Just loading HA is tremendously faster. And the WordPress admin… well, it’s night and day.
Firefox is getting a bit pudgy and lumbering these days (though still much better than IE). Anyone know whether this new Safari works as well in Windows?
Not only does Safari 4 render JS faster, it also uses far less CPU than Firefox 3 did. I have two windows up with about 5-6 tabs each at work and with Firefox that took 50-98% CPU and with Safari? 5-12%. The difference is amazing (at least in OS X).
Also, if you go to the advanced preferences tab in Safari you can turn on the “Develop”[er] functions which allows you to right-click and inspect any element, pulling up a pane very similar to FireBug in Firefox.
Lex Talionisspews:
Good. Now you can look for gainful employment faster rather than bleat inanely on this blog about why those that are doing the heavy lifting in life should subsidize layabouts like yourself.
I saw a software update for my mac mini and installed it last night without looking too close before I went to bed.
Whoa! This new safari is pretty neat. Top Sites feature is cool and as mentioned above I may not have to fire up firefox just for the firebug feature.
Firefox does have a new version in beta that is a bit faster.
Recommended. (Both browsers)
6 – So typical of the right. Finding ever more ham-fisted ways of telling those who deplore their politics to “just shut up” as BillO would put.
News: never, never, never will we follow the dictates of authoritarians.
Blue Johnspews:
Lex Talionis – Were you mentally abused as a child to make you so bitter?
Why do you want to continue the cycle?
“Now you can look for gainful employment faster rather than bleat inanely on this blog”
Yet, you just cannot help coming here and participating in the comment threads.
That’s called projection ya goofy fucking dope!
Marvin Stamnspews:
8. YLB spews:
6 – So typical of the right. Finding ever more ham-fisted ways of telling those who deplore their politics to “just shut up” as BillO would put.
I’m impressed, Squirt. “Projection” is a pretty big word for a high-school drop-out!
Lex Talionisspews:
@ 9.
Lex Talionis – Were you mentally abused as a child to make you so bitter?
Why do you want to continue the cycle?
Why? for calling a lazy sack of excrement like little Davey Goldstain out?
@ 10 : Yet, you just cannot help coming here and participating in the comment threads.
I always find it amusing that Goldy avoids finding gainful employment while whining about why the wealthy and those that create jobs should pay more. Layabouts like Goldy are always pushing the class warfare angle knowing full well they don’t carry their weight in life. He’s a professional victim as illustrated on the thread last month where he fell ass over tea kettle down a flight of stairs while wearing sox because he was going too fast….who did Goldy blame? Not himself, he can’t take any responsibility….instead, he whined incessantly about how easily someone could end up needing health coverage over a minor mishap.
My God, man…grow the hell up.
12. Darryl spews:
I’m impressed, Squirt. “Projection” is a pretty big word for a high-school drop-out!
Um, is this the same darryl-ict that didn’t know that “racialist” was a word prior to creating a post about how it’s not a word?…
Psssst…don’t believe everything you can find on the intertubes, Squirt.
Marvin Stamnspews:
15. Darryl spews:
Marvin Stamn @ 13
Ahhh…so you are a gullible fuck, too, huh?
As said by the person that didn’t even recognize I copied and pasted his own words.
Psssst…don’t believe everything you can find on the intertubes, Squirt.
Thanks for the advice. But I do believe the reviews on your “teaching.” Why would your students lie about you, what do they get out of lying about you?
Marvin Stamnspews:
14. Lex Talionis spews:
professional victim as illustrated on the thread last month where he fell ass over tea kettle down a flight of stairs while wearing sox because he was going too fast….who did Goldy blame?
I could be wrong, but I’m guessing he fell because he can’t afford all the heat he would like and has to wear socks around to stay warm. Which kinda proves your point… I f goldy had gainful employment he could heat his place.
Um, is this the same darryl-ict that didn’t know that “racialist” was a word prior to creating a post about how it’s not a word?…
“I always find it amusing that Goldy avoids finding gainful employment while whining about why the wealthy and those that create jobs should pay more.”
What a minute. You mean you didn’t know? Every time you load a page, Goldy earns some cash. In other words…Goldy is being employed to entertain you.
“Layabouts like Goldy are always pushing the class warfare angle knowing full well they don’t carry their weight in life.”
Layabout? You’re just acting retarded now! Goldy has published about 6,000 posts in about five years. Hardly “layabout” material.
“He’s a professional victim as illustrated on the thread last month where he fell ass over tea kettle down a flight of stairs while wearing sox because he was going too fast….who did Goldy blame? Not himself, he can’t take any responsibility….instead, he called attention to how easily someone could need health coverage.”
Your analogy contains a logical flaw. The two “alternatives” are incommensurate. Whether or not one blames ones self is entirely unrelated to the point that one might suddenly need health care coverage.
“My God, man…grow the hell up.”
Blue Johnspews:
#14. I couldn’t make this stuff up.
always find it amusing that Goldy avoids finding gainful employment while whining about why the wealthy and those that create jobs should pay more. Layabouts like Goldy are always pushing the class warfare angle knowing full well they don’t carry their weight in life.
You got all that from a post about a fast browser?
Do you often see the Virgin Mary in the patterns on toast?
Are you one of those people who can see the subliminal word SEX baked into Ritz crackers?
If I gave you the link for the users manual for my video camera, could you post the coded messages about class warfare you find there?
Marvin Stamnspews:
18. Darryl spews:
What a minute. You mean you didn’t know? Every time you load a page, Goldy earns some cash. In other words…Goldy is being employed to entertain you.
So that means the guy over at sound politics is making more $$ than goldy. If hits mean money, sound politics is beating horsesass.org hands down. It’s amazing that a blog that only gets a new thread every couple days gets more hits than this blog. It almost seems that without us trolls and roger rabbit this blog wouldn’t get over 100 hits a day.
Average Per Day 1,980
sound politics
Average Per Day 3,199
Goldy has published about 6,000 posts in about five years.
Big deal. roger rabbit posts that many times in a week.
“As said by the person that didn’t even recognize I copied and pasted his own words.”
I didn’t? You mean you REALLY thought I was impressed with your use of the word “projection?”
Mwaahhhh Haaaahaaaahaaaa. Man…you are fucking dumb as dirt.
‘But I do believe the reviews on your “teaching.”’
Yeah…like I say…gullible.
Lex Talionisspews:
18. Darryl spews:
What a minute. You mean you didn’t know? Every time you load a page, Goldy earns some cash. In other words…Goldy is being employed to entertain you.
Hardly. A few cents per click is hardly being employed, especially on some obscure back water blog like HA that doesn’t generate any web traffic. Does Goldy have any job skills whatsoever? I’ve heard his voice and it’s definately not meant for radio. He got flushed by KIRO along with Erin “nutty chick” Hart and the late, not so great Mike “I hate my mother” Webb because they didn’t generate any listeners.
Layabout? You’re just acting retarded now! Goldy has published about 6,000 posts in about five years. Hardly “layabout” material.
Wow, so he’s a layabout with an affinity for blogging. It still doesn’t generate a livable income. At least the contributors at SP actually blog as a hobby on the side of their careers.
Not Goldy though. We should all have to subsidize Goldy and his “family” because he chooses to blog rather than earn an income, then he bleats about taxing those that put in the hours of blood, sweat and tears to earn that income so Goldy can get a slice of the pie that they baked.
Don’t be a dumbass, Darryl-ict.
Your analogy contains a logical flaw. The two “alternatives” are incommensurate. Whether or not one blames ones self is entirely unrelated to the point that one might suddenly need health care coverage.
Tell him. He’s the dumbass that melded the two together. I just highlighted the obvious lunacy of someone blaming a pair of socks and the makers of the staircase rather than the dolt that decided that cotton sox travelling rapidly down carpeted stairs could lead an intelligent grown up to conclude that it was a “preventable” fall. Preventable falls means no need to go to utilize the health insurance you have. A little common sense goes a long way, unless of course, we’re talking about a liberal.
So glad you agree with me.
argyle sweaterspews:
i agree with goldy here. safari 4 is an excellent browser with a ton of nifty features, and it’s significantly faster than even firefox at its best. i’ve been a firefox user for awhile now but this may persuade me to use safari full time.
You seem to be rather under-informed about E-commerce. This model is fairly widely employed now, with modest success. Why criticize Goldy for trying to make it work for him? Why do you hate entrepreneurship? What are you, some kind of fucking commie?
“especially on some obscure back water blog like HA that doesn’t generate any web traffic.”
Again…you seem rather under-informed on this point.
“Does Goldy have any job skills whatsoever? “
Well…he apparently has the skills to trip your trigger! We always enjoy letting you haters show off your “best side” in the comment threads (knowing that Goldy gets paid for it).
“Wow, so he’s a layabout with an affinity for blogging. It still doesn’t generate a livable income.”
Really? Your “observation” seems incompatible with the observation that Goldy has been doing this for about five years (mostly, but not entirely, full time).
“At least the contributors at SP actually blog as a hobby on the side of their employment status. Not Goldy though.”
“We should all have to subsidize Goldy and his “family” because he chooses to blog rather earn an income, then bleat about taxing those that put in the hours of blood, sweat and tears to earn that income so Goldy gets a slice of the pie.”
What the fuck are you babbling about? What is it about blogging that makes you exclude it as an occupation? The process of blogging is very similar to many other occupations–generating intellectual property and communicating it with a larger audience. There are hundreds of other occupations that engage in a similar process.
You are confusing your dislike of what Goldy says with an irrational dismissal of how Goldy choses to earn a living.
“I just highlighted the obvious lunacy of someone blaming a pair of sox and the makers of the staircase rather than the dolt that decided that cotton sox travelling rapidly down carpeted stairs could lead an intelligent grown up to conclude that it was a “preventable” fall.”
You’re confused. The article made no attempt to assign blame to the socks or to the stairs for the fall. Re-read the article again, VERY SLOWLY. You completely misinterpreted the message. There is a deeper point that you missed.
Marvin Stamnspews:
12. Darryl spews:
Marvin Stamn @ 11,
I’m impressed, Squirt. “Projection” is a pretty big word for a high-school drop-out!
Don’t be impressed, I only copied and pasted. Didn’t you even notice the same word being in bold.
Say, are you doing a better job teaching? That site where your students posted their opinions on you weren’t exactly flattering.
Unless you consider “lazy,” “unprepared,” “Completely unorganized,” “I learned little to nothing” and an “easy grader” to be compliments.
This is probably the best review… Made students feel stupid when they didn’t udnerstand
Not all teachers use this method, only the ones that don’t care about their students.
I switched from Firefox to Safari on my Windows-based machines about 9 months ago. Safari 3.x was much faster than the last version of Firefox I tried (3.x). Still, Safari had some annoyances–like occasional 10-second pauses, and occasionally flipping into some mode where it would chew-up CPU time.
I installed Safari 4.0 this morning, and have been putting it through some exercises (heavy flash and javascript, large number of windows, etc.) and it is huge improvement over 3.x.
Yeah, I normally use Firefox, but I’m probably switching to Safari 4. Dang, that’s nice.
Lex Talionisspews:
26. Darryl spews:
You seem to be rather under-informed about E-commerce. This model is fairly widely employed now, with modest success. Why criticize Goldy for trying to make it work for him?
I know enough to understand Goldy can’t make a living making $19.80 a day, or is it $39.60? In the meantime, who’s subsidizing his lazy ass?
Again…you seem rather under-informed on this point.
Not really. As Marvin pointed out, SP still gets twice the traffic with about 1/5 of the content. Some are just too busy working to contribute regularly because of career and family commitments. Besides, most of HA’s traffic from the regular reprobate posters like YLB, Roger Roadkill, Plowed Leftist, etc. It’s less of a blog than a gathering of like-minded leftist minions.
Well…he apparently has the skills to trip your trigger!
Actually it’s the other way around. Which is why I have to post under assumed names, he’s banned my actual one.
What is it about blogging that makes you exclude it as an occupation? The process of blogging is very similar to many other occupations–generating intellectual property and communicating it with a larger audience.
Did you just compare what Goldy does with generating intellectual property? Now that is funny, Darryl. He’s little more than the caretaker of a waste treatment plant.
There are hundreds of other occupations that engage in a similar process.
Actually, no. Those other occupations produce something of value. HA is a hate site, and you can’t sell, buy or trade hate to make a profit.
The article made no attempt to assign blame to the socks or to the stairs for the fall.
Sure it did. As I said earlier, he whined about how this could easily happen even though it was, for most intelligent persons, a preventable incident. One minute he’s kissing his daughter goodnight, the next he’s taking the express way down the staircase because he rushed off in his wool socks down a carpeted staircase. Lesson learned, now pick yourself up, curse under your breath and make a mental not the not do that again. Instead, Goldy posts some manifesto on why we need universal healthcare. Ridiculous
“I know enough to understand Goldy can’t make a living making $19.80 a day, or is it $39.60? In the meantime, who’s subsidizing his lazy ass?”
Subsidizing????? $19.80??? $39.60??? Are you just making this shit up? You don’t seem very connected with reality, kiddo.
“Not really. As Marvin pointed out, SP still gets twice the traffic with about 1/5 of the content.”
Nope…if you do the right comparison, HA and uSP traffic are about equal. But of what relevance is this?
“Some are just too busy working to contribute regularly because of career and family commitments.”
So? Again…what is the relevance here?
“Besides, most of HA’s traffic from the regular reprobate posters like YLB, Roger Roadkill, Plowed Leftist, etc. It’s less of a blog than a gathering of like-minded leftist minions.”
Wrong. People like you—you know, the big-time fans of the comment threads—sometimes lose perspective on what the audience is. On a typical day, less than 5% of visitors from unique IPs actually leave a comment. As can be verified via Sitemeter, most visitors don’t visit the comment threads.
“Actually it’s the other way around. Which is why I have to post under assumed names, he’s banned my actual one.”
Wrong again. Your user name is not banned. As many commenters have found, comments from a particular poster are occasionally flagged by the spam detection software, but this is done by a non-partisan central spam service called Akismet.
But your statement isn’t really responsive to my comment—that you have, effective, become a paying customer of the products and services that Goldy makes available.
“Did you just compare what Goldy does with generating intellectual property?”
No I did not “compare it,” I stated it as a fact.
“Now that is funny, Darryl. He’s little more than the caretaker of a waste treatment plant.”
What the fuck???? If I’m following your pathetic attempt at an analogy, then doesn’t that make you a piece of shit???
“Actually, no. Those other occupations produce something of value.”
But, but, but, Little Ricky Dumbass…you are a consumer of the products of this site. You help support Goldy’s efforts. If Goldy does not produce something of value, the that makes you really fucking stupid for consuming it, responding to it, supporting it, etc.
“HA is a hate site…”
You have a point there…a lot of haters like you DO show up in the comment threads…
“and you can’t sell, buy or trade hate to make a profit.”
Your statement is completely illogical and contradicted by empirical evidence. There are plenty of outlets that make a profit peddling hate: Bill O’Reilly, Glenn Beck, Rush Limbaugh, to name a few.
“Sure it did.”
Nope. You read something into the article that simply wasn’t there.
“…he whined about how this could easily happen even though it was, for most intelligent persons, a preventable incident.”
Completely irrelevant. Nearly all accidents are preventable. Yet…they happen to people of all ideological persuasions. The post was about the aftermath of a hypothetical injury accident, not an attempt to place “blame” on the cause of the non-hypothetical accident that inspired the essay.
“…Lesson learned, now pick yourself up, curse under your breath and make a mental not the not do that again.”
Sure…if you aren’t seriously injured.
“Instead, Goldy posts some manifesto on why we need universal healthcare.”
Right…but that is what Goldy does…he writes about things he cares about. You may disagree what what Goldy has to say, but you apparently care enough to read what he has to say. Now…if you only worked at it enough to comprehend the underlying message….
Ridiculous???? How so? It seems you disagree with the point, but what about the essay makes it “ridiculous?” Given that there is a huge discussion about health care insurance at the national level, your calling Goldy’s “manifesto” ridiculous seem to suggest that you are quite out of touch with what is going on in the world of politics.
Marvin Stamnspews:
24. Darryl spews:
If you look at the entry page a very large fraction of uSP’s traffic results from use of the voter lookup database. Those aren’t readers.
I checked it out.
5 out of the first 20
3 out of the second 20
6 out of the third 20
I’m not the intellectual giant you are, but my 3rd grade math skills say that 25%, 15% and 30% are not “very large fractions.”
Lex Talionisspews:
30. Other brother Darryl-ict spews:
Subsidizing????? $19.80??? $39.60??? Are you just making this shit up? You don’t seem very connected with reality, kiddo.
Apparently you can’t add.
Nope…if you do the right comparison, HA and uSP traffic are about equal. But of what relevance is this?
haha, Oh, I see. The “right comparison” needs to be made. The numbers don’t lie Darryl, even if you do.
So? Again…what is the relevance here?
It shows Goldy doesn’t have any commitments other than his backwater blog. 60K in 5 years? that would mean Goldy has posted an average of 33 posts per day for the last 5 years? Seems you’re as bad at math as you are at discerning what words constitute actual words. You’re nuttier than squirrel dropping if you believe that Darryl.
On a typical day, less than 5% of visitors from unique IPs actually leave a comment. As can be verified via Sitemeter, most visitors don’t visit the comment threads.
…and you and he wonder why they don’t visit the comment threads. The same dolts that defend Goldy cost him money in the long run by running visitors off. If, of course, it’s true what you’re saying. Which is always a questionable practice to undertake.
Broadway Joespews:
I do love the smell of burning trolls in mid-afternoon.
I’ll never be an iGeek like Goldy, but I’ll give Safari a whirl.
There are two different entry paths to the voter data base that get recorded by sitemeter…one is through usefulwork the other through SP.
It looks like you only counted one route. I count 32 of the last 100 entry pages as going to the voter database via both routes combined. That’s ’bout 1/3 of uSP’s traffic right now.
That definitely qualifies as a large fraction of the traffic!
Well hell, am I going to have to switch back to Safari?
I haven’t notice any issues in this regard. But, I also didn’t demonstrate addition in my comment, so it seems you’re just pulling shit out of your ass.
“haha, Oh, I see. The “right comparison” needs to be made. The numbers don’t lie Darryl, even if you do.”
Well…it really does make a difference. If you look at ALL traffic going to uSP then you must look at ALL traffic going to Goldy’s sites. If you only look at traffic to the uSP blog, then you want to compare it to the blog portion of HA only. Isn’t that the proper way to do a comparison????
“It shows Goldy doesn’t have any commitments other than his backwater blog.”
What the fuck???? How does an analysis of traffic suggest whether or not Goldy has “any commitments other than to his backwater blog.” You statement is entirely nonsensical!
“60K in 5 years? that would mean Goldy has posted an average of 33 posts per day for the last 5 years?”
You are partially correct in that IF Goldy had posted 60K posts in 5 years that would be, roughly, 33 posts/day. But, nobody has ever claimed that Goldy has posted 60K posts.
“Seems you’re as bad at math as you are at discerning what words constitute actual words.”
Wrong (as usual). It seems you have a little (ahem) innumeracy “issue.” Dumbass!
“You’re nuttier than squirrel dropping if you believe that Darryl.”
“…and you and he wonder why they don’t visit the comment threads.”
Incorrect. We both are well aware why most visitors to HA rarely visit the comment thread.
“The same dolts that defend Goldy cost him money in the long run by running visitors off.”
au contraire my little Dumbass. Most visitors come to the blog to, you know…read the blog. (This isn’t specific to HA…it is true of most blogs.) That there is an active cesspool in which a fraction of the visitors play (and therefore do multiple page-loads) is gravy.
As much of a moron as you are, I still thank you for supporting Goldy by playing in the comment threads!
“Darryl didn’t even look the word up in the dictionary before posting about it.”
That’s funny…I mean, I don’t recall ever using that word or suggesting it doesn’t exist.
“Damn, even a third grade dropout like me knows what a dictionary is.”
Sure…now if you stoopid fuckers would just figger out how to properly use all those things we call words to actually construct an argument, you’d be on to something!
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
Hey Darryl, if you are outing Lex as Rick D then you have to out libtards. This discussion happened twice before Why are you doing that Darryl?
Lex Talionisspews:
Oops. My bad. Read it as 60,000 rather than 6,000. Hell, anyone can post 3 crappy blog entries a day if he has nothing else going on in his life.
No woman, No Job, No responsibilities = Layabout
Marvin Stamnspews:
38. Darryl spews: Marvin Stamn @ 34,
“Damn, even a third grade dropout like me knows what a dictionary is.”
Sure…now if you stoopid fuckers would just figger out
Figger out?
What does a filipino who acts just like a black person from the ghetto have to do with the conversation?
Oh wait, you’re probably too old and stuffy to know what you were saying.
Marvin Stamnspews:
14. Lex Talionis spews:
Um, is this the same darryl-ict that didn’t know that “racialist” was a word prior to creating a post about how it’s not a word?…
Kinda proves the point on that site when they said professor darryl was unprepared and lazy.
Darryl didn’t even look the word up in the dictionary before posting about it.
Damn, even a third grade dropout like me knows what a dictionary is.
“Are you purposely stupid Darryl? Or do you just get so soused that you can’t remember what you said a couple posts ago.”
Neither. I believe the problem can be traced to you being mentally retarded. Please re-read my comment @ 18 VERY SLOWLY.
One other hint. A comma in a number is NOT the same thing as a zero. I hope that helps.
Marvin Stamnspews:
39. Lex Talionis spews:
Are you purposely stupid Darryl? Or do you just get so soused that you can’t remember what you said a couple posts ago.
First, his dumbass doesn’t clue in that “racialist” is a word, and now, the drunk claims
So darryl has a problem with alcohol.
That explains a lot.
/troll off
Darryl, please take care of your drinking problem. Nothing good ever comes from being an alcoholic.
/troll on
Well…maybe, but it doesn’t seem relevant to our discussion, since I haven’t really been drunk since 1993 (and I was in Dhaka, Bangladesh at the time, so give me a fucking break about it already!).
But since you are blindly parroting Rick D’s points, perhaps you would care to explain these two pieces of “evidence” of my “drinking problem.”
Like: (1) how many posts did I attribute to Goldy over a five year period (please be specific by providing the number and source) and (2) where have I ever used the word “racialist” or made reference to it (I mean, besides in this comment)?
Lex Talionisspews:
Refer to 41 for my mea culpa on reading the 6,000 as 60,000- common error, oh well. Any mutt can throw together 3 posts a day if they don’t have anything else going on, so it’s really not as impressive as you might think.
Now where is yours? You posted the tuesday drinking liberally thread attempting to make fun of Gingrich’s use of the word “racialist” by having that other uneducated mutt from the young turks claim on the video that there is no such word. I provided the Websters on line entry to show he and you are incorrect.
Pointing out that different anonymous screen names are used by the same commenter is NOT what “outing” is defined as. Outing is revealing the actual identity of a person who is trying to remain anonymous. Therefore, I’ve not outed anyone on this blog.
…then you have to out libtards.
No I don’t.
“This discussion happened twice before”
Could be….
Lex Talionisspews:
Darryl @ 18:
Layabout? You’re just acting retarded now! Goldy has published about 6,000 posts in about five years. Hardly “layabout” material.
Lex Talionis: “60K in 5 years? that would mean Goldy has posted an average of 33 posts per day for the last 5 years?”
You are partially correct in that IF Goldy had posted 60K posts in 5 years that would be, roughly, 33 posts/day. But, nobody has ever claimed that Goldy has posted 60K posts.
Are you purposely stupid Darryl? Or do you just get so soused that you can’t remember what you said a couple posts ago.
Hey Marvin, I guess that poster was just about dead on about Darryl-ict here. First, his dumbass doesn’t clue in that “racialist” is a word, and now, the drunk claims he didn’t say that Goldy has posted “about 60 thousand posts in about 5 years” 19 posts after he actually said it.
Goldy’s gotta be proud to have him as a contributor.
“Refer to 41 for my mea culpa on reading the 6,000 as 60,000- common error, oh well.”
Thanks. Funny that you even quoted the figure in a later comment and STILL got it wrong…
“Any mutt can throw together 3 posts a day…”
Indeed…the trick is getting a couple thousand people to stop by each day and read the posts.
“Now where is yours? You posted the tuesday drinking liberally thread attempting to make fun of Gingrich’s use of the word “racialist” by having that other uneducated mutt from the young turks claim on the video that there is no such word. I provided the Websters on line entry to show he and you are incorrect.”
I posted the video because I thought the “channeling Ali G.” connection was hilarious. It isn’t really relevant whether the word exists, and I made no claims either way.
“Of course, the university does its own evals based on student feedback, but these aren’t posted, which is unfortunate.”
The University of Washington does have an in-house evaluation system that is widely used. Instructors choose whether or not the course is evaluated, but I think many have every course evaluated. The evaluations are done without the instructor present and the results are not released to the instructor until after the quarter is over and the grades have been turned-in.
The last time I looked (several years ago), the result of evaluations were posted on the web for undergraduate courses at the 300 (or maybe 200) level and below. This may have changed, and I think it took a bit of effort to burrow down to where the evaluations are found.
“After all, we should be able to assess the quality of the teaching we’re paying for BEFORE we pay for it…”
Well…except that one rarely knows what instructors one will have in advance. A student might take some 48 courses on the way to an undergraduate degree. There will be some variation in instructor quality, so it is not clear how a perspective student might use the individual numbers to choose between universities/colleges. The evaluations would be a useful source of evidence for selecting (or rejecting) particular courses, however.
But, your general point is correct. There should be some way to compare different Universities on the value of a degree earned from the institutions. This is done by a number of third parties sources (like Barons).
“ESPECIALLY when students and parents are being asked to pay rapidly increasing fees for what is still the SAME product.”
The thing about state universities is that they receive an ongoing subsidy, so the tuition costs are below market value. The tuition increases at UW this year reflect the state withdrawing part of the subsidy, so that tuition is closer to the market rate.
“I would think university faculty would especially be in support of making student evals public so the public – which DOES support these schools with their taxes – can do a little tire kicking.”
Most instructors use the evaluations as a way to improve the course over time. The evaluations are also used for determining promotion and merit for raises. But at least some evaluations are (were?) public for undergraduate courses, so this should be possible at UW.
@13 Say, are you doing a better job teaching? That site where your students posted their opinions on you weren’t exactly flattering.
Unless you consider “lazy,” “unprepared,” “Completely unorganized,” “I learned little to nothing” and an “easy grader” to be compliments.
@15 Marvin Stamn @ 13
Ahhh…so you are a gullible fuck, too, huh?
Of course, the university does its own evals based on student feedback, but these aren’t posted, which is unfortunate. After all, we should be able to assess the quality of the teaching we’re paying for BEFORE we pay for it, ESPECIALLY when students and parents are being asked to pay rapidly increasing fees for what is still the SAME product.
I would think university faculty would especially be in support of making student evals public so the public – which DOES support these schools with their taxes – can do a little tire kicking.
Lex Talionisspews:
It isn’t really relevant whether the word exists, and I made no claims either way. ~ Darryl
No, you let the young turk dumbass speak for you. It still doesn’t absolve you of your ignorance Daryll.
From Video from about 2:00 mark: Young Turd
“you see there’s no such thing as ‘racialist'”…”newt, there is no such word. We’re just playin'”.
“Sorry Darryl. I don’t see that sentence in my post.”
Two can play that game, Dumbass. The difference is, I don’t have a time limit….
“But just out of curiosity, how do you spell “of”?”
I spell it “of.” But the word “for” belongs in the sentence.
Lex Talionisspews:
@ 55~ I wasn’t playing a game dumbass. I just happened to edit the very sentence you picked out right before you posted your response. It isn’t my problem if your dumbass can’t wait 4 minutes before my post stands as is.
inre: the “of” (sic)
haha. so you’re saying it should read “that doesn’t absolve you for your ignorance”. Are you sure you’re a professor?
I had the correct grammar originally, but thanks for laugh. Perhaps looking up the word absolve will help with your disconnect.
I do have to admit that I spelled your name incorrectly. I forgot the ict on the end.
You really ought to out all the sockpuppetry going on in these comments.
So “Lex” turns out to be RickyD. Nice picture of you and your goat that you posted on the other thread, RickyD, although I have to say that you looked more than a little bit pudgy and pale. You’re kind of a troll stereotype, aren’t you? An unhealthy, out-of-shape Keyboard Kommando who’d never back up the tough talk spewed while lurking anonymously in the internet’s tubes.
Lex Talionisspews:
So “Lex” turns out to be RickyD.
I would use my regular handle, but Goldy has banned it so I can’t post under that name.
I have to say that you looked more than a little bit pudgy and pale. You’re kind of a troll stereotype, aren’t you?
I d/l that picture of you and your goat “friend” from your facebook page, Steve. So I’m not sure where you’re going with this.
As I have no Facebook page, and you couldn’t find it if I did, and as you’ll never have no link to offer that goes to a page of mine, I’m content to just let the decent folk here reach their own conclusions. And I’ll let them speculate on just how you managed to come up with a photo of a very trollish looking, pudgy, pale white guy, his face blacked out, standing with his goat. Oh hell, I’ll spell it out. RickyD fucks goats. Heh- Like I’m surprised.
Lex Talionisspews:
And I’ll let them speculate on just how you managed to come up with a photo of a very trollish looking, pudgy, pale white guy, his face blacked out, standing with his goat.
So, what you’re saying steve is that this wasn’t your prom date? Found on the same facebook page as the previous photo?
Sorry buddy, but that’s way too incidental to just be happenstance.
Marvin Stamnspews:
58. Lex Talionis spews:
I d/l that picture of you and your goat “friend” from your facebook page, Steve. So I’m not sure where you’re going with this.
Does everyone know about steve and his goats?
The homophobic bigot steve is becoming an internet legend.
I suppose it never occurred to you that your linking to photos on an Arlington, Virginia “Save our Goats” site would leave you looking quite pathetic.
Sorry, but you bore me, Rick. Sure, you’re disgusting enough, but you’re not quite batshit-crazy enough to entertain me. Hell, you’re even occasionally capable of lucidity. So please don’t consider this an insult. It’s back to Puddy for me. That loon has redefined batshit crazy, taken it to a whole new fucking level.
Of course, there’s always My Favorite Marvin, the loon from the fourth rock from the sun. He fucks goats, you know. He even admitted it yesterday.
38. Steve spews:
@37 Has all that goatfucking has dumbed you down, Marvin?
“I wasn’t playing a game dumbass. I just happened to edit the very sentence you picked out right before you posted your response. It isn’t my problem if your dumbass can’t wait 4 minutes before my post stands as is.”
Changing your comment is fine, but don’t pretend what I copied wasn’t in your original post, ya disingenuous fuck.
‘haha. so you’re saying it should read “that doesn’t absolve you for your ignorance”.’
“I would use my regular handle, but Goldy has banned it so I can’t post under that name.”
No, he didn’t.
Hey Dumbass…why the lies?
Lex Talionisspews:
Changing your comment is fine, but don’t pretend what I copied wasn’t in your original post, ya disingenuous fuck.
It was ‘up’ for about 30 seconds before I edited it, but it shouldn’t be confused with my original post since it doesn’t officially become a “post” until it times out in 4 minutes..ya disingenuous fuck.
Yes. I am saying that.
…and you’d still be wrong, but by all means keep laboring the point.
No, [Goldy] didn’t [ban you].
Well, that explains why I can’t post under ‘Rick D.’ anymore. The least he can do is be a man and ban the IP address if his ego is that fragile.
“It was ‘up’ for about 30 seconds before I edited it, but it shouldn’t be confused with my original post since it doesn’t officially become a “post” until it times out in 4 minutes..ya disingenuous fuck.”
What the fuck???? It doesn’t officially become a post until 4 minutes? Where the do get these rules? From your ass?
If you changed your post, just say so. Don’t pretend you didn’t write what you did write. Sheesh…wingnuts!
“…and you’d still be wrong, but by all means keep laboring the point.”
Na-uh. Your original wording was…. awkward.
“Well, that explains why I can’t post under ‘Rick D.’ anymore. The least he can do is be a man and ban the IP address if his ego is that fragile.”
But the fact is, Goldy did NOT ban Rick D. (and you could probably post as Rick D. with modest success right now). If Goldy had banned you, your IP address would not work.
I know…I know. Truth is irrelevant to you.
Lex Talionisspews:
Darryl and his other brother Darrylict queefed:
What the fuck???? It doesn’t officially become a post until 4 minutes? Where the [?] do [ewe?] get these rules? From your ass?
Don’t whine to me, Darryl. Goldy put in the edit feature dumbass. At Soundpolitics they don’t let you edit it- it posts immediately. I’m guessing Goldstain does it because most of the HA faithful here aren’t that intelligent to post it correctly the first time, but you’ll have to ask him. So, no, it doesn’t post until it is there permanently….deal with your error.
If you changed your post, just say so.
Um, I did if you were paying attention, Darryl. I believe post 67 comes before 68 the last time I checked.
Don’t pretend you didn’t write what you did write.
Again, so as not to be confused with the short bus crowd here, Darryl, I sugest you refer back to my post @ 67.
Na-uh. Your original wording was…. awkward.
Since when is using proper grammar awkward?
But the fact is, Goldy did NOT ban Rick D.
Even by your own admission it would be intermittent at best, so why fucking bother? I notice a lot of people that have posted here a hell of alot longer than I have and don’t seem to have the same problem with the “ajax filter”. Also, a few weeks back, a contributor (I’m assuming Will) withdrew my written posts and substituted their own wordage, thereby misrepresenting me. Goldy can’t even control his own website so it’s no wonder the average visitor here spends 2.1 minutes per visit.
Darryl! You’ve totally SHREDDED little Ricky Dumbass!
That 60k/6k stuff was just too funny.
Poor little Ricky Dumbass….
Keep coming back Ricky. Keep trying the same old tired right wing bullshit game expecting different results.
It’s just too entertaining.
Lex Talionisspews:
Darryl! You’ve totally SHREDDED little Ricky Dumbass!
@ 70 ~ haha. First Darryl sucks Goldy’s dick and now we have the pervert eye YLB sucking Darryl’s dick….can’t you three just get a room already?
71 – LOL!!! Little Ricky Dumbass just can’t get enough of those perv angles…
“Don’t whine to me, Darryl. Goldy put in the edit feature dumbass. […] At Soundpolitics they don’t let you edit it- So, no, it doesn’t post until it is there permanently….deal with your error.”
Wrong-o, Dumbass. It posts when you hit [Submit Comment]. You edited your post afterward, which is fine. But don’t turn around and write (see comment 54):
Sorry Darryl. I don’t see that sentence in my post.
…as if you never had that. That is call LYING, Lil’ Ricky. It makes you a bad person. You could have said something like, “Yeah…I caught that and changed my comment.” That would suggest some sense of honor, rather than being misleading about it.
“Um, I did if you were paying attention, Darryl. I believe post 67 comes before 68 the last time I checked.”
Yes…67 does come before 68 (and we are all mighty proud of you for recognizing that). But it was in post 54 that you were misleading. That is where you said,
Sorry Darryl. I don’t see that sentence in my post.
You didn’t see the sentence you had just edited away. So now do you see how your comment at 54 was a lie?
Again, so as not to be confused with the short bus crowd here, Darryl, I sugest you refer back to my post @ 67.
Your post at 67 isn’t particularly relevant, is it?
“Since when is using proper grammar awkward?”
When you use the wrong preposition.
“Even by your own admission it would be intermittent at best, so why fucking bother”
Beats me. I am not arguing that you should use one name versus the other. I am simply pointing out that Goldy did not ban you.
‘I notice a lot of people that have posted here a hell of alot longer than I have and don’t seem to have the same problem with the “ajax filter”.’
First, it is not an “Ajax filter”, it is Akismet. And you do know plenty of people who have their posts snagged occasionally by the filter. Very few people have ever been banned from HA, and really only for repeated violations of faking another’s screen name. You haven’t been doing that, and you haven’t been banned under any name, IP address, or email address.
“Also, a few weeks back, a contributor (I’m assuming Will) withdrew my written posts and substituted their own wordage, thereby misrepresenting me.”
Oh???? Perhaps you can give me a link. I am usually the only one to change comments and that is usually to [Deleted…], for violations of the HA Comment Policy.
I’m deeply skeptical of your claim, but if it is happening and you can demonstrate it (and it actually happened as you suggest), I’ll put an end to it.
“haha. First Darryl sucks Goldy’s dick and now we have the pervert eye YLB sucking Darryl’s dick….can’t you three just get a room already?”
It looks like you are confusing acts of fellatio with getting your ass kicked up into your throat.
They’re different.
Ok let’s test little Ricky Dumbass’ assertion. The next thing from me will be using his old handle.
Sure I don’t have his email address so I’ll use LRD@unsp.net.
Rick D.spews:
Ok. It’s me YLB under Little Ricky Dumbass’ handle.
Yeccch.. These are moldy duds indeed….
Blah, blah…
Wheeew! I’m back…
Not banned.
You’re full of shit Little Ricky Dumbass!
Too fucking funny. Why do these fucks keep coming back for more abuse?
78 – They can’t accept they lost, they had it all and they fucked it up bad.
Lex Talionisspews:
It looks like you are confusing acts of fellatio with getting your ass kicked up into your throat.
The final tally
Lex Talionis:
1 point- I’ve proven that a word existed that you [and the young turk idiot in your embedded video] didn’t think was. You even included it in the ‘drinking liberally’ thread earlier this week in an attempt to ridicule the person using the word ‘racialist’ (gingrich). Hoisted upon your own petard…
2 points (1 for being corect, 1 for making an ass of you while doing it)- You then correct me on sentence grammar and in doing so, only hilight your illiteracy as what I said originally was correct. Nothing funnier than someone attempting to look smart and only exposes how ill educated they really are.
Total points for Lex Talionis- 3
1/2 point- for my misreading of his 6,000 to be 60,000.
Total points for Darrylict – 1/2
@80: Idiot says:
I’ve proven that a word existed that you [and the young turk idiot in your embedded video] didn’t think was.
Wow, you must be so proud of your “large” intellect. So what.
As if racialist is in common usage…..only a fool would even bother to make the distinction of the word “racialist”. Ooops, there really isn’t any distiction….so you and Gingrich have no point (as usual).
Nothing funnier than someone attempting to look smart and only exposes how ill educated they really are.
ill educated?
Thanks for hoisting yourself on your own petard. Yes, you are truly a fool since you just skewered yourself in one beautiful, hypocritical diatribe.
Lex Talionisspews:
@ 81 ~ Yes, “ill educated” or “ill-educated”. Either is correct, but I have a feeling your dumbass believes the word “ill” in front of the word educated doesn’t make sense. Which is why your G.E.D. is not a sufficient education by which to troll through life with…
Thanks for hoisting yourself on your own petard.
Thanks for regurgitating the line I used in my previous post. Any original thoughts rattling around in that pea-sized brain of yours?
“I’ve proven that a word existed that you [and the young turk idiot in your embedded video] didn’t think was.”
Sorry, but you are just fucking babbling here. What evidence have you used to “prove” such a thing? It seems you are simply making shit up again. We call that lying, Lil’ Dumbass.
Look Lil’ Dumbass…let Professor Darryl edumacate you. Here is the difference between an educated person (like, say, me) and a Google-enhanced dimwit (like you).
The question that arises when given a word like “racialist” isn’t whether the word exists or not. The question is whether the suffix on the word follows the rules of the language or not. In English, nearly any noun can be modified with the suffix -ist.
For example, in an essay about, say, closing Gitmo, a writer might coin the terms “Detentionist” and “Freedomist” for people who advocate continued detention and those who advocate releasing prisoners, respectively. This is perfectly acceptable (whether or not Google or any dictionary defines the terms). The intelligent person doesn’t need Google to determine whether or not these constructs “exist.” Simple application of the rules suffices. A more important evaluation is whether the contexts of the words are sensible.
Clearly, Gingrich’s “racialist” is consistent with the rules of English. What is hilarious about Newt’s “reframing” is the embarrassingly blatant attempts at propaganda. Newt needed to weasel his way out of calling Judge Sotomayor a racist—a word that, when misused against someone who is unlikely to be a racist, labels the user (i.e. Newt) as an extremist. So, Newt, by his own admission, picks up another author’s reframed term “racialist.”
That where the Ali G. clip comes in…. The mash-up was priceless.
Lex Talionisspews:
The final score stands Darrylict.
Why would I take the word of ‘professor Darryl’ when he is described as “lazy and unprepared” by one of his own students? Also, what exactly is “google-enahanced”? Pulling words out of your ample posterior again I see.
“Boy, you have one hell of an imagination ‘[P]rofessor’ Darryl.”
And, figuratively speaking, you have one hell of a sore ass.
See ya on a new thread, Lil’ Dumbass!
Rick D.spews:
@87 See around nitwit. It’s always good to help increase a contributor’s lexicon and grammar skills whenever possible. Besides that, my lessons are gratis.
When a far right whack-job screams in the political wilderness, does anyone hear him?
But, you have fun out there all by your self. In case you haven’t noticed people are fleeing as fast as they can from the kinds of political views you’ve been espousing.
Lex Talionisspews:
@ 89 : In case you haven’t noticed people are fleeing as fast as they can from the kinds of political views you’ve been espousing.
You’ll find out in 2010 just how wrong you are about that.
I like my Firefox and I don’t use IE unless forced.
You too? I just upgraded last night as well. It is indeed faster with significant gains with Javascript rendering.
A clear demonstration of the raw speed of the new version of Safari can be seen with this Fluid Dynamics simulator
Try running the simulator before and after upgrading to Safari 4.0. Some estimate that the speed increase is around 20x.
Just loading HA is tremendously faster. And the WordPress admin… well, it’s night and day.
Firefox is getting a bit pudgy and lumbering these days (though still much better than IE). Anyone know whether this new Safari works as well in Windows?
Not only does Safari 4 render JS faster, it also uses far less CPU than Firefox 3 did. I have two windows up with about 5-6 tabs each at work and with Firefox that took 50-98% CPU and with Safari? 5-12%. The difference is amazing (at least in OS X).
Also, if you go to the advanced preferences tab in Safari you can turn on the “Develop”[er] functions which allows you to right-click and inspect any element, pulling up a pane very similar to FireBug in Firefox.
Good. Now you can look for gainful employment faster rather than bleat inanely on this blog about why those that are doing the heavy lifting in life should subsidize layabouts like yourself.
I saw a software update for my mac mini and installed it last night without looking too close before I went to bed.
Whoa! This new safari is pretty neat. Top Sites feature is cool and as mentioned above I may not have to fire up firefox just for the firebug feature.
Firefox does have a new version in beta that is a bit faster.
Recommended. (Both browsers)
6 – So typical of the right. Finding ever more ham-fisted ways of telling those who deplore their politics to “just shut up” as BillO would put.
News: never, never, never will we follow the dictates of authoritarians.
Lex Talionis – Were you mentally abused as a child to make you so bitter?
Why do you want to continue the cycle?
Little Ricky Dumbass @ 6,
“Now you can look for gainful employment faster rather than bleat inanely on this blog”
Yet, you just cannot help coming here and participating in the comment threads.
That’s called projection ya goofy fucking dope!
That’s called projection ya goofy fucking dope!
Marvin Stamn @ 11,
I’m impressed, Squirt. “Projection” is a pretty big word for a high-school drop-out!
Why? for calling a lazy sack of excrement like little Davey Goldstain out?
I always find it amusing that Goldy avoids finding gainful employment while whining about why the wealthy and those that create jobs should pay more. Layabouts like Goldy are always pushing the class warfare angle knowing full well they don’t carry their weight in life. He’s a professional victim as illustrated on the thread last month where he fell ass over tea kettle down a flight of stairs while wearing sox because he was going too fast….who did Goldy blame? Not himself, he can’t take any responsibility….instead, he whined incessantly about how easily someone could end up needing health coverage over a minor mishap.
My God, man…grow the hell up.
Um, is this the same darryl-ict that didn’t know that “racialist” was a word prior to creating a post about how it’s not a word?…
Marvin Stamn @ 13
Ahhh…so you are a gullible fuck, too, huh?
Psssst…don’t believe everything you can find on the intertubes, Squirt.
As said by the person that didn’t even recognize I copied and pasted his own words.
Thanks for the advice. But I do believe the reviews on your “teaching.” Why would your students lie about you, what do they get out of lying about you?
I could be wrong, but I’m guessing he fell because he can’t afford all the heat he would like and has to wear socks around to stay warm. Which kinda proves your point… I f goldy had gainful employment he could heat his place.
Little Ricky Dumbass @14,
“I always find it amusing that Goldy avoids finding gainful employment while whining about why the wealthy and those that create jobs should pay more.”
What a minute. You mean you didn’t know? Every time you load a page, Goldy earns some cash. In other words…Goldy is being employed to entertain you.
“Layabouts like Goldy are always pushing the class warfare angle knowing full well they don’t carry their weight in life.”
Layabout? You’re just acting retarded now! Goldy has published about 6,000 posts in about five years. Hardly “layabout” material.
“He’s a professional victim as illustrated on the thread last month where he fell ass over tea kettle down a flight of stairs while wearing sox because he was going too fast….who did Goldy blame? Not himself, he can’t take any responsibility….instead, he called attention to how easily someone could need health coverage.”
Your analogy contains a logical flaw. The two “alternatives” are incommensurate. Whether or not one blames ones self is entirely unrelated to the point that one might suddenly need health care coverage.
“My God, man…grow the hell up.”
#14. I couldn’t make this stuff up.
You got all that from a post about a fast browser?
Do you often see the Virgin Mary in the patterns on toast?
Are you one of those people who can see the subliminal word SEX baked into Ritz crackers?
If I gave you the link for the users manual for my video camera, could you post the coded messages about class warfare you find there?
So that means the guy over at sound politics is making more $$ than goldy. If hits mean money, sound politics is beating horsesass.org hands down. It’s amazing that a blog that only gets a new thread every couple days gets more hits than this blog. It almost seems that without us trolls and roger rabbit this blog wouldn’t get over 100 hits a day.
Average Per Day 1,980
sound politics
Average Per Day 3,199
Big deal. roger rabbit posts that many times in a week.
Marvin Stamn @ 16
“As said by the person that didn’t even recognize I copied and pasted his own words.”
I didn’t? You mean you REALLY thought I was impressed with your use of the word “projection?”
Mwaahhhh Haaaahaaaahaaaa. Man…you are fucking dumb as dirt.
‘But I do believe the reviews on your “teaching.”’
Yeah…like I say…gullible.
18. Darryl spews:
Hardly. A few cents per click is hardly being employed, especially on some obscure back water blog like HA that doesn’t generate any web traffic. Does Goldy have any job skills whatsoever? I’ve heard his voice and it’s definately not meant for radio. He got flushed by KIRO along with Erin “nutty chick” Hart and the late, not so great Mike “I hate my mother” Webb because they didn’t generate any listeners.
Wow, so he’s a layabout with an affinity for blogging. It still doesn’t generate a livable income. At least the contributors at SP actually blog as a hobby on the side of their careers.
Not Goldy though. We should all have to subsidize Goldy and his “family” because he chooses to blog rather than earn an income, then he bleats about taxing those that put in the hours of blood, sweat and tears to earn that income so Goldy can get a slice of the pie that they baked.
Don’t be a dumbass, Darryl-ict.
Tell him. He’s the dumbass that melded the two together. I just highlighted the obvious lunacy of someone blaming a pair of socks and the makers of the staircase rather than the dolt that decided that cotton sox travelling rapidly down carpeted stairs could lead an intelligent grown up to conclude that it was a “preventable” fall. Preventable falls means no need to go to utilize the health insurance you have. A little common sense goes a long way, unless of course, we’re talking about a liberal.
So glad you agree with me.
i agree with goldy here. safari 4 is an excellent browser with a ton of nifty features, and it’s significantly faster than even firefox at its best. i’ve been a firefox user for awhile now but this may persuade me to use safari full time.
Marvin Stamn @ 20,
“horsesass.org: Average Per Day 1,980
sound politics: Average Per Day 3,199”
Your research skills aren’t really up to snuff, there, Squirt.
If you look at the entry page a very large fraction of uSP’s traffic results from use of the voter lookup database. Those aren’t readers.
If we allow all hits–regardless of whether they go to the parent blog or to “other” pages, Goldy currently averages 2,961 unique IPs a day.
“Big deal. roger rabbit posts that many times in a week.”
Incorrect. Roger Rabbit does not post at all. Roger Rabbit comments.
Is Safari 4 faster on the PC as well?
Does Safari 4 have the ability for add ons like Flash Block and and the Web Developer’s Tool bar or am I stuck with the vanilla browser?
Little Ricky Dumbass @ 22,
“A few cents per click is hardly being employed”
You seem to be rather under-informed about E-commerce. This model is fairly widely employed now, with modest success. Why criticize Goldy for trying to make it work for him? Why do you hate entrepreneurship? What are you, some kind of fucking commie?
“especially on some obscure back water blog like HA that doesn’t generate any web traffic.”
Again…you seem rather under-informed on this point.
“Does Goldy have any job skills whatsoever? “
Well…he apparently has the skills to trip your trigger! We always enjoy letting you haters show off your “best side” in the comment threads (knowing that Goldy gets paid for it).
“Wow, so he’s a layabout with an affinity for blogging. It still doesn’t generate a livable income.”
Really? Your “observation” seems incompatible with the observation that Goldy has been doing this for about five years (mostly, but not entirely, full time).
“At least the contributors at SP actually blog as a hobby on the side of their employment status. Not Goldy though.”
“We should all have to subsidize Goldy and his “family” because he chooses to blog rather earn an income, then bleat about taxing those that put in the hours of blood, sweat and tears to earn that income so Goldy gets a slice of the pie.”
What the fuck are you babbling about? What is it about blogging that makes you exclude it as an occupation? The process of blogging is very similar to many other occupations–generating intellectual property and communicating it with a larger audience. There are hundreds of other occupations that engage in a similar process.
You are confusing your dislike of what Goldy says with an irrational dismissal of how Goldy choses to earn a living.
“I just highlighted the obvious lunacy of someone blaming a pair of sox and the makers of the staircase rather than the dolt that decided that cotton sox travelling rapidly down carpeted stairs could lead an intelligent grown up to conclude that it was a “preventable” fall.”
You’re confused. The article made no attempt to assign blame to the socks or to the stairs for the fall. Re-read the article again, VERY SLOWLY. You completely misinterpreted the message. There is a deeper point that you missed.
Don’t be impressed, I only copied and pasted. Didn’t you even notice the same word being in bold.
Say, are you doing a better job teaching? That site where your students posted their opinions on you weren’t exactly flattering.
Unless you consider “lazy,” “unprepared,” “Completely unorganized,” “I learned little to nothing” and an “easy grader” to be compliments.
This is probably the best review…
Made students feel stupid when they didn’t udnerstand
Not all teachers use this method, only the ones that don’t care about their students.
Blue John,
I switched from Firefox to Safari on my Windows-based machines about 9 months ago. Safari 3.x was much faster than the last version of Firefox I tried (3.x). Still, Safari had some annoyances–like occasional 10-second pauses, and occasionally flipping into some mode where it would chew-up CPU time.
I installed Safari 4.0 this morning, and have been putting it through some exercises (heavy flash and javascript, large number of windows, etc.) and it is huge improvement over 3.x.
Yeah, I normally use Firefox, but I’m probably switching to Safari 4. Dang, that’s nice.
26. Darryl spews:
I know enough to understand Goldy can’t make a living making $19.80 a day, or is it $39.60? In the meantime, who’s subsidizing his lazy ass?
Not really. As Marvin pointed out, SP still gets twice the traffic with about 1/5 of the content. Some are just too busy working to contribute regularly because of career and family commitments. Besides, most of HA’s traffic from the regular reprobate posters like YLB, Roger Roadkill, Plowed Leftist, etc. It’s less of a blog than a gathering of like-minded leftist minions.
Actually it’s the other way around. Which is why I have to post under assumed names, he’s banned my actual one.
Did you just compare what Goldy does with generating intellectual property? Now that is funny, Darryl. He’s little more than the caretaker of a waste treatment plant.
Actually, no. Those other occupations produce something of value. HA is a hate site, and you can’t sell, buy or trade hate to make a profit.
Sure it did. As I said earlier, he whined about how this could easily happen even though it was, for most intelligent persons, a preventable incident. One minute he’s kissing his daughter goodnight, the next he’s taking the express way down the staircase because he rushed off in his wool socks down a carpeted staircase. Lesson learned, now pick yourself up, curse under your breath and make a mental not the not do that again. Instead, Goldy posts some manifesto on why we need universal healthcare. Ridiculous
Little Ricky Dumbass @ 29,
“I know enough to understand Goldy can’t make a living making $19.80 a day, or is it $39.60? In the meantime, who’s subsidizing his lazy ass?”
Subsidizing????? $19.80??? $39.60??? Are you just making this shit up? You don’t seem very connected with reality, kiddo.
“Not really. As Marvin pointed out, SP still gets twice the traffic with about 1/5 of the content.”
Nope…if you do the right comparison, HA and uSP traffic are about equal. But of what relevance is this?
“Some are just too busy working to contribute regularly because of career and family commitments.”
So? Again…what is the relevance here?
“Besides, most of HA’s traffic from the regular reprobate posters like YLB, Roger Roadkill, Plowed Leftist, etc. It’s less of a blog than a gathering of like-minded leftist minions.”
Wrong. People like you—you know, the big-time fans of the comment threads—sometimes lose perspective on what the audience is. On a typical day, less than 5% of visitors from unique IPs actually leave a comment. As can be verified via Sitemeter, most visitors don’t visit the comment threads.
“Actually it’s the other way around. Which is why I have to post under assumed names, he’s banned my actual one.”
Wrong again. Your user name is not banned. As many commenters have found, comments from a particular poster are occasionally flagged by the spam detection software, but this is done by a non-partisan central spam service called Akismet.
But your statement isn’t really responsive to my comment—that you have, effective, become a paying customer of the products and services that Goldy makes available.
“Did you just compare what Goldy does with generating intellectual property?”
No I did not “compare it,” I stated it as a fact.
“Now that is funny, Darryl. He’s little more than the caretaker of a waste treatment plant.”
What the fuck???? If I’m following your pathetic attempt at an analogy, then doesn’t that make you a piece of shit???
“Actually, no. Those other occupations produce something of value.”
But, but, but, Little Ricky Dumbass…you are a consumer of the products of this site. You help support Goldy’s efforts. If Goldy does not produce something of value, the that makes you really fucking stupid for consuming it, responding to it, supporting it, etc.
“HA is a hate site…”
You have a point there…a lot of haters like you DO show up in the comment threads…
“and you can’t sell, buy or trade hate to make a profit.”
Your statement is completely illogical and contradicted by empirical evidence. There are plenty of outlets that make a profit peddling hate: Bill O’Reilly, Glenn Beck, Rush Limbaugh, to name a few.
“Sure it did.”
Nope. You read something into the article that simply wasn’t there.
“…he whined about how this could easily happen even though it was, for most intelligent persons, a preventable incident.”
Completely irrelevant. Nearly all accidents are preventable. Yet…they happen to people of all ideological persuasions. The post was about the aftermath of a hypothetical injury accident, not an attempt to place “blame” on the cause of the non-hypothetical accident that inspired the essay.
“…Lesson learned, now pick yourself up, curse under your breath and make a mental not the not do that again.”
Sure…if you aren’t seriously injured.
“Instead, Goldy posts some manifesto on why we need universal healthcare.”
Right…but that is what Goldy does…he writes about things he cares about. You may disagree what what Goldy has to say, but you apparently care enough to read what he has to say. Now…if you only worked at it enough to comprehend the underlying message….
Ridiculous???? How so? It seems you disagree with the point, but what about the essay makes it “ridiculous?” Given that there is a huge discussion about health care insurance at the national level, your calling Goldy’s “manifesto” ridiculous seem to suggest that you are quite out of touch with what is going on in the world of politics.
I checked it out.
5 out of the first 20
3 out of the second 20
6 out of the third 20
I’m not the intellectual giant you are, but my 3rd grade math skills say that 25%, 15% and 30% are not “very large fractions.”
30. Other brother Darryl-ict spews:
Apparently you can’t add.
haha, Oh, I see. The “right comparison” needs to be made. The numbers don’t lie Darryl, even if you do.
It shows Goldy doesn’t have any commitments other than his backwater blog. 60K in 5 years? that would mean Goldy has posted an average of 33 posts per day for the last 5 years? Seems you’re as bad at math as you are at discerning what words constitute actual words. You’re nuttier than squirrel dropping if you believe that Darryl.
…and you and he wonder why they don’t visit the comment threads. The same dolts that defend Goldy cost him money in the long run by running visitors off. If, of course, it’s true what you’re saying. Which is always a questionable practice to undertake.
I do love the smell of burning trolls in mid-afternoon.
I’ll never be an iGeek like Goldy, but I’ll give Safari a whirl.
Marvin Stamn @ 31,
There are two different entry paths to the voter data base that get recorded by sitemeter…one is through usefulwork the other through SP.
It looks like you only counted one route. I count 32 of the last 100 entry pages as going to the voter database via both routes combined. That’s ’bout 1/3 of uSP’s traffic right now.
That definitely qualifies as a large fraction of the traffic!
Well hell, am I going to have to switch back to Safari?
Little Ricky Dumbass @ 32,
“Apparently you can’t add.”
I haven’t notice any issues in this regard. But, I also didn’t demonstrate addition in my comment, so it seems you’re just pulling shit out of your ass.
“haha, Oh, I see. The “right comparison” needs to be made. The numbers don’t lie Darryl, even if you do.”
Well…it really does make a difference. If you look at ALL traffic going to uSP then you must look at ALL traffic going to Goldy’s sites. If you only look at traffic to the uSP blog, then you want to compare it to the blog portion of HA only. Isn’t that the proper way to do a comparison????
“It shows Goldy doesn’t have any commitments other than his backwater blog.”
What the fuck???? How does an analysis of traffic suggest whether or not Goldy has “any commitments other than to his backwater blog.” You statement is entirely nonsensical!
“60K in 5 years? that would mean Goldy has posted an average of 33 posts per day for the last 5 years?”
You are partially correct in that IF Goldy had posted 60K posts in 5 years that would be, roughly, 33 posts/day. But, nobody has ever claimed that Goldy has posted 60K posts.
“Seems you’re as bad at math as you are at discerning what words constitute actual words.”
Wrong (as usual). It seems you have a little (ahem) innumeracy “issue.” Dumbass!
“You’re nuttier than squirrel dropping if you believe that Darryl.”
“…and you and he wonder why they don’t visit the comment threads.”
Incorrect. We both are well aware why most visitors to HA rarely visit the comment thread.
“The same dolts that defend Goldy cost him money in the long run by running visitors off.”
au contraire my little Dumbass. Most visitors come to the blog to, you know…read the blog. (This isn’t specific to HA…it is true of most blogs.) That there is an active cesspool in which a fraction of the visitors play (and therefore do multiple page-loads) is gravy.
As much of a moron as you are, I still thank you for supporting Goldy by playing in the comment threads!
Besides…we always enjoy the troll-smacking!
Marvin Stamn @ 34,
“Darryl didn’t even look the word up in the dictionary before posting about it.”
That’s funny…I mean, I don’t recall ever using that word or suggesting it doesn’t exist.
“Damn, even a third grade dropout like me knows what a dictionary is.”
Sure…now if you stoopid fuckers would just figger out how to properly use all those things we call words to actually construct an argument, you’d be on to something!
Hey Darryl, if you are outing Lex as Rick D then you have to out libtards. This discussion happened twice before Why are you doing that Darryl?
Oops. My bad. Read it as 60,000 rather than 6,000. Hell, anyone can post 3 crappy blog entries a day if he has nothing else going on in his life.
No woman, No Job, No responsibilities = Layabout
Figger out?
What does a filipino who acts just like a black person from the ghetto have to do with the conversation?
Oh wait, you’re probably too old and stuffy to know what you were saying.
Kinda proves the point on that site when they said professor darryl was unprepared and lazy.
Darryl didn’t even look the word up in the dictionary before posting about it.
Damn, even a third grade dropout like me knows what a dictionary is.
Little Ricky Dumbass @ 39
“Are you purposely stupid Darryl? Or do you just get so soused that you can’t remember what you said a couple posts ago.”
Neither. I believe the problem can be traced to you being mentally retarded. Please re-read my comment @ 18 VERY SLOWLY.
One other hint. A comma in a number is NOT the same thing as a zero. I hope that helps.
So darryl has a problem with alcohol.
That explains a lot.
/troll off
Darryl, please take care of your drinking problem. Nothing good ever comes from being an alcoholic.
/troll on
Marvin Stamn @ 42,
“What does a filipino who acts just like a black person from the ghetto have to do with the conversation?”
THAT’S IT????? That’s your best continuation of our discussion?
You lose, Squirt!
Marvin Stamn @ 44,
“So darryl has a problem with alcohol.”
Well…maybe, but it doesn’t seem relevant to our discussion, since I haven’t really been drunk since 1993 (and I was in Dhaka, Bangladesh at the time, so give me a fucking break about it already!).
But since you are blindly parroting Rick D’s points, perhaps you would care to explain these two pieces of “evidence” of my “drinking problem.”
Like: (1) how many posts did I attribute to Goldy over a five year period (please be specific by providing the number and source) and (2) where have I ever used the word “racialist” or made reference to it (I mean, besides in this comment)?
Refer to 41 for my mea culpa on reading the 6,000 as 60,000- common error, oh well. Any mutt can throw together 3 posts a day if they don’t have anything else going on, so it’s really not as impressive as you might think.
Now where is yours? You posted the tuesday drinking liberally thread attempting to make fun of Gingrich’s use of the word “racialist” by having that other uneducated mutt from the young turks claim on the video that there is no such word. I provided the Websters on line entry to show he and you are incorrect.
Puddy @ 40,
Hey Darryl, if you are outing Lex as Rick D
Pointing out that different anonymous screen names are used by the same commenter is NOT what “outing” is defined as. Outing is revealing the actual identity of a person who is trying to remain anonymous. Therefore, I’ve not outed anyone on this blog.
…then you have to out libtards.
No I don’t.
“This discussion happened twice before”
Could be….
Lex Talionis: “60K in 5 years? that would mean Goldy has posted an average of 33 posts per day for the last 5 years?”
Are you purposely stupid Darryl? Or do you just get so soused that you can’t remember what you said a couple posts ago.
Hey Marvin, I guess that poster was just about dead on about Darryl-ict here. First, his dumbass doesn’t clue in that “racialist” is a word, and now, the drunk claims he didn’t say that Goldy has posted “about 60 thousand posts in about 5 years” 19 posts after he actually said it.
Goldy’s gotta be proud to have him as a contributor.
Little Ricky Dumbass @ 47,
“Refer to 41 for my mea culpa on reading the 6,000 as 60,000- common error, oh well.”
Thanks. Funny that you even quoted the figure in a later comment and STILL got it wrong…
“Any mutt can throw together 3 posts a day…”
Indeed…the trick is getting a couple thousand people to stop by each day and read the posts.
“Now where is yours? You posted the tuesday drinking liberally thread attempting to make fun of Gingrich’s use of the word “racialist” by having that other uneducated mutt from the young turks claim on the video that there is no such word. I provided the Websters on line entry to show he and you are incorrect.”
I posted the video because I thought the “channeling Ali G.” connection was hilarious. It isn’t really relevant whether the word exists, and I made no claims either way.
Jane @ 48,
“Of course, the university does its own evals based on student feedback, but these aren’t posted, which is unfortunate.”
The University of Washington does have an in-house evaluation system that is widely used. Instructors choose whether or not the course is evaluated, but I think many have every course evaluated. The evaluations are done without the instructor present and the results are not released to the instructor until after the quarter is over and the grades have been turned-in.
The last time I looked (several years ago), the result of evaluations were posted on the web for undergraduate courses at the 300 (or maybe 200) level and below. This may have changed, and I think it took a bit of effort to burrow down to where the evaluations are found.
“After all, we should be able to assess the quality of the teaching we’re paying for BEFORE we pay for it…”
Well…except that one rarely knows what instructors one will have in advance. A student might take some 48 courses on the way to an undergraduate degree. There will be some variation in instructor quality, so it is not clear how a perspective student might use the individual numbers to choose between universities/colleges. The evaluations would be a useful source of evidence for selecting (or rejecting) particular courses, however.
But, your general point is correct. There should be some way to compare different Universities on the value of a degree earned from the institutions. This is done by a number of third parties sources (like Barons).
“ESPECIALLY when students and parents are being asked to pay rapidly increasing fees for what is still the SAME product.”
The thing about state universities is that they receive an ongoing subsidy, so the tuition costs are below market value. The tuition increases at UW this year reflect the state withdrawing part of the subsidy, so that tuition is closer to the market rate.
“I would think university faculty would especially be in support of making student evals public so the public – which DOES support these schools with their taxes – can do a little tire kicking.”
Most instructors use the evaluations as a way to improve the course over time. The evaluations are also used for determining promotion and merit for raises. But at least some evaluations are (were?) public for undergraduate courses, so this should be possible at UW.
@13 Say, are you doing a better job teaching? That site where your students posted their opinions on you weren’t exactly flattering.
Unless you consider “lazy,” “unprepared,” “Completely unorganized,” “I learned little to nothing” and an “easy grader” to be compliments.
@15 Marvin Stamn @ 13
Ahhh…so you are a gullible fuck, too, huh?
Of course, the university does its own evals based on student feedback, but these aren’t posted, which is unfortunate. After all, we should be able to assess the quality of the teaching we’re paying for BEFORE we pay for it, ESPECIALLY when students and parents are being asked to pay rapidly increasing fees for what is still the SAME product.
I would think university faculty would especially be in support of making student evals public so the public – which DOES support these schools with their taxes – can do a little tire kicking.
No, you let the
young turkdumbass speak for you. It still doesn’t absolve you of your ignorance Daryll.From Video from about 2:00 mark: Young Turd
Lil’ Ricky Dumbass @ 52
“It still doesn’t absolve you of [sic] your ignorance Daryll [sic].”
It doesn’t “absolve” me for what ignorance?
@ 53
Sorry Darryl. I don’t see that sentence in my post.
But just out of curiosity, how do you spell “of”?
Lil’ Ricky Dumbass @ 54
“Sorry Darryl. I don’t see that sentence in my post.”
Two can play that game, Dumbass. The difference is, I don’t have a time limit….
“But just out of curiosity, how do you spell “of”?”
I spell it “of.” But the word “for” belongs in the sentence.
@ 55~ I wasn’t playing a game dumbass. I just happened to edit the very sentence you picked out right before you posted your response. It isn’t my problem if your dumbass can’t wait 4 minutes before my post stands as is.
inre: the “of” (sic)
haha. so you’re saying it should read “that doesn’t absolve you for your ignorance”. Are you sure you’re a professor?
I had the correct grammar originally, but thanks for laugh. Perhaps looking up the word absolve will help with your disconnect.
I do have to admit that I spelled your name incorrectly. I forgot the ict on the end.
You really ought to out all the sockpuppetry going on in these comments.
So “Lex” turns out to be RickyD. Nice picture of you and your goat that you posted on the other thread, RickyD, although I have to say that you looked more than a little bit pudgy and pale. You’re kind of a troll stereotype, aren’t you? An unhealthy, out-of-shape Keyboard Kommando who’d never back up the tough talk spewed while lurking anonymously in the internet’s tubes.
So “Lex” turns out to be RickyD.
I would use my regular handle, but Goldy has banned it so I can’t post under that name.
I have to say that you looked more than a little bit pudgy and pale. You’re kind of a troll stereotype, aren’t you?
I d/l that picture of you and your goat “friend” from your facebook page, Steve. So I’m not sure where you’re going with this.
As I have no Facebook page, and you couldn’t find it if I did, and as you’ll never have no link to offer that goes to a page of mine, I’m content to just let the decent folk here reach their own conclusions. And I’ll let them speculate on just how you managed to come up with a photo of a very trollish looking, pudgy, pale white guy, his face blacked out, standing with his goat. Oh hell, I’ll spell it out. RickyD fucks goats. Heh- Like I’m surprised.
So, what you’re saying steve is that this wasn’t your prom date? Found on the same facebook page as the previous photo?
Sorry buddy, but that’s way too incidental to just be happenstance.
Does everyone know about steve and his goats?
The homophobic bigot steve is becoming an internet legend.
I suppose it never occurred to you that your linking to photos on an Arlington, Virginia “Save our Goats” site would leave you looking quite pathetic.
Sorry, but you bore me, Rick. Sure, you’re disgusting enough, but you’re not quite batshit-crazy enough to entertain me. Hell, you’re even occasionally capable of lucidity. So please don’t consider this an insult. It’s back to Puddy for me. That loon has redefined batshit crazy, taken it to a whole new fucking level.
Of course, there’s always My Favorite Marvin, the loon from the fourth rock from the sun. He fucks goats, you know. He even admitted it yesterday.
After further thought, I’d have to say that Marvin’s just as batshit-crazy as Puddy.
Lil’ Ricky Dumbass,
“I wasn’t playing a game dumbass. I just happened to edit the very sentence you picked out right before you posted your response. It isn’t my problem if your dumbass can’t wait 4 minutes before my post stands as is.”
Changing your comment is fine, but don’t pretend what I copied wasn’t in your original post, ya disingenuous fuck.
‘haha. so you’re saying it should read “that doesn’t absolve you for your ignorance”.’
Yes. I am saying that.
“Are you sure you’re a professor?”
“I had the correct grammar originally”
No…you didn’t. Hence the “sic.”
Lil’ Ricky Dumbass,
“I would use my regular handle, but Goldy has banned it so I can’t post under that name.”
No, he didn’t.
Hey Dumbass…why the lies?
It was ‘up’ for about 30 seconds before I edited it, but it shouldn’t be confused with my original post since it doesn’t officially become a “post” until it times out in 4 minutes..ya disingenuous fuck.
…and you’d still be wrong, but by all means keep laboring the point.
Well, that explains why I can’t post under ‘Rick D.’ anymore. The least he can do is be a man and ban the IP address if his ego is that fragile.
Lil’ Ricky Dumbass,
“It was ‘up’ for about 30 seconds before I edited it, but it shouldn’t be confused with my original post since it doesn’t officially become a “post” until it times out in 4 minutes..ya disingenuous fuck.”
What the fuck???? It doesn’t officially become a post until 4 minutes? Where the do get these rules? From your ass?
If you changed your post, just say so. Don’t pretend you didn’t write what you did write. Sheesh…wingnuts!
“…and you’d still be wrong, but by all means keep laboring the point.”
Na-uh. Your original wording was…. awkward.
“Well, that explains why I can’t post under ‘Rick D.’ anymore. The least he can do is be a man and ban the IP address if his ego is that fragile.”
But the fact is, Goldy did NOT ban Rick D. (and you could probably post as Rick D. with modest success right now). If Goldy had banned you, your IP address would not work.
I know…I know. Truth is irrelevant to you.
Darryl and his other brother Darrylict queefed:
Don’t whine to me, Darryl. Goldy put in the edit feature dumbass. At Soundpolitics they don’t let you edit it- it posts immediately. I’m guessing Goldstain does it because most of the HA faithful here aren’t that intelligent to post it correctly the first time, but you’ll have to ask him. So, no, it doesn’t post until it is there permanently….deal with your error.
Um, I did if you were paying attention, Darryl. I believe post 67 comes before 68 the last time I checked.
Again, so as not to be confused with the short bus crowd here, Darryl, I sugest you refer back to my post @ 67.
Since when is using proper grammar awkward?
Even by your own admission it would be intermittent at best, so why fucking bother? I notice a lot of people that have posted here a hell of alot longer than I have and don’t seem to have the same problem with the “ajax filter”. Also, a few weeks back, a contributor (I’m assuming Will) withdrew my written posts and substituted their own wordage, thereby misrepresenting me. Goldy can’t even control his own website so it’s no wonder the average visitor here spends 2.1 minutes per visit.
Darryl! You’ve totally SHREDDED little Ricky Dumbass!
That 60k/6k stuff was just too funny.
Poor little Ricky Dumbass….
Keep coming back Ricky. Keep trying the same old tired right wing bullshit game expecting different results.
It’s just too entertaining.
@ 70 ~ haha. First Darryl sucks Goldy’s dick and now we have the pervert eye YLB sucking Darryl’s dick….can’t you three just get a room already?
71 – LOL!!! Little Ricky Dumbass just can’t get enough of those perv angles…
NOW we know why he spends so much time here.
Livin’ out his twisted fantasies.
Lil’ Ricky Dumbass,
“Don’t whine to me, Darryl. Goldy put in the edit feature dumbass. […] At Soundpolitics they don’t let you edit it- So, no, it doesn’t post until it is there permanently….deal with your error.”
Wrong-o, Dumbass. It posts when you hit [Submit Comment]. You edited your post afterward, which is fine. But don’t turn around and write (see comment 54):
…as if you never had that. That is call LYING, Lil’ Ricky. It makes you a bad person. You could have said something like, “Yeah…I caught that and changed my comment.” That would suggest some sense of honor, rather than being misleading about it.
“Um, I did if you were paying attention, Darryl. I believe post 67 comes before 68 the last time I checked.”
Yes…67 does come before 68 (and we are all mighty proud of you for recognizing that). But it was in post 54 that you were misleading. That is where you said,
You didn’t see the sentence you had just edited away. So now do you see how your comment at 54 was a lie?
Again, so as not to be confused with the short bus crowd here, Darryl, I sugest you refer back to my post @ 67.
Your post at 67 isn’t particularly relevant, is it?
“Since when is using proper grammar awkward?”
When you use the wrong preposition.
“Even by your own admission it would be intermittent at best, so why fucking bother”
Beats me. I am not arguing that you should use one name versus the other. I am simply pointing out that Goldy did not ban you.
‘I notice a lot of people that have posted here a hell of alot longer than I have and don’t seem to have the same problem with the “ajax filter”.’
First, it is not an “Ajax filter”, it is Akismet. And you do know plenty of people who have their posts snagged occasionally by the filter. Very few people have ever been banned from HA, and really only for repeated violations of faking another’s screen name. You haven’t been doing that, and you haven’t been banned under any name, IP address, or email address.
“Also, a few weeks back, a contributor (I’m assuming Will) withdrew my written posts and substituted their own wordage, thereby misrepresenting me.”
Oh???? Perhaps you can give me a link. I am usually the only one to change comments and that is usually to [Deleted…], for violations of the HA Comment Policy.
I’m deeply skeptical of your claim, but if it is happening and you can demonstrate it (and it actually happened as you suggest), I’ll put an end to it.
Lil’ Ricky Dumbass,
“haha. First Darryl sucks Goldy’s dick and now we have the pervert eye YLB sucking Darryl’s dick….can’t you three just get a room already?”
It looks like you are confusing acts of fellatio with getting your ass kicked up into your throat.
They’re different.
Ok let’s test little Ricky Dumbass’ assertion. The next thing from me will be using his old handle.
Sure I don’t have his email address so I’ll use LRD@unsp.net.
Ok. It’s me YLB under Little Ricky Dumbass’ handle.
Yeccch.. These are moldy duds indeed….
Blah, blah…
Wheeew! I’m back…
Not banned.
You’re full of shit Little Ricky Dumbass!
Too fucking funny. Why do these fucks keep coming back for more abuse?
78 – They can’t accept they lost, they had it all and they fucked it up bad.
The final tally
Lex Talionis:
1 point- I’ve proven that a word existed that you [and the young turk idiot in your embedded video] didn’t think was. You even included it in the ‘drinking liberally’ thread earlier this week in an attempt to ridicule the person using the word ‘racialist’ (gingrich). Hoisted upon your own petard…
2 points (1 for being corect, 1 for making an ass of you while doing it)- You then correct me on sentence grammar and in doing so, only hilight your illiteracy as what I said originally was correct. Nothing funnier than someone attempting to look smart and only exposes how ill educated they really are.
Total points for Lex Talionis- 3
1/2 point- for my misreading of his 6,000 to be 60,000.
Total points for Darrylict – 1/2
@80: Idiot says:
Wow, you must be so proud of your “large” intellect. So what.
As if racialist is in common usage…..only a fool would even bother to make the distinction of the word “racialist”. Ooops, there really isn’t any distiction….so you and Gingrich have no point (as usual).
ill educated?
Thanks for hoisting yourself on your own petard. Yes, you are truly a fool since you just skewered yourself in one beautiful, hypocritical diatribe.
@ 81 ~ Yes, “ill educated” or “ill-educated”. Either is correct, but I have a feeling your dumbass believes the word “ill” in front of the word educated doesn’t make sense. Which is why your G.E.D. is not a sufficient education by which to troll through life with…
Thanks for regurgitating the line I used in my previous post. Any original thoughts rattling around in that pea-sized brain of yours?
Lil’ Ricky Dumbass,
“I’ve proven that a word existed that you [and the young turk idiot in your embedded video] didn’t think was.”
Sorry, but you are just fucking babbling here. What evidence have you used to “prove” such a thing? It seems you are simply making shit up again. We call that lying, Lil’ Dumbass.
Look Lil’ Dumbass…let Professor Darryl edumacate you. Here is the difference between an educated person (like, say, me) and a Google-enhanced dimwit (like you).
The question that arises when given a word like “racialist” isn’t whether the word exists or not. The question is whether the suffix on the word follows the rules of the language or not. In English, nearly any noun can be modified with the suffix -ist.
For example, in an essay about, say, closing Gitmo, a writer might coin the terms “Detentionist” and “Freedomist” for people who advocate continued detention and those who advocate releasing prisoners, respectively. This is perfectly acceptable (whether or not Google or any dictionary defines the terms). The intelligent person doesn’t need Google to determine whether or not these constructs “exist.” Simple application of the rules suffices. A more important evaluation is whether the contexts of the words are sensible.
Clearly, Gingrich’s “racialist” is consistent with the rules of English. What is hilarious about Newt’s “reframing” is the embarrassingly blatant attempts at propaganda. Newt needed to weasel his way out of calling Judge Sotomayor a racist—a word that, when misused against someone who is unlikely to be a racist, labels the user (i.e. Newt) as an extremist. So, Newt, by his own admission, picks up another author’s reframed term “racialist.”
That where the Ali G. clip comes in…. The mash-up was priceless.
The final score stands Darrylict.
Why would I take the word of ‘professor Darryl’ when he is described as “lazy and unprepared” by one of his own students? Also, what exactly is “google-enahanced”? Pulling words out of your ample posterior again I see.
Lil’ Ricky Dumbass,
“The final score stands Darrylict.”
(*Rolls Eyes*)
Thanks for playing Lil’ Ricky Dumbass (and for supporting Goldy’s entrepreneurial endeavor).
Hey…let’s go find another thread where I can kick your ass from here to kingdom come!
Boy, you have one hell of an imagination ‘professor’ Darryl. Oh, well, at least that aspect of your life is still intact.
I have no trouble contributing my 10 cents a day to Goldy, or Sharkansky for that matter. At the end of the year, they may have enough for a latte.
Lil’ Ricky Dumbass,
“Boy, you have one hell of an imagination ‘[P]rofessor’ Darryl.”
And, figuratively speaking, you have one hell of a sore ass.
See ya on a new thread, Lil’ Dumbass!
@87 See around nitwit. It’s always good to help increase a contributor’s lexicon and grammar skills whenever possible. Besides that, my lessons are gratis.
When a far right whack-job screams in the political wilderness, does anyone hear him?
But, you have fun out there all by your self. In case you haven’t noticed people are fleeing as fast as they can from the kinds of political views you’ve been espousing.
You’ll find out in 2010 just how wrong you are about that.