Evil. Fox expects the audience to make the quota for stupid.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
The are informed and challenge those in power.
You just don’t like it.
MadKow & Olberdink are stupid.
Fox is #1 for a reason…they tell the truth and are fair & balanced.
MSNBC is totally in the tank for those in power.
The Society of Professional Journalists most important Ethics Code is to hold those in power accountable.
MSNBC is a complete failure.
@2 Mr. Cynical: Evil or Stupid?
With him, other possibilities come to mind.
Jon Stewart and the Daily Show skewers both left and right and it’s hilarious. Not that the wingnuts get it. Their humor seems limited to the pull-the-wings-off-a-fly type stuff, which usually elicits a psycho-laugh out of them.
Speaking of the decidedly unfunny, we have a contender for the Effin’ Golden Goat award, and, no, it’s not the stupid goatfucker @2. This one is Lost, who spews nothing but contempt towards America’s unemployed, the victims of thirty years of what is the abject failure of Reaganomics. Here is Lost, who after the Bush Crash, openly pines for yet more tax cuts for the rich and even more deregulation, sharing with us his Dicksonian vision of an America where the poor and unemployed receive a jack-boot in the groin from him and his utter lack of empathy,
24. lostinaseaofblue spews:
“Where should the millions of Americans who (according to you) “sit on unemployment for two freaking years! Two years!” go to find jobs?”
The answer is the same as before. I don’t know, and it isn’t my problem. My problem is take care of my family and my bills. Their problem is to do likewise.
Nor is it the problem of government. National and local security, interstate regulation, treaty powers with the world, and a few other functions are all that the federal government can Constitutionally perform. Nowhere is there a duty to provide housing, food, or employment security to citizens. Nowhere is there a duty to create a safety net for those too foolish to provide one of their own.
08/21/2010 at 9:24 am
Lost keeps telling us that the contemptuous unemployed should just move and get a job. We kept asking him, where in this country are the millions of jobs for these people? Lost says that he doesn’t know and that he doesn’t care. That, folks, is wingnuttia in a fucking nutshell. They don’t know and they don’t care.
The Society of Professional Journalists most important Ethics Code is to hold those in power accountable.
Or, of course, in FoxNews case, directly fund them, with donations. Can you say a million dollars to the GOP?
Mr. Cynicalspews:
For my Progressive friends..
Keep investing you time in sideshows will your movement and regime collapse!
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Tuesday shows that 25% of the nation’s voters Strongly Approve of the way that Barack Obama is performing his role as president. Forty-three percent (43%) Strongly Disapprove, giving Obama a Presidential Approval Index rating of -18.
Republicans hold a nine-point lead on the Generic Congressional Ballot.
Election Day is nearing. ImamObaMao wants a chance to be re-elected in 2012. The ONLY way that will happen is if the Republicans take over the House or Senate or both.
Wake up fools. You have been duped!!
ImamObaMao will soon refer to you Leftist Pinheaded KLOWNS are his Useful Idiots!
@2 “Neither. The are informed and challenge those in power.”
Is that so, klown? When did Fox ever challenge our government’s policies when “those in power” were Republicans? Fox is nothing but a mouthpiece for the NRC. We both know that.
Roger Rabbitspews:
I vote for evil. Fox is run by bright guys who know what they’re doing and why they’re doing it (for money).
Roger Rabbitspews:
I could live with Fox people calling themselves entertainers. But if they insist on calling themselves journalists then I will insist on calling them journalistic whores.
Alki Postingsspews:
Being THAT dumb and uninformed is JUST cute!!! You don’t mind that YOUR news network directly supports terrorism? Your news network is co-owned by the guy who’s Kingdom Foundation was said to be funding terrorism BY FOX NEWS!
Conservatives. Anti-reality, anti-fact, anti-science…just plain silly. If you weren’t so violent and dangerous you’d JUST be adorably silly. I can put up with the “earth is 6,000 years old”, or the idea that evolution isn’t real and men rode dinosaurs, or gays have a magical power to choose their sexual preference (but straight people can’t), it’s just a cute nutball fantasy world, but unfortunately these uneducated rural crazy conservatives also vote.
headless lucyspews:
What voters are tired of is the wingnut meme of tax cuts tax cuts, blue dog Democrats, and New Democrats who never go anywhere without a wet finger in the air and the other hand open for corporate handouts.
Yeah, because MSNBC, NYT, and CNN (among others) aren’t skewed and biased with Libtardation or anything….LOL! :)
“….LOL! :)”
heh- Speaking of dumbfuck wingnuts and their psycho-laughs.
Ah Stevie, I’m so touched that you’d think of me. Don’t be mad that your sexual preferences for sheep is now a felony in WA. Perhaps you should move to a State that it isn’t. Seriously. I don’t think you’d do well in prison. Just friendly advice.
@15 Tell it to the KLOWN, Mark. He likely has some interest in what you pull from your ass. I don’t.
Krist Novoselicspews:
FOX did a horrible job reporting on the Cumulative Voting election in Port Chester, NY. Wait a minute, maybe it was a good job considering race baiting with the intent to whip anger into a partisan advantage. I gasped when the reporter Gregg Jarrett showed a picture of Judge Robinson, a black man, and said, “That’s him folks”. In other words that’s him who is pushing racial preferences. But no such thing happened. As a matter of fact, the opposite occurred and the election in Port Chester played out ideologically where voters, regardless of their ethnicity had the opportunity to pick candidates however they deemed fit.
Here’s a link to Media Matters and their dissection of the FOX News irresponsible reporting.
A friend of mine who is an infantry officer in Afghanistan said that the current fear mongering and race baiting on this issue really worries him. You see, unlike the stereotype held by dumb asses like Mr Cynical, Muslims in Afghanistan and Iraq (the people who our military personnel are still trying to win the hearts and minds of) pay close attention to the news. Moderate Muslims in those countries wonder why some Americans are portraying them terrorists.
Stuff like this makes our military’s job much more difficult.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
So you want Americans to put on a happy face and not question those in power…particluarly President ImamObaMao?
Mr. Cynicalspews:
Alleging Fear mongering & race baiting is an old political trick that ImamObaMao has worn out. Moderate Muslims should be helping us fight the extremists. They are not. While ImamObaMao panders to Iran and the Muslim world…they laugh at us. Iran has been full steam ahead on it’s nuke program.
Pandering does not work.
Either they help us get rid of the Muslim Extremist threat…or I could care less about their “feelings”.
I say evil and stupid. Their audience lives in a different reality because of the crap Faux News serves them all day.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
Here is another race that was once close for the Dems– Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Republican Congressman Roy Blunt for the first time holds a double-digit lead over Democrat Robin Carnahan in Missouri’s U.S. Senate race.
The latest Rasmussen Reports telephone survey of Likely Missouri Voters shows Blunt earning 51% of the vote. Carnahan, Missouri’s secretary of state, picks up 40% support, her poorest showing to date.
But according to you KLOWNS, the dems are gonna kick butt in November!
@18 Fox ginning up fear of latinos. Evil or stupid, Krist? I suspect evil, while knowingly playing to a stupid and very fearful audience.
proud leftistspews:
What’s this, another Republican hypocrite on the Islamic center issue? Not Karen Hughes. Tell me it isn’t so.
Ha ha ha ha…President ImamObaMao? That is the lamest insult I’ve ever read. Geez, a 5th grader could do better.
Cynical, your head is so far up your ass you can see the light shining in between your teeth.
If you’re going to insult us do so with style. Your shit is beyond lame. You should hire that 5th grader to improve your material. If you’re going to swim in this sewer, you need better shit.
So, when Faux News makes up stories about ‘where is the money coming from?’ in order to insinuate that a community center is some nefarious terrorist headquarters, that is not fear mongering? I’m calling a spade a spade, what are you doing?
Re 4
That’s America Steve. I have civic duties, but they don’t yet include full responsibility for the poor financial planning of my fellow citizens.
Nor is it contempt. It is a realistic statement of what I owe another man who is unemployed for a full two years. Nothing. I have adequate problems of my own to deal with, thanks very much.
And yes, this is reasonable social thought in a nutshell. Taking the consequences and lessons of poor planning from a man is social engineering. In conservative social engineering the end goal is competent self reliant citizens who need minimal government. In liberal the end goal is mealy mouthed beggars who require assistance with the toilet paper.
Here’s a nice story with a pic of Newscorp executives meeting with a Saudi Prince, a funder of the 9/11 “terror mosque”, who is Newscorps second largest shareholder.
Of course, our dumbfuck KLOWN has nothing to say except the insipid, “ImamObaMao!!”, over and over again. I can only conclude that our dumbfuck KLOWN must have fucked at least one too many goats.
proud leftistspews:
Is further proof needed that Cynny’s intellectual and emotional growth stopped in middle school than that he would use such a juvenile moniker for Obama as “President ImamObaMao.” Can anyone take someone seriously who is so childish?
“Nor is it contempt.”
You’re full of shit, Lost. We’ve all read your contemptuous screeds railing against the lazy unemployed who won’t get off their asses to move to who knows where to find work. Repeatedly asked where these non-existant jobs are, all you could say is that you don’t know and that you don’t care. That’s not contempt? Horseshit.
As usual you don’t comment on the ‘why’ of the post. You just pick off some random phrase you personally dislike, on this tangential issue you rant, and you ignore the substance altogether.
Could this be because you have no substantive argument to make?
Re 35
BTW, I stand by my comments.
If my family is hungry and the mortgage needs paid you can bet your last dollar I’ll find a way to take care of it. Without the assistance of the government. I don’t think it that unreasonable to ask this of anyone else.
proud leftistspews:
Occasionally, you touch base with reality. On this unemployment issue, however, you aren’t even a distant cousin of reality. You are arrogant and full of it. The jobs are not out there. You, however, don’t care. Your party, as it is currently composed, would destroy the social compact that binds this nation if it takes over. You do not recognize the political consequences of the potential “triumph” of your views. Do you ever consider that your ideological purity might cause insufferable pain to others? Do you honestly consider yourself a follower of Jesus Christ?
RE 38
There are more than one ways to destroy the social compact. One is admittedly to fragment a population into ideological cliques.
Another is to ask so much of individuals ‘for the common good’ that they simply can’t see a benefit to the compact anymore. At what point does another mans needs trump my industry? Where is the line at which the poor decisions of another entitle him to the proceeds of my good decisions? This can be as corrosive to the social fabric as deliberate fragmentation.
And yes, I do consider myself a Christian. In my neighborhood I try to help others. I’m active with a couple of charities. To transfer the Christian obligation of charity and concern for my neighbors to government isn’t to fulfill it. It avoids it.
Anyway, I thought liberals were all about separation of church and state, so charitible obligations enjoined by my religion should have no bearing on government obligations by your logic.
“You do not recognize the political consequences of the potential “triumph” of your views.”
That’s no different than our faux-libertarian’s “abortion is murder” rant. When asked what America would be like if abortion was made murder, he had nothing to say. Of course, I can see why he refuses to share his vision of an America where over half a million women each year commit murder. But I thought he’d at least cheer my idea of chip implants for all of America’s women to monitor their wombs. Really, I thought that a much better idea than hiring a half million or so government womb inspectors.
“As usual you don’t comment on the ‘why’ of the post.”
More horseshit. Where are the jobs, Lost? Why do you self-righteously tell the millions of unemployed to get off their lazy asses and find work when there aren’t millions of jobs available to them? Why do you tell us that “abortion is murder” and then run for the hills when we ask you to share how your vision of America and abortion plays out?
“You do not recognize the political consequences of the potential “triumph” of your views.”
That’s why your ideas are half-assed, Lost, and you a twit. You don’t bother to think things through.
what a joke that you fools think that abc, nbc, cbs, cnn, not to mention msnbc, are truthful, unbiased news sources. actually, its not that you think it, it’s that they promote your socialist agenda. in 1933, goering said. “i should not like to be a jew in germany”. to paraphrase, i should not like to be a liberal when the crash comes.
If my family is hungry and the mortgage needs paid you can bet your last dollar I’ll find a way to take care of it.
Lost, this is the whole point people are trying to make, but you don’t seem to get. There are no jobs out there, you can’t just ‘take care of it’.
I for one, believe that in that situation, your family still deserves a chance to get back on their feet with a little assistance from the commonwealth. Guess you believe that they should be shit out of luck.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
34. proud leftist spews:
Is further proof needed that Cynny’s intellectual and emotional growth stopped in middle school than that he would use such a juvenile moniker for Obama as “President ImamObaMao.” Can anyone take someone seriously who is so childish?
Yet you & your fellow KLOWNS cannot ignore me!
What does that say about you??
proudlefist, here’s what you don’t get. if you think about sumner redstone, michael bloomberg, sandy adelson, george soros, you think those guys are trying to “help” the christian middele class, or do you think they have an inate hatred of christians and when the destructin of the middle class is complete, we’ll have a brazilian like country with the dirt poor and super rich. think about it proudleftist, they want the complete destruction of people that almost destroyed them. think. think.
“Yet you & your fellow KLOWNS cannot ignore me!
What does that say about you??”
Um, that we think kicking your pathetic KLOWN ass is a lot of fun?
proud leftistspews:
Any chance someone out there could translate for me what mot @ 45 is saying? He doesn’t seem to be able to write coherently in English.
Mr. Cynical
What you saw last night, was truly sad.
I am that I am.
Blah, blah, blah, the Jews, the Jews…
Politically Incorrectspews:
“Fox is nothing but a mouthpiece for the NRC. We both know that.”
And all the other “news” people are just shills for the Dems.
“Fox is run by bright guys who know what they’re doing and why they’re doing it (for money).”
Just like the rest of them on ABC, CBS, NBC, MS-NBC, et. al.
“I could live with Fox people calling themselves entertainers. But if they insist on calling themselves journalists then I will insist on calling them journalistic whores.”
That’s rich, coming from a fucking lawyer! Do you think Katie Couric, Keith Olbermann and Chris Matthews are nothing more than cheap entertainment for the “progressive” idiots of the world?
When are you all going to realize the left is no better than the right? It’s the different sides of the same coin.
I’ve thoroughly read your posts, and understand the nature for your arguments. But there’s two serious errors in your logic.
First off: You have shoes, and therefore believe that you have no need to walk in someone else’s (YET!). We get it. You made it clear here:
If my family is hungry and the mortgage needs paid you can bet your last dollar I’ll find a way to take care of it. Without the assistance of the government. I don’t think it that unreasonable to ask this of anyone else
So just thank your god for your security (for now), cross your fingers (for later), and maintain your online anonymity and hopes that you don’t end up eating those words.
Secondly, in your current employed position, it’s probably comforting to talk from your lofty tower, and lob cake at the rest.
Unfortunately, you have critically erred from your comfort:
You have (purposefully?) confused “Unemployment Insurance” with a so-called “free hand out”. It is not. As with Medical, Car, Life, and Homeowners insurance, you pay into Unemployment insurance hoping and praying (as we know you do) that you will never have to use it.
To then scapegoat the unemployed – from your comfortable positions – for making a claim on this insurance during a period of high unemployment and few prospects, takes an unbelievably depraived mind.
Remember: It’s easy to speak ideologically from a position of comfort. Take that to heart
by the way, the guy in the picture is jon liebowitz
@37: Dear Ignorant Lost says:
If my family is hungry and the mortgage needs paid you can bet your last dollar I’ll find a way to take care of it.
Umm, ever read a book called “The Grapes of Wrath” – the family did exactly what you said you would do – pick up and moce to find the work. When you finish reading it (at your reading level (third grade) it should take only a few years) see what happened to them and many others during the great depression.
Yeah, the great depression that economist believe would have happened to US if we did not have the bank bailout and the stimulus packages to counter the Bush depression.
“pick up and move” – where is the edit fxn?
@44: Klynical
What is says about us is that we love to make fun of ignorant fools like YOU!
Here is a big hint Klynical – we are laughing AT you not WITH you. We love when fools like you can’t put together an argument, make specious claims and tout the teabaggers becuase it shows how stoopid and intellectually bankrupt you and your ILK really are.
so if you think that you are somehow “combating” the lefties…well, you have a much higher opinion of your third grade level crap than anyone else.
We recognize you for what you are Klynical – a pathetic clown that we enjoy laughing at – and nothing more.
Evil. Fox expects the audience to make the quota for stupid.
The are informed and challenge those in power.
You just don’t like it.
MadKow & Olberdink are stupid.
Fox is #1 for a reason…they tell the truth and are fair & balanced.
MSNBC is totally in the tank for those in power.
The Society of Professional Journalists most important Ethics Code is to hold those in power accountable.
MSNBC is a complete failure.
@2 Mr. Cynical: Evil or Stupid?
With him, other possibilities come to mind.
Jon Stewart and the Daily Show skewers both left and right and it’s hilarious. Not that the wingnuts get it. Their humor seems limited to the pull-the-wings-off-a-fly type stuff, which usually elicits a psycho-laugh out of them.
Speaking of the decidedly unfunny, we have a contender for the Effin’ Golden Goat award, and, no, it’s not the stupid goatfucker @2. This one is Lost, who spews nothing but contempt towards America’s unemployed, the victims of thirty years of what is the abject failure of Reaganomics. Here is Lost, who after the Bush Crash, openly pines for yet more tax cuts for the rich and even more deregulation, sharing with us his Dicksonian vision of an America where the poor and unemployed receive a jack-boot in the groin from him and his utter lack of empathy,
Lost keeps telling us that the contemptuous unemployed should just move and get a job. We kept asking him, where in this country are the millions of jobs for these people? Lost says that he doesn’t know and that he doesn’t care. That, folks, is wingnuttia in a fucking nutshell. They don’t know and they don’t care.
The Society of Professional Journalists most important Ethics Code is to hold those in power accountable.
Or, of course, in FoxNews case, directly fund them, with donations. Can you say a million dollars to the GOP?
For my Progressive friends..
Keep investing you time in sideshows will your movement and regime collapse!
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Election Day is nearing. ImamObaMao wants a chance to be re-elected in 2012. The ONLY way that will happen is if the Republicans take over the House or Senate or both.
Wake up fools. You have been duped!!
ImamObaMao will soon refer to you Leftist Pinheaded KLOWNS are his Useful Idiots!
Fox/Rasmussen brings you this–
Check out the deadlocked Oregon Governor Race.
@2 “Neither. The are informed and challenge those in power.”
Is that so, klown? When did Fox ever challenge our government’s policies when “those in power” were Republicans? Fox is nothing but a mouthpiece for the NRC. We both know that.
I vote for evil. Fox is run by bright guys who know what they’re doing and why they’re doing it (for money).
I could live with Fox people calling themselves entertainers. But if they insist on calling themselves journalists then I will insist on calling them journalistic whores.
Being THAT dumb and uninformed is JUST cute!!! You don’t mind that YOUR news network directly supports terrorism? Your news network is co-owned by the guy who’s Kingdom Foundation was said to be funding terrorism BY FOX NEWS!
Conservatives. Anti-reality, anti-fact, anti-science…just plain silly. If you weren’t so violent and dangerous you’d JUST be adorably silly. I can put up with the “earth is 6,000 years old”, or the idea that evolution isn’t real and men rode dinosaurs, or gays have a magical power to choose their sexual preference (but straight people can’t), it’s just a cute nutball fantasy world, but unfortunately these uneducated rural crazy conservatives also vote.
What voters are tired of is the wingnut meme of tax cuts tax cuts, blue dog Democrats, and New Democrats who never go anywhere without a wet finger in the air and the other hand open for corporate handouts.
The latest Rasputin Poll, by the by, has Stalin leading Democratic opponents two to One.
Yeah, because MSNBC, NYT, and CNN (among others) aren’t skewed and biased with Libtardation or anything….LOL! :)
“….LOL! :)”
heh- Speaking of dumbfuck wingnuts and their psycho-laughs.
Ah Stevie, I’m so touched that you’d think of me. Don’t be mad that your sexual preferences for sheep is now a felony in WA. Perhaps you should move to a State that it isn’t. Seriously. I don’t think you’d do well in prison. Just friendly advice.
I say stupid. Look @2 to find your proof.
@15 Tell it to the KLOWN, Mark. He likely has some interest in what you pull from your ass. I don’t.
FOX did a horrible job reporting on the Cumulative Voting election in Port Chester, NY. Wait a minute, maybe it was a good job considering race baiting with the intent to whip anger into a partisan advantage. I gasped when the reporter Gregg Jarrett showed a picture of Judge Robinson, a black man, and said, “That’s him folks”. In other words that’s him who is pushing racial preferences. But no such thing happened. As a matter of fact, the opposite occurred and the election in Port Chester played out ideologically where voters, regardless of their ethnicity had the opportunity to pick candidates however they deemed fit.
Here’s a link to Media Matters and their dissection of the FOX News irresponsible reporting.
A friend of mine who is an infantry officer in Afghanistan said that the current fear mongering and race baiting on this issue really worries him. You see, unlike the stereotype held by dumb asses like Mr Cynical, Muslims in Afghanistan and Iraq (the people who our military personnel are still trying to win the hearts and minds of) pay close attention to the news. Moderate Muslims in those countries wonder why some Americans are portraying them terrorists.
Stuff like this makes our military’s job much more difficult.
So you want Americans to put on a happy face and not question those in power…particluarly President ImamObaMao?
Alleging Fear mongering & race baiting is an old political trick that ImamObaMao has worn out. Moderate Muslims should be helping us fight the extremists. They are not. While ImamObaMao panders to Iran and the Muslim world…they laugh at us. Iran has been full steam ahead on it’s nuke program.
Pandering does not work.
Either they help us get rid of the Muslim Extremist threat…or I could care less about their “feelings”.
I say evil and stupid. Their audience lives in a different reality because of the crap Faux News serves them all day.
Here is another race that was once close for the Dems–
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
But according to you KLOWNS, the dems are gonna kick butt in November!
@18 Fox ginning up fear of latinos. Evil or stupid, Krist? I suspect evil, while knowingly playing to a stupid and very fearful audience.
What’s this, another Republican hypocrite on the Islamic center issue? Not Karen Hughes. Tell me it isn’t so.
“Moderate Muslims should be helping us fight the extremists. They are not. While ImamObaMao panders to Iran and the Muslim world…they laugh at us.”
You’re one evil, hate-filled goatfucker. I thought you should know.
An old political trick that the ugly old KLOWN plays everyday here…
@28 The KLOWN projects way too much. It’s a Psych 101 thing. As for him and that poor, hapless goat, that’s the stuff of a future doctoral thesis.
@ 20
Ha ha ha ha…President ImamObaMao? That is the lamest insult I’ve ever read. Geez, a 5th grader could do better.
Cynical, your head is so far up your ass you can see the light shining in between your teeth.
If you’re going to insult us do so with style. Your shit is beyond lame. You should hire that 5th grader to improve your material. If you’re going to swim in this sewer, you need better shit.
So, when Faux News makes up stories about ‘where is the money coming from?’ in order to insinuate that a community center is some nefarious terrorist headquarters, that is not fear mongering? I’m calling a spade a spade, what are you doing?
Re 4
That’s America Steve. I have civic duties, but they don’t yet include full responsibility for the poor financial planning of my fellow citizens.
Nor is it contempt. It is a realistic statement of what I owe another man who is unemployed for a full two years. Nothing. I have adequate problems of my own to deal with, thanks very much.
And yes, this is reasonable social thought in a nutshell. Taking the consequences and lessons of poor planning from a man is social engineering. In conservative social engineering the end goal is competent self reliant citizens who need minimal government. In liberal the end goal is mealy mouthed beggars who require assistance with the toilet paper.
Here’s a nice story with a pic of Newscorp executives meeting with a Saudi Prince, a funder of the 9/11 “terror mosque”, who is Newscorps second largest shareholder.
Of course, our dumbfuck KLOWN has nothing to say except the insipid, “ImamObaMao!!”, over and over again. I can only conclude that our dumbfuck KLOWN must have fucked at least one too many goats.
Is further proof needed that Cynny’s intellectual and emotional growth stopped in middle school than that he would use such a juvenile moniker for Obama as “President ImamObaMao.” Can anyone take someone seriously who is so childish?
“Nor is it contempt.”
You’re full of shit, Lost. We’ve all read your contemptuous screeds railing against the lazy unemployed who won’t get off their asses to move to who knows where to find work. Repeatedly asked where these non-existant jobs are, all you could say is that you don’t know and that you don’t care. That’s not contempt? Horseshit.
As usual you don’t comment on the ‘why’ of the post. You just pick off some random phrase you personally dislike, on this tangential issue you rant, and you ignore the substance altogether.
Could this be because you have no substantive argument to make?
Re 35
BTW, I stand by my comments.
If my family is hungry and the mortgage needs paid you can bet your last dollar I’ll find a way to take care of it. Without the assistance of the government. I don’t think it that unreasonable to ask this of anyone else.
Occasionally, you touch base with reality. On this unemployment issue, however, you aren’t even a distant cousin of reality. You are arrogant and full of it. The jobs are not out there. You, however, don’t care. Your party, as it is currently composed, would destroy the social compact that binds this nation if it takes over. You do not recognize the political consequences of the potential “triumph” of your views. Do you ever consider that your ideological purity might cause insufferable pain to others? Do you honestly consider yourself a follower of Jesus Christ?
RE 38
There are more than one ways to destroy the social compact. One is admittedly to fragment a population into ideological cliques.
Another is to ask so much of individuals ‘for the common good’ that they simply can’t see a benefit to the compact anymore. At what point does another mans needs trump my industry? Where is the line at which the poor decisions of another entitle him to the proceeds of my good decisions? This can be as corrosive to the social fabric as deliberate fragmentation.
And yes, I do consider myself a Christian. In my neighborhood I try to help others. I’m active with a couple of charities. To transfer the Christian obligation of charity and concern for my neighbors to government isn’t to fulfill it. It avoids it.
Anyway, I thought liberals were all about separation of church and state, so charitible obligations enjoined by my religion should have no bearing on government obligations by your logic.
“You do not recognize the political consequences of the potential “triumph” of your views.”
That’s no different than our faux-libertarian’s “abortion is murder” rant. When asked what America would be like if abortion was made murder, he had nothing to say. Of course, I can see why he refuses to share his vision of an America where over half a million women each year commit murder. But I thought he’d at least cheer my idea of chip implants for all of America’s women to monitor their wombs. Really, I thought that a much better idea than hiring a half million or so government womb inspectors.
“As usual you don’t comment on the ‘why’ of the post.”
More horseshit. Where are the jobs, Lost? Why do you self-righteously tell the millions of unemployed to get off their lazy asses and find work when there aren’t millions of jobs available to them? Why do you tell us that “abortion is murder” and then run for the hills when we ask you to share how your vision of America and abortion plays out?
“You do not recognize the political consequences of the potential “triumph” of your views.”
That’s why your ideas are half-assed, Lost, and you a twit. You don’t bother to think things through.
what a joke that you fools think that abc, nbc, cbs, cnn, not to mention msnbc, are truthful, unbiased news sources. actually, its not that you think it, it’s that they promote your socialist agenda. in 1933, goering said. “i should not like to be a jew in germany”. to paraphrase, i should not like to be a liberal when the crash comes.
Lost, this is the whole point people are trying to make, but you don’t seem to get. There are no jobs out there, you can’t just ‘take care of it’.
I for one, believe that in that situation, your family still deserves a chance to get back on their feet with a little assistance from the commonwealth. Guess you believe that they should be shit out of luck.
34. proud leftist spews:
Yet you & your fellow KLOWNS cannot ignore me!
What does that say about you??
proudlefist, here’s what you don’t get. if you think about sumner redstone, michael bloomberg, sandy adelson, george soros, you think those guys are trying to “help” the christian middele class, or do you think they have an inate hatred of christians and when the destructin of the middle class is complete, we’ll have a brazilian like country with the dirt poor and super rich. think about it proudleftist, they want the complete destruction of people that almost destroyed them. think. think.
“Yet you & your fellow KLOWNS cannot ignore me!
What does that say about you??”
Um, that we think kicking your pathetic KLOWN ass is a lot of fun?
Any chance someone out there could translate for me what mot @ 45 is saying? He doesn’t seem to be able to write coherently in English.
Mr. Cynical
What you saw last night, was truly sad.
I am that I am.
Blah, blah, blah, the Jews, the Jews…
“Fox is nothing but a mouthpiece for the NRC. We both know that.”
And all the other “news” people are just shills for the Dems.
“Fox is run by bright guys who know what they’re doing and why they’re doing it (for money).”
Just like the rest of them on ABC, CBS, NBC, MS-NBC, et. al.
“I could live with Fox people calling themselves entertainers. But if they insist on calling themselves journalists then I will insist on calling them journalistic whores.”
That’s rich, coming from a fucking lawyer! Do you think Katie Couric, Keith Olbermann and Chris Matthews are nothing more than cheap entertainment for the “progressive” idiots of the world?
When are you all going to realize the left is no better than the right? It’s the different sides of the same coin.
I’ve thoroughly read your posts, and understand the nature for your arguments. But there’s two serious errors in your logic.
First off: You have shoes, and therefore believe that you have no need to walk in someone else’s (YET!). We get it. You made it clear here:
If my family is hungry and the mortgage needs paid you can bet your last dollar I’ll find a way to take care of it. Without the assistance of the government. I don’t think it that unreasonable to ask this of anyone else
So just thank your god for your security (for now), cross your fingers (for later), and maintain your online anonymity and hopes that you don’t end up eating those words.
Secondly, in your current employed position, it’s probably comforting to talk from your lofty tower, and lob cake at the rest.
Unfortunately, you have critically erred from your comfort:
You have (purposefully?) confused “Unemployment Insurance” with a so-called “free hand out”. It is not. As with Medical, Car, Life, and Homeowners insurance, you pay into Unemployment insurance hoping and praying (as we know you do) that you will never have to use it.
To then scapegoat the unemployed – from your comfortable positions – for making a claim on this insurance during a period of high unemployment and few prospects, takes an unbelievably depraived mind.
Remember: It’s easy to speak ideologically from a position of comfort. Take that to heart
by the way, the guy in the picture is jon liebowitz
@37: Dear Ignorant Lost says:
Umm, ever read a book called “The Grapes of Wrath” – the family did exactly what you said you would do – pick up and moce to find the work. When you finish reading it (at your reading level (third grade) it should take only a few years) see what happened to them and many others during the great depression.
Yeah, the great depression that economist believe would have happened to US if we did not have the bank bailout and the stimulus packages to counter the Bush depression.
“pick up and move” – where is the edit fxn?
@44: Klynical
What is says about us is that we love to make fun of ignorant fools like YOU!
Here is a big hint Klynical – we are laughing AT you not WITH you. We love when fools like you can’t put together an argument, make specious claims and tout the teabaggers becuase it shows how stoopid and intellectually bankrupt you and your ILK really are.
so if you think that you are somehow “combating” the lefties…well, you have a much higher opinion of your third grade level crap than anyone else.
We recognize you for what you are Klynical – a pathetic clown that we enjoy laughing at – and nothing more.