Remind your friends, remind your families, remind your neighbors. Vote. All this jabber we do around here is meaningless unless we actually do something.
This reminds us what’s at stake and what the terrorists and the GOP have tried to take away from us.
Pretty dang cool vid. Good reminder and… hey! There was a George Michael song I like! (did I just write that?)
JCH [PA]spews:
Dear Terrorist Moooooooooooooslims and illegal aliens, NO!! YOU MAY NOT VOTE!!!!! Border Patrol with big attack dogs and the MinuteMen will be at EVERY poll!!! In addition, Democrat blacks in Milwaukee who destroy Republican vans tonight will be arrested and will lose their “guvment” checks!!!!
JCH [PA]spews:
Dear ACORN Democrat cheaters, Democrat Mexican Illegals, New York City Jews who “double” vote Democrat in NYC and Palm Beach, and Democrat Blacks who get bussed to several polls in Milwaukee, Border Patrol with attack dogs, and the MinuteMen will be at EVERY poll to arrest and deport you on Tuesday!! Voter fraud is a capital offense!!! Only English will be spoken!!!!!!!
Dear Terrorist Moooooooooooooslims and illegal aliens, NO!! YOU MAY NOT VOTE!!!!! Border Patrol with big attack dogs and the MinuteMen will be at EVERY poll!!! In addition, Democrat blacks in Milwaukee who destroy Republican vans tonight will be arrested and will lose their “guvment” checks!!!!
re 6: “Of what dost thou speakest, Willis?”
Shakespeare Coleman
Today Republican spinsmeisters are practicing their lines.
(1) “It was a for President Bush and the Republicans, because the scope of the defeat was nowhere near as complete as had been predicted by the Democrats.”
(2) “Now the Democrats have control of Congress, they are responsible for everything that goes bad in Iraq and the Economy as a result of Republican policy over the past six years.”
(3) “The Democrats didn’t really win. It’s all those dang illegals and felons voting which gave them nearly a two-thirds majority”.
Keep practicing, boys. If you work at it hard enough, you may even be able to deliver those lines with a straight face.
We’re going to kill republican turn out by offering free “massages” from gay male escorts to all the religious right wing nuts who would otherwise show up to vote.
Daddy Lovespews:
Democratic fraud? No, Republican dirty tricks are the story this election, as “robo-call” harassment is bought and paid for by the RNC and NRCC. Harass voters with calls that SOUND LIKE they’re from Democratic candidates to piss people off and keep them home instead of out electing Democrats.
Sure it’s dirty tricks! Sure it’s underhanded. For now, it’s perfectly legal and no one is even reporting on it as the harassment and voter supression tool it is.
Daddy Lovespews:
8 rhp6033
JCH is already on “Big GOP victory–a win in Tennessee!” Yes, one formerly GOP seat is likely to stay Republican. Don’t think about the six other open seats flipping Dem…and REALLY don’t think about the Republicans being unable to swing ONE Democratic House of Sentate seat their way. Nearly unprecedented.
Daddy Lovespews:
I predicted picking up 24 House and 5 Senate seats. But I think I may be low in both.
Daddy Lovespews:
All I can say is: Thanks, George W. Bush, for campaigning this week.
Let’s try that again. My attempted famcy formating omitted a word. This simpler approach should work:
“Today Republican spinsmeisters are practicing their lines.
(1) “It was a for President Bush and the Republicans, because the scope of the defeat was nowhere near as complete as had been predicted by the Democrats.”
(2) “Now the Democrats have control of Congress, they are responsible for everything that goes bad in Iraq and the Economy as a result of Republican policy over the past six years.”
(3) “The Democrats didn’t really win. It’s all those dang illegals and felons voting which gave them nearly a two-thirds majority”.
Keep practicing, boys. If you work at it hard enough, you may even be able to deliver those lines with a straight face.
Daddy Lovespews:
Republicans are looking more and more like a gay preacher caught with his dick in the hooker and his nose in the meth.
Daddy Lovespews:
No, I mean they’re looking like someone with his hands around his mistress’ neck!
Daddy Lovespews:
I somehow can’t see Jesus standing with signs at an anti-gay rally. Would Jesus vote Republican? I don’t think so.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Commentby JCH [PA]— 11/6/06@ 10:56 am
We all thought Pennsylvania was RID of you, JCH! Moved back did you? Hawaii property taxes too high for your meager retirement income? Joe Paterno is trembling.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Or does “PA” stand for “Proud Ass” in drag?
Daddy Lovespews:
Why is it that Saddam’s sentence was announced over the weekend (in time for the Sunday talk shows), but the full VERDICT won’t be ready until Thursday? Gee, that a mystery, huh?
JCH [PA]spews:
Sorry Democrat felons, illegals, and NYC/Miami Jewish “double” voters!! WE ARE WAITING WITH POLICE AND BORDER PATROL AT THE POLLS!!!!!!!!!!!Sorry, welfare Democrats bussed from poll to poll!! WE ARE READY FOR YOU!!! WE WILL DEPORT YOUR DEMOCRAT ASS! BACK TO MEXICO!!!! BACK TO MOOOOOOOOOSLIMLAND!!!!!!
JCH [PA]spews:
RR, [Pennsylvania] Just a little biz and pleasure. Back in Hawaii on Thursday!!!!!
Checking the news stories about the “big” races which will be watched nationally, I couldn’t help but note that Katherine Harris appears to be heading toward direct responsiblility for the loss of two Congressional seats, and possible more indirectly.
Direct Loss # 1: She gave up her House seat, which arguably she could have retained even in this year’s election (her district has always voted solid red, and she has remained popular there despite all logic). Now that House seat will almost certainly be won by a Democrat.
Direct Loss # 2: She vied for the open Senate seat, despite Republican handlers advising her not to do so. At this point, there is no way she is going to win that seat.
Indirect Losses: As her campaign became a national subject of humor and scorn, she hurt other Republicans across the board. Even a 1% loss in some other districts might tip some close races toward the Democrats.
In addition, her campaign served to remind the American public of just what type of person helped to engineer Bush’s 2000 election victory, and of the type of favoritism and crony-ism (rather than professional, competent management) which helped create the disasters in New Orleans and Iraq.
I guess its fair enough. If any one person was responsible for Bush’s 2000 victory, it was Katherine Harris, in cutting off the re-count before it was finished (a decision which the Supreme Court basically upheld). The fact that she might assist in the ultimate collapse of the Bush administration seems to be a bit of karma.
Dang, it did it again. One more try:
Today Republican spinsmeisters are practicing their lines.
(1) “It was a VICTORY for President Bush and the Republicans, because the scope of the defeat was nowhere near as complete and total as had been predicted by the Democrats.”
(2) “Now the Democrats have control of Congress, they are responsible for everything that goes bad in Iraq and the Economy as a result of Republican policy over the past six years.”
(3) “The Democrats didn’t really win. It’s all those dang illegals and felons voting which gave them nearly a two-thirds majority”.
Keep practicing, boys. If you work at it hard enough, you may even be able to deliver those lines with a straight face.
JCH [PA]spews:
Illegal Democrat voting Mooooooooooooooooooooooslims who are not citizens will be deported back to Mooooooooooooooooooooooslimland!!!!
Daddy Love, 25% of Democrat votes in NM [Baja Norte, MX] are ILLEGAL!!!!!! Hey Illegals!!!! Border Partrol and the MinuteMen are ready!!! We will deport you and your “anchor babies”!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
JCH [PA]spews:
Question: Who would Moooooooooooooooooooooslim terrorist Osama bin Laden vote for??? [ANS: Straight Democrat!!!!!]
Jeez! Porn spam just isn’t up to snuff. We can get shemale anal, and shemale anime, but can we get anal shemale anime? Apparently not! Hmph.
These look like your kind of porn sites. Although I didn’t see one that said:
“http: // Rev. Haggard gets anally fisted doggie style while snorting meth on his weekly phone call the White”
Geez, do you think Bush and Rove go on some weekly meth induced gay sex binge and jack each other off while on a conference call with the good Rev. Haggard while he’s being pounded by a gay male prostitute, while watching secure NSA video of Duke Cunningham being ass raped in prison, while Republican Senate candidate Jack Ryan goes wife swapping, while Don Sherwood has an affair and chokes his wife, while Rep. Gibbons assaults a woman he’s been soliciting who’s not his wife, while reading emails of Mark Foley soliciting underage boys for sex, while Mayor Jim West cruises Gay chat rooms offering government jobs in exchange for Gay sex, all while Denny Hastert says the problems “have been taken care of” *wink* *wink*?
Hey JCH, if I were a mean guy, I might say something like this too you: You are one stupid, ignorant mother fucker. It’s too bad you don’t live here in Washington, I would relish the thought of meeting you for a couple of minutes and just beating the living shit out of you.
But hey…I’m a nice guy, so I won’t say that.
What would you know about straight anything? Heck, what would the Republican Party know about straight anything? Sadly, it appears that most of the upper ranks of the Conservative movement are just like you, self loathing queers that have let their syphylis go to far.
But the good news is that in a day we will have a Democratic House, and you there will be extra funding to help find a cure for your disease.
Daddy Love:
Don’t give into JCH’s syphalitic rants. Tennesee is not over yet. In early voting, there was the largest turn out of blacks ever, and the recent polls show the over all race narrowing.
And look how Republicans are running from Bush. The candidate for governor in FLA made sure he was half a state away, even though the White House had already put out a schedule saying he would be the president. Instead, all he got was his brother in the one person in the world nearly as insane as JCH, Kathrine Harris.
Plus the CNN and FOX polls all show a rise for Democrats in the generic ballot. I have a feeling that JCH will just have to content himself with looking for sailors (or is it preachers?) to blow tomorrow if he wants to make himself happy.
Heathen Sinnerspews:
#25 Question: Who would Moooooooooooooooooooooslim terrorist Osama bin Laden vote for??? [ANS: Straight Democrat!!!!!]
Commentby JCH [PA]— 11/6/06@ 12:01 pm
Yeah, because were starting to find out there are no straight Republicans.
Osama would vote for Bush and his cronies because they’re so “religious”. Democrats are too interested in rationality, decency and empathy for the likes of terrorists.
Definitely worth the look. Thanks.
Remind your friends, remind your families, remind your neighbors. Vote. All this jabber we do around here is meaningless unless we actually do something.
This reminds us what’s at stake and what the terrorists and the GOP have tried to take away from us.
Pretty dang cool vid. Good reminder and… hey! There was a George Michael song I like! (did I just write that?)
Dear Terrorist Moooooooooooooslims and illegal aliens, NO!! YOU MAY NOT VOTE!!!!! Border Patrol with big attack dogs and the MinuteMen will be at EVERY poll!!! In addition, Democrat blacks in Milwaukee who destroy Republican vans tonight will be arrested and will lose their “guvment” checks!!!!
Dear ACORN Democrat cheaters, Democrat Mexican Illegals, New York City Jews who “double” vote Democrat in NYC and Palm Beach, and Democrat Blacks who get bussed to several polls in Milwaukee, Border Patrol with attack dogs, and the MinuteMen will be at EVERY poll to arrest and deport you on Tuesday!! Voter fraud is a capital offense!!! Only English will be spoken!!!!!!!
Dear Terrorist Moooooooooooooslims and illegal aliens, NO!! YOU MAY NOT VOTE!!!!! Border Patrol with big attack dogs and the MinuteMen will be at EVERY poll!!! In addition, Democrat blacks in Milwaukee who destroy Republican vans tonight will be arrested and will lose their “guvment” checks!!!!
re 6: “Of what dost thou speakest, Willis?”
Shakespeare Coleman
Today Republican spinsmeisters are practicing their lines.
(1) “It was a for President Bush and the Republicans, because the scope of the defeat was nowhere near as complete as had been predicted by the Democrats.”
(2) “Now the Democrats have control of Congress, they are responsible for everything that goes bad in Iraq and the Economy as a result of Republican policy over the past six years.”
(3) “The Democrats didn’t really win. It’s all those dang illegals and felons voting which gave them nearly a two-thirds majority”.
Keep practicing, boys. If you work at it hard enough, you may even be able to deliver those lines with a straight face.
We’re going to kill republican turn out by offering free “massages” from gay male escorts to all the religious right wing nuts who would otherwise show up to vote.
Democratic fraud? No, Republican dirty tricks are the story this election, as “robo-call” harassment is bought and paid for by the RNC and NRCC. Harass voters with calls that SOUND LIKE they’re from Democratic candidates to piss people off and keep them home instead of out electing Democrats.
Sure it’s dirty tricks! Sure it’s underhanded. For now, it’s perfectly legal and no one is even reporting on it as the harassment and voter supression tool it is.
8 rhp6033
JCH is already on “Big GOP victory–a win in Tennessee!” Yes, one formerly GOP seat is likely to stay Republican. Don’t think about the six other open seats flipping Dem…and REALLY don’t think about the Republicans being unable to swing ONE Democratic House of Sentate seat their way. Nearly unprecedented.
I predicted picking up 24 House and 5 Senate seats. But I think I may be low in both.
All I can say is: Thanks, George W. Bush, for campaigning this week.
Let’s try that again. My attempted famcy formating omitted a word. This simpler approach should work:
“Today Republican spinsmeisters are practicing their lines.
(1) “It was a for President Bush and the Republicans, because the scope of the defeat was nowhere near as complete as had been predicted by the Democrats.”
(2) “Now the Democrats have control of Congress, they are responsible for everything that goes bad in Iraq and the Economy as a result of Republican policy over the past six years.”
(3) “The Democrats didn’t really win. It’s all those dang illegals and felons voting which gave them nearly a two-thirds majority”.
Keep practicing, boys. If you work at it hard enough, you may even be able to deliver those lines with a straight face.
Republicans are looking more and more like a gay preacher caught with his dick in the hooker and his nose in the meth.
No, I mean they’re looking like someone with his hands around his mistress’ neck!
I somehow can’t see Jesus standing with signs at an anti-gay rally. Would Jesus vote Republican? I don’t think so.
Commentby JCH [PA]— 11/6/06@ 10:56 am
We all thought Pennsylvania was RID of you, JCH! Moved back did you? Hawaii property taxes too high for your meager retirement income? Joe Paterno is trembling.
Or does “PA” stand for “Proud Ass” in drag?
Why is it that Saddam’s sentence was announced over the weekend (in time for the Sunday talk shows), but the full VERDICT won’t be ready until Thursday? Gee, that a mystery, huh?
Sorry Democrat felons, illegals, and NYC/Miami Jewish “double” voters!! WE ARE WAITING WITH POLICE AND BORDER PATROL AT THE POLLS!!!!!!!!!!!Sorry, welfare Democrats bussed from poll to poll!! WE ARE READY FOR YOU!!! WE WILL DEPORT YOUR DEMOCRAT ASS! BACK TO MEXICO!!!! BACK TO MOOOOOOOOOSLIMLAND!!!!!!
RR, [Pennsylvania] Just a little biz and pleasure. Back in Hawaii on Thursday!!!!!
Checking the news stories about the “big” races which will be watched nationally, I couldn’t help but note that Katherine Harris appears to be heading toward direct responsiblility for the loss of two Congressional seats, and possible more indirectly.
Direct Loss # 1: She gave up her House seat, which arguably she could have retained even in this year’s election (her district has always voted solid red, and she has remained popular there despite all logic). Now that House seat will almost certainly be won by a Democrat.
Direct Loss # 2: She vied for the open Senate seat, despite Republican handlers advising her not to do so. At this point, there is no way she is going to win that seat.
Indirect Losses: As her campaign became a national subject of humor and scorn, she hurt other Republicans across the board. Even a 1% loss in some other districts might tip some close races toward the Democrats.
In addition, her campaign served to remind the American public of just what type of person helped to engineer Bush’s 2000 election victory, and of the type of favoritism and crony-ism (rather than professional, competent management) which helped create the disasters in New Orleans and Iraq.
I guess its fair enough. If any one person was responsible for Bush’s 2000 victory, it was Katherine Harris, in cutting off the re-count before it was finished (a decision which the Supreme Court basically upheld). The fact that she might assist in the ultimate collapse of the Bush administration seems to be a bit of karma.
Dang, it did it again. One more try:
Today Republican spinsmeisters are practicing their lines.
(1) “It was a VICTORY for President Bush and the Republicans, because the scope of the defeat was nowhere near as complete and total as had been predicted by the Democrats.”
(2) “Now the Democrats have control of Congress, they are responsible for everything that goes bad in Iraq and the Economy as a result of Republican policy over the past six years.”
(3) “The Democrats didn’t really win. It’s all those dang illegals and felons voting which gave them nearly a two-thirds majority”.
Keep practicing, boys. If you work at it hard enough, you may even be able to deliver those lines with a straight face.
Illegal Democrat voting Mooooooooooooooooooooooslims who are not citizens will be deported back to Mooooooooooooooooooooooslimland!!!!
Daddy Love, 25% of Democrat votes in NM [Baja Norte, MX] are ILLEGAL!!!!!! Hey Illegals!!!! Border Partrol and the MinuteMen are ready!!! We will deport you and your “anchor babies”!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Question: Who would Moooooooooooooooooooooslim terrorist Osama bin Laden vote for??? [ANS: Straight Democrat!!!!!]
Jeez! Porn spam just isn’t up to snuff. We can get shemale anal, and shemale anime, but can we get anal shemale anime? Apparently not! Hmph.
These look like your kind of porn sites. Although I didn’t see one that said:
“http: // Rev. Haggard gets anally fisted doggie style while snorting meth on his weekly phone call the White”
Geez, do you think Bush and Rove go on some weekly meth induced gay sex binge and jack each other off while on a conference call with the good Rev. Haggard while he’s being pounded by a gay male prostitute, while watching secure NSA video of Duke Cunningham being ass raped in prison, while Republican Senate candidate Jack Ryan goes wife swapping, while Don Sherwood has an affair and chokes his wife, while Rep. Gibbons assaults a woman he’s been soliciting who’s not his wife, while reading emails of Mark Foley soliciting underage boys for sex, while Mayor Jim West cruises Gay chat rooms offering government jobs in exchange for Gay sex, all while Denny Hastert says the problems “have been taken care of” *wink* *wink*?
Hey JCH, if I were a mean guy, I might say something like this too you: You are one stupid, ignorant mother fucker. It’s too bad you don’t live here in Washington, I would relish the thought of meeting you for a couple of minutes and just beating the living shit out of you.
But hey…I’m a nice guy, so I won’t say that.
What would you know about straight anything? Heck, what would the Republican Party know about straight anything? Sadly, it appears that most of the upper ranks of the Conservative movement are just like you, self loathing queers that have let their syphylis go to far.
But the good news is that in a day we will have a Democratic House, and you there will be extra funding to help find a cure for your disease.
Daddy Love:
Don’t give into JCH’s syphalitic rants. Tennesee is not over yet. In early voting, there was the largest turn out of blacks ever, and the recent polls show the over all race narrowing.
And look how Republicans are running from Bush. The candidate for governor in FLA made sure he was half a state away, even though the White House had already put out a schedule saying he would be the president. Instead, all he got was his brother in the one person in the world nearly as insane as JCH, Kathrine Harris.
Plus the CNN and FOX polls all show a rise for Democrats in the generic ballot. I have a feeling that JCH will just have to content himself with looking for sailors (or is it preachers?) to blow tomorrow if he wants to make himself happy.
#25 Question: Who would Moooooooooooooooooooooslim terrorist Osama bin Laden vote for??? [ANS: Straight Democrat!!!!!]
Commentby JCH [PA]— 11/6/06@ 12:01 pm
Yeah, because were starting to find out there are no straight Republicans.
Osama would vote for Bush and his cronies because they’re so “religious”. Democrats are too interested in rationality, decency and empathy for the likes of terrorists.