Over on Slog, I do a little myth-busting, pointing out that despite all the credit Dino Rossi gets for balancing the state budget in 2003, he really didn’t do much budget writing at all. In fact, according to contemporaneous news reports at the time:
The Republican budget has much in common with the all-cuts plan that Democratic Gov. Gary Locke unveiled in December. In fact, Rossi opened a press briefing yesterday with a PowerPoint presentation titled: “Following the Governor’s Lead.”
The truth is, Rossi wrote the 2003-2005 state budget much in the same way that Dave Reichert caught the Green River Killer, in that he didn’t. Though just like with Reichert’s claim to fame, that hasn’t stopped the media from parroting Rossi’s revisionist narrative unchallenged.
You only have 20 days left until you have to call him Senator Elect Rossi.
Nobama is going to be following Rossi’s budget in 2011.
Rossi’s biggest claim to fame is being able to get along with Gary Locke. Who the fuck couldn’t get along with Gary Locke? That’s like being known for being able to tie your shoes.
@1 That and a buck fiddy will get you a cup of coffee at Starbucks.
Has Rossi ever opened his mouth and said anything that was true? I mean really true?
All his attack ads are pathetically dishonest.
At least Rossi knows a heckuva lot more about business than Murray. A healthy business climate will put more people back to work.
Rossi won’t demonize corporations for making a profit. You know,,,, money that pays employess and gets reinvested?
Well, Rossi said he was a janitor at the Space Needle when he was younger. If he had to lie about that, then whoa.
Demonizing business like lobbying for Boeing to get the biggest defense contract in a decade?
Never let a fact get in the way of your partisan ignorant talking point regurgitation.
I did wonders recently with my budget.
Rather than making payments against outstanding principle owed, I’ve decided to only make minimum payments. This frees up a lot of cash this year and I am now a genius!
1 & 5:
Why do you hate America?
So how did Patty Murray vote on the 2010-11 federal budget? What is Rossi’s opinion on the 2010-11 federal budget?
1 and 5
As Broadway Joe inquires, why do you hate America? Dino Rossi strikes me as a guy who couldn’t balance his checkbook, let alone a state budget. Yet, you would make him one of 100 members of the greatest deliberative body on earth?
@5) So I assume you support Suzan DelBene?
Speaking of hating America…
Obama took over during a time of national crisis. The last month of the Bush Administration produced a loss of 800,000 jobs. The last quarter of the Bush Administration produced GDP of NEGATIVE 6.2%. The auto industry was on life support. The Dow was in the 7000’s. The banking industry was crumbling. The housing market had completely collapsed. We were mired in two unfunded, un-winnable, intractable wars.
It was a time of grave national crisis.
From the minute Obama was inaugurated (actually from the minute he was elected), Senate Republicans have directed all efforts at causing the Obama Administration to fail. From day ONE. Anything that Obama and the Democrats proposed to help put people back to work and save us from Great Depression #2 was fought tooth and nail, and for the most part blocked by abusing Senate rules.
This is practically treason. It may very well be treason.
When you use the power of your elected office to subvert the interests of America, that is treason.
And for this tactic, the treasonous Senate Republicans want to be rewarded.
If we don’t re-elect Murray, the treasonous Republicans win.
This state voted overwhelmingly for Obama, and the Senate Republicans voted overwhelmingly to block every effort to turn around our economy, which was falling off a cliff.
Anyone who voted for Obama should vote for Murray, or have their head examined.
Rossi is a partner in a failing bank. Coast Equity Partners, his real estate business, is on the skids. That is probably why he was on the lecture circuit before he entered the senate race.
Major business figures in the state from Boeing, Weyerhaeuser, Simpson Timber, Microsoft, and COSTCO are supporting and donating to the Murray campaign. That should tell you what successful business folks think of Rossi.
13: “This is practically treason. It may very well be treason.”
It is treason. The Republican bastards of the Bush era took this country into the toilet bowl, then opposed Obama for nothing but stark partisan purposes. Now, they claim to want to take the country “back.” They are haters, who don’t give a rat’s ass about this country’s well-being. They only care about the GOP label, and no one even knows what that label means, anymore.
@13 “When you use the power of your elected office to subvert the interests of America, that is treason.”
I hear you. What we’ve seen out of Republicans over the last couple of years is the most disgusting display of “Party before country” that I’ve ever seen in my life. We saw an entire major political party go off the deep end. Hell, asshats like the KLOWN were calling for a revolution before Obama even took office. And when I read Lost’s posts dripping with contempt for the poor and the unemployed, I want to ring somebody’s bell.
Yes, I hear you, Sarge.
The Columbian (daily rag in Vantucky) has endorsed Rossi, which eliminates any doubt about their conservative bias. Their reasoning:
“In 2003 Rossi was a state senator and, as chairman of the Senate Ways & Means Committee, he played a major role in writing the state budget. Not only did Rossi bridge partisan gaps in ways that were unseen this year in Olympia, he balanced a budget without raising taxes, something else unseen in Olympia this year.”
Lot’s of gap-bridging when you rubber stamp what the opposing gov proposes. More republican selective reasoning on display. (Like that’s rare.)
That paper is such a crock of shit, it is truly laughable.
@13 and @16
I also think treason is the word that fits best. They wanted to stop Obama at any cost. Waterloo if I recall.
Republicans Are A Disease
Seems like the there is quite a far-left contingent on this blog. I’m moderately Liberal. I voted for Obama but I’m very disappointed in him. I think the Democrats have really blown a great chance. I don’t think it helps us to keep bringing up Bush and whining about Treason and ridiculous stuff like that. I’m afraid we are going to get taught a lesson that we shouldn’t have needed. I would hope some of the left-leaners would not play the Tea Party game of name-calling. It really makes us look foolish.
One man’s thought.
@19) And what exactly do you think Obama should have accomplished without a single vote from Senate Republicans? You are responding exactly as the Republicans hoped. Block everything, by hook or crook, then blame Obama for not solving all of our problems.
After we were attacked on 9/11, Bush had a 90% approval rating. Congressional Democrats gave him almost everything he asked for.
When Obama took over during a national crisis, he got just the opposite.
Please explain how a deliberate effort to cause the demise of America is anything less than treason?
I’m not name calling. Do you have facts that refute my argument?
I am hardly far left. Democrats have been wimps for too long. I’ve grown tired of trying to reason with those who can’t reason. I’ve grown old reciting facts to those who don’t care about facts. I’ve grown weary of listening to those who don’t know what they’re talking about. The Right is simply wrong. The Left needs to get far more aggressive about what is happening to this country. Liberals, frankly, must arm.
@19 Seems like the there is quite a far-left contingent on this blog
Fringe is more like it. The same old handful of HA faithful singing the same sad tune week after week – among themselves . . . all 20 or so of them. They totally bought into Obama’s “hope and change” message 20 months ago, and now the best they have is Obama’s failure to live up to expectations was caused by treason. That’s total fringe thinking. Where’s the country on this? The latest Generic Congressional Vote has the Republicans up by a whopping 8.2 – and Gallup has it even higher than that.
This sad crew is way out of touch, and they can whine and spout off amongst themselves all they want, but that’s losing strategy . . . and a strategy for losers. But what do you expect . . . they’ve already shown their judgement is flawed.
@20 and @21 Same sentiments here, guys. Enough is enough.
@21 The Left needs to get far more aggressive about what is happening to this country. Liberals, frankly, must arm.
Great – what are you doing about it other than talking up an anonymous storm on HA? You’ll be the last out of the trench Proud, because no use jeopardizing that high paying attorney gig, eh?
What a wuss.
@22 Horseshit. The only thing you have going for you are the very problems you caused and voter frustration with Obama’s inability to fix them. You bring nothing but what put us in the shithole we’re trying to escape. You think you’re going to solve anything? Hell no, you won’t. You’re only going to fuck things up even worse.
“What a wuss”
You just keep on believing that.
Little boy, you don’t know who the fuck you are, yet you want to challenge me? How about once you’ve made sense of yourself, you come after someone who you know something about, which, of course, would not be me. M’lad, you don’t have a clue about much. Maybe you know how to grab your dick and stroke it when you’re thinking about Ronald Reagan, but I doubt you even know how to do that.
@1 “You only have 20 days left until you have to call him Senator Elect Rossi.”
This is what a wingnut daydream looks like.
@2 Wingnuts can tie their shoes? I’ve never heard anyone claim that before.
@5 “At least Rossi knows a heckuva lot more about business than Murray.”
If you mean the kind of “business” that sends people to prison for fraud, yeah, Rossi worked for a guy like that — and tried to work for him again when he got out of prison. But making an honest buck? Rossi would still be sweeping floors without his sponsors.
@5 “A healthy business climate will put more people back to work.”
Democrats know a lot more about putting people to work than Republicans do:
Jobs Records of Presidents
(new jobs created, as percentage of workforce)
Democrat Roosevelt 5.3%
Democrat Johnson 3.8%
Democrat Carter 3.1%
Democrat Truman 2.5%
Democrat Clinton 2.4%
Democrat Kennedy 2.3%
Republican Nixon 2.2%
Republican Reagan 2.1%
Republican Coolidge 1.1%
Republican Ford 1.1%
Republican Eisenhower 0.9%
Republican Bush Sr. 0.6%
Republican Bush Jr. (0.7%)
Republican Hoover (9.0%)
Do you notice that ALL Democrats did better at job creation than ANY Republican?
When did the Republican Party lose all touch with reality? Roger, I’m sure you have an opinion about that. Personally, I’m not sure I care when those folks lost it, but they’ve surely lost it, and we on the left need to be a helluva lot more aggressive about pointing out how crazy the fucks on the right are. We’re not talking noble opposition, we’re talking flat-out crazy motherfuckers.
Republicans +8.2
Murray +0.5
I think he has a pretty damn good chance considering tennis shoes job
You must hate America too, right?
Another proven lie from Murray Checksez. Why do you drink the Murray lying kook-aid?
Looks like the Patty Murray ad lies and her continual running away from her senatorial votes is starting to catch up to her.
Still waiting for correctnotright and curtis (daddy) love to explain to all of us why DUMMOCRAPTS are running away from their health care, cap and trade, and Porkulus bill votes. Puddy has asked these two moronic progressives at least four times and for some reason the cat has their fingers. If they were such wonderful actions why aren’t they bragging about them? And correctnotright throws up the credibility smokescreen.
Bwaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaa HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR HO HO HO HO
@37: Still waiting for an idiot and fool like Puddy who has no ability to think to explain the following:
1. Why Puddy is against the health care law that eliminates the preexisting conditions clause?
2. Why Puddy is against the health care law that prevents insurance companies from dropping coverage at their whim?
3. Why Puddy is FOR shipping American jobs overseas and giving corporations tax breaks for doing it? (By the way, this was a Patty Murray bill that the republicans voted AGAINST – shilling for their coporate sponsors once again)
4. Why Puddy is FOR unlimited money allowed into the political process without revealing the source of the money (including foreign money into the Chamber of Commerce and the Karl Rove sponsored Crossroads group)?
Yup, Puddy is all about coddling the rich and the corporations and hurting the poor and stripping money fromeducation.
Puddy – you lie. You claim to be religious but really you suppport the corporations and the rich. You can make all the excuses you want – and all the side arguments that don’t add up to a stack of beans, but you and your republican buddies act in the exact opposite way of what Christ would do.
@Puddy: I am not running away from the health care bill – it was the best they could get through – given republican opposition – I just wanted a single payer.
Puddy once again forgets that I have answered this plenty of times – but Puddy has not asnwered my questions. Grow up Little Puddy, you argue like a third grader and still can’t make a logical or cogent argument and have to call people names to make up for your lack of intelligence.
I just feel sorry for someone with such a lack of reasoning ability. How do you even get by in the world with such shallow thinking? You are so clueless that you don’t even know when you have totally lost an argument. That is why we laugh at you.
The same old handful of HA faithful singing the same sad tune week after week
Yeah in June 1995 we really cried the blues over Judge Bridges decision.
The following November we cried in our beer over the defeat of I-912 and David Irons Jr.
In November 2006 we were so sad at the Democrats taking back Congress from the Foleys, Craigs, DeLays, Cunninghams and Neys of the world.
In November of 2008 we cried over the election of the country’s first African-American President and the defeat of yet another Eyman initiative.
Ehhh. This November we may be sad too. But hey that’s life. You roll with it.
There is a a sense f deja vu here.
When Patty Murry ran her first campaign, she was largely uneducated on the issues and took a persona that was .. well tea partyish!
Now she is among the most impressive of the Senators in an era reminiscent of the Know Nothings of 150 years ago. Her opponent, however, is an oddity in the Republican Party of 2010 because he is actually running on a claim that he is qualified to be a Senator.
So, in sense we have a campaign from a progressive Senator who has risen from her origins vs. a conventional Republican with rather usual credentials. Odd.
Must have been government jobs…
Rand Paul,
“I’m not sure I would trust a guy who had had sexual relations with an intern,” “I mean, do you think he’s an honorable person?”
Does Paul find honor in Newt Gingrich for what he did to his wife while she was in a hospital bed with cancer? Does Paul think that it’s honorable for a Republican senator to wear diapers while with a prostitute? Does Paul think it’s honorable for a Republican governor to hike the Appalachian Trail? Does Paul think it’s honorable for a Republican operative to offer to pay $20 to blow an undercover cop in a park toilet? Does Paul think it’s honorable for a Republican to hit on teen paiges? Does Paul find honor in a Republican Assembly memeber and State
Parole Board Commissioner being arrested in a federal child sex sting, arriving in a hotel with condoms, lubricant, vibrators and a camera expecting to find a 12 year old girl and her 11 year old sister? Does Paul find honor in a Republican toe-tapping in an airport toilet? Does Paul find honor in a Republican State Representative being indicted for the sexual assault of a 14 year old girl? Does Paul find honor with a Republican candidate being charged with 73 counts of possession of child pornography and 45 counts of sexual assault for having sex with a child under age 11? Does Paul find honor with a Republican Party county chairman fondling a 16-year-old runaway and providing the kid with beer and marijuana? Does Paul find honor with a Republican spokesperson and his eight counts of offering two teenage boys money to take pictures of themselves while masturbating? Does Paul find honor with a Republican Mayor and Pastor being arrested after trying to entice a 13 year old into sex and nude picture taking?
Republicans and honor? They have none.
I wonder if Rand Paul sees any honor in Republican NY governor candidate Paladino sending an email with a video attachment of a horse having sex with a woman? Is that the kind of honor Rand’s talking about?
Wow, you Libtards are sure getting frantically nervous that lil dumb-as-a-tree-stump Patty might be retired soon. Good, you should be. Even with a couple visits from babbling Joe Biden and Lord Obama and his teleprompter probably won’t help her or her low I.Q. much. That’s OK, history has shown that when The Chosen One comes to campaign for another Libtard on shaky re-election ground, they more often than not get defeated. Ironically rich. :) Hardy-har-har.
Once again, I see fellow Democrats getting off-track. We need to admit mistakes were made like the spending & health care bills and move to fix them. We need to focus on helping the private sector to create new jobs to help balance the currently unsustainable public sector.
Bantering back & forth is precisely what the Republicans want us to do. The party in power must provide leadership and have thick skin. We are blowing it.
@45: Umm, what would a fool like you know about history? This is the first midterm for Obama election and you are talking abvout history?
You want to talk about history – talk about how Bush turned the alrgest budget surplus in history into the largest budget deficit in history.
All the republican fools are crowing because their strategy of empty slogans and obstruction has them at a slight advantage in a weak economy after the bush recession. Hey, Clinton had a midterm setback too – but he came back strong and the republicans were once again revealed for what they truly are: liars with no real plan. When you actually ask republicans in congress what they would cut …. they can’t say. The emperor has no clothes – republicans have no plan and are liars.
But an idiot like Mark1 sure can call people names – notice how he claims Murray is dumb – but doesn’t mention the much more stoopid republicans out there: Bush, Reichert, Rossi who cannot even answer simple questions.
Rossi does not even know what is going on with Boeing contracts and Airbus competition and would be willing to throw away Washington jobs for some corporate free trade ideal. Reichert is so incoherent that even the conservative Seattle times could not endorse him in good faith and Bush was the least informed president in our history.
Yeah, keep bleating Mark1 – you really “know” what you are talking about …hehehe
@46: Greg
Umm, mistakes? The mistakes were NOT enough spending on infrastructure (such as Obama is now proposing) and on health care the mistake was not having a government option or single payer. Democrats did not go far enough and were too conservative. Those were the mistakes.
Spending to prevent the worst recession in history – that was NO mistake. TARP was a necessary evil and started by Bush – but it will turn out to be not nearly as costly as doing nothing would have been.
Saving GM now turns out to be a pretty good move. The problems is that this recession was a lot worse than anyone (especially the denier republicnas) thought. WE have still not recovered and we should have done more earlier (with 20/20 hindsite).
@5 “At least Rossi knows a heckuva lot more about business than Murray. A healthy business climate will put more people back to work.”
Yup. In China.
Rossi proudly put his brand on a state budget composed by Helen Sommers, as she’d done for the prior 20 years or so. After that, he bailed, both to run for Governor and because Sommers was retiring. The next time around, he’d have had a wonderful opportunity to demonstrate his incompetence.
@48: Right on.
How was it a mistake to save us from the next great depression? Bush’s final quarter delivered a NEGATIVE 6.2% GDP. We were lost 800,000 jobs his last month in office. Since Obama took over 19 months ago, the Dow is up 40%. GDP has been steadily positive for more than a year. We’ve created more jobs this year than Bush did in eight years. Unemployment is high, but the economy has stabilized. That’s all we could hope for with such an anemic, watered down stimulus bill.
Despite all efforts by Senate Republicans to prevent any improvement whatsoever, Obama and the Democrats saved us from utter catastrophe. I wish everyone would just stop complaining about that.
Seems like we need to be looking ahead. President Bush had a Democrat Congress. Both Bush & Congress are culpable. Congress passed the bills and Bush the Idiot signed them. Both are guilty. This current election is about Congress. Incumbents are in trouble because of their long-term big spending and earmarks. Congress is at about 20% approval. I would not want to be an incumbent, especially an incumbent Democrat.
The voters will soon speak, then we need to move on. I suspect there will be 2 years of gridlock until 2012.
@27 The Left needs to get far more aggressive about what is happening to this country. Liberals, frankly, must arm.
Yea, yea, yea, heard it all before. But back to YOUR main point . . . what are YOU doing about getting more aggressive and arming, Proud? You sure talk up a storm . . . anonyomously on HA! Liberals must arm? Great . . . lead the way, take to the streets! Fat chance with that comfortable law practice of yours.
Still a wuss.
@53 You’re a fool of a tool and you don’t even know it, supporting teabagger candidates who’d sell you out for a Big Mac. Do you fucking think for even one minute that they’ll give a rat’s ass about your pathetic self once they get a taste of K Street money? Hell no. They’ll be voting to ship your sorry ass job to China, leaving you to sell apples on the street for a fucking living. But you’re so stupid, you’ll no doubt still be here whining about Democrats.
@5: Rossi won’t demonize corporations for making a profit. You know,,,, money that pays employess and gets reinvested?
Profit comes after the costs of doing business are extracted, and that includes labor, taxes, capital projects, etc. Very little corporate profit is going into reinvestment, and what little there is, is funding development in cheap labor markets overseas.
the reason money isn’t being reinvested here is severalfold. Uncertainty about taxes and regulations is at the top of the list. I work with several large venture capitalists who look at risk-reward and return on investment after taxes. Isn’t that reasonable? We need to create a model here that makes sense for them to invest relative to alternatives available to them. There are literally trillions on the sidelines waiting for the right opportunity. Shutting down the House & Senate before the election without resolving the tax issue was really foolish.
The lie of it was going to save money. Now we know it’s goning to cost more money than it saves. Odumba lied. Sebelius codified his lie.
Define a whim!
Ohhh then you better discuss this with Steven Jobs, DUMMOCRAPT lover. Why is the IPad and iPhone made overseas? Why did DUMMOCRAPT lover Phil Knight have is Nike sneakers made overseas with child labor until he was busted? Why did he have sneakers made by Chinese women in cramped living quarters until busted? You see correctnotright, you better have your facts straight cuz Puddy has facts.
Wow… $300k OUT OF $50 Million raised. And the Chamber said they aren’t doing it. Oh wait a minute now… We all know Odumba had all those interesting donors…
BTW we know Odumba has used the IRS as a billy club. Yet that’s A-OK for correctnotright.
Grow up fool! See your party implode!
Puddy had to break up the links cuz Goldy’s system was eating them. Just right click the link and remove the spaces and enjoy the truth!
Hahaha Puddy, Nice try – but all you have is deflect. You cannot even answer a few questions straight.
The question was on preexisting conditions – you flunked once again and went off topic.
Then you failed to answer the question about insurance companies dropping people for obviously bogus reasons. NPR just had a special on that and interviewed people who lost their insurance for bogus reasons – once again you failed to answer or even understand the question. In your haste to rush to do evil (and defend the indefensible actions of insurance companies), you showed once again where you really stand – with corporate malfeasance and against the common people.
Umm, once again Puddy you agree with republicans that shipping jobs oversease should be subsidized by our goverment – I guess we know where you stand on jobs – you want to ship them oversease and coddle the companies that do that.
Wow, I think I have rarely seen arguments that are that weak and that sophomoric before. What did you say you had a degree in? Obfuscation and poor logic?
Umm, the corporate contribution to republicans have set an all time record and it is a fact that foreign money has gone to the Chamber of commerce and it is also a fact that KKKKarl Rove (Bushes ex-brain) is behind the crossroads money machine. So it is the Bush legacy that is leading the “anti-tax and spend” liars group. What a bunch of lying hypocrites – the same guys who ruined the economy and spent us into oblivion are now crying foul on spending.
Hypocrties and liars.
If you don’t answer the question the way correctnotright wants it answered he gets the pink panties in a wad. As always everyone can see the thug correctnotright can’t answer why DUMMOCRAPT led corporations ship jobs overseas. He only talks and talks and talks and talks and talks and talks and talks and talks and talks and talks and talks about Republicans without EVER ACKNOWLEDGING his own party is a bunch of buffoons! But it’s a tacit acknowledgment correctnotright agrees with Apple and Nike led by DUMMOCRAPTS sending jobs overseas. That’s A-OK with correctnotright. They get a pass from correctnotright. Such a hypocrit! Like always!
Regarding the Chamber of Commerce potential $300K vs Odumba’s MILLIONS, ha, what a crock.
Haste and rush to do evil… Been looking at the mirror again and projecting “It’s a Psych 101 Thing”.
KKKKarl Rove? Man you are one sick bastard!
Remember the economy tanked after the DUMMOCRAPTS got hold of the finances.
This was saved for a separate post…
Odumba told all of us the cost of covering preexisting conditions would not cause the health care bill to be over budget of $1Trillion. Yet when Puddy reminds correctnotright of this fact, correctnotright loses his mind (can that be true correctnotright has a mind?). Sibelius reminded all of us the bill was known to be greater than $1Trillion before the final health care vote!
So you fool, if you forget the facts the facts will come back to bite you in the ASS!
Suck on that fact Sucka!
Of course correctnotright had no problem with those mysterious overseas $$$$MILLIONS Odumba got for his erection! Such a hypocrit.
Why do you hate America correctnotright?
Sorry P{uddy – you can’t answer the questions.
As far as your pathetic question…Nike and other corporatioins that MAY have some democrats in them sending jobs overseas….uh, so what?
When it came time to vote, you and the republicans favored tax breaks for corporations sending jobs overseas instaed of taxing them and sending the money to education.
Your pathetically simple-minded comments show that you agree with this, that yuo are also a shill for corporations who ship jobs overseas and you in no way refute anything I posited. Except that you resorted to name calling – a sure sign that you have lost another debate.
Oh, I know you are a big guy – but I could still take you out easily – so don’t go talking about my panties because I could bust your knees before you could blink.
The question is why you shill for corporations Puddy?
You loved Bush who created the largest budget deficits in history, slept during 9/11, failed to catch bin Laden when he could have, started an unecessary war in Iraq that wasted over 1 trillion dollars, failed to seal the deal in Afghanistan (becuase of Iraq) and lost the respect of the world and ruined the reputation of the US.
Why do hate America? Why do you lie and shill for the rightwingnuts and why do you shill for corporations?
You have nothing but lies and innuendo. Yeah, some democrats are corrupt – but many MORE republicans are corrupt and they ORGANIZED corruption with Abramoff and K street. Look at the money – where is the greatest cash from corporations, wall street and others going? To republicans, Tea party nazis, Tea party witches, Tea party wackos. Those are the people YOU are aligned with Puddy – I would be ashamed to be with them if I were you – but you have lost all sense of honor in pursuit of your small minded rightwingnut agenda.
Now watch for the lame-ass admonishment that everything, by definition, is Obama’s problem and that any reference to the previous administration’s incompetence and malfeasance is off-limits.
Well, bite me. Bush was a particularly weaselly, self-absorbed example of what “conservatism” has to offer, but all that the Republican puppeteers, their well-heeled benefactors and their pathetic little puppet tea drinking stooges have to offer is more of what we got between 2001 and 2009: voodoo economics, glorification of ignorance, looting of the public purse by crooks pretending to be “businessmen”, senseless wars and societal decay.
“Oh, I know you are a big guy – but I could still take you out easily – so don’t go talking about my panties because I could bust your knees before you could blink.”
The two toughest guys I ever knew were both under 6′. One guy who I knew in detention was about 5′-7″ and 140 dripping wet. What he did to another tough guy who was 6′-2″ and 225 was simply fucking amazing. One punch and the big guy literally flew through the air, landing on his back, not to get up for an hour. The other was about 5′-10″ and 180, Carson was his name, and he was known as the baddest dude in Seattle for decades. The last I saw him, years ago, he had been in 358 (he kept count!) street fights and had won every single damned one of them, including one with the toughest guy ever I knew to come out of the housing projects, who had about 9″ and 70 pounds on Carson. I used to rib Carson hard and got away with it, but he was one friend and co-worker I absolutely refused to go out drinking with – he was trouble with a capital fucking “T”.
But I’m puzzled why you brought that up. It’s not like I see any post of Puddy’s challenging you in that way. I know violence first hand and that’s no road to travel.