Following up on my post from yesterday, SeattleJew set up a Cafe Press page with some designs showing Giuliani and his terrifying 1994 quote about freedom. I think the text is too small, but otherwise, I love the idea. If anyone else wants to try their hand at a design using that quote, send the Cafe Press link to me or post it in the comments. If it looks good, I’ll post it up here on the front page.
This is an open thread…
No matter what your political affiliation is, we can all agree this should be outlawed!
1 MS
Suuuure, pal. “Oooh, fat people are disgusting ang ugly!” Real compassionate conservatism at work.
MSM is liberal biased. Maybe no one has explained bias to you, it’s not the opinion shows, it’s the way the news is delivered.
Sure,the opinion shows of o’reily and hannity have their right leaning beliefs, colmes, greta and geraldo have their left leaning beliefs. (name the conservative show hosts on abc, nbc, cbs, cnn, msnbc) But the “news” on fox news is unbiased. MSM always refers to the abortion debate as pro-choice, painting the picture of anyone not agreeing with them as being against choice. If fox news was the publican tool you fear, they would refer to the abortion debate as pro-life, painting anyone that disagrees as against life. The MSM identifies with a conservative label, yet fail to use the liberal label. (google “Conservative think tank” 214,000 hits,”liberal think tank” 54,600 hits) Of course, the media gives more attention to publican misdeeds, claiming they are exposing the hypocrisy. Google Air america gloria wise, 12,800 hits, rush limbaugh prescription drugs 81,600 hits (cnn #1). Look at some of the comments here, when I post the words of kennedy & biden (obama bin laden the clean articulate etc.) I’m called a racist by those that didn’t know I was quoting democrats. Why weren’t they held to the same standards as trent lott? More so joe biden than kennedy.
So for all you fox haters, except for opinion shows, let’s see some evidence of fox news bias.
You supporting Fox seems a good enough reason to abhor it.
#2Daddy Love says:
I’m against public funded health care because of fat people, people that smoke, people that take drugs (non-prescribed), drink too much. Because of the unhealthy choices they make, they raise the cost of health care. They are people genetically predisposed to illnesses, I don’t mind helping them. People that are injured in accidents I don’t mind helping. But… make bad life choices and get the hell out of my pocketbook. It’s ironic isn’t it that michael moore makes sicko and demands government supply “free” healthcare when he obviously doesn’t take care of his own health seriously. At least he makes enough money off the gullible people of society that I won’t be paying his health care costs.
Yeah, fat is disgusting. It’s a drain on society. Of course unhealthy people have a right to live, work, etc., just not on my dime.
And unlike you, I’m not bound by the rules of political correctness.
#4 chadt says:
Quite excellent rebuttal. Kudos.
MSM always refers to the abortion debate as pro-choice, painting the picture of anyone not agreeing with them as being against choice. If fox news was the publican tool you fear, they would refer to the abortion debate as pro-life, painting anyone that disagrees as against life.
Marvin, you’ve said a lot of stupid things in the comment threads before, but this takes the cake. The abortion debate has always been portrayed as pro-choice vs pro-life. But that in itself yields some bias because the reality has long been that the abortion debate is between pro-choice and anti-choice. Pro-life is a bullshit term that has existed to bring legitimacy to the morally bankrupt position held by those who want to outlaw abortion.
If you can’t figure out that Fox News is a network with an incredibly strong pro-Republican bias, you are beyond help.
Just ask yourself this: if the media is so liberally biased, then how was Bush able to bullshit us into Iraq? C’mon, you’re smarter than that. Stop making a fool of yourself.
@1 Your wife will look like that someday. They don’t stay skinny forever, you know.
Man, you take self-righteousness to a new height. You don’t want to pay for healthcare for those who make “unhealthy choices.” People aren’t perfect, asswipe. All of us, including you, make unhealthy choices. Have you ever exceeded the speed limit? Had seconds on dessert? Would you propose a guardian at the gates of health care providers who would weed out those who come seeking treatment for bad choices as opposed to those who are faultless in becoming ill? Do you honestly think such distinctions can be readily made? The elitism pervasive in your post is what is wrong with people of your political persuasion.
@3 Oh I see, when the media reports something you disagree with it’s “liberal biased,” but wingnut propaganda is “beliefs.” Sorry, pal, but MSM is firmly in the grip of rich white male wingnuts. Objective studies of the political “leanings” of print and broadcast media consistently show rightwing views get more exposure in MSM beral views by a factor of about 9:1.
Ha Ha Ha He He Ho Ho – sorry I’m laughing so hard I nearly fell out of my chair. The news on Fox is unbiased? According to who? Karl Rove? And what constitutes news on Fox? It’s all Publican bullshit. The mere fact they have to claim it’s fair and balanced shows it’s not.
Calling Fox a news channel is like calling the WWF a sport. Watch OUTFOXED if you want the truth. Google it. I sent copies of the DVD to every library in Pierce County. You can get it for free there.
Hey, I’ll happily follow Marvin around and slap unhealthy food out of his hand and yell at him about how much he’s costing me in health care costs. I smell a great YouTube idea…
@3 “But the “news” on fox news is unbiased.”
Bwaaaahaaaahaaahaahahaha hoo heee har …
Even on PBS, the ratio of conservative voices to liberal voices is skewed towards the conservative side. Believing that the media is liberal is almost akin to believing that men were riding dinosaurs 5000 years ago.
@3 The only thing you got right in that comment was putting “news” in quote marks. Fox is a propaganda organ of the Far Right.
@5 I don’t suppose it ever occurred to you that Corporate America peddling unhealthy food to the public has anything to do with it.
#7Lee says:
Because the lies bush was spouting were the same lies democrats were saying.
Please don’t say the democrats weren’t spouting the same lies as bush. I can post pages of them. Enjoy
“In the four years since the inspectors left, intelligence reports show that Saddam Hussein has worked to rebuild his chemical and biological weapons stock, his missile delivery capability, and his nuclear program. He has also given aid, comfort, and sanctuary to terrorists, including Al Qaeda members, though there is apparently no evidence of his involvement in the terrible events of September 11, 2001. It is clear, however, that if left unchecked, Saddam Hussein will continue to increase his capacity to wage biological and chemical warfare, and will keep trying to develop nuclear weapons. Should he succeed in that endeavor, he could alter the political and security landscape of the Middle East, which as we know all too well affects American security.” — Hillary Clinton, October 10, 2002
For example, you have to pay 60% to 140% more for food products with “reduced salt.” Salt is bad for you. It contributes to hypertension and weight gain, among other things. Maybe one reason so many Americans eat unhealthy food that makes them fat is because they can’t afford to buy healthier food on the wages that CHEAP LABOR CONSERVATIVES pay them.
Frankly, I don’t know why ANYONE works! Our culture despises workers. Wage earners get less than half of our country’s GDP, even though they comprise the vast majority of the population. Wage income is extremely tax-disadvantaged compared to all other forms of income; clearly, our government is trying to discourage working by punishing those who work with stiff taxation while giving tax-favored status to those who live off the labor of others. No one should work. I don’t work. Working is stupid. Everyone should live on capital gains and inheritances.
Besides name calling, can anyone provide some proof/links to fox news being biased? (remember, not the opinion shows) I’ll be back in a couple hours to check up on your work. Good luck.
And roger rabbit #16 – Personal responsibility. Am I really that special that I don’t fall for all the corporate ads to do something unhealthy? If you don’t mind me asking, what are your health problems, genetic or self-inflicted?
Americans worship the idle rich. People think you’re a sap if you have to work for a living. Little girls don’t dream of marrying a carpenter or truck driver or mail carrier; they dream of marrying a millionaire and being a stay-at-home trophy wife in a Barbie mansion. The media encourages this kind of thinking.
@7 “C’mon, you’re smarter than that.”
No, he isn’t.
1. Uhhh…no. Ignored, perhaps.
“All of the quotes listed above are substantially correct reproductions of statements made by various Democratic leaders regarding Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein’s acquisition or possession of weapons of mass destruction.
“However, some of the quotes are truncated, and context is provided for none of them — several of these quotes were offered in the course of statements that clearly indicated the speaker was decidedly against unilateral military intervention in Iraq by the U.S.
“Moreover, several of the quotes offered antedate the four nights of airstrikes unleashed against Iraq by U.S. and British forces during Operation Desert Fox in December 1998, after which Secretary of Defense William S. Cohen and Gen. Henry H. Shelton (chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff) announced the action had been successful in ‘degrad[ing] Saddam Hussein’s ability to deliver chemical, biological and nuclear weapons.'”
Because the lies bush was spouting were the same lies democrats were saying.
Bullshit. Ted Kennedy, Al Gore, Howard Dean, and many other prominent Democrats were speaking out against the war, but were completely ignored by the media. Knight-Ridder was publishing report after report debunking the Bush Administration’s assertions about WMDs and links to Al-Qaeda, but their pieces were ignored while the New York Times and the Washington Post continually printed Republican talking points.
I may differ from some others in this thread in that I don’t think that the traditional media is conservatively biased either. I think they’re just inept. But you really have to be in upper echelon of stupid to think that after all that’s happened in this country that the media has a liberal bias. I talking borderline retarded, Marvin. Seriously, you’re an idiot beyond comprehension if you can’t figure out that Fox News exists to promote Republican talking points.
@24 Copying and pasting your favorite wingnut e-mails doesn’t hack it on HA, Marvin. You’re spewing to an educated audience here.
@20 “Besides name calling, can anyone provide some proof/links to fox news being biased?”
Sure, but what’s the point? You’ll simply dismiss any source we cite as “liberal biased.”
25 I think a better way to refer to the condition of the media would be “badly managed”. Of course, that would mean the use of an ancient criterion for judging management in terms of assuring the best service to the customer, rather than simply maximizing immediate return to the shareholders.
5 MS
As I said…
Besides name calling, can anyone provide some proof/links to fox news being biased? (remember, not the opinion shows) I’ll be back in a couple hours to check up on your work. Good luck.
OK, I’ll start with some links and I’m sure others can help Marvin out.
I could probably come up with between 100 and 200 more links if I wanted to with both instances and compendiums of unbalanced reporting by Fox News. All of this shouldn’t even be necessary considering that even some Fox News employees, like Scott Norvell, have openly admitted that Fox News is biased in favor of Republicans.
Seriously, Marvin, you are truly making an ass of yourself right now. Do you really want to keep going?
Simply put, they will allow profit considerations to trump real journalism at just about any opportunity.
17 MS
Yes: “In the four years since the inspectors left, intelligence reports show that Saddam Hussein has…”
Indeed. Intelligence reports. And who gathered, prepared, and disseminated those reports? Who decided what was left in, and what was left out? Was Doug Feith from the Defense Department’s Office of Special Plans?
According to the Washington Post, George Tenet’s memoir paints an “unflattering portrait of Feith as a man eager to manipulate intelligence to push the country to war.”
In Bob Woodward’s book Plan of Attack, then-Secretary of State Colin Powell called Feith’s operation at the Pentagon the “Gestapo” office, alleging that it amounted to a separate, unchecked governing authority within the Pentagon.
Tommy Franks famously called him “the dumbest fucking guy on the planet.”
In 2005, Colonel Lawrence Wilkerson, Colin Powell’s chief of staff, publicly stated he could “testify to” Franks’ 2004 comment, and added “Seldom in my life have I met a dumber man.”
According to Lieutenant Colonel Karen Kwiatkowski, who was a Desk Officer in Feith’s Policy organization, the Office of Special Plans was “a propaganda shop” and she personally “witnessed neoconservative agenda bearers within OSP usurp measured and carefully considered assessments, and through suppression and distortion of intelligence analysis promulgate what were in fact falsehoods to both Congress and the executive office of the president.”
Yeah, how weird that Senator Clinton or other Congresspeople might get that sort of idea.
Then again, we ALL knew by early 2003 that this was all bullshit as the IAEA declared that Iraq had NO nuclear program nor prayer of having one and the intrusive inspections had not found even a tiny whiff of a precursor chemical of WMD.
I’ll say that again:
“…neoconservative agenda bearers within OSP…through suppression and distortion of intelligence analysis promulgate[d] what were in fact falsehoods to both Congress and the executive office of the president.”
The difference betwen the recipients was that the president (Cheney) had requested falsehoods.
I wonder if Marvin’s retardation is genetic or self-inflicted?
I agree with Lee, a video with someone following him around nagging at all his unhealthy choices would be ‘must-see TV.’ Marvin, be prepared to become a vegan who always doubles-up on condoms (I’m giving you credit for actually being able to get laid here).
@25 “Fox News exists to promote Republican talking points.”
This is true, and all you have to do is look at who works for Fox:
“Years ago, Republican party chair Rich Bond explained that conservatives’ frequent denunciations of ‘liberal bias’ in the media were part of ‘a strategy’ (Washington Post, 8/20/92). Comparing journalists to referees in a sports match, Bond explained: ‘If you watch any great coach, what they try to do is “work the refs.” Maybe the ref will cut you a little slack next time.’
“But when … Rupert Murdoch’s … cable network debuted in 1996 … conservative politicians and activists lavished praise … when it comes to Fox News Channel, conservatives don’t feel the need to ‘work the ref.’ The ref is already on their side.
“Since its 1996 launch, Fox has become a central hub of the conservative movement’s well-oiled media machine. Together with the GOP organization and its satellite think tanks and advocacy groups, this network of fiercely partisan outlets — such as the Washington Times, the Wall Street Journal editorial page and conservative talk-radio shows like Rush Limbaugh’s — forms a highly effective right-wing echo chamber where GOP-friendly news stories can be promoted, repeated and amplified. Fox knows how to play this game better than anyone.
“Yet, … the network bristles at the slightest suggestion of a conservative tilt … wrapping itself in slogans like ‘Fair and balanced’ and ‘We report, you decide,’ Fox argues … it is the only unbiased network. …
“Fox’s founder and president, Roger Ailes, was for decades one of the savviest and most pugnacious Republican political operatives in Washington, a veteran of the Nixon and Reagan campaigns. … Described by fellow Bush aide Lee Atwater as having ‘two speeds — attack and destroy,’ … as a producer for Rush Limbaugh’s short-lived TV show, he was fond of … lashing out at ‘liberal bigots’ (Washington Times, 5/11/93). It is these two sensibilities above all–right-wing talk radio and below-the-belt political campaigning — that Ailes brought with him to Fox, and his stamp is evident in all aspects of the network’s programming.
“Fox daytime anchor David Asman is formerly of the right-wing Wall Street Journal editorial page and the conservative Manhattan Institute. The host of Fox News Sunday is Tony Snow, a conservative columnist and former chief speechwriter for the first Bush administration [and currently Bush 43’s partisan-speaking press secretary].
“Eric Breindel, previously the editorial-page editor of the right-wing New York Post, was senior vice president of Fox’s parent company, News Corporation, until his death in 1998; Fox News Channel’s senior vice president is John Moody, … known for his staunch conservative views.
“Fox’s managing editor is Brit Hume, a … contributor to the conservative American Spectator and Weekly Standard magazines.
“Its top-rated talkshow is hosted by Bill O’Reilly, a columnist for the conservative and a registered Republican ….
“The abundance of conservatives and Republicans at Fox News Channel does not seem to be a coincidence. In 1996, Andrew Kirtzman, a respected New York City cable news reporter, was interviewed for a job with Fox and says that management wanted to know what his political affiliation was. ‘They were afraid I was a Democrat,’ he told the Village Voice (10/15/96). When Kirtzman refused to tell Fox his party ID, ‘all employment discussion ended,’ according to the Voice.
“Catherine Crier … was an elected Republican judge before starting a career in journalism. …
“Pundit Mara Liasson — who is touted as an on-air ‘liberal’ by Fox executives — sits on the board of the conservative … group Freedom House; New York magazine (11/17/97) cited a Fox insider as saying that Liasson assured president Roger Ailes before being hired that she was a Republican.
“The most obvious sign of Fox’s slant is its heavily right-leaning punditry. Each episode of Special Report with Brit Hume, for example, features a three-person panel of pundits who chat about the day’s political news at the end of the show. The most frequent panelist is Fred Barnes, the evangelical Christian supply-sider who edits the Murdoch-owned Weekly Standard. …
“The next most frequent guest is Mort Kondrake, who … famously explained in a 1988 New Republic essay (8/29/88) … is ‘disgusted with the Democratic Party’ …
“Rounding out the panel is its third-most-frequent pundit, Mara Liasson, [whose] … liberalism consists of little more than being a woman who works for National Public Radio; she has proposed that ‘one of the roots of the problem with education today is feminism’ (Talk of the Nation, 5/3/01); she declares that ‘Jesse Jackson gets away with a lot of things that other people don’t’ (Special Report, 6/21/00); she calls George W. Bush’s reversal on carbon dioxide emissions ‘a small thing’ (3/14/01), campaign finance reform ‘an issue that . . . only 200 people in America care about’ (3/19/01) ….
” … Special Report panelists include conservative Washington Times reporter Bill Sammon, centrist Fortune writer Jeff Birnbaum and NPR host Juan Williams … [who] declared that ‘liberals have become monsters’ (Washington Post, 10/10/91), denouncing … liberal politicians, unions, civil rights groups and women’s organizations.
“Indeed, Fox’s crew of ‘liberal’ pundits seems … calculated to be either ineffective left-of-center advocates or conciliatory moderates. Ironically, perhaps the only Fox commentator who consistently presents a strong progressive perspective — that is, critical of corporate power and militarism, and sympathetic to progressive social movements — is … Jeff Cohen, a weekly panelist on the weekend media show Fox News Watch. Meanwhile, Barnes and Kondracke — the conservative Republican and conservative Democrat — make up the entire political spectrum on Fox’s weekend political show, The Beltway Boys, where they are generally in agreement as they discuss the week’s news.
“Even Fox’s ‘left-right’ debate show, Hannity & Colmes–whose Crossfire-style format virtually imposes numerical equality between conservatives and ‘liberals’ — can’t shake the impression of resembling a Harlem Globetrotters game in which everyone knows which side is supposed to win. On the right, co-host Sean Hannity is an effective and telegenic ideologue, a protégé of Newt Gingrich and a rising star of conservative talk radio who is perhaps more plugged into the GOP leadership than any media figure besides Rush Limbaugh … On the left is Alan Colmes, a … former stand-up comic and radio host whose views are slightly left-of-center but who, as a personality, is completely off the radar screen of liberal politics. ‘I’m quite moderate,’ he told a reporter when asked to describe his politics (USA Today, 2/1/95).
“Hannity, a self-described ‘arch-conservative’ (Electronic Media, 8/26/96), joined Fox when the network was started, and personally nominated Colmes to be his on-screen debating opponent (New York Times, 3/1/98). Before the selection was made, the show’s working title was Hannity & Liberal to Be Determined — giving some idea of the relative weight each host carries, both on-screen and within the network. Fox sometimes sends a camera down to Hannity’s radio studio during the network’s daytime news programming, from which he holds forth on the news of the day … Colmes does not receive similar treatment.
“Fox has had trouble at times hiding the partisanship of its main news personalities. In 1996, while already a Fox anchor, Tony Snow endorsed Bob Dole for president … Snow often guest-hosts the Rush Limbaugh show and wrote an unabashedly conservative weekly newspaper column …. At the 2000 Republican convention in Philadelphia, Snow –ostensibly present as a journalist covering a news event –jumped onstage to give a speech to the Republican Youth Caucus after organizers asked him to fill in for a speaker who couldn’t make it. …
“Putting aside the question of what genuine ‘balance’ means, there are undoubtedly a few reporters in Fox’s Washington bureau … whose stories are more or less indistinguishable from those of their counterparts at the mainstream networks. But an attentive viewer will notice that there are entire blocks of the network’s programming schedule that are set aside for conservative stories. …
“Recently the network debuted a weekly half-hour series –Only on Fox — devoted explicitly to right-wing stories. …
“Fox’s news specials are equally slanted: Dangerous Places (3/25/01), a special about foreign policy hosted by Newt Gingrich; Heroes, an irregular series hosted by former Republican congressmember John Kasich; and The Real Reagan (11/25/99), a panel discussion … hosted by Tony Snow, in which all six guests were Reagan friends and political aides. Vanishing Freedoms 2: Who Owns America (5/19/01) wandered off into militia-style paranoia, suggesting that the U.N. was ‘taking over’ private property.
“There is a formula to Fox’s news agenda. ‘A lot of the people we have hired,’ Fox executive John Moody explained (Inside Media, 12/11/96) when the network was launched, ‘have come without the preconceptions of must-do news. There are stories we will sometimes forego in order to do stories we think are more significant. …’ These ‘other’ stories that Moody has in mind are what make up much of Fox’s programming: An embarrassing story about Jesse Jackson’s sex life. The latest political-correctness outrage on campus. A one-day mini-scandal about a Democratic senator. Much like talk radio, Fox picks up these tidbits from right-wing outlets like the Washington Times or the Drudge Report and runs with them. …
“Former CBS producer Don Dahler resigned from Fox after executive John Moody ordered him to change a story to play down statistics showing a lack of social progress among blacks. … According to the Columbia Journalism Review (3-4/98), ‘several’ former Fox employees ‘complained of “management sticking their fingers” in the writing and editing of stories to cook the facts to make a story more palatable to right-of-center tastes.’ Said one: ‘I’ve worked at a lot of news organizations and never found that kind of manipulation.’
“Jed Duvall, a former veteran ABC reporter who left Fox after a year, told New York (11/17/97): ‘I’ll never forget the morning that one producer came up to me, and, rubbing her hands like Uriah Heep, said, “Let’s have something on Whitewater today.” That sort of thing doesn’t happen at a professional news organization.’ Indeed, Fox’s signature political news show, Special Report with Brit Hume, was originally created as a daily one-hour update devoted to the 1998 Clinton sex scandal.
“One of the most partisan features on Fox is a daily segment on Special Report called ‘The Political Grapevine.’ Billed as ‘the most scintillating two minutes in television,’ the Grapevine is a kind of right-wing hot-sheet. It features Brit Hume at the anchor’s desk reading off a series of gossipy items culled from other, often right-wing, news outlets. The key to the Grapevine is its story selection, and there is nothing subtle about it. Almost every item carries an unmistakable partisan message: Democrats, environmentalists and Hollywood liberals are the perennial villains (or the butts of the joke), while Republicans are shown either as targets of unfair attacks or heroes who can do no wrong. …
“The success of the Grapevine has apparently inspired a spin-off on Fox’s Sunday morning show. Fox News Sunday anchor Tony Snow recently inaugurated ‘Below the Fold,’ a weekly roundup of ‘unheralded political stories’ that is basically identical to Grapevine, including the conservative spin. …
“To hear the network’s bigwigs tell it, it’s not Fox that’s being biased when it puts conservative fare on heavy rotation. It’s the ‘liberal media’ that are biased when they fail to do so. Fox’s entire editorial philosophy revolves around the idea that the mainstream media have a liberal bias that Fox is obligated to rectify. In interviews, Ailes and other Fox executives often expound this philosophy … the core of Fox’s critique is the notion that the mainstream media just don’t tell the conservative side of the story. … ”
Quoted under Fair Use; for complete article and/or copyright info see
Hey wingnutz! How do ya like this fucking ICE AGE we’re in?
“2 More Heat Wave Deaths in Memphis
“Posted: 2007-08-14 14:30:04
“NASHVILLE, Tenn. (AP) – Two more deaths in the Memphis area have been linked to high temperatures, bringing the heat wave death toll there to five, officials said Tuesday.”
@17 Well, it turns out Hillary was wrong, because the administration lied to her (and the rest of Congress).
@17 (continued) Where are the WMDs, Marvin?
I think the fact that Tony Snow went straight from being a Fox News host to being the fucking White House Press Secretary should be proof enough for anyone with an IQ over 30. The jury is still out on Marvin.
Come on Marv isn’t interested. He’s gonna back Fox no matter what we show him. His ploy is to pretend he’s not a Publican – don’t fall for it.
The whole notion that there’d be any debate about Fox being a right wing noise machine is nonsense. It’s like asking us to prove the Earth is round. We know it’s round and we know Fox is biased. The problem is, there’s no other media that’s as far biased to the left as Fox is to the right. When that happens, things really will be fair and balanced. For now, Fox’s motto is “We distort – we decide.”
35 RR
Jesus, Roger…keep it a little shorter?
But it couldn’t have been shot down, because Anbar is a shining example of Dear Leader’s Glorious Victory in Iraq!
and in other news of the Occupation:
Yeah, but that’s just one day! You can’t judge by that! And northern Iraq is the peaceful, wonderful Kurdish region that the proud, stalwart PKK ( patrol to proclaim the majesty of Dear Leader’s Glorious Victory in Iraq!
Besides, what about all the bombings where 175 people AREN’T killed, huh? HUH?
What was
n’ttruePlease guys, there were two shades of opposition to el Bush in 02.
I shade, with few members, opposed invading Iraq at all, for any extant reason. This is included O’Bama. The others accepted that there were reasons to invade but only with good preparation and after other possibilities were exhausted. That included a range of folks from Powell to Clinton.
For my part I was in the latter group and was totally opposed to an invasion done by US forces alone, with opposition from Turkey and SA, with too few troops and no planning.
It does not matter now. Now we need to fix the friggin cheny and get on down the road.
#39 Lee says:
Using your logic, george stephanopoulos going from clinton’s team to cnn proves cnn is liberal biased. Thanks for proving my point about cnn being biased.
#12Lee says:
Feel free to do it. Of course, being a democrat you
won’tcan’t without a government program. Besides, even YOU aren’t stupid enough to slap something out of my hand. But I do appreciate you talking tough knowing that you will never have to back it up.#24 Roger Rabbit says:
What does your snopes link prove, the hillary quote I posted is correct.
In the four years since the inspectors left, intelligence reports show that Saddam Hussein has worked to rebuild his chemical and biological weapons stock, his missile delivery capability, and his nuclear program. He has also given aid, comfort, and sanctuary to terrorists, including Al Qaeda members, though there is apparently no evidence of his involvement in the terrible events of September 11, 2001.
It is clear, however, that if left unchecked, Saddam Hussein will continue to increase his capacity to wage biological and chemical warfare, and will keep trying to develop nuclear weapons. Should he succeed in that endeavor, he could alter the political and security landscape of the Middle East, which as we know all too well affects American security.
Now this much is undisputed. The open questions are: what should we do about it? How, when, and with whom?
Here’s the link to her own website. And please note the date, it’s after 9/11. Come on rabbit, don’t be so silly with your links. Either resort to your usual name calling or provide a real link.
Using your logic, george stephanopoulos going from clinton’s team to cnn proves cnn is liberal biased. Thanks for proving my point about cnn being biased.
Um, no. It’s not quite the same thing when it’s the other way around. George Stephanopoulos was a political advisor first, and then took a job at CNN (and he was never the press secretary, although I believe he did manage them). I don’t doubt that he considers himself a liberal. CNN has both liberal and conservative learning commentators, and that’s fine as long as they report facts (and I’m still waiting for you to link to an Olbermann lie from the thread from the other day).
As for Snow, he did the reverse. He started as a TV host, and his performance on that show was considered a qualification to move into the role of press secretary for the Bush Administration. That’s quite a difference. I guarantee you that when a Democrat is elected in 2009, they won’t be looking at CNN or MSNBC for their press secretary.
Feel free to do it. Of course, being a democrat you won’t can’t without a government program. Besides, even YOU aren’t stupid enough to slap something out of my hand. But I do appreciate you talking tough knowing that you will never have to back it up.
Send me an email so that I can contact you. I will arrange to have someone with a camera follow me following you around for the weekend as I will forcibly prevent you from doing things that could potentially cost taxpayer dollars. You game?
#47 Lee says:
If I thought you were the least bit serious I would take you up on your offer. I don’t see you coming down to los angeles to “forcibly” prevent me from doing a single thing.
Why not video tape yourself being forceful with someone in your neck of the woods, if you prove yourself I’ll take you serious.
Oh shit. I thought you were a local. I’m not flying to Los Angeles just for that.
Fox News (sic), not biased at all:
#48 Lee says:
You can still act tough with someone in your area and video tape it. Get rid of the rumor that you/extreme left only talk tough. Maybe enlist roger rabbit to help you, one of you can hold the 87 year old woman down when the other one slaps her silly.
Whatcha say Lee, up to the video challenge?
You can still act tough with someone in your area and video tape it.
The whole point wasn’t to act tough. It was to point out your hypocrisy for complaining about other people’s unhealthiness when it’s obvious that you (just like any other person) likely make hundreds of unhealthy decisions every week compared to an actual health-conscious person.
And how are you coming on pointing out a (real) lie from Olbermann? Or backing up your retarded statement about Fox News not having a bias? Or a retort to my explanation of why the Tony Snow and George Stephanopoulos cases are not equivalent?
Oh, that’s right.
I’m new to this blog, but I have to say “thank you” to marvin for your well written explaination @3 about the difference between opinion and bias. My husband and I frequently comment about the liberal bias in the press, especially in the Seattle Times and the P-I, and are mystified that it seems to be sooo acceptable.
It’s interesting that @10 and other subsequent postings that most contributors seem to think the MSM is conservatively biased because of the $$$ involved in the industry! “They’re rich therefore they’re conservative!” I’ve never seen a liberal turn his nose up at $$, and there is a LOT of money to be made in scaring the pee out of the mainstream public. I would say that the only reason the MSM media has its liberal bias is because it’s easy money! “Fear sells” is a common motto in the news industry.
John Kerry – very wealthy liberal, Al Gore, Teddy Kennedy, George Soros… all very wealthy liberals. I guess the difference between wealthy liberals and wealthy conservativews is how they got it. If you had to work your butt off to get it, you’re probably conservative. If you married it, or inherited it, you’re probably liberal.
Finally, I wonder why most liberal leaning posters feel the need to swear and insult in order to make succinct and meaningful rebuttal???
TTFN, Indy