A former most-wanted fugitive, Kenneth Freeman, is returning to Washington State to face charges:
An American man accused of raping his daughter and posting the videos on the Internet has agreed to be extradited from Hong Kong to the United States, his lawyer said Monday.
Kenneth John Freeman, a former reserve sheriff’s deputy on the U.S. Marshals Service and U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement’s most-wanted list, has been challenging the extradition request since he was arrested while traveling in Hong Kong in May.
“After due consideration, Freeman decided he will consent to surrender and be sent to the United States,” Freeman’s lawyer, Giles Surman, told a Hong Kong court on Monday.
The extradition is expected to take 3-6 weeks. For those who don’t read Effin Unsound religiously (you know who you are!), Freeman was my boss at the time he skipped bail and fled the country. And yes, I was creeped out by all of this more than you could possibly imagine.
Is Freeman a Republican? Bet he is! He is, isn’t he?
Of course this daughter-raper is a Republican! You don’t even need to ask:
“As one might have guessed from his personality and background, he was a bit of a wingnut. He was a very typical authoritarian Republican, often complaining about all the “Subarus with John Kerry bumper-stickers” around Seattle. He would tell stories of being a bad-ass cop out in Eastern Washington and how much he hated protestors. I just ignored it, and remembered why I have a line between work and blog in the first place. He talked about moving to Arizona, where he thought more people shared his political outlook. According to a co-worker, he was related by his second marriage to billionaire Vashon Island businessman Tom Stewart, a major GOP donor who moved his company to Arizona, blaming the move on the state’s inheritance tax.”
What do you expect from an in-law of Tom Stewart? Stewart is a typical GOP billionaire freeloader. He lived for decades in Washington because our state has NO INCOME TAX. Now that he’s staring across Styx, Stewart his moving himself and his money to Arizona so he won’t have to pay inheritance tax either! What a guy! He freeloads for years off public services and infrastructure paid for by others, building a business that sells services to (among other things) public institutions and entities supported by taxes paid by others, and now he’s going to Arizona to freeload off that state’s taxpayers! Good riddance. He should take your former boss with him. They make a nice pair.
In stark contrast to Republican accused daughter-raper Ken Freeman and Republican tax scofflaw Tom Stewart is Democratic King County Council candidate Richard Pope. His appearance on Robert Mak’s KING 5 “Up Front” show tonight was most impressive. Pope came across as completely credible when Mak pointed out that, until recently, Pope was a Republican and implied Pope has no party loyalty.
In stark contrast to Jane Hague, who on the same program refused to admit she was driving drunk, Pope readily and freely admitted he has been a Republican in the past. But Pope pointed out that Bush’s policies “alienated” him, and also, being the parent of an autistic child opened his eyes to the needs of disadvantaged citizens. Man! It was almost like taking a pledge to never vote Republican again, Pope was that good! He probably would have, if Mak had asked him.
Asked what he would do on the county council, Pope focused on transportation and affordable housing. In stark contrast to Roger Rabbit, Pope enthusiastically supports the RTID/ST2 transportation package — which proves Richard Pope is not a shill for Roger Rabbit! In fact, he isn’t a shill for anyone — he thinks for himself — which is why the Republican AND Democratic party poobahs hate him. They fear and despise anyone they can’t control. You’d think Chris Vance, at least, would make an effort to say something nice about a guy who’s willing to take on Roger Rabbit, but I guess that’s asking too much of Vance.
Anyway, if you missed Mak’s show, here’s the executive summary:
Jane Hague came across as vague, insincere, and mealy-mouthed.
Chris Vance came across as a smart, savvy, party hack.
Richard Pope came across as smart, sincere, and nervous to be on TV. (Don’t worry, Richard, screen presence comes with practice.)
Cathy Allen came across as the smart, savvy, feet-on-the-ground, shoulder-to-the-wheel, campaign veteran she is.
Roger Rabbit came across as that little brown dot hopping across the bottom of the screen.
The whole thing will probably be on YouTube by tomorrow morning.
I had actually forgotten that I wrote about the connection between Tom Stewart and Kenneth Freeman. I’ve heard it from multiple people, but it’s possible that those multiple people have all heard it from a single misguided individual.
@5 Of course there’s a connection! They’re both Republicans, aren’t they? That means they think in lockstep!
@6 Keep an eye on your kids if those guys are around! Or any other Republicans, for that matter! Hey, I’m not presuming guilt or accusing anyone, I’m just sayin’ …
@ 4 Roger Rabbit
Good summation RR. I agree. Pope DID (even while looking nervous and unaccustomed to the television cameras) seem sincere to the common person viewing audience.
Hague appeared to smirk with a politician-type glibness and didn’t seem believable. So carefully avoiding to admit driving drunk while apologizing for treating the cops nastily. ALTHOUGH, wouldn’t an apology/admission to driving drunk on public airwaves automatically conflict with her “Not Guilty” plea? Perhaps due to advice from her lawyer? Even IF she manages to delay the court proceedings until after the election, wouldn’t that leave more distrust on the part of the voters? This is one sorry, deep hole she’s dug herself into and it looks to be getting deeper.