“Fox News shows more sexualized violence and humiliation than probably any other network — all in the name of condemning it — while under-showing violence in Iraq, all in the name of supporting it.”
— Gloria Steinem
Hell if the family values party would condemn the network that leads the charge in spreading their lies and propaganda. But you can. Sign the petition telling the FCC that you should not be forced to pay for FOX’s smut. Demand a la carte cable.
Goldy, you just converted me in a a Fox News viewer. I can’t wait until I get home tonight!!!
Jeez, I am so excited I can’t even type… “converted me into a” is what I meant.
:) :)
The first meetng of the as yet unnamed Sound Politics version of DL will occur next Tuesday night at 7:30, Lake Union Hooters.
SJ is currenlty runing a ocntest for the best name.
More to follow
Love that Goldy now fancies himself America’s censor…And at the behest of wrinkled old former Playboy Club Bunnyette, Gloria Steinem!
Where’s that First Amendment when you need it!
What’s next, Goldy? Stocks, the dunking stool, and burning at the stake for any on TV who expose even a hint of cleavage?
Sounds like another faux crusade to me since Fox News is kicking the you-know-what out of MSNoBodyCares.
Hear what Tom Brokaw said about poor Katie Couric’s gig at CBS? As reported at Time.com, “It’s not worked out as well as she would have liked it to.”
Here’s the deal: Go to ala carte cable and kiss MSNitwitsBlatheringConstantly goodbye, which will then be reduced to begging for a chance to suckle at the public teat alongside PBS and NPR.
Check out ratings numbers from this past Tuesday, Election Day when Prop 1 flopped like a turd fresh out of the cow and both I-960 and I-25 were embraced by state and King County voters, respectively. These numbers courtesy mediabistro.com.
The Piper
The Scoreboard: Tuesday, Nov. 6
25-54 demographic: (LS)
Total day: FNC: 262 | CNN: 157 | MSNBC: 104 | HLN: 105
Prime: FNC: 518 | CNN: 225 | MSNBC: 199 | HLN: 167
5p: 6p: 7p: 8p: 9p: 10p: 11p:
FNC BigStory: Hume: Shep: O’Reilly: H&C: Greta: O’Reilly:
171 321 329 655 558 342 394
CNN Blitzer: Blitzer: Dobbs: OutOpen: King: Cooper: Cooper:
247 210 291 179 231 264 201
MSNBC Hardball: Tucker: Hardball: Countdo.: Abrams: Investig.: Special:
82 94 190 316 154 126 112
HLN Prime: Prime: Beck: Grace: Beck: Grace: Showbiz:
47 96 168 232 115 169 153
Data by Nielsen Media Research. Live and same day (DVR) data.
Total Viewers: (LS)
Total day: FNC: 899 | CNN: 501 | MSNBC: 273 | HLN: 229
Prime: FNC: 1744 | CNN: 796 | MSNBC: 564 | HLN: 375
5p: 6p: 7p: 8p: 9p: 10p: 11p:
FNC BigStory: Hume: Shep: O’Reilly: H&C: Greta: O’Reilly:
993 1465 1411 2519 1566 1149 1065
CNN Blitzer: Blitzer: Dobbs: OutOpen: King: Cooper: Cooper:
715 738 1053 676 965 748 539
MSNBC Hardball: Tucker: Hardball: Countdo.: Abrams: Investig.: Special:
393 223 501 913 425 353 300
HLN Prime: Prime: Beck: Grace: Beck: Grace: Showbiz:
158 235 292 583 251 316 425
Asshole @4,
This has nothing to do with censorship, and you know it. This is about choice. I shouldn’t be forced to pay for FOX news, just to have the privilege of subscribing to cable. In fact, that’s one of the reasons why I don’t have cable.
The election doesn’t go your way, so it’s back to attacking Fox News and President Bush for you, eh loser? Figures.
Hey Piper: the great thing about you is how you rise to the occasion (no pun intended) and totally miss the point goldy is making.
Read it and watch it again – it is about hypocrisy. Fox and O’Reilly are going on and on about the lack of moral values in this country and their own station shows gratuitous sexual images instead of real news to attract viewers like you. The best part of it is you don’t even get it – talk about unconscious.
Most of those images were completely gratuitous and added nothing to the news. Fox also covers all the titillating stories about sex that aren’t really serious news either. And then they complain about our values going down…
Note: when has Fox (hmm, now I get where the name comes from) or that moron O’Lie-ly complained about Bush running roughshod over our constitution. Unless some blond is lying on the constitution half naked – Fox ain’t covering it.
And I shouldn’t have to pay for an ashtray or cigarette lighter when I buy a car, but I do.
I’m not a fan of MTV or MSNBC (news to any of you?), but I’m stuck with them as part of the package. Welcome to bundling.
In subscribing, I exercise my choice not to watch MTV or MSNBC in order to revel in Fox News, not to mention Turner Classic Movies, AMC (thought their “Madmen” series was exceptional), and the History Channel (though Ice Truckers fails to interest me).
Here’s the deal: Fox News attracts more cable viewers than the rest of the cable news outlets combined. Functionally, without Fox News, which headlines the package as the, pardon my use of the word, GOLD standard, there wouldn’t be much of anything to market.
Besides…no one will ever hold a gun to your head to watch O’Reilly, though it’s getting to where the only way people will watch MSNowBitchingCopiously is if someone does.
Now that you don’t have Pope to pimp, is this your new crusade de jour?
The Piper
Current entries in the right thinking pub contest:
Grand Ol’ Pub
Mugs ‘n Jugs
Public Libation
Right Drinking
Hay piper
Harvey and I are wondering of you have time to come to an organizatinal meeting for Right Drinking next week? Free Beer!
Here’s an interesting juxtaposition:
MSNowBeingCreamed dallied with Rosie O’Donnell (the mental image is nauseating, isn’t it?) to have her host a one-hour commentary show right after Olbermann’s sharing rabies show, but, per her blog, her BIG mouth blew it.
Rosie O’Donnell??? MS. “Twin Towers Inside Job???”
What’s next? The Ward Churchill Hour? From My Perspective featuring Ossama bin Laden? Revel in the Dead Today, a panel discussion among Taliban and al-Quida field commanders?
While I’m thinking of it…How’s that Air America doing? Any new bankruptcy scandels?
The Piper
Arsenic laced?
The Piper
@9 SJ: Are we trying to think of names for a republican drinking club/evening?
How about:
Drink it here so you don’t drink it at home
The right to drink and bear arms
Deficit drinking (that would be attention and intellectual deficits – since all the money has drained to Iraq already)
Oh blackwater, keep the beer comin’
Friends don’t let enemies drink nuc’ler beer
WMD beer night – try to find this beer
Abramoff beer night – booze and corruption in one
Hard liquor for “hard” times
Throw one down for the wasted economy
Alberto Gonzalez beer night: You won’t remember a thing in the morning.
Heckuva beer Brownie – Drown your sorrows like New Orleans
I haven’t looked into this, but one problem I would see with a la carte cable is that it would virtually ensure the demise of community and municipal govt. broadcasting–well, granted, the FCC is working at eliminating it anyway: http://www.ourchannels.org/?p=105
C-SPAN would probably go out of business at least.
Just because:
Oh and that left wing Sportscenter host on MSNBC is an objective unbiased “journalist” I suppose.
14 – Not sure that’s a bad thing. Comcast channels 14-26 or 27 are pretty damn worthless.
Better than demanding ala carte, just dump cable tv all together. That will send a quicker message. I gave up cable a few years ago, life has never been better. Besides there are more interesting things in the blogs and youtube.
TV is in its last throes anyway just like the newspaper business.
What do you expect from the Christian Taliban? Next up: Stoning women who marry for love.
1, 2 – Clumsy fingers racing ahead of a slow mind, eh?
So, what do you watch? The networks? Or did you replace cable with a dish? Or are you one who figures if the Puritans could live without Nickleodian and Divine Design, so can you?
I actually wouldn’t mind some form of greater choice for channel options, but as anyone who eats out will tell you, ala carte is always more expensive than ordering a complete meal.
Two from column A, and one column B…
The Piper
@4 You are so fucking lame. Goldy isn’t calling for censorship. All he’s asking is that we NOT BE FORCED TO BUY a crappy product we don’t want.
@9 Mugs’N’Jugs is good — fits the rightwing mentality perfectly. And the Republican men and women who hang out in Republican bars deserve each other.
19 – Christian Taliban? Thanks for displaying your ignorance and anti-religious bigotry. How “tolerant” of you. Can you can cite any church that follows the Bible who is cutting of the clitoris’ of young girls or executing them by firing squad? No, you cannot so please shut your pie hole!!
Fox News attracts more cable viewers than the rest of the cable news outlets combined
Now we know why! Hey Pooper – are you looking forward to bare boobs on page 3 of the WSJ? Like I said earlier – mix female boobs, buns and the rest with right wing bullshit and you get the most intoxicating addictive drug for the right wing male.
I have the cheapest cable, 12/15 bucks a month. I pay that for the reception quality and some local sports. I don’t get CNN, MSNBC or the odious Faux News. And I don’t get my news from the old networks – I live off the net.
I have to admit that I personally don’t watch a lot of that stuff, although C-SPAN and some of the progressive programming on SCAN TV are the only television I can really stomach. It’s some of the only honest and unvarnished television you will find anywhere, and it would be a shame if it weren’t available.
State Supreme Court rules this morning that Eyman’s I-747, property tax limitation, is unconstitutional.
All censors and intolerants cloak their desire to eradicate all save their own POV in false morality or studied indignation.
Neither Goldy or Steinem are in favor of removing the complained of material from Fox, they’re in favor of removing Fox, complained of material or not.
What’s next? Carrie Nation having posting rights at HA?
The Piper
“Progressive programming” and “honest and unvarnished television” is oxymoronic…Thought you should know so that you can avoid further confusion and embarrassment.
The Piper
Conservatives, Fox, Larry Craig, Rep. Curtis, Piper, et. al. suffer from Osteopornosis (n), a degenerate disease.
@24 And you think they wouldn’t if they got the chance? I’ll bet you believe in the Easter Bunny too!
@ 23
I like Mugs and Jugs, but is it right enough?
My wife suggests:
Right Thinking, Right Drinking (RTRD)
Another idea;
One for the Gipper
Fox and Jugs
Real Beer
Truth n Tits
Sound Suds
Drown the Libs
To all contestants:
The first prize is a gift certificate for a free beer at Hooters! Lady contestants are WELCOME!
@28 Could you point out to me where either of them said they wanted to “remove Fox”? I missed that part.
So now Crackpiper, bereft of any semblance of reasoned argument, is reduced to equating not wanting to be forced to pay for Rupert’s Prurient Ignorance Channel with “removing” it from the electronsphere.
I find it too funny that Piper, who is a member of the Christian Taliban (the Southern Baptist Convention, in case nobody remembers him posting that), the fine organization that threw out all the moderates over the last few years and who tell their members how to vote, the people who boycotted Disneyland for hiring gay people, is supporting lust and lasciviousness by Fox.
Nothing consistent (or particularly honest) about old Piper.
Breaking News
Ann Coulter has just agreed to serve as the nationl “Hooter’s Girl” for the new Repubican drinking night.
The drinking night, a joint project of the RNC and Hooter’s management is still un-named. A contest being run by a Seattle Blogger, SeattleJew, is collecting names. The winner will receive an autographed picture of Ms. Coulter in her Hooter costume AND a gift certificate for a free beer with a Hooter’s babe.
Drama Queen, director of public relations for the tawdry beer and breasts chain, has denied any political intent of the new program. Leaning toward this reporter, she said ..Hooters has no preferences .. right and left or both are all the same to us. We would welcome Drinking Liberally to Hooter;s as well but have been told that their female members would be offended,
Eyman Batting .1000
I-722: Unconstitutional
I-747: Unconstitutional
Next Up:
I-960: Probably Unconstitutional
It makes you wonder if Eyman really wants to cut taxes, because he sure hasn’t cut any. Is the guy really this stoopid? Or is he sabotaging his own initiatives? After all, if he ever succeeded in actually cutting taxes, he would be out of business, wouldn’t he?
See also “All censors and intolerants cloak their desire to eradicate all save their own POV in false morality or studied indignation” from Piper in post 28.
Shall we, Piper, start looking up and listing the various censorious campaigns of your church? I don’t think we need to.
Goldy’s words: ” Sign the petition telling the FCC that you should not be forced to pay for FOX’s smut. Demand a la carte cable.”
They speak for themselves.
Here’s the deal: Fox News attracts more viewers than the rest of the cable news channels combined. Fox is the draw, not the others, and especially not MSNobodyButClowns accompanied by free-falling CuckoldedNeuteredNews.
BTW…has Larry King again jumped the shark? His recent interview with Jerry Sienfeld where he contended that Seinfeld was fired from his network series even had the usually nonplussed Seinfeld sticking a fork in Larry to check how done he is.
Face it: the FCC peition is petty ankle biting by a slatternly sour grapes sour puss with Goldy jumping on the righteous indignation bandwagon.
This has all the earmarks of another Pope-like crusade. Watch while America both yawns with boredom and continues to watch Fox News with increasing enthusiasm.
And you, Rabbit, are left with nothing by old Bugs Bunny shorts.
The Piper
I think it’s pretty clear from the election that the people in this state are tired of taxes!
Piper profoundly posts:”Face it: the FCC peition is petty ankle biting by a slatternly sour grapes sour puss with Goldy jumping on the righteous indignation bandwagon.”
But, boycotting Disneyland for hiring gays is perfectly all right and the American thing to do, evidently.
Lee, I hope your getting this for reel 2. I’m sure it’s just getting under way on this thread…
oops your=you’re
Goldy’s point is more important than “just” censorship. By concentrating the choice of what to run in the hands of a small corporate elite, cable w/o choice is always going to be biased. In effect this is the same thing as having a national new paper called :ravda and then privatizing it!
Cable is pervasive. In Seattle you wanna have cable .. you buy it form Comcast and take what they give you or pay throught the nose.
If we want to encourage divers speech then we should require cable to allow choice for any medium they carry .. whether it is video, radio, or the net.
As one piece of evidence that this would work, look at the huge market share NPR commands over all other talk radio. Why? Oddly for a sorta socialist endeavor, NPR is super competitive. Presumably if Cable offered free choice, the BBC, CBC, maybe even al Jazeera,?? would become very competitive with Faux and its increasingly People Magazine oriented competitors.
One last point, there is an obvious if snail like convergence of cable and the web. Why not go even further and push cable to provide FREE tube based web access at least to one way sites. This would encourage more folks ot read KOS, SP, etc., would build HUGE advertising revenue potentials, etc.
Congress Overrides Bush Veto!!!
Let it not pass unnoticed that today marks the first time a Bush veto has been overridden. I predict there will be more as the lamest of presidents turns into a duck.
“Senate enacts water resources bill; first override of a Bush veto
“The Associated Press
“WASHINGTON — President Bush suffered the first veto override of his seven-year-old presidency Thursday as the Senate enacted a $23 billion water resources bill despite his protest that it was filled with unnecessary projects. … Thursday’s vote showed that even many Republicans will defy him ….
“The bill funds … Army Corps of Engineers projects, such as dams, sewage plants and beach restoration, that are important to local communities and their representatives. It also includes money for the hurricane-hit Gulf Coast and for Florida Everglades restoration efforts. …
Bush … vehemently objected to the water bill …, calling it too expensive. … [T]he Army Corps has a backlog of $58 billion worth of projects and an annual budget of about $2 billion to address them. The bill, the first water system restoration and flood control authorization passed by Congress since 2000, would cost $11.2 billion over the next four years, and $12 billion in the 10 years after that, according to the Congressional Budget Office. …
Some of Bush’s most ardent allies argued for the override. ‘This bill is enormously important, and it has been a long time coming,’ said Sen. David Vitter, R-La. … The bill ‘is one of the few areas where we actually do something constructive,’ said Senate Minority Whip Trent Lott. R-Miss. What Bush sees as pork barrel items, Lott said, ‘are good, deserved, justified projects.'”
Quoted under fair use; for complete story and/or copyright info see http://seattletimes.nwsource.c.....eto08.html
Roger Rabbit Commentary: The water bill points out how badly Bush has neglected domestic needs and priorities while pursing his super-expensive, unnecessary, and counterproductive military misadventure in Iraq. Another area where Bush has ignored the needs of American citizens is domestic crime fighting. Bush reassigned over 1,000 FBI agents from law enforcement to terrorism, without replacing them, and domestic crimes like bank robberies and ID thefts have soared. Bush simply doesn’t care about the American people. He has his own priorities, which mostly have to do with enriching his oil patch buddies at the expense of American soldiers’ lives.
I must say that O am becomong fond of the name “Drinking Right!”
It sums things up pretty well and does not commit the new branch of DL to always be at Hooters.
@39 “Goldy’s words: ” Sign the petition telling the FCC that you should not be forced to pay for FOX’s smut. Demand a la carte cable.””
Yeah, Piper, I see something there that says Goldy doesn’t want to be “forced to pay for FOX’s smut” but I don’t see where he says take FOX off cable. It must be hidden between the lines somewhere. Can you find it for me?
@39 (continued) Oh wait! Now I get it! If people weren’t forced to buy FOX, nobody would watch it. When Mark the Redneck’s dead crack whore wife catches him watching naked floppers on the FOX Smut Channel he can say, “But dear, I didn’t order it, it came bundled with the cable service!” Rupert and his FCC pals have to force people to buy FOX or there would be no FOX!
@29: Thanks, Scott. I’m sorry I never have time to return the favor.
By “honest and unvarnished” I’m referring to community TV in general, and by virtue of its lack of production value. There is nothing more honest, from a TV production standpoint, than just turning on the camera during a Bellevue city council session or whatever, and letting it run. There’s a lot of stuff on SCAN TV that I don’t like, and don’t agree with, but the opposite is also true, and it sure beats the infomercials and cable news when you can’t sleep at night.
@39 (continued) What’s wrong with Bugs Bunny shorts? You got something against long ears?
@40 And they’re getting even more tired of Timmie Lieman’s failure to deliver on his promises to cut taxes. How many donors is he down to now? One?
Odd. Where did Piper disappear to???
Roger @47,
See, folks like Piper just don’t believe in the free market. They like the fact that our cable monopolies conspire with our content monopolies to force us to buy crap we don’t want. If I want Animal Planet and Comedy Central, I should be able to buy them without buying an additional 50 channels of garbage I won’t watch. But right now, if I want to watch Jon Stewart, I’m forced to subsidize Bill O’Reilly. I dunno, seems unAmerican to me.
So tell me Piper… why do you hate America?
@41…Chad T….
I thoroughly enjoyed my last trip to Disneyland this past April. I’m especially fond of the Storybookland Canal Boats and the fascinating miniatures from classic Disney films that you see along the route.
You’re actually quite ignorant about Baptists, among scores of other things and subjects.
Given that we believe in individual grace and responsibility, I’m free to do whatever I please and in whatever manner I’m led by the Spirit. Neither Nashville nor the local church tell each other what to do, think, or believe, and they likewise don’t tell me. Ours is a purely voluntary association.
Curious that you condemn boycotts with which you take issue, but you now orgasmicly endorse this attempt to boycott Fox News.
How come John Edwards, HRC, Barack Obama and others are too chicken to go on Fox? Barack will blow his wad for Tyre Banks, but he won’t even appear with Allen Combs? Is HRC afraid of more “piling on?” And Mr Dear in the Headlights, Johnny One Note Edwards? No guts, no glory.
If they want to be seen by the American people, Fox News is the place.
The Piper
Not Made In U.S.A. Dep’t
“Date-rape chemical prompts recall of toys
The Associated Press
“A mother said Thursday she knew something was terribly wrong when her 20-month-old son began to stumble and started vomiting. He had just ingested a popular toy that contains a chemical that turns into a powerful “date rape” drug when eaten.
“It was the latest Chinese-made toy pulled from shelves in North America.
“Shelby Esses, 30, said her son Jacob fell and went limp after getting into his older sister’s Aqua Dots set, which was recalled Wednesday by the Consumer Product Safety Commission. … Aqua Dots … are beads that can be arranged into designs and fused when sprayed with water.
“The toy was pulled from shelves … after scientists found they contain a chemical that converts into the so-called date rape drug when eaten. … Scientists say a chemical coating on the beads can metabolize into the drug gamma hydroxy butyrate. When eaten, the compound … can induce unconsciousness, seizures, drowsiness, coma and death.”
Quoted under fair use; for complete story and/or copyright info see http://seattletimes.nwsource.c.....ys08m.html
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Republicans send our jobs and money to China, and get back toys that give our kid seizures. Meanwhile, the dollar is devaluing toward zero. Oh well, at least the college frat boys love these toys! They’re snapping them up to give to their girlfriends as Xmas presents.
Cable monopolies? I loathe so-called “regulated” monopolies as a matter of course; open it up to full competition. And if they’re publicly owned, sell them to private interests (read Seattle City Light, Washington State Ferry System, Liquor Control Board, etc.).
But I’m telling you, Fox is the draw, not the other cable news outlets. Why, I’ll bet without their privilege of basking in the Fox News glow, the other cable networks would be reduced to running ads for male enhancement products and selling Roger Rabbit autographed model thong bikini’s, but only if you call 1-866-BANKRUPT in the next 30-minutes…operators are standing by.
Still ala carte is more expenseive than a package, and no one is holding a gun to your head forcing you to watch Fox. You do have a choice.
I love America, and so do Bill O’Reilly, Sean Hannity, and others at Fox. It’s the Olbermann’s of this world that wallow in a seething cauldron of discontent.
So…I’m happy to let the marketplace decide the cable TV issue…as I am most other issues. Seems to me, the marketplace, represented by voters, decided the issue of Prop 1, I-25, I-960, the PA race, et al…Good job that, eh what?
The Piper
“520 a priority as officials regroup after election
“By Mike Lindblom
“Seattle Times transportation reporter
“The voters’ rejection of Proposition 1, instead of bringing transportation efforts to a standstill, has motivated politicians to rally around a new Highway 520 bridge.
“Gov. Christine Gregoire said Wednesday she has ordered state departments to develop a new funding plan, and that she’ll begin talks on Friday with other officials. …
“One possibility is to put a tax on the ballot just for the bridge, to supplement funding from tolls and gas taxes, said House Transportation Committee Chairwoman Judy Clibborn, D-Mercer Island, who supported Proposition 1. … ‘Maybe that’s what they wanted in the first place,’ Clibborn said. State Sen. Ed Murray, D-Seattle, said it makes sense to tackle Highway 520 before addressing broader transportation issues. ‘Completing projects such as the 520 bridge and showing we can do it and do it right is important,’ he said.”
Quoted under fair use; for complete story and/or copyright info see http://seattletimes.nwsource.c.....th08m.html
Hey, Piper, the Southern Baptist Convention is notorious for it’s rigidity and your specious claim that autonomy of individual congregations frees you from any resposibility for the parent organization is the same as saying that your membership in the Ku Klux Klan leaves you free to promote civil rights for African Americans.
The SBC negotiated a deal with Disneyland and called off the boycott when it became obvious it was having only negative effects for the boycotters, so of course you could visit. The boycott was over.
There’s a limit to what you can con people into believing, but you’re going to continue to sleaze around the truth as long as you think you can get away with it.
And the rest of your post just flies off into never-never land, not addressing, as usual, the point; just throwing out irrelevant bullshit and trying to change the subject.
Nothing new here.
@21 Piper Scott
I work from home (tech) and during the run up to the 2005 election I watched a lot of the 24 hr news cycle while working. It literally drove me batshit. I decide a self intervention was in order. Now I don’t have cable, dish or any subscriber tv. It is much better for my sanity. I do miss C-SPAN. But I find that lectures and what not are pretty easy to come by on youtube etc. Also, now that Charlie Rose hosts all his shows online, it is great. Plus for the occasional network show like CSI or Numbers I can go to the network’s website and watch.
TV as it is currently made available should be classified as a schedule II narcotic, IMHO.
And the cable companies really are pushers. I remember calling up my cable provider and telling them I wanted to cancel because I considered it an addictive substance. I literally told them this point blank. The customer support rep ended up giving me cable for free if I kept internet. I swear to god. Try it sometime. Tell you you want to unhook and they will move heaven and earth to keep you on.
Curious that you condemn boycotts with which you take issue, but you now orgasmicly endorse this attempt to boycott Fox News.
Cite for me my condemnation of boycotts; where have I said that? Where?
I was citing your hypocrisy.
And what the hell is that word between “now” and “endorse”?
@61…Chad T….
You condemned an alleged SBC boycott of things Disney.
I creatively fashioned an adverb between the two words you reference. That you have to ask indicates how uncreative are you.
Hypocrite? Me? I’m not a liberal, so how can I be?
The Piper
er I mean 2004 election
Your experience is living proof of why regulation is a wasted effort, and why the big hoo-hah over media ownership is so much spitting in the wind.
With a bit of effort and initiative, you find the content you want apart from a cable company, Direct TV, the networks, etc. Good for you!
Are you listening, Goldy? Here’s a guy who doesn’t just sit and whine about stuff, he does stuff of his own.
Problem, though, with watching shows on the ‘puter is that unless you’ve connected it to your big screen, you’re back looking at a 19″ screen much the same as we all did in the early 80’s.
My remedy for the addiction you reference is to simply not have the tube on during the day…radio either. Currently I blog away to the mellifluous strains of Doc Watson to be followed by Dire Straights and Gordan Lightfoot.
Curious…would Fox (entertainment side, not Fox News) be interested in a blog-based sitcom? Drawn from the antics of the HA Happy Hooligans, weekly laugh-fests featuring all the gang? When next Rupert and I break bread, I’ll pitch the concept to him.
The Piper
didnt read all the comments but this was funny..
Goldy says: “This is about choice. I shouldn’t be forced to pay for FOX news, just to have the privilege of subscribing to cable. In fact, that’s one of the reasons why I don’t have cable”
soooo… you shouldnt be ‘forced’ to pay for FOX news, yet you dont have cable? problem solved, yet, here you are bitching about it?
classic leftie moonbatism… “i am so delicate that watching anything that threatens my belief system makes me cry”
sheesh… the rest of us put up with ABC, CBS and NBS for decades listening to their spewing the NYT every night.
@56 … who or what is an Olberman?
seriously … :-/
Piper, you truly ARE an idiot. Here is what I said: I find it too funny that Piper, who is a member of the Christian Taliban (the Southern Baptist Convention, in case nobody remembers him posting that), the fine organization that threw out all the moderates over the last few years and who tell their members how to vote, the people who boycotted Disneyland for hiring gay people, is supporting lust and lasciviousness by Fox.
I pointed out that SBC boycotted Disneyland. I made NO comment about whether or not I thought that was good, bad , or indifferent. The point is that YOU are condemning a boycott, and the religious group to which YOU belong boycotts. THAT’S called hypocrisy.
If you’d learn to read what people say rather than assume they said something congruent with your impression, you’d look a lot less foolish.
Who here is being FORCED to watch FOX News??
::crickets chirping::
A news commentator on MSNBC. Sort of an Antihannity.
Actually, I frequently am. I spend a lot of time in Oklahoma at a tech center, and the large screens in the dining lounge (the only place to get food) are tuned only to Fox News Channel.
If I want to eat, I watch, Hannity et al.
It’s ok, I lose weight while I’m there.
@67…Chad T….
Context, ChaddyBoy, context…If you condemn the organization, you implicitly condemn it’s advocacy.
Of much less criminal convictions have been rendered.
If the big screen in Oklahoma so offends you, why don’t you simply demand the channel be changed? It’s a free country, and you can say whatever you want…then wait to be told to sit down and shut up!
The Piper
Aside from phony bullshit and blathering, this is still about YOUR HYPOCRISY, not how I feel about the SBC.
What about that second clause do you not understand?
@72…Chad T….
Talking to yourself???
The Piper
Google Stadium
there is an answer ..combne the bridge project with Husky stadium sell naming rights to Google AND put private cars on the new SLUT line to Redmond.
My guess is that lotsa Hunts Point folks would buy a SLUT car to transport them between their homes ans pied a ville in SLU! For that matter .. I betcha MS itself would buy the cars!
Can’t yu see the coverage in “Luxury Living”
Composer and soda entrepreneur Quincy Jones is moving back to his roots in Seattle, but what roots these are! His new home consists of 4 properties, a mansion at Hunts Point, a “pied au ville” (place in the city) condo jn the new 26 story Tillicum Towers, his 200 foot yacht mored just off the towers at beautiful Loch Union .. and a private car reserved for his use4 at any tome of Seattle’s new ritzy light rail system … the SLUT. The ride from the basement station at TT to Mr. Jones home takes only 15 minutes using the new Maglev line across Washington States new Google Floating Bridge.
Mr. Jones has told everyone how pleased he is to be home again.
for details google the following line:
“google stadium” seattle …
Piper ,,,
How do you feel about the Google proposal? Why NOT privatize the bridge?Seems right up your alley.
Actually…Drew Carey has done some work for Libertarian–based Reason.org on the success of private toll roads as an alternative to congested public freeways.
See the clip at http://reason.tv/video/show/6.html
Why must it be a given that transportation solutions are exclusively the province of a governmental monopoly? Just as Goldy bitches about the cable monopoly, why not bitch at the government transportation monopoly?
He could get all the light rail he wanted if a profit incentive was strong enough to attract private investors, which really points out the weakness of the light rail case: too dependant upon subsidies.
Whether you raised the question facetiously or seriously, thank you for raising it.
The Piper
People will draw their own conclusions, Piper.
Run away, Run away.
Goldy says,”Hell if the family values party would condemn the network that leads the charge in spreading their lies and propaganda. But you can. Sign the petition telling the FCC that you should not be forced to pay for FOX’s smut.”
But you aren’t for censorship, are you Goldy? Aren’t you leftists for tolerence and differences of opinion? The evidence would indicate otherwise.You appear to be a bunch of mean,bitter commies who want to impose your world view on everyone. The difference between liberals and conservatives in our 21st century world is staggering. If anyone here can show me how conservatives desire to stomp on free speech the way the modern left does give me an example.
Man oh man. Liberals love to play the tolerence card when things go the way they want them to. They have NBC, CBS, ABC, the New York Times, PBS and NPR and nearly all the institutes of higher learning in the country in their back pockets. I don’t recall liberals complaining that those outlets “spread lies and propaganda”. They do, but that’s perfectly ok with lefties.
The moment a point of view that differs from their socialist agenda appears on the airwaves they want it eliminated. Do we need to discuss the Hillary front group Media Matters?
I’ll quit accusing lefties of being communists when they stop acting like them.
@76 the solution proposed by Google is a lot more comprehensive than the private toll roads yous suggest. E.g. what do you suppose they will do wiht the GPS information?
goldy@5…..you don’t have cable because you can’t afford it …who do you think you are kidding here?
and someone disagrees with you and you call them a foul name? now, that’s probably why you CAN’T AFFORD IT.as a boss myself, i can’t imagine anyone being stupid enough to hire you.
and if you think bundling is bad when it comes to mere cable…then why on earth are you one of the fools pushing for national health care. what? you don’t own a car either? haven’t ever been to the DMV? because it would be those same idiots running health care. you want national health care…MOVE TO CHINA.
ann@65….BINGO! boy, you hit the nail right on his pointy little head! i am still laughing.
“soooo… you shouldnt be ‘forced’ to pay for FOX news, yet you dont have cable? problem solved, yet, here you are bitching about it?
classic leftie moonbatism… “i am so delicate that watching anything that threatens my belief system makes me cry”
i had to put it up again….it’s so on point.but i have to ask you ann…what belief system?????? we are, after all, talking goldy here you know.
Ah, the California Cunt is back, hissing and shrieking about us benighted heathens in the sticks.
We pay as much attention to you as the other trolls here, so spout, spout, spout.
You like to call us fools, but what’s more foolish than you coming here? You can’t expect to be taken seriously, so your intent must be vandalism.
How very attractive!
@40 “I think it’s pretty clear from the election that the people in this state are tired of taxes!”
I think it’s even more clear from the 2006 and 2007 elections that the people in this nation are tired of Bush’s Iraq war. Let’s start with big and work toward little, Mac. If you end the spending in Iraq, the tax problem takes care of itself, or at least is vastly easier to manage. Until you’re willing to deal with that, your bleating about state spending, which is puny by comparison, is hypocritical nonsense.
Well, Bill, the “tolerance” shtick IS out of date. I can’t speak for others in the progressive movement, but the last 6 years have made a convert of me. I used to champion compromise and dialogue and an attempt to reach consensus, but Republican dictatorship has ended all of that.
I agree with Buchanan (!), it’s a culture war, and I intend to encourage my legislators to use the same tactics the Republicans have the past 6 years when the Democrats take control (and if you think they won’t, feel free to take comfort in your delusions).
I will remember Frist, DeLay, and their ilk for a long, long time.
The problem is NOT the overall level of state and local taxes or spending. An overwhelming majority of our state’s citizen want the things these taxes pay for. The problem is the distribution of the tax burden. That’s what we need to fix.
Gloria needs a soapbox like a Fox needs a Wal-Mart bicycle.
13, etc.: Will ponder your name game while savoring my He Brew, the Chosen Beer.
How ’bout BobbeBridgeBeer, made from Roger’s finest Harebrained Hoppity Hops.
sic transit gloria steinem
Ok, you got me with the name! If I’d had coffee in my mouth, I’d be replacing my keyboard.
Well done!
Postal chadt is a lying liar who libels the Southern Baptist Convention. Last week’s New York Times Mag sets the record straight about the diversity and complexity of the SBC. Read it, then apologize. Then vote for Huckabee. I am.
at #81 chatd says, “Ah, the California Cunt is back.
Is there no limit to how nasty you lefties are?
If Bill O’Reilly, Shawn Hannity, or Rush Limbaugh went on the airwaves and called Hillary that word you would be screaming for their heads on a plate. What a bunch of classless communist hypocrites you are. And for the love of pete, what is the point?
Chadt uses the term, “Republican dictatorship”. That’s just delusional.
If there is a poltical party that desires a dictatorship it is the Democrats. Do Republicans desire to stifle policital opposition? Maybe in the goofy fantasy land lefties live in. I’d love to see some solid evidence.
So Bill…do you have a point?
Or are you just here to toss a few bombs and then run away, as usual?
Please explain how giving the user the ability to choose what they do or do not want to spend their money on is censorship. Take your time, use both sides of the paper if necessary. Take into account how the Invisible Hand is slapped by giving the purchaser the ability to choose what they wish to purchase.
*cue the Jeopardy theme*
This thread went up at 0824. Question: Who(m) did Goldy have to **** this morning in the cellblock (after being busted for putting his body on the line by spitting at Port of Olympia police officers) in order to jump bail and to rush up here to post this drivel? In other words, with whom did he have to put his body on the line for putting his body on the line?
In a word, no. I am putting into words what the Republicans have enacted in deeds. If it bothers you, run away
“Please explain how giving the user the ability to choose what they do or do not want to spend their money on is censorship. Take your time, use both sides of the paper if necessary. Take into account how the Invisible Hand is slapped by giving the purchaser the ability to choose what they wish to purchase.”
If you can translate this drivel into plain english I’ll do my best to answer. Honestly, I have no idea what you’re talking about. What in the world is the “Invisible Hand”?
Condescending snotty response expected shortly. It’s what you people on the left specialize in.
If you can translate this drivel into plain english I’ll do my best to answer. Honestly, I have no idea what you’re talking about. What in the world is the “Invisible Hand”?
Wait a minute…do you and Piper not share the same political philosophy? How on earth can you understand Pipers if the above puzzles you?
@96: Duh! It was written by someone on the left!
Hey Bill, use teh Google to learn all about the invisible hand. C’mon, buddy, how do you expect anybody to take you seriously (snicker!) when you don’t even know your own side’s talking points?
In plain English, Bill, dumbing it down just for you: How is Goldy’s call to give the buyer of cable service more choice censorship?
Since you had to have the question clarified, you can now earn no better than a B. Sorry dude, it’s how The Curve works.
-O(awaiting another puzzled “buh?” from Bill)M
“Or are you just here to toss a few bombs and then run away, as usual?”
This will surprise several of you, but several of us don’t live here. We have lives, more or less, and drop in occasionally when there’s absolutely nothing better to do. Unlike you and you, we’d certainly never sleep here, knowing from the smell that it would be like sleeping on a mat on the floor of the Union Gospel Mission. Rabbit’s midnight posts and other nocturnal emissions would be too much to endure.
However: If today’s assassination is not rewound, if the killing of 747 is not reversed by Gregoire and Frank Chopp, then all the better neighborhoods will be out of reach. Won’t be able to afford any clean venues. We’ll probably have to live here with you. Get ready to move over.
Most of us don’t live here except on our days off, while shampooing the carpet, etc.
Roger is retired.
You might want to check with Piper; he’s here all day, every day, without ceasing, breaking all records for quantity, though he says he works. I have no idea when.
And he’s one of YOURS.
@99…Chad T….
I have the best of all possible worlds: a 9′ vertical commute, I work out of my home, most of my time is in front of my PC, and I’m free to blog at will…
If you took responsibility for your own life and became self-employed, you too could have the freedom to do as I do.
Simply a matter of choice…
The Piper
Well. I’ve always before made a pro-forma exception, from any generalizations, for Piper. He’s the token sane player in your huddle.
Well, you’re right. It’s certainly necessary to make an exception for Piper.
OneMan and the rest of you, take the time to read what I wrote at #78. You want to demand “ala-carte” cable because you want to dictate how a private business operates. Disconnect your cable then. Get a satellite dish, or put up rabbit ears. Or take your TV to the dump. Can you not make your own life choices? No one is forcing anyone to watch Fox. It’s all about your ideology that wants the so-called “fairness doctrine” reinstated so you can assure that everyone will only see and hear leftist doctrine. You libs always want to meddle in everything. It’s not enough for you people that you have a near monopoly of the media, our schools, and our universities. And the motivation, which you haven’t got the guts to acknowledge, is attempting to shut up Fox because you don’t want anyone to hear a different point of view than yours. That’s what communists do. That’s what Hillary founded Media Matters is all about,a heavily funded witch hunt factory directed at conservatives. Go to their site and see how they’ve attacked Tim Russert of all people for daring to ask Hillary some pointed questions in last week’s debate. It confounds me that so many leftists revel in shutting up those they don’t agree with. Leftists should be ashamed of themselves but that’s a concept most leftists are unfamiliar with. I think it also reveals what truly mean, nasty people modern lefties are. You can look at almost any response to my comments and see that what I say is accurate. We conservatives don’t try to muffle our political opponents. That we don’t ought to tell you libs that you’re on the wrong side. Let’s all hope you wake up one morning and realize it.
That’s because he’s exceptional.
Roger? Retired? That’s HorsesAss horseshit. He has businly embarked on a new career as the new Ann Coulter. He thinks he’s an edgy sit-down comic. That’s a problem because the original Ann Coulter is funny. It’s not her fault that uptight Seattleites just don’t get it. But Roger, alas, is … ill. Piper wants to rehabilitate him. I just want to save us all the trouble and put him out of his misery.
The original Waitress Sandwich, I believe, was a confection of Ted Kennedy and Chris Dodd + one waitress. NPR reported on Morning Sedition today that Hillary sandwiched a waitress in Iowa out of a tip. Goldstein and the Seattle Times accused Sharkansky of stiffing a waitress who had slandered Shark’s young son in electronic print in public. Rabbit, the process-respecting lapsed lawyer, accepted the slander without proof. Goldstein publicly berated Sharkansky for defending his young son; said that Shark, as a powerful public figure, had no right to tell the truth about the lies of a min-wage fabulist.
At what point did Sharkansky’s five-year-old become a powerful public figure who could be willfully maligned and who couldn’t be defended? And did the little public figure act up in public? I don’t know. Neither does Roger, but to Roger and a smear-artist waitress, the kid was a target of opportunity, fair game in the leftist jihad.
The waitress story (since denied, although Hillary for sure stiffed a waitress during her Senate campaign of Y2K) was about the third time in my experience that NPR has tried to tell truths that are inconvenient to Democrats. The story this morning was followed by one about a distraught woman at an Obama rally.
Rush, later, played clips of the distraught woman being distraught. But, a frequent victim of being taken out of context, Rush failed to tell us that she was crying about the imminent death of her brother. To Rush she was just another liberal whiner.
To me, Rush is either on drugs or he’s a sleeper cell. P.J. O’Rourke noted three years ago that he has not helped his party of his cause since 1994. Or maybe since 1995, when he blew up the Murrah building. I think Rush has not only not helped, he’s put us back on our backs. The majority maker? Like Rove at the end and maybe like Coulter, Rush is a majority killer. I think he’s working for you.
And, today, Limbaugh credulously reported the Warming report referred to here: http://www.alipac.us/modules.p.....38;t=89868
Was retailing the report, among several million close friends, when he realized he’d been dicked again. Then he suspended himself (with pay) from tomorrow’s program.
And Rush, unlike lefties, has the honesty to admit it when he’s wrong.
“To me, Rush is either on drugs or he’s a sleeper cell. P.J. O’Rourke noted three years ago that he has not helped his party of his cause since 1994. Or maybe since 1995, when he blew up the Murrah building.
Tell me please that I’m having a bad dream. No sane person can possibly believe that Rush Limbaugh had anything to do with the Oklahoma bombing. Cripes! And commenters here think I’m a loon! Now I know why I don’t ride public transit. I might end up sitting next to one of you weirdos.
you want to dictate how a private business operates.
Cruchon, we’re the customer. You’re damn right we’re going to dictate. We’re not denying you your right-wing titillation. If you want to pay for it fine.
But if I get the fancier cable for Animal Planet or the History Channel – I don’t want to pay for your Republican propaganda. You , Roger Ailes and Murdoch can go to hell.
“But if I get the fancier cable for Animal Planet or the History Channel – I don’t want to pay for your Republican propaganda. You , Roger Ailes and Murdoch can go to hell.”
And just who is forcing you to watch it? Do I scream and wail about the Democratic propaganda that’s on NBC, CBS, ABC, NPR, and PBS that is almost impossible to avoid? You people are such crybabies when you don’t get your way 100% of the time.
If you were being honest you’d admit that you don’t want anyone to watch the Fox Newschannel. Telling me to “go to hell” just underscores the point I make here. You lefties are just snotty little crybabies who are never happy when things don’t go exactly your way. Just like a certain woman that might become President. Marx would be proud of you. You are nasty and intolerent of anything that opposes your political view. Gosh, just like communists.
Only a wingnut can interpret “more choices” as “wishing to silence FOX.” YLB @109 is exactly right: you would be free to order up whatever you want. I’d like to have the right to NOT order up what I don’t want.
FWIW, that would include NONE of the 24-hour news channels because they’re all a bunch of crap.
Piper: your only apparent gripe with the idea is “a-la-carte would cost more than a package deal.” Fair enough, if you bought all the channels you get now…but I’m betting you don’t watch half the cable channels you get. Why pay for stuff you don’t use? And I’d bet that the cable companies would still offer package deals too. A win-win for everyone.
Seriously, I boggle at the idea that you free-market worshippers would even have a problem with this…except for the fact that the source is Goldy so therefore it must be bad.
@110: Cruchon you’re an ass. We already know how not to watch Faux, we don’t want to pay for it either.
“Only a wingnut can interpret “more choices” as “wishing to silence FOX.”
It appears progress is being made. Guess you’ve forgotten the original topic though.
“@110: Cruchon you’re an ass.”
This is so classic from the left. I’ve said it over and over. Leftists are routinely nasty when they can’t mount an coherent point of view. Heck they are nasty even when they do mount a coherent point of view. It’s who they are.
Leftists call names when all else fails,(actually they will call you names at the drop of a hat).These people are just mean.
My theory is that the left is where all the people that we couldn’t stand when we were up growing went. The kids that cheated at sports, the mean girl that loved being an snotty hall monitor, the nasty supervisor we couldn’t stand at work. Is Hillary one of those people? I rather think so.
Responses like “your’re an ass” (delivered from the comfort of anonymity), certainly reveals that what I believe about liberals is true, does it not?
Thanks so much for your concern about my potty mouth. I have yet to see you post anything that could be interpreted as constructive. You’re all about throwing bombs and calling people names. I call shenanigans. You have said it over and over, to the point where it’s really boring.
And Oh By The Way, the original topic was “Demand a la carte cable.” In other words, give the customer the choice of what they want to pay for with their own money.
But you, of course, are too dumb to understand that this is a good thing and spew the usual sewage about how the left wants to “silence dissent,” etc.
Booring. And it only goes to show that you are, indeed, an ass of the first water.
Can’t cite any facts can you OneMan?
Lots of mean nasty comments. So expected of leftists. I think any reasonable reader here would realize that I took you to the woodshed for a good old fashioned whipping. And you should be adult enough to quit whining about it.
Yay you…you go on believing that, kid.
Of course, the entire thread above shows you to be utterly wrong…again.
How silly. You haven’t addressed a single point I’ve made, have you?. It’s always easier to insult and name call. It’s what lefties do best.
My goodness, Bill, If you’re so distressed about lefties, whatever will you do after we sweep the 2008 elections?
And why are you here? To play to your fellow trolls? I guess Piper might like the company, but he’s already on your side. Do you suppose that your angst has the slightest effect on the vast majority here?
Ask Piper about the huge number of converts he has made to his point of view, and how highly we all regard his commentary.
Just a quick drive-by.
Piper writes @ 56:
Cable monopolies? I loathe so-called “regulated” monopolies as a matter of course; open it up to full competition. And if they’re publicly owned, sell them to private interests (read Seattle City Light, Washington State Ferry System, Liquor Control Board, etc.).
This is why we love you. Privatize everything, economic realities be damned! Privatization is good!
I’d agree with the WSCLB, but all previous efforts to do so have gone nowhere.
Privatizing City Light? Why? First, I would point you to California’s disastrous experiments in the 90s as a fairly good reason not to. Second, do you think you will really get competitive electricity prices by doing this? Who is going to invest the billions of dollars required to pull wires and purchase rights-of-way against an established incumbent with a fully amortized distribution system?
Your best possible outcome under this scenario is a duopoly where both companies agree they won’t try to kill each other, because the cost of being killed is just too high.
You live in an area with a private monopoly power company. I live in one with a public monopoly. The rate cards for both are on line, or you can bring your power bill over and we’ll compare over beers at the Beacon Pub. While it’s hard to do an apples-to-apples comparison because of PSE and Seattle City Light’s respective pricing structures, neither is appreciably cheaper or more expensive than the other.
Privatizing the ferries is another no-go. You might as well privatize the highway system while you’re at it. Same issues. Seattle Bremerton is highly profitable. Port Townsend? Tourists during the summer, the rest of the time it operates at a dead loss. Close it down. Sucks if you live in Sequim and need to get to the Mainland, but it’s the job of the market to create revenue, not to subsidize people’s wacky lifestyle choices.
If you don’t like Fox News, don’t watch it. As for me, I’ll exercise choice and watch what I damn well please. Fox does a better job on the news than any other source because they realize the news is the story, not themselves. I don’t want to hear a news reporters opinions of the day’s events. Just give me the news (which Fox does), and keep the opinions to yourself.
And just who is forcing you to watch it?
Nobody is forcing me to watch it, idiot.
I’m being forced to pay for it! I refuse which is why I have the cheapest cable. Even there, there’s plenty I don’t care to support.
Hey silly Cruchon, a la carte works for you too. You don’t have to pay for anything you don’t agree with either.
Bill … I’ve proven again that irony never works and shouldn’t be tried by amateurs like me. Hoped, alas, that everyone would know that I know that Clinton was a swine when he tried to link Rush and the Republican Revolution to Oklahoma City.