The Tacoma Teachers strike is still going on, and that’s the perfect excuse for Lynne Varner to act like a jackass:
By defying a judge’s order to return to work, Tacoma teachers are courting danger. This Seattle Times editorial sums up general public impatience: get back into the classroom and continue to hammer out a good contract.
The first link doesn’t say anything about the judge’s order (it may have at some point). But Judge Bryan Chushcoff did in fact issue a temporary restraining order (pdf). But given #9 “The parties are ordered to return as soon as practical to collective bargaining and shall continue to bargain in good faith throughout out the term of this temporary restraining order” perhaps Lynne will demand fines for the school board. After all, the union lays out clearly:
Tacoma teachers came to the bargaining table with a new compromise contract proposal today.
After keeping teachers waiting 2.5 hours past the scheduled 1:30 pm start time, negotiators for the Tacoma School Board did not offer a proposal. They also failed to offer a response to the teachers’ proposal.
Negotiations ended at 5 pm.
I look forward to Lynne’s post demanding a fine for the administration for not showing good faith. Since the district isn’t working to “hammer out a good contract” she should be upset.
Not asking much from The Employers’ Times are you?
I just watched 10 minutes on the news about the Washington v Nebraska game. Yammering on and on with details about the upcoming game including some mundane comments from the UW coach.
They spent far less time on the teacher strike and never bothered to mention any details about the lack of good faith bargaining on the part of the school district. So simpleton news reporting is on top of Lynn Varner’s vapid views as well.
My niece teaches high school in a different state and if her school administration is typical, they all likely do sneaky shit to keep more of the money for themselves. Perhaps Tacoma is somehow more altruistic.
Yeah, well, it’s Lynne Varner. What do you expect?
Tacoma kinda creeps me out with the inbreeding between the News Tribune and any voice of authority in the community. Tacoma School District spokesman Dan Voelpel used to work for the News Tribune.
Really??? So you think having your Union CONTINUE to participate in an ILLEGAL strike is bargaining in good faith? FINE EVERY teacher $1,000 per day retroactive!
I do believe that Carl’s point was that the judge required both sides to bargain in good faith, yet the Times piece singled out just the teachers.
Bet if they locked the union heads and the superintendent up in the same jail cell for a weekend the strike would be over real quick.
@5 Guess you don’t believe in labor solidarity. You only believe in taking union wages and benefits for yourself. And not paying union dues for them if you can get away with it.
RR, I pay my Union dues, How many commenter’s and contributors on here have EVER even belonged to a Union? Second, Union Solidarity? You mean like the Longshoremen Thugs that attacked the Port of Longview?
The court ordered the teacher back to class. The teachers refused a court order. What a lesson they are teaching our students. The court order is a joke. I will remember that anytime thet want a school levy to just vote no.