I just spoke to a coordinator for Obama in my area. She said that the national campaign has always considered Washington State an iffy proposition.
I couldn’t believe my ears but yes she’s right. Obama and McCain are pretty much neck and neck in this State right now.
And if the election was held now: DINO ROSSI WOULD WIN.
How could it have gotten to this point? I’ll tell you: Democratic voter complacency. Republicans have a huge stake in the status quo and they’re not going to give up easily!!
Now the coordinator could have been saying this just to scare me but everything I’m reading confirms what’s she said to me.
Volunteer. Volunteer. Volunteer. Call the Obama and/or Gregoire campaigns and sign up to register people to vote.
We’ve only got till October 4th to register people. Between voter laziness, Sam Reed and the County election offices’ incompetence many have been dropped off the rolls.
All it takes is taking the time to help your Dem precinct captain walk your precinct.
Get out the vote, GOTV, GOTV, GOTV
Marvin Stamnspews:
1. YLB spews:
And if the election was held now: DINO ROSSI WOULD WIN.
How could it have gotten to this point? I’ll tell you:
Democrat principles suck as badly as bush.
Marvin Stamnspews:
You know things are bad for obama when left-leaning salon.com is forced by the truth to stick up for rush against obama and his dishonest ad.
Limbaugh is absolutely right about one thing. He makes a convincing case that the Obama campaign used his words in a fundamentally dishonest way. In both cases, the quotes were pulled from segments in which Limbaugh was clearly being facetious.
How can you believe a community organizer?
If this states get’s any redder it will bleed.
You still believe in the tooth fairy.
Guy who puts so much time into creating and putting up “Peace” signs around town, honestly, what do you think that does? Walk me through it. Someone sees it, then what? What do you think they do? Or do you think you are changing their mind on something? I don’t think you are. I think you’re making about as much difference as if you put up signs saying “Banana” or “Chair.”
If you want to do something useful for people, go offer to massage the feet of homeless panhandlers.
4 – You know if you voted for Will Baker in 2004 (over 840 thousand Republicans did), then you can support him for Governor.
He’s running on the Reform party ticket.
To king Co. residence
Nov. election will the voting be 100% mail in?
YLB @ 1 — That Obama coordinator is pulling your leg when it comes to always thinking WA was iffy. WA was “always” in the noncompetitive column.
It’s iffy now, though.
I don’t detect much complacency anywhere. Alienation, yes. Disillusion, disappointment, fatigue, yes. Complacency, no.
If this states get’s any redder it will bleed.
Yeah, that’s it. Patty Murray, one of the more liberal members of the senate, wins her elections by umpteen percent because we’re a red state.
Patty Murray 1,197,973
Rod Chandler 1,020,82946
Patty Murray 1,103,184
Linda Smith 785,377
Patty Murray 1,549,708
George R. Nethercutt, Jr.1,204,584
You’re admitting that Bush sucks? That’s an improvement.
If King Co. election finishes it’s count first then us Independent and Republican voters would have a chance of winning.
9 – Heh. None of that applies to me RonK. I did a little bit today and I’m going to do more about every other day until the Saturday before October 4.
Than after October 4 I’m going to be doing whatever I can to get registered Dem voters to follow through and vote.
A future with Rossi, McSame and Palin is not one I want for me and my family if I can help it.
If John thinks this is a red state then he is truly delusional. We have a Democratic gobvernor, two dem. senators and 6/9 dem. representatives. We do need to be less complascent and to make sure that we counter the Rossi lies – but now that rossi’s main lying backer, the BIAW, is being taken to court for illegal campaign ads – the tide should start to turn. Rossi, like most republicans, will shoot himself in the foot because he has no plan and has shown what an incompetent he is with his transportation fiasco.
And John – you are not an independent. Begging the state red and harping on rossi’s verifiable loss does not indicate independence. Go troll where people are not that gullible.
Marvin Stamnspews:
Yup, racists will be responsible for obama not being anointed president.
Of course, republicans won’t vote for him because he’s so damn liberal. So the only racists that will derail him would be racist democrats.
What, even a associated press / yahoo poll agrees with me?
Deep-seated racial misgivings could cost Barack Obama the White House if the election is close, according to an AP-Yahoo News poll that found one-third of white Democrats harbor negative views toward blacks — many calling them “lazy,” “violent,” responsible for their own troubles.
The findings suggest that Obama’s problem is close to home — among his fellow Democrats, particularly non-Hispanic white voters. Just seven in 10 people who call themselves Democrats support Obama, compared to the 85 percent of self-identified Republicans who back McCain.
This is the called the bradley effect. Whites not wanting to be called racist will lie to pollsters but once in the safety of a voting booth will vote against him solely because obama is black.
15. Marvin Stamn spews:
Of course, republicans won’t vote for him because he’s so damn liberal.
Would any of you Democrats like to step-up and admit your racism?
19 – If they’re feeling disaffected by Obama’s candidacy then there’s a place that will accept them with open arms – a place that has embraced them since even before the days of Nixon’s Southern strategy.
The article I linked said … “News poll that found one-third of white Democrats harbor negative views toward blacks — many calling them “lazy,” “violent” or responsible for their own troubles.”
I’ll give you racist Democrats this much, you’re right about black people being lazy, violent, and responsible for their own troubles.
Daddy Lovespews:
3 MS
Wow. You try to acccuse Obama of quoting out of context then do the same thing, except worse, bacuse you mischaracterize the entire Slon column as supporting you when it does not. Here’s that actual quotes you snipped from:
…In both cases, the quotes were pulled from segments in which Limbaugh was clearly being facetious.
[The article goes on to say…] The rest of his Op-Ed, however, is patently ridiculous. Come on, Rush. Really? His tactic here is fairly obvious. The right often attacks African-American political figures for being, supposedly, racial-grievance mongers. (See, e.g., the way Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton are treated.) They haven’t been able to do that to Obama, at least not successfully, because the candidate himself rarely mentions race-based attacks against him. So Limbaugh’s trying a different tack.</blockquote>
Daddy Lovespews:
7 John
If only you could write somethign that makes sense and has correct grammar and puctuation. In other words, something that can be understood by an average English speaker.
But if you are asking if KingCo will be 100% mail-in in this election year, I do not believe it is in 2008. However, most other counties in the state are.
23 – The racists can go where they’re wanted – the REPUBLICANS love them.
I’m not one of them and I don’t want them in any organization that I’m a part.
You get it now? You’re not wanted here. So go where you’re wanted – (un)SP and Luke Esser’s gang are glad to have you.
Daddy Lovespews:
People seem to be asserting that Washington state is not a lock for Obama, but are apparently doing so without offering any evidence at all.
I think Rossi has already leveled his most effective charges against Chris Gregoire. What’s he got left?
As for her, she has barely started defining him, as she is now in her series of ads targeting him, for exampe, for opposing stem cell research. She’s just beginning to raise his negatives and will continue to do so, and his own reticence about his right-wing views will no longer help him.
Watch for the race to look different in a few weeks.
Having the most important election before us. I would have thought King Co. would have gone 100% mail-in.
This will give the Democrats and uneven advantage again.
Is Sims still in charged?
This blog has the most unhappy people.
You all reside in Seattle’s Fremont district or Capital hill?
Is Stalin standing tall or was he sold for scrap when the price of metal increased?
27 – Right now Rossi is beating Gregoire. That means her lackluster effort has the potential to drag Obama’s campaign in this state down. This state is surely leaning Obama but it’s not strong like California.
So she’d better start educating Rossi leaners about what a mean-spirited schmuck he is and what’s truly at stake in this election.
Right now if you sign up to dial persuadable voters for Obama, part of the script is to ask if the voter will support Gregoire. Yes, the Obama organization sees the need to shore up Gregoire’s flagging campaign.
I strongly recommend everyone call your Dem precinct captain or one of the campaigns and get involved. I walked part of my precinct today and will be doing so until I’ve walked it all
This blog has the most unhappy people.
You expect us to hospitable and welcoming towards name-calling trolls?
Go away.
Yep,mean people, at least you could have answered my two questions.
They’ve been wanting me to go away for a long time. People who spew hate and intolerance don’t like others, like myself, to call them on it. That’s why I keep coming back here. Here is one of the quotes that I live by.
“All that is required for evil to prevail is for good men to do nothing.”
– Edmund Burke (Co-founder of the Burke-Gilman trail)
23. Troll spews:
you’re right about black people being lazy, violent, and responsible for their own troubles.
This is not hateful and intolerant?
Crawl back into the REPUBLICAN hole you came from.
I have given up on any real dialog with them when they go over the edge it’s impossible.
Wouldn’t be to bad if they where open minded a little to bad there so unhappy life is too short to be like that.
I should treat them better and I do try, every Sunday I’m reminded why.
Your quote is great.
Carry on my friend and I will too.
I don’t think he likes your quote.
Someone mentioned something like that the other day and they went nuts. Like holding a cross in front of a vampire. It really doesn’t take much to upset them.
The word tolerance once was their slogan wasn’t that long ago, must be a new breed of Dems in town.
36. John spews:
I have given up on any real dialog with them
Back a thread or two you said “Goodbye Losers”.
You don’t like it here? Get out already!
But as long as you get some kind of response you’ll stay. That’s what a troll does.
Reformed republicanspews:
@34: So why do you make excuses and do nothing while Bush has started an unnecessary war, while McCain/Palin lie their little hearts out and while the country goes bankrupt due to inept republicans?
Seems like you would actaully call the republicans who have screwed this country over. Where is your righteous indignation at Abramoff and all the republicans he has bribed – and all their lies about not knowing him? Where is the anger at Ralph Reed and Grover Norquist for laundering Abramoff’s money for indian gambling, slave labor, forced abortions and russian oil tycoons – faciltiated by Tom DeLay?
Where is the anger at the Justice department being turned into a political football instead of a place that is impartial?
Where is the anger at the MMS, republicans turning the other way with Foley and Vitter?
Nope – you have no sense of righteousness – just the same old republican lies and excuses.
Reformed republicanspews:
No John, it is just that right wing trolls coming on here trying to excuse the worst president ever – well, let’s just say you guys make excuses for lies, for corruption and for the unnecessary deaths of Americans.
And then you expect us to be nice to you. Well, sorry, you are supporting corrupt liars. Maybe you need to open your mind a little. Most Americans have figured out that Bush lied about the intelligence for the Iraq war and that the republicans waved the flag and supported his corrupt administration. Most americans figured out that appointing cronies led to Katrina and the Justice dept. debacle. Most americans have figured out that deregulation of the banking industry was a lousy republican idea. Do you not pay attention? Or are you just here to make excuses for the corrupt and incompetent republicans? If so, then please go away. If you truly wanted to engage in dialog, you might pay attention to the real issues.
I said that on the Open thread this morning and I never went back.
God Bless you YBL
Have a nice evening talk at you Monday.
Troll @ 34, you are so full of it. I have called you on multiple occasions on your distortions and fabrications. You are a troll, and truth and fairness is not your interest.
Reformed republicanspews:
@25 Daddy Love
I think King county is 100% mail-in starting this election. The last primary was the last election that used polling places.
I agree that Rossi will peak here. Once people realize that his transportation plan has no clothes, is inept, can’t calculate any realistic budget numbers – they will see that his claims are bogus. In fact, we have NO budget deficit this year. there is a projected deficit for the next three years – and some of that will be paid for with belt-tightening and with the rainy day fund. Put Rossi in and there goes education, higher education, health care and pretty much everything except prisons. We will be behind in alternative fuels, in mass transit – but ahead in SUVs and road building (except that he has not said how he will pay for the roads). Remember, Rossi will reward his biggest supporter, the BIAW (the illegal campaign group), with unrestricted building and no environmental regulations. Expect to see greater flooding, greater clearcutting (even on steep slopes)and a lack of growth management. Expect to see voucher programs that don’t work, deterioration of the public schools and union busting too.
RR @ 40- I strongly believe that some trolls, including “Troll” post lies here so they turn up on google searches.
Troll @ 34-
“All that is required for evil to prevail is for good men to do nothing.”
– Edmund Burke (Co-founder of the Burke-Gilman trail)
This explains the Iraq fiasco.
This website was put up in 2006, which happens to be before Jan 16, 2007 when obama announced he had filed papers to form a presidential exploratory committee.
John Martin has no record of ever contributing for a republican.
Go figure.
48. Marvin Stamn spews:
I hope you don’t want to get in a pissing match
I don’t waste any more time than I have to with brain-dead trolls.
Marvin Stamnspews:
53. Marvin Stamn spews:
Dirty vandal!
It looks like bibiggober is back being a sockpuppet.
I just spoke to a coordinator for Obama in my area. She said that the national campaign has always considered Washington State an iffy proposition.
I couldn’t believe my ears but yes she’s right. Obama and McCain are pretty much neck and neck in this State right now.
And if the election was held now: DINO ROSSI WOULD WIN.
How could it have gotten to this point? I’ll tell you: Democratic voter complacency. Republicans have a huge stake in the status quo and they’re not going to give up easily!!
Now the coordinator could have been saying this just to scare me but everything I’m reading confirms what’s she said to me.
Volunteer. Volunteer. Volunteer. Call the Obama and/or Gregoire campaigns and sign up to register people to vote.
We’ve only got till October 4th to register people. Between voter laziness, Sam Reed and the County election offices’ incompetence many have been dropped off the rolls.
All it takes is taking the time to help your Dem precinct captain walk your precinct.
Get out the vote, GOTV, GOTV, GOTV
Democrat principles suck as badly as bush.
You know things are bad for obama when left-leaning salon.com is forced by the truth to stick up for rush against obama and his dishonest ad.
How can you believe a community organizer?
If this states get’s any redder it will bleed.
You still believe in the tooth fairy.
Guy who puts so much time into creating and putting up “Peace” signs around town, honestly, what do you think that does? Walk me through it. Someone sees it, then what? What do you think they do? Or do you think you are changing their mind on something? I don’t think you are. I think you’re making about as much difference as if you put up signs saying “Banana” or “Chair.”
If you want to do something useful for people, go offer to massage the feet of homeless panhandlers.
4 – You know if you voted for Will Baker in 2004 (over 840 thousand Republicans did), then you can support him for Governor.
He’s running on the Reform party ticket.
To king Co. residence
Nov. election will the voting be 100% mail in?
The kkk still a active group for Byrd clones.
YLB @ 1 — That Obama coordinator is pulling your leg when it comes to always thinking WA was iffy. WA was “always” in the noncompetitive column.
It’s iffy now, though.
I don’t detect much complacency anywhere. Alienation, yes. Disillusion, disappointment, fatigue, yes. Complacency, no.
Yeah, that’s it. Patty Murray, one of the more liberal members of the senate, wins her elections by umpteen percent because we’re a red state.
Patty Murray 1,197,973
Rod Chandler 1,020,82946
Patty Murray 1,103,184
Linda Smith 785,377
Patty Murray 1,549,708
George R. Nethercutt, Jr.1,204,584
You’re admitting that Bush sucks? That’s an improvement.
If King Co. election finishes it’s count first then us Independent and Republican voters would have a chance of winning.
9 – Heh. None of that applies to me RonK. I did a little bit today and I’m going to do more about every other day until the Saturday before October 4.
Than after October 4 I’m going to be doing whatever I can to get registered Dem voters to follow through and vote.
A future with Rossi, McSame and Palin is not one I want for me and my family if I can help it.
If John thinks this is a red state then he is truly delusional. We have a Democratic gobvernor, two dem. senators and 6/9 dem. representatives. We do need to be less complascent and to make sure that we counter the Rossi lies – but now that rossi’s main lying backer, the BIAW, is being taken to court for illegal campaign ads – the tide should start to turn. Rossi, like most republicans, will shoot himself in the foot because he has no plan and has shown what an incompetent he is with his transportation fiasco.
And John – you are not an independent. Begging the state red and harping on rossi’s verifiable loss does not indicate independence. Go troll where people are not that gullible.
Yup, racists will be responsible for obama not being anointed president.
Of course, republicans won’t vote for him because he’s so damn liberal. So the only racists that will derail him would be racist democrats.
What, even a associated press / yahoo poll agrees with me?
This is the called the bradley effect. Whites not wanting to be called racist will lie to pollsters but once in the safety of a voting booth will vote against him solely because obama is black.
Heh. Yeah right..
Just wanted to make you all aren’t color blind.
When he obama hit the DNC in 2004 I was impressed.
I was for Obama oh maybe 4-5 months ago.
True story….
I vote for the Man/Women not the party.
Thanks for posting this, Goldy. It’s good to see the blogger back in the ‘hood.
MSNBC article says over 1/3 of white Democratic voters are racist, and that may spell trouble for Obama.
Would any of you Democrats like to step-up and admit your racism?
19 – If they’re feeling disaffected by Obama’s candidacy then there’s a place that will accept them with open arms – a place that has embraced them since even before the days of Nixon’s Southern strategy.
That place is the REPUBLICAN Party.
Kiss my ass.
Gallup Daily: Obama 50%, McCain 44%
The article I linked said … “News poll that found one-third of white Democrats harbor negative views toward blacks — many calling them “lazy,” “violent” or responsible for their own troubles.”
I’ll give you racist Democrats this much, you’re right about black people being lazy, violent, and responsible for their own troubles.
3 MS
Wow. You try to acccuse Obama of quoting out of context then do the same thing, except worse, bacuse you mischaracterize the entire Slon column as supporting you when it does not. Here’s that actual quotes you snipped from:
7 John
If only you could write somethign that makes sense and has correct grammar and puctuation. In other words, something that can be understood by an average English speaker.
But if you are asking if KingCo will be 100% mail-in in this election year, I do not believe it is in 2008. However, most other counties in the state are.
23 – The racists can go where they’re wanted – the REPUBLICANS love them.
I’m not one of them and I don’t want them in any organization that I’m a part.
You get it now? You’re not wanted here. So go where you’re wanted – (un)SP and Luke Esser’s gang are glad to have you.
People seem to be asserting that Washington state is not a lock for Obama, but are apparently doing so without offering any evidence at all.
Washngton IS a lock for Obama. Check it out:
I think Rossi has already leveled his most effective charges against Chris Gregoire. What’s he got left?
As for her, she has barely started defining him, as she is now in her series of ads targeting him, for exampe, for opposing stem cell research. She’s just beginning to raise his negatives and will continue to do so, and his own reticence about his right-wing views will no longer help him.
Watch for the race to look different in a few weeks.
Having the most important election before us. I would have thought King Co. would have gone 100% mail-in.
This will give the Democrats and uneven advantage again.
Is Sims still in charged?
This blog has the most unhappy people.
You all reside in Seattle’s Fremont district or Capital hill?
Is Stalin standing tall or was he sold for scrap when the price of metal increased?
27 – Right now Rossi is beating Gregoire. That means her lackluster effort has the potential to drag Obama’s campaign in this state down. This state is surely leaning Obama but it’s not strong like California.
So she’d better start educating Rossi leaners about what a mean-spirited schmuck he is and what’s truly at stake in this election.
Right now if you sign up to dial persuadable voters for Obama, part of the script is to ask if the voter will support Gregoire. Yes, the Obama organization sees the need to shore up Gregoire’s flagging campaign.
I strongly recommend everyone call your Dem precinct captain or one of the campaigns and get involved. I walked part of my precinct today and will be doing so until I’ve walked it all
This blog has the most unhappy people.
You expect us to hospitable and welcoming towards name-calling trolls?
Go away.
Yep,mean people, at least you could have answered my two questions.
They’ve been wanting me to go away for a long time. People who spew hate and intolerance don’t like others, like myself, to call them on it. That’s why I keep coming back here. Here is one of the quotes that I live by.
“All that is required for evil to prevail is for good men to do nothing.”
– Edmund Burke (Co-founder of the Burke-Gilman trail)
This is not hateful and intolerant?
Crawl back into the REPUBLICAN hole you came from.
I have given up on any real dialog with them when they go over the edge it’s impossible.
Wouldn’t be to bad if they where open minded a little to bad there so unhappy life is too short to be like that.
I should treat them better and I do try, every Sunday I’m reminded why.
Your quote is great.
Carry on my friend and I will too.
I don’t think he likes your quote.
Someone mentioned something like that the other day and they went nuts. Like holding a cross in front of a vampire. It really doesn’t take much to upset them.
The word tolerance once was their slogan wasn’t that long ago, must be a new breed of Dems in town.
Back a thread or two you said “Goodbye Losers”.
You don’t like it here? Get out already!
But as long as you get some kind of response you’ll stay. That’s what a troll does.
@34: So why do you make excuses and do nothing while Bush has started an unnecessary war, while McCain/Palin lie their little hearts out and while the country goes bankrupt due to inept republicans?
Seems like you would actaully call the republicans who have screwed this country over. Where is your righteous indignation at Abramoff and all the republicans he has bribed – and all their lies about not knowing him? Where is the anger at Ralph Reed and Grover Norquist for laundering Abramoff’s money for indian gambling, slave labor, forced abortions and russian oil tycoons – faciltiated by Tom DeLay?
Where is the anger at the Justice department being turned into a political football instead of a place that is impartial?
Where is the anger at the MMS, republicans turning the other way with Foley and Vitter?
Nope – you have no sense of righteousness – just the same old republican lies and excuses.
No John, it is just that right wing trolls coming on here trying to excuse the worst president ever – well, let’s just say you guys make excuses for lies, for corruption and for the unnecessary deaths of Americans.
And then you expect us to be nice to you. Well, sorry, you are supporting corrupt liars. Maybe you need to open your mind a little. Most Americans have figured out that Bush lied about the intelligence for the Iraq war and that the republicans waved the flag and supported his corrupt administration. Most americans figured out that appointing cronies led to Katrina and the Justice dept. debacle. Most americans have figured out that deregulation of the banking industry was a lousy republican idea. Do you not pay attention? Or are you just here to make excuses for the corrupt and incompetent republicans? If so, then please go away. If you truly wanted to engage in dialog, you might pay attention to the real issues.
I said that on the Open thread this morning and I never went back.
God Bless you YBL
Have a nice evening talk at you Monday.
Troll @ 34, you are so full of it. I have called you on multiple occasions on your distortions and fabrications. You are a troll, and truth and fairness is not your interest.
@25 Daddy Love
I think King county is 100% mail-in starting this election. The last primary was the last election that used polling places.
I agree that Rossi will peak here. Once people realize that his transportation plan has no clothes, is inept, can’t calculate any realistic budget numbers – they will see that his claims are bogus. In fact, we have NO budget deficit this year. there is a projected deficit for the next three years – and some of that will be paid for with belt-tightening and with the rainy day fund. Put Rossi in and there goes education, higher education, health care and pretty much everything except prisons. We will be behind in alternative fuels, in mass transit – but ahead in SUVs and road building (except that he has not said how he will pay for the roads). Remember, Rossi will reward his biggest supporter, the BIAW (the illegal campaign group), with unrestricted building and no environmental regulations. Expect to see greater flooding, greater clearcutting (even on steep slopes)and a lack of growth management. Expect to see voucher programs that don’t work, deterioration of the public schools and union busting too.
RR @ 40- I strongly believe that some trolls, including “Troll” post lies here so they turn up on google searches.
Troll @ 34-
“All that is required for evil to prevail is for good men to do nothing.”
– Edmund Burke (Co-founder of the Burke-Gilman trail)
This explains the Iraq fiasco.
You know,Troll @23, if it were my blog and I was calling the shots, you’d be long.
And John, it’s Capitol Hill. Not Capital Hill.
Thanks for the warning. I’m sure you’ll be back fortified for some more “holier than thou” style trolling.
I hope you don’t want to get in a pissing match over how many democrats are against obama.
Hillary Clinton Supporters For John McCain:
Party Unity My A$$ PAC/People United Means Action PAC:
Democrats Against Obama/Nobama ever!
Just Say No Deal:
What wins the nomination in the primary loses the election in the general.
Explain why democrats always have to track to the middle after winning the nomination?
If they were honest they would say the same thing.
But you already know this, you just don’t want to admit it that left-wingnut policies don’t go over well with this country.
Seattle Dan is the grammar nanny.
SeattleDan, if this was your blog, Troll would be a long what?
Shouldn’t your own words make sense if you decide to correct others? Are you a democrat? Ever heard the phrase do as I say, not as I do?
This website was put up in 2006, which happens to be before Jan 16, 2007 when obama announced he had filed papers to form a presidential exploratory committee.
John Martin has no record of ever contributing for a republican.
Go figure.
I don’t waste any more time than I have to with brain-dead trolls.
It looks like bibiggober is back being a sockpuppet.