– Burien, what are you doing?
– Seattle’s Transportation Plan passed the City Council nearly as proposed. Seattle Bike Blog has the details.
– And speaking of the City Council, I wish if they were going to move this quickly to repeal worker protection for gig workers, they would have had the decency to campaign on it.
– New humpback calf, your argument is irrelevant.
– Please wash your hands right now and get vaccinated or boosted if you’re eligible. If you haven’t yet, better late than never.
My increasingly frail, obviously corrupt and incompetent, increasingly senile fossil of a president is no longer permitted to walk on grass by himself.
Shit, every second he’s before the cameras highlights his advanced cognitive decline. Do they think that by hiding him among aides we won’t notice that he can’t complete a sentence?
NYT now calling my corrupt, incompetent, senile fossil of a president out for his cowardice in refusal to sit for an interview.
NYT blasts Biden for avoiding interviews
The Times in a statement called it “troubling” that Biden “has so actively and effectively avoided questions from independent journalists during his term.”
Only a chickenshit of a president would require that his wife be allowed to answer every question for him.
Passing out from confusion stress and fatigue at his own criminal trial might also “highlight his advanced cognitive decline.”
Scott Galloway on “The algebra of wealth”..
Degen repukes like kreepshit has supported this degen system all its miserable life.. And what will it leave its two unfortunate “grandkids”? heh.. not munee.. heh.. lessons in thuggery.. in “kick the living shit” so their miserable lives will be measured by what they can they take by force. And of course defend to the nth degree the good life for the one percent with violence.
I see that the HA Gods deleted several comments, that weren’t being moderated, that I made yesterday.
What is that they are so sensitive towards when it comes to the failings of the Heterosexual orientation?
Seems very biased to let someone use the word fudge packer in describing a gay person, but to say that the heterosexuals are more violent people, well that gets their panties in a bunch.
One can’t comment on men killing their wives? What’s so wrong with that.
Censoring isn’t good. And when Trump wants to censor them, I’ll bet they’ll whine like little bitches
So curious about your comment, I scrolled through every comment posted yesterday beggining with this –
and ending with this –
I can’t find any deleted comments, either user deleted or moderator deleted. Did you get the day wrong or lose track of the time maybe?
I saw nothing in yesterday’s oral that would indicate to me that any majority of the court was persuaded that the office of the President of the United States enjoys unlimited, absolute immunity.
Legal immunity of a limited nature applies to all kinds of public offices. There’s nothing exceptional or outrageous about that. Police are not charged with criminal homicide for kiling someone if the law concludes that they did so in the performance of their official duties of law enforcement.
If even the most conservative Republican appointees to the court express from the nature of their questions and comments during oral argument that a President can’t be charged with a crime for some acts that they carry out, that isn’t a big leap or an outrageous distortion of current understanding of immunity doctrine.
What matters is an expression of either some intention to vastly expand the current understanding of “official duties” that accompany the office, or expression of sympathy toward the Republican view favoring unrestricted, absolute immunity for all acts for which a President is not impeached and convicted in the Senate. That didn’t happen, at least not beyond the perverted mutterings of the two most corrupt members of the court.
I think it’s very unlikely that the court emerges with a ruling that grants that kind of unlimted, absolute criminal immunity to Trump based on what he has been charged with in the DC Circuit.
What is possible is that a slim majority of the court will vote to issue findings that clarify the law with respect to “official duties” but also orders to the Circuit that produce further delay. Based on the kinds of questions and comments I’d argue that only four of the nine are fully on board with that. Four of the nine appear to be convinced that clarifying the law may be necesarry but no further intervention in the underlying criminal prosecution is warranted. And one of the nine “feels” like delaying the trial might be “better for the country”. But the problem for that Associate Justice will be figuring out some basis in the law to support that delay.
Maybe they can find another 16th century essay about wearing a sword in a church in England.
@ 6
Did you get the day wrong or lose track of the time maybe?
HIV-associated amoebic encephalopathy can have devastating consequences on the cognitive function of poorly educated homosexuals.
@ 7
…I’d argue that only four of the nine are fully on board with that. Four of the nine appear to be convinced that clarifying the law may be necesarry [sic] but no further intervention in the underlying criminal prosecution is warranted.
How does this not create a delay?
@1&2. Oh no. What will we do with the images
If she wants her record back she’ll need to endorse a really good sex toy.
Caitlin Clark-inspired Kegel balls:
Presidential immunity is mentioned in the Constitution exactly as many times as abortion.
@ 12
How David Cameron blew it
Not that blew, G-clown.
Ah, David Cameron – the guy whose incompetence allowed Brexit to succeed.
@ 14
Presidential immunity is mentioned in the Constitution exactly as many times as abortion.
And right to privacy.
Your point?
If the clarification of official acts does not produce any impact on the underlying indictment.
Even if accompanied by an order to Chutkan, the resulting delay is not likely to be that great. Chutkan responds to the order by setting a hearing and a deadline for briefs on the order. The questions and the arguments they give rise to are already in the record and well developed by both parties. Trump has had a team of attorneys working on the issue of limited immunity and official acts since before the indictment was handed down. No extended timeline for either the hearing or briefs is warranted.
Looking forward to the debates!
Hey libbies, how much longer are you going to keep up the illusion that this decrepit, corrupt, miserable excuse for a human being is going to be your nominee again?
Here is a montage of Trump’s appearances on Stern, where he talked about how hot Ivanka is, how 35+ year old women are unattractive, how he would walk into dressing rooms at his pageants while girls/women were naked, & how he slept with them.
So is it true? drumpf is missing Melania’s birthday?
It’s maybe not great for the GOP when someone like William Kristol is leaning toward court expansion.
He was not invited.
Alito and Thomas want to retire.. Roberts wants them to retire.
Everything teh klownservatics of SCOTUS can do to help drumpf is being done.. period.
– Gorsuch
Maybe. But that’s not what they are supposed to be doing.
Nobody elected these motherfuckers.
They don’t get to write the rules in the rule books. That’s what elected lawmakers get to do.
There’s not one word written in the Constitution conferring immunity upon a President. The Framers declined to do so.
Multiple reporters and other witnesses present in the courtroom confirm again today that Trump appeared to nod off uncontrollably more than once during cross examination.
South Dakota Governor Kristi Noem has chosen to end her candidacy in the GOP Veep-Stakes in the most unimaginable way possible:
By setting off to promote a book in which she proudly describes the time she dragged the family’s 14-month-old puppy to a gravel pit and shot it to death for being too difficult in obedience training and for killing some chickens.
“I hated that dog.” might no look great on banners waving in the audience at a Vice Presidential debate.
Hey Magats. Wake up, grab the remote, switch off teh faux snooze, amble off teh barcalounger and help out the lonely magat in the great cause:
The lonely magat looks in better shape than y’all after getting some air and sunlight.
Weak women @ 25 who know they will lose write pathetic spews.
she dragged the family’s 14-month-old puppy to a gravel pit and shot it to death for being too difficult in obedience training and for killing some chickens.
She’s a killer. Killing things clears her mind. Isn’t that what magats want? Someone who won’t hesitate for a new yawk second to kill people they hate?
Apparently they draw the line at poor widdle doggies.. whadabuncha wimps..
@ 28
“I hated that dog.”
“I ate that dog.” didn’t seem to do a certain president any harm.
who know they will lose
Can’t explain juries???
Heh.. Can’t explain voters either.. See the rejection of the man “who understands [vulture] kapitalism”..
See the failure of noun, verb, [antifa, chicago, blah, blah]..
See 2022 and fill the tank, make the rent….
yawwwn.. next?
So, what do campus protesters want?
Oh my! Antisemitic! Pro-Hamas! Pro-terrorist! Leaves
Jewish studentscongressmen trembling!32,
The Village Idiot is about as keenly accurate about Noem’s future in the White House as he was about Fat Midget.
Trump should have picked RFK, Jr. when he had the chance.
That’s actually the one thing they could have done that would scare the fuck out of me.
Apparently the team are still struggling to explain to the Rapist why he can’t choose Byron Donalds. The poster sized pictographs made him fall asleep. So they are working on putting together a television program he can watch.
@7 There is no connection between impeachment and criminal prosecution. None. If a corrupt politician is impeached but “acquitted,” and later prosecuted for the same crimes, that is not double jeopardy, because exercising a constitutional remedy to remove someone from office is not a criminal proceeding and doesn’t carry criminal penalties. An impeached and removed office holder is not a convicted felon, and doesn’t have a criminal record. Conversely, the refusal of a partisan legislature to remove him is not judicial exoneration, not least because the legislature is not a judicial body exercising judicial powers. Impeachment and prosecution serve entirely different purposes, and it’s illogical to assume any connection between them. Therefore, conservatives connect them, and assert they’re one and the same.
@8 Even if that explains him, what’s your excuse?
@16 If it’s not in the Constitution, it’s gotta be in a statute, but if it’s not in a statute, it’s gotta be in judge-created common law, but if it’s not in the common law, it doesn’t exist.
So when someone says, “you can’t prosecute me,” you start with the Constitution and work forward.
So far, “you can’t prosecute me because I am the law!” hasn’t worked under our system. (Nixon took a run at this with, “if the president does it, it’s not illegal,” and look what happened to him.)
@20 “Hey libbies, how much longer are you going to keep up the illusion that this decrepit, corrupt, miserable excuse for a human being is going to be your nominee again?”
At least as long as you keep up the illusion that electing a criminal is a better choice.
Republicans have a golden opportunity to capture the youth vote, perhaps permanently. All they have to do is condemn Israel’s treatment of Palestinians, call for a ceasefire, demand an end to settlements, and cut off military aid to Israel.
They won’t.
@28 “She includes her story about the ill-fated Cricket, she says, to illustrate her willingness, in politics as well as in South Dakota life, to do anything ‘difficult, messy and ugly’ if it simply needs to be done.”
So the first thing she’d do as president is dig a gravel pit behind the White House.
“By taking Cricket on a pheasant hunt with older dogs, Noem says, she hoped to calm the young dog down and begin to teach her how to behave. Unfortunately, Cricket ruined the hunt, going ‘out of her mind with excitement, chasing all those birds and having the time of her life’.”
It’s unclear why Noem didn’t take her unwanted dog to a shelter to be adopted by someone else more tolerant of its eccentricities, better able to manage her (how hard is it to keep a dog away from chickens?), and, frankly, simply better at dog whispering.
However, it’s clear why Noem “put down” the dog herself instead of having a veterinarian do the job as every other dog owner does: Because no reputable veterinarian would do it.
It’s not lost on me that the way she did it is the same way the KGB dealt with the USSR’s unruly subjects: With a bullet to the head.
In the past, shooting a dog and a goat would end a political career. But this is the 21st century, and things are different now.
I think our civilization is going backwards.
More proof that some people shouldn’t have guns.
@32 A billion of your fellow humans in India would be aghast if they knew you eat cows.
@35 He can choose Byron Donalds. Florida’s electoral votes for vice president won’t count, that’s all, and if the EV vote is close he might return to the White House with Kamala Harris as his vice president.
I assume his team is trying to explain this to him with poster-sized photographs.
This may explain a bit of the recent pop in DJT’s share price.
I found the jacket cover for Noem’s book.
What’s good for the goose, is good for the gander.
From the screwballs at Fox:
I’m curious why conservatives imagine Biden doesn’t want to debate Trump, when dragging Trump onto a debate stage has to be at the very top of his campaign strategy.
Remember how he’s too old to debate? That’s so 2020. After we was done wiping the floor and “will you shut up, man”
Good times.
We see you trying again.
Potential debate points. “How DOES your wife feel about you paying for sec while she’s nursing the baby?”
“Only on of us on stage had been found criminally liable for rape.”
“If you’re as rich as you say how come you financed the $400m fraud conviction with a shady car salesman?”
Does South Dakota have an animal cruelty law? Wouldn’t it make shooting the dog and goat criminal acts? Is Noem a criminal?
Gen z voters, “Who’s nance Kerrigan?”
“Kids 30 years ago there was this ice skater…”
Trump needs dozens of debates to distract from, well obviously rapes, fraud judgements, defamation judgements, criminal convictions, election coup plots, and his historically shitty record in office.
Biden needs just a single debate to expose the Adderall junkie for the complete fraud that he is.
Beyond that, President Biden has a magnificent country to run and a campaign to win. He has one of the most successful legislative records in history to run on, a soaring full employment economy, record investment earnings, expanding NATO, and humiliating Russia to also run on. He neither needs nor wants the distraction of any prolonged series of stupid debates that most voters do not watch and that only serve the interests of propping up Republican failures like Trump The Rapist.
One debate, with independent moderators reading questions that haven’t been screened or previewed and time limited responses with microphone cutoff.
@53 Comparing Trump to Nancy Kerrigan might work with some older voters if we dressed him up in tights and a tutu.
I’ll bet all the kids in South Dakota brush their teeth three times a day, comb their hair, and say “yes sir” and “yes ma’am” when spoken to, hoping like hell they won’t be next.
“In an interview with The Guardian released Friday, American University professor Allan Lichtman pointed to his method to predict presidential elections using 13 ‘keys’ …. Lichtman has a history of correctly picking the winner of presidential elections since the mid-’80s.”
According to Wikipedia, Lichtman’s track record is, “Using this model, Lichtman has accurately predicted the winner of every U.S. presidential election since 1984, with the exception of 2000, although he did forecast successfully that Al Gore would win the popular vote that year.”
So what’s his prediction about the 2024 election? Read it here:
Even in TexAss, free speech isn’t a crime.
Turkey’s dictator, who Trump admires, decreed there would be no more inflation. I won’t comment on how that turned out. All I’ll say is it appears Trump is making similar plans.
Or maybe it’s Argentina he wants to emulate.
The Minneapolis city council has agreed to settle a lawsuit for $150,000 against the city by a bystander who was assaulted by cops when he tried to stop George Floyd’s murder.
Meet some “pro-Hamas antisemites” here.
Their main demand is divestment, which would have negligible impact on Israel’s government, and is really about concern for the moral standing of the universities they attend.
Someone wheeled out the NOPE.
@62 Nicely put. But the Supremes are doing their best to transform our system from strong central government to weak central government, and states into principalities.
If they succeed, that could be a problem for the Cliven Bundys of the world, because they won’t have an oppressive federal government to hate anymore.
Your comment is awaiting moderation.
So curious about your comment, I scrolled through every comment posted yesterday beggining with this –
I made several comment yesterday, the thread prior to this thread, under the moniker “Heterosexual Ape” and something similar to that. There might have been 5 comments, each of stories of a husband killing a wife(and kids).
They all posted ok, they weren’t being held for moderation and they were up for a while….but then deleted….no longer there. Like a UFO.
The only one there that was kept, under my emoji moniker, is 139.
I click on your links and it takes me to comment 56 then to 131.
All my comments that get sent on my wifi network and networks that I posted from before all get held for moderation (like right now I am not on wifi network, so I can post without being held for moderation. The only time I can post is when off a network or a wifi network that is new to the HA server or whatever “firewall” that they have
@6 I didn’t have the wrong day. And I just went thru the trouble of replying now and it got moderated. I don’t have time to retype it all because it was lengthy, and if I were to retype it now and it gets hung up then time spent now all for naught.
But I will respond again
This is comment #65, my held comment is one above, 64, but it will be deleted soon and this will be 64
64, 65,
Read this Wikipedia article:
Akismet is a learning algorithm that reduces spam in WordPress blog comments. To do so it looks at a number of factors (according to their API) such as:
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Comment Content
Plus a few other things.
Once an algorithm like this determined that some factor is an indication of spam it looks for it. If you repeat post multiple comments including that trigger that results in comment moderation you are teaching the algorithm.