I don’t have a TV Box* so nothing is appointment TV for me except sports that I’ll go to a bar for or watch on ESPN3 or MLB’s website. I’ll watch a few shows on the Internet later on, or see clips that make it onto some website, especially what Darryl plays in the Multimedia Extravaganza. And while that’s the far end, a lot of people have TiVo or watch their TV on the Internet in some way. So the schedule is less important than it was even a decade ago, not just for me but for all sorts of people.
So maybe Fox News’s shakeup is less important than it once would have been. But the fact of the matter is it’s coming:
The media world was abuzz last week as Matt Drudge reported a rare prime-time shakeup at Fox News: Rising star Megyn Kelly is moving to 9 p.m., bumping the current inhabitant of that hour, the “Great American” Sean Hannity, to parts unknown.
The domino effect has not yet been revealed, with speculation that Kelly’s move might produce other changes, including hard news star and 7 p.m. anchor Shepard Smith potentially shifting roles, and 10 p.m. host Greta Van Susteren moving hours.
Maybe it doesn’t matter at what point in the day assholes are saying asshole things. Maybe being given time to say nonsense on the TV is important enough, and the rest are just details. Still, the fact that the top brass at Fox News thinks this is something maybe means it’s something, so they’re doing their shakeup.
* Today is brought to you by boring facts about Carl Ballard, I guess.
It probably means advertisers are taking notice that their ratings suck. Everything wears out after a while.
I don’t have a teevee box either. I have lots of good books, and reading them takes all of my spare time, so I have no time for the wasteland of commercial TV. TV is for mentally lazy people.
@ Rogered Rabbit
Just bought a new one meself. Jared Diamond: “Collapse”. Fascinating shit, nearly a sequel to “Guns, Germs and Steel”. It explores ideas on how societies collapse and fail. While I’m only in the second chapter, Mr. Diamond lays out the variables and possibilities quite succinctly. I can’t put it down.
Good shit mang.
Edit: Fuck FoxNews. It’s just Fascist propaganda, and hardly worth concerning oneself about. I have a Tellervision mashine, but I only get one channel, and I only really use it to watch movies on.
It’s all bullshit anyway.
@3 I read that one a while ago. When you finish it, your next read should be Prof. Edmond O. Wilson’s “The Social Conquest of Earth.”
Well, there goes my Friday night.
@6 It’ll be some of the best time you’ve ever spent.
Heh Roger, hoes your stock portfolio been doing? Kinda been sucky for the last two weeks as it is heading into the unknown. So interest rates in the tank, bonds in the tank, market in the tank, employment in the tank, gas prices through the ceiling. Is there anything Owebamma isn’t screwing up enough?
I see Cap’n Derp is back in town.
Don’t you have any kittens to set on fire?
Stupid ignorant misguided fuck.
I was listening to xm and fox five and found out so many amazing bubble facts. Like science proved global warning is not happening. Good green scientists are for nuclear power. DDT Banning was a plot to kill poor people.
@8 There have been some wonderful buying opportunities recently. Stocks are cheaper, bonds are cheaper, my oil stocks are making money hand over fist, what’s there to not like?
People who don’t understand investing think investors want the stock market to go up, up, up. Not true! We want it to go up, down, up, down, like a yo-yo, so we can buy cheap and sell dear. We’re getting some nice action right now. The stock market slid this week because of higher interest rates. Since when do investors hate higher interest rates? Think about that for a minute, then explain to me why investors would like low interest rates better than high interest rates. I don’t know about you, pal, but I’d rather have a 4% yield than a 2% yield. The idea of investing is to make money for yourself, not subsidize borrowers. As far as I’m concerned, interest rates can’t go up soon enough. A period of rising interest rates is a great time to be a capitalist!!!
@9 Don’t encourage his antisocial behavior. Poor kitties.
They were talking about the stock marking tanking because Walmart didn’t meet expectations. If the bottom 99% has less income to spend, companies are going to make less money. Seems obvious.
One could pay mare, but that would cut into profits. But as people spend less, that also cuts into profits. What to do? What to do?
@ RR
Watched that lecture vid twice last night. I’m especially interested in Professor Wilson’s point that societies that develop around mutual support and altruistic behaviors tend to stagnate and become more dense, while also increasing conflict at the individual level. And there is a point where that internal conflict overwhelms the ability of the altruistically-oriented system to sustain itself. The idea that group evolution becomes the norm where social organizations begin to stratify is very interesting. That those stratifications create conflict between the more dominant strata and thus the society collapses or fragments when one faction becomes too dominant, even if that faction bears the greatest remainder of the altruistic system that enabled that society to function in the first place. I think Larry Niven touched on this point in “The Mote in God’s Eye”.
Goes directly to the point Mr. Diamond seems to be saying in “Collapse”. Fascinating shit.