Oh hey, people’s minimum wage just went up. It’s still needlessly complex in Seattle. Washington’s is not as much as I’d like it. Still and all, the sky hasn’t fallen yet.
Also, everywhere in Washington has sick leave/safe leave now. So use that if you need it. I don’t know how strong the enforcement will be (it has been pretty weak in Seattle).
Podesta’s password was “password”.
Because of course it was.
@1 Who would guess it? Even Russian hackers wouldn’t figure that one out. That’s like Eric Snowden wearing an Eric Snowden disguise to lose his CIA tails. Works every time!
Trump’s Treasury nominee may face confirmation difficulties now that a leaked California AG memo reveals he’s a racketeer who ran his bank like a Mafia enterprise.
@ 3
The linked piece might carry more weight if not for that question mark at the end of the title.
Dumbfuck gonna dumbfuck. Same shit, different year.
Critics of Mr. Trump’s Treasury appointee were handed additional ammunition on Tuesday with a leaked memo from the California attorney general’s office, which found evidence of “widespread misconduct” at Mnuchin’s bank.
Isn’t that interesting… from the state that wants to secede!
@4 @5 What we have here is interesting verbal gymnastics by two trolls trying to defend an indefensible Trump nominee without defending him.
Meanwhile, President-Elect Putin Stooge believes Julian Assange and doesn’t believe 17 U.S. government intelligence agencies.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: In just 16 days, this idiot takes possession of the nuclear launch codes.
Citing patient confidentiality rules, California prison officials will only confirm that Charles Manson “is alive,” and are making no other statement about his status. Manson reportedly was moved yesterday to a hospital 60 miles from the prison by a fleet of prison vehicles.
6 – Everyone who posts on this blog is a troll. The only difference between you all is opinions.
early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Roger dumbfuck wabbit ,
Julian Assange already alluded to the person who gave him the information last summer. Yet that early onset senility has manifested itself deeper and deeper!
There was that year GE was accused of paying no federal income taxes, by now-Senator Elizabeth Warren, who followed the NYT with the same effective charge. Yet Immelt, GE’s CEO is chair of the President’s Council on Jobs and Competitiveness.
I could say something like it’s easier to be competitive if you don’t pay taxes.
Or I could say that some things done commonly in business don’t look so good when viewed through a partisan prism.
And, really, I can say with confidence that only rarely does Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit have the first clue
What Citizens Don’t Understand About Police Use Of Force
of what he’s talking about.
@9 Nope. This is a liberal blog, so by definition, liberals are not trolls. According to Dictionary.com, a troll is
“Digital Technology. Informal. a person who posts inflammatory or inappropriate messages or comments online for the purpose of upsetting other users and provoking a response.”
which perfectly describes the stupid unpatriotic rightwing traitors who come here to pick fights with us liberals. Of course, we’re happy to accommodate them, because kicking rightwing ass is what we do for fun around here.
@ 12
Your choice, Dumbfuck:
You’re incredibly stupid without knowing it, and confirm it beyond question with a majority of what you post. Notatroll.
You incessantly post crap that makes the most objective of observers think you’re dumb as dirt, and you do it purposely for the purpose of upsetting other users and provoking a response. Troll.
Me? I’m going with the first option. See @ 11.
@11 I have enough of a clue to invest in companies that don’t pay taxes. GE and Boeing are among my larger holdings. Btw, I bought some of my GE stock in 2009 for $6.74 a share. Feel free to look up what it’s worth now. If you’re feeling ambitious, add in the dividends and calculate what the annual rate of return is, and compare that with an S&P 500 index ETF’s return over the same period.
@13 Sez the doctor with nothing better to do than obsess over politicians’ passwords.
@ 14
In Little League, when I was 10, I made this amazing catch.
I played right field, I batted ninth, never got a hit the whole season, and only played the league-mandated 20 innings all year, but you should have seen this catch.
What I really wish is that they’d ask the Obama vs. #CrookedHillary question next.
In a new Morning Consult/POLITICO poll, 45 percent of respondents said they would prefer Trump, compared with 44 percent who would like to see Obama continue beyond his two terms in office. The survey was conducted Dec. 28 through Dec. 29 among 2,000 registered voters, with a margin of error of plus or minus 2 percentage points.
John Ekdahl @JohnEkdahl
The top 3 best selling vehicles in America are pick-ups. Question to reporters: do you personally know someone that owns one?
8:23 PM – 3 Jan 2017
Bwaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR!
Real Housewives of ISIS.
“I’ve been widowed five times.”
Oh jeezus….here we go again with Mr. Underperforming Portfolio bragging up his shit again.
Me? I will continue to just let things ride and monitor stocks from a distance…..and still outperform the rabbit troll.
The Rabbit and Gman are tied for the most amount of braggadocio, with the least amount to show for it.
@11, 13
“You incessantly post crap that makes the most objective of observers think you’re dumb as dirt”…
I thought you were talking about yourself with that comment. I’ve been reading HA for years and as an objective observer I can say that most of what you post is crap. So much so, I was convinced that you are a proctologist, not a radiologist.
What on earth do you know about GE? Other than they make medical equipment and light bulbs. Sure, GE didn’t pay any Federal income taxes, but is that against the law? No. In fact, look at Trump, people seem too worship people who use the system to their advantage. GE has one of the largest accounting and legal teams in the business world in order to achieve what they have. Ironically, under Immelt, their stock has not done well since 9/11, even though Immelt is a Jack Welch student. Honeywell has done much better under Dave Cote, also a Jack Welch disciple. I think Roger Rabbit can fill us in with a detailed stock analysis of the two companies.
The moron at 21 has no memory. A real 24 hour mysterious moronic moonbattic malodorous memory malady. Obummer said when he became preznit that he was going after companies that like GE that didn’t pay corporate taxes and were on his tax radar. Yet he makes Immelt what? Chair of the President’s Council on Jobs and Competitiveness. Apparently when you jock strap Obummer your company gets a tax pass!
And since Immelt is a libtard, he didn’t learn much from Jack Welch!
See how thoroughly stooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooopid you are?
@21 You’ll have to excuse the loon. Overindulgence in hate has left him an addlepated nincompoop.
Ahh yes, patient zero for the good doctor. The good doctor must think that Puddy is a unicorn because with all the shit that he posts there must be a pony in there somewhere.
Not sure what you wrote Puddy because for such a self-proclaimed successful and technically savvy person you say that you are, your writing style is simply childish and unintelligible and not worth reading. Maybe, just maybe, if you stop your gibberish, and write a coherent set of prose that is worthy of forensic debate, people might take you seriously. Until then, the old adage of, “If you put 100 monkeys with typewriters in a room long enough, eventually you’ll get Hamlet.” just doesn’t hold true. At best you get someone that thinks they post Socratic dialog but just comes across as worthless noise.
The only excuse for Puddy is clearly bad genetics and or a bad environment for his upbringing. Too much radiation from all the scans that the good doctor has done perhaps?
@22 Yawn. Trump just hired a Wall Street lawyer to run the SEC.
Not only is he not draining the swamp, he’s restocking it with alligators. If Trump can do it, why can’t Obama?
Wasting your time. A Sterno drunk sister fucking hillbilly like @22,23 can only comprehend the world in binary terms, often involving conflict or opposition. That’s how come they manage to turn things like farming, fishing, eating, and barefoot dancing into competitive sports. No doubt it all comes from the superstitious hooting they do on Sundays.
So Pres. Obama promises to close a few tax loopholes, and the toothless idiot see it as a blood oath challenge. Thus GE becomes the Preznit’s “mortal enemy”. Followed by cognitive dissonance should the Pres. appoint GE’s chair to some unpaid honorary post. Finally resulting in the stupid hillbilly concluding that it’s all a hyuuuuge conspiracy.
Arguing with them, and pointing out how many objective facts they have wrong only makes you part of the conspiracy. You will never convince people this stupid to stop pissing down their own well. Arguing with them only arouses suspicion. So when the water goes sour, they’ll come to hang one of your daughters for being a witch.
While Chicago was experiencing a record homicide rate last year, New York City had a record LOW number of shootings and near-record LOW number of homicides. What’s going on?
“New York City recorded its fewest number of shooting incidents in 2016 and narrowly missed setting a new record low for homicides since comparable record keeping began more than two decades ago, even as officers make fewer low-level arrests and greatly reduced their use of stop and frisk.
“Department officials said they’ve found the right combination of technology and data collection, police strategies and community engagement.”
Maybe Chicago should try this.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: One thing’s clear: Rudy Giuliani didn’t build this. Neither did Joe Arpaio or David Clarke. What America needs is intelligent policing, not bullies who are all bluster and no brains.
Pleas HA, take down your election predictions and the picture of that obscene asshole. It’s bad enough you can’t get away from his corrupt, twisted visage everywhere else.
@29 Yeah, I would say that sidebar is like a Christmas tree that has overstayed its holiday and is now shedding dry dead needles all over the place.
@27, well put.
I think what really upsets folks such as you describe, “Sterno drunk sister fucking hillbilly” types is they are simply outraged that a company such as GE, which is run by a so-called “libtard”, was able to pay no Federal income tax. Why? Because GE learned the system, played by the rules, and have been very successful. That has to annoy the Republican types because they can’t do it without trashing the environment, or breaking the rules, or gaming the system. Has the other side done some of that? Sure, but not nearly to the extent that the Republicans have done when they are in power.
If Trump was serious about reform, and since the Republicans have both the House and the Senate, then there would have to be massive reform to the US Tax Code to close all the loop holes. It will simply never happen because BOTH sides make use of it. It will never happen, just like trying to reason with folks like Puddy. Alas, just one windmill to tilt at, maybe two.
Trump will never do it, he doesn’t have an altruistic cell in his body; he is in it for the money and his ego. He continues to stack is cabinet and advisors with millionaires and billionaires that have no connection to the “common man”. As it has been pointed out by others in this blog, the government is not a business and as a result, should not be run like one. That doesn’t mean the government should not be efficient and look to stop fraud, waste and abuse where it can.
For Trailer Trump Americans it always comes down to “us” v. “them” in some kind of post apoc Mad Max monster truck fantasy game without rules or referees. When in truth the rules are too sophisticated for them, the referees are owned by the opposing team, and the opposing team is not who they think.
They can’t win this game. But they can certainly be made to think they are winning. Even as they see their debts grow, their livers decline, and their daughters behind the Waffle House trading blow jobs for tabs of Oxy.
@24 that’s the result of eating too many Bananas.
@25 nahhh, see above.
@27 nahhh, see above again.
@33, 34, & 35
Maybe it is, but I doubt it.
However, it has been proven that when one eats too many bananas, they can in fact earn and Academy Award (see item 9 @ https://www.phactual.com/11-things-to-know-about-1978-best-picture-winner-the-deer-hunter/) Since Puddy and his ilk are such NRA gun loving advocates, maybe he should eat more bananas and imbibe in some Russian roulette.
It appear that Trump, and due to his man-crush on Putin and Trump’s massive ego, will attempt to one-up Putin and roll out Trump Roulette by using 5 bullets in a six chamber revolver. Didn’t Trump own some casinos? Trump Roulette has probably already been trademarked by him.
No, it isn’t too many bananas, it is just that both Bob and Puddy are pissants.
Item 9 is not to be confused with Ice-9, which Newt knows a thing or two about.
“Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell dismissed a pledge from his Democratic counterpart to block President-elect Donald Trump’s Supreme Court nominee, insisting ‘the American people simply will not tolerate’ such a move.”
“Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell dismissed a pledge from his Democratic counterpart to block President-elect Donald Trump’s Supreme Court nominee, insisting ‘the American people simply will not tolerate’ such a move.”
Ironic much, Mitch?
I know plenty of people who own pick-ups and here in the Puget sound area they are idiots.
Why? I know the Honda Ridgeline is Front Wheel Drive but most of the most popular brands are Rear.
A pickup is designed to have a load but very few owners actually use it as a truck but as a “Manly” vehicle. So as soon as it rains, very heavy engine and mechanics and cargo and passengers up front, rear wheel drive. Very, very poor traction.
Yes, I scoff at people in Urban Washington buying pick ups but not for any political reason.
A truck on a farm or in construction work is a tool. A 2 wheel drive truck trying to make it’s way up Capital Hill in rain or through a mountain pass in the snow is being driven by a tool.
I see Steve King, R-IA is still an idiot with no concept of the Constitution (3 co-equal branches) or how the American Judicial system works.
What else can you assume from drafting and introducing a bill that tries to outlaw citing legal precedent in future ACA related lawsuits.
The man is dumber than our trolls. Good on you Iowa!
@39 A pickup is very handy if you’re being evicted every 30 days.
Also comes in handy if a substantial percentage of your monthly income involves recycling cans, peddling firewood, “yard salin”, or breaking into rural storage units late at night.
Plus you gotta have some way to move the lab from trailer to trailer.
Typical DUMMOCRETIN argument, Puddy writes too well for any of us to comprehend. You all can’t remember anything over 24 hours old hence you don’t remember all the GE discussions here on HA DUMMOCRETINS.
Ask the fetid arschloch for the crazed databaze dealin replay!
Puddy writes faked ethnic speak and gibberish impossible for any of us to comprehend.
I’m at my local pizza joint, by bike and shit it’s cold, for trivia night like I am probably 40 Wednesdays a year and there’s a table tent on all the tables saying that due to the increase in the state minimum wage all pizza prices are up $1.00. Thanks for understanding. My pint of local IPA is the same price as always.
To give the employees here, mostly college kids, an extra $30-40 a week to spread into the economy I have to come up with a dollar bill a week?!? Why didn’t anyone tell me minimum wage increases weren’t free? I’m never coming back here Harumph. And I’m going to cut my tip down to 19%. I don’t care that they all know my name, know my drink preferences and know my kids’ names when the whole family comes in. They’re all freeloaders who deserve low wages. Screw them.
And I forgot. It’s first Wednesday so 10% of what I spend goes to the elementary school down the street for the new library fund. Cheers to small business.
Yeah, some of those trailer trash people in action eh foolish DUMMOCRETINS? http://www.infowars.com/shock-.....rump-gang/
A shocking video shows a white man bound, gagged and bloody as a gang of racist black thugs force him to say “f**k Donald Trump” and “f**k white people”.
“Puddy writes too well for any of us to comprehend.” By your own admission, you don’t comprehend what you write. Wow
“Fearlessly the idiot faced the crowd…*” It must be tough to get up and face the world each and every day when you think you are so high functioning in society given just how nonsensical you are. Delusions of grandeur, wow.
According to the DSM-IV-TR, Puddy exhibits all the diagnostic criteria for this personality disorder. Seek qualified professional help.
I’m not a Democrat, I’m a Hoosier!
* My apologies to Pink Floyd, their lyrics seemed appropriate for Puddy.
Meanwhile some more of those trailer trash people in action eh foolish DUMMOCRETINS? http://www.latimes.com/fashion.....story.html
In November, [Nazi Brown Shirt] Sophie Theallet asked other American designers to follow her lead and not dress or associate with Melania Trump. While the proposed boycott may not have transpired into the call to action that Theallet imagined, some big-name designers such as Tom Ford and Marc Jacobs have said they will not dress the First Lady. Others, like Tommy Hilfiger, Diane von Furstenberg, Thom Browne and Carolina Herrera, have been more receptive to the prospect.
This is what trailer trash living DUMMOCRETINS do!
Moron @47,
EPIC FAYLE! Still no real answer from this HNCMT why Obummer chose Immelt after laying off 20,000 Americans and paying no taxes to the US guvmint in 2009 and 2010! Just useless ad hominem epithets!
Wasn’t it the other day where Puffy posted something regarding some reaction or consequences to something (I forget what it was and too lazy to search for it nor have the time), and I replied by saying that “now you know why things go Kaboom”. But I guess based on his post at 46 that he really doesn’t understand why things go Kaboom.
Of course libtards like Ed Markey are upset about this… http://www.wsj.com/articles/pu.....1458772173
butt forgot all about this… http://www.wsj.com/articles/pu.....1458772173
and this… https://www.bostonglobe.com/news/nation/2015/02/22/senator-edward-markey-investigate-energy-companies-climate-science-funding/Ex1QsGTBrCYRYlZTmruunO/story.html
Nazi Senator Markey being a trailer trash DUMMOCRETIN!
One of the trailer folk.
“The man is dumber than our trolls.”
Dumber than Doctor Dumbfuck and the loon? Sorry, but that’s not possible.
Why things go Kaboom,,
Prayers sent for the gravely ill daughter of Puddy’s friend.
“paying no taxes to the US guvmint in 2009 and 2010.” This is simply not a true statement. GE paid plenty of taxes to the US government during this period, for example FICA taxes for every employee working for them. Don’t let the truth get in the way of you nonsense. Or better yet, tell a lie enough times and some people will actually believe it to be the truth.
I don’t know why Obama picked him. Maybe it was after further consideration Obama figured out that Immelt actually figured out how to make changes to a global company that improved their bottom line to result in not having a net federal income tax bill. Seems like a pretty smart move overall on Obama’s part.
President Blowhard is about to turn over the Department of Agriculture to a man who believes the solution to drought is praying for rain.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: I hope you’ve got a 4-year supply of survivalist food rations stashed away. You may need ’em.
@3 Does he prefer to use a fountain pen?
@2 He probably has coffee with his CIA tails there in Moscow If not he should try it.
@6 Well maybe the man can get treasury to be ship shape and teach the folks down the hall at the IRS a thing or two. Of course it depends on those 100 Senators. Guess a few Dems in the Senate are now upset with the fast track move the Dems did 8 years ago. Unless he’s ripped off a Republican Senator or two I guess the man is going to get the job. The trolls are going to win this one RR. Look for the silver lining, sometimes it takes a dirty bastard to do the job that needs to be done for the American people, and it’s time for him to give back to the United States.
@7 Of course the folks in charge of those 17 spy agencies have budgets to worry about. Gotta get more money so they can do a bang up job and protect the Democratic party network from Russian hackers. Easiest is if Uncle Same just takes over the Dems network and control it, and tell dumbass users they will follow the rules or they will not be using e-mail until they learn how. Of course the President would have full access to any e0mails ect on the network. Not a problem for the Democratic leadership?
If it turns out that a guy or gal from the Democratic party headquarters turned the documents to Assange 17 agencies are going to look pretty silly. Even though I’m sure the Russians, Germans, Brits, French Saudis, Chinese, North and South Koreans, Canadians, are doing some spying on US using the internet. They are after all just emulating our success in the area.
@8 So, looks like the prison officials are following their rules there in California. Don’t you expect our Washington state prison officials to follow the rules about when prisoners require medical treatment without bias or favor? I know it’s very progressive to treat inmates even take them to the hospital.
There is nothing else in the whole wide world that is anything like a Trailer Trump American. Even with disturbed sexual deviants stalking them around the store and squirting them with jizz, they still prefer to dress up in their least stained Hulkamania tee shirt and bedazzled Pink sweat pants to shop at WallyWorld for frozen PizzaBagels and Red Vines. Its like trying to understand an alien mind. Or the mind of a very very stupid dung beetle. On acid.
All we can do is enjoy the show while it lasts.
@11 Yes the state generally reserves the right to use force on citizens. Including in the collection of taxes.
@14 Rabbit Warbucks. Investing in two of the largest military contractors. Good investment, but some liberals would push you to disinvest in them or call you a warmonger, profiteer and supporter of the military industrial complex. I know there are still some of them really left liberal types out there. Reagan didn’t get all of them.
@15 Some obsession over his own passwords might be in order. The New Year is always a good time for personal network security .
@24 Well you left out the part about having a team of Russian hackers taking the individual bits from the various monkeys and eventually producing “Hamlet” or “Green Eggs and Ham.” Much easier to cheat and have Shakespeare as one of the monkeys. Our overlords would never be able to tell the difference.
@27 And dream of the good old days when democrats like Franklin Roosevelt and Harry Truman said GE would pay its share of taxes they meant it, and GE had better have gotten the check into the treasury by courier yesterday.
@28 Big brother works! Where are the drugs and sex though. And there is still love, that opiate. This big brother is not at all fun.
@45 Sounds like you all had a great time, and no gentlemen invading your favorite pizza joint with a rifle looking for the criminal endeavor the Clintons are up too in the back.
And yes it’s cold outside. Burrrrr! No Wilbur it’s not global cooling, though maybe the conveyor belt is getting a bit out of whack.
@55 is she a lesbian
Abigail is sideways talking again.
Article says two men and two women. What’s the chances that they aren’t two lesbians and two gay guys.
Maybe this was some type of 1 man and 1 woman mating ritual prior to the sanctity of divorce.
Man With Special Needs Allegedly Bound, Gagged And Tortured On Facebook Live
Thanks Steve. It’s very bad. She has no brain function.
President Blowhard is about to turn over the Department of Agriculture to a man who believes the solution to drought is praying for rain.
Talking about Obummer again? There is only one president early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Roger dumbfuck wabbit!
Nothing on Nazi Senator Markey!
President Blowhard is about to turn over the Department of Agriculture to a man who believes the solution to drought is praying for rain.
Talking about Obummer again? There is only one president early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Roger dumbfuck wabbit!
Here’s a good quote from today’s column by Fred Reed over at fredoneverything.org:
“When your sense of self depends on being oppressed, you cannot afford to run out of oppression.”
That quote pretty much explains the progressive, the feminists, and the BLM people. They’ve all used victimhood as a weapon and a tool for their idiotic agendas.
The scientists are right and Republican deniers very, very wrong.
Seems there’s quite a growing movement of folks insisting that only a President who received a clear majority vote should get to pick Supreme Court Justices. Otherwise, they say, it’s best for democracy and our system of government to just leave a seat vacant until the next election.
That’s another really good reason why America should do away with the arcane and undemocratic collection of winner-take-all state laws passed in the late 19th century that defy original intent. It’s time to get going on National Popular Vote. The 2017 legislative sessions are getting under way and the bills need your support.
Seems the Chicago Four that attacked that white guy and forcing him to denounce Trump while under attack have made national news.
HA DUMMOCRETINS are mute of course!
Seems there’s quite a growing [bowel] movement of [libtard DUMMOCRETIN trailer trash] folks
@78 Yes, you’re right, progressives should just submit to conservatives’ vision of society as a jungle where the strongest and most ruthless rule, and women should submit to being used by men as sex objects, and black people should quietly submit to being bullied and killed by rogue cops.
You’re full of shit, Jack.
@80 I don’t have a problem with any duly elected president nominating Supreme Court justices, and Drumpf is free to do so. I simply believe that Democrats should treat his nominees the same way Republicans treated Obama’s nominee. It’s called the Golden Rule and all I’m saying is it should work the same in both directions. That seems fair to me.
@77 “There is only one president early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Roger dumbfuck wabbit!”
Tell that to Blowhard, moron. He’s confused on that point. And while you’re at it, look up the word “sarcasm” in a dictionary. If you have one.
Looks like four young, stupid, black thugs in Chicago who muttered racist-sounding remarks and may or may not know the difference between Donald Trump and a chicken coop are going to be charged with kidnapping, aggravated assault, and attempted extortion and might go away for a long time. Anybody you know personally, Puffy?
Something about embassy security, and Heilery, and Benghaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaazi ™ Peace in the Middle East, fiscal responsibility..
Rubio, Cruz and Heller introduce bill to cut funding for U.S. Embassies Worldwide if the Embassy in Israel is not moved from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem.
“Yessir Bibi, anything you say Bibi, We’ll put American lives in danger for you, we’ll spend hundreds of millions on a shiny new Ebassy we don’t need so deep is our love for you Bibi.”
As usual, alt-right liars (see, e.g., InfoWars) are exploiting the Chicago incident to make shit up about Black Lives Matter because, you know, white conservatives get their rocks off watching cops murder unarmed black people. The Chicago police investigating the incident just debunked these pernicious lies.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Meanwhile, Puffy Stuffed Butt is cheering the liars and helping them do their racially libelous dirty work.
@ 80
Seems there’s quite a growing movement of folks insisting that only a President who received a clear majority vote should get to pick Supreme Court Justices.
Seems Justices Stephen Breyer and Ruth Bader Ginsburg wouldn’t be on the Court were this the case in the ’90s.
I look forward to a description of the size of this “growing movement”.
Until then, if you insist on a majority requirement to nominate a SCOTUS justice, which #CrookedHillary did not receive in 2016, perhaps you can fill us in on what happens when more of the sitting justices die and the presidential election winners over the next few cycles can’t crack 50% nationwide.
If there are only 3 SCOTUS justices left and it takes 4 to grant cert, does that mean the Court stops hearing cases?
@ 86
I guess because Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit used an adjective first, it’s not racist, amirite?
The Racially Charged Meaning Behind The Word ‘Thug’
MCWHORTER: Well, the truth is that thug today is a nominally polite way of using the N-word. Many people suspect it, and they are correct. When somebody talks about thugs ruining a place, it is almost impossible today that they are referring to somebody with blond hair. It is a sly way of saying there go those black people ruining things again. And so anybody who wonders whether thug is becoming the new N-word doesn’t need to. It’s most certainly is.
Hanna Brooks OlsenVerified account
Can we discuss how this @Mynorthwest arbitrarily links millennial wage stagnation to Seattle’s minimum wage?
No more arbitrary than, say, Goldy linking a building sale
$15 Minimum Wage Blowback: Seattle Hotels Sell for Record Price Despite Rising Wages
to a minimum wage increase that had yet to occur.
I think it’s very likely that if NPV is enacted fewer voters in non-battleground states will cast “symbolic” votes for non-viable candidates. One very good example would be Evan McMullen. Just over 21% of voters in Utah cast a ballot for a candidate they quite obviously knew would never be President, nor would even come close on a nationwide basis. Had NPV been in effect, it is possible that most of those votes might have been cast for President Elect Trump. And it is very rational to conclude that more qualified citizens in those states will register. And more registered voters in those states will turn out. These are rational conclusions that can easily be extrapolated from what we already know about voter behavior and participation in the states that currently count. So getting angry about it won’t change it.
As for how that might affect the Court, I’m personally not in favor of the Senate withholding confirmation hearings from lawfully appointed nominees under any circumstances. But based upon what the Republican Senate leadership demonstrated over the last nine months, it probably would not result in very much disruption, just lots of partisan politics.
One sure way to ratchet down the partisanship would be to pass NPV before the next Presidential election.
@87 This is about Republicans supporting Israel’s rightwing government, not Israel per se. If Israel had a more liberal-minded government that was trying to reach an accommodation with the Palestinians, they would vote to cut security aid to Israel. It’s similar to Khrushchev supporting a fellow communist in Cuba; it had nothing to do with helping the Cuban people.
@89 We’re a long way from a 3-justice court, Boob. Do you know something about the justices’ health we don’t? I can live with a 5-member court, if necessary, until 2020 when Trump either won’t run again or will get bounced out on his ass. I notice stocks are slumping today:
“U.S. equities traded mostly lower on Thursday, as uncertainty over some of President-elect Donald Trump’s policies gave investors pause, despite solid economic data.”
This may be just the beginning. It’s not too late to sell your stocks and stash the money in a bank account, Boob, like your buddy did when he tried (unsuccessfully) to time the market a year ago.
You’re just pissed because Jack is correct. Just like he was about Hillary getting the nomination but not winning the election. You can’t stand to be wrong about anything, rodent. Why don’t you just shut the fuck up and drop dead! You’d be doing us all a favor.
@92 Actually, McMullin could have won pretty easily. Let’s say neither Hillary nor Donald get 270 EVs. The election then goes to the House, where each state gets one vote, with Republicans controlling a majority of delegations and therefore the party that will choose the next president from among the top 5 electoral vote getters. They don’t like Trump all that much, and might feel he would be a disaster for their party, so they well might choose McMullin, especially if he’s the only other candidate with EVs. In such a scenario, it’s quite realistic for a candidate to become president by winning only 1 state and only 3 electoral votes.
@95 I’m not pissed, and I laid out some of my reasons why Jack is wrong, and you’ve failed to rebut them. If you decide to come to my burrow to try to shut me up or help me drop dead, don’t bring a knife.
@91 Well waddya know, a rising tide lifts all boats. Whereupon Boob wants us to believe that hotel buyers don’t factor known future wage rates into their price negotiations.
@90 And here’s Boob awkwardly trying to call me a racist:
“Well, the truth is that thug today is a nominally polite way of using the N-word. ”
If that’s so, it’s news to me. For all of my years on this planet, until now, the word “thug” has referred to a “a cruel or vicious ruffian, robber, or murderer” or words to such effect, without any connotation about race or gender. Now Boob wants to change the language to mean something not mentioned in any standard dictionary I’m aware of, citing a linguistics professor, in a lame attempt to slap a racist label on me. Well, languages do change over time, mainly due to people who misuse words because they’re too lazy or stupid to crack open a dictionary before using them. Thanks for the heads up, Boob, I’ll keep this information in mind.
The trolls seem to have no reply to @88 and @93. All I hear is crickets chirping. What kind of senators would risk our diplomats’ lives in order to push an agenda of stirring up more trouble in the Middle East? Fucking traitors, that’s who. Their names are Cruz, Rubio, and Heller. They should be investigated.
Megyn Kelly’s replacement at Faux Noise will be … (drum roll) … Tucker Carlson.
I wonder how big the ratings drop will be?
The kind of people Republicans fawn over …
“Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has weathered no shortage of scandals — including controversy over a $127,000 plane upgrade for a single flight and criticism over his family’s spending on everything from laundry to ice cream. But some analysts are now wondering whether he can survive the latest storm. Netanyahu was grilled by police investigators for more than three hours at his official residence this week on suspicion of receiving illicit gifts and favors from wealthy donors.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: And why not? They share a lot in common with him. He’s a fellow grifter.
Another warning that is sure to go unheeded:
“The head of U.S. intelligence told a Senate committee Thursday that Russia poses ‘an existential threat to the United States.'”
Because Republicans are in the habit of ignoring existential threats to the United States:
“During the transition between administrations, National Security Adviser Sandy Berger arranged several extensive briefings on this last subject for Bush’s incoming national security adviser, Condoleeza Rice, and others on the Bush team, including Vice President Cheney. One briefing lasted half a day. Berger told them that Osama bin Laden was an ‘existential threat’ and told them that he wanted ‘to underscore how important this issue is.’ In another briefing, Richard Clarke, head of counterterrorism in the NSC, the single most knowledgeable expert in the government, gave them a complete tutorial on the subject. In yet another briefing, CIA officials were brought in to go over all the intelligence available on terrorism.
“Don Kerrick, a three-star general and outgoing deputy national security adviser, overlapped for four months with the new Bush people. He submitted a memo for the new National Security Council warning of the danger of terrorism. ‘We are going to be struck again,’ he wrote. But as Kerrick explained to me, he received no answer to his memo. ‘They didn’t respond,’ he said. ‘They never responded. It was not high on their priority list. I was never invited to one meeting. They never asked me to do anything. They were not focusing. They didn’t see terrorism as the big megaissue that the Clinton administration saw it as. They were concentrated on what they thought were higher priorities than terrorism.’ The Principals meeting of national security officials took up terrorism only once, after constant pressure from Clarke, on September 4, 2001, and at that meeting they discussed using unmanned Predator drone spy aircraft, but no decision was made. ‘Unfortunately,’ said Kerrick, ‘September 11 gave them something to focus on.’”
— Sidney Blumenthal, The Clinton Wars (New York: Farrar, Strauss, and Giroux, 2003), pp. 797-798.
83 – Roger, just go give Fred’s article a read. It’ll only take you about 10 minutes, and you might learn something about yourself..
@104 What article? That link doesn’t go anywhere.
It’s nice that NBC continues to suck up the sludge from Fox. It proves a point I’ve here many times. NBC news is a waste of time. PBS or BBC is the better choice. For now.
Kentucky’s rightwing governor held a “public” hearing yesterday on his proposed right-to-work law. Workers weren’t allowed in the room. http://tinyurl.com/guzxjkx
“Right to work,” of course, is just a euphemism for cheap-labor policies that enrich employers at the expense of workers:
“According to the most recently available statistics, workers make $5,791 less annually in RTW states than in free-bargaining states and median household income is $6,568 lower. RTW states also have a higher concentration of jobs in low-wage occupations than do states that allow free-bargaining. There are lower rates of health insurance coverage in RTW states, and fewer employees get their health insurance coverage from their employer in RTW states. The rate of workplace deaths is 54% higher in RTW states, and poverty and infant mortality rates are higher in those states. RTW states also invest significantly less money in education per pupil (31.3% less) than do free-bargaining states. Lower wages also result in reduced tax bases for local and state governments.”
Which makes you wonder why anyone would live in those states. If I had to work — and thank the Great Mother Rabbit Spirit that I’m a capitalist, so I don’t have to — I’d be packing my bags and moving to a place where the ruling elite respects workers instead of exploiting them. We’re very fortunate that Washington doesn’t have a Republican governor pushing a Republican agenda. And if Republican policies are good for business, why is Washington consistently rated as one of the top states for business, and why are so many businesses coming here?
while I concede that at least some of your reasoning about McMullen’s chances is viable, it is of course entirely predicated on the electoral college vote being bound by arcane state laws passed during a wave of gilded age state house corruption. I think we’re better than that. And whatever McMullen’s chances are under undemocratic winner-take-all laws, all things being equal, they probably disappear altogether under NPV.
I must admit that I seldom hear a defense of the state based winner-take-all systems that relies on throwing the election to the House. It has been my experience that most voters would not actually welcome such a turn of events, and regard it is a singularly defective feature of the 12th Amendment.
NPV avoids invoking that feature of the 12th Amendment by automatically awarding at least 270 of the state’s electoral college votes to whichever candidate ticket wins the most votes in all 50 states and the D of C. That’s another one of the things voters like about NPV, it keeps Congress out of it.
Don’t bother.
Something along these lines:
Uppity liberal over-educated bitches and spooks have got it all waaaaay better than they should by blaming the white man. Especially by blaming the moonshine drunk, bible wavin’, traditional Good ‘Ol Boyz. Now that me and Cleetus and Beuford and the rest of our Okie Noodlin’ team have won the culture war we expect some changes. Startin’ with you liberals. Time to show some remorse for being so mean to us and blaming us for all the rapes and lynchings we did when we was drunk. Hey! We was drunk! Plus, that’s how come you lost! Ha, Ha! Ya’ll get too mad about that stuff.
Say you’re sorry and we might not blow up the whole world.
This New Day (Republican Control) is really fucking wacky….I can’t believe the public will put up with what is going on for no more than 6 months before there is a complete revolt.
If Drumpf lasts more than a year he is lucky. I don’t even think he will make it to inauguration.
You should never underestimate the self-destructive stupidity of the uneducated aging rural white male and his kin. As long as they see a few of “the blacks” shot to death each week on the TeeVee, and as long as the prices of shitty beer, JUGGS magazine, gasoline, and ammo don’t get out of hand, they can be made to believe they are winning again. And President Elect Derp is just the man to make them believe it. If anything, the stupid fucking hillbilly turnout may even grow.
The charges against the Chicago suspects are “aggravated kidnapping, hate crime, aggravated unlawful restraint and aggravated battery with a deadly weapon.” Three of the suspects “also face burglary charges” and one “also was charged with robbery and possession of a stolen motor vehicle.”
Not sure how many years that adds up to, but it looks like these alleged perps may be out of circulation for a while.
@110 Sounds like another undereducated hog barn laborer sloshed on Milwaukee’s Best giving us his philosophy of life.
“The head of U.S. intelligence told a Senate committee Thursday that Russia poses ‘an existential threat to the United States.’”
And the candidate you jock strapped in 2012 was told this by Mitt Romney and Obummer IGNORED it at the DUMMOCRETIN National Party’s peril in 2016.
Looks like four young, stupid, black thugs in Chicago who muttered racist-sounding remarks and may or may not know the difference between Donald Trump and a chicken coop are going to be charged with kidnapping, aggravated assault, and attempted extortion and might go away for a long time. Anybody you know personally, Puffy?
Thugs early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Roger dumbfuck wabbit?
They are Trump hating DUMMOCRETINS early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Roger dumbfuck wabbit; just like you. They have more in common with HA DUMMOCRETINS than Puddy!
Sux to be you!
“It’s a matter of personal conscience. I can’t vote for either of those two people.”
A) Uncle Jesse Duke
B) David Duke
c) A Big Pile of Duke
C) None of the Above
Because of course they did.
FBI: DNC rebuffed request to examine computer servers
“The FBI repeatedly stressed to DNC officials the necessity of obtaining direct access to servers and data, only to be rebuffed until well after the initial compromise had been mitigated,” a senior law enforcement official told CNN. “This left the FBI no choice but to rely upon a third party for information. These actions caused significant delays and inhibited the FBI from addressing the intrusion earlier.”
The Democrats didn’t want the facts. They wanted the issue. And if Podesta’s email gave us everything we saw before the election, just think how much the FBI could have learned about Clinton Inc. if it had had the entire email database.
All of this, of course, only reinforces the opinion most Americans have that #CrookedHillary is less than honest.
This is why you lost. Own it, fuckers.
It’s forecasted to be sunny and in mid to upper 40’s later next week in NYC, after a brief cook spell of low 30’s and high 20’s. And it will be close to mid January. The winter will be almost half over (I consider March 1st as the beginning of Spring in my mind).
Soon Repukes will probably ban the sale of thermometers and ban the temperature readings during the evening news weather.
By the way does anyone know John Podesta’s password? Putin’s?
@119 Boob thinks he knows Podesta’s password. See #1. If it was, I’d like to know how the Russians hacked it. Even the KGB wouldn’t guess that one in a million years. Must’ve been an inside job.
@118 Meanwhile, Boob preaches to us about the Clintons with the sanctimonious righteousness of one who actually believes the people he votes for are honest. Lost? Last I checked, our candidate whomped your candidate by 2.8 million votes, and your candidate is going to be president only because of an institution that was created to preserve slavery.
@116 You have more affinity with them than I do. I don’t see bunny ears on them.
“Not sure how many years that adds up to, but it looks like these alleged perps may be out of circulation for a while.”
you mean like how the thugs that killed Tuba-man were “out of circulation” for a while?
Oh wait…they got out killed another person……
Im sure these 4 “people” will get off easy, somehow the blame will get shifted to Trump and the evil white devils…
if it were me, each one would get a .45 to the back of the head.
“This is why you lost. Own it, fuckers.”
Fuck you and your bullshit. Putin and treason. Own it, fucker.
Your treasonous candidate appealed to Russia for help with the election and Putin obliged, as did Comey. Without that, you would have never come back after having slithered off as a spineless, treasonous dumbfuck coward.
@ 123
Shorter Steve: “If we hadn’t been caught, we would have won.”
@122 With or without a trial?
@124 You bellow that as if the guy who won is a paragon of virtue.
The latest fake news story making the rounds is that Obama will refuse to step down on January 20. I wonder how many Trumpanzees will take this seriously and run to grab their AR-15s?
No need for a trial in this case…they filmed and BROADCASTED themselves doing the deed LIVE!
how much fucking proof do you need?
a trial for these 4 will be nothing but a way for a sleazy lawyer to get paid, make a name for himself, and allow these cretins to slime out of what should be coming to them.
just wait….after the media gets through with this story, these 4 will seen with a sympathetic eye…
Here come the list of excuses by the race baiters and poverty pimps:
1. heterosexual white males fault
2. income inequality
3. heterosexual white males fault
4. slavery from 160 years ago
5. heterosexual white males fault
6. capitalism
7. heterosexual white males fault
8. racist police
9. heterosexual white males fault
10. Trump
11. heterosexual white males fault
12. someone stole their Air Jordans
13. heterosexual white males fault
14. microaggressions
15. heterosexual white males fault
16. They didnt have a Safe Space in their neighborhood
17. heterosexual white males fault
18. global warming
19. heterosexual white males fault
20. Fox News
21. heterosexual white males fault
fuck them
Shorter Bob, “Spineless coward that I am, I ran away and hid when my candidate was down in the polls, but now that Russia has bailed out my candidate, I have returned a spineless, cowardly traitor.”
Too bad it wasn’t Doctor Dumbfuck they tortured. As he’s a traitor, Doctor Dumbfuck would have had it coming to him.
Doctor Dumbfuck, a traitor who should be swinging from a rope.
“U.S. intercepts capture senior Russian officials celebrating Trump win”
“The ebullient reaction among high-ranking Russian officials… contributed to the U.S. intelligence community’s assessment that Moscow’s efforts were aimed at… helping Trump win the White House.”
“if it were me, each one would get a .45 to the back of the head.”
Which “ones” will it be?
A) “The Blacks”
B) “Snowflakes”
C) “<<>>”
D) All of the Above
toothless, itinerate, racist, starter fluid huffing, sister fucking, redneck, pig-ignoriant, uneducated, Trump voting heterosexual white males fault
@ 126
I’ve trashed #CrookedHillary for as long as I can remember. I cannot recall building up Trump. One does not require the other. Not at all surprised you cannot understand the difference.
@ 130
He was never my candidate and I was here giving and taking the whole general election season. I ran………..how? As I said for Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit, I gave no support for Trump.
He was never my candidate, but he’s about to become my president.
Yours, as well, Steve. Hopefully in a couple of weeks you’ll have that stress-induced diarrhea under control and you’ll be able to be a big boy about it.
Because, Steve, #CrookedHillary will never, ever be president. Moreover, she has only herself to blame.
This is why you lost. Own it, fuckers.
The Redneck Hillbillies of Trailer Trump America will never rest until they get the apology they believe they have coming to them. For what you say?
Whaddya got?
They’re so fucking butt hurt about everything this shit will simply never end.
They’re butt hurt about the wars they cheered for not turning out to be very much fun after all.
They’re butt hurt that a white eighth grade education no longer trumps a black PhD.
They’re butt hurt that Hee Haw was canceled.
They’re butt hurt that cutting income doesn’t reduce debt.
They’re butt hurt that the Bichin Camaro can’t compensate for their flat ass, thin hair, sunken chest and E.D.
They’re butt hurt that the kids never call.
They’re butt hurt because they still jerk it to pictures of Natalie Maines, even with her head shaved.
They’re butt hurt because technology eliminated the last “sit down” job they qualified for.
They’re butt hurt that nobody lets them tell “good” jokes anymore.
And they’re butt hurt that some lesbian somewhere invented something called “date rape”.
The list is endless and will never be satisfied until and unless every single other person less white, less male, and less “Real American” than them not only offers each and every one of them a personal apology, but also agrees to move directly to the back of every line, bus, waiting list, recruitment list, application list, and convenience store check out line immediately.
There is no point at all engaging butt hurt Trailer Trump Americans. Trump owns them now. Short term blessing. Long term curse.
In addition to both of them having munched Huma’s carpet, and having had classified information on their private computers, what do #CrookedHillary and Anthony Weiner have in common?
Report: Clinton Mulling NYC Mayoral Run
@ 136
Why can’t you call her lead singer for the Dixie Chicks? I had to look up Natalie Maines.
Oh. Pretty sure it’s done to one of the others – the pregnant one in that video.
you seem pretty good at self description.
hey guess what? you know that crooked cunt of a candidate that you voted for? Ya her. Well, she lost….like, really lost.
the end.
no doubt you guys jerk it to the Erwin* sisters too.
But you don’t feel quite the same sort of shame when you do.
*maiden names
as I keep trying to explain to you stupid hillbilly motherfuckers, I did not vote. It isn’t worth my time. I get real things done in the real world. And nothing that happens in the world of your beloved Captain Dildo Hands and his Flying Circus of Pretend Media Cronies can effect me in the slightest. I don’t give a fuck that Clinton lost. It means absolutely nothing to me. I don’t care about water systems for starving kids in Africa either. So fucking with her foundation doesn’t matter to me either. Your “Liberal Destruction” powers are of no use to you here.
So fuck off, hillbilly. Don’t you have some catfish to fry?
Your treasonous candidate appealed to Russia for help with the election and Putin obliged, as did Comey.
Wow QPPS, you continue to prove all that horsesASS manure pressure affects your single celled femtometer brain and we see the effect here. If you had a brain you’d remember Trump asked for Putin to deliver Careless Crooked Heilary’s missing 33000 emails! http://www.politico.com/story/.....hip-226282
EPIC FAYLE continuing to read raw story BULLSHITTIUM!
Nice head explosion there QPPS!
Did I call it or what.
Didn’t take long for evangelical fraudulent bigots to give praise to the fat black bigot who brings semen to a sermon.
‘Family’ Group Blasts Carrie Underwood For Supporting LGBTQ People
Hey Jack Shit – what the evangelicals self being based on? Their oppression? They need to go away too.
More #CrookedHillary emails released by the State Department today.
Emails that #CrookedHillary and Co. would prefer we not see. Released as a result of successful lawsuits.
Gawd, what an incompetent, unsavvy fuck she is. No Russians needed to make that determination, Steve.
Shit! Poor ignorant hillbillies are gonna have to feel guilty jerkin it to pictures of her too! Fucking progressives ruin everything!
‘Cept Okie Noodlin. They can’t ruin that.
It is impossible to ruin that.
@104 send Fred’s article tha AFA dipshit.
You fucking trolls are morons.
Yeah now this is where you tell me I’m a fag. Fuck You.
@108 Rog in making 146,000 and soon to be bumped up.
If them dumb fucks can’t fight for themselves fuck’em. Eventually they will revolt. Let’s just get it over with – end all unions and let people hang out on all street corners in all cities and then let’s see what happens.
Actually, if you wanna see something kinda wonderful, (now that you’ve googled “Okie Noodlin”) try performing a map overlay of the battleground states that were decisive in President Elect Derp’s Republican primary win and electoral college win, with the states where Noodling is legal.
Not for nuthin’ kids. That impotent withered old orange fuck stole the election out from under a bunch of pros by targeting toothless racist idiots who get drunk and catch giant fish with their bare hands.
@ 150
$146k in NYC is not even $90K in Seattle.
You stupid, sick fuck. You basically make enough to afford a 3 BR 1 BA rambler. In Sumner.
I don’t get it. What is it that makes HA libbies share this kind of personal economic information.
Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit was a poorly performing attorney and now he’s a lonely online entity with a poor sense
of direction.
gman/’bagger/Piss Can earns about what a guy with a BS newly hired at Amazon might make, and he’s so fucking deranged he’ll never find himself in a DINK household, so he’ll never get further ahead than he is now.
And somehow it’s something worth sharing with the world, in his sick mind.
@ 151
Just for my own edification, what is it about noodling that would make it illegal?
Until Ryan ran for Veep I had never heard of it.
Nostrovia! Nostrovia!
Fence instead of wall.
And they wanna pay for it with a tax on Tecate.
Stupid fuckin rednecks are gonna need a big ol’ bucket of ointment for that burn.
I wonder what Boob’s little trees think of crooked Hillary’s emails.
The last laugh will be when the nukes drop.
Long live Ireland! Home of the real free.
@148 the trailer trash will go black now to the buffalo. Once you go black you don’t go back.
From the state whose disgraced governor gave us Chris Christie:
Former Democratic New Jersey Gov. Jon Corzine was fined $5 million today by a federal judge for his role as head of a brokerage firm that took $1.2 billion from its clients — mostly farmers and ranchers — amid its impending collapse.
The $5 million fine is a mere slap on the wrist for Corzine, a billionaire who previously served as a Democrat in the U.S. Senate and has since resumed his role as a major fundraiser for Democrats. So far, no criminal charges have been filed.
And they won’t be filed. And Chris Christie won’t be president.
Although Dems had opportunity to catch a clue with Corzine. Instead they doubled down with #CrookedHillary.
I’m OK with that. Because
#CrookedHillary will never, ever be president.
@153 and it must bother you so much you had to respond.
Sorry dumbfuck it’s better wage then your trailer trash friends. And you are suppose to be telling me I should be making minimum wage.
Here’s one the hanging human teabag licker @145 will not be able to answer.
How cum the NCAA jumped all over North Carolina for making people go to the bathroom of their birth sex YET will not allow transgender people to play on the team of their choice? They have to put on their team uniform in the locker room of their birth sex!
@ 161
And you are suppose to be telling me I should be making minimum wage.
If I was to tell you anything it would be that you should be involuntarily committed.
Average weekly wages. Manhattan’s average weekly wage during the year ending in the first quarter of 2016 was more than two and a half times the national average—$2,783 compared to $1,043. Queens, with a weekly wage of $963, was highest among….
And my weekly wage is $2,800. Soon to be $3000. Much different market comparing NYC average with Wall Street people making what they make compared to what in Seattle?
Compared to Seattle $67,018
@162. Have a couple more bananas with the semen preacher.
@ 164
You’re the second-funniest thing in New York.
The funniest?
Election Day pantsuit flash mob in #CrookedHillary’s carpet-bagged “hometown” in Chappaqua:
Clinton Supporters Dance It Out At Hillary Pantsuit Flashmob In Chappaqua
Approximately 60 women of all ages — and from all over Westchester and lower Connecticut — were in attendance (in requisite pantsuits) dancing to the music of Justin Timberlake’s “Can’t Stop the Feeling.”(Colarco said they had rehearsed three times at Scattered Books in Chappaqua.)
The performance — a series of moves that had the group waving hands in the air, shimmying and shaking and even kids doing cartwheels — ended with chants of “Hillary, Hillary!” and lots of fist-bumps.
Take note, ‘bagger. That was fist-bumps, not fisting.
@163 and you should be pushed off a high bridge by Drumpf.
@166 so hurtful……I’m melting, I’m melting…
@ 164
So, ‘bagger, if your weekly wage is $2,800 and the average Manhattan weekly wage is $2,783, that makes you……
wait for it……..
………… average. Plus $17 per week.
Again, ‘bagger, my point: What’s there to want to share with others?
Goodnight dipshits. Don’t forget to pray for the buffalo preacher.
I’m sure you guys need your rest to do you can wake up tomorrow and be the first to post just after getting to work. You thiefs.
Like I said that figure has to be skewed because of Wall Street and the mega executives here in this city, but of course I say that not knowing how they figure that number, nor do you know.
But if you want to call me average, then have at it. Compare me to the rest of the Country figure. What does that make me. Go help the people in Mississippi you dirt bag.
“Not at all surprised…”
You chose treason, Doctor, and now you deserve to hang for it.
Nice loon head explosion @143.
Again, ‘bagger, my point: What’s there to want to share with others?
I don’t get your point. Are you saying since I’m average why would I want to share,as in because I don’t have enough?
I have plenty. Sure would I love to win lotto and have millions? Sure. But not because you would think. I’d probably give half of it away or do something that would create more only to give more of it away. I’m not greedy like the rest of the Pukes that have tons of money, nor am I angry like the rest of the pukes because they don’t have enough to be like the people with money sailing around in yachts.
@ 172
You chose treason, Doctor, and now you deserve to hang for it.
Treason, like ambition, should be made of sterner stuff, Steve.
It’s hanging just fine, BTW. Thanks for asking.
Lol @ the scheduler
He’s definately a bottom…
I wonder if Gman and Elijah trade off being the reciever when its Cleveland Steamer night….
Look who watched The 40 Year Old Virgin with his smart phone handy.
Truvada, Twink, Bottom…
Sounds like you are too familiar with those things associated with gay men. You a closeted fag? Or should I say a closeted fag living in mummy’s basement?
Or maybe you have your administrative assistant who you ask to research those terms because you double life as a bigoted AFA member. Tony? Is that you Tony?
Let me quess you have you admin assistant do schedules with Microsoft Project. Too funny. Boob would like to know – does your admin make average wage for Seattle? What was it? Something like $70,000?
Hey normal guys here, there’s a new standard now. Making 150,000 in salary isn’t good enough in life (per Boob and the Mommy Basement Dweller) because you are just average.
But look on the bright side Boob thinks you would do well in life making $9.00 per hour. So don’t strive for more, stick with the $9.00. What a dumbfuck Gone over the edge by Drumpf individual – Drumpf Derangement Syndrome.
Lol @ howany times gman has brought up supposed salary…..like anybody cares you freak. You make the same amount as a typical union plumber. Bfd.
Keep being average……and keep “running” those 12 high rises…..lmfao.