To all the urban hipsters who have latched on to the Paul campaign, I give you this:
If elected president, Paul told me he would continue to pursue such a policy.
“I think the Roe v. Wade situation was a big mistake and the states ought to have the right to decide on the issue, so I would deny jurisdiction to the federal courts on abortion issues,” he said.
Roe v. Wade was decided in large part under the doctrine of substantive due process as an issue of privacy. Paul thinks that basis for the ruling is flawed.
When speaking of liberty, I can think of nothing more important than the right a person has to keep the government out of their own body. If Paul is the libertarian he says he is, he’d agree. If the government edges it’s way into the doctors office, it will get itself into everything eventually, and then it’s all over.
At the launch of the S.L.U.T. a RP supporter asked me if I had heard of RP and I said ‘yes’. He asked me if I’d consider voting for him and I said I tend to vote ‘on the liberal side of things.’
He then launched into a speech about how I can register Republican and vote for RP in the primaries, ‘help get a good candidate.’
I told I wouldn’t because I disagree with him on some basic issues. ‘Like what?’ he asked.
‘Like a woman’s right to choose.’
He just walked away.
Some revolution.
RvW is now law. The Supers have made a numkbe rof unconstitutional decisions over time, some we now accept as canob.. including the right of the Court to interpret the constitution AND the never to be forgotten judicial creation of the Bush,
Supporting the right to choose does not mean yu need to supprt misuse of of Super powers.
Why do any of them care? It’s not like any of them can get laid anyway.
BTW … speaking of liberalism ..
I assume Will’s dictum on keepign the government out of one’d own body does NOT extend to:
seat belt laws
helmet laws
cigarette smoing
Damn … I really mess up at the keyboard:
RvW is now law. The Supers have made a number of unconstitutional decisions over time, some we now accept as canon.. including the right of the Court to interpret the constitution AND the never to be forgotten judicial creation of the Bush,
Supporting the right to choose does not mean you need to support for misuse of of Super powers. If we ever get rid of the radical repricans, I woul love to see an amendment defining gestation as part of privacy rights.
Lee .. are you back? I have a question, can you contact me?
Seattle Jew:
If you want to go without vaccinations you can if you write a letter.
If you want to smoke you can – just not so it bothers me.
If you want to not wear a seat belt you can – but if you are stopped for something else you get a ticket.
And don’t expect me to pay for your medical bills if you don’t wear a seat belt.
If you want to be really stupid and ride without a helmet – go for it – but ecxpect a ticket.
But – make abortion illegal totally?
Even in the case of rape and incest?
Hmm- those are not quite equivalent.
“If the government edges it’s way into the doctors office, it will get itself into everything eventually, and then it’s all over.”
Like government hasn’t already edged its way just about everything! I think abortion on demand should be the law of the land. I’d also like to see better birth control so the question of abortion never comes up in the first place.
Ron Paul may want to overturn RvW, but it ain’t gonna happen: too many people use it as a “last resort” birth control. You folks may not like Ron Paul, but he’s about the only candidate out there that’s much different from the usual politico hacks.
Paul makes the libertarian case for being anti-abortion as saying that the fetus is a full-blown human from conception, and as such, preventing harm to it is a proper use of the power of the state, just like a murder statute.
Of course, this raises the question of whether he’d be willing to send women who have abortions to jail (because murder is murder- how is hiring an abortionist to kill your baby different than hiring a hit man to kill your husband, if life begins at conception?) and the usual places where the anti-choicers fall down and can’t get up… but an anti-abortion and libertarian position follows pretty naturally from a belief that the instant the sperm hits the egg you have a full-fledged human being (which is itself pretty dubious, but it does follow).
Paul is a racist truther that is more paranoid than Ross Perot…i can think of no better Elephant Candidate
Ron Paul:
civil rights act of 1964
Iraq War
EPA (for tainted toys)
the civil War
Abe lincoln
Supported by John birch society and other racist organizations.
@8 Rep. Paul is “different” alright — he’s as whackjob-Bircher-right as it’s possible to get: An ultra-nationalist isolationist who wants to withdraw from the UN and NATO, eliminate most of the federal government, eliminate the Federal Reserve and allow private gold and silver currencies, and of course get rid of Social Security. Some of his other quaint positions include: Supporting jury nullifcation, states’ rights, “property rights” (read: against any and all environmental regulation), and “free market” control of health care. And, of course, a total pro-gun wanker. This guy looks like an escapee from Randy Weaver’s Ruby Ridge nut factory.
Paul is a great nostalgia candidate for folks who want to live in the 19th century.
@7 .. you missed my point. I am just pointing out that interfering with our personal lives is done by both sides, often without respect to any rational ideology.
The idea of a well defined private sphere is bogus. Everything we do, or almost everything, has consequences if only the fact that we generate green house gases just be breathing and farting.
A lot of seedy characters proclaim themselves to be part of Ron Paul’s gig, but they’re interlopers. Ron Paul has nothing to do with those geeks. They’re political noise.
“Paul is a great nostalgia candidate for folks who want to live in the 19th century.”
And for those of you who are nostalgic for the Seventh Century, give Islam a try.
For those who think Roe was “wrongly decided,” I suggest reading this:
You may not agree with the whole thing, but it’s an interesting read, if you’re interested in the wonky side of things (which you really should be, if you’re talking about how a legal decision was wrongly decided).
Seattle Jew: there are many legitimate public health benefits for requiring vaccinations, seat belts, helmets, and limiting smoking. There is no equivalent public health benefit to banning abortion.
Speaking of fake librarians, how about Deborah Jacobs of SPL? And that $180-million glass-house monument she built for herself. Make you proud to be a taxpayer?
For once we agree. All of us. Ron Paul and his spur posse are insane. (Of course you’ll probably give him a group hug when he comes on down to toke at HempFest.)