Well, she was an attorney at one time, wasn’t she?
Is Fox still doing the missing white woman shtick? The last I saw Greta on the toob, she was all Ayers, all the time.
Good for Megyn. Wasn’t she the one giving an Obama spokesman a hard time for dissing Faux?
Well now she’s giving that creep Billo a little bit of trouble.
Good to see.
I still can’t hear the sound on the video – no sound card on my computer.
But watching O’Reilly’s expressions and gestures is rather humorous, when watched without the added annoyance of having to listen to his voice and inane comments.
O’Reilly was schooled. He thinks that if he shouts his viewpoint louder, it makes him right. It just makes him a fool that shouts louder….he has no knowledge of the law and the bit about the survey of Faux viewers agreeing with him was just pathetic. What a sorry person who has no clue that he is wrong but keeps arguing louder and louder and thinks that makes him right. good job by the actual lawyer Megyn.
Politically Incorrectspews:
If he’s so bad, how does O’Reilly continue to stay on TV?
@ 5:
You could ask that same question as to why anyone would still vote for a self-identified Reagan Republican seeing how they destroyed our nation.
Answer: There are a lot of stupid Americans who don’t know the difference between patriotism and nationalism.
That’s why.
Way to hang in there Megyn. It’s really hard to argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience.
“I’ve abandoned free market principles to save the free market system.”
~George W. Bush to CNN Television.
Do you really need any more reason than this to realize that the therory of Reagan-nomics is a complete disaster.
The Republicans got what they’ve been striving for for decades. A full implementation of Reagan Republican governance.
The result — utter failure.
This goes to prove what I’ve always said: “This country was founded on Liberalism.”
Ehe values we hold in the highest regards were given to us by Liberals, and Liberalism will save us from conservatism.”
sludge puppyspews:
@ 8 “This goes to prove what I’ve always said: “This country was founded on Liberalism.”
Does that explain slavery?
Piper Scottspews:
What the HA Happy Hooligans fail to realize is that on Fox News you get a genuine diversity of viewpoint. On the other cable networks, especially MSNBC, all you get is a bunch of lefties chasing each others’ tails.
Vigorous debate – opposing views clash – then you get to decide for yourself instead of being told by those who think they know better what it is you are to believe.
Fox News…in the American tradition of free speech and independent thought.
The Piper
O’Reilly does an interesting little shifting of rhetorical gears. When Kelly gets pretty close to wiping his nose in his own ignorance of law, he attempts to pass himself off as a theologian instead. Maybe if he had more of an opportunity to talk about the “spaghetti monster holiday” sign, he’d claim to be a pasta chef.
@10: Poor Piper, if you think diversity is the constant yammering of rightwingnuts about socialism, the war on christmas, cheerleading the war in Iraq or how great the economy is doing – while ignoring how the Bush administration has flouted the constitution, engaged in illegal torture and wiretapping of Americans or been in bed with the corruption of Abramoff – then you are sorely in need of another viewpoint.
Faux news is unabashedly right wing and the only debate that goes on there is the silliness of O’Reilly debating someone with a real opinion and trying to win by shouting or truning off their mic. They even admitted that they were biased. Unfair and unbalanced is their motto, right?
You are more clueless than I thought.
5 “If he’s so bad, how does O’Reilly continue to stay on TV?”
Have you taken a look at what fills up most of those 300 lovely digital channels that come pouring out of the Comcast coaxial sewer? They’ll put anyone on who can spend more than a minute and a half in front of a camera without peeing their pants. Billo barely qualifies.
@10 “MSNBC, all you get is a bunch of lefties”
Like on Morning Joe? Sure thing, Poops. But we’ll discuss your reality construct another day. Meanwhile, I’ll say this for Joe’s show, at least he hasn’t had a dead woman show up on the set yet.
@11 “pasta chef”
Mmm, that’s a good one there, AF. I can picture O’Reilly entangled in the FSM’s noodly appendages. Mercy.
Liberals on Faux News! Yeah sure. Stammering, squirrelly looking fools who are brow beaten, baited and attacked and then paid for the privilege.
Pooper, I hope you’re much better at selling heads than you are at selling right wing myths.
then you get to decide for yourself
Gee that’s the best part – see last November 4.
Just another chest beating, hyper-macho, Nam evading, dick faced, screaming charlatan, hypocrite.
@3 rhp, you should be glad your sound card is missing….
@17 “see last November 4”
That’s the bottom line, isn’t it? It really was sweet.
@16 Well, except for Goldy, of course. Lemon. That still cracks me up. It must have been sweet to own O’Reilly for a few moments.
Why does anyone care what this pervert Billo thinks? He’s right winger. ALL right wingers were fucked in the ass on Nov 4. They were rejected. Their approach to any and every issue is utterly irrelevant. This fool has been ass fucked hard and doesn’t even know it. He should do what all right wingers should do. Realize that the people have spoken. In a complete landslide, liberals won. We won the White House. We won most statehouses. We won more seats in the Congress and Senate. We won – we won – we won. Nobody cares what the losers think. Nobody. They got ass fucked. Live with it.
Lipshtick Pigspews:
Bill’o: Yes, yes because I say so.
That woman is a witch. She’s cursed the State capital and belittled the Nativity scene. Burn the heathen at the stake! Yes, yes because I say so.
Why do Factor guests tolerate letting O’Reilly talk over their points, not once, not twice, but nearly every single time? If anyone ever needed their right to speak taken away it would be Bill O’Reilly. Yes, yes because I and millions of others demand intelligent conversation.
“The war on Christmas” is the quintessential metaphor for Faux News. A purely manufactured issue, intentionally designed to inflame the bleating, pitch-fork weilding gang of goons that is the O’Really baboon pack. It’s perfect….drag it out of the basement every year like sad ornaments to decorate the artificial tree of ‘vigorous debate’.
ArtFart spews:
They’ll put anyone on who can spend more than a minute and a half in front of a camera without peeing their pants. Billo barely qualifies.
Assuming facts not in evidence!
We see Billo only from the waist up. For all we know he changes his Depends during every commercial break, or is catheterized.
He stays on the air because he’s good at articulating people’s petty grievences.
@21 The sad part is every single tragedy that
has happened to our country is a result of
failed liberal ideas and the American people are not educated enough to realize it, you
being one of them. Sad.
Conservative women are so HOT! You losers are
stuck with the ugliest pigs God could make.
No wonder you tards are bitter.
The sad part is every single tragedy that
has happened to our country is a result of
failed liberal ideas
Slavery was a liberal idea? The Confederacy was a liberal idea? Jim Crow a liberal idea? Industry trusts and collusion a liberal idea? Imperialism in the Phillipines and elsewhere a liberal idea? Segregation a liberal idea? Seperate but equal a liberal idea?
What a stupid ignorant fuck you are!
@26: Maybe if you like Stepford wives with no brains. I know plenty of “hotter” liberal women who are actually fun to talk to and not just drool over. I guess the neanderthal drooling is the kind of reaction that Mark is interested in eliciting.
And typical conservative – they have trouble attracting women anyways….maybe being wimps physically and being mental midgets doesn’t help them.
It was founded on liberal principles; it just hasn’t always been practiced.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@4 A consistent meme emerging from the babble on the right is that conservatives not only don’t know what the Constitution or laws are, they don’t care. “Rule of law” simply isn’t part of their thinking. When you get right down to it the American Right is not a political or social movement but merely a lawless mob, or at best, a gang.
Poor incorrectneverrightnottobright:
The Piper entry compared Fox News vs MSNBC. Please tell us where there is an opposing opinion on Rachel Maddow or Keith Olbermann?
All you rant about incorrectneverrightnottobright is how you dislike Fox News, yet Piper postulated they are you never answered “the vigorous debate – opposing views clash – then you get to decide for yourself” question. All you did was shit all over yourself.
I’ll wait…
opposing views clash – then you get to decide for yourself”
Right wing bullshit. It’s like a professional wrestling match – the outcome is fixed.
They choose so-called liberals who can be easily made to stammer on camera in the face of verbal assault from motor mouths like Insanity Hannity or Bill O’Loofah.
The more they stammer, the more they’re paid.
If they don’t play along with the right wing bullshit agenda, they’re not asked back. This has been well documented.
And the “deciding for yourself” has indeed been done. See last November 4. Only the loony, Dumbya-loving 25 percent is buying Faux News right wing bullshit.
And the “deciding for yourself” has indeed been done. See last November 4.
As many conservatives said lesser life form@32, John McCain was no conservative. The Republican liberals got what they wanted in a non-conservative candidate in McCain and then they voted for Obama.
Who are these liberal Republicans? Bill Weld, Colin Powell, Lincoln Chafee, Wayne Gilchrest, Ken Duberstein, Ken Adelman, Jack Andrews, Charles Mathias, Richard Riordan, Lowell Weicker to name a few. Northeastern well known liberal Republicans. And lesser life form@32, fewer conservative Republicans voted for McCain than Bush in 2004. He wasn’t a candidate anyone could believe in. He was the sacrificial lamb.
Too bad you don’t have a clue and with your brain you can’t even buy one!
Right wing shithead @ 33
Easy moron. Look at the ones who are asked back – Susan Estrich, Pat Caddell, etc. They are Dem has-beens and professional pin-cushions for the right wing bullshit artists. The idiots you worship like Insanity Hannity take their cheap shots, they blink and morons like you have an orgasm. The pin cushions get a pay check for entertaining the brain-deads like you.
Alan Colmes? Who took that schmuck seriously as someone who could “balance” Insanity Hannity?
John McSame NOT a conservative? I’ll admit he pissed your crowd off at times but his conservative voting record was in the eightieth percentile. He’s staunchly anti-choice.
HE REVERSED ALL his independent views to go after your vote.
Doing this he turned off most swing voters. Republican liberals? Gimme a break! A vanishing breed since even before Raygun. Was Romney a liberal? He was Coulter’s darling. Pretty fucking stupid.
Ken Adelman? He worked for Ronnie Raygun!
Some Republicans voted for Obama because they couldn’t fucking stomach BUSH TERM 3 and a NUTCASE like Palin being a heartbeat away from a 72 year old cancer survivor.
Which is what you 25 percenters love. 10 years from now you schmucks will be looking at Dumbya’s reign as the good old days when right wing bullshit was riding high.
Just because someone works for someone else doesn’t preclude their own beliefs moron. General Powell’s or Sec’y Powell’s (you choose) career was enhanced by Republican “benefactors” Reagan and Bush the Elder. Yet he claimed to be a moderate and then voted black in the election. He got his “moderate” Republican in McCain and then he bails. The claims he made on the Republicans were embodied by McCain. Very telling about a person.
McCain tried to triangulate and he failed miserably. He wasn”t Bush III but the libtard MSM didn’t do anything to allow McCain to articulate that point. Why? They were in the tank for the “messiah”.
Just because you’re a libtard doesn’t preclude you having a small amount of intelligence. Wait a minute…your posts prove there is a very bright flashing neon Vacancy sign in that pornographic eye you show. Dr Savage said it best: Liberalism is a mental disorder…
No we’ll look at how safe we were since Biden already predicted we’ll be attacked within Obama’s first 182 days.
Palin is a “nutcase” to your ilk because she represents a mother who doesn’t fit the mold of libtards. I’ve shown all over this blog how leftist pinhead mothers hated her because she kept her down’s syndrome child. She should have aborted it they claimed. These women attacked her with vengeance, not with a vengeance! Need to see the links again, brain diseased one?
Oh and another thing lesser life form@32: Roger Ailes built a news channel powerhouse. He didn’t build it with has beens as you call them. Otherwise people would see through them. That’s why Kiran Chetry and Rita Cosby and others left fox. They proved their liberalism so much CNN and MSNBC hired them, where Glenn Beck became too conservative for CNN, so CNN said goodbye!
Well, maybe you, lesser life form@32, are the has been after all.
Roosevelt Boulevardspews:
I am constantly amazed that freedom of speech and freedom of religion are partisan issues. Why do Christians insist on governmental displays of their beliefs? Why aren’t private venues such as homes and churches sufficient? Are they that insecure? Can’t they see that the demographic trend in this country could at some point make them a minority? Freedom is not complicated; it is challenging for sure, but not complicated.
@36 I love it when liberals kill their
unborn. Then we have fewer new liberals.
We should give them certificates for 100 carbon
credits for every dead fetus they bring in. Green abortions will be their new mantra.
@27 You think that libs like Hillary, John Kerry, Pelosi, Edwards, etc would have slaves
if it were still legal? I would say no question about it. They are after all the elite of society and so much more important than the common man.
36 – Not sure what you’re trying to argue in your first paragraph, right wing moron. People rejected McSame because he tried to be the same as Bush. Seen Bush’s approval numbers lately? They’re the lowest in history. Bill Clinton killed in his last days in office compared to that monkey you voted for twice.
People rejected McSame because he looked like an ass during the Wall Street meltdown.
Powell soiled himself something bad during his time in the monkey administration to preserve his last shreds of influence and relevancy with the Chimpanzee. Supporting Obama was getting back at Bush in my opinion.
Oh there you go again! The “librul media” paranoia. McSame ran such a dipwad campaign (remember the disgusting ads full of lies) for once the media didn’t sugar coat it. Maybe McSame should have given each press person a nickname like the Chimp did.
Dr Savage said it best:
Nice to know you listen to that shit head
No we’ll look at how safe we were since Biden already predicted we’ll be attacked within Obama’s first 182 days.
Ohh. I’m so frightened PTool. Are you shaking under the bed hiding from the radical feminists and mad muslim bombers. Just turn up the Limbaugh and Dr. Savage on the earbuds – that’ll ease your worried mind. What a fool!
Palin is a “nutcase”
Damn right she is. She’s exactly what McSame staffers leaked to Faux Noise! She’s a “Diva”. Such executive experience running that podunk town she lives in. She fires anyone sane or anyone independent who offends the religious nutcases. She redecorates her office to the nines. She buys and drives a “mayor mobile”. She hires a lobbyist to shake down Congress for earmarks. What’s her mayoral legacy? A white elephant sports center that consistently loses money? It gets even better once she hustles her way into the Governor’s. A vendetta against that State trooper. She was for the bridge to nowhere before she was against it. She fills state government offices with unqualified cronies and bootlickers. Then yet another white elephant gas pipeline deal that’s a disaster for the taxpayers and will never get built. And then how conservative is someone who shakes down the oil and gas industry so she can hand out bigger checks to Alaskans and buy some popularity and political cover?
She just like all of you: A FREAKING HYPOCRITE.
I don’t give a flying fuck about her reproductive choices. I celebrate freedom. But women everywhere were DISGUSTED with how someone like her would limit THEIR freedom being a heartbeat away from a 72 year old cancer survivor.
I really hope you lunatics put her up in 4 year because there’s even more juicy stuff to reveal with all the nutcases that have preached in the church she went to: the witch exorcist, the holy annointed laughter clown, the joel’s army kooks. What a freak show!
Stupes, I’m not going to click on your stupid links. No liberalism or progressivism I support condones those thankfully defunct and discredited practices – in this country at least.
As usual you’re being so stupid it’s pathetic.
That Pudz! He thinks liberalism is a “mental disorder” and yet he’s good with Republican perversion and pedophilia.
Three words can quite adequately sum up the failed Republican party of the 21st century – toilet room sex. Christ, no wonder Pudz is a wing-nut.
38 – Roger Ailes is SCUM. He built a channel for you 25 percenters and like the sheep you are you fell in love with it. Yep the right wing bootlickers he has on those shows have all the freedom in the world to promote right wing bullshit and “balance it” with stammering Dem has-beens like Susan Estrich.
Glenn Beck is SCUM. A right wing name-caller like you. People like him are the lowest forms of life there are.
All the people who left Faux left because they were ordered to produce right wing bullshit and support right wing bullshit narratives. They couldn’t look themselves in the mirror or soil themselves that way.
Sorry Stupes. You’re the has been. Right wing bullshit is now like perms in the 70’s. Many people are scratching their heads wondering how they ever bought such insanity.
Last November 4 was the death knell for you “sick twisted freaks”.
BillO the Blowhard. What an ignorant, arrogant person. He does not even understand that the law and the U.S. Constitution are not determined by a silly on-line vote. The law is not American Idol. The uniformed Ignoratzi do not get to vote on the law.
@46 “Last November 4 was the death knell”
That’s the bottom line.
Palin 2012? Bring it on.
There’s a long list of liberal/progressive TV & radio hosts with open invitations to the righties to come on their shows. The righties won’t do it…..no balls, no ammo, no way. If they can’t holler and scream over their debate opponent, if they have to argue on the merits in a civil conversation they’re lost. And of course when cornered they default to the ‘you hate America’ chorus anyway, so why bother?
Roger Rabbitspews:
Kelly’s most cogent analysis is not her explanation of what the law is — in which she is correct — but her observation that nonlawyers like O’Reilly always think they know more about law than lawyers, judges, and courts know about law. I call that “the arrogance of ignorance.”
As for the Fox Funny Poll revealing that 88% of Fox’s viewers agree with O’Reilly and 12% agree with Kelly, I’m actually surprised Kelly and the law did that well, considering who Fox’s audience is. When you figure only 3% of America’s population are lawyers, and most lawyers are too intelligent and rational to watch Fox, you’ve gotta wonder where the 12% came from. Personally, I think they lied about the poll results to make it look more believable — the actual results were that 99.99% of the dittoheads think O’Reilly knows more about law than the lawyer on his show does, just like in real life.
@50 Don’t matter what you think. He’s still #1by a huge margin. Colmes is going on his own and that will fail within a short time because liberal folks don’t listen or pay much attention to anything. Look at Air America.
51 – Air America is still going strong fool. Hell they even have Ronald Reagan in their lineup.
Well, she was an attorney at one time, wasn’t she?
Is Fox still doing the missing white woman shtick? The last I saw Greta on the toob, she was all Ayers, all the time.
Good for Megyn. Wasn’t she the one giving an Obama spokesman a hard time for dissing Faux?
Well now she’s giving that creep Billo a little bit of trouble.
Good to see.
I still can’t hear the sound on the video – no sound card on my computer.
But watching O’Reilly’s expressions and gestures is rather humorous, when watched without the added annoyance of having to listen to his voice and inane comments.
O’Reilly was schooled. He thinks that if he shouts his viewpoint louder, it makes him right. It just makes him a fool that shouts louder….he has no knowledge of the law and the bit about the survey of Faux viewers agreeing with him was just pathetic. What a sorry person who has no clue that he is wrong but keeps arguing louder and louder and thinks that makes him right. good job by the actual lawyer Megyn.
If he’s so bad, how does O’Reilly continue to stay on TV?
@ 5:
You could ask that same question as to why anyone would still vote for a self-identified Reagan Republican seeing how they destroyed our nation.
Answer: There are a lot of stupid Americans who don’t know the difference between patriotism and nationalism.
That’s why.
Way to hang in there Megyn. It’s really hard to argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience.
“I’ve abandoned free market principles to save the free market system.”
~George W. Bush to CNN Television.
Do you really need any more reason than this to realize that the therory of Reagan-nomics is a complete disaster.
The Republicans got what they’ve been striving for for decades. A full implementation of Reagan Republican governance.
The result — utter failure.
This goes to prove what I’ve always said: “This country was founded on Liberalism.”
Ehe values we hold in the highest regards were given to us by Liberals, and Liberalism will save us from conservatism.”
@ 8 “This goes to prove what I’ve always said: “This country was founded on Liberalism.”
Does that explain slavery?
What the HA Happy Hooligans fail to realize is that on Fox News you get a genuine diversity of viewpoint. On the other cable networks, especially MSNBC, all you get is a bunch of lefties chasing each others’ tails.
Vigorous debate – opposing views clash – then you get to decide for yourself instead of being told by those who think they know better what it is you are to believe.
Fox News…in the American tradition of free speech and independent thought.
The Piper
O’Reilly does an interesting little shifting of rhetorical gears. When Kelly gets pretty close to wiping his nose in his own ignorance of law, he attempts to pass himself off as a theologian instead. Maybe if he had more of an opportunity to talk about the “spaghetti monster holiday” sign, he’d claim to be a pasta chef.
@10: Poor Piper, if you think diversity is the constant yammering of rightwingnuts about socialism, the war on christmas, cheerleading the war in Iraq or how great the economy is doing – while ignoring how the Bush administration has flouted the constitution, engaged in illegal torture and wiretapping of Americans or been in bed with the corruption of Abramoff – then you are sorely in need of another viewpoint.
Faux news is unabashedly right wing and the only debate that goes on there is the silliness of O’Reilly debating someone with a real opinion and trying to win by shouting or truning off their mic. They even admitted that they were biased. Unfair and unbalanced is their motto, right?
You are more clueless than I thought.
5 “If he’s so bad, how does O’Reilly continue to stay on TV?”
Have you taken a look at what fills up most of those 300 lovely digital channels that come pouring out of the Comcast coaxial sewer? They’ll put anyone on who can spend more than a minute and a half in front of a camera without peeing their pants. Billo barely qualifies.
@10 “MSNBC, all you get is a bunch of lefties”
Like on Morning Joe? Sure thing, Poops. But we’ll discuss your reality construct another day. Meanwhile, I’ll say this for Joe’s show, at least he hasn’t had a dead woman show up on the set yet.
@11 “pasta chef”
Mmm, that’s a good one there, AF. I can picture O’Reilly entangled in the FSM’s noodly appendages. Mercy.
Liberals on Faux News! Yeah sure. Stammering, squirrelly looking fools who are brow beaten, baited and attacked and then paid for the privilege.
Pooper, I hope you’re much better at selling heads than you are at selling right wing myths.
then you get to decide for yourself
Gee that’s the best part – see last November 4.
Just another chest beating, hyper-macho, Nam evading, dick faced, screaming charlatan, hypocrite.
@3 rhp, you should be glad your sound card is missing….
@17 “see last November 4”
That’s the bottom line, isn’t it? It really was sweet.
@16 Well, except for Goldy, of course. Lemon. That still cracks me up. It must have been sweet to own O’Reilly for a few moments.
Why does anyone care what this pervert Billo thinks? He’s right winger. ALL right wingers were fucked in the ass on Nov 4. They were rejected. Their approach to any and every issue is utterly irrelevant. This fool has been ass fucked hard and doesn’t even know it. He should do what all right wingers should do. Realize that the people have spoken. In a complete landslide, liberals won. We won the White House. We won most statehouses. We won more seats in the Congress and Senate. We won – we won – we won. Nobody cares what the losers think. Nobody. They got ass fucked. Live with it.
Bill’o: Yes, yes because I say so.
That woman is a witch. She’s cursed the State capital and belittled the Nativity scene. Burn the heathen at the stake! Yes, yes because I say so.
Why do Factor guests tolerate letting O’Reilly talk over their points, not once, not twice, but nearly every single time? If anyone ever needed their right to speak taken away it would be Bill O’Reilly. Yes, yes because I and millions of others demand intelligent conversation.
“The war on Christmas” is the quintessential metaphor for Faux News. A purely manufactured issue, intentionally designed to inflame the bleating, pitch-fork weilding gang of goons that is the O’Really baboon pack. It’s perfect….drag it out of the basement every year like sad ornaments to decorate the artificial tree of ‘vigorous debate’.
ArtFart spews:
They’ll put anyone on who can spend more than a minute and a half in front of a camera without peeing their pants. Billo barely qualifies.
Assuming facts not in evidence!
We see Billo only from the waist up. For all we know he changes his Depends during every commercial break, or is catheterized.
He stays on the air because he’s good at articulating people’s petty grievences.
@21 The sad part is every single tragedy that
has happened to our country is a result of
failed liberal ideas and the American people are not educated enough to realize it, you
being one of them. Sad.
Conservative women are so HOT! You losers are
stuck with the ugliest pigs God could make.
No wonder you tards are bitter.
The sad part is every single tragedy that
has happened to our country is a result of
failed liberal ideas
Slavery was a liberal idea? The Confederacy was a liberal idea? Jim Crow a liberal idea? Industry trusts and collusion a liberal idea? Imperialism in the Phillipines and elsewhere a liberal idea? Segregation a liberal idea? Seperate but equal a liberal idea?
What a stupid ignorant fuck you are!
@26: Maybe if you like Stepford wives with no brains. I know plenty of “hotter” liberal women who are actually fun to talk to and not just drool over. I guess the neanderthal drooling is the kind of reaction that Mark is interested in eliciting.
And typical conservative – they have trouble attracting women anyways….maybe being wimps physically and being mental midgets doesn’t help them.
It was founded on liberal principles; it just hasn’t always been practiced.
@4 A consistent meme emerging from the babble on the right is that conservatives not only don’t know what the Constitution or laws are, they don’t care. “Rule of law” simply isn’t part of their thinking. When you get right down to it the American Right is not a political or social movement but merely a lawless mob, or at best, a gang.
Poor incorrectneverrightnottobright:
The Piper entry compared Fox News vs MSNBC. Please tell us where there is an opposing opinion on Rachel Maddow or Keith Olbermann?
All you rant about incorrectneverrightnottobright is how you dislike Fox News, yet Piper postulated they are you never answered “the vigorous debate – opposing views clash – then you get to decide for yourself” question. All you did was shit all over yourself.
I’ll wait…
opposing views clash – then you get to decide for yourself”
Right wing bullshit. It’s like a professional wrestling match – the outcome is fixed.
They choose so-called liberals who can be easily made to stammer on camera in the face of verbal assault from motor mouths like Insanity Hannity or Bill O’Loofah.
The more they stammer, the more they’re paid.
If they don’t play along with the right wing bullshit agenda, they’re not asked back. This has been well documented.
And the “deciding for yourself” has indeed been done. See last November 4. Only the loony, Dumbya-loving 25 percent is buying Faux News right wing bullshit.
Some HA liberal lesser life form said@32:
Where’s the proof lesser life form?
As many conservatives said lesser life form@32, John McCain was no conservative. The Republican liberals got what they wanted in a non-conservative candidate in McCain and then they voted for Obama.
Who are these liberal Republicans? Bill Weld, Colin Powell, Lincoln Chafee, Wayne Gilchrest, Ken Duberstein, Ken Adelman, Jack Andrews, Charles Mathias, Richard Riordan, Lowell Weicker to name a few. Northeastern well known liberal Republicans. And lesser life form@32, fewer conservative Republicans voted for McCain than Bush in 2004. He wasn’t a candidate anyone could believe in. He was the sacrificial lamb.
Too bad you don’t have a clue and with your brain you can’t even buy one!
Right wing shithead @ 33
Easy moron. Look at the ones who are asked back – Susan Estrich, Pat Caddell, etc. They are Dem has-beens and professional pin-cushions for the right wing bullshit artists. The idiots you worship like Insanity Hannity take their cheap shots, they blink and morons like you have an orgasm. The pin cushions get a pay check for entertaining the brain-deads like you.
Alan Colmes? Who took that schmuck seriously as someone who could “balance” Insanity Hannity?
John McSame NOT a conservative? I’ll admit he pissed your crowd off at times but his conservative voting record was in the eightieth percentile. He’s staunchly anti-choice.
HE REVERSED ALL his independent views to go after your vote.
Doing this he turned off most swing voters. Republican liberals? Gimme a break! A vanishing breed since even before Raygun. Was Romney a liberal? He was Coulter’s darling. Pretty fucking stupid.
Ken Adelman? He worked for Ronnie Raygun!
Some Republicans voted for Obama because they couldn’t fucking stomach BUSH TERM 3 and a NUTCASE like Palin being a heartbeat away from a 72 year old cancer survivor.
Which is what you 25 percenters love. 10 years from now you schmucks will be looking at Dumbya’s reign as the good old days when right wing bullshit was riding high.
Lesser life form@27 axked:
“It is difficult not to conclude that judgments about racial inferiority form the critical intellectual foundation for proslavery liberalism.”
I’ll allow the audience to decide.
Lesser life form@34:
Just because someone works for someone else doesn’t preclude their own beliefs moron. General Powell’s or Sec’y Powell’s (you choose) career was enhanced by Republican “benefactors” Reagan and Bush the Elder. Yet he claimed to be a moderate and then voted black in the election. He got his “moderate” Republican in McCain and then he bails. The claims he made on the Republicans were embodied by McCain. Very telling about a person.
McCain tried to triangulate and he failed miserably. He wasn”t Bush III but the libtard MSM didn’t do anything to allow McCain to articulate that point. Why? They were in the tank for the “messiah”.
Just because you’re a libtard doesn’t preclude you having a small amount of intelligence. Wait a minute…your posts prove there is a very bright flashing neon Vacancy sign in that pornographic eye you show. Dr Savage said it best: Liberalism is a mental disorder…
No we’ll look at how safe we were since Biden already predicted we’ll be attacked within Obama’s first 182 days.
Palin is a “nutcase” to your ilk because she represents a mother who doesn’t fit the mold of libtards. I’ve shown all over this blog how leftist pinhead mothers hated her because she kept her down’s syndrome child. She should have aborted it they claimed. These women attacked her with vengeance, not with a vengeance! Need to see the links again, brain diseased one?
Lesser life form@27 axked:
Oh and another thing lesser life form@32: Roger Ailes built a news channel powerhouse. He didn’t build it with has beens as you call them. Otherwise people would see through them. That’s why Kiran Chetry and Rita Cosby and others left fox. They proved their liberalism so much CNN and MSNBC hired them, where Glenn Beck became too conservative for CNN, so CNN said goodbye!
Well, maybe you, lesser life form@32, are the has been after all.
I am constantly amazed that freedom of speech and freedom of religion are partisan issues. Why do Christians insist on governmental displays of their beliefs? Why aren’t private venues such as homes and churches sufficient? Are they that insecure? Can’t they see that the demographic trend in this country could at some point make them a minority? Freedom is not complicated; it is challenging for sure, but not complicated.
@36 I love it when liberals kill their
unborn. Then we have fewer new liberals.
We should give them certificates for 100 carbon
credits for every dead fetus they bring in. Green abortions will be their new mantra.
@27 You think that libs like Hillary, John Kerry, Pelosi, Edwards, etc would have slaves
if it were still legal? I would say no question about it. They are after all the elite of society and so much more important than the common man.
Lesser life form@27 axked:
36 – Not sure what you’re trying to argue in your first paragraph, right wing moron. People rejected McSame because he tried to be the same as Bush. Seen Bush’s approval numbers lately? They’re the lowest in history. Bill Clinton killed in his last days in office compared to that monkey you voted for twice.
People rejected McSame because he looked like an ass during the Wall Street meltdown.
Powell soiled himself something bad during his time in the monkey administration to preserve his last shreds of influence and relevancy with the Chimpanzee. Supporting Obama was getting back at Bush in my opinion.
Oh there you go again! The “librul media” paranoia. McSame ran such a dipwad campaign (remember the disgusting ads full of lies) for once the media didn’t sugar coat it. Maybe McSame should have given each press person a nickname like the Chimp did.
Dr Savage said it best:
Nice to know you listen to that shit head
No we’ll look at how safe we were since Biden already predicted we’ll be attacked within Obama’s first 182 days.
Ohh. I’m so frightened PTool. Are you shaking under the bed hiding from the radical feminists and mad muslim bombers. Just turn up the Limbaugh and Dr. Savage on the earbuds – that’ll ease your worried mind. What a fool!
Palin is a “nutcase”
Damn right she is. She’s exactly what McSame staffers leaked to Faux Noise! She’s a “Diva”. Such executive experience running that podunk town she lives in. She fires anyone sane or anyone independent who offends the religious nutcases. She redecorates her office to the nines. She buys and drives a “mayor mobile”. She hires a lobbyist to shake down Congress for earmarks. What’s her mayoral legacy? A white elephant sports center that consistently loses money? It gets even better once she hustles her way into the Governor’s. A vendetta against that State trooper. She was for the bridge to nowhere before she was against it. She fills state government offices with unqualified cronies and bootlickers. Then yet another white elephant gas pipeline deal that’s a disaster for the taxpayers and will never get built. And then how conservative is someone who shakes down the oil and gas industry so she can hand out bigger checks to Alaskans and buy some popularity and political cover?
She just like all of you: A FREAKING HYPOCRITE.
I don’t give a flying fuck about her reproductive choices. I celebrate freedom. But women everywhere were DISGUSTED with how someone like her would limit THEIR freedom being a heartbeat away from a 72 year old cancer survivor.
I really hope you lunatics put her up in 4 year because there’s even more juicy stuff to reveal with all the nutcases that have preached in the church she went to: the witch exorcist, the holy annointed laughter clown, the joel’s army kooks. What a freak show!
Stupes, I’m not going to click on your stupid links. No liberalism or progressivism I support condones those thankfully defunct and discredited practices – in this country at least.
As usual you’re being so stupid it’s pathetic.
That Pudz! He thinks liberalism is a “mental disorder” and yet he’s good with Republican perversion and pedophilia.
Three words can quite adequately sum up the failed Republican party of the 21st century – toilet room sex. Christ, no wonder Pudz is a wing-nut.
38 – Roger Ailes is SCUM. He built a channel for you 25 percenters and like the sheep you are you fell in love with it. Yep the right wing bootlickers he has on those shows have all the freedom in the world to promote right wing bullshit and “balance it” with stammering Dem has-beens like Susan Estrich.
Glenn Beck is SCUM. A right wing name-caller like you. People like him are the lowest forms of life there are.
All the people who left Faux left because they were ordered to produce right wing bullshit and support right wing bullshit narratives. They couldn’t look themselves in the mirror or soil themselves that way.
Sorry Stupes. You’re the has been. Right wing bullshit is now like perms in the 70’s. Many people are scratching their heads wondering how they ever bought such insanity.
Last November 4 was the death knell for you “sick twisted freaks”.
BillO the Blowhard. What an ignorant, arrogant person. He does not even understand that the law and the U.S. Constitution are not determined by a silly on-line vote. The law is not American Idol. The uniformed Ignoratzi do not get to vote on the law.
@46 “Last November 4 was the death knell”
That’s the bottom line.
Palin 2012? Bring it on.
There’s a long list of liberal/progressive TV & radio hosts with open invitations to the righties to come on their shows. The righties won’t do it…..no balls, no ammo, no way. If they can’t holler and scream over their debate opponent, if they have to argue on the merits in a civil conversation they’re lost. And of course when cornered they default to the ‘you hate America’ chorus anyway, so why bother?
Kelly’s most cogent analysis is not her explanation of what the law is — in which she is correct — but her observation that nonlawyers like O’Reilly always think they know more about law than lawyers, judges, and courts know about law. I call that “the arrogance of ignorance.”
As for the Fox Funny Poll revealing that 88% of Fox’s viewers agree with O’Reilly and 12% agree with Kelly, I’m actually surprised Kelly and the law did that well, considering who Fox’s audience is. When you figure only 3% of America’s population are lawyers, and most lawyers are too intelligent and rational to watch Fox, you’ve gotta wonder where the 12% came from. Personally, I think they lied about the poll results to make it look more believable — the actual results were that 99.99% of the dittoheads think O’Reilly knows more about law than the lawyer on his show does, just like in real life.
@50 Don’t matter what you think. He’s still #1by a huge margin. Colmes is going on his own and that will fail within a short time because liberal folks don’t listen or pay much attention to anything. Look at Air America.
51 – Air America is still going strong fool. Hell they even have Ronald Reagan in their lineup.
Junior, that is.