– Narcan at libraries has been a thing. I am not 100% sure what the advantages of having it in a vending machine are, but I trust advocates.
– Get flippin’ vaccinated or boosted already. Goodness sake.
– I had never heard of resilience hubs before reading this article. Interesting.
– Look at all the chemicals we’re dumping in Puget Sound.
TSLA is having a decent day but still a long long way off recovering.
Why? President Joe Biden and the Democrats.
“Thank you President Biden” Troll
And Murdoch. And Putin.
Ryan Stinky is now a corrupt Montana repuke currently a patient at the McCarthy kookhaus..
“Shoot it down” bleats Stinky about the Chinese funny bidness balloon.
Sorry stinky, balloon ain’t over Montana any more.. Go back to your corrupt fossil fuel shilling.
God Bless President Joe Biden. A true American Hero!
We’d be better off if The FuckHump, along with a few other Repikes, were hit by a bus.
God Bless! Thoughts and Prayers!
Another day, another chance for Greg Abbot to utterly miss the point, special climate change edition.
Via Twitter:
Yes Greg, the problem is NOT power generation. The problem is the privatised grid your state set up never in any planning considered ice and extreme cold in Texas because it had rarely happened. But now it happens regularly.
Ice build up puts physical pressure on the transmission lines and enough of it causes breaks and then….people lose power.
But of course Texas has no plan whatsoever to demand operators take a fraction of their profits and upgrade the infrastructure for this new reality. And they sure as hell ain’t gonna do shit to curb climate change.
So Greg….if there’s plenty of AVAILABLE power why can’t the good ol boys who donated to you and keep you from making them spend money to upgrade the grid get it to homes and businesses.
Test. Test. Testicle.
Yeah, Greg, you’ve been begging us to move more of our tech sector jobs to Texas and you’re offering some great taxpayer money directly into my pocket.
But you know….tech. When the electricity goes out we can’t do a single thing. We’d have a couple thousand coders sitting around drinking Monster Energy or using the ping pong tables.
Thanks but losing several days of productivity every year kills everything you’re offering and then some.
BLS jobs report this morning.
Lowest unemployment since May of 1969.
Over half a million jobs added in January.
Biden Economic Miracle
And another terrible day to be a Republican is under way.
Over in the limited part of government and society that Republicans still barely control they are taking an extended long weekend to nap in front of the television before returning early next Wednesday to vote on more symbolic resolutions. First up will be a resolution to support allowing public school gym coaches to count student’s pubic hairs each month. Then a resolution recognizing Trailer Queen Barbie’s “contributions to individual freedom” by threatening school shooting survivors.
SPD insisted on escalating the situation. Insisted on screaming that he had a gun (The new fangled kind of gun with a glowing LCD screen) kept shouting at him to drop the weapon, the weapon the ‘suspect’ kept saying he did not have and witnesses confirmed.
People on the street chose to approach and protect the ‘suspect’. Weird how SPD is so affraid of every person in Seattle that they need to pull out the rifle and be ready to kill in EVERY situation.
This can’t be reformed .
Also anyone in the area of a response call is definitely the suspect and should be held at gunpoint because, fuck it, we’re the police and that’s what we do.
SPD official report:
Nuh unh!
That’s just pandemic workers going back. It’s fake. What’s the REAL unemployment U6 number? It’s all shitty low paying jobs.
Trump had the greatest economic record since Ramses III.
Swing District IN-05 House Rep Victoria Spartz announces retirement after she first opposed then voted for Kevin McCarthy.
Republicans are in absolute chaos.
But hey, we condemned the ‘evils of socialism’ by vote yestereday
“We should duct tape people to a tree in a dog park, so the dogs can pee on them. And then, when they’re there for a few hours and they have to crap in their pants, they can wallow in their own shit.”
These are Republican state political leaders.
Discussing their future plans for how to deal with “Groomers”?
Discussing their future plans for how to deal with “Border-jumping Beaners”?
Discussing their future plans for “Antifa”?
This is how Arizona Republican leaders propose to handle other Republicans who aren’t willing to join them in abandoning democratic elections.
Eleven electoral votes, a Senate seat, and nine House seats all in the mix. Lingering rivalries among a handful of well funded Arizona ultra MAGA conservative Republicans. An extremist sweep of the recent state party leadership elections. And those very same leaders now calling for Western style cowboy posses to round up other Republicans and torture them in public.
I can’t wait.
@3 Republicans don’t care if balloon debris rains down on your house, smashes through your roof and kills grandma in her rocking chair, and kills your kids playing in the yard. All they care about is China pissing on their hydrant.
@6 Okay by me if Greg’s power policies sell more Generac units in Texas. Go GNRC!
@9 “Lowest unemployment since May of 1969.”
And it didn’t take a war or dozens of U.S. kids coming home in body bags every week.
@11 “It’s all shitty low paying jobs.”
That’s what you want, isn’t it? Millions of low-paying pizza kitchen and pizza delivery driver* jobs?
* The drivers are entrepreneurs (in legal language, “independent contractors”), so technically the delivery driver positions aren’t “jobs” and the term is being used here in its common vernacular sense.
Speaking of entrepreneurs, several years ago I argued that waitresses should go into business for themselves as “hospitality consultants” and charge the restaurants they work for $50 an hour. That was then, this is now; given inflation and market conditions, now a reasonable rate for hospitality services provided by an independent contractor is $125 an hour. Independent businesses have overhead expenses, pay taxes, wages to their employee, etc., and the $7.25 an hour that Republicans want to pay just isn’t a realistic rate for business-to-business services. I think every other owner of a service business will agree. So either STFU and pay the $125 an hour, or shut down the restaurant and go out of business!
@13 “We should duct tape people to a tree” etc.
I’m pretty sure that’s assault and battery, false imprisonment, arguably kidnapping.
The guy who said it is (according to the story) a Vietnam veteran. Without ever having met him, or knowing anything about him, I can say with confidence he’s almost certainly on V.A. disability for PTSD. First of all, I want to assure readers that the overwhelming majority of Vietnam vets have adjusted to civilian life and aren’t crazy-violent. We are in your midst and you don’t even know who we are, because we go about our business just like regular folks, making a trip to the bank once a month to cash our disability checks. There’s a tiny, tiny percentage of people like him out there, but trust me on this, it wasn’t Vietnam combat that warped him like this. Something else happened to him: MAGA. Being immersed in that damaged him far more severely than jungle war ever could have. So I just want to clarify where it comes from, because there are lots of Vietnam vets who aren’t MAGA-crazy. We can be trusted with guns. Only the MAGA crazies should have their guns impounded. I think the V.A. psychologists even have a clinical term to describe them. And their patient records are kept in red folders marked “Have Security Guard Present.” I repeat, it’s MAGA, not Vietnam, that did this to them.
Reached in the damp basement of his private sex club in Florida, President Trump rejected the expert military advice of “his generals” and instead recommended buying Greenland and nuking a hurricane instead.
12 million jobs created under President Joe Biden so far.
Chances of a major recession now dwindling rapidly.
Predictions of even a minor, brief recession being revised reconsidered.
Without a major or even a minor recession before January of 2025 Biden is poised to post the most successful domestic economic record for a single term in all of recorded human history.
Biden Economic Miracle
Even FOX finds it impossible not to remark admiringly about the
Biden Economic Miracle
Do you Wanita take Juqiun as your Husband?
“I Do”
Till Death do you part?
“I Do!!!”
This is not Domestic Violence. This it Hetero Neanderthal STD Virus. Get real.
Thank God for President Joe Biden
Best Economic recovery ever!
Very ingenious this Hetero Neanderthal STD Virus. The lengths they will go to evade detection.
@20 “President Trump rejected the expert military advice of “his generals” and instead recommended buying Greenland and nuking a hurricane instead.”
And 74 million gullible, credulous Americans voted for him. Doctor Dumbfuck was one of them. He’s a dumbfuck.
@ 20
…advised against taking “kinetic action” because of risks to the safety of people on the ground.
There are three electoral votes assigned to that state. The only state in which potential balloon debris is less likely to hit a person than Montana is Alaska.
I don’t doubt that the military advised Biden not to do it but it likely had nothing to do with the chance that there would be debris hitting someone. It’s for a completely rational reason that they just don’t want to share. Which is fine, but Jesus H, cut the bullshit.
“House Judiciary Chairman Jim Jordan on Friday subpoenaed the Department of Justice, the FBI and the Department of Education for documents as part of its investigation into whether a Justice Department strategy to address threats against teachers and school officials was abused to target conservative parents. …
“The allegations being investigated date to 2021, when protests and some violence erupted at school board meetings across the country. Most of the anger came from conservative parents who wanted to repeal mask mandates, opposed anti-racism courses and had concerns about LGBTQ policies. …
“With that backdrop, the National School Boards Association wrote to President Joe Biden asking for federal help to address the violence and threats against school administrators.”
That’s not abuse, it’s law enforcement. Is Gym Jordan shocked that people who behave like criminals are treated as criminals?
@ 28
…some violence erupted at school board meetings across the country.
The most notable violence was the dad who wouldn’t leave until he got answers, and got his ass arrested. Turned out his daughter was the one who was raped in the girls’ bathroom by a dude in a skirt.
Then there was another guy who refused to leave, was arrested and charged, and then was acquitted by a jury of his similarly outraged and disgusted peers.
The outcome of that school superintendent/school board inanity and illegality is still being decided but may very well be Vice President Glenn Youngkin in 2025.
@27 It’s okay if the debris hits a school bus, as long as it’s not our kids’ bus. We must be willing to sacrifice children, if necessary, to avenge this insult against our national dignity. But not ours, of course.
@ 29
The dad of the raped girl was convicted on two charges – disorderly conduct and obstruction of justice – for demanding that the board answer questions pertaining to his daughter’s rape.
One of the convictions was thrown out and the other is under appeal, with the commonwealth’s attorney dismissed due to legitimate concerns about bias and lack of impartiality.
Such violence is applauded when it is pursuant to a Liberals Must Arm call from a leftist asshole.
The NEA and the Virginia public schools are in plenty of trouble already. Liberals acting like assholes will only make that worse.
@ 30
It’s okay if the debris hits a school bus, as long as it’s not our kids’ bus.
It’s OK if those bullets we fired into the air return to earth and kill or maim our children, as long as they were fired in celebration of the martyrdom of Ahmed The Terrorist, Peace Be Upon Him. Or when one of our weapons caches blows the fuck up because Oops.
@29 What excuses will you make for Jeremy Hanson, Charles Draughn, and Randell Graham?
“It’s no problem really to shoot at [the balloon] …. But the problem is when you puncture it, how long does it take for the gas to flow out, and as the balloon deflates, how long does it take, where does it go—so the issue is precisely predicting and controlling the potential crash sites.”
Given that it could take days for it to come down, the crash site could be anywhere: Chicago, Philadelphia, New York City …
@ 33
Those threats of violence are a lower-brow, somewhat more specific form of “Liberals must arm.”, Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit.
Darryl would look down on all of that behavior, from those dumbasses and from HA’s bloviating dumbfuck. And I doubt he’d distinguish much between them.
You knew this was coming …
“North Carolina police are urging residents to refrain from aiming their guns into the sky to take ‘pot shots’ at a Chinese spy balloon that may be headed their way.”
Curious, I researched how high a bullet can go. For a .30-06, fired straight up, it’s about 10,000 feet, it will take about a minute for the bullet to hit the ground, and it can come down anywhere within a 2-mile radius.
Imagine how big the debris field would be if a balloon three times the size of a city bus exploded at 60,000 feet on a windy winter day …
@35 “Those threats of violence are a lower-brow, somewhat more specific form of ‘Liberals must arm.'”
So, if I understand your comment correctly, you’re arguing that a conservative parent threatening to kill school board members is acting in self-defense, but a liberal school board member buying a gun to defend herself against the conservative making those threats is not.
@ 36
Imagine how big the debris field would be if a balloon three times the size of a city bus exploded at 60,000 feet on a windy winter day …
Explain why it would matter if it exploded over thousands of wheat field acres somewhere between southeast Montana and Nebraska, where it was located yesterday and earlier today. And if residents in the area were warned.
The debris danger argument is a silly one. I don’t doubt it’s a good reason that we’re not shooting it down. It’s just not the one we’re being told is the reason.
@ 37
So, if I understand your comment correctly, you’re arguing that a conservative parent threatening to kill school board members is acting in self-defense, but a liberal school board member buying a gun to defend herself against the conservative making those threats is not.
Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit, you understand so little in life correctly that it’s no surprise that this is no different.
I have zero problem with a school board member concealed-carrying due to fear of a deadly threat, whether it be by a pissed-off father of a raped girl during a board meeting or while using the same girls’ restroom during the meeting break while knowing that the rapist is being purposely shielded from accountability by the board and the school system superintendent, and in fact is standing outside her stall just waiting for her to finish wiping so that he can anally rape her, too.
That’s pure 2A, baby. Self-defense is the absolute best argument for owning a firearm. Hell, Joe Biden would want her to use a shotgun.
@ 39
A conservative, Second Amendment-supporting, concealed-carrying woman may very well be a former liberal woman who was raped, and decided to do something about it rather than blaming herself.
Hundreds of public school employees and local elected school board members received credible threats of violence including death threats.
State law enforcement agencies requested federal assistance to determine if the threats were part of a conspiracy coordinated across state lines.
Jordan objects to that because it was.
None of this will get better until the DOJ and FBI finally agree to treat right wing domestic terrorism as the greatest terrorist threat to the US, as their own studies and reports have recommended for more than a decade now.
@38 “Explain why it would matter …”
I’m sure it was explained in the briefings given the president. You didn’t get that briefing because nobody at the Pentagon or NSA saw any need to try explaining it to a dumbfuck.
@39 “Self-defense is the absolute best argument for owning a firearm.”
So you agree with me that liberals must arm.
Conservatives have been talking about civil war and killing liberals for years. Paul Pelosi should’ve had a gun. You just said yourself school board members should be armed. The NRA says an armed society is a polite society.
Finally, we agree on something. Conservatives being armed, liberals must arm, too.
@40 A liberal woman whose husband was just put in the hospital by a hammer-wielding conservative may very well decide “to do something about it,” too. After all, he came for her.
Got any problem with that?
Suppose you’re a cop confronted by a violent mob; you’re the last line of defense between the mob and senators and congressmen taking cover a few feet away; and your duty is to protect those senators and representatives no matter what. A rioter climbs through the last door separating you from the mob. What would you do?
It might be helpful to look at that video again:
I think the restraint exercised by the police was remarkable. Only one person was shot.