Outlawing speech and commenting that someone’s speech (cough*Glenn Beck*cough) is reckless, irresponsible and deplorable are two different things.
Clearly Fox Noise has never had a problem with its employees being reckless and irresponsible, so nobody with any sense gives credence to their programming. Until far more Republicans admit to themselves, if not the wider society, that Fox Noise offers nothing of value, we will have to keep pointing all this out.
When we opposed the party in power, we didn’t pick up guns and rocks, we started blogs, and since we had meaningful ideas to offer, we succeeded. Republicans should try it sometime, it’s really kind of fun! (The fun part is offering meaningful ideas. Anyone can start a blog and uncritically ape right-wing talking points. Which is why to this day their blogs suck so badly.)
The Republicans are f**ked until they can reorient themselves. They need to find their true philosophical center. There IS a need for a “limited government” party, just to provide an alternative/balance to the Democrats (regardless of which side you like). The type of small government party that USED to be the Republicans many decades ago. The type of party that thought who you have sex with, in what position, and who you married was NONE of the governments business. But instead, the current Republicans are the George W. Bush types. The types that believe government should be involved in every intimate detail of our lives…that government should have a list of allowable sexual positions, a list of who you can marry, the ability to read your email, listen to your phone calls and define your morality by law. By ‘limited government’ they currently only mean less regulation over Wall Street, not your life. Until a REAL limited government party comes back, the current spend happy and intrusive government form of Republicans can’t win.
Anytime a lib outreached hand dripping in blood I step way back and let the vulture find new pray. Not to say we didn’t deserved being sent to the desert we did.
We tired to reach out to your Loser Boy and Pepsi. It’s your deficit your new world order and your economy. Good luck with Rabbit avoiding paying taxes is a great idea I never knew Joker Boy giving tax advices to his followers.
The comments in both 1 and 2 above are pretty laughable, considering how little the Obama administration and the Democratic-controlled Congress have diverged thus far from the course followed by their predecessors. We certainly do need government to stop doing a lot of things, and get busy doing what really needs to be done.
It’s not a matter of the Republicans or the Democrats being “f**ked”. At this rate, we’re all gonna get buggered.
Anyone see the right wing blogs? Full of bitterness, vitriol and demonization of EVERYONE who does not buy their crap.
Save for one exception I’m aware of not a scrap of anything thoughtful.
I celebrate their freedom of speech like that of “The Fool” @ 2.
Let them continue the way they are. We’ll have zip to worry about.
So glad that our cough *Randi Rhodes* cough and our cough *Mike Malloy* cough are so much kinder and gentler than their Glenn Beck.
Too bad nobody listens to nice reasonable sensible sensitive respectable expositors of the fashionable fascism we call progressivism. Too bad nobody listens to Malloy and Rhodes. Too bad so many narcissistic Nazi nosepickers listen to Beck. That’s why America sucks, or at least it did until we progressives took control, and that’s why we’re going to (cough cough) shut Beck down and shut Beck up. Free speech isn’t free. He conned useful idiots and useless idiots into listening to him, and now he’s going to pay and pay.
5 – As I alluded to before, I celebrate Beck’s freedom of speech. The more he inspires fools to violence, the easier it becomes for sanity to win.
This is the only hate full website I have ever seen. I’ sure you seen these in your thoughts.
The headers like Kill yourself Republicans
Doubt they would have a web address. unless it started with 999
It’s not the fun you speak about. You want the attacks on Obama to stop. As many of you know the more that thrown against a wall some will stick.
We seen this for over 8 years of misrepresenting the facts with the help of soros abc,nbc,cbs
Are they on any longer?
The day we take our Government back the attacks will stop. This will be the same time you lefties sit next to us in church.
Oh, another member of the KKK (KONSERVATIVE KRISTIAN KLOWNS) so exemplified by Cynders and Puddyjerque
Fear Not fellow Conservatives..
2010 will be just like 1994.
Because of the Atheist Progressives feel screwed by the Democrats AND there is a growing discontent with the idea of borrowing & squandering our way out of a recession and raising taxes to build bigger government bureaucracies. It was over before it began for the HA KLOWNS!!
We have some incredible Young Conservatives like Paul Ryan of Wisconsin who actually read the entire Porkulous Package and Budget…and believe in limited government.
By 2010, there will be an awful Obama hangover.
Folks will be sick of working so the government can increase taxes and giveaway the fruits of their labor. Folks will understand that Obama has strangled future generations with a Borrow and Squander program that failed to produce as advertised.
Some of “us” already had the misfortune of sitting next to your fellow patriot Jim Adkisson in church. I’m guessing you’re just as much a “man” as he.
You go, YLB! Celebrate that diversity while you still have it, before the progressive jihad puts a cork in unconstrained voices of inconvenient truths.
I, too, celebrate diversity. When Randi called for a final solution to your Bush problem (she called it the Fredo Option), I said ‘Cool. That’s what America’s all about.’ When Malloy rants year after year about son-of-a-bitch Bush and his crime family, I know our Founders in the sky are cheering him on.
But I still haven’t heard Beck incite violence. Just the opposite, in fact, and that’s probably why he’d never make it on Air America. And that’s why a pretext is being invented to take him down. As Beck says, your pregressive mechanism of repression won’t be the Fairness (sic) Doctrine. It’ll be some new improved progressive steamroller called localism or anti-consolidation. Either way, we’ll be a kinder and gentler nation listening only to Mike Malloy blathering about the son-of-a-bitch’s crime family as if the son of a bitch is still running things.
I guess I must have missed it, since I spend so much time, well, working. What was it that Glen Beck said that was wreckless? Can someone provide a link?
This is why you or his type will never sit by us god willing.
It’s been another quiet week in the Dan Savage Nation, but it’s useful to remember that Mayor Dan is a big part of Son of a Bitch Bush’s crime family.
W, as YLB reminds us often, was Dumbya, somebody too damn dumn to think up Iraq on his own. That’s why he had to crawl in bed with our own General Jack D. Ripper, Dan Savage.
It was July 2002. Iraq was less than a gleam in GWB’s low-(Eye)Q eye. Then Dumbya got mobilized by Savage’s clarion call to war. Savage made the slam-dunk case for invasion that Dumbya was too dumb or too drunk to make. The rest is history and misery. Thanks, Mayor Dan. Couldn’t have done it without you.
But can any of that explain why Mr. Savage is being bitch slapped by the Weakly? The Savage “sex columnist’s threat to enter the race is a whole other level of ridiculous … like a KVI hot-talker … Savage calims his lunge for the spotlight … the biggest attention hog in town …”
Progressive pukes are so cute when they puke on each other, particularly when one of the pukes got us into a no-win war.
@2 “Rabbit avoiding paying taxes is a great idea”
Ding-ding-ding-ding!! Of course it’s a great idea! Republicans do it, so why shouldn’t I? Why should Republicans have a monopoly on avoiding taxes? Republicans want a monopoly on every fucking thing. If they don’t pay, what moral imperative is on me to pay? All I want is to live like a Republican! Is there something wrong with that?
Cynical @10, “a growing discontent with the idea of borrowing & squandering our way out of recession…”? Excuse me, but borrowing & squandering define Bush’s approach to war and national security issues. Don’t even put the sums on the books; keep the costs hidden as much as possible.
Obama at least has a strategy to his mission of remedying the Bush recession; he may be borrowing but he ain’t squandering. Bush set the bar for squandering, and Obama’s nowhere near his level.
You really still would’ve preferred John McCain in office today?????
The best way to avoid taxes is by avoiding work! As only workers pay taxes under Republican ideology, workers will make out fine if they don’t work! If you don’t work, you don’t have any money, and if you don’t have money, you don’t owe taxes! The best part is, it’s perfectly legal!
@17 Cynical thinks the best way to deal with a depression is to re-enact the Smoot-Hawley Tariff Act so the depression will go even deeper and he can find even better bargains on the stock market.
@13 I have a suggestion: Read a fucking newspaper once in a while so you’ll know a little of what’s going on in the world.
Mr. Cynical – not all conservatives are religious. I’m actually an atheist – don’t throw us under the bus.
A talking point the righties spew so frequently it has become a mantra, is that our troops hate Obama. Well, what’s with this, you wingnut lovemuffins out there?
“Cheered wildly by U.S. troops, President Barack Obama flew unannounced into Iraq on Tuesday . . .”
Damn, it must hurt to have to deny reality 24/7.
The choice was easy even our pl would agree.
option 1 go back on patrols
option 2 say hi to Loser boy.
Before any options where given we had one solider shaking his hand.
@22 proud leftist – well 30% of the troops did vote for the asshole, so those were the ones who applauded him.
Wingnuts just think it’s cute to try to turn a liberal argument on its head and apply the argument to themselves (e.g., not allowing the religious right to limit everyone elses freedom through their ‘divinely written’ strictures is, in and of itself, a limiting of the freedom that Liberals profess to value).
Gee whiz!! Isn’t that clever???
Well, maybe to a nine year old or a wingnut.
Damn, you are such a fool. Read the article, you lying piece of shit. His speech was frequently interrupted with enthusiastic cheers, soldiers were taking his picture with their cell phones, one screamed “I love you.” Obama is genuinely popular with the vast majority of Americans, including those in the military service. Deal with it, you incoherent twit.
@26 proud leftist – no doubt the hollering ones are disproportionately African-American. Why would any self-respecting soldier like Obama?
Why are mass-murderers always conservative?
re 27: “Why would any self-respecting soldier like Obama?”
Because he won’t send them on deadly fool’s errands — like Iraq.
Your comment reveals you to be (a) racist, (2) an idiot, and (3) blind. Look at the photos and tell me the cheering masses are all African-American. Soldiers love Obama because they understand that he, unlike his predecessor, will not put their lives at risk for political purposes in senseless wars. They also understand that when they come home, they will get treated better–no second class medical treatment at Walter Reed, for instance.
I’ve decided not to deal with any big players. Big anything is evil. The only reason I want a government is to bust up everything into smaller parts, like banks. And, keep them that way.
I will pay taxes if it puts money directly into the pockets of those in need, performs the job of only the public good that must be shared but controlled as locally as possible, and keeps the infrastructure together. Other than that I don’t want to see the ‘public-private’ partnership bloat and waste.
I want people to be able (and enabled to) control their own destiny.
Guess I’m kind of libertarianish and kind of leftish. I get that alot of people just might be wanting it to ‘feel’ like it did in the 50s. Maybe they are too young to remember the laws regulating the economy then? No- they’d rather focus on some societal changes that will never be undone.
Or maybe a lot of people are just like me. If you believe in first things first, like having true democracy, then the future is unclear and no one has the ‘prescription’. How about that all you control freaks?
@27: Why would any self-respecting soldier like Bush?
He promised to support the veterans but did not. He extended their tours of duty to the breaking point through stop loss to fight his private battle with Saddam. He lied about WMDs and commited soldiers to a war that was unnecessary.
He and Rumsfeld failed to adequately equip the soldiers in body armor that worked or in Humvees that were hardened for IEDs.
After showing no concern for the safety, readiness or health of the vets – why would any soldier in their right mind cheer and idiot like Bush.
And thanks for the racist commnet – now we know how your limited brain works (or doesn’t work):
No doubt the ignorant ones are disproportianately republican.
@28 – that’s funny considering Joe Stalin was a leftist.
Now i know your a lying. No Teleprompters units on Loser boys filed equipment has the ability to answer a direct question with emotion. Only exception is Uuit #1A which resides in Losers boys bed Room.
So there go make up another lie.
Obama “supports the troops”, but “not their mission”. Screw him!
21 Ah…so you must understand how it feels sometimes to be a Christian liberal.
There goes “The Fool” calling Obama a “boy” again.
Now watch him squirm and get defensive.
35 Would that be anything like the way the right-wing talking heads “supported the troops” when we got involved in The Country Formerly Known as Yugoslavia?
@38 – go fart somewhere.
Is “The (un)Truth” always so illiterate, or did he just hit the bottle a lot earlier today?
I’m pleased that the neo-cons are losing their shit. The more they spout their crazy talk, the more likely it is that normal, non-insane Americans will see them as they truly are — insane.
37 Better yet, watch Puddy stumble in here and pat him on the head while he spouts all sorts of absurd rationalizations.
Oh please Jon! Can you be any more of an arrogant, sniveling, little one-sided asshole?
Here’s “outlawing” speech for ya douche bag:
And I’m “pro-choice” even, but that’s not the point. This amounts to pure censorship. But the Democrats are holier than thou and can do no wrong right? Ignoramous. You’re even worse than Goldstein.
20 “Read a f*’in newspaper”??? He’d better do it pretty f*’in quick!
Of course not. You may be deaf for all I know. You probably didn’t even hear him when he talked about killing Michael Moore.
Show me a Jim Adkisson inspired by anyone you demonize.
Don’t weasel now. Adkisson left a note.
“Why would any self-respecting soldier like Bush?”
You and your kind will never understanding that question. You’ll take it to the grave with you and the the thought of you not know will taught you for ever and ever.
God Bless
I like the statement a rather perceptive person made recently that “Conservatives need (Fox News/Limbaugh/etc ad nauseum) the same way a drunk needs a lamppost”.
You guys can piss and moan about Fox News all you want, but they ain’t going away any time soon. As a matter of fact, O’Reilly is more popular than ever, and the Fox Business Channel is outstanding in what it does.
The Pew Research Center did a study of Fox News and found that the division of Republicans, Democrats and independents that watched Fox News was pretty damn close to an even split between all three groups. Is it true that Fox News is not biased towards the left? Without a doubt! It may not be what you people want to hear, but Fox is about the least biased network out there.
@45: Me and my kind? You have no clue who I even am. But I know who you are: someone who thinks she knows a lot more than they do.
Someone who won’t reply to the substance of what I wrote – because you can’t.
Someone who can’t refute what I wrote, but likes to generalize and call names – in short, you are an intellectual midget, a fool and a coward.
Glenn Beck is the shit.
Mike @ 40
The Truth is always that illiterate and incoherent. It’s one of his more endearing qualities. I’m going to bet that he supports a constitutional amendment declaring English to be our official language, but the poor guy seems to torture the language for sport.
Comments made by you show no returning troops will be cared for as in the past with the best treatment in the world.
Unless it’s pay as you go. You never had any respect for our soldiers unless to kicked us for the second time.
Go read you 3 page book how to win wars.
@47: So what?
O’reilly may be more popular than ever but you and your ilk are a small minority in this country. The republicans are back to the minority whining party – where they belong.
What was the last good republican idea?
When was the last time the republicans won more seats in the House or Seante?
Who even listens to the “small goverment” mantra of the republicans, the fools who wasted over 1 trillion in Iraq for an unnecessary war?
Whoi cares about the less taxes on the rich proponents? Your policies have failed miserably.
Who thinks less regulation of the banking industry is a good idea? No one!
Libertarian principles turn out to be false and naive.
@37 Truth could spew a few racial slurs our President’s way and we already know that Puddy would be good with it. Hell, Puddy might even show him some love, like he did with Troll last week.
Here’s so what: Fox News simply does a better job than any of the other networks in reporting the news.
If you don’t like it, don’t watch Fox. Go get your news from Liebowitz (Stewart) or that other comedian, Colbert.
BTW, me and my “ilk” aren’t Republicans. Or Democrats.
I saw a bumper sticker that said:
The Right is Wrong,
The Left is Stupid
Man, I wish I had thought of that one!
More like Glen Beck is an insecure little shit who is full of it.
Did you see Castro’s Statement after the visit by the DEMOCRAT Congressional Caucus?
Here it is:
When will you KLOWNS learn you don’t negotiate with Dictators and Terrorists??
They will use you every time…no matter how good your intentions are.
Or, perhaps the Congressman or woman actually did say these things??!
So Much for “bringing us all together”.
Obama needs to talk with these lunatics…quick.
Glenn Beck’s ratings are exploding!
57 – If that’s true it only proves there’s no shortage of fools filled with fear, driven to follow a fear-monger.
#2 The Truth
Grow up. You’re obviously just a party whore. I’m a “Republican” in the old fashioned sense. I’m not loyal to the current wingnuts like you who want to run our party into the ground. I want the common sense good old main street Republicans to come out and reject these Jesus freak hate filled anti-intellectual morons who have captured our party since Reagan. I want the REAL Republicans back!
We all know who you are aka the thee stooges,
pl,myleftfoot,correctnotright, the tree in the back of the room,loners, Glass are made to order and can never be used for human contact.
Where ever their is trouble with law enforcement one of you will be in the back seats.
now go back to t talking to your turds.
I can’t wait until Puddy gets in here!
Hey Junior Troll Crusader – where’s the proof I’ve been waiting for?
Defend your boy who killed three Pittsburgh cops because he was as brainwashed as you!
@62 Broadway Joe – you are seriously demented if you think I have anything to do with twisted killers.
Grow up. You’re obviously just a party whore. I’m a “Republican” in the old fashioned sense. I’m not loyal to the current wingnuts like you who want to run our party into the ground. I want the common sense good old main street Republicans to come out and reject these Jesus freak hate filled anti-intellectual morons who have captured our party since Reagan. I want the REAL Republicans back!
Who do you support for pro-choice?
If the election was held today what republican will you support? For POTUS
Who do you support for VP?
2 western Washington US Senator are running for office again who would you replace them with.
Will you help repeal Roe vs Wade
@63 You have nothing to do with twisted killers? Hell, you’ve voted for them.
Note to the kids – this is a typical deranged leftist turd.
66 – And why are you here? Were you lost in the crowd at Little Green Footballs?
You have everything to do with him, Junior Troll Crusader. You listen to the same hatred, the same lies. You carp the same NRA “librulz -grunt- librulz take ‘way gunz” as he did, in the face of insurmountable proof to the opposite. You deny reality, Junior Troll Crusader, so I guess I have to ask you these things:
When will you snap in paranoid delusion?
When will you take up arms in paranoid delusion?
When will you kill innocents in paranoid delusion?
Because of the lies, fear, and hatred you and yours espouse, the blood of those Pittsburgh cops is on your hands.
You called us traitors because we refused to kowtow to you.
I call you a traitor because you hate the fact that we saw through your lies to the truth, and in seeing through to the truth, saved America from you.
I call you a terrorist because you seem to have no problem with people killing innocents so long as they feel the same way you do.
Got a problem with me? Do something about it, traitor.
@ 47
Well, if you are a wingnut, I suppose so.
But if you have an ounce of integrity or objectivity, it is an outrageously stupid statement.
I LOVE Beck! Nutjobs like him do more to help Democratic causes than anything I can think of. I think Beck and Palin should run on the same ticket in 2012. I’d donate money to that ticket just t get them to run. Nothing helps demonstrate how completely void of truth, ideas, or intelligence the right wingers are like the right wing talking heads.
If they’re so convinced we’re going to take their guns (their surrogate penes) then we might as well. Then when we they say,”….my cold, read hands…..” we let the chips fall where they may.
The KKK here would at least enjoy the gore
Looks like the conservatives are still using the same-old, tired playbook of ideas that swept Ronald Reagan into power in 1980. I say “Bravo” for your accomplishment to ascend to power back then, but, what you privately admit, but publicly won’t acknowledge is that your ideas have run their course in American politics and have been thoroughly rejected.
If you don’t believe that then how do you explain barely getting reelected to the WH in 2004, losing control of congress in 2006, and losing more seats in congress in 2008 and having a 26 year veteran Republican of the senate and Vietnam war hero lose to an up and comer “community organizer” for the WH?
The answer is simple, mainstream America doesn’t like where the country is at financially, militarily, and our standing internationally. Republicans continue to parrot the old talking points because they used to work and they believe it will work again. This too is wrong.
However, I’m pleased with them continuing to recycle their playbook. It will only help push forward the Democrats and President Obama’s agenda for the next 8 years. Until you guys come up with new ideas, you are doomed to be a minority party. It appears sooooo bad for conservatives that it looks like an ex-comedian is going to beat an incumbent US senator from MN. Now that’s funny.
You Atheist Progressives have been dealt a whole bunch of bitch-slappin’ in Washington DC and Olympia.
I thought you won??
They really don’t get it, do they? The fork has been plunged into Reaganism, and the righties are still thinking they can resurrect Ronnie with nothing but an antihistamine and prayer. The world passed them by long ago, and this nation now has, too. Hell, I can’t even see them in my rearview mirror anymore.
Hey speaking of right wing hypocrites who buy and use illegal drugs, are impotent, have had more wives than anyone I know and who’s a big fat liar, Lush Flimbaugh got told off by a fellow Publican today!!!
A little internecine quarreling is natural among thinking adults. You guys in your brain dead party of lemmings don’t understand the value of debate. BTW, we did win–say this slowly, “President Obama, Senator Al Franken, Governor Chris Gregoire.” Moreover, I’ve noticed the GOP isn’t doing so well in your home state either, Cynny. Senator Max Baucus (leading the battle for healthcare reform in DC), Senator Jon Tester, Governor Brian Schweitzer. Damn, you must be in a world of hurt.
Looks like I made Junior Troll Crusader wet his his pants and made him run to his mommy.
Justice wins!
Geez, I was wondering why Mr. Klynical wasn’t posting his Rasmussen Polls showing that Presidential Approval Index of +4 that made him howl with glee. Well, here’s today’s results:
“The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Tuesday shows that 37% of the nation’s voters now Strongly Approve of the way that Barack Obama is performing his role as President. Twenty-nine percent (29%) Strongly Disapprove giving Obama a Presidential Approval Index rating of +8.”
Oops, now I see why he didn’t post it. It doubled in the President’s favor. My, that’s gotta really suck for our Mr. Klynical.
Mr. C.
In 2000 the American people gave the conservatives exactly what they’ve been striving for since the mid sixties, and that is total control of all the levers of government.
You got what you asked for and demonstrated your ideas and principles about governing.
The end result was massive failure at just about every level of government. Whether it’s the economy, our national security, law enforcement, energy policies, environmental issues, there are no real areas you can point to that were overwhelming successes. Save, AIDS prevention in Africa and not having another terrorist attack on American soil.
But, when it comes to the Global War on Terror overall, the majority of the voting public recognized mostly failure.
The State Dept. used to put out a report on terrorism around the world. The report demonstrated that under Bush’s watch terrorist activity actually increased. At the direction of Pres. Bush the publication ceased.
The public also recognized that invasion of our privacy, our sacred liberties that so many Americans fought, died, and bled for were also being usurped. Regardless of how important Pres. Bush and co-Pres. Cheney thought they were necessary to protecting the homeland.
The public also recognized the massive corruption that went on during the Republican’s watch.
The public also recognized that massive debt accumulated on the Republican’s watch vs. debt reduction that went on under Pres. Clinton’s time.
Where Republicans mainly failed is that they bought into their own echo chamber of a permanent Republican majority. This belief led them to think they could do anything they pleased and stay in power.
The Founding Father’s recognized that politicians of any party are human beings who can fall prey to the dark trappings of power. In that knowledge was born the wisdom of dividing power and holding elections at 24 month intervals that gave the true lever of power to the people.
The People exercised that power since 2006 and the sea change of political ideology that governs this nation has shifted. It has shifted fast and far which means, by the time it slows down, stops and moves back to the center decades will have passed if contemporary history is any indicator.
You leftTURDs are delusional if you think you are going to make gains in 2010-2012. The GOP is going to make huge gains back because the American people will revolt against Obama/Pelosi socialist crap!
The world passed them by long ago, and this nation now has, too. Hell, I can’t even see them in my rearview mirror anymore.
Great we shoved you under the bus ….
No need to talk about the GOP any more.
The biggest problem you have now is LOSER BOY OBAMA first class embarrassment against America and our people.
Well, the GOP will soon have more to worry about: with all these senseless slaughters by winger gun nuts, sooner or later decent people will vote to put an end to handguns. It’s obvious flakey conservatives can’t be trusted with weapons and liberals certainly don’t need them.
Oh, is Junior Troll Crusader back for more beatings? I’ll be happy to oblige!
Defend your lie about the Obama Administration ‘wanting to take away all our guns’.
Defend your buddy, the Pittsburgh cop-killer.
Defend Rush Limbaugh, Ted Nugent, and all the rest who want America to fail because THEY LOST.
Defend the last eight years of dictatorship.
Defend the last 28 years of the sham known as ‘trickle-down economics’, that which has destroyed the global economy.
Surprise me and grow a pair, coward.
“Defend the last eight years of dictatorship.”
Someone is retarded.
It’s OK. We’ll make you welcome anyway
Broadway Joe,
Sorry to be dense, but what does FYVM stand for?
Your favorite broken English language and dip
shit apologizes for being stupid.
It’s a term I learned from old buddies in two separate bands that were SEALs in Vietnam, the acronym for ‘Fuck You Very Much’, the standard SEAL replacement for ‘thank you very much’. I’d first read it in the novels of one Richard Marcinko, and figured it to be crap. Marcinko loves him some acronyms. Then a while later I heard it from a guitarist I played with, who’d been in the Teams in Vietnam, then again several years later from a bassist in another band. I have a funny story about him, from which I learned a valuable lesson:
Even if you’re joking, never, never call a SEAL a pussy.
Mr. Truthiness, does this mean you hate the military too?
I know who’s retarded, that’s for damn sure – the ones dumb enough to vote for the Tyrant.
You must be new here. Have you met Roger yet?
-drum roll-
re 81: I guess Obama wasn’t clever enough to give the German chancellor a backrub.
Lawdy! The quality of the Trolls here just gets worse and worse.
Truthiness is bad enough, but this “crusader”? What a complete waste of pixels. If he ever had an original idea in his head it would die of loneliness. Just another wingnut getting his talking points from FOX, Hannity, Limbaugh and Beck. Another mind filled with mush.
Isn’t it sad? We try to bequeath wisdom to our trolls, but nothing seems to stick. That is why, when all is said and done, that the only sensible strategy with regard to our trolls is to simply bash them incessantly. They don’t get it, but, what the hell, it’s fun for us.