To be clear, I don’t intend to use my occasional posts here on HA to closely cover local elections. I’m mostly done with that. But I couldn’t pass by the recent buzz over Seattle Times columnist Danny Westneat’s professed non-candidacy for city council without mentioning that the Democratic establishment has already apparently recruited a challenger to Socialist incumbent Kshama Sawant: former Equal Rights Washington executive director Rod Hearne. At least, that’s what I’ve been hearing.
Before their separation last year, Hearne and his former partner, high-priced PR flack Roger Nyhus, were a bit of a Capitol Hill power couple, hosting numerous political fundraisers at what Dom once described as their “swank mansion.” I’ve no idea what Hearne has been doing since—I emailed him yesterday to give him the chance to confirm, deny, or hedge on the rumors of his candidacy, but he’s yet to reply (hence the question mark in the headline).
I suppose part of the logic behind Hearne’s recruitment is that his leadership in the LGBTQ community will earn him the lion’s share of the LGBTQ vote. Or something. Sawant can’t really help herself that she’s attracted to the opposite sex (she was born that way!), but she’s a pretty fierce advocate for LGBTQ issues too. So it’s hard to see this sort of identity politics playing a decisive role in the race. And while Hearne is no doubt capable of raising a ton of money, Sawant will raise more than enough to get her message out—$200,000-plus wouldn’t surprise me—so it’s not like she can be dramatically outspent. Hearne would also garner a bunch of establishment endorsements, but that didn’t help Richard Conlin all that much in 2013. And this time around organized labor and human services organizations would be crazy not to line up behind Sawant.
And those are Hearne’s known strengths. On the other side of the ledger the “swank mansion” thing makes Hearne an imperfect challenger to diffuse Sawant’s powerful message of economic populism.
I’ve bumped into Hearne from time to time through political circles, and he seems like a nice enough guy. And who knows: Perhaps he’ll turn out to be a dynamite campaigner? But as an unapologetic Sawant partisan, I can’t say I’m all that concerned.
UPDATE: Last night Hearne confirmed to me that he is indeed running against Sawant in Seattle’s 3rd council district. So I’ve removed the question mark from the headline.
It’s the true weirdness of American politics where folks from the same party, and have essentially the same stance on a lot of policies tear each other up in a local election. It’s politics and it will be fun! And just maybe there will be a leaning Republican candidate in the race as well. What is cool is the city elections for Seattle have a bit more glamour to them than the drab city elections up here in Bellingham. Please wake me when a socialist gets elected to the city council here…I’m in for a long nap.
@1 What’s truly weird about American politics is how many of the dumbasses on the right actually believe the Socialist Party and Democratic Party are the same party and have identical positions.
I thought Rod was living in Queen Anne now. Isn’t that a different district?
Yeah she got something like 100-200k in extra funding for LGBTQ homeless services. And at $1.5 million, I’d say it’s a pretty swanky place:
There are too many curious problems with councilperson Sawant (unrelated to her notable ability to beguile the likes of Goldy, and others (including Licata)) to allow her an uncontested win. The council is supposed to be a deliberative compromising body; she has demonstrated zero capacity for that function. It’s either her way or you’re shouted at, never listened to. She tends to take credit for group achievements. Yes, she rallied nicely for the $15 minimum wage, but there were others that were vital contributors (like the mayor) and you’d never know it from her or her supporters. Then there is her entourage; always young white males (a veritable harem) who form a cometary tail behind her, often whispering to her. If you want to talk to her, you have to talk with them first, and then… you won’t get to talk to her. She is notorious for never allowing questions or one-on-ones. Her all male attendants aren’t official staff (she has none) but they use city amenities. If your good and progressive goals aren’t what is currently interesting to her, (e.g. gender equity), then she can’t be bothered to even lend an ear.
There is no question that she’s the most left-leaning council-person in history. There is no question that she’s shaking up an old dynamic; often to the point of blocking her because she’s an terrible scold. Nonetheless, these few positives are sorely challenged by her negatives and it would be a shame if she were returned to office with not even a Conlin to provide a democratic choice.
@5 Anyone that was paying close attention would know Ed Murray only latched on to the $15 issue far after Sawant and the fighters on the ground pushed the envelope. He has tried to re-write history to claim he was a champion, but that is simply fraudulent. He dilly-dallied on the issue for months while Kshama and those supporting her went in solidarity to fast-food worker strikes etc.
Liberal wishy-washiness (waahhh, everyone should just compromise more [meaning I’m not being honest about my position I actually just want a mainstream corporate Dem in there]) will get you liberal solutions: the status quo. That’s working out grrrrreat!
I’m not a fan of Sawant, but from what I see, there is not one phony part about her. What you see is what you get with her.
@5- what a load of hooey. If it weren’t for Sawant, an increase in the minimum wage wouldn’t have been on the table at all. Like it or not, she is the one on the council who sets the agenda – she is now one of Seattle’s major power brokers. That she is a loud and firm advocate for working class folks is a needed and past due foil for the milquetoast corporatist s that have dominated the council for far too long.
Your one correct criticism is her availability other constituents. As someone who contacts council members regularly, I can attest that the only council person worse at responding to constituents is Rasmussen. O’brien and Licata are the best at that.
I’ve noticed that Nick has a gift for connecting with people.