The Fish Flingers ought to consider what 6-time Socialist Party Presidential Candidate Norman Thomas spewed:
“The American people will never knowingly adopt Socialism. But under the name of ‘liberalism’ they will adopt every fragment of the Socialist program, until one day America will be a Socialist nation, without knowing how it happened.”
– Norman Thomas
Is Obama going to make these fish-flingers wealthier?? Is Obama going to make their lives less smelly??
Barrack Obama promises “fish-flingers” to take the smell out of fish. Obama urges fish-flingers to call in sick on Tuesday to help Obama de-smell fish!!
Roger Rabbitspews:
@2 Go screw your goat.
From Mark Murray on First Read….
A very ominous sign for the Republican Party is how Democratic-leaning these new and lapsed voters are. Not only do they back Obama by a 69%-27 margin, they also prefer a Democratic-controlled Congress by a 2-to-1 margin, 66%-31%. And their views of President Bush? His fav/unfav among these voters is 14%-73%. Ouch. While Karl Rove had ambitious hopes of turning Bush’s presidency into a permanent majority for the GOP, this poll suggests that Bush’s lasting legacy could actually be turning off a new generation of voters. After all, consider what young voters who came of voting age during the past seven years might associate the GOP with — the Iraq war, Hurricane Katrina, the current economy, various political scandals (Jack Abramoff, Ted Stevens, etc.), and Bush.
When Biden’s prediction of a global crisis within 6 months comes true, do you expect Conservatives to show the same support for Obama as the Left showed Bush??
My guess is you will hear lots & lots of blame heaped on Obama…and Biden for enciting the terrorism. MARK JOE’S WORDS!!
Americans will second-guess themselves…even blame themselves for electing a guy who was a “magnet for tragedy”.
How helpful will the Bush Administration be to Obama?? How many “turds” will Obama step on??
The 1st 6 months will set the tome for the Obama Presidency.
Fish-flingers business will be down…demand & prices will drop. They will wonder why they here so swollen with pride over Obama…who will desert them and bring great harm to our Country. You will see reems & reems of documents & videos showing Obama’s past which the press should have vetted pre-election.
Within 6 months, you will see Obama with below 50% favorable ratings…which will PROGRESSIVELY DROP throughout his one & ONLY term.
Appearance of a Conflict of Interestspews:
Faith Ireland contributed to the election committee of Paris Kallas. That’s real fishy.
And I’m talking about the guy. Flash in the pan my ass!
blue johnspews:
Is Obama going to make these fish-flingers wealthier??
I expect him to put in place policies that will give small businesses a fair chance, a equal opportunity to be wealthier.
If he doesn’t, then I will vote for someone who will.
The current republicans, by their actions, have shown they only support the top 2%. When they change and support the country, I’ll consider voting for them again. More Progressives. Better Progressives.
Obama, will be a failure and will make Carter years of distress look good.
The country will see within the first year the mistake you made.
It will be funny watching the press wiggle it’s way out of backing him.
I was remember today about the Muckelshoot Indian Tribe in 1970’s –1980’ how depressed I would feel going through the reservation and looking at the kids in their Federal Government school. This is exactly what in store with an obama.
Now look at them with self-government.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
Obama is a “Jimmy Carter” type….however with a much more dangerous Socialist/Marxist agenda.
Obama knows what 6-time American Socialist Party candidate Norman Thomas meant when he spewed:
“The American people will never knowingly adopt Socialism. But under the name of ‘liberalism’ they will adopt every fragment of the Socialist program, until one day America will be a Socialist nation, without knowing how it happened.”
– Norman Thomas
Blue John–
You are soooooooooo naive. Progressivism is the “MECHANISM” to Socialism.
Whenever I ask Progressives, what Progressive means to them, I get a wide range of answers from Socialism to A More Enlightened Form of Government (whatever the F*CK that means).
Get a grip bj you KLOWN.
You are in for a serious revelation.
Obama hides this from the public what else is he hiding from the public?
Blue John–
You are a naive idiot to think that Teachers, Police Officers, Health Care Professionals are underpaid & underappreciated as your previous posts have indicated.
Leftist Losers: Why are you not listening to your hero Ward Churchill and vote for Cynthia McKinney.
You know the angry ex-professor of “Little Eichmanns and the angry ex-congresswoman who likes to punch out white police officers!
“Churchill says he has never voted for president, not wanting to validate an “occupation” government that seized land from Native Americans.
What about phony “Native Americans” like yourself? I guess they just stole tenure from you…
But he voted this year. For Cynthia McKinney. “She’s got integrity,” Churchill says.”
Mr. Cynicalspews:
Great catch. This is just like the ACORN methodology of not checking things while knowingly creating an avenue for CHEATING!!
Obama Accepting Untraceable Donations
Contributions Reviewed After Deposits
By Matthew Mosk
Washington Post Staff Writer
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Sen. Barack Obama’s presidential campaign is allowing donors to use largely untraceable prepaid credit cards that could potentially be used to evade limits on how much an individual is legally allowed to give or to mask a contributor’s identity, campaign officials confirmed.
Faced with a huge influx of donations over the Internet, the campaign has also chosen not to use basic security measures to prevent potentially illegal or anonymous contributions from flowing into its accounts, aides acknowledged. Instead, the campaign is scrutinizing its books for improper donations after the money has been deposited.
The Obama organization said its extensive review has ensured that the campaign has refunded any improper contributions, and noted that Federal Election Commission rules do not require front-end screening of donations.
In recent weeks, questionable contributions have created headaches for Obama’s accounting team as it has tried to explain why campaign finance filings have included itemized donations from individuals using fake names, such as Es Esh or Doodad Pro. Those revelations prompted conservative bloggers to further test Obama’s finance vetting by giving money using the kind of prepaid cards that can be bought at a drugstore and cannot be traced to a donor.
9 – Shrubya is already a failure and will be blamed for nastiest recession if not full-blown depression we’ve seen since the 1930’s.
He will be blamed for it quite justly even though it’s not all his fault. The true fault really the fault of the failure of right wing dogma. It put a lot of people to sleep while their country crumbled around them.
It’s already hilarious how you wingnuts are spinning to save your failed ideology.
The same twits who cheered the nation towards the brink of christo-fascism are now all worked into a lather about socialism. Like anybody gives a flying monkey fuck what a troll might think about anything. Stupid goatfuckers.
Puddy delivered this information back a few weeks ago when Newsweek and Michael Isikoff looked at it and started questioning it. The HA leftist loonies here don’t care foreigners are sending in their money to Obama. Remember this was test driven in 1996 with VP Gore and his no controlling authority comments. These pinheads could care less.
Why are you not listening to your hero Ward Churchill.
I never heard of the guy until shithead wingnuts started frothing at the mouth about him.
Never read a word of his, listened to any of his talks, nothing..
wow…so much right-wing HATE…
it’s REALLY goin’ BAD for you losers isn’t it?
’bout fukkin’time.
@17 “Waaaaaaaa”
You’re going to lose, goatfucker, and rightfully so. Real Americans are fed up with your whining.
In 1993, McCain became chairman of the International Republican Institute. He still chairs that respected organization.
That same year, Khalidi helped found the Center for Palestine Research and Studies, self-described as “an independent academic research and policy analysis institution” created to meet “the need for active Palestinian scholarship on issues related to Palestine.” (Its archived website is HERE.)
Khalidi was on the board of trustees through 1999.
According to tax returns the McCain-chaired IRI funded the organization Khalidi founded and served on to the tune of $448,873 in 1998 (click HERE to see the tax return) and to the tune of $389,621 in 1999 (click HERE) as first reported by Seth Couter Walls at HuffPo.
Thanks for the thread head. This is the perfect place for this. Speaking of smelly fish – MSNBC and Keith Olbermann.
AP: McCain was on board of group linked to former Nazi collaborators
The USCWF was founded in Phoenix, Arizona in November 1981 as an offshoot of the World Anti-Communist League. The group was, from the onset, saddled with the disreputable reputation of its parent group. The WACL had ties to ultra-right figures and Latin American death squads. Roger Pearson, the chairman of the WACL, was expelled from the group in 1980 under allegations that he was a member of a neo-Nazi organization.
The U.S. Council of World Freedom claimed to be cleansed of these elements. The group’s director, retired Major General John Singlaub, said he had purged some of the more “kooky” members, including a Mexican chapter that “blamed everything on the Jews,” and “even accused Pope John Paul of being a Jew.”
Olbermann and Maddow have both beaten their Fox News counterparts three of the five shows this past week — a remarkable achievement given how dominant Fox’s lead once was. And don’t forget that O’Reilly once had a commanding lead as the most-watched cable news host. So when Olbermann beats him, it means Olbermann is the most watched.
And yeah, Lou Dobbs is a douche who no one watches. O’Reilly isn’t the only reality-deficient blowhard losing traction to the Olbermann/Maddow juggernaut.
@23 “McCain was on board of group linked to former Nazi collaborators”
Not that ties to Nazis would ever bother a troll. After all, they think their own brand of christo-fascism is great for America. It’s those pesky commies America should fear.
My Left Footspews:
Is anybody else creeped out about puddypudpullers incessant use of referring to himself in the third person?
Stay classy….rethuglicants:
Gettin’ Ugly
10.29.08 — 1:54PM By Josh Marshall
McCain mob surrounds two Cuban-American Obama supporters in Miami before police intervene to hustle the two away to safety.
“People were screaming ‘Terrorist!’ ‘Communist!’ ‘Socialist!'”, said Raul Sorando, of the two Obama supporters. “I had a guy tell me he was gonna kill me.”
Sean Quinn has the rest of the report from
Here are the Neilsen Ratings for Cable TV Programs last week (October 20-26)
Cable: Top 15
Rank Show name Network Viewers in millions
1. Broncos vs. Patriots ESPN 10.8
2. Wizards of Waverly Place (Sun, 8:30 p.m.) Disney 4.9
3. Wizards of Waverly Place (Sun, 8 p.m.) Disney 4.6
4. O’Reilly Factor (Wed, 8 p.m.) Fox News 4.4
5. WWE Raw (Mon, 9 p.m.) USA 4.3
6. WWE Raw (Mon, 10 p.m.) USA 4.2
* O’Reilly Factor (Thurs, 8 p.m.) Fox News 4.2
8. Wizards of Waverly Place (Sun, 7:30 p.m.) Disney 4.0
* iCarly Nickelodeon 4.0
* High School Musical 2 Dsney 4.0
11. House (Sun, 9 p.m.) USA 3.9
* House (Sun, 10 p.m.) USA 3.9
* College Football ESPN 3.9
* O’Reilly Factor (Mon, 8 p.m.) Fox News 3.9
15. Suite Life/Deck Disney 3.8
* High School Musical Disney 3.8
* Wizards of Waverly Place (Sun, 7 p.m.) Disney 3.8
O’Reilly has 3 of the Top 11 dumba$$.
I see ZERO mention of lunatics Olbermann and that stupid b*tch whatsernae.
Are you playing with Statisitics again??
My Left Footspews:
I really want to go off and rip you a new one. And I can’t. I like you. I know you are sincere, just a bit misguided.
We have a chance at a new direction.
Embrace it!!
blue johnspews:
@29. Klassy with a KKK.
I won’t put an Obama sticker on my car, I’m afraid a conservative thug would damage my car, out of spite.
How many here think that republicans are just one strong twitch away from violence.
I think cynical is.
Think back, when bush was elected, we didn’t like it, but we gave him a chance.
The conservatives won’t even do that.
RudeASS! Direct from Neilsen not the Daily Kossacks. You are still a dense as spent uranium moron!
I have bought two Obama yard signs. One was stolen. The second one is on my roof. Right next to where Elvis Pupsley sleeps and warns me of intruders.
I have a neighbor, nice guy, LA County Sheriff’s Deputy. He is voting for McCain, he is Hispanic and feels that his Navy ties require him to vote for McSame.
You don’t suppose he, um, borrowed my yard sign?
My Left Foot: How are you? How is the wife? Grandchildren?
Anyway, if you want to rip off a piece go ahead, I’m a big feller! I’ll still like you always. Now about yelling loser boy or dense as spent uranium RudeASS!, well…
But as to your comment. I refer to myself that way because using “I” can get lost in the sauce. You can search on Puddy to verify my comments. You can’t search on “I”.
See ya lata Carl!
RudeASS! Keep drinking from the Daily Kossacks web page. It proves how idiotic you really are…
@28 “Is anybody else creeped out about puddypudpullers incessant use of referring to himself in the third person?”
I think it just reflects his disconnect with reality. The guy has certainly got some issues.
@9,10, 12, 13
Hey losers – y’all keep yeeling the same right wing talking points that have no basis in reality or facts.
socialist? Henry Paulson
redistribution? No,just fixing the inequities of the Bush tax cuts that McCain was against before he went far right and is for now.
Face it, your guy (McCain) has run the worst campaign in history. the pick of an incompetent Palin has cemented his unreliablity.
He has no clue on the economy.
The Bush administration is budy negotiating with our enemies (al qaida, North Korea and Iran) and McCain can’t denounce his benefactor.
And so-called Patriot @9:
Get a life. If you have to go back to Carter, it tells me that you are really stretching things. I guess you like the largest budget deficit in history by Bush and the republican congress. I guess you like the worst economic performance by a republican president since Hoover.
clinton had a budget surplus and economic growth before the Bush tax cuts for the rich and the continued drain on the middle class killed our economy. Guess you like shipping jobs overseas and no regulations that lead to the “free market” excesses and greed of the banking fiasco.
Yup – you guys really take the cake. Why would we want 4 more years of failed policy?
And you wonder why I call you a dull knife RudeASS!
incorrectnottobright and neverright – Puddy already explained Henry Paulson’s pedigree. Puddy explained his first left-tenant’s pedigree. Puddy explained how they are friends with Robert Rubin.
Look in the mirror and what do you see?
An old white balding fart turd of a man with his dick in a goat.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
Shame on you for spreading false/misleading Nielsen Numbers….and using the Dilly Kos as a source?? Sheesh, you can do better than that, can’t you??
Olberman & Maddow are one-hit wonders. They have a very narrow, lunatic fanbase.
O’Reilly has a tremendously loyal, broad-based following.
Puddz will see congress and the executive branch in Democrat control, three new Supreme Court justices selected by a communist, but he’ll cling feverishly to the hope that O’Reilly will continue to beat Olbermann in the 35-65 demographic. That’s how far Puddz has fallen.
@45 “Steve@38 is spewing about someone with issues.”
That’d be you, Puddz. Your issues. You’re starting to creep people out. I thought you should know.
“Look in the mirror and what do you see?”
So you have issues with looking at yourself? I can imagine why. To what depth do you perceive your own personal failures, Puddz? For instance, that wing-nut bullshit of yours didn’t work out too well, now did it? Do you ever look at that? Probably not. Odds are, you’re going to continue merrily down your failed path while still suffering your disconnect from reality. Alas, I’m left to believe that any passing moment of lucidity you might experience must really suck for you.
@46 “O’Reilly has a tremendously loyal, broad-based following.”
Ranching in Montana is such easy work. It allows Cynical the time to post morning to night, day in, day out, on a Western Washington political blog. The very easy work of ranching in Montana also allows Cynical the time to have lunch at his favorite little cafe in Lacey, which is quite coincidently just a short hop from the BIAW headquarters in Olympia.
Demonstrating once again that reading comprehension is NOT a trait of dumbasss rethuglicant trolls:
Ratings among the advertiser-coveted 25-54 demo, in thousands:
o’liely is a work place abuser who cost his employer a multi-million dollar settlement.
he is the worst of thee know-nothing republican-talking-points-vomiting socck-puppets on the fake news network.
he will not engage in a fair discussion or debate. he can’t…and won’t.
a craven coward he is.
Politically Incorrectspews:
O’Reilly did what the lawyers told him to do: buy-off the lyin’ bitch. Cost him $6 million, but it was the least expensive option.
O’Reilly is not a Republican. How do you explain him attacking Big Oil? how do you explain him attacking both Republicans and Democrats over the sub prime mess?
O’Reilly is driven by Irish-American Catholicism. Unless you went to Catholic school in the fifties and sixties, you simply can’t understand that crucible of guilt and personal responsibility that’s instilled into young minds. I’d advise you to give “A Bold Fresh Piece of Humanity” a read to understand O’Reilly. He’s a pompous ass, but he also is a traditionalist who believes in self-reliance and personal responsibility and opposes the nanny state. Those are three qualities lacking from the Neo-socialist, moonbeam agenda.
blue johnspews:
I’m going to go out on a limb. Those are good qualities that we should promote.
self-reliance and personal responsibility and a dislike of the nanny state.
but sometimes they are not enough. Most people are too busy have a life to have avoided the financial collapse or ENRON or an illegal invasion or poisonous toys or a corrupt politician. We can react after it happens, but it’s almost impossible to avoid it in the first place, on our on.
Awesome. Awesome ad.
Another nail in the coffin of the post-Reagan conservative era.
No access to the public or press.
Where is your outrage libs?,00.html
The Fish Flingers ought to consider what 6-time Socialist Party Presidential Candidate Norman Thomas spewed:
Is Obama going to make these fish-flingers wealthier?? Is Obama going to make their lives less smelly??
Barrack Obama promises “fish-flingers” to take the smell out of fish. Obama urges fish-flingers to call in sick on Tuesday to help Obama de-smell fish!!
@2 Go screw your goat.
From Mark Murray on First Read….
Source: In With the New…and Out With the Old
When Biden’s prediction of a global crisis within 6 months comes true, do you expect Conservatives to show the same support for Obama as the Left showed Bush??
My guess is you will hear lots & lots of blame heaped on Obama…and Biden for enciting the terrorism. MARK JOE’S WORDS!!
Americans will second-guess themselves…even blame themselves for electing a guy who was a “magnet for tragedy”.
How helpful will the Bush Administration be to Obama?? How many “turds” will Obama step on??
The 1st 6 months will set the tome for the Obama Presidency.
Fish-flingers business will be down…demand & prices will drop. They will wonder why they here so swollen with pride over Obama…who will desert them and bring great harm to our Country. You will see reems & reems of documents & videos showing Obama’s past which the press should have vetted pre-election.
Within 6 months, you will see Obama with below 50% favorable ratings…which will PROGRESSIVELY DROP throughout his one & ONLY term.
Faith Ireland contributed to the election committee of Paris Kallas. That’s real fishy.
What a whore!
And I’m talking about the guy. Flash in the pan my ass!
I expect him to put in place policies that will give small businesses a fair chance, a equal opportunity to be wealthier.
If he doesn’t, then I will vote for someone who will.
The current republicans, by their actions, have shown they only support the top 2%. When they change and support the country, I’ll consider voting for them again.
More Progressives. Better Progressives.
Obama, will be a failure and will make Carter years of distress look good.
The country will see within the first year the mistake you made.
It will be funny watching the press wiggle it’s way out of backing him.
I was remember today about the Muckelshoot Indian Tribe in 1970’s –1980’ how depressed I would feel going through the reservation and looking at the kids in their Federal Government school. This is exactly what in store with an obama.
Now look at them with self-government.
Obama is a “Jimmy Carter” type….however with a much more dangerous Socialist/Marxist agenda.
Obama knows what 6-time American Socialist Party candidate Norman Thomas meant when he spewed:
Blue John–
You are soooooooooo naive. Progressivism is the “MECHANISM” to Socialism.
Whenever I ask Progressives, what Progressive means to them, I get a wide range of answers from Socialism to A More Enlightened Form of Government (whatever the F*CK that means).
Get a grip bj you KLOWN.
You are in for a serious revelation.
Obama hides this from the public what else is he hiding from the public?
Blue John–
You are a naive idiot to think that Teachers, Police Officers, Health Care Professionals are underpaid & underappreciated as your previous posts have indicated.
Leftist Losers: Why are you not listening to your hero Ward Churchill and vote for Cynthia McKinney.
You know the angry ex-professor of “Little Eichmanns and the angry ex-congresswoman who likes to punch out white police officers!
“Churchill says he has never voted for president, not wanting to validate an “occupation” government that seized land from Native Americans.
What about phony “Native Americans” like yourself? I guess they just stole tenure from you…
But he voted this year. For Cynthia McKinney. “She’s got integrity,” Churchill says.”
Great catch. This is just like the ACORN methodology of not checking things while knowingly creating an avenue for CHEATING!!
Obama Accepting Untraceable Donations
Contributions Reviewed After Deposits
By Matthew Mosk
Washington Post Staff Writer
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
9 – Shrubya is already a failure and will be blamed for nastiest recession if not full-blown depression we’ve seen since the 1930’s.
He will be blamed for it quite justly even though it’s not all his fault. The true fault really the fault of the failure of right wing dogma. It put a lot of people to sleep while their country crumbled around them.
It’s already hilarious how you wingnuts are spinning to save your failed ideology.
The same twits who cheered the nation towards the brink of christo-fascism are now all worked into a lather about socialism. Like anybody gives a flying monkey fuck what a troll might think about anything. Stupid goatfuckers.
Puddy delivered this information back a few weeks ago when Newsweek and Michael Isikoff looked at it and started questioning it. The HA leftist loonies here don’t care foreigners are sending in their money to Obama. Remember this was test driven in 1996 with VP Gore and his no controlling authority comments. These pinheads could care less.
Why are you not listening to your hero Ward Churchill.
I never heard of the guy until shithead wingnuts started frothing at the mouth about him.
Never read a word of his, listened to any of his talks, nothing..
wow…so much right-wing HATE…
it’s REALLY goin’ BAD for you losers isn’t it?
’bout fukkin’time.
@17 “Waaaaaaaa”
You’re going to lose, goatfucker, and rightfully so. Real Americans are fed up with your whining.
Thanks for the thread head. This is the perfect place for this. Speaking of smelly fish – MSNBC and Keith Olbermann.
Both sides of aisle rip MSNBC
Speaking of smelly fish
You mean Faux Noise and O’Loofah?
…how interesting….
the puddybitch still has a problem with…reality.
@23 “McCain was on board of group linked to former Nazi collaborators”
Not that ties to Nazis would ever bother a troll. After all, they think their own brand of christo-fascism is great for America. It’s those pesky commies America should fear.
Is anybody else creeped out about puddypudpullers incessant use of referring to himself in the third person?
Stay classy….rethuglicants:
Maybe we’ll be singing this as our new anthem nrySg4
Here are the Neilsen Ratings for Cable TV Programs last week (October 20-26)
Cable: Top 15
Rank Show name Network Viewers in millions
1. Broncos vs. Patriots ESPN 10.8
2. Wizards of Waverly Place (Sun, 8:30 p.m.) Disney 4.9
3. Wizards of Waverly Place (Sun, 8 p.m.) Disney 4.6
4. O’Reilly Factor (Wed, 8 p.m.) Fox News 4.4
5. WWE Raw (Mon, 9 p.m.) USA 4.3
6. WWE Raw (Mon, 10 p.m.) USA 4.2
* O’Reilly Factor (Thurs, 8 p.m.) Fox News 4.2
8. Wizards of Waverly Place (Sun, 7:30 p.m.) Disney 4.0
* iCarly Nickelodeon 4.0
* High School Musical 2 Dsney 4.0
11. House (Sun, 9 p.m.) USA 3.9
* House (Sun, 10 p.m.) USA 3.9
* College Football ESPN 3.9
* O’Reilly Factor (Mon, 8 p.m.) Fox News 3.9
15. Suite Life/Deck Disney 3.8
* High School Musical Disney 3.8
* Wizards of Waverly Place (Sun, 7 p.m.) Disney 3.8
O’Reilly has 3 of the Top 11 dumba$$.
I see ZERO mention of lunatics Olbermann and that stupid b*tch whatsernae.
Are you playing with Statisitics again??
I really want to go off and rip you a new one. And I can’t. I like you. I know you are sincere, just a bit misguided.
We have a chance at a new direction.
Embrace it!!
@29. Klassy with a KKK.
I won’t put an Obama sticker on my car, I’m afraid a conservative thug would damage my car, out of spite.
How many here think that republicans are just one strong twitch away from violence.
I think cynical is.
Think back, when bush was elected, we didn’t like it, but we gave him a chance.
The conservatives won’t even do that.
RudeASS! Direct from Neilsen not the Daily Kossacks. You are still a dense as spent uranium moron!
8PM – P2+ (25-54) (35-64)
The O’Reilly Factor—3,827,000 viewers (938,000) (1,766,000)
Campbell Brown—1,407,000 viewers (560,000) (827,000)
Countdown w/Keith Olbermann– 2,667,000 viewers (1,081,000) (1,444,000)
Nancy Grace –1,388,000 viewers (609,000) (736,000)
9 PM – P2+ (25-54) (35-64)
Hannity & Colmes—3,229,000 viewers (899,000) (1,496,000)
Larry King Live–1,426,000 viewers (517,000) (695,000)
Rachel Maddow Show—2,479,000 viewers (964,000) (1,364,000)
On the Money—a scratch with 114,000 viewers (54,000) (72,000)
Lou Dobbs- 517,000 viewers (167,000) (246,000)
10 PM P2+ (25-54) (35-64)
On the Record w/Greta —2,970,000 viewers (829,000) (1,423,000)
Anderson Cooper 360 –1,872,000 viewers (705,000) (1,018,000)
Countdown w/Keith Olbermann–1,575,000 viewers (678,000) (835,000)
Big Idea w/Donny Deutsch—a scratch with 102,000 viewers (64,000) (59,000)
Nancy Grace –743,000 viewers (399,000) (450,000)
11 PM P2+ (25-54) (35-64)
The O’Reilly Factor–1,961,000 viewers (642,000) (990,000)
Anderson Cooper 360—1,094,000 viewers (431,000) (616,000)
Rachel Maddow Show—950,000 viewers (463,000) (530,000)
Mad Money-185,000 viewers (99,000) (114,000)
Showbiz Tonight– 416,000 viewers (217,000) (206,000)
I have bought two Obama yard signs. One was stolen. The second one is on my roof. Right next to where Elvis Pupsley sleeps and warns me of intruders.
I have a neighbor, nice guy, LA County Sheriff’s Deputy. He is voting for McCain, he is Hispanic and feels that his Navy ties require him to vote for McSame.
You don’t suppose he, um, borrowed my yard sign?
My Left Foot: How are you? How is the wife? Grandchildren?
Anyway, if you want to rip off a piece go ahead, I’m a big feller! I’ll still like you always. Now about yelling loser boy or dense as spent uranium RudeASS!, well…
But as to your comment. I refer to myself that way because using “I” can get lost in the sauce. You can search on Puddy to verify my comments. You can’t search on “I”.
See ya lata Carl!
RudeASS! Keep drinking from the Daily Kossacks web page. It proves how idiotic you really are…
@28 “Is anybody else creeped out about puddypudpullers incessant use of referring to himself in the third person?”
I think it just reflects his disconnect with reality. The guy has certainly got some issues.
@9,10, 12, 13
Hey losers – y’all keep yeeling the same right wing talking points that have no basis in reality or facts.
socialist? Henry Paulson
redistribution? No,just fixing the inequities of the Bush tax cuts that McCain was against before he went far right and is for now.
Face it, your guy (McCain) has run the worst campaign in history. the pick of an incompetent Palin has cemented his unreliablity.
He has no clue on the economy.
The Bush administration is budy negotiating with our enemies (al qaida, North Korea and Iran) and McCain can’t denounce his benefactor.
And so-called Patriot @9:
Get a life. If you have to go back to Carter, it tells me that you are really stretching things. I guess you like the largest budget deficit in history by Bush and the republican congress. I guess you like the worst economic performance by a republican president since Hoover.
clinton had a budget surplus and economic growth before the Bush tax cuts for the rich and the continued drain on the middle class killed our economy. Guess you like shipping jobs overseas and no regulations that lead to the “free market” excesses and greed of the banking fiasco.
Yup – you guys really take the cake. Why would we want 4 more years of failed policy?
RudeASS!: Here is the real deal.
Twice in a year Olberman has beat O’Reilly.
Hmmm… 52 weeks = 260 days = 2/260 = 0.007692. Yes that’s a .007 batting average.
October 23 RudeASS!:
8PM – P2+ (25-54) (35-64)
The O’Reilly Factor—4,171,000 viewers (888,000) (1,672,000)
Campbell Brown—1,178,000 viewers (432,000) (649,000)
Countdown w/Keith Olbermann– 2,318,000 viewers (830,000) (1,312,000)
Nancy Grace –1,052,000 viewers (363,000) (510,000)
9 PM – P2+ (25-54) (35-64)
Hannity & Colmes—3,709,000 viewers (900,000) (1,612,000)
Larry King Live–1,956,000 viewers (660,000) (965,000)
Rachel Maddow Show—1,874,000 viewers (721,000) (1,043,000)
On the Money–163,000 viewers (68,000) (78,000)
Lou Dobbs- 404,000 viewers (135,000) (206,000)
10 PM P2+ (25-54) (35-64)
On the Record w/Greta —2,976,000 viewers (856,000) (1,486,000)
Anderson Cooper 360 –1,941,000 viewers (734,000) (993,000)
Countdown w/Keith Olbermann–1,297,000 viewers (628,000) (704,000)
Big Idea w/Donny Deutsch—180,000 viewers (76,000) (100,000)
Nancy Grace –641,000 viewers (269,000) (372,000)
11 PM P2+ (25-54) (35-64)
The O’Reilly Factor–2,154,000 viewers (686,000) (1,105,000)
Anderson Cooper 360—1,229,000 viewers (530,000) (682,000)
Rachel Maddow Show—810,000 viewers (410,000) (428,000)
Mad Money-162,000 viewers (81,000) (107,000)
Showbiz Tonight– 403,000 viewers (177,000) (230,000)
So where did the Daily Kossacks get their info from?
Here RudeASS! I’ll help you
And you wonder why I call you a dull knife RudeASS!
incorrectnottobright and neverright – Puddy already explained Henry Paulson’s pedigree. Puddy explained his first left-tenant’s pedigree. Puddy explained how they are friends with Robert Rubin.
Of course this went right over your head.
Steve@38 is spewing about someone with issues.
Look in the mirror and what do you see?
An old white balding fart turd of a man with his dick in a goat.
Shame on you for spreading false/misleading Nielsen Numbers….and using the Dilly Kos as a source?? Sheesh, you can do better than that, can’t you??
Olberman & Maddow are one-hit wonders. They have a very narrow, lunatic fanbase.
O’Reilly has a tremendously loyal, broad-based following.
Puddz will see congress and the executive branch in Democrat control, three new Supreme Court justices selected by a communist, but he’ll cling feverishly to the hope that O’Reilly will continue to beat Olbermann in the 35-65 demographic. That’s how far Puddz has fallen.
@45 “Steve@38 is spewing about someone with issues.”
That’d be you, Puddz. Your issues. You’re starting to creep people out. I thought you should know.
“Look in the mirror and what do you see?”
So you have issues with looking at yourself? I can imagine why. To what depth do you perceive your own personal failures, Puddz? For instance, that wing-nut bullshit of yours didn’t work out too well, now did it? Do you ever look at that? Probably not. Odds are, you’re going to continue merrily down your failed path while still suffering your disconnect from reality. Alas, I’m left to believe that any passing moment of lucidity you might experience must really suck for you.
@46 “O’Reilly has a tremendously loyal, broad-based following.”
Ranching in Montana is such easy work. It allows Cynical the time to post morning to night, day in, day out, on a Western Washington political blog. The very easy work of ranching in Montana also allows Cynical the time to have lunch at his favorite little cafe in Lacey, which is quite coincidently just a short hop from the BIAW headquarters in Olympia.
Demonstrating once again that reading comprehension is NOT a trait of dumbasss rethuglicant trolls:
Ratings among the advertiser-coveted 25-54 demo, in thousands:
o’liely is a work place abuser who cost his employer a multi-million dollar settlement.
he is the worst of thee know-nothing republican-talking-points-vomiting socck-puppets on the fake news network.
he will not engage in a fair discussion or debate. he can’t…and won’t.
a craven coward he is.
O’Reilly did what the lawyers told him to do: buy-off the lyin’ bitch. Cost him $6 million, but it was the least expensive option.
O’Reilly is not a Republican. How do you explain him attacking Big Oil? how do you explain him attacking both Republicans and Democrats over the sub prime mess?
O’Reilly is driven by Irish-American Catholicism. Unless you went to Catholic school in the fifties and sixties, you simply can’t understand that crucible of guilt and personal responsibility that’s instilled into young minds. I’d advise you to give “A Bold Fresh Piece of Humanity” a read to understand O’Reilly. He’s a pompous ass, but he also is a traditionalist who believes in self-reliance and personal responsibility and opposes the nanny state. Those are three qualities lacking from the Neo-socialist, moonbeam agenda.
I’m going to go out on a limb. Those are good qualities that we should promote.
but sometimes they are not enough. Most people are too busy have a life to have avoided the financial collapse or ENRON or an illegal invasion or poisonous toys or a corrupt politician. We can react after it happens, but it’s almost impossible to avoid it in the first place, on our on.