From the American Red Cross website:
Disaster FAQs
Hurricane Katrina: Why is the Red Cross not in New Orleans?
- Access to New Orleans is controlled by the National Guard and local authorities and while we are in constant contact with them, we simply cannot enter New Orleans against their orders.
- The state Homeland Security Department had requested–and continues to request–that the American Red Cross not come back into New Orleans following the hurricane. Our presence would keep people from evacuating and encourage others to come into the city.
You mean to tell me that the feds are withholding humanitarian aid in the hopes of smoking out the refugees? You mean like the thousands of sick and elderly who were physically unable to evacuate… or the tens of thousands of urban poor who lacked the cars or financial resources to do so? You mean like the untold multitude — men, women and children — starving and dying at the Convention Center, crying to the media for help for five days before a relief convoy finally arrived?
Is our government out of its fucking mind?
No wonder the Bush administration seems so taken aback by the sudden wave of criticism over federal relief efforts… they’re going exactly according to plan! It’s not that we couldn’t deliver aid to the victims of this catastrophe, it’s that we didn’t!
Teach a man to fish, and all that, I guess.
You mean to tell me that the feds are withholding humanitarian aid in the hopes of smoking out the refugees?
It’s not clear that’s what it means. The RC site says it’s the state Homeland Security office that’s holding them back. I don’t know if they are taking their orders from the feds or not. It’s entirely possible, but there’s just not enough information here to say.
Cronitudinously yours,
Puhleeze! The National Guard there is under the command of the State of Louisiana. ie: The Govenor! For chist sakes, the website itself says that. Your reaching now pal to the point of lunancy trying to come up with ways to tie this to the administration. I suggest that you get someone who is an expert on disaster operations and command before you post such a silly assertion.
It’s what you call “Free Market” disaster relief. The next step is to give food and water to the well-off (you know, the one’s who could afford to evacuate) so that it’ll “trickle down” to the poor, elderly and infirm that are still stranded.
It would appear the RepubliCons can barbecue babies on the lawn of the White House and get away with it…
Thats it you morons. I’ll go ahead and state the obvious. Mayor of NWO-Democrat. City Council-Democrat Govenor of Louisiana-Democrat. Legislature-Democrat and it’s been that way for years. You wanna finger point? Bring it on. You’ll not like where the finger ends up.
The American Red Cross has always been a haven for Republican political hacks Dole and Healy come to mind. Its not surprising. They and the president seem to have deserted New Orleans much like they have deserted many other tough situations in the past.
I will preface my comments on the ongoing public example of a political movement and party so desperate, so completely void of ideas, solutions, plans or any other constructive suggestions that they rely upon an unprecedented human disaster with the feeble hope that somehow it furthers the possibility of a PR disaster that furthers their political agenda.
Those of you who are critical of the federal response to this prolific natural disaster are so ignorant, uninformed, hateful, small minded, useless to modern society and so completely pathetic that it’s sad how meaningless your lives must be as a result of your own continuos poor personal choices and inaction.
After 25 years of professional disaster planning, consulting, training, education and responding to emergencies resulting in mass casualties across this planet as well as ten 24 hour shifts a month with King Counties busiest medic unit, I unlike EVERYBODY who posts the their delusional, psychotic like opinions here am in a position to comment objectively.
YOU are the ones who in the event of a like disaster here in Seattle/King County who would be completely and totally dependant upon others for your rescue, care and sufficiency even though for a decade we’ve urged you to accept some small personal responsibility by preparing for the ability to feed and water yourself for at least 72 hours. We also implore you to heed the warnings of any type and follow directions or face the consequences. The reason for that is we KNOW that substantial federal help will be 3-4 days away. However, even with that delay, we are the best on earth and capable of many “miracles” but not magic as so may of you leftist’s seem to think.
Now one would hope that our mayor, county executive and governor would not be the complete and total prolific failures that the local and regional (Democratic) government in Louisiana have been. Luckily, we in Seattle, King County and the State of Washington have developed massive contingency plans over the years covering every known and anticipated aspect of a devastating local emergency that allows politicians who don’t have a clue, to simply open the “playbook” and follow the protocols, procedures, plans and activate the many assets and resources available from throughout the country. BUT IT ALL BEGINS AT THE LOCAL LEVEL! Washington DC does not call the shots, nor has it ever. It also takes knowledgeable, calm and professional local leadership. Unfortunately for the citizens of the City of New Orleans, the mayor demonstrated nothing but complete and utter incompetence.
You who would without a shred of factual or knowledgeable information (or in some cases sanity) stoop to the level of pure political hatred and sub-human rhetoric while active rescues, the saving of lives and the undertaking to just manage this horrible situation is ongoing are LOWLIFE, SCUMBAGS! without an ounce of decency in your empty “open” minds. You are as pathetic and meaningless as your party of choice has become and unfortunately, is exactly what I expected. Luckily for those of us with even moderate critical thinking skills, you are a tiny, little faction of miserable, misguided people like Cindy Sheehan, who only about 20% of America agrees with on any of your fictitious, delusional and absurd behavior and opinions.
I just hope the Red Cross is helping to rebuild Trent Lott’s house and porch. Maybe they’ll have it ready the next time the president visits I would hate to see him sweat under the sun and heat.
Goldy, you’re a fuck face, mother fucking, son of a bitch that doesn’t know what the fuck you are talking about. You are worthless and a waste of time. Bush is the one that personally told LA Governor to issue the mandatory evacuation as reported on 8/28, read it here, ass munch.
Your local officials are responsible for your safety in events such as these (the federal govt is a support, local is the lead – crazy thing called the constitution) and it is the local officials that blew it. LA Governor had to hire a “Liaison”, ex-fema director, because she doesn’t know what to do. Bush knew – “GET YOUR CITIZENS OUT – EVACUATE” and still knows, good thing we have the feds/military taking a primary role now since the locals fucked it up. I promise you Goldy, if this was a Republican Mayor and Governor you would be calling for their fucking heads as well as the Presidents. Your partisan politics can’t even stop when lives are being lost and people are suffering, you’re an asshole and deserve no respect you slime ball. You disgust me.
IDGAF, Regarding the paragraph, “Those of you who are critical of the federal response to this prolific natural disaster are so ignorant, uninformed, hateful, small minded, useless to modern society and so completely pathetic that it’s sad how meaningless your lives must be as a result of your own continuos poor personal choices and inaction.”
That is a nasty thing to say about the president of the United States. After all, he is the one who said that FEMA’s response was unacceptible.
The fact is, I have been involved in a few disaster preparedness exercises myself and the only thing every exercise and actual emergency has in common is a post exercise critique. You can never improve so long as you refuse to admit there were mistakes. If you really are a disaster professional, you know that a kneejerk ‘we did everything right’ response is worse than useless. So is pointing fingers this early in the game.
Here is a concept that you seem unaware of. The world is not made up of Republicans and Democrats, in fact strong party affiliation is probably less than half of Americans.
Lumping anyone criticizing an agencies response into ‘the other party’ is a recipe for disaster. We can not keep going with ‘everything is fine’ messages when folks are dieing of thirst in a major US city.
I guess he just didn’t realize that not everyone in New Orleans owns a Hummer or has a helicopter to take them jogging or mountain biking it is perfectly understandable.
Yeah, what do you lefties really know about anything? From my subscription.
LC— 9/3/05 @ 1:20 pm
Don’t be a dumbshit. Local government needs to deal with the fact it’s citizen may not have means to get out and get them out. You ever hear of those things called buses, you libs are all about mass transit, looks like they should have used it. How many buses do you think are in the NO area including school buses? What about trains? Flat bed Trucks? To say they could not get out is asinine, the fact is they could have gotten out if there was a plan to do so.
You libs are idiots – fuck you all.
IDGAF: Suffering from Ctrl-V-itis. Stop repeating yourself.
9: You’re a fuck face, fuck you too. You’re just hired by the RNC to make trouble here because Goldy pushed a story into the MSM. Only Rove’s raiders are allowed to do that. You’re a paid shill like most of the other trolls around. So fuck you. When the dust settles, the truth will come out – Bush ate cake and played guitar while NOLA drowned. Condi went shoe shopping which is the Bush recommendation when disaster strikes – go shopping.
Did I say fuck you yet? Well fuck you again. Can’t say it enough. Fuck face.
I just can understand why Brown hasn’t sent the cavalry in on horseback since that seem to be about the only mode of transportation he knows anything about.
The right wing argument boiled down as always:
Hand over your money and just shut up.
”ll preface my comments on the ongoing public example of a political movement and party so desperate, so completely void of ideas, solutions, plans or any other constructive suggestions that they rely upon an unprecedented human disaster with the feeble hope that somehow it furthers the possibility of a PR disaster that furthers their political agenda.”
You are incorrect. There is widespread criticism from the left and the right, from Democrats, Republicans, and independents on the Feds handling of this emergency. Some of the critics are politicians who understand much better than you do the political side of this story. Some are the lay public who are horrified by the sights and stories they hear on the media. And, there are those directly involved in the disaster relief efforts who are screaming about the substandard Federal response—including a rare semi-admission by Bush that the Federal response was unacceptable.
”Those of you who are critical of the federal response to this prolific natural disaster are so ignorant, uninformed, hateful, small minded, useless to modern society and so completely pathetic that it’s sad how meaningless your lives must be as a result of your own continuos poor personal choices and inaction.”
What the fuck? You sound angry, IDGAF, very angry, and you seem to be one of those people who rant when you get angry.
”After 25 years of professional disaster planning, consulting, training, education and responding to emergencies resulting in mass casualties across this planet as well as ten 24 hour shifts a month with King Counties busiest medic unit, I unlike EVERYBODY who posts the their delusional, psychotic like opinions here am in a position to comment objectively.”
Sorry, chump. I formerly taught disaster management courses for UNHCR. I have also been a communications first-responder in numerous emergencies (through ARES). But, both of us are sitting in front of our computers in the Pacific Northwest, so by you logic, we are not qualified to comment. I say bullshit—people have a right to express their opinions and their outrage. In my opinion, much of the outrage is justified. You disagree. Big fucking deal.
Oh, and cut the bullshit about being objective—you are not fooling anyone with your angry partisan rant.
”YOU are the ones who in the event of a like disaster here in Seattle/King County who would be completely and totally dependant upon others for your rescue, care and sufficiency even though for a decade we’ve urged you to accept some small personal responsibility by preparing for the ability to feed and water yourself for at least 72 hours.”
And I am sure those preparations were an enormous help to the 20% in New Orleans who stayed behind, and many others in Louisiana and Mississippi who were not in evacuation areas. One can never be too over-prepared for a disaster, but the reality on the ground is that there were people who stayed behind or were in areas that were never evacuated. These people needed swift action by all levels of government—people were trapped in attics (many whose access to their own emergency supplies of food, water, and first aid was likely cut off), there were public health hazards (rotting bodies of pets and people, noxious chemicals in the water, glass and other sharps everywhere), possibility of looting and other public disorder hazards, there were people with recurrent medical needs in dire straights, people with no shelter and no way to get out, and there was a food shortage.
This was a regional disaster; the problems go beyond New Orleans. Even in the areas under mandatory evacuation, some people didn’t or couldn’t leave: “Screw-‘em” is your solution?
”We also implore you to heed the warnings of any type and follow directions or face the consequences. The reason for that is we KNOW that substantial federal help will be 3-4 days away. However, even with that delay, we are the best on earth and capable of many “miracles” but not magic as so may of you leftist’s seem to think.”
The 3-4 day federal response is a reasonable worse-case scenario for an unanticipated emergency (e.g. earthquake), not for a disaster with two days of advertising on The Weather Channel. Holy shit, third-world countries can launch a far more effective response. I’ve been in a third-world country (and “in the field,” not at The American Club) while a flooding disaster happened. The government’s response in human rescue, feeding, and providing make-shift shelters puts FEMA to shame for their response to Katrina.
”Now one would hope that our mayor, county executive and governor would not be the complete and total prolific failures that the local and regional (Democratic) government in Louisiana have been.”
Oh? Is this your “objective” opinion? And perhaps you can cite specifically what they should have done differently? I mean, I, too, wish the City launched their own fleet of Chinook helicopters to stop the water, and, in between drops, pick up people and haul them out of the area….
As you well know, on a disaster of this scale, state and local infrastructure gets destroyed or disabled, and the magnitude of the work (rescue, road clearing, medical needs, etc.) can (and did) greatly exceed the local and state capabilities.
”Luckily, we in Seattle, King County and the State of Washington have developed massive contingency plans over the years covering every known and anticipated aspect of a devastating local emergency that allows politicians who don’t have a clue, to simply open the “playbook” and follow the protocols, procedures, plans and activate the many assets and resources available from throughout the country.”
Luckily, indeed. And you can bet that Louisiana and Mississippi had equally effective plans and resources (in part, because this type of planning is coordinated and funded through FEMA grants).
”BUT IT ALL BEGINS AT THE LOCAL LEVEL! Washington DC does not call the shots, nor has it ever. It also takes knowledgeable, calm and professional local leadership. Unfortunately for the citizens of the City of New Orleans, the mayor dem1onstrated nothing but complete and utter incompetence.”
Oh? It seems that Bush woke up immediately after the mayor started getting a little nasty. Perhaps he should have been nasty from day 1? In fact, some might think what he did was quite savvy in creating a response.
”You who would without a shred of factual or knowledgeable information (or in some cases sanity) stoop to the level of pure political hatred and sub-human rhetoric while active rescues, the saving of lives and the undertaking to just manage this horrible situation is ongoing are LOWLIFE, SCUMB@GS! without an ounce of decency in your empty “open” minds. “
Look in a mirror, then, you fucking LOWLIFE, SCUMB@G. You are doing the same thing in criticizing the local and state governments. Fucking hypocrite! Without doubt, there will be blame to go around to politicians at all levels (city, county, state, federal). But you have, in effect, accused local officials (those who were slammed hardest by the hurricane and flooding disaster) of doing a bad job with no factual information whatsoever. I don’t know the details of what the local governments did, how effective they were, and what mistakes were made, but I suspect the mayor went through the playbook, and many of the plays were not particularly helpful in the absence of a working communications infrastructure, sanitary facilities, power, impassible roads, eventually levee breeches (which the city doesn’t have the equipment to handle anyway).
By the way, I have not heard anybody around here or in the media claim that the state and local efforts were flawless (or even well done). But, errors made by those hit hardest are no justification for a shoddy Federal response.
”You are as pathetic and meaningless as your party of choice has become and unfortunately, is exactly what I expected. Luckily for those of us with even moderate critical thinking skills, you are a tiny, little faction of miserable, misguided people like Cindy Sheehan, who only about 20% of America agrees with on any of your fictitious, delusional and absurd behavior and opinions.”
More of your “objective analysis” of the handling of the disaster, IDGAF? I sincerely thank you for your services as an emergency responder/professional; but, fuck you for pulling out your “expert” card and then spewing nothing but a partisan rant.
IDGAF @ 13 – …the fact is they could have gotten out if there was a plan to do so. ”
That is correct. Why didn’t the much touted Homeland Defense have a plan?
IDGAF @ 14 So your argument boils down to: Fuck You? Wow, you really are a genius…. Why don’t you go watch the Rush Limbaugh telethon…
That is correct. Why didn’t the much touted Homeland Defense have a plan?
Comment by fire_one— 9/3/05 @ 1:42 pm
Because it is the responsiblity of the local elected offials to have a plan asswipe. Deflect all you want it does not change the facts.
Also – Fuck You is the only thing you dumbfucks can understand. Facts never seeem to penetrate your thick heads.
F U Goldy @ 9
It would appear that you don’t know what you are talking about. N.O. and the LA state government produced manditory evacuation orders. Here is the city’s:;tabid=43
So, shove your ignorant opinion up your ass.
FuckedUp @ 21 “…Because it is the responsiblity of the local elected offials to have a plan asswipe. Deflect all you want it does not change the facts. ”
So what do we have FEMA and DHS for? Are they not supposed to make plans? Or do they just “react”. Apparently, according to you, and to what we see unfolding, they just “react”
23 (cont) … and not “react” very well, either.
I sure think there is enough blame to go around in Japan they would already be looking for a new mayor, governor, and president of course after a proper burial.
@22 No shit – Bush called and recommended LA Governor issue the mandatory order to evacuate. He can’t order the evacuation himself dipshit.
Kiss my ass.
So, use your profanity all you want. We ALL (you too) know that the buck does, actually, in reality, stop at the oval office in the White House. Even the Republicos are starting to back away from him….
FuckedUp @ 26 Why are we a week after the hurricane, just NOW starting to get adequate help there. Why did Bushy just NOW order in 7000 more troops. Why are we just NOW starting to complete the evacuation. Why? Because Bushy was on vacation? Or FEMA had no plans? Or the troops were in Iraq? Or DHS is clueless?
Obviously, the local govt bears some blame, but Bushy is NOT the teflon Don like Reagan was… He has gone too far this time and will pay. Does anyone smell impeachment pie baking?
26 – Welcome back, Chris! Haven’t changed a lick…
Comment by fire_one— 9/3/05 @ 1:50 pm
You are not very smart are you. The federal government and its agencies respond to the specific requests of the State government. It is their responsibility to know what they need and who to ask for it from. The Federal government cannot just barge into a state and start taking over operations, you have heard of the Constitution I assume. Can these facts work their way into your feable mind?
dj – your blog is down.
FuckedUp @ 30 It IS the responsiblity of the Federal Government to have plans, equipment, and personnel ready for just such a disaster. It appears DHS/FEMA were not ready. Very apparent, in fact, to the point of incompetence.
32 (cont) …and incompetent to the point that I believe many lives were lost that could have been saved.
@29 – Nope, just as amused by liberal positions as always and happy to shed some light on the hypocrisy that rages on the left.
F U Goldy @ 21
“Because it is the responsiblity of the local elected offials to have a plan asswipe. Deflect all you want it does not change the facts.”
As a matter of fact, they did have a plan. And they even got to execute some of it, although it is difficult when a huge part of important infrastructure was utterly destroyed.
Perhaps in your raging anger at Goldy you have forgotten: ITS A DISASTER! Durring such emergencies, plans don’t always work as planned.
I believe this is now recognized as the largest weather-related disaster to ever hit U.S. The Federal government has, many times in the past, provided far superior response to much smaller situations. It is a complete mystery why this was handled so poorly.
Why was it “ho-hum, another hurricane, business as usual” when one of the most powerful storms to ever hit the U.S. was on its way, actually hitting the coast, and for several days afterward?
I don’t know how many screw ups we are going to allow this President. It appears, that with the backing of both the House and the Senate, that the President becomes a de facto King. We have no power left to hold the President responsible. Our only chance is to get the Republicos out of office.
dj @ 35 Yes, and why, we may wonder, did disaster relief arrive so much more quickly at little brother Jebs state….
I would love to stay and chat, but I have to go work overtime, so I can pay enough taxes to rebuild Iraq and New Orleans…
Comment by dj— 9/3/05 @ 2:00 pm
Why was it “ho-hum, another hurricane, business as usual” when one of the most powerful storms to ever hit the U.S. was on its way, actually hitting the coast, and for several days afterward?
The fact is, as I stated and provided the link above, Bush personally advised LA Governor to issue a mandatory evacuation. That is not “ho-hum”. What appears to be “ho-hum” is the effort put in to actually enforce the mandatory evacuation, by LA’s Governor and by NO’s Mayor.
34 – Hey Chris, explain this then. It doesn’t quite jibe with your RNC talking points.
If any of them had any self-respect they would resign but most politicians never take responsibility for anything that goes wrong but this is really much worse than wrong.
Democrats have unlimited needs, and someone else must pay!!! Pay, or you will be looted by Democrats in “guvment” or by looters at WALMART!!
F U Goldy @ 39
“What appears to be “ho-hum” is the effort put in to actually enforce the mandatory evacuation, by LA’s Governor and by NO’s Mayor.”
Hmmmm. . . from Bloomburg on 29 Aug:
“personally advised LA Governor to issue a mandatory evacuation.”
I’m going to call bullshit on that. Source please?
It is a shame that the governor and mayor had to get on national TV and Radio to plead for help from the federal government. What a national embarassment!
JCH @ 42
“Democrats have unlimited needs, and someone else must pay!!! Pay, or you will be looted by Democrats in “guvment” or by looters at WALMART!!”
Actually, Democrats seem to ask that all citizens help pay for public works, and running the government and military.
It is the Republicans who are racking up credit card bills like the second coming of Christ is scheduled for next year.
How the hell have we gone in 5 short years from being able to pay off part of the national debt to being in the biggest debt hole of any nation on earth?
So Bush’s response, after receiving a letter requesting aid even before the Hurricane hit, was to advise the Governor of Louisiana to issue a mandatory evacuation order.
I guess you’re right F U, Bush did all he was required to do. I feel so much better now about our commander in chief.
dj @ 43: Here’s the link to the “Bush asked” assertion:
“Gov. Kathleen Blanco, standing beside the mayor at a news conference, said President Bush called and personally appealed for a mandatory evacuation for the low-lying city, which is prone to flooding.”
I’m with LC here, every level of government screwed up big time. To point to just one level, one person, one agency and say “this is all your fault” is wrong. A lot of people (yes, starting and including the President) have to take responsibility.
There’s been a lot of heat on the Federal level, rightfully so, but what about this tidbit from NO’s own plan:?
“A. Evacuation Time Requirements
Using information developed as part of the Southeast Louisiana Hurricane Task Force and other research, the City of New Orleans has established a maximum acceptable hurricane evacuation time standard for a Category 3 storm event of 72 hours. This is based on clearance time or is the time required to clear all vehicles evacuating in response to a hurricane situation from area roadways. Clearance time begins when the first evacuating vehicle enters the road network and ends when the last evacuating vehicle reaches its destination.”
Why didn’t NO get the word out sooner?
Also Goldy, I saw the Exective Director of the Red Cross last night interviewed and he didn’t want this folks going in until everything was secure, for what that’s worth.
dj@43 – I already provided the source, as have other now, but for you lets do this again.
“Gov. Kathleen Blanco, standing beside the mayor at a news conference, said President Bush called and personally appealed for a mandatory evacuation for the low-lying city, which is prone to flooding.”
rwb@44 – Facts get in the way of your hate so you ignore them.
Myself @ 45: I should have said: “I’d start with Mayor Nagin, and end the President, and include everybody in between for responsibility.”
46: that should be “his people”.
Helps if you review your own posts. Sorry.
Still no answer to the question how many buses, trains, flatbed trucks are in the NO area? Local government could have gotten everyone out but didn’t. That is not Bushs fault except in the warped minds of those on the left.
Myself (again) @ 49: Cripes! Did it again. “and end with the President”. Hopefully, this is it.
What does the word mandatory mean again? That’s right, something you must do; unless of course you really don’t want to.
I was relieved to hear from the president that Trent Lott’s McMansion will be rebuilt and our short-bus Pres. looks forward to sitting on the porch quaffing a cold one and trying desperately to learn the chords to, “House of the Rising Sun”. I feel better already!
Could anyone be less in touch with reality than GWB?!?!?! Just goes to show the value of a private education!
Like I said in another thread, I mentioned the Red Cross fiasco, and also that GWB had supplies into Thailand the second day after the tsunami, I commend him for that (I was there). And it took 4 days for him to get off his dead-dumb ass and get help to his own citizens??????? How could 58+ million Americans be so fucking stupid????????????????????
im not happy wioth any of the responses, including the mayor who ordered an evacuatiuon then didnt let them use the damn buses in his city bus yard, or the governor who delayed decalring an emergencey, soemthing she has to do BEFORE the feds can come in, plus not declaring martial law immediately and bringing the national guard as well as asking for assistence from ajoining states under the joint states treaties….
Yes, there has been a lack of response at all levels, and no one, republican or democrat is blameless.
FU @ 51
“Still no answer to the question how many buses, trains, flatbed trucks are in the NO area? Local government could have gotten everyone out but didn’t. That is not Bushs fault except in the warped minds of those on the left. “
Or, perhaps you should ask how many were actually used to get people out. Quite a few, I understand. They got 80% of the population out. And considering that there has never been a complete evacuation order for a large city in the U.S. before, it looks like they did damn well.
What I want to know, is why the military helicopters were not loaded up with disaster relief supplies days BEFORE the hurricane hit? I mean, did Bush limit the government’s participation to a fucking phone call?
FU @ 53
“What does the word mandatory mean again? That’s right, something you must do; unless of course you really don’t want to.”
So, your solution is to execute (or starve to death) those who didn’t leave town?
What is your excuse for the sluggish federal response in areas hard-hit but outside of the manatory evacuation area?
Karl @ 56
It seems like you have been listening to too much talk radio. Little of what you say has any basis in known fact.
I am sorry, but it is all true.
Thye failures in this, if it does any good to point them out started in 1999 and continued since on many levels.
My bottom line is I am sick of politicians pointing fingers while people die.
Im sick of Jesse Jackson coming out making it an issue of race instead of an issue of life.
While every one sits and smugly points fingers at this failure or that one, and yes I am sorry there are failures on ALL sides, but while we engage this people were and likely still are dying.
So deal with it, the city wasnt ready, the state wasnt ready and we as a culture, judging by the svagery in the streets, aren’t ready to deal with a disater of any magnitude.
And its amazing that in post 911, NYC which has the surliest and rudest reputation, none the less stuck together and helpoed each other.
I’m ashamed of out leaders on a local state and federal level, and I am ashamed at politicians at all sides who are trying to leverage this for politcal gain.
Check this out lefty asseshorses:
Yes, the mayor screwed the pooch BIG TIME!!!
if 80% really got out, it sure wasnt via the mayor and his buses.
But i thought you guys said nobody got out..or only the rich people got out..
righton @ 62
“if 80% really got out, it sure wasnt via the mayor and his buses.”
Why do you say that? There most certainly were busses removing people—unless the media pictures of the jammed packed highway were photoshopped. Is that what you are suggesting?
“But i thought you guys said nobody got out..or only the rich people got out..”
No … I said that 80% got out.
I’m a white middle class Republican and I gotta tell you, this Katrina disaster (lack of) relief has alot of us wondering what the hell is going on with the Replican leadership.
I become more and more angered at FEMA, Dept. of Homeland Security, and of course leadership that goes to the top.
No American should die because of imcompentence (Brown). And to not let the Red Cross in? Someone needs to hang. Today.
I don’t care what party you align yourself with. The truth is that the Feds failed and continue to fail.
Each day I shake my head in disbelief at the stupidity, insanity and dumbfuck politics that continue to get in the way of saving people.
I’m voting them all out.