– More affordable housing everywhere. Silverdale, heck yes.
Friend of the blog, Dave Neiwert has a new book out.
– Eff Moms For Liberty.
– Wash your hands right now and get vaccinated or boosted if you’re eligible.
by Carl Ballard — ,
– More affordable housing everywhere. Silverdale, heck yes.
Friend of the blog, Dave Neiwert has a new book out.
– Eff Moms For Liberty.
– Wash your hands right now and get vaccinated or boosted if you’re eligible.
Yesterday QoS McHillbilly pulled himself a Jim Cramer
We are going to see a smoking hot jobs number Friday, says Jim Cramer
Turns out that it’s all government jobs and social services jobs. 209,000 total. But wait, there’s more! If you subtract the revisions from May and from April, which total 110,000, then fewer than 100k new jobs were added. That’s not enough to keep up with population growth.
But hey, don’t believe me. Just ask a black dude. Black unemployment ticked up 0.4%, and is now at 6.0%. Oh, and the unemployment rate for Hispanics is up, too, by another 0.3%. You’ve gotta be white to see gains in Joe Biden’s dystopia – white unemployment dropped 0.2%.
with the ADP jobs number.
The economy is slowing down, no matter how much QoS McHillbilly feels the need to cheerlead you into believing otherwise.
Here’s how CNBC reported today’s jobs numbers:
The best news for workers is that wage gains outpaced inflation. Unless one realizes that labor costs are a huge reason that the economy is stalling, that is.
YLB’s fucked kid can console himself with the knowledge that he scored in the top 10% on an exam that won’t be used to consider his application to butt-hair weaving professional school because to use the exam score might disadvantage an unqualified minority applicant.
Jill Biden: First Lady
Hunter Biden: First Methhead
Yesterday was nuthin’. Just wait until QoS McHillbilly has to pervert next year’s jobs numbers to make it look like the US isn’t in recession.
Why would it be a violation of the Hatch Act to just admit that First Methhead Hunter Biden brought cocaine into the West Wing?
We’d be better off if Trump had been re-elected.
The Secret Service has recently been forced to retire the drug-sniffing dog used to protect the White House.
The jobs numbers reported in 2023 have been subsequently revised lower each and every time.
We’ll get to talk about this again, QoS McHillbilly.
Over in
they are desperately wanting the fed to raise the interest rates higher and faster to crash the economy so they can buy a home from people who have lost their jobs and cannot afford their homes.
So greedy. are you rooting for people to keep their jobs or loss of jobs and home values cratering?
Unless one realizes that labor costs are a huge reason that the economy is stalling, that is.
Not only does kount kreepula want workers and employers to pay higher payroll taxes, a tax that was jacked up high back in the eighties on workers and business for kreepula and mary kay’s benefit, it wants to blame the Fed’s reckless interest rate hikes on them too.
Kids are doing great by the way. Years of income saved to buck any future storm.. yawwwwn..
Between the savings rate collapsing…
…and workers raiding their retirement nest eggs to stay ahead of costs…
…it seems to me we have nowhere to go but down at this point. Fed has to keep rates higher, and for longer, and that’ll cause massive economic pain we won’t soon recover from. Consumption will crater, job losses will follow, and asset prices will get pummeled.
Deflationary fire-sale times are great for those with no debt and cash in hand!
his application to butt-hair weaving professional school
LMAO! Can’t wait to rub it in your face kreepula…
ya gonna feel it – in your ass.. where your frat bros “initiated” ya into the kult of klownservaticism…
Where 60k out of 209k is all
Normal people would be too embarrassed to make such claims.
white unemployment dropped 0.2%.
That’s the repuke donor and bidness owner’s fault:
DEI for them means whites only, the rich get richer and all “abnormals” (queer, transgender) excluded.
48k hospitality jobs
24k construction jobs
You know what state is LOSING jobs in Hospitality and Construction?
It’s a DeSantis Miracle.
Milton @ 13
Where 60k out of 209k is all
Normal people would be too embarrassed to make such claims.
209K minus 110K April/May downward revisions = 99K.
Of those 99K, 60K are government jobs and another 24K are “social assistance” jobs, which essentially is workers finding government money for those in need, or quasi-government jobs.
So, 84K/99K net June jobs created are government-related, or 84.8%. I used some literary license to round up to “all”. If Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit can inapprpriately use his home equity to claim himself a millionaire, I certainly can goose my numbers.
Change my mind.
GDP enters the chat.
@ 14
… all “abnormals” (queer, transgender) excluded.
‘splain me this, Lucy: Black Americans get two holidays. The alphabet people get a whole Pride Month. How is this right?
Agreed that the queers and trannies are abnormal. Are they ever.
Change my mind.
dads ‘largely useless’
You’re in luck kreepula. Highly doubt you’re a dad, biologically anyway.
@ 9
…are you rooting for people to keep their jobs or loss of jobs and home values cratering?
We listed a rental house for sale this week – doubled in value since purchase 13 years ago, and it’s done what we wanted it to do for us. The mortgage rate spike lowers its value because it’s more expensive for buyers of limited means to pay higher interest costs.
So no, lower home values aren’t in our interest.
If I’m “rooting” for anything, it’s for options prices to remain elevated due to volatility in the markets. If one sells calls when share prices are higher and sells puts when share prices are lower, the options premiums can be very, very lucrative. In a dead market, premiums are lower. When Generac or Tesla shares bounce around the way they have of late, there’s enough volatility to push options prices higher. That’s good, regardless of whether the overall direction if higher or lower. Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit’s Generac shares are up 40 bucks since he bought them, but I have made more trading the options on GNRC shares than he has owning them.
Do other Americans think it’s good that the markets are so volatile right now? Doesn’t matter, really. My family and I think it’s good. We’ll lose a little on the sale price of the house but more than make up for it in the markets. It’s what Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit refers to as gambling.
Agreed that the queers and trannies are abnormal.
No one obsesses more about sex with them here at HA more than you. heh.
You’re a fan. “abnormal” lights your fire.
@ 17
The economy is slowing down…
GDP enters the chat.
Hiya, GDP! And I see you brought your fraternal twin, real GDP.
Real GDP, Q3 2022: 3.2%
Real GDP, Q4 2022: 2.6%
Real GDP, Q1 2023: 1.1%
Sure looks like it’s slowing down to me.
[Edit: the final Q1 2023 figure was revised upward, to 2.0%. It’s still a downward trend.]
Black Americans get two holidays. The alphabet people get a whole Pride Month. How is this right?
bzzzzzzt… krackpot klownservatic ignorance alert..
Every hear of Black History Month? Undoubtedly. but it escapes your “mind” cuz..
ya don’t give a shit besides babblin’ at HA ’bout John James or little kids in black neighborhoods and noun, verb, Chicago..
but then there’s the Tamir Rice fafo thang.. whatevs.
The government’s Bureau of Economic Analysis described the slowing economy as a deceleration:
@ 23
Every hear of Black History Month?
A chick with a dick stripped on the White House lawn last month. I don’t recall bitches be twerking in the Roosevelt Room last February.
From link @22:
In the ongoing recovery from the economic effects of the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, the real U.S. GDP increased by 1.1 percent in the first quarter of 2023. Although U.S. GDP growth showed promising signs in the latter half of 2022. This has been attributed to a slow down in business investments in the face of high borrowing costs, despite strong consumer spending.
Why are credit costs so high? Hunter’s laptop remote controls Jay Powell, gotta be that.
@ 26
Why are credit costs so high?
Inflation, which began rising one month into the Biden era. Next question.
I don’t recall bitches be twerking in the Roosevelt Room last February.
I can google “biden black history month”, can you?
President Joe Biden marked Black History Month with an event at the White House on Monday, celebrating his decision to nominate the first Black woman to the Supreme Court and calling on Congress to pass voting rights legislation.
Biden called Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson, whom he nominated on Friday, an “incredible woman.”
“We’ve nominated more Black women to the federal bench than any administration in the history of the United States,” the President added.
i.e., in typical degen klownservatic parlance, “bitches”… yawwwwn..
Nice cope, btw. You Republicans are getting pretty good at that.
which began rising one month into the Biden era.
Hmmm.. That’d be Feb or March 2021.
And when did Biden’s “spending” start?
Not even Dems could get away with blaming the lackluster economy of 1981 on Bonzo’s tax cuts and budget passed the Spring of that year. yawwwn..
Rando, frustrated unemployed Republican who walked away from his job because of “the Blacks and cunts”:
(T)he economy is stalling!!!!!!
Employers everywhere:
Fuck it. Hire them. Whoever they are. I’ve got sales orders and no product to ship. If they can fog a mirror, they are hired!
Remember now how this has been the fucking retards constant refrain since November of 2020. The minute he learned that Daddy Twump was heading off into retirement at a sticky Florida sex club, he began weeping and sobbing about the economic nuclear winter we must surely face.
Wrong again! Like a perfect inverse economic indicator.
@ 30
Hmmm.. That’d be Feb or March 2021.
And when did Biden’s “spending” start?
March. The 11th of March, to be exact. The same month Biden signed the American Rescue Act.
That’s 20 days in March after the bill was signed, plus the pre-signing ramp-up of spending and price increases in anticipation of all of that free money hitting the pipeline, Queen YLB. Plenty of time for the inflationary spike to commence.
Asked and answered.
@ 31
Wrong again! Like a perfect inverse economic indicator.
Or your basic Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit equity investment.
Geebus, but how the back flipping must hurt him so.
Last autumn the Crybaby sought every random scrap of data it could possibly find to support its absolute certainty that the US would enter a massive recession early in 2023 that would deepen into bread lines and double digit unemployment just in time for the 2024 election.
Today, because of a single jobs report, he is now forcibly swallowing The Biden Economic Miracle and revising all forcasting to “slowing economic growth”.
Run up a forty point lead on the other team in your first three quarters and you can be forgiven for only expanding on that lead by a point or two in the fourth.
Stick with burning library books. Although it may not be at all popular, at least you don’t look like such an utter failure doing it.
When the chips are down, and you’ve been unmistakably exposed for a complete fraud, incompetent in anything other than witless cruelty and vulgarity, might as well pretend that you once won a stupid dick measuring contest over your paper portfolio winnings.
@ 34
Last autumn the Crybaby sought every random scrap of data it could possibly find to support its absolute certainty that the US would enter a massive recession early in 2023 that would deepen into bread lines and double digit unemployment just in time for the 2024 election.
Last year there were two consecutive quarters of negative GDP growth, Q1 and Q2. This formerly was the definition of recession used by the NBER. Now, of course, the definition is different:
One would think that six months of declining GDP would reach a threshold of significance. Ah, but there’s another get-out-of-jail-free exclusionary piece to the puzzle:
IOW as long as the government is expanding – see @ 16 for the latest example – then all sectors are not declining, and the NBER may choose to cover for a Democrat president by denying that a broad economic decline over a period of several months meets its new and improved definition of recession.
Why does everything bad seep out of Florida and Texas?
“Last week, the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) announced a public health advisory that five cases of locally acquired malaria had been identified in Texas and Florida. The Florida Department of Health has since reported two more cases of locally acquired malaria.”
That’s not how math works.
If you take the April report of 253k and March and April we’re revised UPWARD, that’s not starting at zero. Taking the revisions from MAY (339k added – April/May revision = 230k added).
Now you start from zero in June. You don’t subtract MAY from June and any idiot would tell you that. If you have $100 and put it in the bank and the bank takes $10 in fees and then the next month you add $200 you don’t have $190 in the account. That not how accounting works either.
Add in that squinting real hard at jobs that have never been considered “government” aka social assistance (you know day care workers…huh…we’ve heard a lot about ‘Return to Work’ lately are classified as ‘social assistance as are career counselors hired by firms as part of layoffs) you can come up with a new never before seen number of ‘Gubment Jobs’. Just click your jackboots three times sprinkle with fairy dust, wait that’s gay, trickle down some lifting of all boats, eh VOILA! A bunch of bullshit to make a troll think he has the slightest clue what he’s talking about.
I do expect that real GDP in Q2, when it’s all said and done, will be higher than the final Q1 number. Not much, but a bit higher.
For some reason Sotomayor wants everyone to know that none of the members of the US Supreme Court were elected.
Weak sauce. None of the Court member who decide Brown v. Board of Education were elected, either.
…and any idiot would tell you that.
Wait. I think I might see where the problem lies.
@ 38
That’s not how math works.
No, but it’s very much how satire works.
Haven’t we already spent sufficient resources in detailing and demonstrating how incredibly bad at math the Crybaby is?
It’s been kind of his “thing” for years now.
It’s the media’s fault that people are finding out what Ron DeSantis really is! If the media kept quiet, he could sneak in under the radar!
…wait that’s gay…
The jackboots or the fairy dust?
Or did you mean both?
When the chips are down, and you’ve been unmistakably exposed for having a barely better than sixth grade comprehension in applied mathematics, might as well pretend that it was all an elaborate and highly nuanced “joke”.
Sure Jan!
The greedy racist incel is hoping to drive a wedge between blacks and LGBTQs to distract the Republicans want to destroy both.
Republicans call for the death of LGBTQ people and they sport hunt black people. Neither of which the greedy racist incel has condemned.
That’s 20 days in March after the bill was signed, plus the pre-signing ramp-up of spending and price increases in anticipation of all of that free money hitting the pipeline
LMAO… A 1.9 trillion dollar plan by Biden – bad..
And the 2.2 trillion dollar drumpf CARES plan – good.. no “pre-signing ramp-up of spending and price increases in “anticipation”..
Yawwwnn.. According to kreepula, Biden just shoulda sat on his hands..
We get it.. kreepula is incorrigible.. it’s tax audit avoidance psychotic break drumpfs all.
@ 44
It’s the media’s fault that people are finding out what Ron DeSantis really is!
It was the media that covered for John Edwards.
LA ‘Times’ Bloggers Ordered to Ignore John Edwards’ Late Night Tryst With Elephant in Room
We saw how that turned out.
It was the media that covered for #CrookedHillary. We saw how that turned out.
If the media reports it or doesn’t report it, there are consequences. Sometimes unintended ones.
@ 48
LMAO… A 1.9 trillion dollar plan by Biden – bad..
I believe the term you should use instead is unnecessary. Which is what made it bad.
You really shouldn’t.
She’s so much smarter than you. In just normal, everyday stuff actually. But oh my. In terms of the history and application of the 14th Amendment? Great Golly.
But since you fucking insisted. Go ahead. Tell us in some sort of word-like process how you think Brown was not fundamentally rooted in the history, and framer intent of the 14th. I can give you the rest of the day to study the Wikipedia article if you think that will help.
Mere months after shoving $1.9 trillion in free money into the US economy and sparking recession, Democrats tried to shove another $6 trillion in free money into the US economy. Most of them did, anyway.
Perhaps Queen YLB would like to opine on the effect that the fear of more inflationary spending had on the non-transitory inflation spike, much of which lingers even today.
Plenty of time for the inflationary spike to commence.
From Jan 2021 to March 2021..
Jan 1.4 percent
Feb 1.7 percent
March 2.6 percent
So much “anticipation”.. It had only been building since the previous November amirite? Ok, mebbee all hope was lost on Jan 6..
I read that an immediate accounting benefit of about $320 million was realized by the federal Treasury as a result of last week’s SCOTUS smackdown of Biden’s giveaway attempt. The reason is that the money had already been partitioned for disbursement to the bloodsucking leeches, had Biden prevailed.
When he lost, the money was immediately returned to the Treasury’s general fund.
I wonder how long before Biden takes credit for a $320 billion boost to the nation’s reserves.
The greedy racist incel is hoping to drive a wedge between blacks and LGBTQs
Rhetorically I guess I can see how this works for them. For a professional troll like Ben Shapiro or for anyone else concerned with nothing more than prevailing in tedious and entirely meaningless online flame wars, it’s just a way to put the opposing side off balance and on the defensive about something they have no reason to defend.
But I’ll be damned if I get how this produces the votes they need to avoid another wipeout next year. Some Black voter somewhere is going to vote for Trump/Lake in November because of Pride Month? Do these fucking tools really think that’s a thing? It just makes me laugh out loud.
Democrats tried to shove another $6 trillion in free money into the US economy. Most of them did, anyway.
I recall 300 billion a year for 10 years. For things sorely needed during all the time repukes were waging recreational wars. One of which you thought was a great way to spend munee today.
You’re such a tiresome ahole.
@49 Doctor Dumbfuck’s whataboutism is in high gear this morning. It must be Friday.
LA ‘Times’ Bloggers Ordered to Ignore John Edwards’ Late Night Tryst With Elephant in Room
As they ignored this…
But we all knew better, we read it in the Enquirer..
@1 ” … fewer than 100k new jobs were added. That’s not enough to keep up with population growth.”
Well, then try harder to put babies to work.
@2 “Unless one realizes that labor costs are a huge reason that the economy is stalling, that is.”
Doc’s resentment that workers expect to be paid for their labor runs wide and deep.
I like a sign I saw recently:
Years in Prison
I do think we should all pause right now and note carefully how the Shit-lord Crybaby is voicing opposition to the Supreme Court shooting down “separate but equal” doctrine in 1954.
Juuust a bit of a tell there.
Arguing in favor of “separate but equal” is a fairly monstrous constitutional position. Not one you see the garden variety racist willing to take. It certainly does reveal the emotional and visceral foundations for his racism and hatred of non-whites.
@16 “209K minus 110K April/May downward revisions = 99K.”
Uh, wait. The April and May revisions don’t come off June numbers, they come off April (253K) and May (339K) numbers.
Unemployment rate, black men, April: 4.5%
Unemployment rate, black men, June: 5.9%
The unemployment rate among Black workers increased in June for the second month in a row
Hey, not to worry! They’ve always got Black History Month to keep them happy. Isn’t that right, Queen YLB?
@20 Looks like Doc can’t time the housing market, either.
@ 63 See @ 42
@27 “Inflation, which began rising one month into the Biden era.”
And why did inflation begin rising? Because consumers began spending.
And why did consumers begin spending? Because they came out of Covid isolation.
At least, the survivors did, as the death rate began leveling off after Covid had killed all the red-state idiots there were to kill.
Plus, it seems reasonable to assume that vaccine denial added several hundred thousand to the labor shortage.
What they don’t have is access to admissions.
Thanks to the GOP. Who keep right on fucking that chicken.
And then bragging about it!
Edwards was 2008. It’s 2023. What’s next, something from 1932?
@32 “all of that free money hitting the pipeline”
I’ll bet you didn’t send yours back in the name of fiscal sanity, did you?
Bullshit decoder for 66:
“I’m not stupid. I’m a clown.”
@25,64 argues that black people “twerking” at the White House can only help re-elect Joe Biden.
@34 Well, we know he doubled his rental house investment in 13 years, roughly half again as long as it typically takes to double one’s money in an S&P 500 index fund.
Black workers saw their unemployment rate rise to 6% in June from 5.6%
While we’re going all John Edwards and 2008 let’s go back a little further.. to teh golden age of Bonzo and its record on black unemployment:
Jan 1981: 14.6 percent
Apr 1983: 20.4 percent
To kreepula klown, a golden age indeed. The age it broke its klownservaturd cherry. Voting for Carter, even AFTER the REAL “miracle on ice”.. That was birth trauma.
@40 “None of the Court member who decide Brown v. Board of Education were elected, either.”
It appears that in underscoring that justices are unelected, doc is pointing to the one SCOTUS decision that sticks in his craw more than any other.
vaccine denial added several hundred thousand to the labor shortage.
And the baby boomers retiring which the pandemic only accelerated.
If Biden’s re-elected, kreepula is done. It’s diving off a bridge rather than face a tax audit.
If Biden loses, this country is done. Krap, these repukes only get worse every election cycle.
@54 “The reason is that the money had already been partitioned for disbursement to the bloodsucking leeches, had Biden prevailed.”
Since when does loan forgiveness involve creditors sending checks to borrowers? I mean, I understand the creditor not getting its money back part; but the student borrowers get cash as part of the loan forgiveness?
@62 “Arguing in favor of ‘separate but equal’ is a fairly monstrous constitutional position. Not one you see the garden variety racist willing to take.”
It’s one a garden variety Supreme Court takes, though. (See Plessy v. Ferguson.) I think what people don’t realize is decisions like Brown v. Board of Education are the exception. The court more typically issues rulings along the lines of innocence doesn’t get someone off death row.
I think the discontent with the court today arises from the fact that people got used to having a liberal court for a brief spell, as if it were a normal thing, and weren’t prepared for the court to revert back to what it usually is — a bastion of reactionary checks on social progress.
@66 Well then, I’ll just take all your comments as non-factual “satire.”
@71 That works for me, too.
I think at this point a colorable claim can be made that the true reason The Shit-lord Crybaby promotes ambitions about owning residential rental investments is solely in order to feed his fantasies about cruelly harassing and eventually evicting non-white tenants.
As Reparations.
For the humiliations suffered in 8th grade.
“It appears that in underscoring that justices are unelected, doc is pointing to the one SCOTUS decision that sticks in his craw more than any other.”
Weird shit. Seriously.
Because Brown is such a bad example of whatever the fuck point this Bourbon-soaked wretched bigot is trying to make.
Brown is entirely, and firmly rooted in the history, jurisprudence, framer intent, plain language, and legislative intent of the 14th Amendment. While it’s true the court had to reverse itself, consider exactly what it was reversing for fuck’s sake. Plessy is exactly the kind of activist, aggressive, unmoored law making that only the end of Reconstruction could have produced. And that is exactly the kind of judicial activism and flight of fancy so-called “conservatives” claim they oppose.
He obviously grasped at it because it pisses him off. Top of his list.
Doing away with 75 fucking years of Jim Crow, Black Codes, “colored drinking fountains”, red-lining, whites-only zoning and CCRs, whites-only schools, whites-only public pools, and whites-only public libraries is the thing he goes to. The thing that pisses him off the most. The loss of his promised whites-only paradise.
I guess he must have been just joking. Right?
Remember when that warmonger Trump handed off cluster bombs to be used in war, contravening UN policy in the process?
@ 81
I guess he must have been just joking. Right?
My point is that if using the unelected status of the majority to denigrate its decision is useful to the left in a case, the left should expect that the decisions it supports are equally suspect, for exactly the same reason.
I suppose I could have used – grasped, if you prefer –Sebelius instead of Brown to make the same point but all y’all would still play the race card in response to it.
Global warming is natural too.
Which Republican governor do you blame for this, Queen YLB?
Hell, the poor guy should have stayed with his family in Afganistan and taken his chances with the Taliban. The dismissive incompetence of First Vegetable Joe Biden touches all.
…is perfectly relevant to the authority of its decisions if those decisions are drawing upon imaginary plaintiffs, imaginary claims, sixteenth century bible scholars, cherry-picked “traditions” that altogether predate or post date the relevant text, and butt-hurt “feels” as sources for its authority.
Those are the prerogatives of elected lawmakers, not those of unelected “textualists” in the pay of billionaires.
The Thirteenth Amendment ended slavery.
The Fourteenth Amendment was always understood at the time of its ratification to be intended to undo the effects of four hundred years of race-based slavery. The modern, synthetic interpretation of the Fourteenth Amendment as requiring an entirely theoretical idea of “color blindness” finds its origins in the backlash to Brown, in support of Bakke, and has no footing in nor relevance to the framers of the amendment and their understanding of race in 1868.
KBJ is mocking the majority, you idiot.
@85 DC is not a state so you, kount kreepula shit-lord of widbee, cannot “solve” the problem of wanton gun violence by shilling for the election of DC repukes to the U.S Senate.
Now wait a sec.. I thought you were going to go noun, verb, chicks with dicks until now and November 2024..
You’re pulling out all the stops.. You’re that desperate to avoid an audit.
s’ok.. more entertainment for the rest of us.
@87 between now and November 2024, excuse me.
Your a fucking bigot.
Whatever reflexes that obviously true statement triggers does not change the plain truth of it. Calling the mere observation of your pathetically weak character a “card” that is “played” is honestly giving too much credit. There is no contest going on here. No real debate or any other game or showdown.
You open your stupid fat pie hole and out comes unabridged racism. We note it. Again. And we move on.
If you are any kind of victim here, it is only by your own stupid hand, asshole. Stop it. Stop being a fucking bigot.
White people are not better. It’s a stupid idea to cling to. And it only harms you.
Just had to pull over to the shoulder to allow President Biden’s motorcade thru traffic spot on RTE 1 Coastal Highway. I suspect they were headed north to Dover Air Force or somewhere near there to get the President. He must be staying in Rehoboth Beach this weekend. Pretty Cool. I suspect that they were headed to go get him in lieu of returning him to because I don’t think they would have let the general public so closet to his motorcade. I’m sure they stop and block traffic when he’s in the car.
It was kind of cool.
I’m so damn smart I scare myself.
I had to look or atleast try to find out and whallla.
I can’t spell for shit, but that’s another story.
What a fucking disgrace. Shameful.
Fucking Heterosexual Neanderthal!
Speaking of the Heterosexual Neanderthals…..The Heterosexual Neanderthal Virus rears it’s ugly head.
Ladies! Really! What the fuck you thinking. You want these fuckers to groom you? You are letting them groom you.
When you’ve lost teh muneebags…
“I question whether the state party has the necessary expertise to spend the money well,” he said.
The withdrawal of bankrollers like Weiser reflects the high price Republicans in the battleground states of Michigan and Arizona are paying for their full-throated support of former President Trump and his unsubstantiated claims that the 2020 election was stolen from him.
The two parties have hemorrhaged money in recent years, undermining Republican efforts to win back the ultra-competitive states that could determine who wins the White House and control of the U.S. Congress in next November’s elections, according to a Reuters review of financial filings, plus interviews with six major donors and three election campaign experts.
krackpot klownspiracy mongering is how ya get more Biden. heh.
I need to have a talk with the White House staff and remind them to not bring nose candy to work.
money had already been partitioned for disbursement to the bloodsucking leeches
PPP leeches hmmm? Lots of repukes there.. that’s ok.. got it.
@86 The court’s “originalists” go to original interpretations only when it suits their purposes. For example, the original intent of the 2nd Amendment is that frontiersmen would band together in local militias to defend themselves against Indian attacks with their smoothbore muzzle-loading flintlocks. It simply didn’t contemplate AR-15s. These justices wrote that in themselves.
@96 Yes, but PPP goes to jawb kweators, not job takers. Forgiving student loans undermines the concept of cheap labor, while GIVING taxpayer money to employers to pay their employees reinforces it.
As part owner of nearly three dozen businesses, I’m a jawb kweator too, and deserve to have money showered on me.
Do you care about gun control? Do you care about The Heterosexual Neanderthal Virus?
Then don’t give a fuck about them! Asshole.
The Secret Service has recently been forced to retire the drug-sniffing dog used to protect the White House.
Well done! You make this seem far more worthy of discussion than our own fascism, treason and strong desire to end democracy and replace it with a totalitarian fascist state.
Keep it up. You’re doing good. Have you talked about YLB’s fucked kids yet? That;s a winner. And if you can somehow connect this to GE and 3M, you’ll have truly pwned these libbie scum.
As for your commitment to unserious twattiness? I salute you!
bzzzzzzt… krackpot klownservatic ignorance alert..
That should become the new name of this blog. Even my cat is laughing at the dumbfuck.
The fact that the White House coke belongs to Hunter does not mean that his father does not love him.
The withholding of fatherly love is reserved for the bastard children of addict chidren, not the addict children themselves.
The president loves Ashley despite her well-publicized drug problems as well.
How do we really know that Beau did not die from an overdose?
Dumbfuck alert! Dumbfuck alert! Dumbfuck alert!
OMG! Even my cat can kick this troll”s ass. This is so sad!
Here, Kitty, you’ve earned yourself a treat.
Dumbfuck alert @102! Dumbfuck alert @102! Dumbfuck alert @102!
Stop it, Kitty! You’re going to kill him!
@102 “The fact that the White House coke belongs to Hunter”
That’s not a fact, it’s wishful thinking on your part.
Bad Kitty!! Now he’s bleeding all over this fucking blog!
Hmm, here’s another treat for you.
Oh wait, he’s not moving. Did you just…. Oh my God, he’s fucking dead!
Bad kitty!!!
That’s not a fact, it’s wishful thinking on your part.
To think he actually believes he’s pwning people here with his stupid, pulled-from-his-ass comments.
This is so sad. If he wasn’t such a stupid fucking traitor, I’d shed a tear for him. But he is, so I won’t.