I hope everybody understands the fraud the Seattle Times perpetrated on voters this morning. Yesterday, the NRCC shopped around this bullshit gotcha story, fishing for media validators to back up attack ads they already planned to run, and despite serious reservations about the reporter’s ignorance of degree requirements at Harvard, the Times’ editors chose to comply. Now, regardless of any forthcoming retraction or apology or continued backtracking (and there’s been a ton of backtracking since the story first hit the website,) you can expect the airwaves to be plastered with ads until election day, citing the Times accusing Darcy of lying to voters.
The Times delivered Reichert a steaming pile of shit, neatly tied up in a ribbon.
So now, the only way for Darcy to counter these baseless lies is with more advertising of her own, ads for which she’ll need to raise a lot money if she hopes to keep up with the barrage of attack ads Reichert is airing, courtesy of an unprecedented and illegal loan from his media buyer. That of course, is where you come in.
Over on Daily Kos, Markos is just as outraged as I am, and he’s asking his readers to do something about it:
Look, here’s the deal: The local media and the local political establishment see themselves as kingmakers. They get to decide who sinks or swims in their areas of influence. Then along comes Darcy Burner, thinking she can crash the gates and get elected for office in the district, and the local elites are pissed. So they conspire with Reichert, a supposed local hero, to dish all sorts of crap about Darcy and bury Reichert’s dirt.
We’re winning this race, but they’re throwing EVERYTHING plus the kitchen sink at Darcy. If we want to win this thing, we’ve got to get her back and push back. We’ve got to leave everything on the road.
Right now Darcy is about $350,000 behind Reichert. I’m not going to pretend that we can raise that kind of money quickly, but can we cover $50,000 of that? Can we help Burner fight against the smears from the state and national GOP?
Darcy has far more in-district and in-state contributors and money than Reichert, and you all deserve tremendous kudos for your strong support, but with election day less than two weeks away it is our responsibility to do our part in this latest national netroots fund drive.
Markos himself has personally donated an addtional $2200, and while I can’t afford to max out given my meager earnings, I just contributed another $200. That’s an awful lot of money for me, but with victory within our grasp, I hope you all join me in reaching as deep into our collective pockets as we can to put Darcy Burner into office.
What everyone should do is stop buying the paper and stop going online with them.
We need to put them out of business.
Good luck on that idea.
Conservatives have done it with the P-I, yet the P-I is still staggering & gulping for their last breath. I guess a sloooooooooooow death is even sweeter. Not only is the P-I readership in the tank, but so is their advertising revenue. Many conservative businesses REFUSE to advvertise in the P-I. That’s where it hurts the most.
A friend of my told me today that recent studies show Newspaper Advertising of Real Estate does absolutely ZERO Good. Yet Realtors continue to prop up these newspapers.
Good Luck Hank. This is America. No one can FORCE you to read the newspaper or advertise in it, BY GOD!
The future of newspapers is online. Hopefully the P-I will survive, but if not, too bad. meanwhile the Tines does need to pay some price for this.
The difference is that unlike the Seattle Times, the P.I. is owned by Hearst Corp., a private trust controlled by 13 people in NY who just care about the paper’s bottom line and nothing more. The editors of the P.I. actually try to represent the Seattle market rather than their narrow cadre of friends. The irony is that Hearst Newspapers used to be a political tool for the furtherance its single owner’s selfish policy preferences. Sound familiar?
It’s all about advertising revenue….newspapers have scammed companies about circulation & readership for years.
This economic downturn ought to be the end of some of the weakest….like the P-I.
Stevens Jury Stymied By ‘Violent’ Juror
Jury deliberations in the corruption trial of Alaska Sen. Ted Stevens briefly recessed today while the judge gave the jury a “pep talk” on “civility” after 11 of the jurors requested the removal of a “violent” female juror. The jury then resumed deliberations but adjourned for the day without reaching a verdict.
(Source: Associated Press)
cynicrap is the guy who says:
“when I want your opinion I’ll give it to you.”
In for $25 more for Darcy…. Republican attacks just are not working this year.
@2 Please publish a list of the conservative businesses that refuse to advertise in the P-I so we can refuse to shop at those businesses. We can play this game, too.
@5 This recession may finish off some weak newspapers, but the P-I isn’t in that category. It’s backed by the considerable resources of the Hearst organization. A prime candidate for collapse is the McClatchey Newspaper Group, whose stock is nearly worthless.
Former Bush Spokesman Backs Obama
So while we’re waiting for one of hairspray’s fans to give us SOME kind of compelling reasson (ANY kind?) why he should be returned to Congress I will submit this:
Source: http://www.dailykos.com/storyo.....493/640235
I have a thought.
Could you post some of the major Timers advertisers? Are there Times as opposed to Times/PI advertisers?
It would not take a lot of letters to those folks to have a good effect.
In other news….
In a desperate attempt to put some distance between himself and Bush, McCain came out with a laundry list of complaints he has with the performance of the Bush administration.
But he probably killed any chance he had in Florida in the process.
Perino Defends Bush Against McCain
Yep, that’s the way to get the senior citizens of Florida to come out and vote for you in force next month – threaten to take away their Medicare drug benefit! As bad as it is, McCain’s preferred alternative (private insurance – IF you can get it) is worse.
Of course, this “dispute” between McCain and Bush is in all probability arranged well in advance between the President and the McCain campaign. Just like Party leadership tells Reichart when it’s politically expedient for him to vote against the party line and gives him permission to do so, Rove & Co. probably warned Bush that an attack was coming but it was “only politics”, and he shouldn’t take it personally because McCain doesn’t really mean it.
Since the same advertising department handles advertising for both the Times and the P.I., and that department is located in the Times, I’ve long suspected that they are gently steering advertising away from the P.I. and towards the Times.
Darcy Burner out and out lies and Goldy’s on a Quixotic adventure to save her from the imaginary dastardly scoundrels responsibile for her resorting to such irresponsibile actions…too amusing for words.
Got Windmills?
I hope you don’t pass along those Liberal family values on to your kin:
“honey, it’s alright to lie, but only if you use the disclaimer that you’re a Democrat first and foremost. After that, it doesn’t matter what’s truth and what’s fiction. I’m really glad we had this talk.”
David, I’m not a big fan of The Seattle Times, as you know. I’ve commented many times on this site that the state sales tax exemption for newspapers should be eliminated.
However, your partisanship is clouding your ability to see the truth.
As bad as The Seattle Times is at times, especially the members and columnists of the editorial board, this reporter on this issue reported the facts honestly and fairly.
The fact is Burner flat-out misrepresented her degree from Harvard. It’s on video. According to Harvard, she has a degree in computer science, not computer science and economics, but computer science, regardless of the apparent facts that she took five course in economics and two math courses.
She could have said that she has a degree in computer science with a concentration in economics. She could have said she studied economics. But she didn’t. She misrepresented her credential.
David, as you know, she exaggerated her position at MS in her last election. Is this a pattern? Didn’t she learn from that issue?
This issue could have been easily defused by telling the truth instead of spinning. “Yes, in the moment, I exaggerated my credential. I have degree in computer science from Harvard with a concentration in economics. I took five courses in economics and two in math.”
Instead, she followed the same route as Venus Velazques.
David, I’m not a big fan of The Seattle Times, as you know. I’ve commented many times on this site that the state sales tax exemption for newspapers should be eliminated.
However, your partisanship is clouding your ability to see the truth.
As bad as The Seattle Timesis at times, especially the members and columnists of the editorial board, this reporter on this issue reported the facts honestly and fairly.
The fact is Burner flat-out misrepresented her degree from Harvard. It’s on video. According to Harvard, she has a degree in computer science, not computer science and economics, but computer science, regardless of the apparent facts that she took five course in economics and two math courses.
She could have said that she has a degree in computer science with a concentration in economics. She could have said she studied economics. But she didn’t. She misrepresented her credential.
David, as you know, she exaggerated her position at MS in her last election. Is this a pattern? Didn’t she learn from that issue?
This issue could have been easily defused by telling the truth instead of spinning. “Yes, in the moment, I exaggerated my credential. I have degree in computer science from Harvard with a concentration in economics. I took five courses in economics and two in math.”
Instead, she followed the same route as Venus Velazquez.
Hey, I’ve told some lies. Can I be rewarded for it, too?
I want to see if I got this right.
Goldy is someone who remains silent when Democrats do wrong. He only speaks out when Republicans do wrong. Now he expects our local newspapers to do the same? That they should only report on Republican misdeeds, but turn the other way when Democrats are in the wrong, like he does? It’s not enough that the P.I. is remaining silent about this scandal, he expects both papers not to cover it?
Rick D. and Troll: Those are some stunningly fact-free arguments — whoops — assertions that you’ve posted above. But I can see why you’d do that. It’s hard to make a fact-based argument when you don’t have any facts.
The Seattle Times put the story on the front page because they have it in for Darcy Burner. If you listen to Darcy talk, she obviously understands economics. You talk about lying about academics, Calamity Jane Hague lied about having a college degree and she is very much in office.
Apparently, the Seattle Times news department disagrees….along with “actual” Harvard Economic degree holders.
Goldy’s throwing a tantrum and it’s understandable. His candidates are in a death spiral and there is not pulling out of this dive.