You liked the last eight years? John Bush will give you four more years of the same old bullshit.
All the trolls are pretty excited about 4 more years of corruption and war.
I’m not. It’s Obama/Biden for me. John Bush can go back to the Senate and hopefully retire soon if his constituents are as bored with him as I am and the “Mat-Su Barbie” can return to Alaska to fire anyone who stands in her way and surround herself with yes men/women. Nothing unusual. So much like anyone with a queen complex – anyone who’s worked in any office knows what I’m talking about.
Politically Incorrectspews:
Are the Dems getting nervous or something? The Reps have practically handed the election to them this November, and it’s starting to look like the Dems are gonna coug it if they don’t get their act together.
If Obama loses, I’m gonna laugh my ass off at the stupidity and mismanagement.
I like being safe from terrorism her in the USA once the Clinton-invited towelheads pulled their nightmare on 09/11/01.
Thanks BJ-
Too bad he didn’t pull his head out and then pull his head out-
Personally, I’m not banking much on “Polls”, we’ll see whatever happens come Nov.
For one thing, so many of the excited new young voters rely on their cell phones, rather than landlines. (My understanding is that polls don’t happen on peoples’ cell phones.) A LOT of those new voters are excited to be a part of history in the making. I honestly believe that this time around they will follow through and actually vote in the GE this Nov.
A lot of those young people aren’t as caught up in in the Racial divides – they’ve grown up with friends of all kinds. Plus, they tend to be computer/email/text messaging savvy – Obama’s strong suit.
Another thing is that the people working 2-3 jobs to support their families & pay their mortgages don’t have time to be fooling around taking some poll over the phone. One never knows if that poll could take 5-minutes (like the pollster says) or maybe half an hour. So many voters just refuse to take that poll in the first place.
This is going to be one curious election I think, where old routines may get thrown out with the old regimes. I’ve noticed just this past week in my other political message boards, the Republicans have crawled out of the woodwork. Sounding VERY defensive; I never knew there were so many longtime member Repubs there in the past. Unbelievably defensive, considering what a so-called “Great” package they have with McSame & “Hot” momma Palin.
Change you can believe in
More wars The Draft
Bigger tax cuts for the rich
Bigger debt for the country
Ah yes, the rich get richer, we get the shaft.
One Life to Livespews:
Shocking news! McCain claims he’ll stop big government and lower taxes! Course George W. Bush (and every Republican) has said the same thing for 30 years. How has that worked out? The last two Federal departments were created by Republicans (Dept Homeland Security, EPA). The last major (half trillion) entitlement program was signed into law by a Republican (Medicaid drug program). No Republican in modern history has even TRIED to eliminate the IRS, Dept of Education, etc. Oh they TALK about it endlessly during speeches. But like Sarah Palin herself, they’ll bitch about Federal spending out of one side of their mouth, while the other side is asking for as much $ as they can get for THEIR district. Whatever. Did Bush even try to eliminate any Federal departments, even WHEN he had total control over congress? Did he even merge the CIA and NSA or any of our 21 security agencies? Nope. He just added yet ANOTHER government agency on top of all the existing ones. It’s not that the “evil” Democrats stopped him, he didn’t even TRY. The Republicans have made the government far more powerful and overreaching than anytime in our history. Sure the Democrats ‘admit’ to liking government more than the Republicans..true..but if you think Republicans will ACTUALLY limit government, you’re nuts. They may cut 10% out of Medicare, but then add 15% to the military. They may stump for ‘states rights’ on property/environmental issues, but work to crush states rights on gay marriage, drug policy or such. It’s all just hot air. In my life NO Republican has done away with the IRS, cut my taxes in half, or truly cut the power of government.
“John Bush is his own man.”
John Bush is the same as Bush.
You liked the last eight years? John Bush will give you four more years of the same old bullshit.
All the trolls are pretty excited about 4 more years of corruption and war.
I’m not. It’s Obama/Biden for me. John Bush can go back to the Senate and hopefully retire soon if his constituents are as bored with him as I am and the “Mat-Su Barbie” can return to Alaska to fire anyone who stands in her way and surround herself with yes men/women. Nothing unusual. So much like anyone with a queen complex – anyone who’s worked in any office knows what I’m talking about.
Are the Dems getting nervous or something? The Reps have practically handed the election to them this November, and it’s starting to look like the Dems are gonna coug it if they don’t get their act together.
If Obama loses, I’m gonna laugh my ass off at the stupidity and mismanagement.
I like being safe from terrorism her in the USA once the Clinton-invited towelheads pulled their nightmare on 09/11/01.
Thanks BJ-
Too bad he didn’t pull his head out and then pull his head out-
That little dab didn’t do him- Or us.
DOW down 344 today. Investors think Palin’s shop-warn, repeatedly debunked talking-point speech sucked too.
John Bush. George McCain. Same Difference.
Personally, I’m not banking much on “Polls”, we’ll see whatever happens come Nov.
For one thing, so many of the excited new young voters rely on their cell phones, rather than landlines. (My understanding is that polls don’t happen on peoples’ cell phones.) A LOT of those new voters are excited to be a part of history in the making. I honestly believe that this time around they will follow through and actually vote in the GE this Nov.
A lot of those young people aren’t as caught up in in the Racial divides – they’ve grown up with friends of all kinds. Plus, they tend to be computer/email/text messaging savvy – Obama’s strong suit.
Another thing is that the people working 2-3 jobs to support their families & pay their mortgages don’t have time to be fooling around taking some poll over the phone. One never knows if that poll could take 5-minutes (like the pollster says) or maybe half an hour. So many voters just refuse to take that poll in the first place.
This is going to be one curious election I think, where old routines may get thrown out with the old regimes. I’ve noticed just this past week in my other political message boards, the Republicans have crawled out of the woodwork. Sounding VERY defensive; I never knew there were so many longtime member Repubs there in the past. Unbelievably defensive, considering what a so-called “Great” package they have with McSame & “Hot” momma Palin.
Change you can believe in
More wars
The Draft
Bigger tax cuts for the rich
Bigger debt for the country
Ah yes, the rich get richer, we get the shaft.
Shocking news! McCain claims he’ll stop big government and lower taxes! Course George W. Bush (and every Republican) has said the same thing for 30 years. How has that worked out? The last two Federal departments were created by Republicans (Dept Homeland Security, EPA). The last major (half trillion) entitlement program was signed into law by a Republican (Medicaid drug program). No Republican in modern history has even TRIED to eliminate the IRS, Dept of Education, etc. Oh they TALK about it endlessly during speeches. But like Sarah Palin herself, they’ll bitch about Federal spending out of one side of their mouth, while the other side is asking for as much $ as they can get for THEIR district. Whatever. Did Bush even try to eliminate any Federal departments, even WHEN he had total control over congress? Did he even merge the CIA and NSA or any of our 21 security agencies? Nope. He just added yet ANOTHER government agency on top of all the existing ones. It’s not that the “evil” Democrats stopped him, he didn’t even TRY. The Republicans have made the government far more powerful and overreaching than anytime in our history. Sure the Democrats ‘admit’ to liking government more than the Republicans..true..but if you think Republicans will ACTUALLY limit government, you’re nuts. They may cut 10% out of Medicare, but then add 15% to the military. They may stump for ‘states rights’ on property/environmental issues, but work to crush states rights on gay marriage, drug policy or such. It’s all just hot air. In my life NO Republican has done away with the IRS, cut my taxes in half, or truly cut the power of government.