Gary Randall’s Faith and Freedom Network blasted an email to its list yesterday (essentially duplicating the content of this blog post), informing them of an important letter from the very official sounding “American College of Pediatricians”:
Out of concern for the health and well being of all youth, the American College of Pediatricians (ACP) has mailed a letter to the superintendents of all public schools in the country, expressing their concerns.
In the first paragraph of the letter, the ACP states, “We are increasingly concerned, however, that in many cases efforts to help students who exhibit same-sex attractions and/or gender confusion are based on incomplete or inaccurate information.”
They further state that when dealing with adolescents experiencing same-sex attractions, “It is essential to understand there is no scientific evidence that an individual is born ‘gay’ or ‘transgender’, in fact there is evidence that there are multiple factors—primarily social and familial, that predispose a child to homosexual attraction and/or gender confusion.”
The email goes on to guide readers to a new website set up by the ACP,, purportedly “created by health professionals to provide policymakers, parents and youth with the most current medical and psychological facts about sexual development.”
So what is the ACP? If we call it astroturfing when a business or other special interest creates a puppet “grassroots” organization in order to create the appearance of popular support, what do we call it when they create a supposedly scholarly or professional organization in order to fake the appearance of expert authority? Ass-troturfing? Well, whatever, that’s what the ACP is.
The American College of Pediatricians was created in 2002 by 60 of the 60,000 members of the 75-year-old American Academy of Pediatrics, in response to the latter organization’s passage of a statement supporting second-parent adoptions by gay and lesbian parents. In its own published history, the ACP states that it was founded by “a small group of pediatricians who vocally opposed the AAP’s support of homosexual parenting.”
Opposition to homosexual parenting was the guiding principle of the ACP’s founders, a group of self-described “Judeo-Christian, traditional-values” doctors who numbered barely one-tenth of one percent of the AAP’s national membership. But reading their website — or Gary Randall’s email — you’d think the ACP was some sort of respectable, scholarly professional association representing the mainstream of pediatrics rather than only a tiny, reactionary fringe. (You can read more on the ACP and their new website at the excellent Pam’s House Blend.)
How fringe? I was actually sitting in the waiting room of my daughter’s pediatrician yesterday when word of Randall’s email came across my iPhone, so I asked him if he’d every heard of the American College of Pediatricians. Um… “No.”
It is one thing for the Faith and Freedom crowd to push their religious views on their followers, but when they attempt to back it up with fringe science from some official sounding faux medical organization (and I say “faux” because the ACP was founded on religious principles, not medical ones), their misinformation does everybody a great disservice… but especially the unfortunate gay and lesbian teens who are sure to be tortured by parents and teachers following “medical” guidelines that 99.9% of pediatricians officially disavow.
When have conservatives ever let facts get in the way of their dogma?
These are the same people that believe the earth is 6,000 years old and that humans and dinosaurs co-existed.
Conservative Christians: The only segment of the American population that thinks the Flintstone’s was a scientific documentary series.
I knew we couldn’t go a full week before the christian hating and bashing started…
Um… We’re not bashing Christians. We’re bashing simple minded, rightwing, fuckwits, that pervert the bible and the christian faith to prop up their outdated and ridiculous beliefs.
Aww, quitcher whining, the freeper/domionist/neoinquisitionists are down on their hands and knees, just BEGGING for it. Why do you think folks like us spend more time just laughing at them, than actually worrying too much about their particular flavor of fascism actually getting a serious foothold in the American political landscape?
GBS & DeathFroggy:
Show Puddy the verse in the Bible where Jesus/God approves homosexuality.
Let Puddy know when you find it. When you “find” it you can drive Windie Blue John and Boeing Bob to Philly!
Show me the passages in the bible that show that our modern day concepts of personhood, civil rights, & sexuality are the same as they were in biblical times.
Show me in the constitution where it says that your version of Christianity gets to be the law of the land.
@2: you swallowed your nuts while you were lickin’ ’em, didn’t you?!
Vince, now without nuts!
Puddy asked first.
See, thats what so funny. I DO NOT CARE what your little black book says.
What your quaint little collection of stone age belief systems appear to present to the world is impossible to believe in. There is no evidence of any of it, beyond the basic archeology and the tidbits of written history left over from whatever advanced culture dominated the landscape at the time. Pure faith, what I see as being blind obedience and belief in something so completely intangible, is insanity.
Why do you think that the vast majority of financial or real estate scams are run through churches? Why is it that so many of the most prominent religious authorities seem to only get caught with their hands in the nookie jar, when someone wants their time slot on Sunday morning television?
You have traded the compassionate aspects of a philosophy that really can come from anywhere, for the desire for social and economic control of people who do not think the same way as you. Even to the point of regularly threatening or merely implying the need for violence against them to establish the “correctness” of your personal belief systems. You big strong man, will kill to prove your love for God.
Its bullshit. Its all, just bullshit.
Matt 5:17-19 Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfil. For verily I say unto you, Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled. Whosoever therefore shall break one of these least commandments, and shall teach men so, he shall be called the least in the kingdom of heaven: but whosoever shall do and teach them, the same shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven.
Matthew 24:35 Heaven and earth shall pass away, but my words shall not pass away.
So Michael, batter up!
So DeathFroggy, that gives you free reign to attack peeps over their beliefs.
Hmmm… your many evolutionist fools on HA Libtardos told us the stone age started about 2 million years ago. The Bible isn’t that old fool!
What a fool!
To my reading that shows that whoever wrote that wanted things to stay as described forever. That’s not what I asked.
Plus, there’s that whole issue of #7.
Try again.
Religious freaks that push their religious values as proven scientific fact do not deserve respect.
Hey Puddy–
Did you see another Oba-Mao radical withdrew?
She calls not being able to use abortion as birth-control “slavery”.
Perhaps Oba-Mao will nominate this flake for his Supreme Kourt next??
@10: Pudpuller’s inadvertently correct. His little black book is bronze age.
But note that he has also debunked the myth that the earth is only 6000 y/o!
Silly Pudpuller, he thinks the turkey bone he found up his ass is proof that men walked with dinosaurs!
Gullible, insane goof, that Pudpuller!
And he seems to think that we should be ruled over by bronze age beliefs.
11. Puddybud is Sad my friend died spews: ,
These Atheist Progressives hate the Bible and hate Christ. They are Resurrection Deniers!
But at least you have shared the Truth Puddy.
They are choosing to mock & ridicule God’s Son anyway.
Old fashioned??
So anything goes with no moral compass is somehow better??
Whatever random thought enters your small leftist, atheist minds with no filter is OK??
Or is there a filter?
Where did your filter come from Deathfroggy???
Where does your conscience come from??
Think about it…I will wait for your answer.
@17: Pretty much.
Oh, and owning slaves and whackin’ ’em when they get out of line — just like Jeebus!
And fucking goats, of course.
@2 Nobody here is bashing Christians. The only thing going on here is unmasking the cynical manipulations of dishonest people who pretend to be Christians.
@12 “free reign to attack … their beliefs.”
When they have their head and a stick up the same ass at the same time, yeah.
Puddy should be prosecuted for false advertising. Puddy’s friend didn’t die. That’s not possible, because puddy never had any friends.
No. No one is saying that there’s no moral compass. We’re saying that the moral compass as presented by the far right is a bit off.
There are all sorts of christians who are perfectly fine with gay people, with gay people being married, with gay people being priests. There are christians that are pro-choice, christians that believe in global warming.
Its a free country, believe what you want. But, you have no right to force the rest of the county to live by your belief system. Your belief system is a minority even among christians.
Once again the wingnuts back superstition and magic over science and reality. Invisible sky beings trump actual research.
I remind you that not ONE of the major Presidential candidates for President admitted to evolution being real. They’re idiots. Sad.
Once again the wingnuts back superstition and magic over science and reality. Invisible sky beings trump actual research.
I remind you that not ONE of the major republican Presidential candidates for President admitted to evolution being real. They’re idiots. Sad.
This is another false-flag operation (as my stepson in Military Intelligence would call it), sorta like when the Xtians invented the ACLJ to mislead people and discredit the ACLU. Actually, it’s pretty typical of the parallel universe Xtians have created, where they rip off, parody and clone everything they see into something that parrots their own twisted rhetoric, and hide behind the Bible when reality catches up to them.
Why shouldn’t Christians be bashed and/or hated? What goes around comes around.
@ Spuddy and Clinical
What gives you the right to say what people do with their personal lives? If a homosexual person wants to speak or write, the government cannot do anything to prevent that. If such a person wants to own a firearm, engage in commerce or refuse to testify against themselves in court, there is nothing the government can do to prevent it.
If a homosexual person wants to engage in a life contract with another person of the same or similar gender what business is it of the government to say they cannot?
What business do you have, in assuming that everyone in the world should reduce themselves to just believing what they are told by a subjectively influenced leadership structure, rather than questioning and trying to test and establish the actual facts in any given situation?
Everything the religionists see, is filtered through that funny little black book, and even more so by the people that stand up to claim superior understanding of its words.
People who have consistently used that standing to extract wealth and political power through the entire history of the philosophy. People who have consistently misused that power to increase their standing in the society they desire to control. It has nothing to do with what is right for any given culture or society at the time, it is all about just making people obey. That there is that correctness that can only be found in a dogmatic, primitive belief system with vestigial perceptions handed down from pre-civilization.
And the foundation of what constitutes that obesience is extremely narrowly focused. It is too rigid to survive for very long without people exercising violence against people whose personal observations conflict with the current perceptions of the dogma.
In short, if you have to pound the shit out of someone to make them disbelieve their own eyes and ears, the entire structure of your personal belief system is corrupt, and therefore evil. That automatically renders your opinion invalid, and your motives for rendering it suspect.
If your leadership is so correct in what they are telling people, why do they need to lie, cheat and steal so much? Why expend so much energy and so much social effort telling people how faithful they are? Why rely on such people for leadership and guidance if their beliefs are so stringently filtered they cannot see what is right in front of everyone?
If there is a Siberian tiger sitting on my easy chair, I’m going to say something about it, not just assume that the Tiger could not possibly exist because some white-shoed flim flam artist on the TV tells me so.
I had daughter Michelle Randall as a student down in Oregon when she was a 4th grader…poor kid was so stressed out by the pressure put on her by her dad to be perfect, she pulled out all her eyelashes and some of the hair on her head as a nervous habit.
It seems rather inconsistent that some who claim to be promoting God’s agenda among us can’t seem to do so without lying like hell.
I am a Christian. I have proudly proclaimed that here many times. Those who come here and proclaim themselves to be Christian like Cynny and Puddy embarrass me. They are, first and foremost, political creatures who do not understand the Gospel. Like Stephen Stills said, “Jesus Christ was the first nonviolent revolutionary.” The Gospel is about love, forgiveness, and not judging others. You can’t read it any other way, if you read it seriously. Cynny and Puddy don’t get the Gospel, and don’t want to get the Gospel, because the Gospel is not consistent with their political beliefs.
Abortion is not mentioned in the Bible. Really, it isn’t. Moreover, Christ never said a word about homosexuality. Really, not a word. Christ also never advocated cutting taxes (indeed, He said something about rendering unto Caesar). He also did not recommend killing people (as in wars or capital punishment). Why wingies claim this longhaired revolutionary as theirs is quite curious.
The ACP and @2, @5, @11 remind me of this verse:
“Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep’s clothing but inwardly are ravenous wolves. You will know them by their fruits. Are grapes gathered from thorns, or figs from thistles? So, every sound tree bears good fruit, but the bad tree bears evil fruit. A sound tree cannot bear evil fruit, nor can a bad tree bear good fruit. Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire. Thus you will know them by their fruits. “Not every one who says to Me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ shall enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father Who is in heaven [see Christian Living]. On that day many will say to Me, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in Your Name [to understand the two ways that God’s Name is taken in vain, see The Third Commandment], and cast out demons in Your Name, and do many mighty works in Your Name?’ [see I Did It My Way…] And then will I declare to them, ‘I never knew you; depart from Me, you evildoers.'” (Matthew 7:15-23 RSV)
Shame we can’t get any doctors involved in this harmful quackery investigated and possibly penalized. Religion has no place in science.
How is the Hate Machine is so well funded?
leftist @ 31
I’m not sure how they manage to confuse (conflate) the vengeful god of the old testament with the teachings of Jesus.
Best I’ve come up with is willful ignorance. Were I a cynic, I might conclude that these trogs wear the totems of Christianity as a way to hide their neolithic beliefs and agenda.
@18 “Whatever random thought enters your small leftist, atheist minds with no filter is OK??”
I take it that the KLOWN thinks that he filters his thoughts. That he blocks them is more likely, and to the point that there’s just no thoughts at all. Hmm, this might explain how he’s been reduced to simple cutting & pasting. No thought required.
So Puddy quotes this verse:
Trying to claim that Jesus believed that all the commandments of the old testamnet should also be honored?
Hmm, eat much pork Puddy?
Celebrate the sabath on what day Puddy?
Are you keeping all of the commandments in the old testament?
I really doubt it.
Then don’t quote that verse as if you actually believe it or you are an even greater hypocrite than usual.
cnr @ 37
Ah, c’mon, lay off Puddy on the biblical stuff. He doesn’t get it and it hurts his brain when we try to tell him that. I’m sure he means well, though.