Since a lot of the farmers markets in Washington run through late September/early October, and since we’re in a great harvest time, it seems like the right time to mention that you should go to a farmers market if you haven’t yet (or even if you have). I’ll vouch for the Ballard, U District, Columbia City, and Lake Forest Park markets as good places to shop this year.
I love the interactions at the booths, both the pride people take in what they’re selling and their suggestions for what to do with the food once you buy it. I love the food, fresh, tasty, great for you.
I can agree with Carl once in a great while. I love Farmer’s Markets. Great prices, great produce, great people and no middle men!
Liberals won’t buy it unless it’s certified pesticide-free, Teahadists won’t buy it unless it’s certified immigrant-free, and Republicans won’t buy it unless it’s free.
I think the rabbit’s nailed it.
The Ballard farmer’s market is really wonderful. If you’re down south the Olympia market kicks ass.
@1: Lucid for a change. Thanks for taking your meds.
The edit function is back!
Drugs drugs drugs… the life of a libtardo!
It was never gone!
great prices? are you nutz? They should be supported, but only the Seattle white shoe trade can afford to buy their fruits & vegs at farmers’ markets. If you’re a one-income family w/a couple o’ kidz, or a granny on SS, fugeddabout it. It’s too expensive for Goldy… need I say more?
Depends on what you’re trying to find. A pint of blackberries at a supermarket will run you $4. A flat at my local farmer’s market is $16. ($4 x 8 = $32, “if you’re scoring at home. Or even if you’re alone.” H/T to Keith Olberman and Dan Patrick in the good old days.)
Blackberry Mead is fermenting nicely. By the time it’s ready next spring, I’ll have $400 retail worth of artisan hooch for about $50 in raw materials.
Pickling cucumbers are a bargain too. Imperfect tomatoes for sauce and canning, not much at all.
Add in the Sambusa guy selling me a filling and delicious lunch for $2 and there’s lots of great pricing to be had.
Another vote for the Olympia market. Often have live music playing, which is a nice bonus.
Roger, nailed it.
We prefer pesticide free carrots :)
Believe it or not (for those of you who don’t hang out east of the lake) Bellevue has a really nice Thursday afternoon Farmers’ Market. It’s off of Bellevue Way in the parking lot of First Presbyterian Church.
There’s another one at First Congregational on Saturdays, and still another on Tuesdays at Crossroads.