This trouble with the jurors may explain why the Court of Appeals didn’t find prejudicial racial bias in the voir dire. It also might explain why the ex-prosecutor got tired of being a prosecutor in a liberal town like Moses Lake.
One very good thing I see in all that. Way down toward the bottom of that Twitter thread she mentions the court dumping the “harmless error” analysis to be applied in cases of prosecutor misconduct.
That’s a very big deal. While it remains a very high bar to prove most misconduct (cleared by a mile in this case), the immediate remedy henceforth will be a reversal. That’s kinda huge. I’ll be honest, most prosecutors offices are fairly smug about misconduct, knowing that even when they get caught it won’t produce any reversal. The cost to bring that kind of lawsuit is simply immense, and the evidence needed to prove misconduct is often nearly impossible to obtain. So prosecutors can afford to be smug about it. But not quite so much anymore. This is probably a big advancement for the rights of the accused in your state.
@4 Whatever Democrats should consider doing differently in Florida and elsewhere, groveling to the shitheads comprising the MAGA base isn’t one of them.
@6 I could see her winning the primary. If her four opponents divide up the pinhead vote between them, she only needs 25% of GOP voters either to be (a) rational or (b) so uninformed they vote solely on the basis of name familiarity, which isn’t totally out of the question, given that she got elected in that state in the first place.
@11 They have 8 staff attorneys (including the director) and 10 contract attorneys (2 superior court, 6 district court, and 2 juvenile court) listed on their website. Only 1 staff attorney is listed on the prosecutor’s staff directory page (the chief criminal deputy), but I found 3 more in another source. It’s not clear to me why public defenders would outnumber prosecutors, but Grant County is a fairly populous county with about 100,000 residents, so it works out to 1 staff or contract public defender for every ~5,500 people and 1 prosecutor for every ~20,000 people. Maybe there are more prosecutors than I found.
@13 “This is probably a big advancement for the rights of the accused in your state.”
We’re a liberal hellhole. Eastern Washington is properly conservative, but they’re only a fifth of the state’s population, so we Seattle thugs run roughshod over them in the legislature and courts. And they haven’t been able to elect a Republican governor for over 40 years.
School’s out forever: Arizona moves “to kill public education” with new universal voucher law — Families who bail on public school will get $7,000 per kid in GOP’s new scheme: “Every red state” urged to follow
Twenty years from now, we’ll have a couple million more children born whose parents didn’t want to have them, sent to schools that couldn’t teach them, and told to get jobs in an economy that can’t use them.
18. Im sure the supreme court will strike this down. /s
Even liberal hellholes can be regressive when it comes to criminal justice and the rights of the accused. California is case in point. Maybe California looks okay when you set it next to Mississippi. But I’m not willing to stipulate to such a low standard for justice and human rights.
For many decades Americans, including most liberal Americans, have capitulated to a television and motion picture fabricated and entirely unsubstantiated idea that an “aggressive” criminal justice system tilted in favor of state prosecutors would make us safer. All it did was create a massive Fourth Estate machinery of police harassment. feeding into plea bargaining, feeding into for-profit prisons, primarily aimed at minorities and the poor.
The possibility that Cassidy Hutchinson fabricated the limo story just became a lot less likely.
When you have gossip circulating inside the Secret Service for over a year that aligns with her account of an angry confrontation in the limo and Trump lunging over the seat, it’s far more likely the story came from the Secret Service than the other way around.
@18 Arizona’s public schools won’t disappear all at once. They’ll spiral downward to oblivion as they gradually lose students and funding. Of course, funding losses will directly lead to teacher losses. In addition, the lower salaries paid to the non-union teachers employed by the private schools will price public-school teachers with their union-negotiated $32,500-a-year salaries out of the market. Kids in Arizona will end up being taught by people making $1 above minimum wage, whatever that is. The University of Arizona will have to lower its admissions standards because no other college will take these kids, and nobody else will go to Arizona for college. This means UA will have to embed remedial reading and math in all its freshman courses, and institute an EFL (English as a first language) curriculum. A UA degree will be the equivalent of a middle-school GED in the job market. But hey, it’ll be a cheap place to retire because taxes for public schools will be less than the HOA dues or the greens fees for a round of golf.
If after a week neither Ornato nor Engel offer any public commentary to contradict the sworn testimony of a witness then I think that’s proof enough. What would they be waiting for? If they were there, and they know what happened, and they know the witness lied, what would prevent them from saying so publicly and correcting the record?
“qui tacet consentire videtur”,
He who is silent appears to consent.
Try to imagine how much good these people who withheld this testimony from the second impeachment might have done for their own party if they had spoken up. Of course Republicans in the Senate would have still voted to acquit Preznit Pringles. But more than a year of the collective agony of his influence over their base might have been avoided. Now he’s burrowed into their psyche like a tick and they can’t survive the midterms without him. “Conservative” cowardice is liberal triumph.
22 Evil people are very successfully leveraging the greedy and the greedy olds.
“This means UA will have to embed remedial reading and math in all its freshman courses…”
Colleges and universities have been doing that for decades because public education is a joke in most states, including Washington, Oregon and California. Places like Mississippi and Arkansas are no better.
Also, still probably far more significant that the most recent Republican President and current poll front-runner for the 2024 nomination expressed his satisfaction to his Chief of Staff that the armed violent mob he sent to disrupt the joint session was calling for the assassination of his Vice President.
And not a single one of them is denying that.
Trump’s voters can no longer pretend with any credibility that they don’t understand his true character. Less than a month before the 2016 vote he told them that he once bragged to a busload of complete strangers about getting away with rape. He offered to sell a defenseless Ukraine to a vicious commie war monger to leverage campaign cheating. And when he ultimately lost, not because Republican voters had any change of heart but because tens of millions of moderate and progressive Americans turned out anew to get rid of him, he rejected the lawful election result and tried to overthrow the government. And he’s still out there doing it. “He’s reading the transcripts”, and routinely tampering with the witnesses against him.
Trump is not just garbage. Trump is a manifest threat to our democracy and our nation’s security. And he remains a threat entirely because these tens of millions of people still support him even now, despite knowing the truth about him. This is the fatal nihilism that lives in the heart of cancervatism today. If allowed to do so, cancervatives will destroy America. They won’t stop themselves. There is no pivot. Only Democratic voters can stop them.
And a whole lot of crime
@25. That’s because RURAL parts of those states have crap school districts. and those kids try to go the state schools. I know this because I was raised in arch conservative southern Oregon. I seem to trigger the greedy racist incel’s nickname for me when I post because of my conservative education. And yet, I was one of the bright ones with ambition and a higher capacity for reasoning. You should see the level of education and critical thinking of the people who never left town or went and got higher ed anywhere. Total MAGA. Trump was too liberal for them.
Fun fact. Central Point used to have a popular cult. A one of their tenents were uppity women who wouldn’t obey men were the cause of all world’s problems. African is the way it is, because slavers took all them, leaving women in charge.
The cult collapsed with their preacher got caught having sex with underage girls and not paying taxes.
@28 . …took all the men, leaving ….
@25 How would you know? The closest you’ve ever been to a public university is a seat on a tour bus.
Pelosi didn’t allow Gym Jordan on the Jan. 6 committee for the same reason judges don’t let defendants sit on their own juries.
Well, well, well.
Janice McGeachin, the far-far-right nutjob and militia sympathizer who recently got wiped out in Idaho’s GOP governor primary, had to defer her lieutenant governor salary because her office’s budget had only $1 left after paying legal fees after she was successfully sued for violating Idaho’s public records law.
This time her “waste, fraud, and abuse” of public funds came out of her own pocket.
Proud Boys go looking for trouble and get pepper sprayed.
@18 Privatizing K-12 is nothing less than an attempt to re-segregate America’s schools and reverse Brown v. Board of Education on the ground if not in the courts.
What the holy fuck is wrong with your Pierce County Sheriff?
Stalking his victim?
More police do not make you safer.