The controversial Fourth Amendment, which makes much of law enforcement so difficult, is highlighted in red.
The TSA is constantly trying to protect us agains the last terrorist attack. Total lack of imagination. All the shoe searching, liquid, and groin groping cam AFTER those avenues of attack were attempted. AFTER those were attempted the well known weakness of unscreened cargo was attempted. We have now taken the effective step of banning printers from Yemen…..sounds impressive, huh? Just what are we going to do when somebody shoves explosives up his ass and boards a plane….how about an individual than has them surgically implated? All I think we have is safety kabuki theater. I am not sure if one of those screeners coul tell my nads from semtex anyway.
So, according to troll, only forms of transportation which were in effect at the signing of our Constitution are protected, and any new forms of transportation are “priviledges”? How about forms of communication?
Some wingnuts wanted us to revert entirely to the 18th century. I suspect they would be quite happy with the results (slavery, Senate elections by state legislatures, only property owners can vote, etc.). But I had no idea they wanted us to go back to the horse-and-buggy days.
Have you ever heard Goldy rant about public schools that make kids walk through metal detectors and have guards that search their bags?
Odie Colognespews:
re 1: That argument would work equally as well with going to a grocery store.
After all, it was the customer who made the decision to eat and grocery stores are occasionally robbed — so, in the interests of public safety, you must give up your civil rights to buy food.
In addition, once you enter the store, you are on ‘private’ property — where the constitution does not , apparently, apply.
See any problems now with o’erweening privatization? The world becomes a de-facto tyranny.
Even more absurdity. Here’s a case of soldiers returning home from Afghanistan, carrying fully loaded rifles, being forced to surrender their nail clippers.
Note the website, not a bunch of card carrying ACLU members.
Correction, NOT fully loaded, but there were plenty of guns. According to the TSA, nail clippers are a weapon, but an unloaded weapon is just a potted plant.
Although I feel compelled to point out that had the soldier taken over the plane with nail clippers and brought it down in a fiery crash, Bryan Fischer from the American Family Association would nominate him for a Medal of Freedom.
Proud To Be An Assspews:
Betcha’ Joni thinks nothing of getting behind the wheel and joining the throngs on the freeways at rush hour. Her chances of experiencing an “existential” event are much higher in an automobile.
We have become a nation of cowards.
@7, 9
It’s really hard to shoot someone with an UNLOADED rife. Almost as hard as it is to take over a plane with a set of nail clippers…
It’s probably important to mention that we were ALL carrying weapons. Everyone was carrying an M4 Carbine (rifle) and some, like me, were also carrying an M9 pistol. Oh, and our gunners had M-240B machine guns. Of course, the weapons weren’t loaded. And we had been cleared of all ammo well before we even got to customs at Baghram, then AGAIN at customs.
And getting your nail clippers taken away is annoying, it isn’t an outrage.
Alexander Meigs Haig, Jr.spews:
Also, anyone with anything over a black belt should have their arms and legs manacled.
What about long red nails? The confiscated clippers could be put to use making the skies more secure.
The poor schmuck that took those nail clippers away was probably making $11.50 an hour, no union, had an at will employment contract, in a state that has a 9.5% unemployment rate, and a sadistic supervisor that just waiting for the slightest slip up so he can ream the poor guy.
Oh, yea, because no one has ever thought (let alone trained) to smack someone upside the head with the butt of a rifle or run someone through with the muzzle. May also make an effective battering ram on the cockpit door. An unloaded rifle in close quarters can be just as dangerous as a loaded one.
Alexander Meigs Haig, Jr.spews:
re 15: Let’s not forget about those 16 lb cocoanuts atop our necks. A good head-but can be fatal in close quarters (I guess there are nothing but closae quarters for head butts)
I thought about that, but that wasn’t the argument being put forward.
carrying fully loaded rifles, being forced to surrender their nail clippers.
The rifles were unloaded.
Liberal Scientistspews:
Joni Balter is emblematic of soul-less, thought-less, reflexively corporatist “sensible, serious” pablum spewing punditocracy that our media has become.
Do not listen to her. The stupid can kill.
@7 Don,
The military do not allow loaded weapons on aircraft except in combat zones….and in those cases they do not have rounds chambered until entering the hot area.
@17, @19
See @8, correction posted 3 minutes after @7, hours before you commented. Next.
We used to have to check everything accessable on an aircraft before a ferry flight, to make sure some worker hadn’t accidentally left his gun on board an airplane (yes, it happened once, quite a few years ago).
Boeing doesn’t allow firearms on it’s premises (except for Security), but we all know not everyone follows the rules. And a worker trying to squeeze into a tight space might decide to take his handgun out temporarily, and then forget to pick it back up before he left, and not have an opportunity to retrieve it later.
Unfortunately, having a brand-new airplane show up in a country where firearms are strictly regulated with an un-manifested firearm on board can result in some rather unpleasant consequences – like the potential seizure of the airplane by the authorities.
I missed the correction. Still, normally guns have to be unloaded and checked as baggage and ammo is verboten. Seeing how this was a plane full of soldiers, I can see how they made the exception.
I’m surprised the righties didn’t go off about personal responsibility and following the rules. That naughty soldier didn’t want to follow the rules! He should have known better than to bring along a prohibited item!
Puddybud identifying useless Moonbat!s since 2005 and identifying rujax as an arschloch!spews:
Puddybud identifying useless Moonbat!s since 2005 and identifying rujax as an arschloch!spews:
I’m surprised the righties didn’t go off about personal responsibility and following the rules. That naughty soldier didn’t want to follow the rules! He should have known better than to bring along a prohibited item!
Naughty soldier eh? Puddy is not surprised that you are still an idiot. You can carry nail clippers on a plane moron. Puddy has a set he carries all the time when Puddy flies. It was either the file part was too long or the clippers were too long. Since he was an American soldier and the military allowed him to carry the clippers into theater, the soldier was shocked and amazed at Odumba’s TSA and their “rules of engagement”!
So Michael why do you hate our United States military with moronic commentary like that?
Naughty soldier eh?
Yeah, as a put in my post I’m surprised you righties, who seem to be all about obedience weren’t all about that.
I could give a fuck if someone has nail clippers. Back in the day when I used to fly I carried my swiss army knife on planes all the time.
So Michael why do you hate our United States military
Wow, I’m all over two threads sticking up for the working class, which most members of our military members are a part of and I’m hating on them? You really need to spend less time at the glory-hole, all that cum you’ve swallowed has effected your brain.
goldberg, i dont know why you dont like it, i bet you just love dui checkpoints, so whats the difference?
What constitutional right? People subject themselves to the search by choosing to fly.
If you must fly try picking up one of these metallic scribed copies of the Bill of Rights and leave it in your pocket by “mistake”:
The TSA is constantly trying to protect us agains the last terrorist attack. Total lack of imagination. All the shoe searching, liquid, and groin groping cam AFTER those avenues of attack were attempted. AFTER those were attempted the well known weakness of unscreened cargo was attempted. We have now taken the effective step of banning printers from Yemen…..sounds impressive, huh? Just what are we going to do when somebody shoves explosives up his ass and boards a plane….how about an individual than has them surgically implated? All I think we have is safety kabuki theater. I am not sure if one of those screeners coul tell my nads from semtex anyway.
So, according to troll, only forms of transportation which were in effect at the signing of our Constitution are protected, and any new forms of transportation are “priviledges”? How about forms of communication?
Some wingnuts wanted us to revert entirely to the 18th century. I suspect they would be quite happy with the results (slavery, Senate elections by state legislatures, only property owners can vote, etc.). But I had no idea they wanted us to go back to the horse-and-buggy days.
Have you ever heard Goldy rant about public schools that make kids walk through metal detectors and have guards that search their bags?
re 1: That argument would work equally as well with going to a grocery store.
After all, it was the customer who made the decision to eat and grocery stores are occasionally robbed — so, in the interests of public safety, you must give up your civil rights to buy food.
In addition, once you enter the store, you are on ‘private’ property — where the constitution does not , apparently, apply.
See any problems now with o’erweening privatization? The world becomes a de-facto tyranny.
Even more absurdity. Here’s a case of soldiers returning home from Afghanistan, carrying fully loaded rifles, being forced to surrender their nail clippers.
Note the website, not a bunch of card carrying ACLU members.
Correction, NOT fully loaded, but there were plenty of guns. According to the TSA, nail clippers are a weapon, but an unloaded weapon is just a potted plant.
Although I feel compelled to point out that had the soldier taken over the plane with nail clippers and brought it down in a fiery crash, Bryan Fischer from the American Family Association would nominate him for a Medal of Freedom.
Betcha’ Joni thinks nothing of getting behind the wheel and joining the throngs on the freeways at rush hour. Her chances of experiencing an “existential” event are much higher in an automobile.
We have become a nation of cowards.
@7, 9
It’s really hard to shoot someone with an UNLOADED rife. Almost as hard as it is to take over a plane with a set of nail clippers…
And getting your nail clippers taken away is annoying, it isn’t an outrage.
Also, anyone with anything over a black belt should have their arms and legs manacled.
What about long red nails? The confiscated clippers could be put to use making the skies more secure.
The poor schmuck that took those nail clippers away was probably making $11.50 an hour, no union, had an at will employment contract, in a state that has a 9.5% unemployment rate, and a sadistic supervisor that just waiting for the slightest slip up so he can ream the poor guy.
Oh, yea, because no one has ever thought (let alone trained) to smack someone upside the head with the butt of a rifle or run someone through with the muzzle. May also make an effective battering ram on the cockpit door. An unloaded rifle in close quarters can be just as dangerous as a loaded one.
re 15: Let’s not forget about those 16 lb cocoanuts atop our necks. A good head-but can be fatal in close quarters (I guess there are nothing but closae quarters for head butts)
I thought about that, but that wasn’t the argument being put forward.
The rifles were unloaded.
Joni Balter is emblematic of soul-less, thought-less, reflexively corporatist “sensible, serious” pablum spewing punditocracy that our media has become.
Do not listen to her. The stupid can kill.
@7 Don,
The military do not allow loaded weapons on aircraft except in combat zones….and in those cases they do not have rounds chambered until entering the hot area.
@17, @19
See @8, correction posted 3 minutes after @7, hours before you commented. Next.
We used to have to check everything accessable on an aircraft before a ferry flight, to make sure some worker hadn’t accidentally left his gun on board an airplane (yes, it happened once, quite a few years ago).
Boeing doesn’t allow firearms on it’s premises (except for Security), but we all know not everyone follows the rules. And a worker trying to squeeze into a tight space might decide to take his handgun out temporarily, and then forget to pick it back up before he left, and not have an opportunity to retrieve it later.
Unfortunately, having a brand-new airplane show up in a country where firearms are strictly regulated with an un-manifested firearm on board can result in some rather unpleasant consequences – like the potential seizure of the airplane by the authorities.
I missed the correction. Still, normally guns have to be unloaded and checked as baggage and ammo is verboten. Seeing how this was a plane full of soldiers, I can see how they made the exception.
I’m surprised the righties didn’t go off about personal responsibility and following the rules. That naughty soldier didn’t want to follow the rules! He should have known better than to bring along a prohibited item!
Well Joni Balter was almost right about Ditzy Darcy…
Naughty soldier eh? Puddy is not surprised that you are still an idiot. You can carry nail clippers on a plane moron. Puddy has a set he carries all the time when Puddy flies. It was either the file part was too long or the clippers were too long. Since he was an American soldier and the military allowed him to carry the clippers into theater, the soldier was shocked and amazed at Odumba’s TSA and their “rules of engagement”!
So Michael why do you hate our United States military with moronic commentary like that?
Yeah, as a put in my post I’m surprised you righties, who seem to be all about obedience weren’t all about that.
I could give a fuck if someone has nail clippers. Back in the day when I used to fly I carried my swiss army knife on planes all the time.
Wow, I’m all over two threads sticking up for the working class, which most members of our military members are a part of and I’m hating on them? You really need to spend less time at the glory-hole, all that cum you’ve swallowed has effected your brain.
goldberg, i dont know why you dont like it, i bet you just love dui checkpoints, so whats the difference?