And a happy first day of the legislature in Washington. If you have some pressing concern, you should contact your legislators. The session will probably focus on COVID-19. So you might want to push them to make sure that funding doesn’t fall on the poorest people in our lopsided sales tax heavy tax system. Maybe you have some issues that you’re afraid will be overlooked in a probably narrow focused session.
Also, wash your hands right now.
Coney Barrett.
I figured the first post in the first Open Thread of 2021 should remind y’all of the cost of supporting the corrupt Clintons for too many years.
Steve’s gonna be surprised that Biden’s approach to Putin will be similar to Trump’s.
Fareed Zakaria, on CNN:
What will be different is that Biden signs his sternly worded letters with little smiley faces on the bottom. And a Jell-O stain.
First thought of 2021:
Do y’all HA libbies still think the SNL skit about RBG’s unwillingness to retire is funny?
I’ll certainly be laughing at it for about, oh, the next 40 years. After all, Biden’s been a fucking joke for at least 47.
Maybe Warnock can have urine poured on him.
If any nation needs to be left alone, it’s Poland. The
Poles saved Austria-Hungary from being overrun and taken over by the Ottoman Empire, these saving most of Europe from the Muslim horde. Then, the poor Poles were “rewarded” by being conquered by The Swedes, the Germans and the Russians over the next 400 years.
The Poles have definitely earned the right to be a separate and sovereign nation.
Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit hates America because nearly of us knew when to sell GE.
Tara at 2,
Congress did all that.
Turn your red trucker hat around, put down your machine gun, climb off your grizzly bear, stop waving your copy of the constitution for ten seconds and take a moment to read it long enough to understand the Article I power of the purse.
Your GOP FailPresident was impeached precisely because of his willful efforts to prevent Congress from arming Ukraine on behalf of his employers in Russia. Congress extended NATO funding to Poland. Congress maintained and extended the sanctions against Trump’s employers in the Kremlin. Trump obstructed and opposed all of it on behalf of his employers in Russia.
They employ him by keeping his financial house of cards afloat with favorable loans that he could not get anywhere else. Having suffered a humiliating election loss and facing over half a billion in loan calls in the next 24 months, the only way Trump can extend his value to them is through these humiliating CryBaby lawsuits. The only logical endgame in that has Trump continuing to maintain his authority over Republicans and running again in 2024. Supporting CryBaby not only continues Putin’s empowerment over the GOP, it consigns you to FOUR MORE YEARS of Trump. You’re doing it to yourselves again. It’s another #owngoal
Republicans are this dumb, Tara.
Americans are not.
As punishment targeting noted Eagles superfan Goldy, I propose that Justice Breyer be removed from the bench and Mike Lee replace him.
The NFL Should Punish the Eagles For Their Shameful Display in Week 17
@ 7
Hear ye, hear ye!
Henceforth all credit for the Affordable Care Act shall accrue to the political resumes of Pelosi and Reid. ’cause Congress did it. Not Obama.
Biden’s going to trust Putin more than our nation’s own intelligence services?
At this point, what would surprise me is if you ever posted something that wasn’t stupid.
I’ve got no problem with that.
And to your point, along with every other American, I’ll be waiting patiently for you to reveal your evidence of two-term popularly elected President Obama working behind the scenes to defeat ACA…
… along with your evidence of #FingerFuck, #HuhrDuhrham, and #BabyCannibalism.
We join Adam Schiff in trembling before whichever of your threats is the most current and trending on Parler.
Look on the bright side: gun sales in 2020 were 91% higher than in 2019.
Here’s an important reminder to everyone:
It is now 601 days since Attorney General Barr appointed US Attorney John Durham to investigate SpyGate!!!!!!!!!!!.
The Frog Marches remain imminent.
And Generalisimo Francisco Franco of Spain is still hospitalized with a diagnosis of dead.
Look on the bright side: the rate of gun ownership among non-whites in the US has more than doubled since Trump was elected president.
If you ever wondered how you get ‘Murica to forget about #HookerPee?
Here’s how:
Really, who among us has not from time to time found it necessary to begin a sentence with:
“After Kappy received the hacked files from member of Lizard Squad…”
Must suck to know that, when you really, really needed them, when you rolled the dice and put everything on the line, including your life, on overthrowing American democracy, they turned their fucking backs on you and your raging orange man-baby.
Are the two of you started thinking about seeking asylum in Russia yet? If not, you might want to get on it before Putin turns his back on you, too.
Tara will just have to seek solace in the certainty that the betrayal by all her judges was purchased with the forced murder and rape of thousands of little JonBenet Ramseys.
Because that’s apparently what it takes to be a Republican nowadays.
yes of course they are traitors, in the colloquial sense.
Corrupt, decadent, insane, incompetent, and animated only by greed, racism, and fear.
But those are nothing if not human traits and characteristics. Bad ones. Deplorable even. But human nonetheless.
Here’s what makes Tara, and Shortbus, and Pudiot fundamentally different from human beings:
Right this very minute, as they are reading L. Lin Wood’s sweeping accusations alleging global extortion conspiracy of child rape/murder involving everyone from the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court to the casting directors at Marvel Studios, they are asking themselves a question that would never occur to any actual human being – How can it not be true?
That’s the non-human, broken-brained way of thinking that gets them across the finish line to support treason, authoritarianism, and ultimately their own ruin.
@1 No complaints here. None of them have turned out to be the obeisant handmaidens the dullard who appointed them assumed they would be. They follow the law, not the deranged dictates of that ranting demagogue. All three are cut from more democratic cloth than the lizards populating your party’s congressional delegations, and the republic appears safe (or at least safer) in their hands. I can live with that quite easily.
@2 “What will be different is that Biden
signs his sternly worded letters with little smiley faces on the bottom. And a Jell-O stain.doesn’t owe Putin’s pals hundreds of millions of dollars he can’t pay, won’t extort America’s allies to fabricate dirt against his political opponents, and won’t lie through his teeth every time he opens his mouth. Also, he’s more competent than his predecessor.” ftfyDon’t overlook qualitative differences, doc. All can openers are not created equal.
@3 “I’ll certainly be laughing at it for about, oh, the next 40 years.”
No you won’t. Not for 40 years. Dessicated carcasses don’t laugh, they only grimace. Ashes* drifting out to sea don’t even do that, they just float and drift and gradually sink to the bottom to become sediment.
* I can’t imagine your wife, after coming into full and unbridled possession of your money, spending a dime of it on a cemetery plot she’ll never have the tiniest twinge of desire to visit.
@4 Warnock has nothing to do with this. Trump committed this crime unassisted, much like the catcher who bobbles the ball at home plate and then wildly throws it into the stands instead of to the third baseman.
@5 Deserve’s got nothing to do with it.
It’s who’s got the gun.
@6 That’s funny, lobbed at a Vietnam veteran by a supporter of a traitor party trying to overthrow America. Not exactly an exploding grenade. More like a baby in a high chair flinging his food at the floor, wall, and ceiling.
I’ll certainly be laughing at it for about, oh, the next 40 years.
40 years? At the rate Mary Kay is donating to liberal causes?
Heh. Good luck with that.
@9 This is what a goat bell tinkling sounds like.
@12 Makes you feel all warm inside, doesn’t it, to know a horde of deranged juveniles hellbent on overthrowing our government are now armed with the latest military weapons and converging on Washington D.C.?
National Guard, do your job, however unpleasant it may become.
@19 Seems to me the right question for the licensing authority to be asking themselves right now should involve his fitness to practice law.
@1 really showed you Libs… there!
Poor Dumbfuck. He has to wallow in his shit and try to be happy about it.
Unlike Bob – this guy’s loyalty is to his Country (USA, USA, USA) and not the fucking party of fascist pigs.
@ 27 RR:
Speaking of tinkling.
One thing that has been noticed is that Kentucky, that illiterate, sister-fucking trailerpark paradise, has no paper ballots, and therefore cannot be audited at all. There is no paper trail whatsoever.
Methinks that Fat Donny knows there were shenanigans in Georgia, because his campaign did everything to manipulate the count. I’d be willing to bet that they themselves had “hacked” some of the counting machines in question, had installed operatives to discard ballots wholesale from certain “ethnic majority” counties and probably intercept mailed ballots from military personnel stationed out of state or overseas.
I noticed a while back that the primary argument they made a couple of weeks ago concerning the Nevada ballots was that “thousands” of people living outside of the State were still registered and voting from their precincts in that State, even as they were living elsewhere. When it was pointed out that those votes were almost entirely from military personnel on deployment, and who in fact had the right to register to vote from their base of choice (often the first base they were assigned to after they finished basic training and their specialist training) the Fat Donny administration still tried several times to declare those votes invalid as being fraudulent in nature due to the residency requirements. They were laughed out of court.
The moment Fat Donny and his kids are all standing on their respective trap doors with those nooses around their necks cannot come soon enough. Add Lin wood, Rudy Guiliani, Pete Navarro and the others who have been trying to fuck the system and we’d have a good long afternoon of entertainment.
I hope they make those ropes too short. Watching them all kick around for 20 minutes would be a good study in motion mechanics as applied to pendulums.
Letters with smiley faces will be alot better than letting Russian Cyberwar combatants take all your shit.
The FuckHump got fucked by Russia. Appearances aren’t always everything.
Bob would prefer we forget about that. It was the Chinese!
You’ll be laughing to try to forget the last 4 years. You’ll probably guzzle wine while your at it. You, seeing that you have to put the skirt and pom poms back under the bed for a while.
Wow, what a fucking uselss Troll the Dumbufck is, he made not one usefull comment to even think about.
Drining the wine early today – at least the horse got bit of a break. Maybe the horse is dry.
Bob is sure not to listen, he is such a good American.
Ref to me @ 31 addendum
They’re citing a fucking FaceBook post as evidence.
Under oath.
What the hairy-palmed fuck is that bullshit?
These people are completely nuts.
David Perdue, who by the grace of Georgia’s voters hopefully will not be a U.S. senator after tomorrow, said he’s “disgusted” that a Georgia election official recorded the POTUS committing a crime (election fraud, no less!), and says he “wasn’t raised that way.” He sure wasn’t. And that’s the whole point.
This is a guy who prayed for President Obama’s death.
Yes, I fact-checked that.
Considering the fact that Fat Donny has openly and freely said that the US Attorneys he has installed are put there to act as his personal Attorneys when called upon, I’m wondering what this guy had to listen to, given the above mentioned lawsuit filed by Fat Donny’s Fat Attorneys.
Query, is there a Law somewhere that states that active State and Federal Prosecutors cannot be made to testify in court on cases where they’re considered a direct party, while they’re employed as such?
I’m betting Fat Donny straight-up tried to order the man to commit malfeasance.
Twice convicted felon Enrigue Tarrio, owner of The Proud Boys, Inc. who is ineligible to vote in his own home state due to his past convictions for fraud and theft, has now been arrested on new criminal charged in Washington DC for his involvement in trespassing, theft, vandalism of an African American church in the nation’s capital.
At the time of his arrest Mr. Tarrio was found to have in his possession a number of unlawful firearms, unlawful “devices” and other unlawful deadly weapons, so additional charges are expected to be forthcoming.
Mr. Tarrio, who has never served in the military because he was unable to graduate from high school or obtain his GED, has never held any kind of gainful employment at any point in his life other than a brief stint cleaning up chicken waste at a poultry farm in North Florida more than fifteen years ago. While touring as a groupie following one of Milo Yiannopolous’ Dangerous Faggot tours he became acquainted with some “high ranking” members of Gavin McInnes’s Proud Boys, Inc. In 2018 he was initiated into membership by participating in a violent assault on a developmentally disabled teen. In 2019 after McInnes went into hiding and other senior ranking officials in the group went to prison for fraud and trying to kill each other, Tarrio assumed ownership of The Proud Boys, Inc. For most of the last few years he has earned his living from the sale of replica Fred Perry shirts, from appearance fees, and from the membership “donations” of his scam victims.
Earlier today The Proud Boys, Inc. are named in a multi-million dollar lawsuit connected with the same attack on an African American church in Washington DC.
Future is looking up. But maybe not so much for White Power.
Are you asking can a defense attorney subpoena the state’s prosecutor as a witness?
There’s no law against it as such in the states where I’m familiar and no federal statute. Seems vaguely like something from a Grisham novel.
Of course most courts would resist issuing such a subpoena and most prosecutors would resist responding. There’s be some need for a show cause proceeding. But if the only way you could get the evidence needed was by swearing that person as a witness then I guess you could do it.
As to the firing in GA, that’s a weird one.
Does actual harm to the GOP in that state. He’s a former state lawmaker held in very high regard by most Republicans in Georgia. Which means he’s a total hack, conservative, knob-gobbler of course. Undoubtedly he would sell his mother to violently horny sailors for campaign donations and if they agreed to let him watch.
But still, he’s a guy who was tracking for a House seat in the near future. Now he’s in the wilderness. And the circle of high ranking Georgia Republicans left wondering what the fuck is going on grows ever wider.
Only purposes his firing can serve are Trump’s alone. Well, Trump and Putin, of course. Trump can appoint a stooge to try and subpoena Georgia’s machines and records. But the clock will run out on that clown circus as well. They get nothing other than another couple of weeks of stolen media focus.
We really ought to be asking ourselves what it is that they are working so hard to distract everyone from noticing?
This is cool.
Tarrio, The Proud Boy King, had just entered the DC jurisdiction in a private vehicle when he was stopped and apprehended. Reports have now come out that the DC Metropolitan Police had their own plant either in the car or in one of the other vehicles traveling with Tarrio’s. They knew his vehicle, his route, and the precise moment when he entered the district.
Wonder what else they knew.
There’s some real legal peril in this for Tarrio. Big boy crimes in The District are tried in the Superior Court of the District of Columbia and prosecuted by a special branch of the United States Attorney for the District of Columbia. The timing of his arrest is an issue. Being appointed by the president, the USA for DC will become a Biden appointee in a few week’s time. So the office has to take the charges seriously, even if the GOP would prefer that they did not. The process may not be kind to a two-time felon facing charges on federal hate crimes targeting a church and unlawful weapons. It’ll be even worse if they’ve been collecting evidence on him for weeks.
The crying of Proud Boys makes my heart soar!
The Groper and the Commie: PLAGIARISTS SQUARED
Please try to control yourself.
The sobbing might wake the neighbors in the other trailers.
And at least one of them needs to clean my gutters tomorrow.
@39 Unlike some of my liberal friends, I actually support the concept of locking up career criminals for good (“three strikes,” or whatever you choose to call it). Keeping people like him off the streets makes our communities safer.
P.S., I can’t imagine someone like him being anything other than a mercenary, so I wonder who’s paying him?
@41 “We really ought to be asking ourselves what it is that they are working so hard to distract everyone from noticing?”
The aircraft carrier headed for Bremerton was turned around and sent back to Iran on Trump’s orders.
The troll eternally butthurt over dino’s 4-time lossi must really be reassured by drumpf’s “find me 11780 votes”…
Heh. You live long enough, you really see it all….
Trump says he hopes Pence “comes through for us” on Wednesday, referring to himself in the royal “we” idiom.
Of course Pence won’t. He can’t, no matter how much he may want to, because he doesn’t have the authority to do what Trump wants.
And when he doesn’t, because he can’t, Trump will go off like a bottle rocket, which means they won’t be friends anymore.
And that will slam the door on one of the Orange Imbecile’s few remaining escape hatches, namely, cutting a deal with Pence to pardon him, because Pence will no longer have an incentive to sacrifice what little (if anything) remains of his future for a man who hates his guts.
“Several major Chinese cities have reportedly gone dark as authorities limit power usage, citing a shortage of coal … some analysts … tie the coal shortages and blackouts to the unofficial ban on Australian coal.”
This is a country we’re afraid of?
@ 49 RR:
That is somewhat curious. The Chinese are developing two of the largest open-pit coal mines in the world, covering something like 250 sq/mi and they are in full operation as far as I know. The quality however isn’t that of the Australian or America coal. It’s bituminous, high sulfur so it isn’t good for smelting steel.
Germany and Poland are pushing for a major shift in their own domestic power generation away from coal, but the Polish government still considers it to be their major source of fuel for it and isn’t going to change anytime soon because they’re hard-line Conservatives. Their stated resistance to modernizing their power generation systems isn’t even about finding better methods, it’s about keeping people employed and the mines operating as they don’t have any other major industries and coal is their primary export. I don’t think they even have a domestic automobile.
Germany wants to eliminate coal altogether, going to wind, solar and hydroelectric and seems to be willing to shut their major mines down sometime in the next 30-40 years.
I read an article several years ago about the Chinese are completing construction of something like one coal-fired generating plant every month, but they aren’t even being set up to go into operation. That is, no major rail lines to bring in the fuel, and no power transmission lines to get the power out to the country. The article seemed to promote the notion that they were mostly just make-work operations and probably would never be used. They built several entire cities in their own far western regions that have the capacity to house a couple million people each, but there is no industry and nobody wants to live there, way out in the Gobi Desert so who knows what they’re doing. I don’t know much about Chinese politics or economics. They call themselves “Communist” but I’ve heard their economy being described as a combination of Confucianist Socialism and Capitalism.
Seems to me that they’re acting like that legend of that old Sioux Indian in Oklahoma back in the 1920’s, who somehow ended up being the owner of the oil fields around Northern Texas and southern Oklahoma who had so much money that he didn’t know what to do with it, so he built a small shack in the middle of one of those oil fields and surrounded himself with hundreds of bathtubs, cars and other weird shit that he was never going to use.
They are building some nice railroads and freeways though. Very elegant construction. They’re pushing people into the cities and out of the remote areas. Their public position is to eliminate poverty in their Country altogether, although who gets to define what that word exactly means is anyone’s guess. Perhaps that means everyone gets a modern domicile, everyone gets a car, everyone gets a decent basic education and nobody goes hungry I suppose, but it’s hard to create an entire nation out of sustenance farmers, small local craftsmen and pastoralists who have lived in the same small grouping of villages for a couple thousand generations and don’t even really share a common language or culture with their countrymen in the east.
There are old stories about sailors finding drowned men at sea, with deep wounds on their shoulders and heads. Those being caused by the hobnails on the boots of other sailors kicking and pushing on their fellows as their ship went down.
Fat Donny is starting to act like that.
Someone should give him a machine gun and let him go to town. I’ll bet he’d even shoot his own kids if it meant he could stay in the White House.
“National Guard, do your job, however unpleasant it may become.”
The National Guard should have been ordered out to take care of the ANTIFA and Black Looting Marxists last summer in Seattle, but we’ve got a garden vegetable as governor here in Washington.
Sure, you’re dumber than a stump, and that’s quite sad, but at least you’ve got more on the ball than the ridiculously stupid Doctor Dumbfuck.
Could you imagine having such low self esteem, integrity, and confidence that you’ll go to great lengths to not admit of how much of a loser the guy you supported is, so you continue to sheepishly support the fuckwad? So embarrassing of The FuckHumpsters.
I’m sure he’s calling Putin now.
On second thought – traveling outside the country might not be such a great idea either.
Sure – fucking Prude is a Nazi too…..maybe he will, but how funny when he doesn’t – the death threats will then begin from The FuckHumpsters.
G-clown’s New Year’s pledge is to go off his meds permanently.
Including PrEP.
@ 54
Could you imagine having such low self esteem, integrity, and confidence that you’ll go to great lengths to not admit of how much of a loser the guy you supported is, so you continue to sheepishly support the fuckwad?
G-clown, replace “guy” with “corrupt woman”, add a pink pussy hat to achieve peak hilarity, and you’ve got 95% of the Democrat party during the last four years.
Sorry about that.
We were preoccupied out in Maltby and Black Diamond advising “citizen militias” how best to implement check points to screen for Negroes and cover-up murders of innocent motorists.
Give us more money and we’ll see if we can help.
Lots. Lots more money. We’d like drones and maybe some of those new “standoff” weapons systems too.
Thanks. Now shut up, get back to work, stop complaining, and go shopping. God Bless
Thanks for that.
Hillary-sobbing is my new favorite porn.
Your heart will just melt on Jan. 20th when Hillary and Jill are spotted canoodling in the corner at one of the after-parties.
Don’t be afraid to share your feelings, Tara.
Yeah, I see that you fucking Repukes went off your meds way longer ago, you dumbfucks. Takes one to know one, amirite! You can see Russia from the Island too?
Yeah, and The Repuke Party are a bastion of sanity! Beyond a bunch of treasonous, un-Amurikan asswipes
You are assuming the dude works. He’s probably living in a box with 4 wheels and no job.
That lizard looking fuck. Repukes are killing this country, bunch of scumbags.
So then Repukes tried to the same with the impeachment of Clinton? Hun?
Geniuses at GOP are now hard at work transforming a quirky, public spirited, unconventional Bernie Democrat in PA into a nationwide populist celebrity with his own base of support.
Fetterman is the real deal. But until this he was still clearly another ten years away from the national spotlight.
Maybe not so much now. He may be making another run for Arlen Specter’s old Senate seat when Toomey flees into hiding next year.
Absolutely does not hurt that his wife is quite “camera-ready”:
Both are extraordinarily good and kind people. PA could do a lot worse. And has.
Standby and be ready to give.
I don’t think I’ve ever read a more apt description of Goldy. And I’m not talking about football.
The secret to being a Philly sports fan, to enduring all the losing and embarrassment, is to take more joy from the suffering of your enemies’ losses than you do in your own success.
@67 sounds like you an The FuckHumpster fans. You must have been looking in the mirror and see yourself. It’s called a reflection.
First lawyer casualty. I expect there will be more.
Don’t law schools teach anymore you’re supposed to counsel your client not to commit the crime, not help him commit it? I hope representing a deadbeat was worth her career. She couldn’t have done it for the fees he never pays.
Sure Jan.
Polls are closed in GA.. Hope for the best..
Prepare for the worst aka teh dimfuks grabbin’ their privates and babblin’..
@71 I take that for granted. Meanwhile, in Pennsylvania, they just refused to seat the Democratic winner of a state senate election on the grounds the Republican won even though she had fewer votes.
I wonder if this is the new template for elections across the country?
Hey 14, it’s OK to pretend to be me. I don’t mind.
If minorities are buying the guns then that’s great. If a lot of minorities are buying guns through the legal avenues, there must be many more getting them illegally.
@73 “If a lot of minorities are buying guns through the legal avenues, there must be many more getting them illegally.”
I assume you go around making the same assumption about white people, because if not you’re racially profiling which makes you a racist.
What makes you say that?
He said non-whites.
But you say “minorities”.
What makes you say that?
Look on the bright side: In the 2016 election more than 22 percent of Georgia citizens who were eligible were not registered to vote.
Today it’s less than 2 percent.
With 68% of votes counted, the Republicans have small leads in both races. Hey, if they win, they win! A near-miss is not a win, however this shakes out. Unless you’re a Republican, then you think it’s a win, even though you lost.
Do we get to vote on this?
WATCH: Trump supporters chant ‘Victory or Death!’ at DC rally
Cook Political is already calling for Warnock based on the undersized returns from rural Trump counties and the expected blowouts in Atlanta and suburbs.
I think they’re being a little cocky. But they know a lot more about those little county returns than I do.
I’d honestly be delighted by just one of these two seats.
And here’s hoping the DNC and the leadership have finally got the fucking message on turnout.
Nah, it’s just a refueling stop on the way to asylum in Russia.
Unusual aircraft activity fuels rumors Trump may flee to Scotland before Biden inauguration: report
Sad, there’s no room on the plane for Doctor Dumbfuck.
Twitter flagged Cook Political Wasserman’s tweet calling for Warnock.
It’s fair. Because in Georgia, three hours after the polls have closed in some minority parts of the state voters are still standing in line waiting to vote.
Look on the bright side, as of 12:00 Noon, January 20th, Joe Biden will be your president.
Meanwhile, I’m standing by ready to report the minute we hear if Rachel Maddow cries.
20 mins. ago: “Gabriel Sterling, the state voting system implementation manager, said in an evening election update that the largest portion of remaining uncounted votes is from DeKalb County, a heavily Democratic suburban Atlanta area.
“‘The biggest tranche of votes that exists out there in a single bucket right now still looks to be the advanced voting in DeKalb County,’ Sterling said.”
So it sounds like we can expect Perdue’s and Loeffler’s leads to shrink. But the returns aren’t meaningful until all the votes have been counted.
Does anyone reall care if Hillary will ever be President? What is it with the Nutjobs?
@79 their Death would be nice.
Hopefully he’s arrested in Scotland, and the hung, along with the Dumbfuck Doctor, but it will look awful funny being hung with The FuckHumps dick in his mouth.
The GOP already did vote on it. Several times.
My favorite of all was the time year before last when we offered them President Mike “Hang The Gays” Pence and they chose death instead.
Nobody in the history of American political life has had as many do-overs as Republicans. And still they are threatening a civil war if they don’t get another.
As a lawyer myself, I agree with Detroit’s general counsel that lawyers who’ve shown they’re incapable or unwilling to conform with the profession’s high standards of integrity and professionalism should be weeded out, in order to maintain public confidence in the bar.
Conservatives are such fucking hypocrites, this bitch wants paid maternity leave for all woman, but only after she had her own baby. If she never had a badly she’d be dead set against it like Dumbfuck. The failed pro athlete and failed doctor that he is.
Dumbfuck deDbfuck is a treasonous bastard.
Mitch Daniels was my write-in vote for president in November.
Tom Hanks?
Cherry Coke flavored adrenochrome?
Being a dumbfuck, you fail to understand the program. You voted for whoever I say you voted for.
You voted for your orange moron. In doing so, you voted to end American democracy. You did this with the intent of benefiting Putin and Russia.
Just a reminder that before she began to pretend that she was somehow a part of this entirely new thing she calls “team GOP” Tara was frequently in the habit of suggesting that the Clintons and George Soros eat babies, that a dark conspiracy of deep plants buried within the federal bureaucracy forced Jeff Sessions to have phone sex with Russian spies, and that Adam Schiff was due to be very publicly arrested and charged with treason at any moment.
Have some tea!
Nate Silver just said on ABC News he thinks Democrats will win both races.
Republicans represent the bottom half of the IQ curve, and because only half of us can be smarter than average, elections splitting along smart-stupid lines inevitably will be close.
Tara, right now, this sense of regret you’re (obviously) feeling, the longing for past triumphs, and the stinging certainty that in the weeks, months, and years ahead you will see your political opponents go from one great success to the next…
You know, that feeeeeling?
That is as good as it will ever get for you now.
You, Ted Cruz, Josh Hawley, Moscow Mitch, Teh Pudiot, Hannity, Bannon, Gaetz, Kemp, Loeffler, Perdue, Collins, you all tethered your future to Trump. He owns you and your party. And the only thing he has left in him now with which he can repay his Russian lenders is your total destruction. And the amazing part is, he didn’t even have to lie to you to get you to go along. He told you exactly what he would do. He always has. And you all agreed to it. You did all this to yourselves. You are still doing it all to yourselves.
Those of us who’ve had fun mocking and ridiculing you have always been reluctant participants in your downfall. We’ve urged you to reconsider many times. You did this to yourselves. And aside from laughing and pointing all we ever did was warn you and counsel you to consider the terrible risks.
Yep. It’s yet another…
Cook just called for Ossoff.
Still a chance the race might be close enough for a mandatory recount, delaying the flips. And we should probably expect a bunch of lawsuits. Georgia law requires the counts to be certified no later than Jan 22.
So in other words, hysterics aside, Senate Republicans have two weeks to shit in desk drawers, pee in office corners, jack off into the drapes, and blame each other before being forced to surrender and move to the smaller digs and give up the committees.
And Ron Johnson will have those same two weeks to find the 11,000 lizard people votes for Trump and call Vince Foster to testify.
Sharia Law.
Too soon?
100)Still nervous. Don”t trust projections while a candidate is behind.
@93 who gives a fuck Dumbfuck.
How can 70 million ever be trusted ever again? They voted to fuck this country over to the nth degree. And why? Just because, no reason.
IndePussies (this now auto fills on my Apple product – thanks Apple) failed to truly be independent, they stuck with being IndePussies, it’s what true RINOs do.
And there is still time to try to fix their mistakes, but they’ll sit back and fuck this Country for a third and fourth time, or time after time, just like Meghan McCain, dumb bitch.
Gov. DeFuckface doing an exceptional job vaccinating a bunch of idiots.
I hope this global warming like whether we are having here in NYC sticks around till March. It would be awesome to not have to deal with any frigid temperatures. There are benefits to climate change!
No need to even recycle either, are oceans are so immense that a little circling pool of plastic out in the Pacific Ocean is ok, I can’t see it from my house!
“If Donald Trump gets elected we will get destroyed and we will deserve it.”
This morning’s NY Times:
“The Democrats appear to have won both Georgia runoffs, giving them Senate control.”
Oh my.. Moscow Mitch is “weakened”. Heh.
Thank you Stacey Abrams and GA voters.
The sobbing in the wing nut media is deafening.
I think “Team Trump” just captured what little remained of “Team GOP”. Just one big unified team of sobbing losers this morning.
Dear Vice President Pence:
Go ahead. Do something stupid.
What could possibly go wrong?
Old enough now to remember when initial media analysis of 2018 told Democrats we had lost that one too.
Bye, Mitch.
Romney catching a rash of shit from the Right.
I think it is about time people on the left come to those that are outspoken of The FuckHump to counter the fuckface morons.
Not that we would necessairly suport the policies, but they need to be supported in their efforts to balance the outrageous wingnut jobs.
The wingnuts prosper if we leave Romney out in the Cold…..give him and others some warmth, it will blow their minds. And maybe even the likes of Mitt will decide to align himself with modertate types on the left.
Yeah. Despite much resistance over many years from “Third Way/DLC” Democrats, Ms. Abrams is now queen.
And rightly so.
Sure, she worked harder and stuck to her guns when they dismissed her. But she had the one big advantage:
She’s smarter than they are. She’s smarter than all of us.
Gorsuch. Kavanaugh. Coney Barrett.
If they rule as radical rightists then Democrats will need to consider court restructuring.
Abrams is amazing. We need to clone her.
Fuck that.
Romney is as much to blame for his party’s capture by a hooting mob of racist assholes under the control of Putin as anybody. They all are. Seriously.
They built the last leg of their journey to this point by rejecting the big tent remedies after Romney’s loss and embracing his narrow, aspirational white-guy, gospel-of-prosperity vision of the party. Romney never stood up to any of it. He fully embraced the idiotic Mexican Caravan Myths and the Torture Camps. He loved him the giant tax cuts for Wall Street. He was always a giant fraud. But his fraudulence was obvious.
That’s why he lost. He’s not as good at the hustle.
I’m not about to toss life rings to shit heads who just moments ago were doubting the existence of ice bergs.
Here’s how this works with a Senate majority: they come to us.
They come to us and we decide who our friends are.
Romney chose the wrong side.
Here’s a way Mitens could redeem himself with America:
On January 21st he could sponsor legislation in the Senate to expand the Supreme Court from nine members to seventeen.
Short of that he can go fuck himself.
I think my favorite GOP Defeat-Porn today is going to be the man-on-the-street accounts from so-called “EEEN-DEE-PEN-DUNCE” in Georgia explaining why they didn’t turn out this time.
They did as they were told?
The annual week-long RNC winter meeting in Florida launched yesterday. No doubt much of the socializing and strategizing would have been focused on how best to use a Senate majority to obstruct President Biden and how to further discredit “FAKE” elections.
This morning Chairwoman McDaniel has been unable to emerge from an end stall in the restroom where the sounds of violent retching can be heard throughout the Talbot Ballroom.
Welcome to the brave new world, Minority Leader Mitch. Get used to feeling irrelevant.
It’s perhaps far too early to say.
But whatever hopes Mitch might have of waking up with the gavel in two years, I don’t think Georgia can help him now.
Count on Collins to challenge Warnock. And count on Trump to be there, having then spent not just two months de-legitimizing the process but two years.
Until then Mitch will have his hands full, if he chooses, trying to keep a lid on the party civil war and preserving his minority filibuster privilege. I give him six months.
The more interesting time period for McConnell is the next 48 hrs.
The compelling case for flipping Georgia is the case Trump has been making for the last two years: that the GOP is simply both too extreme (in dozens of ways) and too incompetent to be trusted in power.
How Moscow Mitch responds to his own members today, and either leads or declines, may well define both his future and to some extent his party’s future for years to come.
His track record of political failure, going back to the confirmation of Associate Justice Rohypnol, leaves me very hopeful for Democrats.
Google Trend stats say it all: last week Georgians searched for 3 things: stimulus, unemployment, and coronavirus. McConnell and the GOP failed to deliver on what voters care about and got punished.