It’s pretty awful that we’re going to have a declaration of a national emergency over nothing. And it’s so obviously an impeachable act, but add it to the list of things that he won’t be impeached for.
“It’s pretty awful that we’re going to have a declaration of a national emergency over nothing.”
Not really. This precedent could be very useful for dealing with real emergencies. He’s paving the way for his Democratic successor to declare that the $7.25 federal minimum wage, AR-15s, and climate change are national emergencies.
Seventh Sojurnspews:
Jim Acosta (asshole “journalist” from CNN) just had his lunch eaten by a bunch of Angel Moms after a prsss conference at the White House. Trump worked Acosta with that tactic, bringing out some real people whose family members were killed by illegals.
It’s always fun watching one of those elitist jerks in the ” press” get attacked by people who aren’t Ivy League moonbeams or liberal progressive assholes.
Trump's weird little penisspews:
Absolutely hilarious. The Republican President really knows how to humiliate, belittle, and demean those foolish enough to defy his authority. Like that time The Republican President mocked the grieving widow of a fallen Marine because she didn’t say nice things about him. That was fantastic too!
We rule because he rules!
As a patriot, I’d like to do my part and help the orange moron out with his national emergency, but my golf course is still closed because of the snow.
@2 “Angel Moms”? More like Evil Moms. Do they want some cheese with that Whine?
26 Elementary kids were shot up with fun guns, and you and those mother fuckers could give two shits. Fuck them and their family.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
Jason Van Dyke, the disgraced former Chicago Police officer convicted of second degree murder and aggravated battery in the shooting death of 17 year old Laquan McDonald, was recently transferred to the general population of FCI Danbury outside of New York as inmate 02480-122 where, during his first week at the facility, he was badly beaten by other inmates.
FCI Danbury is the facility where Mr. Safety School, Esq. is expected to serve out his sentence.
I want to make it clear, that as far as I’m concerned the history of the BOP failure to ensure the safety of inmates is a disgrace to the United States and its citizens. Every one of us should feel a deep sense of shame knowing that the convicted criminals placed into our care during their custodial sentence are not protected from violent and sexual assault by those we entrust with that care. It is a reprehensible failure for which there is absolutely no excuse.
That being said, every single inmate in those facilities should be entitled to precisely the same level of custodial protection and care regardless of the crime they are convicted of or their status on the outside. Those facilities should be safe for every inmate.
And nobody, whether they are the former Republican Presidential Campaign Chairman, the former personal attorney for the Republican President, the former Treasurer of the Republican Presidential Campaign, the former Republican National Security Adviser, the former personal adviser to the Republican President, or the Republican President’s son should be faced with the fear that they would be held down forcibly in a darkened tile-lined shower room to be brutally sodomized while their teeth are beaten out of their face.
We should all be sad and ashamed about that.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@2 Yes, much better to have only government-controlled media, so people only know what Great Leader wants them to hear. Dictatorship much easier to impose without Jim Acosta and his ilk.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@6 Couldn’t agree more. The dearth of qualified correctional officers in federal and state prisons is a national emergency. Those jobs are stressful and dangerous, and those workers shouldn’t be expected to work without pay just because someone wants a border wall.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Some presidents spend political capital. Others (well, at least one) throw it away.
“President Donald Trump on Friday admitted that he ‘didn’t need to’ declare a national emergency for his long-promised border wall, and merely wanted to ‘do it much faster’ to please his political base. A number of legal experts … immediately noted on Twitter that those words could easily be used against him in the likely legal battle ….”
“President Donald Trump’s former hardline supporter Ann Coulter is continuing to turn on him, slamming his national emergency declaration as a way to ‘scam the stupidest people in his base.'”
“Some Republicans, both before and after Trump made the declaration, voiced their concern about the precedent it would set. ‘Such a declaration would undermine the role of Congress and the appropriations process; it’s just not good policy,’ Sen. Susan Collins (R-Maine) said in a statement on Thursday. … Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.) commented on Thursday that ‘no crisis justifies violating the Constitution.'”
In spite of all the racist hysteria from low information sewage flooded trailer parks, all the evidence forever consistently indicates that the vast overwhelming majority of people within the United States illegally arrive here through regular border crossings at checkpoints, not crawling through the desert. That should be obvious. It just isn’t that tough to come to the United States legally as a visitor and then stay. That’s how the 911 hijackers did it. That’s how most do.
But guess which nationality completely dominates the number of people who enter the U.S. as visitors through a regulated border crossing and then stay here illegally?
Canadians. Fucking Canadians. That’s right. William Shatner, Seth Rogen, Dan Aykroyd, Ryan Reynolds, overly apologetic, vanilla motherfucking Canadians.
And guess which US national border has had the most international terrorist attacks launched through it?
Yep. That’s right. The U.S. border with Canada.
No, the goal of a national emergency is for Trump to scam the stupidest people in his base for 2 more years.
11:55 PM – 14 Feb 2019
Oh dear. Doesn’t she know?
My. That is embarrassing. Shouldn’t somebody tell her?
Trump's weird little penisspews:
Ann Coulter?
Who the fuck is that?
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
The NEA empowers the Congress to pass a resolution at any time terminating any presidentially declared EEMUURGEEE!!!. If House Democrats pass such a resolution the Senate must vote on it within 36 days.
And then they still get to crush it in court.
“Senators Collins, Gardner, Tillis, Cornyn, McSally, how say you?”*
“A former Washington lawmaker [was] arrested Sunday after he and an underage relative were drinking in an Eastside bar …. Former Republican Rep. Jay Rodne, 52, … has been charged with making a false statement … and being complicit in furnishing alcohol to a minor.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Where does the GOP find these scum? Probably doesn’t have to look for them. They know which party will encourage them to run for public office.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
paid handsomely no doubt.
All without ever having to risk TBI and early death like nearly every other member of the NFLPA.
Once you cross beyond Teh Orange Event Horizon there is no return. It is an immutable natural law as binding and as certain as any. And once crossed over, all perception of reality is permanently distorted as if viewed through an orange PeePee soaked fun house mirror.
And also why this sad MAGAMurican is bankrupt, why Colin Kaepernick and his lawyers earned tens of millions of dollars for getting people to notice police murders, and why Jason Van Dyke is being fitted for dentures.
Well the “National Emergency” may actually be yet another distraction. An “Aspirin Factory” so to speak.
Because Former Deputer FBI Director Andrew McCabe’s book surely would have drawn more attention today otherwise…
North Korea launched its first intercontinental ballistic missile on July 4, 2017.
Trump insisted intelligence reports claiming North Korea had launched an ICBM were incorrect, refusing to believe the reports because Putin had told him that North Korea did not have that capability.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@19 What do you expect from a guy who tried to steal public park land?
Roger Rabbitspews:
@21 Evoking the spirit of an earlier generation who fervently believed Japanese torpedo planes couldn’t fly all the way from Tokyo to Hawaii.
@14 Climate Change and the Military.
How’s Tyndall Air Force Base doing? Wonder how much vanity wall money is being diverted from repairing the Tyndall climate change damage?
Laidlaw says there are 48 separate repair projects under way affecting 144 different base facilities. To date, he added, officials have issued $175 million in contracts for the work
Trump's weird little penisspews:
Why doesn’t he just get the money from Mexico like he originally planned?
It’s really strange. Something feels off here. I wonder if something is wrong?
The money is connected to a host of planned housing, medical and logistics projects in the United States and overseas but has not yet been spent.
Among the projects approved by Congress just last year are a new vehicle maintenance shop at Camp Arifjan in Kuwait, drydock repairs at Joint Base Pearl Harbor-Hickam in Hawaii, F-35 hangar improvements at Luke Air Force Base in Arizona, and new family housing builds in Korea, Italy and Wisconsin.
Documented Demorat Loon Of The Week Award, Final Results-Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-Loon, but in a good way suckers).
During Friday’s “Morning Joe” on MSNBC, network commentator Donny Deutsch warned “extremely dangerous” Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) could be “handing” the presidency back to President Donald Trump in 2020 with her actions and statements.
“And you attach this to the Green Deal and you are handing President Trump — President Trump now gets to go, the Democrats don’t want jobs. The Democrats don’t want companies coming to your neighborhoods,” he continued. “The Democrats have a Green Deal that wants a 70% tax rate, wants jobs for everybody, even just hand to you, tuition handed to you, socialism.”
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
Public filing: “the government obtained and executed dozens of search warrants on various accounts used to facilitate the transfer of stolen documents for release, as well as to discuss the timing and promotion of their release.”
“Several of those search warrants were executed on accounts that contained Stone’s communications with Guccifer 2.0 and with Organization 1,”
So break it down. The SCO, as per the statute and the authority granted to them by the AG, investigated the illegal intrusion of secure databases under the control of the DNC and the resulting theft of data by Russian espionage agents. These are federal crimes. They resulted in indictments.
In the course of investigating these crimes and collecting the evidence to bring those indictments the SCO obtained court issued search warrants to communication accounts used to carry out the publication of the stolen data and to plan and coordinate that publication of stolen data. Also federal crimes. Also resulted in indictments.
Discovered in the search of those communication accounts were communications between Roger Stone and the Russian spies who stole the data and the guys who published the stolen data, Mmmkay?
Here’s what I know about career criminal prosecutors in the DOJ who are investigating criminal conspiracies involving interstate coms. The minute an individual’s identity pops up in the surveillance of communications in furtherance of a criminal conspiracy, and the content of the communications indicates that individual is involved in the conspiracy, they get another warrant for that individual’s accounts as well. That’s one of the ways they build a complete picture of the network of individuals cooperating in a criminal conspiracy. This may be hard to believe, but it turns out the conspirators themselves almost never tell them who else is involved. Who knew?/s Now here’s one of the important things not being shouted out loud in the filing: the court doesn’t give DOJ a warrant to dig through Roger Stone’s accounts because he was sharing his favorite paella recipe with Russian spies. And Roger Stone is under indictment for falsely claiming in sworn testimony before Congress that he never communicated with these individuals about their little conspiracy. So the reason Roger Stone is under indictment, and the reason that indictment is related to the indictment of Russian spies who stole DNC data, is because somewhere in the communications DOJ originally obtained Roger Stone was discussing his involvement in the Russian spy conspiracy.
Now there’s bound to be a filtering process both as a matter of policy but also and particularly in this case, in order to protect innocent parties and any claims of privilege. Plenty of the names and identities of innocent people who are not involved in the criminal conspiracy will be identified in the course of surveillance. And some privileged comms may be swept up as well. It’s very important that a careless investigation not screw up the lives of innocent people. And it’s very important that the investigation itself is protected from claims of privilege. So great care is exercised.
But still, it’s fairly clear that going back at least as far as 2016 the SCO has all of Roger Stone’s emails, texts, and telephone meta details. Something tells me that is some interesting shit including plenty of non-privileged communications of a potentially criminal nature going way beyond Russian PeePee President and DNC emails.
But hey, final report due any day now, right?
Funny, we haven’t heard much from Giuli lately.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@27 Wow! You gained 0.02% on a day when the Dow was up only 1.74%, Russell 2000 1.56%, S&P 500 1.09%, and Nasdaq 0.61%!! How did you do that??
Roger Rabbitspews:
@26 “new family housing builds in Korea, Italy and Wisconsin”
Fuck ’em. Let ’em live in tents. They’re in the Army, they’re used to it. Their dependents, too.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@30 Collusion? What collusion? There’s nothing here but a partisan WITCH HUNT!!!
Roger Rabbitspews:
A well regulated militia in Illinois has been demobilized after deactivating six police officers and five coworkers. This particular militia was not imported from Mexico.
“It’s pretty awful that we’re going to have a declaration of a national emergency over nothing.”
Not really. This precedent could be very useful for dealing with real emergencies. He’s paving the way for his Democratic successor to declare that the $7.25 federal minimum wage, AR-15s, and climate change are national emergencies.
Jim Acosta (asshole “journalist” from CNN) just had his lunch eaten by a bunch of Angel Moms after a prsss conference at the White House. Trump worked Acosta with that tactic, bringing out some real people whose family members were killed by illegals.
It’s always fun watching one of those elitist jerks in the ” press” get attacked by people who aren’t Ivy League moonbeams or liberal progressive assholes.
Absolutely hilarious. The Republican President really knows how to humiliate, belittle, and demean those foolish enough to defy his authority. Like that time The Republican President mocked the grieving widow of a fallen Marine because she didn’t say nice things about him. That was fantastic too!
We rule because he rules!
As a patriot, I’d like to do my part and help the orange moron out with his national emergency, but my golf course is still closed because of the snow.
@2 “Angel Moms”? More like Evil Moms. Do they want some cheese with that Whine?
26 Elementary kids were shot up with fun guns, and you and those mother fuckers could give two shits. Fuck them and their family.
Jason Van Dyke, the disgraced former Chicago Police officer convicted of second degree murder and aggravated battery in the shooting death of 17 year old Laquan McDonald, was recently transferred to the general population of FCI Danbury outside of New York as inmate 02480-122 where, during his first week at the facility, he was badly beaten by other inmates.
FCI Danbury is the facility where Mr. Safety School, expected to serve out his sentence.I want to make it clear, that as far as I’m concerned the history of the BOP failure to ensure the safety of inmates is a disgrace to the United States and its citizens. Every one of us should feel a deep sense of shame knowing that the convicted criminals placed into our care during their custodial sentence are not protected from violent and sexual assault by those we entrust with that care. It is a reprehensible failure for which there is absolutely no excuse.
That being said, every single inmate in those facilities should be entitled to precisely the same level of custodial protection and care regardless of the crime they are convicted of or their status on the outside. Those facilities should be safe for every inmate.
And nobody, whether they are the former Republican Presidential Campaign Chairman, the former personal attorney for the Republican President, the former Treasurer of the Republican Presidential Campaign, the former Republican National Security Adviser, the former personal adviser to the Republican President, or the Republican President’s son should be faced with the fear that they would be held down forcibly in a darkened tile-lined shower room to be brutally sodomized while their teeth are beaten out of their face.
We should all be sad and ashamed about that.
@2 Yes, much better to have only government-controlled media, so people only know what Great Leader wants them to hear. Dictatorship much easier to impose without Jim Acosta and his ilk.
@6 Couldn’t agree more. The dearth of qualified correctional officers in federal and state prisons is a national emergency. Those jobs are stressful and dangerous, and those workers shouldn’t be expected to work without pay just because someone wants a border wall.
Some presidents spend political capital. Others (well, at least one) throw it away.
“President Donald Trump on Friday admitted that he ‘didn’t need to’ declare a national emergency for his long-promised border wall, and merely wanted to ‘do it much faster’ to please his political base. A number of legal experts … immediately noted on Twitter that those words could easily be used against him in the likely legal battle ….”
“President Donald Trump’s former hardline supporter Ann Coulter is continuing to turn on him, slamming his national emergency declaration as a way to ‘scam the stupidest people in his base.'”
“Some Republicans, both before and after Trump made the declaration, voiced their concern about the precedent it would set. ‘Such a declaration would undermine the role of Congress and the appropriations process; it’s just not good policy,’ Sen. Susan Collins (R-Maine) said in a statement on Thursday. … Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.) commented on Thursday that ‘no crisis justifies violating the Constitution.'”
“‘You’re watching Mitch McConnell eat a manure sandwich …,’ [former GOP Rep. Mike] Rogers, now a CNN contributor, said on the network Friday.”
In spite of all the racist hysteria from low information sewage flooded trailer parks, all the evidence forever consistently indicates that the vast overwhelming majority of people within the United States illegally arrive here through regular border crossings at checkpoints, not crawling through the desert. That should be obvious. It just isn’t that tough to come to the United States legally as a visitor and then stay. That’s how the 911 hijackers did it. That’s how most do.
But guess which nationality completely dominates the number of people who enter the U.S. as visitors through a regulated border crossing and then stay here illegally?
Canadians. Fucking Canadians. That’s right. William Shatner, Seth Rogen, Dan Aykroyd, Ryan Reynolds, overly apologetic, vanilla motherfucking Canadians.
And guess which US national border has had the most international terrorist attacks launched through it?
Yep. That’s right. The U.S. border with Canada.
As usual, South Park had it right!
Ann Coulter
Verified account
No, the goal of a national emergency is for Trump to scam the stupidest people in his base for 2 more years.
11:55 PM – 14 Feb 2019
Oh dear. Doesn’t she know?
My. That is embarrassing. Shouldn’t somebody tell her?
Ann Coulter?
Who the fuck is that?
The NEA empowers the Congress to pass a resolution at any time terminating any presidentially declared EEMUURGEEE!!!. If House Democrats pass such a resolution the Senate must vote on it within 36 days.
And then they still get to crush it in court.
“Senators Collins, Gardner, Tillis, Cornyn, McSally, how say you?”*
Trump destroys everything he touches.
Climate change poses “immediate risks” to national security and will have broad and costly impacts on the way the US military carries out its missions, the Pentagon said in a new report on the impact of climate change released on 13 October (.pdf/2014 so Muslim obviously).
“Immediate risks to national security” and “a threat multiplier”.
With well documented reports like that from the Pentagon some President might…. hmmmm.
Gonna lose yer guns and yer coal rollers.
CNN is reporting that Sarah Sanders was interviewed under oath by the SCO.
Yup. Wrapping it up any second now.
CNN also reports the NFL has settled with Colin Kaepernick and Eric Reid in their collusion grievances. The terms are confidential.
“A former Washington lawmaker [was] arrested Sunday after he and an underage relative were drinking in an Eastside bar …. Former Republican Rep. Jay Rodne, 52, … has been charged with making a false statement … and being complicit in furnishing alcohol to a minor.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Where does the GOP find these scum? Probably doesn’t have to look for them. They know which party will encourage them to run for public office.
paid handsomely no doubt.
All without ever having to risk TBI and early death like nearly every other member of the NFLPA.
Good news everyone!
Billionaire Plutocrat CEO has issued his terms of surrender.
Such a generous and humble man.
Once you cross beyond Teh Orange Event Horizon there is no return. It is an immutable natural law as binding and as certain as any. And once crossed over, all perception of reality is permanently distorted as if viewed through an orange PeePee soaked fun house mirror.
Which explains why this seemed like such a good idea at the time.
And also why this sad MAGAMurican is bankrupt, why Colin Kaepernick and his lawyers earned tens of millions of dollars for getting people to notice police murders, and why Jason Van Dyke is being fitted for dentures.
Well the “National Emergency” may actually be yet another distraction. An “Aspirin Factory” so to speak.
Because Former Deputer FBI Director Andrew McCabe’s book surely would have drawn more attention today otherwise…
@19 What do you expect from a guy who tried to steal public park land?
@21 Evoking the spirit of an earlier generation who fervently believed Japanese torpedo planes couldn’t fly all the way from Tokyo to Hawaii.
@14 Climate Change and the Military.
How’s Tyndall Air Force Base doing? Wonder how much vanity wall money is being diverted from repairing the Tyndall climate change damage?
Laidlaw says there are 48 separate repair projects under way affecting 144 different base facilities. To date, he added, officials have issued $175 million in contracts for the work
Why doesn’t he just get the money from Mexico like he originally planned?
It’s really strange. Something feels off here. I wonder if something is wrong?
The money is connected to a host of planned housing, medical and logistics projects in the United States and overseas but has not yet been spent.
Among the projects approved by Congress just last year are a new vehicle maintenance shop at Camp Arifjan in Kuwait, drydock repairs at Joint Base Pearl Harbor-Hickam in Hawaii, F-35 hangar improvements at Luke Air Force Base in Arizona, and new family housing builds in Korea, Italy and Wisconsin.
One such project could be the European Deterrence Initiative, an $800 million budget that provides U.S. allies with defense support against Russia, the Washington Post reported earlier this month. Staging areas, refueling stations and other NATO projects could be halted in lieu of border wall funding, the Post also reported.
Republicans support the troops. /s
+33.59% January 1, 2018 through February 15, 2019
Undocumented Demorat Of The Week Award, Final Results– First Place, Javier da Silva, as previously reported;
Undocumented Execution Scientist Javier “Suitcase Packer” da Silva Successfully Tests Drug-Free Alternative To Lethal Injection, The Suitcase Chamber.
Second Place- Undocumented pediatrician Heber Obed Hernandez-Martinez, a convicted sex offender and aggravated felon who had been convicted in 2009 of a First Degree Sexual Offense involving a child and served 84 months in confinement. He was subsequently removed from the United States in August 2016.
Documented Demorat Loon Of The Week Award, Final Results-Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-Loon, but in a good way suckers).
During Friday’s “Morning Joe” on MSNBC, network commentator Donny Deutsch warned “extremely dangerous” Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) could be “handing” the presidency back to President Donald Trump in 2020 with her actions and statements.
“And you attach this to the Green Deal and you are handing President Trump — President Trump now gets to go, the Democrats don’t want jobs. The Democrats don’t want companies coming to your neighborhoods,” he continued. “The Democrats have a Green Deal that wants a 70% tax rate, wants jobs for everybody, even just hand to you, tuition handed to you, socialism.”
Public filing:
“the government obtained and executed dozens of search warrants on various accounts used to facilitate the transfer of stolen documents for release, as well as to discuss the timing and promotion of their release.”
“Several of those search warrants were executed on accounts that contained Stone’s communications with Guccifer 2.0 and with Organization 1,”
So break it down. The SCO, as per the statute and the authority granted to them by the AG, investigated the illegal intrusion of secure databases under the control of the DNC and the resulting theft of data by Russian espionage agents. These are federal crimes. They resulted in indictments.
In the course of investigating these crimes and collecting the evidence to bring those indictments the SCO obtained court issued search warrants to communication accounts used to carry out the publication of the stolen data and to plan and coordinate that publication of stolen data. Also federal crimes. Also resulted in indictments.
Discovered in the search of those communication accounts were communications between Roger Stone and the Russian spies who stole the data and the guys who published the stolen data, Mmmkay?
Here’s what I know about career criminal prosecutors in the DOJ who are investigating criminal conspiracies involving interstate coms. The minute an individual’s identity pops up in the surveillance of communications in furtherance of a criminal conspiracy, and the content of the communications indicates that individual is involved in the conspiracy, they get another warrant for that individual’s accounts as well. That’s one of the ways they build a complete picture of the network of individuals cooperating in a criminal conspiracy. This may be hard to believe, but it turns out the conspirators themselves almost never tell them who else is involved. Who knew?/s Now here’s one of the important things not being shouted out loud in the filing: the court doesn’t give DOJ a warrant to dig through Roger Stone’s accounts because he was sharing his favorite paella recipe with Russian spies. And Roger Stone is under indictment for falsely claiming in sworn testimony before Congress that he never communicated with these individuals about their little conspiracy. So the reason Roger Stone is under indictment, and the reason that indictment is related to the indictment of Russian spies who stole DNC data, is because somewhere in the communications DOJ originally obtained Roger Stone was discussing his involvement in the Russian spy conspiracy.
Now there’s bound to be a filtering process both as a matter of policy but also and particularly in this case, in order to protect innocent parties and any claims of privilege. Plenty of the names and identities of innocent people who are not involved in the criminal conspiracy will be identified in the course of surveillance. And some privileged comms may be swept up as well. It’s very important that a careless investigation not screw up the lives of innocent people. And it’s very important that the investigation itself is protected from claims of privilege. So great care is exercised.
But still, it’s fairly clear that going back at least as far as 2016 the SCO has all of Roger Stone’s emails, texts, and telephone meta details. Something tells me that is some interesting shit including plenty of non-privileged communications of a potentially criminal nature going way beyond Russian PeePee President and DNC emails.
But hey, final report due any day now, right?
Funny, we haven’t heard much from Giuli lately.
@27 Wow! You gained 0.02% on a day when the Dow was up only 1.74%, Russell 2000 1.56%, S&P 500 1.09%, and Nasdaq 0.61%!! How did you do that??
@26 “new family housing builds in Korea, Italy and Wisconsin”
Fuck ’em. Let ’em live in tents. They’re in the Army, they’re used to it. Their dependents, too.
@30 Collusion? What collusion? There’s nothing here but a partisan WITCH HUNT!!!
A well regulated militia in Illinois has been demobilized after deactivating six police officers and five coworkers. This particular militia was not imported from Mexico.