If FCC chair Kevin Martin thought he could depress turnout at tonight’s public hearing on media consolidation by scheduling it with only five days notice, he shouldn’t have located it in Seattle. By 7PM, Town Hall’s 800-seat auditorium was comfortably full, with more people still streaming in. Even now, over three hours into the proceedings a large crowd remains, with many more people milling about downstairs. I think it a safe bet to estimate that over 1200 people will have come through the doors by the end of the night.
The audience is not only large, but extremely enthusiastic, and almost entirely opposed to the FCC’s proposed rules loosening limits on cross ownership and consolidation. It is also (gasp) bipartisan. The meeting opened with live statements from Gov. Chris Gregoire, AG Rob McKenna, state auditor Brian Sonntag, and KC councilmember Reagan Dunn, plus prerecorded statements from Sen. Maria Cantwell, Rep. Jay Inslee and Rep. Dave Reichert. Needless to say, all opposed the rule changes. A panel of speakers including Seattle Times publisher Frank Blethen and KVI radio personality John Carlson also spoke to the commission, and again, overwhelmingly against the rules. Indeed, the only speakers the FCC could find to support further media consolidation were a handful of representatives from media companies that would benefit from the rule changes.
Meanwhile, over 251 audience members have already signed up for a two minute speaking slot — if everybody gets their turn we’ll be here for another eight hours! And of the dozens of concerned citizens who have already spoken, only one has argued in support of loosening ownership rules… my colleague and KTTH morning host, David Boze. (Talk about a brown nose. I sure hope that’s not what it takes to get ahead in today’s corporate-owned media, because if it is, I’m screwed.) Each speaker (except for Boze) has been thanked with loud and boisterous applause, a level of enthusiasm all the more amazing considering we all realize that the Republican majority on the FCC has already written the rules and made their decision, and that this whole hearing is little more than show.
I’m not sure how long I’ll stick around, but I’ll certainly post more later….
UPDATE (11:30PM):
I gotta admit, I couldn’t sit through the whole thing, so I went out for a drink, but I just got back, and it’s still going strong… maybe 200 people still sitting in the audience, more than seven hours later. Amazing. Over 280 concerned citizens signed up for their two minutes to speak, but they’re planning to shut things down at midnight. According to Andrew, who’s been live blogging the whole time, only a couple people have spoken in favor of loosening the ownership rules.
You can argue the merits of the proposed rule changes all you want, but one thing is absolutely clear from this FCC hearing… the public is overwhelmingly opposed. Nearly unanimously. This whole hearing may be a farce, but if so, the people here tonight are playing their roles with passion and verve.
Heck, the FCC’s job has never been easier.
With the net, streaming video, youtube, 400+ channels of TV, talk radio, and near instant access to newspapers all over the world (not to mention blogs) the FCC has never had it so good.
Never in the history of the country has anyone had access like this. Sure, some ventures simply fail in the marketplace like the ill-fated left-wing talk radio syndicate Air America, but they certainly had their chance in the marketplace of ideas…it was just that nobody wanted to buy.
Given the environment of today, where even Goldy can publish to the world at his leisure, it’s difficult to justify ANY ownership restrictions on the media.
Goldy – The fact of the matter is that the reason nobody listens to bullshit radio shows like yours is that most people don’t like the stoopid shit you say. It has to do with the fact that you’re a fucking idiot.
You can’t force people to listen to the stoopid fucking crap people like you produce. Sure, you can burn up bandwidth, but why?
The reason that conservatives dominate talk radio is because it’s what free people choose to listen to. It’s that fucking simple.
So you stalinists can bloviate about the eeevil corporations, but all they do is reflect the choices of free people.
We are listening to a live broadcast of the hearings on KBCS. It is pretty awesome.
Have you checked the background of this Martin twit, the Chairman. His only previous experience was on the Bush transition team and a short stint as an associate at a law firm. He looks like he isn’t old enough to be shaving. But he has the idealogy. He exemplifies the cronyistic pig rut of the Bush era.
george hanshaw @ 1
Sorry — I have to agree with Goldy on this one. Broadcast TV and radio stations are still highly prized media outlets, with great value due to their assigned broadcasting frequencies. We need rules to avoid further consolidation of these valuable licensed stations.
2 – Pay your fucking gambling debt and GTFO.
One thing Goldy isn’t telling everyone… and this is true irony… is that the liberals in the audience at the hearing wouldn’t allow the Republican members of the FCC to be heard. They were shouted down. I am ashamed of my fellow liberals. Jesus Christ, am I the only honorable liberal in Seattle, who freedom for everyone, not just people who think like me?
The only way people listen to liberals is if they are forced to on PBS or in the public screwels. The liberals have to extort money from the government to be heard. They use that same government to stifle free speech. It has always been that way and always will. roof roof.
That doesn’t suprise me. It has been getting worse over the years. The last election just adds more fuel to the fire. If a party still cant get its way with massive election fraud and government sanctioned speech then you are in a world of hurt. This is just the preview of things to come as we see the implosion of democrat party.
Cut the BS dog, there was no evidence of “massive election fraud”. You litigated and you lost. The sins of some on the left shouting down opposition voices are no worse than the big lies from you and yours on the right.
I think Chuck Knox said it best, when he said… “We’re gonna reach down, grab grass, and go hat on hat.”
Of course there is. If the KCRE were doing their job they would have outed me before I went to the real media. I like to think I did my part. roof roof.
Question to Liberals:
What part of individual free speech don’t you understand? Why can’t you exist in a total free market and exchange of ideas? No one on the right is trying to shut down George Soros, why do you try to shut down clear channel? Seriously. You must have at least one atom in your body that has a sense of honesty. Dig real deep. Why?
So dog, how does one woman’s misguided, but illegal act, constitute “massive fraud”. My point about the big lies stands.
And no one is trying to shut down Clear Channel, they are trying to maintain competition. Some or much of a market is OK. All of it is not.
Where is your honesty?
Big Liar.
14 & 15
Knowingly commiting a crime to point out corruption and then confessing is not dishonest. Of course I can understand why you would turn a blind eye to fraudulent registration…. it got your queen elected. roof roof.
Yeah, she is the selected governor. Why should Dino be there??? I know he should be our governor and you libs feel guilty, but he doesnt have to say crap. Dino’s job is to get more votes then the dems,dead people, criminals and illegal aliens in 08. Get back to me in 2009.
BS @7,
That is, of course, BS. The commissioners were not shouted down. In fact, the crowd demanded that they explain themselves, and defend the proposed rules. But they wouldn’t.
Goldy. When you say “commissioners” do you mean just the republican members of the FCC or all the members?
The Democratic commissioners were cheered. Standing ovations. The Republican commissioners, particularly Martin received a few jeers, but they certainly had the chance to speak. They pretty much refused, and refused to answer questions shouted from the audience.
BS can spout all the BS he wants, but the hearing is streaming and archived all over the place, so it’s easy to see what really happened.
Post the link Goldy. I would, but I cant find it.
A media dominated by corporations is not ‘the free market of ideas. Asshat.
Shorter JBD and BS
Dino is the real governor
If bush asks me to support his phyrhic defeat is Iraq, I will support him from half way around the world, far from the danger.
Republican good, Democrat bad.
Everything I say, I get programmed from Rush.
Thinking gives me headache.
harry poon says:
A media dominated by corporations is not ‘the free market of ideas. Asshat.
11/10/2007 at 12:41 am
Wow. In the realm of FCC communications who are the non-corporations???? I would sure like to meet this guy called See BS. How is MSNBC and his wife doing?? What a moron. hehehehehehehe
Hey if Goldy can’t produce the link maybe David Bowes can. Are you out there???
It hasn’t been a good week for you donks. When dems resort to acting like repubs you know they are in trouble. hehehehehehe I can’t wait till 08.
love dog tacos – can you send an address
“I do not want one company to provide all my food or all my fuel. And I do not want one company to provide all my news,” she said.
Well than don’t listen. You dems just can’t handle freedom. The conservative point of view is under represented in the MSM yet you donks try to shut down what little there is.
You become a zombie when your voice isn’t heard,” said Monica Olsson, dressed as a zombie.
No that is too much PBS and having your head too far up your ass.
@1 Another WingNut (TM) blowing smoke. Last time I checked Air America was … on the air.
@2 You sure like Goldy’s blog a lot, because you’re here every day. I’ll bet you listen to his show, too, and even call in. You seem like a person with too much time on his hands. Pay your gambling debt, welsher! Until you do, you’re a worthless freeloader on this site.
@7 “BS says: … I am ashamed of my fellow liberals. Jesus Christ, am I the only honorable liberal in Seattle …”
Just what Jesus Christ needs — another lying WingNut (TM) pretending to be a liberal! Why do so many WingNutz (TM) pretend to be liberals nowadays? Because admitting to being a conservative is disreputable, dishonorable, reprehensible! The WingNut (TM) brand name is more than slightly tarnished; they’re what you might call toxic. Go fuck yourself, nazi pig.
@9 Unfortunatley, we do have election fraud in King County, but that can be cleaned up by throwing Lori Sotelo in jail and euthanizing one useless dog.
@11 Anytime you fuckwads are ready.
@17 “Knowingly commiting a crime to point out corruption and then confessing is not dishonest.”
This is called the “My Republican Upbringing Made Me Do It” defense.
@21 What do you expect, Goldy? WingNutz (TM) lie about every fucking thing. They even lie about being WingNutz (TM). But then, if I was a WingNut (TM), I would lie about it, too. That’s like admitting you’re a baby raper or a Nazi.
@27 Thanks for pointing out that, once again, a Democratic legislature and a Democratic governor will pass and sign taxpayer-protection legislation because Eyman can’t get it right.
@29 “The conservative point of view is under represented in the MSM”
Bwaaaahaaaahaaaharharhar … are you referring to Frank Blethen’s ceaseless bleating about how unfair the inheritance tax is because heirs get only 150 times the tax exemption that wage earners get?
What part of individual free speech don’t you understand? Why can’t you exist in a total free market and exchange of ideas? No one on the right is trying to shut down George Soros, why do you try to shut down clear channel?
We do stupid mutt and we find the “poopon” you lap up disgusting and without any value.
I guess you want Rupert Murdoch to own it all one day. That’s a “free market” to you. People on both the left and right disagree.
We have a perfect representative of the “conservative point of view” here – the coprophagous mutt.
Ceaseless repeated bleats of vote fraud after the Republicans spent 2 million plus in court and came up empty-handed. Just keep repeating the lie over and over like the mutt’s master Goebbels trained him to do.
Hey pooch, get the ACVR on the case. Ooops that was phony just like your vote fraud bleatings.
Anyone remember a time when the FCC actually acted in the public interest? I guess the big question is whether the Democratic Congress will do their jobs and save us from the “reforms” again, when the inevitable conclusion is reached.
I would think that this would be a no-brainer politically, but you’d think torture, wire-tapping, and the rest would have been obvious too.
#21 Goldy says:
Typical democrat trick. Tolerance is a word democrats don’t even understand.
Maybe next time you democrats could throw some pies at them, or start yelling or any of the cute things you do to disrupt opposing viewpoints.
@43: How do you know that it was just the Democrats booing (I assume you meant Democrats, though of course these days democrats are also considered enemies of the Republican party)?
“Tolerance” of abominable ideas is an unreasonably high standard applied only to the left these days: http://www.horsesass.org/?p=3760
Democrats can’t stand free speech…of course what do you expect from commies. roof roof
It is going to be fun hearing the queen say that she has always been against high taxes before she was for high taxes which she is now against. Hehehehehee Oh Dino is going to have a field day with Fraudiore. He has to get at least 52% of the actual vote to overcome voter fraud in KC. It looks goood. I can’t wait for 08.
Dems have been committing fraud and corruption for so long it is part of their very being. I do have to admit it sure is fun pointing it out. hehehehehehhe I mean roof roof.
That’s inaccurate. I was there.
Both the FCC commissioner in favor of loosening ownership rules and FCC Chairman spoke, but were booed. They were never prevented from making their remarks, and in fact, the FCC Chairman was able to clearly state that the two FCC commissioners present and against the further loosening of ownership rules had somehow delayed acceptance of the dates for the hearing held last night months earlier.
Furthermore, among the panelists allowed to speak before comments were taken from the audience, those in favor of loosening ownership rules were allowed to state their opinions fully and completely. Yes, they too suffered from boos and catcalls, however at a much lower rate of intensity, and they were also given polite applause after their remarks.
Did they take some heat? Yep – love it or hate it, it’s part of the public process.
Were they prevented from speaking? No.
@27 Thanks for pointing out that, once again, a Democratic legislature and a Democratic governor will pass and sign taxpayer-protection legislation because Eyman can’t get it right.
Yeah the problem is too many liberal judges on the Supreme Court. Oh, I thank God GW Bush got elected…. whewwww.
Provide a link to some video and let people judge for themselves. You can never trust a liberal.
There couldn’t have been many conservatives there, they are not for limiting free speech.
The FCC site says that it is going to make the audio available, but it’s not there yet: http://www.fcc.gov/realaudio/
KBCS has last year’s hearing: http://kbcs.fm/site/PageServer.....ialreports
Maybe soon this year’s will be posted there too.
Roger Rabbit says:
@1 Another WingNut ™ blowing smoke. Last time I checked Air America was … on the air.
My point exactly. Even though scarcely anyone listens to it and it loses in the marketplace of ideas, it STILL has no difficulty getting on the air.
When even tripe like that can be hears, there is no justification in worrying about monopolies in media.
We have greater diversity in the media than ever before. There is no justification in restricting media ownership.
There couldn’t have been many conservatives there, they are not for limiting free speech.
They hopelessly confuse money with speech. Money buys the loudest bullhorn run on the highest volume 24/7.
When a wingnut says the traditional media has a liberal slant, this translates to:
It’s NOT Faux News or National Review or The Weekly Standard or other right wing propaganda.