It doesn’t preclude all punishment, but dang. The cop who killed Jaahnavi Kandula won’t face criminal charges. Just, I don’t know man. This felt like they couldn’t just sweep it under the rug. Maybe he’ll face a civil case or discipline in the department; here’s hoping. But for a person who hit someone and then laughed about how worthless they are, criminal charges seem pretty reasonable.
Anyway, please wash your hands right now and get vaccinated or boosted if you’re eligible.
Lying under oath. Dumb cunt.
I’m sure there’s a simple explanation for dude showing up at 1a and leaving at 4a. Study buddies or sumthin’.
Dumb cunt.
“A private investigator hired by former President Donald Trump’s Georgia attorneys”
Yeah right.. totally on the up and up.. yawnn..
stoopid troll…
@ 3
It’s metadata, Queen YLB. I’m sure the DA’s office will be fully prepared with an explanation for each 1 a.m. visit Wade made to Willis’ residence.
Cell phone towers aren’t exactly something that can be faked. Not when compared with the original metadata.
Paint Georgia red this election.
Trump defense lawyer Sadow:
“I could not present this “evidence” in my previous filings before your honor’s hearing because a software analysis that takes seconds to perform took my expert months.
I can not now provide that data in this new filing because I put it into a PowerPoint deck.
Also, my new boyfriend’s name is… George. George… Glass!”
Poor Jan.
It’s metadata
It’s drumpf and its sleazebag hires..
We all learned how useless cell phone metadata is in season one of Serial, which was a hundred Dumbfuck years ago.
Willis has gotten 4 of the defendants to plead guilty so far…
How “smart” of those (repuke) criminals…
Down south a bit.
Oregon House in a bipartisan way, overwhelmingly passed a bill mandating that anyone in charge of a health care facility, corporation or medical practice MUST be a licensed physician. Also mandates that dismissal of any of above be done by a board appointed by any medical service provider made up ONLY of licensed physicians.
So shareholders can’t fire a CEO for acting in the best interests of patients as opposed to maximizing shareholder value.
Every single no vote (42/12/6nv) was a republican.
HB 4130
@ 7
…4 of the defendants to plead guilty so far…
Low hanging fruit, Queen YLB. None of them have rolled, and they won’t.
Now that she’s been outed as a liar under oath, the RICO approach is done unless someone else picks it up.
Spoiler: No one will.
Not just any four.
The campaign General Counsel.
The lead attorney for Trump’s Georgia election challenge lawsuits.
A co-counsel in Trump’s Georgia election lawsuits.
A Fulton County bail bondsman hired to steal and alter election machine data.
None of them have rolled,
The testimony of Cheseboro, Ellis, and Hall goes directly to proving the conspiracy.
HA’s Unserious Twat Queen YLB @ 2 cast aspersions on the news that both Willis and Wade perjured themselves, because of the source.
Perhaps now that the Atlanta Journal-Constitution has reported on it
Defense says cellphone data raises questions about start of Willis-Wade relationship
Thousands of texts between DA and special prosecutor in 2021, court filing says
our preciously silly Queen YLB will take it a little more seriously.
Of course a dumb cunt like Queen YLB will do her best to protect fellow dumb cunt Fani Willis.
Protect away.
Clearly a very thorough interview.
Fani Willis will spend more time in prison than any of the four she coerced to plead guilty.
@ 8
Oregon House in a bipartisan way, overwhelmingly passed a bill mandating that anyone in charge of a health care facility, corporation or medical practice MUST be a licensed physician.
’cause who better to manage a large business with potentially thousands of employees than someone with a
MBAMD or DO degree?Also Oregon:
I’m skeptical that McAfee will accept this.
There is nothing in the filing to explain why this was not introduced during the weeks that followed scheduling of the hearing. At least some of the relevant time frame is missing from the filing and the affidavit. The investigator affidavit beginning on page 4 of the filing indicates they submitted their first request for data on Feb 9th four weeks after the hearing had been set. The affidavit indicates that the investigator obtained the provider raw data from Sadow on Feb 15th, the day of the hearing. There’s no explanation offered for those delays. Nor any explanation for why the court was not informed earlier than today.
The timing on a Friday is likely to result in McAfee issuing an order for a response to the filing by the Fulton County DA within some reasonable time frame. That can be expected probably no earlier than Monday. So this timing enables this carefully timed filing to stand alone through the weekend without any response.
The response is likely to challenge the admissibility of the evidence based on the adequacy and relevance of the subpoena and the timing of it’s production after there was any possibility for the County to respond. The judge may refuse to admit the affidavit on that basis before even considering the allegations and conclusions it attempts to draw. That is a distinct possibility.
And even if McAfee chooses to consider the affidavit he can’t do so without also bringing into the record a specific response from the County addressing the claims made in the affidavit and providing the County an opportunity to depose the affiant prior to that response and then to examine the affiant as a witness. That means a prolonged delay to reschedule depositions, prepare responses, reopen the record, and hold a supplemental public hearing. That imposes a significant burden on the court, the County, and the underlying criminal trial. It isn’t something a good judge would entertain without very solid reason supported by evidence. That evidence is notably lacking from this filing.
The very basis for the evidenciary hearing held last week was brought into question on the very first day. It became clear that the movants could not fully support with clear evidence the allegations they had made in their motion filings to request the hearing. Several of the specific claims argued by Merchant and Sadow in the motion filings turned out to be false. And their key claims about the timing of the relationship could not be corroborated by their own witnesses. A good judge ought to be reluctant to be played a second time using almost precisely the same techniques.
That is 100% consistent with their testimony at the hearing and their sworn responses in advance of the hearing.
@ 16
There is nothing in the filing to explain why this was not introduced during the weeks that followed scheduling of the hearing. At least some of the relevant time frame is missing from the filing and the affidavit. The investigator affidavit beginning on page 4 of the filing indicates they submitted their first request for data on Feb 9th …
It was Roman’s attorney who broke the news about the relationship, on January 31.
It was Trump’s team who subpoenaed the cell phone data from AT&T.
Nine days does not seem like a lot of time, and since the defendants have different attorneys it may simply be a lack of coordination, which is understandable since the defendants may very well have differing individual interests.
Fani Willis is gonna get Nifong‘d.
@ 16
It became clear that the movants could not fully support with clear evidence the allegations they had made in their motion filings to request the hearing.
Two points in response:
1. You have no idea what Wade’s ex-partner told the judge in camera. The motion was based heavily on this evidence, which the ex-partner may not have properly withheld.
2. There’s clear evidence now. It specifically refutes testimony given only last Thursday, so the timing of it is relevant.
If the presidential election were held today, Trump would win. Biden is losing his faculties, and everyone knows it.
You people need to get prepared for Trump two-point-oh.
Judge McAfee scheduled a hearing for March 1. Soon, bay-bee.
Too late for Willis and Wade to recuse?
Alternative headline: Murders committed by kids of color surged during the pandemic.
Gun deaths surged among kids of color during the pandemic
The article won’t address the 800 pound gorilla in the room, so I did.
Second alternative headline:
Black kids kill other black kids at twice the rate under Biden as they did under Trump
It was an accident, Carl. Extremely careless, yes, but a $5 million payment by his employer (us) to her family settles that. And the carelessness will be taken care of by the SPD disciplinary process … oops, I forgot the police union runs that. Oh well, one out of two isn’t … all … that … bad??
I have an idea. Let’s kidnap Ron DeSantis, tie him to a chair, and make him watch this movie, then release him back into the wild.
Heh, just kidding. Like doc, he’s so easy to make fun of.
@1 If Fani is a “dumb cunt” for merely wanting to get laid, what does that make the serial groper and adulterer who tried to overthrow our republic? Are there any words strong enough to describe that? Or the dingleberries (like you) who support him?
Even among friends and in private, my corrupt, incompetent, senile fossil of a president can’t complete a single sentence without having to refer to crib notes.
It’s scaring his most trusted donors. See @ 21
Biden’s cheat sheets at fundraisers worry donors
When he’s among friendlies, why do questions asked of him need to be vetted?
It’s because he can’t answer any of them unless the answer is pre-printed and in his hand when the question comes.
No shit. The remaining one in three voters are the gullible ones, like Queen YLB and The Even Bigger Fucking Moron.
@ 26
@1 If Fani is a “dumb cunt” for merely wanting to get laid…
She’s a dumb cunt for lying about it under oath and thinking she’ll get away with it, Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit. Excellent demonstration of your command of current events.
It’s easy to understand why Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit wants to dismiss Willis’ desire to get laid.
After all, it’s Mrs. Dumbfuck Rabbit’s desire as well, and Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit hasn’t had the ability to do that since the dawn of the current millenium. BBCs for Mrs. Dumbfuck Rabbit are a natural – and quite filling – solution. Unfortunately, an expensive one for the Dumbfuck Rabbit family, which is why Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit walks to the library in order to read day-old financial news.
Nikki Haley flipflopped again. First she said in an interview that frozen embryos are “babies.” Then, as she watched even her fellow conservatives run — not walk, but sprint — away from the Alabama SC decision, she backed away at a brisk walk if not a dead run.
I’m not saying a woman can’t be president, but this woman is too wishy-washy to be president. The fault lies with her species (weasel), not her gender.
Conflating the timing and choices of the defendants publicity campaign with the actual timing of events is dishonest and a bad faith argument characteristic of liars and frauds.
Merchant obtained access to Wade’s sealed divorce files last summer. Merchant began texting and meeting with her spy at about the same time. From the very beginning it has been clear that the defense lawyers have chosen to manipulate the timing of these events for publicity pruposes not related to a good faith seeking of justice.
An explanation for such a delay is obviously possible. The question that should arise is why is such an explanation not included in this filing? The hearing first scheduled in mid January to take place a full month later was at the request of the defense attorneys. They have sought constant delay in this matter for reasons presumably related to their interests in helping defendant Trump The Rapist win a nomination and perhaps an election. They have a substantial obligation to provide the court with as complete a record of the evidence available to them in support of their motion as they are capable of. They don’t appear to be doing so. And this is of course not the first time for these attorneys.
@3 How did they get his cell phone data? Did he drop off his phone at Mac Isaac’s computer shop?
Prior ot Feb 15th this troll made the same claim.
At that time he had a filing from defense attorneys making the claim that DA Willis and SC Wade were “lying”. Subsequently at the hearing it was learned that the claims in the filing were false.
Today he has another filing.
Sadow subpoenaed ATT.
I’m not aware that he informed the court of this. We don’t know what the date of that subpoena is since I can find no mention of it or inclusion of it in the large volume of subpoena information that was included in the original motion filings made in support of the hearing last week. I’m still looking. But the absence of such a subpoena could not have been the result of any “oversight” on Sadow’s part. But if it should turn out to be missing, I’m willing to bet that is what he will claim.
But that should not count in his favo. And in my opinion if he issued that subpoena and failed to inform the court in a timely manner then the evidence he obtained from it should be excluded.
@12 “now that the Atlanta Journal-Constitution has reported” that the “Defense says” proves what, exactly?
Still having trouble understanding what evidence is?
And you call other people “dumb” … 😂
@15 “’cause who better to manage a large business with potentially thousands of employees than someone with a
MBAMD or DO degree?”I have to admit you have a compelling argument if you’re the MD.
@ 32
@3 How did they get his cell phone data?
By subpoena, retrieved from AT&T. You bloviating, ignorant fucking asshole.
@16 It looks a bit like an attempt to manufacture grounds for appeal, doesn’t it?
The QoS McHillbilly argument seems to be that the prosecution has a right to a speedy trial.
We learned at the hearing that Bradley’s motivation for avoiding testifying was the public revelation that he sexually assaulted both a firm employee and a firm client prior to his dismissal from the firm.
The fact that the witness Merchant was relying upon to support her motion was deliberately misleading the court to conceal his own criminal and professional misconduct does not lend credibility to his testimony wherever he might happen to give it.
He lied to the court prior to the hearing to avoid testifying. He lied in court on the stand. He was clearly portrayed as someone working closely with the opposing counsel since last summer motivated by his termination from the practice he shared with Wade. His termination was under credible accusations of a criminal nature. By the time McAfee intervened in any further public testimony from Bradley he was an established liar with a motivation to lie some more. Moving his further testimony into chambers was a clean-up on McAfee’s part for the mistake of having allowed it in the first place.
@21 “If the presidential election were held today, Trump would win.”
Not according to this. Haley doesn’t think so, either, but I wouldn’t cite her as authority for anything, especially given her serial flip-flopping.
@23 The 800 pound gorilla is that Republicans have so completely saturated society with guns, and have made guns so freely accessible, that even troubled black kids in poverty-stricken ghettos have no difficulty getting them.
@28 I’ll let Elijah handle this one. He already has. See #33.
Sotomayor should retire while Biden can appoint, and the Senate can confirm, her successor and before her health removes her from the court involuntarily.
Also, Trump should drop out of the 2024 race. His dementia is too advanced and is progressing too fast for him to continue.
@ 41
@21 “If the presidential election were held today, Trump would win.”
Not according to this.
What an incompetent, bloviating fucking asshole – sharing a national poll result in order to claim that Biden is leading Trump.
Get ready for the same asshole spending 2025-2028 bloviating that Trump lost the national popular vote, despite pulling 290-plus EVs.
Not even Queen YLB is stupid enough to use a national poll to claim Biden will win. I can’t say the same for The Even Bigger Fucking Moron.
I haven’t made any argument.
I’ve pointed out a few facts that ought to arouse skepticism.
And I’ll go on to observe that so far, with regard to this most recent claim from Trump’s defenders, we still don’t have any evidence, just another claim included in a filing and sourced to an affiant we’ve never heard from prior to this.
Now I’ll make a couple of arguments probably not too dissimilar to what Fulton County will make.
1. Cell data may put Wade’s phone within a large, highly developed, congested area near the airport on two dates coinciding to the time period when Wade and Willis have testified they were friends who communicated quite a lot but prior to his appointment as SC.
2. Cell phone data will not put Wade’s phone inside of a specific condo unit on either of those two dates. Because it can’t.
3. The geographic specificity of the location data is limited to the locations of the towers and the areas they serve which, particularly in proximity to things like airports, cover vast territories that will include hotels, motels, restaurants, clubs, taverns, bars, airport VIP lounges, airport waiting areas, retailers, thousands of homes, freeways, and moving vehicles.
4. At the hearing we learned that Wade travels very frequently and uses that airport, those lounges, those waiting areas, and flies in and out of that airport quite a lot.
5. Wade’s phone’s connection to cell towers at the airport he flies in and out of all the time does not put him inside of the Hapeville condo where Willis was residing at the time.
@ 44
Sotomayor should retire while Biden can appoint…
Rather racist, Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit.
Biden should retire and then Sotomayor should retire so that the first black, Asian, born-with-XX chromosomes president can appoint her replacement. Before she gets
her clock cleaned in November.beaten by #CrookedHillary on the DNC convention floor come Summer.And the issue is? Cassidy Hutchinson’s alleged she saw Bobulinski meet with Mark Meadows wearing a ski mask and an envelope pass from Meadows to Bobulinski. Now, another witness has come forward saying he saw that, too.
The fact that Trump The Rapist’s White House Cheif of Staff (guilty plea under seal) would occaision to meet in a parking lot with a Biden accuser wearing a ski mask to hand off envelopes full of cash, and the only part they deny is the envelope full of cash is some kind of perfect Zen parable explaining the MAGA GOP.
Paint Georgia red this election.
290-plus EVs
You libbies had better get ready for The Pain.
– Donald J. Trump, Febuary 20, 2024
– Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene, Febuary 22, 2024
@ 46
And after all of those Fulton County efforts to persuade McAfee to distrust his lyin’ eyes, McAfee alone gets to decide what to do.
McAfee’s already told Bradley that he misunderstands attorney-client privilege. I’ll take that as a positive sign.
Fani Willis is dirty. The world knows it.
@ 46
Cell data may put Wade’s phone within a large, highly developed, congested area near the airport on two dates coinciding to the time period when Wade and Willis have testified they were friends who communicated quite a lot but prior to his appointment as SC.
The Dogwood neighborhood, where Willis lived at the time, is 14 miles by car from the Atlanta International Airport.
Dumbfuck is a monumental bore. The world knows it.
@ 55
Facts are boring sometimes. They are still facts.
The dumbfuck is a monumental bore. Fact!
McAfee alone gets to decide what to do.Referencing the relevant state statute, which this troll has never read.
McAfee is most guilty of being naive. He’s the kind of jurist who still expects that providing a thorough public vetting of the evidence in a controlled impartial setting and then careful application of reasoning to that evidence can bring people to some agreement. That is his job, after all. He may actually expect, at the conclusion of this tedious and drawn out process, when he rules according to the statute, that the evidence provided by the parties, given due consideration and assigned relevant credibility does not prove disqualifying conflict as defined in the statute, that bleating shit stains with their mouths brimming with orange ass hairs like that troll are going to accept it. They’ll howl like wounded bitches and Trump The Rapist will lead them.
The profoundly stupid trust fund troll is now already signaling his dawining comprehension that this filing provokes further delay. And probably very little else.
@53 “Fani Willis is dirty” blah blah blah.
Isn’t the issue before the court whether Trump and his co-defendants are dirty? See #58 above to fill in the details.
@56 As you’ve repeatedly and amply demonstrated, you can’t tell fact from fantasy even when the facts bite you in your copious ass.
Once again, the profoundly stupid trust fund troll is a idiot.
I can’t begin to comprehend what the Dogwood Community Center has to do with this. Maybe the old racist troll ate some soup there once following chair yoga class.
The condominium that Willis took over from Robin Bryan-Yeartie, is located in a complex at 3300 Dogwood Drive, Hapeville Georgia.
That’s easy enough to google. You can even probably look up some listing for units if you are interested and view the interiors of similar units. It’s a ten minute drive.
Check it out.
As the map shows Hapeville practically surrounds the airport to the North. And the condo where Willis stayed was in a residential area across North Central Avenue a block or two away from the airport hotels, lounges, clubs, restaurants, etc. This idiocy might be regarded as casual laziness and ineptitude. But given the history of lies that have accompanied this bullshit story from the beginning, I must assume this is just another deliberate lie.
As of this week, yet another “Biden informant” no longer exists in the dumbfuck Nazi coward’s HA dojo, never to be talked about again.
The answer to the question “Why is the dumbfuck Nazi coward is such a monumental fucking bore?” It’s because the dumbfuck Nazi is such a monumental fucking coward.
Dean Phillips, the “Democrat” who was going to save his (?) party from Joe Biden, is now eyeing becoming Nikki Haley’s running mate.
Another Tulsi Gabbard?
Breaking news:
More breaking news:
Everything Republican is breaking these days.
That would have got me banned.
I mean what’s the difference between posting Dumb Cunt and Heterosexual Neanderthal suffering a violent Virus.
I guess we know all the HA Maoists must be men, and biased towards the heterosexual orientation.
Me making the point of the violence perpetrated by the heterosexuals by posting links isn’t spam. It’s mounting data of my point.
Haley thinks women are equal…..she should select a women. Oppps.
Your talking about a guy who couldn’t keep the wife happy or entertained, that he had to buy a horse. 🐴 🐎. You can’t expect that he had anything to offer.
Jack Posobiec III is an American alt-right political activist, television correspondent and presenter, conspiracy theorist, and former United States Navy intelligence officer. Posobiec is known for his pro-Donald Trump comments on Twitter, and has used white supremacist and antisemitic symbols and talking points, including the white genocide conspiracy theory.
At CPAC he announced. “Welcome to the end of democracy,” Posobiec said, also referring to the Capitol riots. “We are here to overthrow it completely. We didn’t get all the way there on January 6, but we will endeavor to get rid of it and replace it with this right here.” Posobiec then held up his fist, and added: “All glory is not to government. All glory to God.”
@67. They don’t want to banish the greedy racist incel. Who would they mock and abuse and ridicule? He is quite pathetic. So they let him slur and malign with immunity so he won’t go away. It’s a codependent relationship.
Now he speaks up? Why didn’t he speak out when this lie started? Coward.
Idaho has lost 22% of its practicing obstetricians in the last 15 months, report says
Data compiled by the Idaho Physician Well-Being Action Collaborative shows that dozens of obstetricians stopping practicing in Idaho in the last 15 months. Over the same period, only two obstetricians moved to the state to practice. 90% of the country has better maternal and pregnancy outcomes than Idaho
>> You think that’s bad just try to look for a fertility specialist in Alabama in 6 months.
>> I can only assume this is how Republican men want it. They don’t care of women die in childbirth. You think that’s going to be an issue for women of childbearing age during the election?
If that somehow “reignites” her campaign and provides her with enough combined resources to stay in it until the convention then it’s wonderful news.
@70 Jack could be sadly mistaken. He thinks he can win that fight. So did Putin. Just like Alabama thought they could ban IVF.
let him and they try.
I heard from a reliable source tonight that Bob went into the barn yesterday and found mare pinups all over the walls. Sure sounds like someone’s tired of deviant sex and wants to resume a normal life.
@71 “They don’t want to banish the greedy racist incel.” I’ve lobbied against it, because if he’s gone who will we have to “mock and abuse and ridicule?” P.S., he makes it so easy; doesn’t require any work at all.
@73 They aren’t moving to Alabama, that’s for sure.
Escort him out of this world. He once tried to commit suicide, so he shouldn’t mind. He’s almost reached his expiration date anyway. Also, he’s got it coming to him.
Wife-beaters finally found a friend in CPAC. Somebody’s gotta stick up for ’em, eh?
Definitely too old and confused to be president.
Btw, does anyone know what a “soup pie cane” is?
@54, 56
Could it be real, sure.
But as others point out, holding back what would appear to be your best piece of evidence until it becomes an unanswered news dump for the weekend is highly unusual after several days of hearings….
All it will take for this to fall apart is.
A. Asking the party who obtained the records, “Can anyone with any level of expertise state definitively that what you have brought us proves the two parties were together at any of these times. (“No”)
B. A single receipt, hotel bill, you know people with means often stay at an airport hotel with a shuttle for an early morning flight, for literally ANY of the dates opposing council has now offered as PROOF that the relationship began earlier. Just one. Or ANY date that Willis was out of town when these ‘records’ PROVE they were in proximity to each other. Also weird they didn’t try to get Willis’ records. They’re pegging this to ‘He was near her home!’ How often was she in Little Five Points or Buckhead while he was in proximity of her apartment?
Since Donald’s team has now said, “See this is proof they’re lying.” It only takes one instance of impossibility to call the whole thing false.
That and it may be inadmissible. In a 100% perfect world phone location can get two phones with 300 feet of each other. A Football field. But anyone whose opened ‘maps’ to find their phone thinks they are out in the water a quarter mile when they are driving knows that in practice we’re looking at two phones that may have been a mile in proximity of each other at various times. An area where one of the phones ‘lives’ and the other has a myriad of reasons why it might be there.
But good that you’re all in with this.
Remember how enthusiastic you were about Durham?
This in a county where Trump won over 85% of the vote. If their voting machines contained surreptitious software, I’d say it didn’t work very well and somebody should get their money back.
Florida lawmakers pass ban on social media for kids under 16
The bill targets any social media site that tracks user activity, allows children to upload material and interact with others, and uses addictive features designed to cause excessive or compulsive use.
The Florida bill would require social media companies to close any accounts it believes to be used by minors
Parents cannot opt out of this.
>> Parents can opt out on vaccines but not social media. It’s ok for them to die but not be exposed to new ideas?
>> What companies are part of the ban? Lawmakers won’t say. I’m sure Truth Social will be excluded.
>> I wonder if republicans assume there won’t be a democracy when those kids become voting age.
You folks ought to check out Judge Napolitano’s YouTube channel, “Judging Freedom.” It’s quite good and offers some different opinions on foreign affairs. I particularly like the interviews with such scholars and John Mearscheimer and Jeffrey Sachs. Colonel Douglas MacGregor offers some great perspectives, too.
Intuitive Machines’ lunar lander tipped over and is on its side.
Now they’ll have to send someone up there to stand it up.
Last week’s bot is back.
Colonel Douglas “There
are more white slaves in America than there ever were African” MacGregor RT correspondent and Fox News’ go to guy on why Russia has the absolute right to all of Ukraine. “Just shoot the migrants already’”
I’m good. I know enough about that asshole to not listen him being interviewed by a 9-11 Truther and sexual abuser of women in the workplace.
What else you got? Does Kevin Spacey have a podcast where he interviews Weinstein and Bari Weiss?
Fuck all of y’all.
I will crush you. And then I’ll never leave.
Remember how enthusiastic you were about Durham?
He’s still “waiting”.
Rep. Gym Jordan, addressing CPAC
Whelp. Fuckin’ idiot troll can cease “waiting” on impeachment.
That’s dead.
@90 Haven’t you heard? “He’s corrupt” has morphed to “he’s too old.” Meanwhile their guy slurs words, utters unintelligible phrases, trips on stairs, walks with a shuffle, and hits golf balls into parking lots.
If they’re going to impeach him for his birthday the might as well impeach him for being a Democrat.
The only two men that can fix this is Bob and Donald Duck the Fuck. But they can only do so together. Send them both up there and then deflate their space suits.