No joke… Democrat George Fearing outraised incumbent Republican Doc Hastings in the first quarter, $38,000 to $33,000. Hastings still has big cash on hand lead, but it’s not so big that Fearing can’t get on a level playing field. And this is WA-04 for chissakes.
We need to elect a Democrat in CD-4, and anywhere else a seat is still occupied by a GOPer, so we’ve got a veto-proof majority for bankruptcy reform.
I read about this little feature of the GOP Bankruptcy Law in today’s fishwrapper; you learn something new every day. Although I could have guessed who gets paid last when a company goes belly-up …
“Changes in the federal bankruptcy code in 2005 … force companies to pay suppliers before paying wages or honoring obligations to customers, such as redeeming gift cards ….”
I cna’t believe there’s anyone left still voting Republican. Why would anyone vote for known thieves?
Roger Rabbit’s new bumper sticker:
End the Occupation of Congress!!
Vote Democrat
That is freaking awesome.
Doc hastings is an awesome name though.
RR @ 1: I used to be pretty familiar with bankruptcy law, but the 2005 revisions had me focused on the affect on consumer bankruptcies (I do a lot of debt counseling at my church).
The affect of those changes could be summarized as follows: risky behavior will be rewarded, if its a business making predatory loans to consumers. Risky behavior by consumers will be punished, such as taking out credit cards at a teaser interest rate, losing health insurance due to layoffs, outsourcing, etc., or just plane getting sick or getting into a car accident.
I’ll have to read up on the changes to Chapt. 11 reorganizations. What did they do, create a new priority class of creditors, or is it a clarification of who gets priority among current expenditures while the company is flying under the Chapt. 11 plan?
it blows my mind that repubs are so welding to their party that they can’t see what is happening to this country and would even consider voting for a man who protects pedophiles. Even if the Dem doesn’t win, and god knows, I hope he does, can’t the people of eastern WA find a repuke with some sort of values? Letting MF off the hook should be a complete deal breaker for any person with a soul.
Doc Hastings:
former chair and now ranking member of the house ethics committee – the famous committee that NEVER keeps track of or acts on ethics. Tom Delay knew a good partisan when he saw one…Hastings illegally tried to influence the Justice department to get John McCay fired. He was also in charge during the congressional page scandal and stalled on DeLay and his ethics charges…typical corrupt and inept republican.
Well, Fearing’s still got a long way to go. But anything which makes the Republicans have to spend money and effort defending what they thought was a “safe” seat is a good thing.
But I’m coming over to the opinion that nationally, the Republicans are essentially writing off the 2008 Congressional elections. They just don’t have the money, and it looks like they will be using teaspoons to fight the tide. They will just leave it up to the incumbents to make do on their own fundraising resources.
Instead, they will be dumping every resource they have (money, time, effort) into the McCain campaign for the Presidency. They figure that if McCain is President, he can veto Democratic legislation, refuse to enforce laws he doesn’t agree with, keep the justice department from investigating Republican abuses during the Bush years, and pardon any Republicans who were missed in the massive pardon list which Bush is preparing to sign the night before he leaves office.
But more importantly, the existing Supreme Court consists of one justice appointed by Clinton (Goldberg), and eight appointed by Republicans ranging from Ford to Bush. But two of them (Goldberg and Stevens) will likely retire (or die) in the next four years due to age. Another five will be in their mid-seventies before the next presidential term ends. The next President has the opportunity to use their appointment power to steer the direction of the Court for the next half-century (including the value of precedent). With a very radical right-wing court, they can control public policy for quite some time.
Hey, Dino Rossi thinks that it should be easy to pay for our biggest transportation projects if we just wring two percent worth of savings from our existing state budget! Of course, he wants to spend the money first, and then leave it to someone else to find the savings later, but that’s another topic….
So what if I, and other HA’s regulars, eliminate 2% of the “inefficiency and waste” from our personal budgets, and instead direct that money to Democratic Congressional campaigns around the country? Sure, 2% is a lot of money, especially with gas prices and food going through the roof. But it would actually be an investment which would pay off for us in the long run.
The current Bush administration and their allies in the previous Republican Congress of 2000-2006 added some $33,0000 in debt to each U.S. family. If we could really make an effort to get rid of every Republican in national office, we could avoid having another 33,000 (or a similar amount) added to our family’s share of the national debt by a McCain administration. Sound’s like a sound return on a 2% investment to me!