Philadelphia TSA screeners forced the developmentally delayed, four-year-old son of a Camden, PA police officer to remove his leg-braces and wobble through a checkpoint, despite the fact that their procedure calls for such a case to be handled through a swabbing in a private room. When the police officer complained, the supervising TSA screener turned around and walked away. Then a Philadelphia police officer asked what was wrong and “suggested he calm down and enjoy his vacation.”
Alki Postingsspews:
Sorry, terrorists are not all Muslim or even from the middle east. Thank god all Muslim’s aren’t terrorists, there are over a BILLION of them. Imagine us facing one BILLION terrorists…not 12, or 100, but 1,000,000,000. We’d all be dead. That’s 3 terrorists for EACH AND EVERY American. LOL.
That is just the most recent and news-blurb worthy 24/7 news cycle fun. So blond haired Christians who murder and use terror to make political points (KKK, Timothy McVeigh, etc) are not terrorists? There are Asian terrorists, Indian/Hindu terrorists, more blond haired blue eyed eco-terrorists (re: UW Ag building burned down). How about Ireland (IRA) and Spain (Basque separatists)? How about Japan (remember subway gas attack?)
Terrorists are terrorists. Some do come from the middle east. It’s a poor area full of political unrest, go figure. Some come from Oklahoma. Some come from Britain. Some come from Ireland. Some come from Alabama. Some come from Japan. We could nuke the entire middle east and Alabama and Oklahoma, and there will still be terrorists. Stupid, crazy and violent will always be a small % of the human population.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@2 Don’t forget college campuses! Our campuses are full of crazy professors with itchy trigger fingers! We gotta nuke the colleges to protect America!
ASHINGTON — The Taliban’s top military commander was captured several days ago in Karachi, Pakistan, in a secret joint operation by Pakistani and American intelligence forces, according to American government official
Well Goldy, call Mommy dearest and have her flip the bill for your plane tickets once again then. :)
Don Joespews:
Steve Doocy has to be the most appropriately-named news anchor in the business.
Daddy Lovespews:
That’s “foot” the bill. It refers to signing a bill at its foot, or the bottom of the page.
Don’t get your panties all soiled there Mommy Love. Both are correct.
goldstein, are you threatening to bomb an airliner?
But….But….Didn’t Shrub/Shooter capture Al Queda’s 2nd in command about nine times. Never with a name attached or any known actionable intelligence, just the banner headline.
Wasn’t Shooter and his Li’l Missus all over the tube this weekend talking about the incompetence of the current military/anti-terrorism policies? I think he was. Funny, Mullah Abdul Ghani Baradar was actually in custody and under interrogation while Shotter was making as ASS of himself on Sunday.
Here’s a generalization for Doocy. Blondes are stupid. He is just reinforcing it.
And didn’t someone say on the campaign trail that they would be willing to put troops in Pakistan for a viable target?
Hmmm….Wasn’t there a recent administration that prefered to kiss Musharaff’s pucker?
I figure just a few minutes before Pudwacker or some other nutter tries to argue that our side “hated” military action while Shrub was in charge. Well, yeah innefectual and expensive military action in a country NOT involved with Al Queda or the Taliban, sure.
Kissing Musharaff’s various and sundries goes way back with the Republicans. Musharaff was involved in shipping arms to Osama back when Osama was our boy in The ‘Stan*. Musharaff siphoned off a pretty good chunk of the arms we were sending for is own purposes.
And, hell, maybe that seemed like (or was) the right thing to do at the time. But it’s amazing how often doing what seemed like the right thing at the time can turn around and bite you in the ass.
# 11: Yep, it’s usually the #2 Taliban/Al Quida commander who is reported to have been killed. I’m guessing the “# 1 Taliban Military Commander” is probably the “# 2 Overall Taliban Commander”.
I’d love to be a scriptwriter for SNL or some sort of skit show, and prepare a skit which goes like this:
Taliban Commander: “Abdullah, please come into my tent! Sit down, have some tea!”
Abdulla (uneasily): “Gee, this is awfully nice of you. I’ve only been a member of the Taliban for six months now, and you’ve invited me into your tent!”
Commander: “Don’t think we haven’t noticed you, Abdullah! You are a very smart recruit! We even noticed you actually reading the Koran! And you don’t look around when you pray!”
Abdullah (blushing): “That’s so kind of you, Commander! I want to try to be the very best terrorist I can be!”
Commander: “Of course you do. That’s why we are going to promomote you!”
Abdullah: “A promotion? After only six months! I’m so honored, Supreme Commander!”
Commander: “Think nothing of it. From now own, you will be my second in command!”
(A moment of silence)
Abdullah (uneasily): “Did you say… second… in command?”
Commander: “Yes! You will be my right-hand man!”
Abdullah: “Couldn’t I just be the third in command, and eventually work my way up in the job?”
Commander (losing patience): “No! The decision is made! You will be second in command!”
Abdullah: “May I ask what happened to the last second in command?”
Commander: He became a martyr when he was targeted by a rocket from U.S. imperialist drones!”
Abdullah: “The way I hear it, every second in command becomes a martyr within three weeks after being promoted!”
Commander: “It’s a great honor to be martyred!”
Abdullah: “Couldn’t I continue to just be the guy who cleans the latrines?”
Anyway, you get the point.
yeah, muslims rape and murder in the middle east, and jews rape on wall street…what a deal
Roger Rabbitspews:
@12 As anyone can become a a blonde with a bottle of hydrogen peroxide, I think the stupidity happens first.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@16 “jews rape on wall street…”
At least they have enough sense to go for pussy. The white guys only want money.
Zionist Crusader Infidelspews:
I must be unwell. H1N1? The heartbreak of satyriasis?
After all this time, after all these months, after all his turgidity, I’ve found an rhp I like. I must be sick.
Either @15 is good, or I’m about to die.
rock of chickamaugaspews:
Lots of God talk lately, and I have a cross to bear. Or more like a big rock around my neck. rhp is it.
YLB, in comparison, is the merest trifle.
More @15s, rhp, and I’ll tear up my mean-spirited-Republican card and will join your fan club.
Career choices….Al Queda 2nd in command or Spinal Tap drummer?
Puddybud is Sad my friend diedspews:
Alki Postings…
Your definition doesn’t work if you are Jon DeVore. He gets to pick and choose “his” terrorists. You also forget Ft Hood’s own Hasan. Amazing how you skipped over him too.
Looks like Fox News, Dick Cheney, and George W. Bush all colluded with a Iranian spy:
From tomorrow’s NYT:
General Odierno was unusually blunt in publicly expressing concerns about the actions of the two Iraqis: Ahmed Chalabi, who was a confidant of Bush administration officials in the prelude to the 2003 invasion but now is perceived as having supplied false intelligence to the United States; and Ali Faisal al-Lami, suspected of involvement in murderous activities of Shiite militants, including a bombing in Baghdad, accusations that he denies.
“The two Iraqi politicians “clearly are influenced by Iran,” General Odierno said. “We have direct intelligence that tells us that.” He said the two men had several meetings in Iran, including sessions with an Iranian who is on the United States terrorist watch list.”
Can you say Fox commentator Ahmed Chalabi?
Republicans, the dupes of the Iranians.
Bob in SeaTacspews:
For you Horses Asses:
Blonde is feminine.
Blond is masculine.
It is funny that you think you can “turn anyone into a blonde with peroxide.” Remarkable stuff that peroxide. Able to change a man’s sex using peroxide :-)
@Alki/#2 you really have no clue what is happening in the world of terrorism. The only people that are targeting ALL Americans are Muslim. And yes, since we do not allow very many Muslims from the Middle East into the country any more, they have been forced into trying to recruit terrorists from other places that do not have a Middle Eastern passport, but THEY ARE STILL ALL MUSLIM.
Tim McVeigh was not attacking all Americans, he was attacking the FBI. Major Hassan at Ft. Hood was attacking all Americans. Richard Reed and Abdulmutallab, the attempted but failed airliner bombers were both Muslim and targeted all Americans.
When was the last time that the KKK committed a terrorist act, much less all Americans. There hasn’t been a KKK lynching in like 50 years. It is pointless to even bring them up. The same goes for the IRA in Ireland, as well as all of the other groups that are not targeting EVERYONE that is NOT MUSLIM.
The Basks in Spain are not targeting either the US or the world wide population, they are a separatist group attempting to break away from Spain.
When the KKK, the Bask separatists and the IRA start bombing US airliners or crashing them into US cities or go on shooting sprees within US populations, then, bring them back into the conversation.
Sorry, terrorists are not all Muslim or even from the middle east. Thank god all Muslim’s aren’t terrorists, there are over a BILLION of them. Imagine us facing one BILLION terrorists…not 12, or 100, but 1,000,000,000. We’d all be dead. That’s 3 terrorists for EACH AND EVERY American. LOL.
That is just the most recent and news-blurb worthy 24/7 news cycle fun. So blond haired Christians who murder and use terror to make political points (KKK, Timothy McVeigh, etc) are not terrorists? There are Asian terrorists, Indian/Hindu terrorists, more blond haired blue eyed eco-terrorists (re: UW Ag building burned down). How about Ireland (IRA) and Spain (Basque separatists)? How about Japan (remember subway gas attack?)
Terrorists are terrorists. Some do come from the middle east. It’s a poor area full of political unrest, go figure. Some come from Oklahoma. Some come from Britain. Some come from Ireland. Some come from Alabama. Some come from Japan. We could nuke the entire middle east and Alabama and Oklahoma, and there will still be terrorists. Stupid, crazy and violent will always be a small % of the human population.
@2 Don’t forget college campuses! Our campuses are full of crazy professors with itchy trigger fingers! We gotta nuke the colleges to protect America!
rodent said:
“We gotta nuke the colleges to protect America!”
Got any colleges in mind there, rodent?
Obama’s soft on terror!
ASHINGTON — The Taliban’s top military commander was captured several days ago in Karachi, Pakistan, in a secret joint operation by Pakistani and American intelligence forces, according to American government official
Well Goldy, call Mommy dearest and have her flip the bill for your plane tickets once again then. :)
Steve Doocy has to be the most appropriately-named news anchor in the business.
That’s “foot” the bill. It refers to signing a bill at its foot, or the bottom of the page.
Don’t get your panties all soiled there Mommy Love. Both are correct.
goldstein, are you threatening to bomb an airliner?
But….But….Didn’t Shrub/Shooter capture Al Queda’s 2nd in command about nine times. Never with a name attached or any known actionable intelligence, just the banner headline.
Wasn’t Shooter and his Li’l Missus all over the tube this weekend talking about the incompetence of the current military/anti-terrorism policies? I think he was. Funny, Mullah Abdul Ghani Baradar was actually in custody and under interrogation while Shotter was making as ASS of himself on Sunday.
Here’s a generalization for Doocy. Blondes are stupid. He is just reinforcing it.
And didn’t someone say on the campaign trail that they would be willing to put troops in Pakistan for a viable target?
Hmmm….Wasn’t there a recent administration that prefered to kiss Musharaff’s pucker?
I figure just a few minutes before Pudwacker or some other nutter tries to argue that our side “hated” military action while Shrub was in charge. Well, yeah innefectual and expensive military action in a country NOT involved with Al Queda or the Taliban, sure.
Kissing Musharaff’s various and sundries goes way back with the Republicans. Musharaff was involved in shipping arms to Osama back when Osama was our boy in The ‘Stan*. Musharaff siphoned off a pretty good chunk of the arms we were sending for is own purposes.
And, hell, maybe that seemed like (or was) the right thing to do at the time. But it’s amazing how often doing what seemed like the right thing at the time can turn around and bite you in the ass.
# 11: Yep, it’s usually the #2 Taliban/Al Quida commander who is reported to have been killed. I’m guessing the “# 1 Taliban Military Commander” is probably the “# 2 Overall Taliban Commander”.
I’d love to be a scriptwriter for SNL or some sort of skit show, and prepare a skit which goes like this:
Taliban Commander: “Abdullah, please come into my tent! Sit down, have some tea!”
Abdulla (uneasily): “Gee, this is awfully nice of you. I’ve only been a member of the Taliban for six months now, and you’ve invited me into your tent!”
Commander: “Don’t think we haven’t noticed you, Abdullah! You are a very smart recruit! We even noticed you actually reading the Koran! And you don’t look around when you pray!”
Abdullah (blushing): “That’s so kind of you, Commander! I want to try to be the very best terrorist I can be!”
Commander: “Of course you do. That’s why we are going to promomote you!”
Abdullah: “A promotion? After only six months! I’m so honored, Supreme Commander!”
Commander: “Think nothing of it. From now own, you will be my second in command!”
(A moment of silence)
Abdullah (uneasily): “Did you say… second… in command?”
Commander: “Yes! You will be my right-hand man!”
Abdullah: “Couldn’t I just be the third in command, and eventually work my way up in the job?”
Commander (losing patience): “No! The decision is made! You will be second in command!”
Abdullah: “May I ask what happened to the last second in command?”
Commander: He became a martyr when he was targeted by a rocket from U.S. imperialist drones!”
Abdullah: “The way I hear it, every second in command becomes a martyr within three weeks after being promoted!”
Commander: “It’s a great honor to be martyred!”
Abdullah: “Couldn’t I continue to just be the guy who cleans the latrines?”
Anyway, you get the point.
yeah, muslims rape and murder in the middle east, and jews rape on wall street…what a deal
@12 As anyone can become a a blonde with a bottle of hydrogen peroxide, I think the stupidity happens first.
@16 “jews rape on wall street…”
At least they have enough sense to go for pussy. The white guys only want money.
I must be unwell. H1N1? The heartbreak of satyriasis?
After all this time, after all these months, after all his turgidity, I’ve found an rhp I like. I must be sick.
Either @15 is good, or I’m about to die.
Lots of God talk lately, and I have a cross to bear. Or more like a big rock around my neck. rhp is it.
YLB, in comparison, is the merest trifle.
More @15s, rhp, and I’ll tear up my mean-spirited-Republican card and will join your fan club.
Career choices….Al Queda 2nd in command or Spinal Tap drummer?
Alki Postings…
Your definition doesn’t work if you are Jon DeVore. He gets to pick and choose “his” terrorists. You also forget Ft Hood’s own Hasan. Amazing how you skipped over him too.
Looks like Fox News, Dick Cheney, and George W. Bush all colluded with a Iranian spy:
From tomorrow’s NYT:
General Odierno was unusually blunt in publicly expressing concerns about the actions of the two Iraqis: Ahmed Chalabi, who was a confidant of Bush administration officials in the prelude to the 2003 invasion but now is perceived as having supplied false intelligence to the United States; and Ali Faisal al-Lami, suspected of involvement in murderous activities of Shiite militants, including a bombing in Baghdad, accusations that he denies.
“The two Iraqi politicians “clearly are influenced by Iran,” General Odierno said. “We have direct intelligence that tells us that.” He said the two men had several meetings in Iran, including sessions with an Iranian who is on the United States terrorist watch list.”
Can you say Fox commentator Ahmed Chalabi?
Republicans, the dupes of the Iranians.
For you Horses Asses:
Blonde is feminine.
Blond is masculine.
It is funny that you think you can “turn anyone into a blonde with peroxide.” Remarkable stuff that peroxide. Able to change a man’s sex using peroxide :-)
@Alki/#2 you really have no clue what is happening in the world of terrorism. The only people that are targeting ALL Americans are Muslim. And yes, since we do not allow very many Muslims from the Middle East into the country any more, they have been forced into trying to recruit terrorists from other places that do not have a Middle Eastern passport, but THEY ARE STILL ALL MUSLIM.
Tim McVeigh was not attacking all Americans, he was attacking the FBI. Major Hassan at Ft. Hood was attacking all Americans. Richard Reed and Abdulmutallab, the attempted but failed airliner bombers were both Muslim and targeted all Americans.
When was the last time that the KKK committed a terrorist act, much less all Americans. There hasn’t been a KKK lynching in like 50 years. It is pointless to even bring them up. The same goes for the IRA in Ireland, as well as all of the other groups that are not targeting EVERYONE that is NOT MUSLIM.
The Basks in Spain are not targeting either the US or the world wide population, they are a separatist group attempting to break away from Spain.
When the KKK, the Bask separatists and the IRA start bombing US airliners or crashing them into US cities or go on shooting sprees within US populations, then, bring them back into the conversation.