For the past year the Gregoire camp has been touting Washington’s ascension under the governor’s leadership to the number five spot on Forbes list of “Best States for Business,” an effective counter to Dino Rossi’s promise to improve our state’s business climate. Well, Forbes just updated the annual ranking, and we’re no longer number five. Uh-oh.
Uh-oh for Rossi, that is, as Washington has climbed two more rungs to the number three position, just behind the unchanged top-two finishers, Virginia and Utah. That’s surely good news for both Gregoire and Washington state, but bad news for Rossi, who, out of step with voters on social issues, has damn little to run on except a vague, unsupported claim to being a better executive.
To win in November, Rossi’s gonna have to give voters a reason to throw Gregoire out, and our allegedly crappy business climate ain’t it.
Think Dorky Monson will highlight this on The Big Show today?
If you look at the strategic vision poll, 65 % of WA voters think WA is going in the wrong direction. That’s a much stronger indicator than what Forbes might say. No, I’m not discrediting their statement, but how many voters actually look at Forbes. Right now it’s traffic, taxes, etc in people’s mind…not potentially forward looking statements.
Do you think some of the respondents to the “going in the wrong direction” question thought it was referring to the other Washington, the one back East? I think they might have.
re 2: A majority of Americans also believe that the high price of oil is related to the Democrats’ reluctance to drill offshore.
This is a lie that has been cultivated and refined by the Republicans. I do not see the media doing anything to educate people on a clear case of lying and manipulating the public.
How about throwing her out for the reason that she was once the leader of a white-supremacist organization?
Almost a half-hour now, and Mr. Cynical hasn’t been by to tell us how some right-wing lobbying group supports Rossi so therefore these rankings mean nothing. I want my morning entertainment, dammit!
Check out #5.
Big story on the front page of the Tacoma papers business section:
Tacoma built pontoons for the Hood Canal Bridge are being built on budget and ahead of time.
Did Forbes actually speak to any small business owners before they published this? The new sales tax collection system, where you charge the sales tax at the Washington location where an item is received, instead of the tax rate at your place of business (unless the customer picks it up there) is a nightmare.
Yeah, that was a good effort. He must be referring to some sorority in the 1960 or something? Yawn.
@9 – then support getting rid of the sales tax (forever)and repacling it with an income tax….but republicans don’t support a fair tax system…..
Rossi is a cheat and a liar – he hides his assets, cheats by setting up a foundation while he is “not a candidate” and lies about the elction being “stolen”. He is so far right he is not a fit for WA state and his main backer is the BIAW – ’nuff said.
One of the things I love so much about living near Seattle are all of the excellent, small businesses operating in the area. It’s too easy for major chains and megabusinesses like Wal-mart and McDonalds to destroy any individuality an area has (they did where I used to live).
Sounds like Gregoire’s doing the job admirably. Now, if only we could get a decent public transit system…
Yeah, so what if she was a white supremacist, and referred to blacks as “niggers”, as long as she has a D behind her name, that’s all that matters.
Dang librals. As the trolls all know, Forbes is a well-known libral rag and all they want to do is talk about making money or sumpin’.
@13- I have no idea what you’re talking about. I looked for information related to what you’ve said, and there’s nothing there.
If one actually bothers to go look at the Forbes page (ahem!), it appears that Washington doesn’t look all that hot on some points, such as the educational level of the aggregate work force (something of a surprise!) but shines in terms of “cost of doing business” and “quality of life”.
Granted, we have Mother Nature to thank for much of the latter feature, but it would appear that all the screaming by the righties about how nobody can afford to do business here under the mighty thumb of government is a load of bunk.
Does Rossi have a better plan? Could he get his plan implemented? The state house and senate are going to have even larger Democratic majorities after November.
Your best bet for fixing the taxes you don’t like is working with the Democrats.
Maybe the “problem” isn’t that it’s hard for a business to earn a buck in Washington. It’s that it’s harder than it is in some places for a business to steal one.
When the various right wing fucktards come here selling the lie that Washington is not a good place for business – it’s going to be very hard to dispute their fellow right wing, republican publication Forbes – which says otherwise. But then again, righties don’t think too much about facts. They’ve got an ideology that trumps the basic facts of anything. They just cheer for their team as it drives the bus over the cliff.
19 Spouting the same absurd claims at the top of one’s lungs in the face of a reality that contradicts them isn’t called “ideology”.
It’s called “delusion”.
Wow, got some evidence for that one?
Troll- you are a bald faced liar.
And, Troll, your lies demonstrate the bankruptcy of your own candidate.
If 65% of Washingtonians think we’re “going in the wrong direction”, as dutch suggests, I have several observations:
a) As noted by Two Dogs, it’s not unlikely that some of them thought the question concerned the other Washington.
b) Something like 80% of Americans believe the nation is “going in the wrong direction”, so Washingtonians actually think pretty highly of our situation on a comparative basis.
c) Some not-insignificant portion of Washington’s “direction” does relate to the national condition, i.e., the fubar that is the Dubya malAdministration. For instance, when the EPA Administrator overturns a unanimous recommendation from the agency staff and scientists to permit California (and Washington) to require more sensible air pollution standards on motor vehicles, that’s “Washington state going in the wrong direction”. But it sure as hell isn’t the fault of the Governor or the state legislature.
Got some evidence that Gregoire was head a white supremacist group at college? Yeah, I do.
@25 “Yeah, I do, but do.”
And I’m so happy for you.
@26, Steve, the difference between you and the other cowards on this blog, and myself, is that I’m a Democrat who speaks out against wrong even when someone in my own party is doing it, whereas you and your type turn the other way and remain silent.
@25- we’d love to see it, Troll. I haven’t seen any yet.
Troll- If the best you’ve got is a college indiscretion, you are a desperate little fool.
Google “Gregoire” and “whites-only.”
@27 “I’m a Democrat”
Thanks for the laugh.
Speaking of race, on Tuesday, the U.S. formally apologized for slavery. I also want to say (and I’m sure Gov. Gregoire would agree with me) that I, too, am really, really sorry that we ever brought black people to America.
Forbes? That “left-wing” publication?
Oh, totally “in the tank” for Gregoire for sure.
Dino and the BIAW should attack that “leftist MSM” outlet post haste!
Troll is the most retarded of those righties pretending to be a Democrat I have ever seen. And only the most retarded here would believe anything the asslick ever says.
And I am glad to see that Troll is interested in protecting the rights of African Americans. Perhaps Troll can email his pals at the McCain Campaign and ask why they are racists who voted against the MLK holiday?
Now back to the subject of this post – which Troll and other republicans don’t want us talking about – how can the righties spin this? Any idea what lies they’re going to try given how destructive this is to their usual pack of bullshit?
So you’re talking about this:
This explains how Gregoire joined an all-white sorority in the 1960s (wow, how did I guess that one?!?) and hoped to change its policy. What a smoking gun!!
Keep going with that, maybe you’ll come up with another comment as stupid as this one.
Troll is the most retarded of those righties pretending to be a Democrat I have ever seen.
Hands down. He makes Marvin look like a PhD, and I have doubts that Marvin even finished elementary school.
And one more thing that really needs to be pointed out. Someone who posts comments anonymously while calling others cowards is the pinnacle of hilarity.
@35 During those years I played in a couple of bands that had gigs at many of the UW fraternities and sororities. I don’t recall seeing a single black person at any one of those gigs.
OK Troll, I googled it and here’s what I found.
Please shut up.
And for the love of Pete, that was over 40 years ago. Time to let it go.
Kinda funny that “Troll” pointed out the whites only policy, but left out that the sorority also had a Christian only policy.
Apparently Troll thinks it’s OK to discriminate against people based on religion.
40 The point here is that most people change and grow with the times. Then there are those like “troll” and the hardcore neocon knuckle-draggers who’d rather attempt to turn back the clock than abandon their prejudices.
Oh, by the way….there was an item in this morning’s news about something involving the Gov which must have provided her a nice college-days flashback: She got carded at a bar in Olympia yesterday.
@35, 39 – yep, that’s exactly what I got too. I’m still waiting to see proof that Gregoire called anyone the n-word.
@38- Steve, you might also want to consider that we don’t have a large black population up here. My local school district’s student population is made up of less than 1% African Americans, so it’s not unusual to see not a single black student in most classrooms.
Did any of you knckle dragging amen commenters actually look at the numbers?
If you look at the rankings of the individual categories, it’s quite telling.
Ranked 28th in business costs!
Ranked 25th in quality of life!
What about the method of calculating #3 Labor? It says they measured transportation as an indicator and we’re ranked 6th.
This means we don’t need no stinkin’ light rail because forbes said our transportation system is fine.
Wow, I wouldn’t be touting these numbers as Pro-gregoire if I was you… According to this chart, businesses are taxed more than half the other states and that the quality of life here is a big fat C-.
I’ll be holding my breath for the Gregoire campaign ad that says that.
It’s so easy to dupe you tards on here, you’re not able to actually look at the details or analyze facts.
I’m just waiting for rhp666 to start bloviating on how Washington state is the best he’s seen since moving here from Tennessee and how he actually got laid once in the 60’s which is why he’s so nostalgic for that era.
I went to Franklin High, grew up in the Seattle housing projects and the Seattle Youth Center. Although white myself, being in any place with zero black faces around seemed odd to me then. Still does. Hmm, the thought reminds me of today’s architectural and engineering firms in the region – no black faces. Being in the profession, I’m quite familiar with the Affirmative Action dance these firms went through to avoid hiring blacks.
@44 “the quality of life here is a big fat C-”
I’m sure it sucks for you. Here’s to hoping that you leave real soon.
Ranked 28th in business costs!
Ranked 25th in quality of life!
Hmmm. There’s fifty states.
Wow! We’re rated in the middle of the pack.
We’re just that kind of Goldilocks sort of State.
Now what would move that up a bit? Yeah! More public spending on schools, parks, transportation, that sort of thing.
So funny that the wingnuts keep claiming how “socialistic” this State is. Must be the proximity to the people’s republic of Caleeefurneeaa.
@47 “Wow! We’re rated in the middle of the pack.”
Yeah, our two worst scores. Still, in those catagories we fare far better than Arizona and Alaska. Hmm, now which political party has dominated those two states for many years? Mr. Muck has his head up his ass.
44 Actually, I have to admit I might have misinterpreted the chart. It isn’t made entirely clear that a lower number for “business cost” means that it costs more to do business…but then let’s go on that. Then what it says is that the cost of doing business here is high (probably for things like real estate and transportation between this corner of the continental US and everyplace else), and that the quality of life is pretty poor (in what regard? Not enough Wal-Marts? No NASCAR track? Too much strong coffee? Not enough whorehouses and titty bars, perhaps?).
But then, it says we have:
–the second best labor pool…
–the sixth most business-friendly regulatory environment…
–the seventh strongest economy…
–the second best prospects for business growth…
out of all fifty states!!!!!
Those would appear to be four items over which our state government would be likely to have the most influence. After all, we can’t move the whole damned state to half past Ohio, and we’re more or less stuck with Mount Rainier and Puget Sound and all those trees and the golden hills of the Palouse and Jazz Alley and all that other stuff a lot of us like about living here.
With that in mind, I’d like to ask all the Rossi-loving wingtards out there,
What are we doing wrong????
It sure looks like there are a lot of states run by Republicans that are doing considerably worse overall. In fact, by golly the top-ranked state, Virginia, has a Democrat governor! From what I hear, he’s doing such an exemplary job that Obama’s considering him for his running mate.
Anyone else wish to venture an explanation or two?
We actually have one thing in common with Tennessee that’s pretty important for business, and that’s lots and lots of inexpensive hydro-power from dams built at the behest of the Federal Government.
I’m told Tennessee has better titty bars, though.
I agree with Muck. First, let’s remember this is attempting to quantify quality issues, a very subjective non scientific endeavor.
Secondly, it’s over complicated to the point of being non-informative.
Can any one single person show me the method and/or causation between any index listed here and the ranking of the states? No
Do they publish their rankings vs GDP growth year over year? No
Do they account for growth based upon cost of living gradients? aka people are leaving California like rats from a sinking ship thanks to the leftist policies that have ruined that state.
Of course the mentally challenged left leaners on this board don’t want you to actually think. They just want you to swallow the numbers or article of the day that they think backs their own beliefs.
Aren’t you the group that always advocates for people to ‘think for yourself’? You sure as hell don’t see any of that going on in the comments section from the ‘amen commenters’.
Can anyone show
Then you agree with me that Christine Gregoire was the leader of a white-supremacist organization.
How do I know she freely used the word nigger? I’ll answer that with a question. Do you believe that most people who belong to white-supremacist groups use the term African American or nigger?
I rest my case.
That’s surely good news for both Gregoire and Washington state, but bad news for Rossi, who, out of step with voters on social issues, has damn little to run on except a vague, unsupported claim to being a better executive.
In the category of Quality of Life (Index of schools, health, crime, cost of living and poverty rates) – Washington only ranks 25th, in something of a surprise. While the overall ranking is for the business environment, this particular category may be of much greater importance to people living in the state. Rossi may be out of step on social issues, but I’m not sure I’d use this ranking to make that point.
If this is all you’ve got, get lost. It’s become quite tedious to try to make a sorority membership 40 years ago a big deal.
If this was her biggest college transgression, it ain’t much.
Back in your hole, troll.
@52- I suspected you had nothing, now I know.
I rest MY case.
Then you agree with me that Christine Gregoire was the leader of a white-supremacist organization.
No, she wasn’t. Sororities are national organizations, and she never held any positition above the local level. If you want, I can find a small child to explain this to you.
How do I know she freely used the word nigger?
You don’t.
I’ll answer that with a question. Do you believe that most people who belong to white-supremacist groups use the term African American or nigger?
Most is not all, so even if you’re correct about all of the aspects of this (you’re not), it still doesn’t prove what you think it proves.
I rest my case.
You could very well be the dumbest troll we’ve ever had here. Just because a national sorority organization had a policy of not allowing blacks, that’s absolutely far from proof that every member, or even the majority of people within every chapter, agreed with the policy.
K, I don’t have respect for you. Your reaction to reprehensible, immoral behavior is determined by whether or not someone has a D or R behind their name.
The fact is, it doesn’t matter when she was the leader of a white supremacist organization, it only matters that she was.
Am I the only Democrat on this toilet of a partisan blog that will stand up against other Democrats?
Troll is a total fraud (maybe except for his handle) – a silly fraud.
In the category of Quality of Life (Index of schools, health, crime, cost of living and poverty rates) – Washington only ranks 25th, in something of a surprise.
I agree. I’d be curious to know why. My guess is that it’s from the cost of living, which has to do a lot with the geography of the region. In many other major cities, there aren’t as many geographical barriers to sprawl as there are here, making it more difficult for people to find affordable work-commute situations.
I see now. She was President of an organization that didn’t allow “niggers,” but she didn’t agree with that policy. Okay, it’s all clear now. She is obviously a woman of integrity and morals.
K, I don’t have respect for you.
Why should anyone care?
The fact is, it doesn’t matter when she was the leader of a white supremacist organization, it only matters that she was.
Except that she wasn’t, and we’ve explained this to you repeatedly.
Am I the only Democrat on this toilet of a partisan blog that will stand up against other Democrats?
No, you’re the only person on this blog who has absolutely no idea how retarded he is.
I see now. She was President of an organization that didn’t allow “niggers,” but she didn’t agree with that policy.
No, she was President of the local chapter. She was not President of the organization.
You know Muck and Volkswhathisname may have a point.
If you can trust a righty rag to do only one thing for its readership then that one thing has to be lying.
Forbes could be totally lying about the best states for business to keep secret the really good states for cheap labor, environmentally destructive greedhead Republicans.
The kind of backwaters the wingnuts want Washington to become.
@51 hey there Nazi white trash – it’s FORBES you piece of shit. You know – owned and run by republican Steve Forbes? You can bet your ass you’d be trumpeting what he said – complicated or not – if he said we’re last.
Just pretend at least to have one – only one – intellectually honest bone in your body and admit it. Washington is a good place for business. Scoring much higher than many (most) republican-held states. Have you republicans got ANY shame left?
Lee, question. If you joined some group or club, and then found out that they excluded black people, what would you do? If after a few months of you “fighting to include blacks,” they still refused to accept them, would you still continue to be a member, or would you quit? And please explain your choice. Thank you.
63 Uhhhhh…what would be these states that they’d be keeping “secret”? Are there a couple dozen more than the fifty they told me about in school?
@57 “Am I the only Democrat”
No, you’re not a Democrat. Nobody here believes it. Hell, I doubt that you’re even human. Lee asked in @62, “ARE…YOU…RETARDED?” I don’t to happen to think so. I prefer to believe that you’re simply an uneducated piece of shit who can’t even rise to the level of your screen name.
Hey, “Troll”…you might be interested to learn (then again, you probably don’t give a shit, but I’m going to tell you anyway) that my grandparents once belonged to the Ku Klux Klan, and to my knowledge neither of them ever used that term starting with the letter “n” that you seem to be getting your rocks off speculating that someone else might have said.
The real ironic part of that is that at the time, they lived in upper Michigan, and there probably wasn’t a non-white person within 150 miles.
You know something else? Half a century or so ago, there was an element of racism, if not downright white supremacist thinking, present in just about every institution in these here United States. You name the organization–the Better Business Bureau, the Catholic Church, the American Federation of Musicians, the military (especially the military!), the National Library Association–it was ingrained into our national culture at every level. There are still bits and pieces stuck here and there in the fabric of our society, quite a few of them with “conservatives” clinging to them for dear life.
In general, the right has managed to replace overt racism with something actually far, far worse: rampant, exploitive, corrosive class warfare. The really pathetic thing about most of the ‘winger hecklers like you who spend your apparently inexpensive time posting hatred and bile in comment threads on progressive Web sites is that you’re actually under the mistaken impression that you’re on the side that benefits from all that. Then you get in your rusty old pickup truck and clatter off to some redneck bar to drink cheap beer and think about how your ship’s going to come in some day.
“Troll” is no more a Democrat than William Shockley was an expert in genetics.
@68 “that term starting with the letter “n” that you seem to be getting your rocks off speculating that…”
Yup, that’s how I’d of put it. He seems to get his rocks off by simply typing the word.
If Forbes is correct, why are no business groups supporting Gregoire and virtually all endorsing Rossi?
Why do 97% of NFIB Members support Rossi?
NFIB IS small business you KLOWNS!
Seems to me it is much more important to look at how local Washington businesses actually doing BUSINESS IN WASHINGTON feel about the business climate rather than some cookie cutter evaluation.
Let me sum-up your four paragraphs: Everyone was doing it. No, everyone wasn’t excluding blacks into clubs and organizations when Gregoire was in that sorority back in the late sixties.
Let me bottom line it for you. If you want to earn my respect, you are going to have to stand up for what is right (like I do), even when the politician has a D behind their name. Your silence, and turning the other way, isn’t going to cut it with me. Don’t like that I call you on it? Too bad. I’m going to do it EVERY FUCKING TIME!
And right now I’m drinking a St. Bernardus Witbier. It’s very good, and it’s very expensive. They may not even carry it on your side of the lake.
@71 “NFIB IS small business you KLOWNS!”
They’re right-wing freaks, you treasonous, dumb-as-a-stump, commie-fascist KLOWN! Christ, you’re stupid.
It appears you KLOWNS must contend that Washington Business Owners are too moronic to know how good they have it under Gregoire.
I have an idea—
Lets see some ads with lists of businesses that support each candidate!
Wouldn’t that tell you something of value?
Gregoire is support by government workers & KLOWNS (often the same!)
Rossi is supported by tax-paying, job-creating local businesses.
There it is!
It’s funny you anti-corporate KLOWNS actually can’t see that the huge corporations you hate support Gregoire and the small, local businesses you KLOWNS claim to support, actually support Rossi.
Also, Gregoire has gotten a lot more out-of-state money than Rossi…from GAL Organizations.
steve spews–
“you treasonous, dumb-as-a-stump, commie-fascist KLOWN! Christ, you’re stupid”
Your vulgar language on many, many ocassions is the same as Roger Rabbit. A reasonable person would conclude you 2 are 1 in the same.
Shame on you Rog!!
@72 “If you want to earn my respect”
In your delusional dreams, Troll-Boy. To paraphrase Freud, delusions have a lousy future – something for your feeble fascist mind to try to grasp.
@75 “Your vulgar language on many, many ocassions”
Go fuck yourself – and by doing so, give that poor, hapless goat of yours a break.
“Why do 97% of NFIB Members support Rossi?”
Maybe because NFIB is basically a conservative lobbying organization.
Curiously enough, it has a subsidiary that handles a lot of money doing things like “helping its members obtain low-cost workmens’ compensation coverage”.
Hmmmmm….sounds kinda familiar.
72 I don’t give a good God damn about your “respect”, and you’re getting precious little of mine.
No, I don’t agree with you.
I have no interest in that.
@ 72
If you want to earn my respect[…]
Anyone who plays as fast and loose with facts as you do can take his respect and shove it right up his ass. I’d rather not have your respect, thank you, because your respect is positively worthless. Indeed, it has negative value.
Lee, question. If you joined some group or club, and then found out that they excluded black people, what would you do?
If I felt the club served some other purpose, I would fight to have the rules changed.
If after a few months of you “fighting to include blacks,” they still refused to accept them, would you still continue to be a member, or would you quit? And please explain your choice. Thank you.
I’m not the kind of person who gives up on things so easily. If I felt an attachment to the club, I would continue to fight until the rule was changed. Giving up is not in my vocabulary, as is the case with most people who fight to change our country’s drug laws.
Let me bottom line it for you. If you want to earn my respect
I’ll stop you right there. If you think that your opinion matters to anyone here, after this, and after how much you’ve been humiliating yourself in this comment thread today, you are one deluded fuck.
NFIB is a right-wing lobbying organization. They do not represent the wider community of small businesses in this state in any way whatsoever. Peddle that shit to people who can’t use Google.
Excuse me teacher libtard…yes I’m the guy way in the back with my hand up. I am wondering if Washington is such a good state to have a business in why doesn’t Boeing have their headquarters there? Oh that is right I remember now…they USED to be based here! That is right they moved to Chicago for business reasons…under a Democrat ultra lib governor.
Thanks for the answer. You and I were raised differently, and have different ethics.
I would quit as soon as I found out they excluded blacks. I would never knowingly belong to a white-supremacist club. You would.
Saying you’d stay in a racist organization because you’re not a “quitter” is a cop-out.
Boeing did leave, and not because it was convenient. Looks like a pretty lame poll
or the other states really, really suck.
@74 Mr Cynical, you are correct.
Rossi’s ads promise “improvements” in education and transportation. Since that costs money, I’d like to know how he plans to do that and keep his promise to cut taxes. Frankly, I think Rossi is a liar. I think he intends to raise my taxes to make Washington a garden of education and public transportation! That’s senior citizen abuse. I sure as hell won’t vote for him, even if he kicks dogs too.
I think everyone should kick dogs, especially that Balogh woman’s dog! Soccer practice is the only thing dogs are good for.
@86 Christ, you’re stupid.
@88 Christ, you’re even dumber than @86.
What is it with you fascist goatfuckers, anyway? Do you all take stupid pills or something? Damn.
@90 Oh, Rabbit, not just any dog should be kicked. However, I’d readily agree that any fascist dog caught fucking goats should quickly be put down for the well being of the community.
@ 83
I would quit as soon as I found out they excluded blacks.
So, your “ethics,” such as they are, are such that you prefer putting on a show of combating racism while actually doing nothing to engage in the battle itself.
Lee @ 84
Yikes. I didn’t realize Troll was that bad. Hey, Troll, any chance you could move to a really white nation like–hell, I can’t name one. Dumbfuck Troll, did you know that this nation will be minority white in a decade or two, if it isn’t already? Man, idiocy like yours must hurt.
Somehow, I seriously doubt that Rossi or his supporters are more likely to be better proponants of equality between the races than Gregoire, despite Troll’s attempts to claim otherwise.
Gregoire’s membership in an exclusive sorority in the 1960’s might be a reason for concern if this is the first time she ran for public office. But since her record hasn’t a single allegation of personal racial bias, it’s a dead issue – has been for 40 years or so.
Remember, the subject of the post is that Rossi lies when he claims that Washington State is bad for business.
Hahaha, you saved me the trouble of pointing that out. Thanks!
Here’s another funny one.
Saying you’d stay in a racist organization because you’re not a “quitter” is a cop-out.
So I assume then that every single American who served in our government from 1776 to the 1960s was a racist then?
My god, your retardation knows no bounds.
According to Forbes Washington state scores very low on its tax system.
See Jim Vaughn’s July 11, 2008 speach comparing Gregoire to George Bush…