I am looking for somebody with expertise in developing WordPress templates, widgets and plugins, who is willing to do some work for me in exchange for little more than the vague promise of future glory and/or potential remuneration should our mutual efforts eventually result in future glory and/or remuneration. The project involves developing a heavily widgetized template, custom widgets, and modifications to the WordPress drag-and-drop sidebar/widget admin tools. If done right, it would be way cool.
Please contact me via email if you’re interested and qualified. Thanks.
The lack of help from your minions is very telling ASSie Voice. Want a good book resource?
Want a good book resource?
Only if you give it to him FREE. Duh.
He’s got his gimmies jones, again.
An alternative might be to see if we could organize a group of folks to put together enough in dollars or other kinds of support to achieve what you want.
Aren’t there also blog for $$ company that do this sort of ting on a contract basis, probably more. Any idea about what they would charge?