Good morning! It seems like people are getting their life back in the wake of the Blake decision. Fines and convictions for simple drug possession are being refunded and vacated. It’s a little frustrating that how smoothly the process is going depends, in part, on what county you were converted in. I suppose that has always been the system in some ways.
Anyway, please wash your hands right now. And get vaccinated or boosted if you’re eligible.
Unbelievable. President Biden is a miracle worker. The DJIA was up like 1500-200 points this week. Nothing the FuckHump could ever achieve.
God Bless President Joe Biden for this gain – remarkable!
Thank You President Biden.
This was hardly surprising.
In general this was some of the most nakedly obvious and intentional effort to manipulate the shareholder price ever. And it was all done right out in the open. SEC might even eventually get around to doing something about it. But Musk deliberately and maliciously harmed these shareholders in pursuit of his own interests. If there is to be rule of law in these kinds of transactions, then these shareholders must have an opportunity to obtain a remedy from the responsible party.
Funny thing today at work. First, hardly nobody showed up, just like 5 out of 30 of us. It really is a bit of a mismanaged place. The company is a great company but our NYC office seems to be a beast of it’s own in a market with a culture of it’s own and unlike no other.
Anyways, there’s this like 2 week old new female employee and I think she might be having regrets working here. From the first day I thought she kind of eccentric and bold and uppity. Today she came in and I think was surprised or upset that nobody showed up to work.
It’s a bit of long story to tell the whole story by I think someone over promised what she would do here or hyped up the office maybe a bit too much. She relocated from the West coast to come here (I found that out this morning as she was telling the head of HR who coincidentally or predetermined to meet with). He asked how she was doing? I can’t recall exactly her response, but it was something like “I find this place strange or weird.” HR guy just rolled with it. He asked where she was from and she said West Coast. He asked what brought her out here……after silence for several seconds, she said “love”, Then after an awkward moment of silence she said she “right after I got divorced….but then stopped and changed the subject.
Anyways the HR guy is starting to catch on that she under some type of emotional unhappiness. so he just says to her that he’ll be upstairs (we are on two floors of space) and for to come up at 9:30am….it was about 8:30 at the time. There is a little bit more to the story, but I’ll save you the time that you’ll never get back.
But the reason for this story is she said something funny that cracks me up every time I think about it.
She was coming back from the ladies room to head upstairs to meet with the HR guy as she walked pass the Receptionist’s desk, as I worked towards her in the direction she was coming from….and being that nobody is in the office, and her thinking that she was alone, before rounding the corner she says something.
As she goes by the Receptionist’s desk (who happened to be one of the ones out and in place of her at her chair someone put a delivery (a box) on her chair), the girl says, “And Susan turned into a box”. Cracks me up.
On my way to lunch she was crying at her desk….I felt so bad for her.
I hope she doesn’t get upset when I leave at 3:00 today.
From the previous thread when I asked about mass shootings versus population, a few links were provided that had good data, here is another one:
Simple conclusion, where there are more guns, there are more shootings.
The liberal rag that it is, CNN, also has some good analysis and other links.
The emerging explanation for the prolonged delay in confronting the Uvalde school shooter, after plenty of deliberate falsehoods in official reports, is that “the tactical commander on the scene” demanded the delay awaiting “additional equipment” to be delivered to the site.
At this point I’m hoping for their stupid lying sakes that the “equipment” was not the staff keys used to unlock the fucking door. But in the midst of all the lying, gun-humping misdirection and blood-soaked idiocy, something does occur to me. If “modern” cops need ballistic shields or other special equipment in order to enter a room to confront an active shooter, maybe that “equipment” should be securely staged on-site?
That’s reasonable, affordable, and immediately accessible. It would not place schools or students and teachers at any additional risk. It would not require any special hiring or training. A closet with a deadbolt and a shelf.
Fewer DARE dragsters and armored RVs.
Fewer sport-murdering cops.
More locked closets.
@5 I thought about this idea.
How about constructing a vestibule entry (larger than just the typical 6-10′ wide ones that are designed for climate mitigation) that makes every visitor or entrant to hold in a pattern until accepted into entry. Make every other door locked and emergency exits only. Make this entry bullet proof and with metal detection upon entry. Make it rather large to accept as much high volume traffic as needed, which shouldn’t be much.
Shouldn’t have to do this, but a moron can figure out how to keep the unwanted gunman out of the school.
Going to school nowadays is more dangerous than being a cop.
Fires are more common in schools than shooters.
Even in TexASS.
School shooters have pulled fire alarms in order to concentrate targets for easier targeting. The big problem with most these “access control” solutions seem to figure around premise safety in a public facility. Court houses are very secure now in most places, especially federal court houses. But they are still treated like open public spaces where people need to escape in emergency.
Some of these access control ideas are useful. And quite a lot of them are already in use. Public schools are not the free roaming, open spaces they used to be. But occupants still need to be able to get out in an emergency.
I’m not sure if we know why this shooter found an unlocked secondary entrance. But those can be a struggle to keep locked in a building filled with nine-year-olds. All it takes is a big rock to hold a door open.
But I’m watching the head of the TexASS DPS giving a news conference in which he insists that Trump’s BORTAC goons took “tactical command” at the scene and waited for “special equipment” before going into the room. TexASS DPS says their standard training for “active shooter” confrontations for all certified LE in their state includes as “doctrine” that they don’t wait. They stack up. They go in. But in this case, because BORTAC took charge things were done differently.
This is a good time to recall that two years ago Trump’s BORTAC clowns fled in terror when confronted by a naked lady in Portland.
From the link @ 4:
TexASS beats Cali.. waytofingo shitstain Abbott! yeeee haaaa!
Trump’s BORTAC clowns fled in terror when confronted by a naked lady in Portland.
Here’s the thread:
And here’s drumpf’s goons gettin’ gone..
kreepfuk was shiverin’ in widbee at the time… ANTIFA! BLM! BOO!
This is just harrowing:
Multiple children dialing 911 from inside the room with the active shooter begging for help, while police stood down just outside the door.
As you watch the system spring into action in real time protecting all of these police from any accountability, please, please, please keep this in mind following the next law enforcement shooting of an unarmed suspect or law enforcement response to a “public disturbance” or other protest. Pay attention. Learn from this.
By controlling access, and timing of information, and by carefully seeding it with ample disinformation, police deliberately produce a cloud of uncertainty surrounding their response and their conduct. Then as the truth slowly trickles out it is carefully framed to become a narrative that reflects best on their conduct and reinforces their role in public safety, even as the facts suggest that they make the public less safe.
We are about to witness a master class in manipulation of public perception.
From WaPo reporting:
Responding to claims that the officer’s account of events has shifted, Olivarez said an officer “may say something at that particular instance but the next day, when they’re able to have time to reflect and gather their thoughts, that’s when we can interview them and establish what actually took place.”
A Timeline (one of many):
-School resource officer exchanged shots with shooter.
-School resource officer confronted shooter but no shots fired.
-School resource officer did not engage shooter.
-We are actively at this time attempting to investigate what if any role a school resource officers may have played in these events.
-There was no school resource officer present.
Unlike police, members of the public, even innocent witnesses or bystanders, are never ever given “time to reflect and gather their thoughts”.
Do not speak to police ever.
If you tell them something that later turns out to be untrue most of the time they will at least threaten to arrest you and charge you with a crime. How likely they are to arrest you will depend a great deal on how badly they are fucking up their own investigation and consequently how useful it might be to have a scapegoat. It is very much in the nature of cop culture to always pretend supreme mastery and command over every situation, even when they are completely fucking lost. So you will seldom have any way of knowing if they are fucking things up until it is way too late. Just shut up. Don’t answer questions.
These colors don’t run….
into buildings to save kids
Something to keep in mind given all this gradually unraveling “context” from Uvalde.
As a matter of absolute routine, and as part of normal legal practice and doctrine in America today, we are constantly told that even routine police work is incredibly tense, complex, elaborately technical work to plan, undertake, and carry out. As such it is largely a settled matter in every American jurisdiction that the tactical and operational planning and front line decision making of police and police agencies is completely outside of all normal public oversight and accountability. Direct “civilian” oversight would be insane. And even after-action analysis by “civilians” is “inappropriate” and “dangerous” owing to the technical complexity of the work and the sometimes “tense” nature of events.
Now recall that in nearly every U.S. state an LE certification follows after six months of specialized training. And that this is in most cases far less than what is required for licensure to cut hair.
I’m not unsympathetic to the plight of the local police in Uvalde, most of whom probably had to cheat their way out of high school. They will be having a bad time. However, since they also get to control the information flow, frame all of it to their liking, and custom tailor the emerging narrative describing their own work, I’m pretty confident they’ll all get awards, parades, and gigantic pay bumps, despite being only faintly more qualified than the nearest fast food assistant shift manager.
But maybe that’s what needs to be noticed first, rather than avoided out of embarrassment or shame. We surround police work with mythology. And when it lets us down (which it does quite a lot) we look away out of fear and embarrassment rather than confront that mythology.
Most police work involves driving around, fighting boredom, and engaging in often misguided efforts to harass and suppress targeted populations, then filling out sworn, written reports re-characterizing those efforts in a more favorable light (aka “lying”). Because sometimes we want them to “run toward the sound of fighting” it’s probably better that they be a little unimaginative.
But we should not let police manage and supervise themselves.
@ 5
…“the tactical commander on the scene” demanded the delay awaiting “additional equipment” to be delivered to the site.
I read the same thing. I also read that said incident commander was the chief of the six-person Uvalde independent school district police force.
The shooter entered the school at 11:33. The CBP tactical team arrived at noon. The breach did not occur until 12:50.
I read that the incident commander prevented the tactical team from entering when they arrived.
Would the stored materials in the locked cabinet include firearms, and would some teachers with firearms training have access to firearms, Kevlar vests, shields, etc? After all, it’s not enough to have defensive materials. If the police can’t get into the building, and the police are the only ones with access to defensive materials, and teachers who might have worn those materials die, that’s not a good thing.
The front door should have been locked. The three minute period between the teacher spotting the still-outside shooter/calling 911 (11:30) and the shooter entering the building (again, 11:33) should have been used to communicate throughout the school that there was an active shooter situation.
Apparently the school was locked down 48 times this year. Perhaps people were not taking this incident as seriously as they should have.
A lot still not known.
At this point I’ll give Schumer a little credit for not ramming a vote into the Senate schedule. Not much credit, but perhaps he learned something from the abortion vote.
More and more articles about Fetterman’s condition being far worse than what is being shared.
A basket retrieval device was threaded into his femoral artery and run up his aorta, eventually into his carotid artery, and into his circle of Willis and possibly even into a cerebral artery.
That’s not a minor stroke. That’s a transfer-assets-into-your-spouse’s-name-before-the-procedure-just-in-case-you-don’t-come-out-of-it stroke.
My guess is Fetterman’s got dilated cardiomyopathy – DCM.
@ 15 I should have mentioned that the retrieval device is used for thrombectomy – removal of the clot that caused at least some of his symptoms. The AF may have caused other symptoms.
Right now Fetterman’s benefitting from the undecided GOP primary – if Oz had won a clear victory we’d be hearing much more about why Fetterman’s campaign isn’t being more forthcoming about his condition.
Oz cut an ad. “Here’s the deal.” was a nice touch.
There’s a bright side for Fetterman: He could suffer a massive stroke, taking out an entire cerebral hemisphere, and he’d still be more functional than First Vegetable Joe Biden.
When he’s down by 5 with a week to go and it’s clear that both Houses will flip and it’s Biden’s fault, he’ll even cut an ad making that claim in explicit terms.
Biden’s ruined Democrat chances for 2022 and 2024. Democrats would be fools to allow themselves to be set back any further than that.
Yesterday The Even Bigger Fucking Moron called the NBC item about Rebekah Jones “fake news”.
Well, here’s more of it from CBS:
Ousted dashboard designer’s claims don’t add up, former colleagues and experts say
This POS lied her ass off and POS blog fell for it, hook, line, and sinker.
@ 19
One of her dedicated followers is Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit.
@1 Stocks are on the road to recovery from the recent dip that suckered the dumbfuck doctor into crowing that his long-awaited 10%-15% correction was finally here.
@3 People make bad decisions, then have to live with them. Doc knows all about this, because he’s made bad decisions, too.
@5 I read somewhere yesterday that the Uvalde school district has its own police department. Oh, here it is …
“Records show the district spent about $200,000 on security and monitoring services in 2017-18 and that figure rose to more than $450,000 in the 2019-20 school year. The district employed four police officers, including a chief, detective, and two officers. The school district also had additional security staff ‘who patrol door entrances, parking lots and perimeters of the campuses.'”
Maybe a “teacher with a gun” would’ve been more effective? Or if the police had just handed their guns to the parents, as the parents were begging them to do?
I’ve often written on Handbill.US that Aurora, Colorado, has America’s worst police department. But I think they have serious competition now.
No, they wouldn’t lie. How about polygraph tests? Would they accept? Or is that a breech of Freedom nowadays, like wearing a mask?
If Jones can lie, so can they.
Bob was there. He knows what happen!
The FuckHump still hasn’t released his taxes. You’re his big fan.
@6 Why not hold classes inside armored personnel carriers? You can drive them around town during school hours to make the target harder to locate, and you can outrun a gunman on foot. Sounds like a plan …
Now here’s a Democrat with the courage of her convictions:
5:28 a.m.:
6:14 a.m.:
6:48 a.m.:
Took her 80 minutes to cave to a twenty-something whose 15 minutes were up years ago.
Is it too late to recruit Andrew Gillum?
Not to be overlooked, a GOP candidate in Maine blames the shooting on “liberal teachers” and wants them arrested for murder.
Meanwhile, a GOP senator from Louisiana says we’ve gotta have AR-15s so we can shoot feral pigs.
This is the intellectual rigor Republicans bring to gun debates these days.
@14 Two questions.
1. Is this an argument for arming teachers (because the police are useless)?
2. Do you still not understand the purpose of show-and-tell votes? (As in show-and-tell the voters how their reps and senators actually vote on issues important to them before a pending election)
Meanwhile, a GOP senator from Louisiana says we’ve gotta have AR-15s so we can shoot feral pigs.
Feral pigs are a real problem, everywhere you see them. (They haven’t yet taken root in WA State.) But hunting, even with AR-15’s, only make a tiny dent in the feral pig population.
Farmers should take a county wide or regional approach to contract with feral hog trappers who can take out entire sounders at critical times of the growing season.
I’ve read how parents tried to go in and confront and shoot the gunman since the police wouldn’t and were stopped.
Cowardly police would not rush into the building and they wouldn’t let courageous parents go in, in their place.
@ 30
Cowardly police would not rush into the building …
The Even Bigger Fucking Moron has not done his reading and does not know that three officers rushed into the building immediately upon arrival, and took fire from the shooter on the other side of the classroom door.
Two minutes after the shooter entered the building and five minutes after 911 was called by a teacher, the police were there and ran toward the gunfire, The Even Bigger Fucking Moron.
Every time The Even Bigger Fucking Moron spews, his fellow homosexuals are caused to wince.
If an IQ test with a minimum score was required to post on HA, there would be 30% fewer commenters and 60% fewer gay commenters. And 100% fewer women commenters, as YLB wouldn’t make the cut, either.
Hey, I just realized that it’s possible that a teachers union represents the Uvalde school employee who decided to wait from the arrival of the tactical team at 12:15 until finally permitting the breach at 12:50.
And that he’ll have teachers union representation. And a new job to go to at similar pay and bennies.
@32… Yawn… it’s replaced “tiers” with IQ tests…
Its beloved party is still in thrall to an oranged tinted pathological liar, grifter and serial sex assaulter and the kreepshit troll pretends to everyone here it’s somehow “above” that…
Uhhh.. your schtick is laughable and no one’s bought it.. ever
keep shiverin’ in widbee..
Behold one of The Even Bigger Fucking Moron‘s “cowardly police”.
Off-Duty Officer Went Into School During Uvalde Shooting to Find Daughter
Heh. Shitstain Abbott trying to cover up its pissing kontest over gun sales w/ Cali..
Enabling a disturbed 18 year old to buy 2 military assault rifles, high cap mags and a shitload of ammo..
We see our pet degen troll rollin’ out teh talking points..
Guuuuunnnnsss for sale… open for bidness!!!
It was a nice for the market today. Those buys I made earlier are doing OK. Still, the S&P 500 needs to grow by about 14.60% before we return to its value as of 12/31/21. It’s achievable, but I suspect we will miss that goal by a little.
The Even Bigger Fucking Moron:
“Heroic policepersons are the ones who use the right pronouns.”
“Heroic policepersons are the ones who go two blocks out of their way so they can cross at a rainbow-painted crosswalk.”
Please excuse my worthless son.
@37 The largest generation in this country’s history, the baby boomers are retiring en masse..
All of them wlll be 65 or older by 2030..
They are cashing in their investments bit by bit from here on out just to live at their accustomed lifestyles if they’re lucky and privileged and at downsized levels for the most part.
This says to me that the ridiculously high valuations of stocks of recent days are pretty much a thing of the past. I don’t believe the millenials and zoomers will boost stock prices anywhere near peak levels.
Buy the dips, but they better be deep.. limited upside.
If an IQ test with a minimum score was required to post on HA….
…then the only troll HA would have left would be Politically Incorrect.
Go the fuck away now and shut the fuck up.
Even your beloved imbecile Governor Greg UHBUTT… now admits that police have lied their asses off to him for days.
Claims he is “livid”. I’ll eat a bug if the bitch does one single thing about it. Pretending that he just now discovered for the first time that cops lie their asses off is the single most cruel Republican joke being played on these grieving families.
Fuck all their asses.
I think the greedy racist incel was trying to tell a conservative joke. (Polite golf clap) Now hush up and go play outside.
1. Is this an argument for arming teachers (because the police are useless)?
Yes. That is exactly what this idiot is calling for. One minute he’s insisting that teachers are degenerate socialist “groomers”. The next minute he wants them to step into the line of fire for coward cops.
The most you can distill from the spew of any delusional, paranoid, culturally-corrupt Republican is that they’ll say any Goddamn thing that sounds about right in the instant it pops into their heads. Then seconds later repudiate every word of it and point to “someone over there”.
I swear, I haven’t seed that idiot post one single thing that wasn’t a masterpiece of self-humiliation IN DAYS. And he keeps on going.
Here’s Abbott making an ass of himself and our stupid troll while grieving parents weep:
@42 Apparently all it takes is a “grazing wound” to send the hardened trained Texas police armed with guns and probably body armor, running away in terror to cower while the shooter murders more definitely gunless and armorless elementary school children. Those colors can’t run away fast enough.
Police in Texas have changed their story now 12 times:
What I can almost guarantee is that NONE of the various versions of how they responded to the shooting is the truth. And I’ll even promise you that whatever “final” version eventually emerges from the police is also going to consist of some bullshit.
This is what police do.
And they are never held to account for it.
This will be no exception.
A graze is a surface wound; the bullet does not pierce the flesh; although the skin is broken.
Here is a picture of a bullet graze.
I can totally see why a graze like that would trigger trained and hardened policeman to run away and cower so the shooter murder more little children. It’s not like he was hired to actually protect and serve. /s
From the greedy racist incel, I learned the cops were courageous to get their kids to safety. Other people’s kids? Not so courageous. Huh…
Those elementary school children should have told the cops that white and black BLM protesters were holding them hostage and watch how fast they would have broken in to shoot the shooter
A well regulated militia doesn’t murder little children.
The 2nd amendment has been interpreted wrong.
@ 40
All of them wlll be 65 or older by 2030..
In other useful YLB pronouncement news, water is wet.
The Even Bigger Fucking Moron:
“Heroic policepersons are the ones who take as long as it requires to ensure that the trans children are rescued first, and the icky cis boys are rescued last. No matter how many more children have to die to make sure it’s done in the politically correct order.”
Since 19 police were terrified of one or two “AR platform rifles” and 375 rounds of ammo, maybe we should be restricting THAT.
@ 47
A graze is a surface wound; the bullet does not pierce the flesh; although the skin is broken.
Here is a picture of a bullet graze.
The Even Bigger Fucking Moron, here is an article with photos of the “graze” wound to the scalp of the guy who took down the shooter. For good measure, the hole in his baseball cap as well.
The differences between the graze wounds to the original three officers, who stopped advancing, and the one sustained by the BORTAC CBP officer who took down the shooter, include:
• The original three officers were charging toward a locked door. They’d have to shoot through the door had they stayed.
• The CBP officer was behind another officer who carried a shield.
• If there were shields there was Kevlar, which the original three officers likely lacked.
How were the first three officers supposed to make it through the locked door, The Even Bigger Fucking Moron? Of course they retreated – they had no other choice.
The Even Bigger Fucking Moron continues to make his fellow homosexuals wince. Involuntarily.
He’s trying to tell more conservative jokes, bless his heart.
After about an hour, a US Border Patrol tactical team came to the classroom, forced entry and fatally shot the suspect, he said.
The police keep changing the story, is that the the actual events?
A bad guy with a gun can be stopped by a good BRAVE man with a gun. Too bad it took over an hour, and many more dead children, for them to show up.
This wouldn’t have been so bad if the shooter wouldn’t have had those guns and that much ammo.
@ 56
Too bad it took over an hour…
And a key to the door lock.
If only those teachers had a way to defend themselves and their students…
The braver than the others, Border Patrol agent who risked confronting the gun man got a grazing wound. I find him more heroic than the craven police offers who ran away.
I’m sorry your kids are dead but said “We will protect and serve so long as we don’t have to risk actually getting hurt.”
@ 48
I learned the cops were courageous to get their kids to safety. Other people’s kids? Not so courageous. Huh…
The Even Bigger Fucking Moron fails to understand that Jacob Albarado and his two fellow officers cleared an entire wing of that elementary school. All of the children and all of the teachers in those classrooms. He knew which wing his daughter was in but from the outside not which room. They most likely began clearing the closest one. They moved dozens and dozens of kids to safety.
It’s all over your head, The Even Bigger Fucking Moron; we all realize that you are intellectually challenged, but you make it so difficult for us to empathize with your unfortunate situation. Try getting your news from a source other than The Disney Channel.
Conservatives want to entrust the teachers with AR-15 assault rifles but not with books that have elements of empathy and tolerance.
Conservatives want to entrust the teachers to shoot the shooter, but the police don’t trust the parents who want to shoot the shooter?
Who’s responsible when the kid takes the teacher’s AR-15 assault rifle and shoots the teacher and kills kids and the police won’t the the parents in to shoot the shooter?
Exactly how is that going to work? Show your work.
If only those teachers had a way to defend themselves and their students…
Teachers, hell. If those kids had all been packing .45 magnums, they’d still be alive today.
“Elon Musk says it’s ‘dumb’ to call billionaires the bad guys”
Okay, how about if we’re more specific, and call him a bad guy? Is that better, Elon?
“Musk tweeted that it is ‘morally wrong & dumb’ to use the word billionaire as a pejorative if that person is using their wealth to create products that make ‘millions of people happy.'”
What about private equity billionaires who use their money to snap up what affordable homes there are, then jack up rents? How many people are they making happy?
Lying cocksucker @39:
My mom has been dead for over 30 years, so eat shit and die, you elitist piece of Seattle/King County shit.
You mean .44 Magnums, not .45 Magnums.
Today I learned from the greedy racist incel that a team of highly armed, trained, well funded police were thwarted for an hour by a simple door lock.
“Texas Gov. Greg Abbott said he was ‘misled’ about certain information that he was given by law enforcement officials leading the investigation into the deadly school shooting in Uvalde. ‘I was misled. I am livid about what happened’ …” blah blah blah
At this rate, he’ll soon be plagiarizing Elijah.
water is wet.
And the largest generation in American history getting old, withdrawing its savings and capital, its workplace skills, to a kreepfuck from widbee doesn’t register cuz’ it watches the Daily Wire and Prager U…
tonic for old bald limp klownservatic farts too cheap to buy cable and watch Tucker shitferbrains.
“San Francisco Giants manager Gabe Kapler told reporters ahead of his team’s Friday game against the Cincinnati Reds that he intends to forgo the pregame US national anthem moving forward. …
“In a blog post, Kapler questioned whether the country’s leadership is committed to representing its people’s best interests and whether the United States is truly ‘the land of the free and the home of the brave.’
“‘We weren’t given bravery, and we aren’t free. The police on the scene put a mother in handcuffs as she begged them to go in and save her children. They blocked parents trying to organize to charge in to stop the shooter, including a father who learned his daughter was murdered while he argued with the cops. We aren’t free when politicians decide that the lobbyist and gun industries are more important than our children’s freedom to go to school without needing bulletproof backpacks and active shooter drills,’ Kapler wrote.”
Two observations from me.
One, the political system is working exactly as the minority party wants it to.
Two, looks like the country will now be full of Colin Kaepernicks, and there’s nothing doc can do about it.
We have been sold the fantasies that even though the police may have a few racist jerks but, in trade, they are all brave and would risk life and limb to protect children, at least.
@ 60
Conservatives want to entrust the teachers with AR-15 assault rifles but not with books that have elements of empathy and tolerance.
The Even Bigger Fucking Moron, I bet if those teachers had held up those books to stop the bullets everyone would still be alive.
The First Rule of Holes applies to homosexuals, too. You just need to think of “hole” differently than Cuomosexual G-clown does.
@15, 16 “… Fetterman’s condition being far worse than what is being shared.”
Who the fuck cares? A comatose or dead guy is still a better senator than Doctor Oz.
@17 Exactly wtf is “empowering people” and “shining lights” supposed to mean? In Doctor Oz’s case, we don’t have to guess, he’s told us. Here’s his idea of “empowered” people:
@19 If we’re going to start dispatching SWAT teams to homes of liars, Mar-a-Lago won’t have any doors left and neither will a lot of other Republicans.
@32 “If an IQ test with a minimum score was required to post on HA,” we would miss you, because this place would be boring without a troll.
@40 Stock prices were ridiculously high because the Federal Reserve inflated them. They fell because the Fed would no longer backstop stocks when inflation became a higher priority. Same deal with housing prices, the Fed bought up something like two-thirds of mortgages, and who’s not going to take out 2.5% mortgages on houses appreciating 10-15% a year, and who’s not going to write those mortgages when they can turn around and flip them to the Fed? Don’t blame boomers for this shit.
As for boomer demographics, they have an income distribution curve just like other generations: A few rich, some well off, many of modest means, quite a few outright poor.
Boomers are more dependent on investment income than previous generations because pensions disappeared under Reaganomics. But for the last dozen years, CDs, savings accounts, and bonds have paid zero. And when stocks became expensive, yields plunged. So the only way they can live is by spending their savings, and to do that, they have to sell their stocks.
That’s not their fault.
@44 Nobody else would make a speech like that without following up by firing everyone responsible. When there’s a clusterfuck like this, you EXPECT heads to roll, and it’ll be very strange if none do.
@54 “How were the first three officers supposed to make it through the locked door, The Even Bigger Fucking Moron?”
Call the SWAT team that raided Rebekkah Jones’ house at 8:30 am and ask for pointers on how to kick a door in.
@60 “Exactly how is that going to work? Show your work.”
The AR-15 obviously has to be in the classroom, or it won’t be useful. It can’t have locks on it, or the teacher won’t be able to use it. So you lock and load, prop it against the wall behind the teacher’s desk, and make sure no kid ever gets between the teacher and the AR-15 at any time during the school day. If the teacher has to use the bathroom, she takes the locked and loaded AR-15 with her. If she goes to the teacher’s lounge, it goes with her.
A side benefit is that if her estranged husband shows up at the school with an AR-15 intending to kill her, it’ll be a fair fight.
@65 No, he means .45 magnums.
Or, it could be a misprint and maybe he meant .451 magnum.
I bet if those teachers had held up those books to stop the bullets everyone would still be alive.
Exactly YES. for once you are right.
If school and the community had taught, really taught love and empathy and tolerance, then that young man wouldn’t have been mocked for his speech impediments, his mental health issues would have been caught and addressed, he would have felt people cared about him, that he wasn’t alone, and would have had enough empathy toward those little kids that he would not have killed them.
Instead, you conservatives love your guns more than children. And here we are.
@76 Not blaming the boomers for their investment behavior in their late working years anymore than I am for the aging work forces of Europe, Japan, Korea etc. – all of whose boomers didn’t have kids like our boomers did..
i.e. not blaming them at all…
Just saying that the retiring boomers might mean that future market returns won’t be anywhere like they were when Peter Lynch was making money hand over fist.
Yes, the Fed had their part in inflating assets but it seems to me it was only in a few long spurts after 2000 (dotbomb crash, Bush depression and COVID pandemic) and you have to subtract the stretches when the Fed was tightening. Yes, the last round of QE inflated housing prices pretty badly.
@66 Children are more precious than gold, so it probably was a pretty substantial door.
then that young man wouldn’t have been mocked for his speech impediments, his mental health issues would have been caught and addressed, he would have felt people cared about him, that he wasn’t alone
Naaaahh… Just follow the example of “the man who understands [vulture] kapitalism”…
But that “man” didn’t deserve to be the klownservatic standard bearer. No f’in way…
In the words of the late, unlamented babbling butthole:
@82 The QE and “Fed put” were continuous after the 2007-2008 financial crisis, based on the “wealth effect” notion hatched by Bernanke and continued by Powell. The Fed tried to tighten a little in 2018, stocks crashed 20%, and the Fed quickly backed off. That was their only real experiment with tightening until now.
The Fed policy committee isn’t necessarily on the public’s side. If I were them, I’d be thinking:
(1) Inflation erases federal debt
(2) A falling stock market means less revenue from capital gains taxes
So I would tighten as little as possible, and keep inflation as high as I could get away with without provoking revolution.
@85 “I don’t care that he had a tough upbringing. I don’t care that middle school was difficult for him. I don’t care that he struggled to make friends.”
I thought the Supreme Court ruled that federal judges can’t interfere with redistricting anymore?
@85 The fed also tightened a bit aggressively between 2004 and 2006..
I think the 2 percent goal for inflation by most central banks is reasonable.. Money not so tight that people hoard it like gold and tip the economy into deflation and not so loose that it bothers bond holders and corporations. I recall one old Fed Governor quoted in “Secrets of the Temple” claiming that a low rate of inflation “lubricates the economy”..
“How were the first three officers supposed to make it through the locked door, The Even Bigger Fucking Moron?”
Ask for the key?
@86 I agree. I condemn what he did. In this timeline he’s broken. He should be taken out of society to protect it.
But in a much better timeline where conservatives were actually Pro Life and lived the teaching of Jesus, he wouldn’t have wanted to do that.
From active shooter training the Uvalde police received just two months prior.
The materials make the response priorities very clear:
Stop the killing.
Stop the dying.
Evacuate the injured.
They even go into considerable detail explaining to the trainees that waiting for a tactical response team is most likely not going to be practical.
The got the training. They did the opposite.
Still think we can remedy cop culture with “training”?
@91 I never said just training. I said better recruiting, screening, training, supervision, and take back control of discipline from the police unions.
I suspect when all the dust settles, it will turn out to be a command failure.
“Director of the Texas Department of Public Safety Steven McCraw said Friday that Peter Arredondo, chief of police for the Uvalde Consolidated Independent School District, had stopped at least 19 officers from breaking into the school as the gunman opened fire for at least an hour. Arredondo believed that the shooter had barricaded himself, and that the children were not under an active threat, McCraw said at a news conference.”
It’s not that simple, of course. You’ve gotta ask, where the fuck did he get his training? and what was that training?
Arredondo believed that the shooter had barricaded himself, and that the children were not under an active threat,
How well would that belief have been borne up as the children spent most of that “golden hour” using their dead teacher’s cell phone to dial 911 repeatedly and beg the police to save them?
– 12:03 Unnamed female student reached 911, identified herself, told dispatchers she was in room 112. Pleaded for rescue. Call lasted 1 minute 23 sconnds.
– 12:10 Same student calls back. Advised again that she was in room 112. Described multiple shot. Begged for help. Call ended in less than one minute.
– 12:13 Again, same student. Begging for help. Whispering. Sobbing.
– 12:16 Same unnamed female student calling. Informs dispatch that she thinks there are about 8 students still alive. When are police coming?
– 12:19 A different unnamed female student reaches 911 dispatch from inside the classroom. Whispering frantically. Another student tells her to hang up quickly. Call is less than one minute.
– 12:21 Another call from the second student. Three shots can be heard over the recording.
– 12:36 First unnamed female student calls back. Is told to stay on the line and remain quiet. She says the shooter is still active, and may have shot at the door.
– 12:43 Same call, same unnamed female student. Quietly begs for 911 to “please” send police now.
– 12:47 Same call, same unnamed female student. Repeats her request for 911 to send police immediately. Remembers to be polite and say “please”.
– 12:46 Same call, same student. Tells 911 dispatch that she can hear police outside. Politely asks when they will come.
– 12:50 Loud shots are heard.
-12:51 Officers can now be heard moving students out of the room.
Of course, short of a Congressional investigation chaired by Gym Jordan, who the fuck knows? They might be lying about all this as well. Police have been lying about critical details for days. To their own Governor.
We are at their mercy. Entirely. Completely. And if and when police choose to withhold their services, for whatever reason, we are powerless to affect that. And we are equally powerless to learn the truth about it, at least from them. One day it might be refusing to intervene as a dangerously armed mob of Proud Boys rampages through your neighborhood smashing car windows, throwing punches, and urinating on freezing homeless people. The next day it might be refusing to take your burglary report because they don’t like the political sign in your yard. The next day they might be refusing to investigate a massive ghost gun factory operating out of a nearby apartment. The next day it might be disregarding a reported rape because “slut”.
More police won’t make us any safer. “Better” police is just not even a thing.
This is who police are. This is what they do.
A society ruled by Proud Boys. What a thought. The loudest opponents of anarchy are its chief practitioners.
Anyone know Abbots stance on ADA? Government overreach and meddling?
I wonder how a white cop would feel if their son were killed by another cop, under the circumstances where there son was involved in a criminal act and resisting or running from the cop