One my many sacrifices to the angry god that is blogging was my garden.
Over a period of years I painstakingly built up 175 square feet of raised beds out of the compacted sod, clay and cobbles in my backyard, and one of my greatest joys was eating and sharing the produce of my labor: raspberries, tomatoes, peas, lettuce, cucumbers, carrots, mustard, kale, radishes, arugula, green beans, herbs, and of course, zucchini… more zucchini than one family can ever eat, and always more than I ever intend to grow.
But between the demands of the blog and the dog, my garden has laid fallow over the past two years.
Well, no more. This year I vowed to reclaim my yard and garden, and so far have kept my resolution. And I’m loving it.
So if, occasionally, on sunny days like today, I disappear for a few hours… you’ll know where I am.
Goldy the farmer – is it an organic garden?
You could use the “droppings” of the conservatives trolls on here as a fine fertilizer. High in nitrogen and other distinctive components – with a trace of sulfur.
You’ll have to bring some zucchini to DL. Anyway, enjoy.
correctnotright @1,
I think what we get here is probably too toxic. Especially for food.
I feel that pain, Goldy. Just put in some peppers, tomatoes, beets and squash in the garden in our new house, plus an herb garden under a peach tree. Though I think the grandbabies dug up the herbs, so I may have to replant that. Not to mention reseeding the rest of the backyard lawn.
And when that pain comes, I’d suggest heading to your chiropractor or naturopath and buy some Sombra or BioFreeze pain-relief cream. Both are like IcyHot on steroids. In so many words, good shit, brother! Especially good after rugby matches, from my own experience……
175 Sq. Feet==7′ X 25′
Fercrissakes Goldy, how slow of a farmer are you?? Our garden is over 5 times that big.
Did you ever think of hiring someone to rototill it for you??? That is the time-consuming tough work. How hard is it to plant f—ing seeds??
You know Goldy, your whining about not being able to maintain a little dink-ass garden pretty much says it all about the mindset of the LEFTIST PINHEADED KLOWN!
Life is so, so, so hard.
What a PUTZ!
I’m happy to hear you have a relaxing pastime, Goldy. There’s really nothing to compare with working with plants in your back yard to mellow one out. As for zucchinis, what the hell is it with those anyway? I don’t know why people bother growing them anymore, the world has more than enough!
Never figured out what the hell to do with zucchinis except to use them for target practice.
@7: Some of the bigger ones would probably fit nicely up Mr. Cynical’s rectum.
Is that the best you can do??
Here your Pied-Piper is whining like a LAME-PACK about not having time for a measly
7′ X 25′ Garden….and you are dreaming about butt arousal??
I’m beginning to understand why you KLOWNS are so desperately pushing your Marxist Agenda…you don’t know what hard work is all about and need big government to feed you, house you and even provide for your fantasies like PROUD.
PROUD—have you no pride??
Word of advice Goldy… don’t let lee anywhere close to your garden if he has seeds in his hands.
Mr. cynicals definition of hard work:
Pulling said Zuchini out.
Hey dimwit cynical – some of us work plenty hard – we just also recognize that you Bush voters have screwed over this country and run up the biggest debt ever (for us and our kids kids to work off).
Turns out us liberals are the real fiscal conservatives – unlike the pie in the sky people who wanted star wars and unnecessary wars in Iraq but could not buy body armor for the troops or health care when they got home.
We should be putting our (meaning MY hard earned money) money into:
Mass transit
alternative fuels
Infrastructure repair
Real health care
Anyone who still talks about a “marxist” agenda has not been apying attention for 20 years – only the republicans like the last remaining Marxists in China. Grow up and lose your pathetic conservative blinders – the republicans are the trade deficit, budget deficit, corruption and incompetence party as exemplified by bush.
And libertarians are full of it – they supported Bush and now whine about it. They have no cohesive policy and don’t even know what the real “free market” is…Teddy Rossevelt kicked their butts over 100 years ago when he busted the trusts.
I know you: you’re just too cheap to pay $14 for a kohlrabi at the PCC…
175 square feet? You should be able to live on that! That’s larger than what the average per-capita farm acreage was in Rwanda before the genocide reduced their population to a more manageable number.
Geez, Mr. Cynical, even on a blog about a man’s garden you find a way to get damned ugly about it. Of course, I imagine that you fascist Republican child rapists find it quite difficult to be pleasant about anything.
$4 Gas, Here We Come!
Crude closed above $126 today, rising on a falling dollar and heightened tensions between the U.S. and Venezuela over the latter’s support for Colombian rebels: Markets fear threatened U.S. sanctions against Hugo Chavez’s government could provoke Venezuela to suspend oil shipments to America. I sold 1/3 of my holding in NOV today; the stock is up over $11 in the last 3 days. Man I love those immoral capital gains taxes!!! Sure beats paying 32.65% on wages!! — and, I get to sleep in!!!
Obama Closes Superdelegate Gap
Back in January, Hillary led in superdelegates by over 100 delegate votes. Today, her edge in superdelegates is down to 0.5 vote. The current count is Hillary 271.5, Obama 271.0.
Roger, NOV did break through heavy resistance (@ $76.94) today. Interesting chart.
Goldy; Good for you regarding gardening. I found that sweet corn takes up to much space (you should have a minimum of 3 rows for adequate pollenation) & and the raccoons love the corn also. I prefer the Blue Lake Pole beans over the Kentucky Wonders beans. Both are very productive and take little space. Unfortunately the deer also like the beans. Good luck to you.
Why do you think more money is going to fix the educational system? Please list a few reasons.
Don’t we already spend a lot of money without getting much results? How many nations spend more per student than the US?
I’ve taken shots at the dems for not allowing school vouchers but that’s not the real problem. And there aren’t any politicians that will be honest about it.
Kids and parents are the problem. Kids get away with stuff that a couple decades ago would have gotten their ass paddled. Disrespect towards teachers is common place.
My girlfriend is an elementary school teacher in the hood of pasadena. A couple girls were fighting so they got suspended AGAIN. The mothers (no baby daddies to come in) came in to discuss it. Before they got in the building, they were taking off their jewelry getting ready to get into it with each other. One said to the other, “at least my daughter got dick before yours.” Could any of you over the age of 40 imagine your parents talking like that about your sister?
More money isn’t going to fix the problem. Something needs to change in the kids/parents of today.
19 If bullshit were booze, this would be Happy Hour.
Hey, Marvin, we damned near found some small piece of common ground yesterday but you just couldn’t let that happen, could you? You’re truly an ass.
Today’s Retro Kwik Kwiz:
In 1952 the L.A. County Democrat(ick) Central Committee rejected a potential congressional candidate who was ‘too liberal.’ Who was the barftard libtard reject?
[] A. Actress Helen Gahagan Douglas, defeated in a 1950 Senate election by Richard Nixon
[] B. Blacklisted writer Dalton Trumbo
[] C. Neocommunist writer Lillian Hellman
[] D. Neocommunist thin man Dashiell Hammett
[] E. NeoMarxist Groucho Marx
[] F. Goldstein garden despoiler Jessica Rabbit
Lucky winner of today’s Kwiz gets her pipes reamed by the Rad Dyke Plumber.
@20 If bullshit was booze, Marvin would be too plastered to post. He’s truly a bullshit spewing asshole.
@22 Care to stick with current events? Today’s subject is fascist Republican child rapists – although I can imagine why you’d want to avoid that one.
Good news for Mean Greens: $4 Gas, Here We Come! Getting gas in the U.S. of KKK up to nosebleed Euro prices has long been a green wet dream.
Dave Ross (dross@bonneville) wants the incipient Democrat president and the blowout Democrat Congress to build a floor of $3/gallon under the gas bought by “hardworking white people” (Hillary’s words, more or less) to get to their hard work.
And hardworking “Afro-American eggheads” (Paul Begala’s words, more or less) will be forced to put $3 tigers in their tanks even if the market price of gasoline drops below the Dave-Ross floor.
Lefty little Mercer Island elitist Dave Ross’s rationale for forcing hard-working Americans to pay more for getting to work? Treat yourself to a Rad Dyke pipe cleaner if you know the answer.
Afro egghead Carl Jeffers went postal this morning, almost as much as Steve.
Jeffers said GWB’s appointment of Powell and Rice to positions of power counted for nothing. Bill Clinton’s mulligan golfing with Vernon Jordan (during which they discussed caging a Revlon job for Ms. Monica, to keep her quiet) counted for everything. To black voters. On the Democrat plantation.
“Steve spews.”
No answer? Why would more money fix the problem?
Or even Steve, feel free to explain how more money is the key.
Excellent answer.
Am I an asshole cause I blame the students/parents or because insulting others is the best you got?
We found no common ground. Your *IF* statement was pathetic.
Only yesterday (Tuesday, actually) you libs whimpered that an old nun in Indiana had been almost terminally inconvenienced by the rule of law, the requirement that voters show valid ID at Indiana polls.
Gag on the irony, my friends:
Come & Join the Fat-‘Crat Party.
Farmer Goldy, to his credit, tried to get a grip on the proto-fascist Democrat Rules & Bylaws Committee, but hey … there’s a better way:
What a shallow and insipid ass you are, Marvin.
16%ers – according to two unidentified sources this is the percentage of Republicans who are child rapists. My bet is that Marvin and Puddy both fall into that group.
@32 Rush Limbaugh? You mean that fascist prick who was busted while headed to the Dominican Republic with a jar of viagra in hand hoping for a weekend of fun with child prostitutes? You mean that Rush Limbaugh?
Is this the best you got?
liberal radio talk show host Bernie ward is going to the slammer for child porn and you’re concerned about rush and his drug problem?
That explains why the 10 year old child being raped didn’t bother you.
There you go again, @34. Whiskey Tango Foxtrot, Steve … you worry me.
If Steve’s this bent, and he is, I’d hate to see his twisted sister.
@36 Better than anything you bring here.
@37 Interesting post. I take it that, in your mind, a Dem who views at porn is somehow worse than a Republican who rapes a child. Sure, that makes a lot sense, Marvin. How predictable of you.
@39 My goodness! It would appear that you fascist child rapists really hate being called out for what you really are. Get used to it. It isn’t ending anytime soon, asswipe.
@38 There you go again with more of that Psych 101 projection bullshit. Why not tell us what really worries you about yourself.
– Peggy Noonan, Murdoch’s WSJ
(And what IS Steve’s problem? Winner with the first correct answer gets a Viagra trip to the Dominican Republic.)
Go ahead and defend bernie ward, I didn’t expect better of you.
Not me. I only use the one name. Ask lee/goldy to check the IPs if you don’t believe me.
Of course, you’re probably writing that yourself. Considering how lame and repetitive you are at your insults it’s your only chance at looking original.
@43 & 44 How predictably pathetic of you. So it is with all you fascist pricks.
@45 Boy, are you ever one fucked up fascist bitch. Which reminds me of something you failed to answer yesterday, why are you fascists so damned ashamed to admit to what you are?
I am outraged that Myanmar won’t let us superior white people in to handle their situation. Who the hell do those dark-skinned, backwards, third worlders think they are, not letting us in and take charge of the situation? Don’t they realize only white people can manage disasters? Why aren’t they letting us in??
You’re a one trick pony. Lame and repetitive.
Seriously, is this really the best you got?
Steve and Marvin, enough of the name calling already! Please…..
Bottom line, there are “facsists” and “child rapists” on both sides. Just because there are a few bad apples, doesn’t mean every single person in that party is just like them. Most my family are republicans and I am sure they don’t approve of the bad things the reps have done, I also don’t approve of the bad things the dems have done.
@49 I’d say that one definition of a “one trick pony” might be somebody that offers nothing but right-wing bullshit, day in, day out. Sadly, that’s all you bring. Further, you don’t show even a hint of humanity. Even Germany’s Nazis pulled that off.
One of my first statements on this blog was that I don’t cotton to either commies or fascists. I have nothing but scorn for you because you’re such an obvious America-hating fascist prick. Understand this – I could give a flying monkey fuck if you think that’s being a one trick pony.
Oh yeah, keep on deluding yourself with the thought that I’m a liberal.
Hannah, my apologies. I fired off #50 before I read your post. I respect your request and will give it a rest.
I’m done playing your little childish games.
You win. You’re the man.
Steve spews:
“Geez, Mr. Cynical, even on a blog about a man’s garden you find a way to get damned ugly about it.”
So Steve–
We have Goldy whining about not having time for a 7′ X 25′ Garden. It’s not about the Garden dimbulb…it’s about Goldy’s whining about such a small thing.
No garden is complete without Fruit Trees.
Get Dwarf’s if you have a small yard so they don’t overwhelm the infrequent sun in Seattle.
Apples, Plums……… betcha.
We have 20 acres so space is no object.
And no, I’m not going to develop it.
My neighbors have 20 sections….that’s 20 Square Miles.
They raise Dairy Cows & Beef Cattle.
Lots of fine manure..right next door.
They are having a Branding Party tomorrow.
250 calves to brand.
While you KLOWNS are working in your postage-stamp yards hearing lots of traffic and sucking up exhaust fumes….I’m here in Big Sky…where you can really breathe!!
Could move taking a little off the table.
What are you gonna do with the proceeds??
That’s the tough part.
15% Capital Gains Tax is still Highway Robbery as the Corporation already pays taxes on the profits and dividends are AFTER-TAX Distributions.
But better to do it now….cuz if O-Blah-Blah gets in, he’s promising 28%.
What a fiscal moron.
All he wants to do is get elected so he tells the po’ bros & sista’s he gonna tax da rich fok a whole bunch and give it to them!!
@54 Good grief, it never ends.
I do love my orchard as well. At least we have that in common. And in the dark sky location of my home out in the country, 85 miles west of Seattle, I can enjoy wonderful views through the two telescopes I keep in my observatory. The golf courses are pretty much empty out here and it’s possible to get in a three hour round, although the private club I belong to can be busy on weekends. That said, it’s still nice to have my own practice green, bunker and pitching area. I do enjoy day-trading and trend towards technical analysis while dutifully keeping an eye on fundamentals. I also get a kick out of the yacht club I belong to. And, of course, cutting down trees and clearing the huckleberries and salal on my property is also a kick. I do so hope that fits your stereotypical whatever.
@55 Your last sentence was quite clever. Got racist issues over there in Big Sky, do you? No surprise here. And I’m sure most of us already understood that of you.
To my friend Carl Grossman – The one with the Big Left Foot:
What up man? How’s da luvly Tereza? You doing okay? Has the doctor changed your meds lately? Any congestion? How’s da chillen and grandchillen?
Puddy awaits…
Hey StupidSteve: Check around?
Did you determine what a 16%er is yet? Check PuddyFacts. You’ll become educated, if you can educate a single celled organism with a slow moving mitochondrion?
Unlike most of you guilt-ridden KLOWNS, I actually have a number of Black friends….and I’m not afraid of them!!
Most of you KLOWNS talk smack about racism….but if you have no Black Friends, aren’t you a racist??
Puddy & Pac-Man–
What do you think??
How many LEFTIST KLOWNS have invited you over to dinner or to play golf or to a party??
They probably look at you kind of all suspicious and stuff…but when you look back they jump and put on their CLOAK of Tolerance & Diversity…and pray you don’t knife ’em!!
@60 My best friend for the last 40 years, David, a black man, died not too long back. I’ll only say that I once lost my job for standing against those who would discriminate against him at work. When I was a grade schooler, my three best friends were black. In high school, Seattle’s Franklin High School, during the tense years of 1968-69, I had good friends who were black, but no actual best friend. Although I was one of two whites who attended a black Panther meeting at a friend’s house on 23rd Avenue. Not that we intended to bust in on the meeting, but that’s the way it goes. Everyone there did seem to admire the black leather jacket I wore back then. No, no black beret – that’d be an insult to people I cared about. In the late 60’s and early 70’s I was in a mixed race band, mostly black, that was the house band at the African Hut, formerly the Chalet Tavern, on Rainier Avenue in Seattle. Every night I was the only white person in the club. Actually, I recall now that it was the black singer in the band who suggested that I buy the black leather jacket I mentioned earlier. A good friend, Oliver, used to take me to the black taverns in the Central Area back then, where I was usually the only white person in the place. Remember the Black & Tan club? I recall occasionally being called a “white nigger” by whites who disliked my associations.
For all this, not for one instant could I speak for a black man. Nor I could I ever speak to his black experience.
I hope that fits your stereotypical bullshit.
@61 – You had some balls back then! Props to you! Not many a men have that courage to stand up for what they believe back then…even less men nowadays. I personally think that is one of the biggest issues in our country. Everyone is afraid to stand up for things or themselves in fear of being sued. This whole having to be “PC” has made so many wimps.
I went to the Black Panther meeting because I’d been invited to attend a practice session of the Noblemen, an all-black Seattle soul group. A few of the members went to high school with me. I had loaned the bass player my bass for a few months and I was going to take it home after the practice was over. The sax player was a friend, a Black Panther and president of Franklin’s Black Student Union. Still, I was surprised to find all those Black Panthers in the house! However, there was no reason for fear. I was amongst friends.
Thanks, Hannah, I appreciate your comment. David was the best friend I ever had. I miss him dearly. However, I saw no courage in what I did. It was just someting I had to do as he was my friend. Quiet racism being what it is, David was the only black working in my profession in the Seattle area. Now there are none. I tell you truly – it pains me deeply that I could not affect change in this regard.
It is amazes and sickens me that we still see racism in the workplace. You may not feel you “could not affect change” but you did already for your friend David…and people who were there and saw you stand up for him, trust me, you did affect change in those who were around to see I am sure.
That is a very kind thing for you to say, Hannah. I mean it.
Steve, well that’s just me…speaking from the heart. Now if more people could be like you and stand up for what they believe in their hearts, the world would be a much better placce. There seems to be little compassion left in this world nowadays. I am fortunate, I was raised well and full of compassion and respect.
I know what you mean. I lost my Mom when I was a kid but the values she instilled in me carried me through many a difficult period in my life.
Again, thank you for your kind words. I’m going to take off in a few moments so I’ll go ahead now and wish you a great weekend.
Steve – sounds like your Mom was a wonderful woman! She did you well! Have a good weekend also! :)
@17 I can’t even read a fucking chart. Technical analysis is voodoo. I’m a fundamentalist. (The Graham kind, not the wingnut kind.)
@19 “Don’t we already spend a lot of money without getting much results?”
WTF are you talking about? Bush and most of the GOP are private-school products. Don’t blame that on public schools.
Public schools and universities have served America extremely well. The car, airplane, telephone, TV, and computer all were invented in this country. We won two world wars and the Cold War. We went to the moon. We built bridges, skyscrapers, airports, and harbors. We have the world’s wealthiest economy. Most Americans were educated in public schools and all of that was done with people educated in public schools.
Go peddle your wingnut bullshit somewhere else. It doesn’t sell here. It stinks too much.
@55 “Rog–Could move taking a little off the table. What are you gonna do with the proceeds?? That’s the tough part.”
Well, it’s like this, C. If NOV drops $10-$12 (or more), I’ll buy it back. If it goes up another $10-$12, I’ll sell another 1/3 of my shares. If it plateaus, I’ll hold the 2/3 I still own and sit on the cash from the 1/3 I sold. I think NOV is fine as a 2 to 3 year hold, but beyond that crude prices should start to weaken unless something changes. Very short term, I want to increase my cash position so I can buy at the market bottom. Don’t know when that’ll be; I don’t claim timing powers. The argument for a “W” double-dip market decline this year is persuasive to me, in another words I expect another jolt. Meanwhile, I’m trying to identify stocks to scoop up when everyone else is selling. If that doesn’t work — if we’ve already seen the bottom — then I’ll gradually feed my cash into attractively priced long term stocks.
“15% Capital Gains Tax is still Highway Robbery as the Corporation already pays taxes on the profits and dividends are AFTER-TAX Distributions.”
This argument would work logically if shareholders paid corporate taxes, but they don’t. The corporation is a separate legal person, so the taxes it pays isn’t a tax payment by you. If you want to give up liability shield that incorporation gives to shareholders, then I have no problem with treating corporate income as the shareholders’ income, from a legal standpoint. That 35% corporate tax rate is pretty cheap insurance against you being responsible for a failed corporation’s unpaid debts, in my opinion. In any case, the 35% is only a nominal rate and hardly any corporation actually pays it. The actual corporate tax burden is about half that.
From a philosophical standpoint, if we abolish (a) corporate income taxes or, alternatively, (b) taxes on dividends and capital gains received by shareholders, the federal treasury loses quite a big chunk of change. How do we make that up? Even bigger deficits (and therefore a higher Inflation Tax paid by us all)? Raising taxes on wage earners? Yeah, that’s it, that’s the Republicans’ preferred option. Fuck them. I’ll agree to raise taxes on workers when they all have jet planes to take business deductions on.
“But better to do it now….cuz if O-Blah-Blah gets in, he’s promising 28%.”
This actually won’t wound me financially because ALL of my stocks are in tax-sheltered retirement accounts, and I’ll pay the ordinary income tax rate on my accumulated capital gains and dividends when (if) I withdraw the money. However, I may never need that money, in which case, if I can’t figure out a way to give Baby Rabbit a stepped-up basis, I’ll hire a lawyer and/or tax accountant who knows how to do that. Or stick it in a trust from my great-grandrabbits, or something like that. Hey, don’t blame me, I didn’t invent this fucked-up tax system that lets feral wildlife like me skate. Hell, I don’t even like it, and I sure didn’t vote for it. But as long as it’s there, why should I give Republican assholes a leg up by paying taxes they don’t pay?
“What a fiscal moron.”
Speaking of fiscal morons, Clinton left us a thriving economy with plenty of jobs, hardly any inflation, low interest rates, and $1 gas — and what did you guys do to it? Should we go through all the bloody details again? Or do you prefer to hide behind the sofa?
“All he wants to do is get elected so he tells the po’ bros & sista’s he gonna tax da rich fok a whole bunch and give it to them!!”
Why shouldn’t he tax the rich? Do they deserve not to be taxed? Some of them deserve to be hanged,* so they should be grateful we’ll settle for them paying their fair share of taxes.
* Just kidding! Ann Coulter humor, ha ha!!
I understand what you’re talking about. I love getting my hands in the dirt and growing things I can eat. Long ago, I learned an old folk song (Pete Seeger, maybe): “Inch by inch, row by row, Gonna make this garden grow. All it takes is a rake and a hoe, and a piece of fertile ground . . .” I hum that when I’m “pulling weeds and picking stones.” I don’t get enough time to do that. When living in Ballard, in my raised bed with full sun, I could grow tomatillos and various chiles to make the Mexican dishes I love. Over here in Kitsap, with far more land, but far less sun (east-facing slope), I struggle to grow a few beans, though my blueberries do alright. I keep at it. That’s what liberals do. We work hard. We grow. We progress.
@62 “Not many a men have that courage to stand up for what they believe back then…”
Bullshit. A great many young people did very brave things back then. One of my college chums nearly got himself killed covering the Selma march as a student journalist. Another nearly got himself killed demonstrating outside the Democratic convention in Chicago in ’68. Those guys can tell you what a “police riot” is — and how little our Constitution actually protects us. As 2000 and 2004 proved, we’re only a handful of stolen votes away from tyranny at any given time.
@73 “I understand what you’re talking about. I love getting my hands in the dirt and growing things I can eat.”
And if you grow it yourself, you know what’s in it.
Yeah right. A bunch of hippies smoking pot raising hell. The country has gone down hill after the WW II generation. You hippies are an embarassment.
Roger @ 74
Hannah really should not talk about courage, should she? She can’t even figure out where she stands in contemporary politics. While claiming to support Obama, she routinely gives aid and comfort to the other side–all the rightwing trolls here think she’s their fantasy bitch, probably because she’s incapable of taking a stand. Yet, she wants to talk about courage? Hannah, babe, you ain’t got none.
Here’s some helpful advice for our Republican friends on coping with a Democratic administration.
@77 The fastest way to get a hernia is by straddling a fence.
And the fastest way to become roadkill is to stand in the middle of the road.
Obama has overtaken Hillary in superdelegates, 266 to 264, and leads overall 1,859 to 1,689, according to the NY Times.
Vote Democrat no matter what — Republicans just can’t be trusted.
Hillary, I hope, is staying in the race to win big in West Virginia (“Take Me Home, Country Roads”), then bow out graciously. My hopes, however, rarely produce fruit. Her words of the last few days suggest that she thinks that aggression toward Obama is helping her. Reality suggests otherwise. Egos, apparently, trump reality. I’m getting tired of Ms. Clinton and her warped sense of reality.
Hillary will stay in to:
1) Set herself up for 2012
2) Wait until Michigan/Florida issue is resolved. Will the Dems disinfranchise voters from these 2 states??
3) Wait for O-blah-blah to implode on another Association revelation OR another “bitterness” type faus pas by him or his mouthy wife.
Cynicism is a fine attribute for most anyone, in my book. Doubting, inquiring, pushing for answers–that is what a true cynic does. Mr. Cynical, of course, does none of the above. He is, rather, a shill for the rightwing. Rename yourself, sweetpea, unless you have no integrity.
Hillary will wrap up her campaign by June 15 and go on to a stellar Senate career under president Obama’s two terms and beyond. Can you say “first female Senate Majority Leader?” I knew you could.
Republican logic in Iraq:
We can’t leave until we finish killing everyone there who wants us to leave.
Grow only what you cannot purchase locally of better quality. Corn, for example, is best gotten at someplace like Yakima Fruit since it comes from Skagit County, and the ears are huge and sweet – the backyard gardner cannot compete…especially since the #$%&$&%*($! squirrels go after the ears.
Tomatoes, however, can be grown if you have mucho sun, loomy soil, lots of steer manure, and water, water, water. Go out to DeYoung’s in Woodinville and pick up a Golden Cherry Tom plant. Will cost about $6, but will eventually produce buckets of fruit that is sweeter than candy.
Don’t forget green beans, beets, wax beans, and snap peas. And especially don’t forget drama: Russian mammoth sunflowers that grow 12 – 14′ tall with heads that weigh 5 pounds!
Miracle Grow everything once a week.
This is my last year of vegetable gardening where I’m at. Many years ago, I built a series of raised beds and plumbed them such that I never touch, let alone move, hoses. A twist of the wrist, and voila! The garden is watered!
Intersperse other flowers among the edibles – it’s as necessary to feed your soul as your body, and the beauty of a rose or the magnificent glory of a dahlia will restore your morale as The Darcy’s campaign falters late in the summer and word comes your way that John McCain is opening up a double digit lead over Barack Obama.
Nothing is more restorative to the human condition than plunging your hands in the good earth.
The Piper
Is there not anything that one can do that Cyniclown and Piper can’t do better? These two should quit wasting their “genius” here and get together and solve world hunger, stop the recession/depression and turn the Mariners into winners.
Two putzes, not a complete brain nor humble thought between them.
No claim to do it better, it’s just that where gardening is concerned, there are no politics – one gardener offers to another help and advice without regard to where they sit on the ideological continuum.
BTW…the higher the raised beds, the greater the productivity. I’ve had a bed of spuds for years that almost never needs seeding – the volunteers each year give me Yukon Golds and Reds in abundance.
Do you garden Carl? Or is your snarky attitude simply a product of all the processed foods you eat?
The Piper
Jayzus!!! I better put down the organic fruits and veggies and pick up the processed baggies.
If living organic produces rote repetition of bankrupt, discredited neo-con talking points then I’m agin’ it.
Well, it could be the miracle grow. Must be a right wing outfit.
I’m here in Big Sky…where you can really breathe!!
Doesn’t Montana have an income tax? I’m disappointed in you Cynical.
If it’s a miracle it must be Jayzus.
Goldy, your garden sounds like a communist
“plot.” Ha ha hahaha…..
Carl only likes:
Sour Grapes
Stewed Tomato’s
Horse Apples
Plum Stupid
90 and 95
I could say “I loves my corndogs”. But I eat a healthy, balanced diet. I do not garden. More a landscape guy. Something to share with the wife. She is now into xeriscaping, which is creating a landscape that uses minimal water.
Cyniclown, at least I, unlike you, lay off the Road Apples alone.
@96 That fancy landscaping makes you feel better? What do we get around here 38- 40 inches of rain per year ? I use almost a
million gallons on my lawn every summer which equates to only 8 inches of that water that fell on my property. I am a fucking recycling
lawn care specialist. I should get the Nobel,
not Gore. Gore is a pig. How big is my yard?
Answer correctly and I will sell you carbon credits.
Mark (your dad call you Sonny boy for being so bright?)
What a Moe-ron!!
Depending on where in southern cal you live, you might be living in a desert.
Without importing water from out of the area, los angeles, san fernando valley and the inland empire would dry up and blow away.
It reminds me of the sam kinison joke about the starving people in the desert should move to where the food grows.
xeriscape – a style of landscape design requiring little or no irrigation or other maintenance, used in arid regions.
arid – having little or no rain; too dry or barren to support vegetation
Like I said, you might be living in a desert if not for importing water.
Marvin… Carl Leftfoot is my friend. Treat him nicely…
How are you doing Carl? I asked about you in another thread. Did I miss your answers?
No, sorry Puddy, I did not see anything from you. But I am fine. Thank you for asking. How are you and yours doing?
Marvin, I do live in a Desert. I grew up in the San Fernando Valley, spent time in Palm Springs and now live in the Inland Empire. I know Sam’s joke about Ethiopians and all that sand. As for taking the water from elsewhere, well, survival of the fittest. We were smart enough to get it, let someone be smart enough to get it back. Is that not the Republican way?
We’re doing great Carl@102. Give my best to Tereza and your sons…
You know me Carl, I have to take on a plethora of lunatic lefties to make my day…
We’ve emailed before. From #102 he doesn’t seem to remember.
Do you not remember emailing me? I seem to remember you grew up in the GH area. I grew up in the edgar rice burroughs area.