This is why it makes sense to give tax cuts to the rich – because they know how to put their dollars to good use…
In completely unrelated news, two Washington State medical marijuana patients have court dates tomorrow (both out on the peninsula). The Cannabis Defense Coalition has both listings in their event calendar. I don’t have details on either case just yet, but I’ll be following up with whatever happens.
Goldy is right – the election is now about personalities – not actual issues. When the debates start – poor McCain is going to have to explain how he has caved in to the the Bush right wingers – but is the agent of change.
Palin is just starting to take the hits she is due – corruption, lack of character, abstinence only education, creationism in the schools and the Sambo and the bitch remark about Obama and Hillary.
Methinks she will be going downhill fast – underqualified and extreme ain’t gonna cut it.
@1: A post-convention bounce? Well… considering that Obama’s been in the lead since he’s clinched the nomination, the Republicans are going to need more than a post-convention bounce to take back momentum.
Not to mention that the Senate will be in the hands of the Democrats by January.
So do you feel sad that Republicans are losers? Are you going to cry when you lose in November?
@1 “McCain leads Democrat Barack Obama by 50%-46% among registered voters” — from the story you linked to.
That doesn’t look much like “up by 10,”ergo, 50 – 46 = 4, dolt!
Enjoy it while you can, because this is as close as you’re gonna get. Like the Confederates at Gettysburg, just because you can see it doesn’t mean you can get there. After the convention bounce fades and the Repub candidates have to actually debate issues, your guy and gal are going down!
Get over yourselves. This is what our vaunted Democratic Party nominees always do….they start listening to the veteran voices of failure within the party.
Obama should go on the attack. Attack, attack, attack.
But, it seems he is falling into the same trap Kerry and Gore fell into: letting others define them by lying their asses off, and not hitting back. Instead, they think being on the proper side of issues is what is important. When has that worked?
I thought Obama was smarter than this. But once again, the high road is the one that leads to electoral failure. The Republicans know this, that is why they win, even though they are criminals.
@1 “McCain leads Democrat Barack Obama by 50%-46% among registered voters”
That doesn’t look much like “up by 10.” 50 – 46 = 4, dolt!
Enjoy it while you can, because this is as close as you’re gonna get! Like the Confederates at Gettysburg, just because you can see it doesn’t mean you can get there.
Roger, it is 54-44 among likely voters. Whether that poll holds or not, it is a shame that our Democratic Party allows itself to be defined by the Republicans. This poll is the result of letting Republicans hit you, without immediately hitting back.
The so-called wise people who control the Democratic Party have become Charlie Brown to the Republicans Lucy with the football, once again.
From the article linked @1:
“‘The Republicans had a very successful convention and, at least initially, the selection of Sarah Palin has made a big difference,’ says political scientist Larry Sabato of the University of Virginia. ‘He’s in a far better position than his people imagined he would be in at this point.’
“However, in an analysis of the impact of political conventions since 1960, Sabato concluded that post-convention polls signal the election’s outcome only about half the time. ‘You could flip a coin and be about as predictive,’ he says. ‘It is really surprising how quickly convention memories fade.’ …
“The Republican’s ties to President Bush remains a vulnerability. In the poll, 63% say they are concerned he would pursue policies too similar to those of the current president.”
(Quoted under fair use.)
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Read that last paragraph again. It’s one thing to prance on a stage, smile and wave, and read a scripted speech. But when voters start paying attention to issues, McCain and Palin will get creamed. People will realize this isn’t change, it’s a Bush third term. And when that happens, the McCain – Palin ticket’s meteoric rise will fade as quickly as cheap dye in summer sun.
@7 If this country’s voters are stupid enough to elect Republicans after the last 8 years, they’ll deserve what they get.
5/7 I hate to admit it, Mike, but I’m with you on this one. So far this millenium the Democrats have shown themselves to be exceptionally adept at snatching defeat from the jaws of victory–or running away scared when they’ve won (i. e. “doing a Pelosi”).
“Meanwhile, back at the economy”, to borrow a phrase from Louis Rukeyser, reports are that Kerry Killinger spent the weekend cleaning out his desk. It’s looking more and more like WaMu’s getting close to the top of the list of dominoes.
@12 Killinger gets to clean out his desk? That’s all? What about hard labor? Or electric wires taped to his genitals? Killinger is a poster boy for CEOs who get rewarded for failure.
P.S., I never owned WaMu stock. Only Republicans were stupid enough to buy WaMu stock. I feel sorry for the people who used to work there, though.
From the fishwrapper:
“Kerry Killinger is being ousted as chief executive of Washington Mutual, The Wall Street Journal reported tonight. …
“The Journal said Killinger is being succeeded by Alan Fishman, chairman of New York commercial mortgage broker Meridian Capital Group. Before joining Meridian in 2007, Fishman was president and chief operating officer of Philadelphia-based Sovereign Bank, the nation’s second-largest thrift.”
(Quoted under fair use.)
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Killinger doesn’t have to worry. He’ll probably never work again, but he’s set for life. He can spend the rest of his life sipping daquiris on a beach in Baja, while his former employees stand in lines at the unemployment office and food banks. Another fucking failure of bandit capitalism.
Fiscal responsibility and Democrats? Sorry Lee, oil and water there. Try thinking outside of that cloud of reefer for once, and you may find the truth will set you free.
Please explain the fine shape our economy is in after 8 glorious years of Repugnant rule. You know, the energy market, jobs, mortgages, FEMA, tax breaks for the filthy rich, $10 trillion debt, $12 billion/month war spending for just Iraq along…all fine examples fiscal responsibility by the Republitards.
Please, oh wise one, explain your truth to us.
16 – A right wing idiot like that just spews what he’s fed.
The best thing that could happen to this country would be another eight years of a Republican administration. Then we could complete the reforms that have done so much for us over the past eight years. I’m not hoping for one, but for the future of America, another major terrorist attack on this country would be the best thing that could happen to us. Either because it would get McCain elected or Bush could call off the elections for the foreseeable future and continue making this country safer and stronger.
Hmm, compare the economy after eight years of Bush & Co. vs. eight years of the Clinton administration. NO CONTEST.
The Republicans talk a lot about fiscal responsibility, but when you give them a chance all they do is loot the treasury to give inordinante profits to themseleves and their buddies. Then the rest of us spend the next eight years trying to clean up the mess. When we are finally finished, the Republicans come back in and argue that since we’ve finally balanced the budget, it’s time to give them another tax break!
Of course, this weekend the Treasury announced a federal takeover of the FreddieMac, etc., to be paid for by the taxpayer. “Preferred borrowers” such as China will still get paid, ordinary shareholders, like the taxpayer, will get screwed. The guys who caused & profited off the mess in Wall Street have already taken their profits and gotten out of the game before the house of cards collapsed, and are busy “tsk-tsking” about how the homeowners shouldn’t have been so irresponsible as to buy the sub-prime mortgages they insisted (wrongly) were the only ones for which the homeowners could qualify.
Putting McCain in charge for another four years would be the equivilent of turning over the Baily Savings & Loan to Henry Potter.
So now taxpayers will be on the hook for $200 billion to Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. And that’s just the starting estimate. When do government projections ever get it right? And when do they ever overestimate the cost to taxpayers?
The liberal Democrats will twist themselves into pretzels to argue that this isn’t a massive, socialist bailout scheme. This is more of the same profit-side, crony capitalism and loss-side socialism that liberal corruptocrats love.
# 18 is obviously trying to spoof me. Interesting, since I’ve been out of town for the past week and my posting has been limited.
I’d pass it off as just another troll, but his/her arguments are so nutty that I wonder if he/she is trying to engage in a bit of satire.
Either way, attempting to cause confusion by similarity of names is a dishonerable tactic typical of Republicans – like McCain pretending he’s for “change”.
Trying to blame the FreddieMac disaster on the liberals/Democrats? This is the type of corporate socialism the Republicans love – rewarding “risk-takers” by taking all the risk out of their business ventures.
Sure, the small investor will lose his stock holdings. But that’s just the average Joe and the 401(k) plans upon which the average worker is relying for his retirement. The “Preferred Lenders” are the ones who pressed for the takeover to make sure they got paid back. So the average worker will pay twice – as a taxpayer, and as a small investor.
The guys who made all the money – the mortgage brokers, the banks & Wall Street brokers who put together the sub-prime packages ignoring virtually every rule of fiscal responsibility, for the most part got out before the deck of cards collapsed. A few were too slow (Bear Sterns). But nobody’s going to ask them to pay back any of that money.
And the real culprets? The Republican Party & Bush&Co. who decided that responsible oversight of financial markets in an area as important as the nation’s housing was too much “interference” in those markets. Now WE pay the price for them not doing their jobs (again).
Some sockpuppet did this to me yesterday and Goldy left it up for hours after I complained.
If Goldy doesn’t do a better job keeping the exchange of ideas thoughtful and civil I’m going to stop posting here.
More evidence that this election has already been rigged by the Republicans:
NBC, bowing to pressure from large corporations threatening to withdraw advertising, has removed Keith Olberman and Chris Mathews as anchors on MSNBC. Those exerting the pressure claimed that those anchors were too “biased”.
Apparantly those large corporations feel that only a news organization which limits it’s political analysis to reading Republican press releases is sufficiently “neutral” to their taste.
In contrast, Fox News (under the stewardship of the former Republican Communications Director) continues to act as the propoganda arm of the Republican Party, without any oversight.
Uh, Marvin?
On the Freddie/Fannie bailout. That’s the Treasury Department and the Federal Reserve that is taking action, not the legislature. For the next few months, the Treasury Department is still being run by Republicans.
Of course, the bailout has nothing whatsoever to do with helping mortgage consumers, only mortgage investors. Folks that made risky loans and now want to be able to sell them to the government.
Still, if done right, this might be a situation where a few benefits actually make it down to regular folks that are just trying to get a loan to buy a house.
But with BushCo running the deal, I’m sure those benefits will be minimal. Investment bankers are the folks getting the benefit here.
So, Marvin, for once I agree with you that this is a massive, socialist bailout scheme with the same profit-side crony capitalism we’ve come to expect from the Bush administration.
But even though the Republicans would like to get people to think that President Bush and Secretary Paulson are “liberals”, I’m hoping that’s too big a lie for you neo-cons to pull off.
God help us if the voters are actually stupid enough to let you get away with that whopper.
I’ve heard this stuff before. Some liberals even try to blame McCain’s financial adviser Phil Graham (former Senator) for his role in deregulating the banking industry. But it was Clinton’s policies that caused this and I’m sick and tired of you liberals trying to blame Republicans for everything. If you would simply let the wisdom of the free market work then the financial markets would find a sustainable level to operate on and not need these bailouts.
As usual Greenwald says it best.
Keith isn’t going away, he’s just being limited to commentary. From what I hear, he initiated that change himself.
I never miss Countdown, and really enjoy watching the “Bushed” and “Worst Persons” segments, but let’s face facts here. Keith is hardly unbiased. He does get his facts straight (unlike his Faux News counterpart, Billo the Clown) but he’s a liberal commentator and unabashed Obama supporter.
Unlike the neo-cons, I prefer unbiased reporting. During the Republican Convention, Keith was having a difficult time keeping his reporting and his opinions separate (and on those occasions I watched it, I had a difficult time keeping my meals down), so MSNBC will put him in a commentary role, rather than a reporter role. It’s an appropriate change.
I doubt that Faux News will ever admit that the Billo show is commentary, vice news, but as liberals, we can afford to be honest.
Of course, it helps to have the facts on our side.
If the Marvin posts we’re responding to aren’t his (I’m presuming there is some way to know) please either delete them or mark them in some way.
When I cross swords with Marvin, I want to know that it’s actually him that I’m whipping like a rented mule, not some sock puppet.
You limp dick liberal. “Cross swords” with me? Whip like a rented mule? Who do you think you are to be ordering Goldy around.
If you would simply let the wisdom of the free market work then the financial markets would find a sustainable level to operate on and not need these bailouts.
Who’s been in charge the last 8 years? Who’s in charge right now?
Silly right wingers. Lying comes natural to them.
29 JB
I’m shocked, shocked to hear that you would whip a rented mule.
Sarah Palin’s gas pipeline deal is a complete scam. Private companies reap all profits and the U.S. taxpayers bear all the risks. There isn’t any guarantee any gas will come to the lower 48.
Palin’s deal isn’t anything unusual. Republican have been working on a crooked deal like this for 30 years.
Great kos diary.
Marvin @ 26 (or whoever you are):
I refer you to my other post, where I pointed out that encouraging home ownership is an admirable goal, but one which requires a difficult balancing act: too much regulation causes a decline in home ownership, too little causes the fiscal irresponsibility and inflation in the housing market resulting in a bubble which must, eventually, collapse. The Clinton administration handled this difficult balance admirably, the Bush administration didn’t even try to do it right.
Imagine the Democrats and Republicans in a car, the Democrat is driving. He applies gentle pressure on the pedal to keep the car going up the hill at a reasonable rate of speed, and at the top of the hill he hands the car over to the Republican to drive. The Republican responds by putting pedal all the way to the floorboard, finally losing control completely at the bottom of the hill resulting in a spectacular crash. As the Republican driver is pulled out of the car, he starts pointing to the Democrat still stuck in the passenger seat, shouting “HE started it! It’s all HIS fault!”
I’m getting awfully tired of cleaning up the mess after the Republicans are in charge. I’ve been doing it all my adult life, starting with the Reagan administration. They have a talent for really screwing things up and blaming Democrats for the mess. I used to think it was just a temporary thing, now I understand that’s it’s so deeply engrained in the Republican culture that it won’t change.
As a matter of fact, McCain needs to prove that he can change his own party first, before he can make a claim towards changing America.
I thought he said he was about change. That he wasn’t going to do what the republicans do.
Oh yeah, he’s falling further behind every day, better change the losing game plan.
Hey Lee,
How do you feel about obama’s veep pick and all that biden has done to keep drugs illegal? Did you know tommy chong went to jail for a law that biden authored?
Why haven’t you written about this?
Oh, never mind, I forgot-
My groupie is back and posting under my name again.
#35 & 36 are my posts.
Yes John, they can check IP addresses. They obviously did last night when they deleted the fake posts on the other threads.
Maybe goldy should compare the IP addresses from the fake posts and compare them to the other posters. Comparing the IP from the posts of headless lucy yesterday would be a good place to start.
“As a matter of fact, McCain needs to prove that he can change his own party first, before he can make a claim towards changing America.”
Oh, he’ll change America, all right. He’ll continue to make it worse.
The right has nothing to offer but another four-year dose of the medicine that’s already made us sick.
39. Marvin Stamn spews:
40. Marvin Stamn spews:
Once again my groupie is acting up.
“especially foreigners, they really love it!” Did any of you people actually watch the video???? This is exactly what this election could be about, but, of course, with 140 lobbyists on his payroll, McCain would prefer it was just lots and lots of smoke and mirrors.
Ah, the “wisdom of the free market.” A little lesson in Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac and why they have been deprivatized.
Aren’t unregulated free markets wonderful?
Are you clapping at the Goldy impersonator #45?
Needless to say, #44 is a fake.
DaddyLove @ 43: In other words, TBTF (Too Big to Fail).
40: I had hoped that an analogy might make things clearer to you. Obviously, you prefer to believe in your mantra that all things that go wrong are caused by Democrats, and all things that go right are caused by Republicans, regardless of any facts which might inconveniently intrude upon such an analysis.
Republicans had control of Congress from Jan. 1995 to Jan. 2007 (twelve years). A majority of the Supreme Court justices were appointed by Republican presidents, currently seven out of nine. Republicans had control of the Presidency for the past seven years and nine months. This economic crisis is entirely of their own making.
Feeble attempts to blame this on the Democrats only further undermine the credibility of the Republican party.
You are replying to someone that is using my name.