I don’t blog much anymore, but I thought I’d stop by HA for a moment to mark my 15th blogiversary.
It was on May 10, 2004 that I put up my very first post, clearly with no fucking idea how this foul-mouthed blog would eventually take over my life.
I’ve got a habit of shooting for the moon, but I’m also a realist, so nobody was more surprised than me when my shitty little blog developed such a large and loyal audience. I’ve been very fortunate. So if you’re still around to read this thank you… thank you for your support. (Also, a big thank you to Darryl and Carl for keeping alive what would otherwise be a static archive.)
And finally, as always: Tim Eyman is a horse’s ass.
It’s a national treasure.
Goldy, you should look at comments #3 and #9 in the preceding thread. “Godwinha” aka Doctor Dumbfuck suggested you have consensual sex with your daughter, and I kicked him in the nuts for it.
Please don’t ban this twisted mental case. We have a troll shortage right now, and don’t have anybody else to kick around. He frequently attacks you in the comment threads when you’re not looking; I just want to make you aware of this one.
Don’t worry, I’m taking care of it. His slanders do not go unanswered. I owe you one for getting rid of Shortbus.
@1 Sure is. Brought about the downfall of an incompetent FEMA director and embarrassed the Shrub administration. That was a big deal.
Stefan, by contrast, never accomplished anything like that with his pathetic little blog. All he did was bleat about an election Rossi lost, extort $225,000 from King County taxpayers, and get a single-mom fired from her waitress job for telling his unruly kid to be quiet in a crowded restaurant. Who knows where that sorry peasant is or what he’s doing now. I only know he has no blog, is nowhere in side, while HA continues to thrive.
HA is an all-American institution now. Someday they’ll put it in the Smithsonian right next to Admiral Byrd’s polar compass and the Wright Brothers Flyer.
Eyman has always been a horse’s ass, but is he a convict now? What’s the latest on that?
It’s getting increasingly hard to find a Republican who isn’t in prison.
So many trolls have come and gone over the years. Can’t begin to remember them all. This blog wears them out fast. HA is a tough neighborhood. Rightwing morons, incompetents, traitors, and criminals wander around here at their own risk.
Puddy is finally gone. He lasted as long as he did because he was crazy. We don’t know what finally happened to him, but most of us believe his friends did him in.
Doctor Dumbfuck has shown more staying power than many. He’s still here because he’s mentally ill. Into self-abuse, and probably has his wife beat him with a whip, too. We’re glad to help. He deserves us (see, e.g., @2 above).
Happy birthday, HA! I’ve been here nearly all of those 15 years, and few things in my life have been more enjoyable than berating our miserable trolls.
[Deleted what I just wrote}
Goldy, congratulations, and sympathies for the loss of your furred family member.
@6 (see also @16 of preceding thread)
Geez, is a dumbfuck getting religion, turning over a new leaf, and rejoining the human race? If he is, hallelujah! If he isn’t, it’s back to business as usual.
15 years of being another elitist cock-sucking Seattle liberal progressive asshole who thinks he’s better than everyone else who doesn’t live in King County. Yeah, congrats Goldy, and fuck you!
Congrats, Goldy.
@7 Our good doctor has a redeeming quality or two. Shame what crossing the orange event horizon did to him, though, what with his becoming a dumbfuck and all. But it happens to all of them. Some come to rue the day, no doubt.
“Republican lawmaker ‘visibly shaken’ after pro-life conservatives troll her for being a rape victim”
Trump betrayed his country.
So did you.
Whether it’s fifteen years or fifteen thousand years, it’s never going to do you any good blaming other people for all of your mistakes.
Does this mean that if humans go extinct, they eventually will evolve back into existence, after the planet they trashed recovers?
@8 He’s not better than everyone else, but he’s much better than you, and that’s good enough.
@9 If Puddy were here, and able to speak from his own experience, he might tell her it’s important to pick your friends more wisely than she or he did.
But since Puddy no longer can speak for himself, I’m doing it for him. Choose your friends wisely.
@9 Read my take on that story here:
Undocumented Demorat Of The Week Award Results– First Place, Undocumented Gynecologist Edibaldo “Eddie” Duran.
Arrested last year in his native Puebla, Mexico, following a four-year hunt after savagely beating and raping a Fairfield college student, the 29-year-old Duran stood before a judge Thursday and pleaded guilty to his crime.
Senior Assistant State’s Attorney Colleen Zingaro told the judge that the victim related she had been asleep when she was awakened by the sound of her bedroom door opening. A man, later identified as Duran, entered the woman’s bedroom and told her he was looking for his dog.
When the woman screamed for Duran to leave, the prosecutor said, he struck her in the face and then began choking her until she passed out. When she came to, he raped her.
BTW- Congrats to Goldy at 15, a Dem but no snowflake.
Take the comma out of “Year’s,” Goldy. It doesn’t belong there.
You shouldn’t have to be ordered by a judge to make election information available to Florida voters in Spanish.
Broken record @14
Look into sexual assaults committed by U.S service personnel off base outside the U.S.
We all get what you’re trying to do and it’s racist as fuck. Because some brown undocumented in the U.S. commit crimes, all brown undocumented in U.S. should be feared.
Because one Republican President fucks porn stars shortly after his third wife gave birth to his son, all married Republicans fuck porn stars.
Learn a new song.
@15 I understand that the reason you can’t get any pussy is because women laugh at your dick.
Congrats, Goldy! You inspired me, although I took my blog, Barers Of Maple Valley in a somewhat different direction.