Will, thank you for showing everyone that not only Republicans are guilty of simplistic thinking.
Let me see if I understand your logic. Bicyclists may crash if they ride their bikes in the rails, therefore, the street car and tracks should be removed.
And here I thought George Bush was the dumbest man in America.
Broadway Joespews:
And the delusional march on….onward into oblivion.
be nice if we had some context…..
I’ve been riding a bike with rail tracks in the way for over 60 years. All kinds of railroad tracks and all kinds of barriers. Whomever is brewing this stupid controversy is a dopey, and making all of us who ride bikes look like dumbshits. Wake up. Use your eyes.
Jane Balough's Dogspews:
George Bush the dumbest president ever?? Well we know it doesn’t take much to beat a democrat for POTUS. Kerry didn’t even come close and he was spotted a couple million dead, illegal and criminal votes. I can’t wait to see which republican will become president in 2009. hehehehehe
I care much more about street cars then bicyclists. Much more.
Please delete posts 7 & 9 as “off topic”.
PS: Dear Jane B’s bitch: There is practically zero chance for a republicorn to win the presidency in ’08, no matter how many voters the GOP disenfranchises. You’re toast, bitch.
headless lucyspews:
re 7: When a Democrat wins, if he or she ends up assassinated, watch out.
It’s civil war.
headless lucyspews:
re 7: And you are at the head of the class. he he he
headless lucyspews:
re 3: No. We’re hoping they fall off.
headless lucyspews:
re 7: If a Democrat is elected President and assassinated, just open your stupid mouth and see what happens. hehehe
headless lucyspews:
re 7: Am I ‘threatening you’? You figure figure it out.
As Roger Rabbit would say: “Just some Ann Coulter humor! hahaha
Roger Rabbitspews:
The last thing that stupid dog will ever see on this earth is a smiling veterinarian snapping on a pair of rubber gloves and picking up a syringe.
headless lucyspews:
#15: A good bedside manner is not easily acquired.
headless lucyspews:
re 7: I’m much more serious than a heart attack. You can recover from a heart attack. Just some Ann Coulter humor. Don’t ya get it? ha ha ha
I hope you DON’T get it.
Jane Balough's Dogspews:
Hey that would make a good movie. You should get a wierd liberal Hollywood producer to make that into a flick so it can bomb with the rest of the liberal drivel they try to peddle. That is as close to reality as it will ever get. hehehehe
Speaking of failing, I would like to congratulate Al Gore for deciding to stop failing in the area of personal energy consumption by following George W’s AND my lead.
You see, George W has had a very energy-efficient geo-thermal heat pump on his ranch and I installed one on a building project within the last year or so. Well, today I heard on the news that Al Gore has (finally) just installed a geo-thermal heat pump at his home (following criticism for his heavy duty energy consumption). Wait to go, Al! You can join the club W and I have already been in. W and I were greener on personal energy consumption than you were, yet you were nagging everyone else.
Mark The Redneck-Goldsteinspews:
Speaking of Algore… it’s been a bad week for you gullible fools who believe in global warming.
But you fools go merrily along… believing in a fucking idiot like algore and the myth of “greenhouse gases”.
BTW, I “spewed” about 150 pounds of CO2 today with my SUV. I hope you fools drove your Prius’ a lot to make up for it.
headless lucyspews:
re 18, 19, 20: Life is Hell with you in this world. What can be done to change that situation?
headless lucyspews:
“And Satan said unto Cain: Swear unto me by thy throat, and if thou tell it thou shalt die; and swear thy brethren by their heads, and by the living God, that they tell it not; for if they tell it, they shall surely die; and this that thy father may not know it; and this day I will deliver thy brother Abel into thine hands. 30And Satan sware unto Cain that he would do according to his commands. And all these things were done in secret. 31And Cain said: Truly I am Mahan, the master of this great secret, that I may murder and get gain. Wherefore Cain was called Master Mahan, and he gloried in his wickedness. 32And Cain went into the field, and Cain talked with Abel, his brother. And it came to pass that while they were in the field, Cain rose up against Abel, his brother, and slew him.”
– Moses 5:16-32
While we are at it, how many bicyclists get hurt by those lurking curbs?
Better take those out too.
And BTW, Hillary shot herself in the cackle tonight. Errr…I mean shot herself in the foot.
Um, huh? You got my meaning bass ackwards, homeskillet.
headless lucy @ 14
“re 7: Am I ‘threatening you’? You figure figure it out.
As Roger Rabbit would say: “Just some Ann Coulter humor! hahaha”
You and Roger are idiots – Bill Maher was the first to spew such idiotic nonsense – Coulter caught him at being an idiot.
I agree with ‘Mark The Redneck-Goldstein’ and the rest of the Republicans. SCIENCE is made up. We never went to the moon. You can’t fly faster than the speed of sound. Evolution isn’t real. The earth is only 6,000 years old. And the Bible is the true science. Thanks Mark for reminding us….that Republicans are REALLY REALLY stupid and are always wrong. LOL.
The sun/earth temperature thing is OLD. The last major study was years ago, discredited in actual science journals. That has been factored into every model/paper in the last decade. This isn’t news. The magma in Greenland is ONE vector of heat, not the only one. Just like in EVERY debate Republicans get into (even Biblical ones like those pesky gays) they just smorgasbord through the bits of data they want (like Bush does on national intelligence) and ignore what they don’t like. PLEASE just go back to your prayer meeting and leave the adults (Democrats) alone to fix your mess (like having to raise taxes to pay back the trillions childish Republicans overspent in the last 6 years).
Redneck…when are you going to stop posting your lies? It appears that article wasn’t published when and where the crappy news site you referenced says it was. It’s amazing how one lie is worth all the science in the world. If you do a search on its title you’ll find every knuckle-dragging, bible-waving site on the internet has linked to it.
Broadway Joespews:
I love the smell of imploding trolls in the morning.
It smells like……….victory.
Non event. Guess what? You have to watch it on a bicycle when crossing railroad tracks…..just like you have to when crossing storm drain grates, cattle guards, potholes, dodging drunks, and any number or other hazards.
It was obviously done by a bicyclist. They are saying “If you are going to make us crash by putting these tracks here, then we are going to make you crash.”
@3 Let me see if I understand your logic. Bicyclists may crash if they ride their bikes in the rails, therefore, the street car and tracks should be removed.
Hahahaha! Will told me someone left a comment this stupid on the phone last night and I didn’t believe him. Man, I can never underestimate what you clowns can come up with…LOL!
Speaking of rails, it looks like they are goin gto take another look at possibly keeping the tracks on the east side. Looks like somebody got smart (and it wasn’t Ron Sims).
What I thought was obvious, but apparently isn’t… is that the cycling component of Seattle traffic thinks that the decision on the Particular placement of these particular SLUT tracks appears to have been made with callous disregard to cyclist’s safety. Id Est they run along the right edge of a multi lane road (where the motoring component of Seattle tracks expects the cyclists to ride) and at points the tracks cross the lanes of travel at an oblique angle that is particularly difficult for cyclists (hemmed in by motorists) to negotiate.
Can it be done? Yes, but it’s tricky. Trickier in the rain.
Some motorists just fucking hate bicyclists; I get that, but the Seattle Department of Transportation claims to love cyclists, so why the indifferent engineering?
That is, I believe, why the your cycling neighbors and family members are upset. Is it unreasonable of them? You decide.
The street car’s rails travel on city streets for about 1 mile. That’s 1 mile out of how many thousands of miles of trackless Seattle streets?
– Can’t bicyclists just be a little more careful around the tracks?
– Can’t bicyclists travel on other parallel roads one block over for all, or a portion of their trip?
– Before the 1950’s, many American cities had hundreds of miles of street car lines. How did bicyclists manage back then?
– Many cities around the world have street cars. How do the bicyclists in those cities manage?
Seattle bike riders, you are a bunch of whiny bitches.
I knew bicyclists were whiny bitches, but I had no idea it was to this extent.
Poster Childspews:
Does anybody else read the “sound-off” comments in the P-I? When I do, I lose all hope for mankind.
That said, there’s no whinier bitch than the motorists of this city (or perhaps the suburbs) who’ve been delayed for tweve seconds by a cyclist on the road.
That said (can I do that twice?), I’m really sorry so many of us disregard the traffic laws. I don’t believe for a minute it would end the bitching by motorists were all cyclists to operate their vehicles lawfully, not for a minute, but I’m sorry nonetheless.
Poster Child,
Some cyclists are just fucking whiners. I see this as more prima donna skinny tire cycle whining coming from the same spandex crowd that won’t ride outside the fog lines because they might get a flat.
Believe it or not, many cyclists actually WANT to be hit by a car at least once in their life. It sounds crazy, but it’s a macho thing. They want the war story. In the cycling community, as insane as this sounds, if you haven’t been hit by a car, then you are a lightweight. You aren’t a true cyclist. You’re a pussy. A newbie. You can’t hang with the big boys. It’s like a badge of honor or something. It’s sick, if you ask me.
My boss at Boeing about 8-9 years ago was hit by a car while he was riding his bike into work. He needed something like 35 stitches in his face and some reconstructive surgery. I can assure you that he had no interest in being hit by a car either before or after that.
You’ve already made a spectacular ass of yourself in this comment thread. You might want to call it quits and try again in another thread…
I said many, not all. Your boss is the exception. And when I say they want a war story, I’m not talking about something that serious. They want to be hit by a car, but not to the point where they have to have surgery. I’ve been around a lot of cyclists. I see how their chest starts to puff out, and I see the macho swagger they get when the start reeling-off their accidents. There is no mistake about it. They are proud of them.
ah the tolerant left:
Censor! herkyjerky says: Please delete posts 7 & 9 as “off topic”. as it then responds to the “off topic”
Self delusion: Broadway Joe says: I love the smell of imploding trolls in the morning.
Name calling: Poster Child says: That said, there’s no whinier bitch than the motorists of this city (or perhaps the suburbs) who’ve been delayed for tweve seconds by a cyclist on the road.
Revisionist: BeerNotWar says: Redneck…when are you going to stop posting your lies?
IS THERE ANYTHING (yes you are THINGS… as you have not an ounce of humanity amongst) as INTOLERANT as those that CLAIM tolerance.
Poor delusional fools.
Poster Childspews:
I know you are but what am I?
Broadway Joespews:
Welcome to the New Reality, Mister-Too-Big-Of-A-Pussy-To-Use-A-Real-Name. Where there is no mercy, no pity, and no hope of survival for the genetic defects better known as Republican.
Consider yourself targeted.
Broadway Joe: Dr. Savage claims Liberalism is a mental disorder.
Post #43 proves it.
Broadway Joespews:
Notify your widow, bitch.
Broadway Joespews:
Here comes the New Reality. And it’s aimed at you, Tom.
Broadway Joespews:
Let’s face it: You think liberalism is a disease? Well, I think Republicanism is a crime against humanity. That makes you a criminal. And when we take this country back from your filth, I will be delighted to lock you up and throw away the key.
BJ go for it!
Broadway Joespews:
Start looking over your shoulder.
Broadway Joespews:
Good god, I do love playing whack-a-troll!
Look for the cars with light bars.
Dr. Savage said liberalism is a disease. Must strike home huh Freddy Krueger?
Heh where’s the Ferry Boats that the 5 cent a gallon gas hike was suppose to help fund. Now we have a ferry boat crisis. Where was the planning on that one? Another false promise.
How’s the Viaduct emergency going?
Hows the 520 Emergency going?
Where’s the 9 1/2 cent plus 5 cent gas tax hikes going?
What’s this, another thread about Goldy riding his bike?
Marv the Tard- nope!
Will, thank you for showing everyone that not only Republicans are guilty of simplistic thinking.
Let me see if I understand your logic. Bicyclists may crash if they ride their bikes in the rails, therefore, the street car and tracks should be removed.
And here I thought George Bush was the dumbest man in America.
And the delusional march on….onward into oblivion.
be nice if we had some context…..
I’ve been riding a bike with rail tracks in the way for over 60 years. All kinds of railroad tracks and all kinds of barriers. Whomever is brewing this stupid controversy is a dopey, and making all of us who ride bikes look like dumbshits. Wake up. Use your eyes.
George Bush the dumbest president ever?? Well we know it doesn’t take much to beat a democrat for POTUS. Kerry didn’t even come close and he was spotted a couple million dead, illegal and criminal votes. I can’t wait to see which republican will become president in 2009. hehehehehe
I care much more about street cars then bicyclists. Much more.
Please delete posts 7 & 9 as “off topic”.
PS: Dear Jane B’s bitch: There is practically zero chance for a republicorn to win the presidency in ’08, no matter how many voters the GOP disenfranchises. You’re toast, bitch.
re 7: When a Democrat wins, if he or she ends up assassinated, watch out.
It’s civil war.
re 7: And you are at the head of the class. he he he
re 3: No. We’re hoping they fall off.
re 7: If a Democrat is elected President and assassinated, just open your stupid mouth and see what happens. hehehe
re 7: Am I ‘threatening you’? You figure figure it out.
As Roger Rabbit would say: “Just some Ann Coulter humor! hahaha
The last thing that stupid dog will ever see on this earth is a smiling veterinarian snapping on a pair of rubber gloves and picking up a syringe.
#15: A good bedside manner is not easily acquired.
re 7: I’m much more serious than a heart attack. You can recover from a heart attack. Just some Ann Coulter humor. Don’t ya get it? ha ha ha
I hope you DON’T get it.
Hey that would make a good movie. You should get a wierd liberal Hollywood producer to make that into a flick so it can bomb with the rest of the liberal drivel they try to peddle. That is as close to reality as it will ever get. hehehehe
Speaking of failing, I would like to congratulate Al Gore for deciding to stop failing in the area of personal energy consumption by following George W’s AND my lead.
You see, George W has had a very energy-efficient geo-thermal heat pump on his ranch and I installed one on a building project within the last year or so. Well, today I heard on the news that Al Gore has (finally) just installed a geo-thermal heat pump at his home (following criticism for his heavy duty energy consumption). Wait to go, Al! You can join the club W and I have already been in. W and I were greener on personal energy consumption than you were, yet you were nagging everyone else.
Speaking of Algore… it’s been a bad week for you gullible fools who believe in global warming.
First… scientists now suspect a link between the sun and temperatures on earth: http://www.cnsnews.com/ViewNat.....1211a.html
Then another group of scientists determined that magma in Greenland is causing the ice to melt:
But you fools go merrily along… believing in a fucking idiot like algore and the myth of “greenhouse gases”.
BTW, I “spewed” about 150 pounds of CO2 today with my SUV. I hope you fools drove your Prius’ a lot to make up for it.
re 18, 19, 20: Life is Hell with you in this world. What can be done to change that situation?
“And Satan said unto Cain: Swear unto me by thy throat, and if thou tell it thou shalt die; and swear thy brethren by their heads, and by the living God, that they tell it not; for if they tell it, they shall surely die; and this that thy father may not know it; and this day I will deliver thy brother Abel into thine hands. 30And Satan sware unto Cain that he would do according to his commands. And all these things were done in secret. 31And Cain said: Truly I am Mahan, the master of this great secret, that I may murder and get gain. Wherefore Cain was called Master Mahan, and he gloried in his wickedness. 32And Cain went into the field, and Cain talked with Abel, his brother. And it came to pass that while they were in the field, Cain rose up against Abel, his brother, and slew him.”
– Moses 5:16-32
While we are at it, how many bicyclists get hurt by those lurking curbs?
Better take those out too.
And BTW, Hillary shot herself in the cackle tonight. Errr…I mean shot herself in the foot.
@ 3
Um, huh? You got my meaning bass ackwards, homeskillet.
headless lucy @ 14
“re 7: Am I ‘threatening you’? You figure figure it out.
As Roger Rabbit would say: “Just some Ann Coulter humor! hahaha”
You and Roger are idiots – Bill Maher was the first to spew such idiotic nonsense – Coulter caught him at being an idiot.
I agree with ‘Mark The Redneck-Goldstein’ and the rest of the Republicans. SCIENCE is made up. We never went to the moon. You can’t fly faster than the speed of sound. Evolution isn’t real. The earth is only 6,000 years old. And the Bible is the true science. Thanks Mark for reminding us….that Republicans are REALLY REALLY stupid and are always wrong. LOL.
The sun/earth temperature thing is OLD. The last major study was years ago, discredited in actual science journals. That has been factored into every model/paper in the last decade. This isn’t news. The magma in Greenland is ONE vector of heat, not the only one. Just like in EVERY debate Republicans get into (even Biblical ones like those pesky gays) they just smorgasbord through the bits of data they want (like Bush does on national intelligence) and ignore what they don’t like. PLEASE just go back to your prayer meeting and leave the adults (Democrats) alone to fix your mess (like having to raise taxes to pay back the trillions childish Republicans overspent in the last 6 years).
Redneck…when are you going to stop posting your lies? It appears that article wasn’t published when and where the crappy news site you referenced says it was. It’s amazing how one lie is worth all the science in the world. If you do a search on its title you’ll find every knuckle-dragging, bible-waving site on the internet has linked to it.
I love the smell of imploding trolls in the morning.
It smells like……….victory.
Non event. Guess what? You have to watch it on a bicycle when crossing railroad tracks…..just like you have to when crossing storm drain grates, cattle guards, potholes, dodging drunks, and any number or other hazards.
It was obviously done by a bicyclist. They are saying “If you are going to make us crash by putting these tracks here, then we are going to make you crash.”
Let me see if I understand your logic. Bicyclists may crash if they ride their bikes in the rails, therefore, the street car and tracks should be removed.
Hahahaha! Will told me someone left a comment this stupid on the phone last night and I didn’t believe him. Man, I can never underestimate what you clowns can come up with…LOL!
Speaking of rails, it looks like they are goin gto take another look at possibly keeping the tracks on the east side. Looks like somebody got smart (and it wasn’t Ron Sims).
What I thought was obvious, but apparently isn’t… is that the cycling component of Seattle traffic thinks that the decision on the Particular placement of these particular SLUT tracks appears to have been made with callous disregard to cyclist’s safety. Id Est they run along the right edge of a multi lane road (where the motoring component of Seattle tracks expects the cyclists to ride) and at points the tracks cross the lanes of travel at an oblique angle that is particularly difficult for cyclists (hemmed in by motorists) to negotiate.
Can it be done? Yes, but it’s tricky. Trickier in the rain.
Some motorists just fucking hate bicyclists; I get that, but the Seattle Department of Transportation claims to love cyclists, so why the indifferent engineering?
That is, I believe, why the your cycling neighbors and family members are upset. Is it unreasonable of them? You decide.
The street car’s rails travel on city streets for about 1 mile. That’s 1 mile out of how many thousands of miles of trackless Seattle streets?
– Can’t bicyclists just be a little more careful around the tracks?
– Can’t bicyclists travel on other parallel roads one block over for all, or a portion of their trip?
– Before the 1950’s, many American cities had hundreds of miles of street car lines. How did bicyclists manage back then?
– Many cities around the world have street cars. How do the bicyclists in those cities manage?
Seattle bike riders, you are a bunch of whiny bitches.
I knew bicyclists were whiny bitches, but I had no idea it was to this extent.
Does anybody else read the “sound-off” comments in the P-I? When I do, I lose all hope for mankind.
That said, there’s no whinier bitch than the motorists of this city (or perhaps the suburbs) who’ve been delayed for tweve seconds by a cyclist on the road.
That said (can I do that twice?), I’m really sorry so many of us disregard the traffic laws. I don’t believe for a minute it would end the bitching by motorists were all cyclists to operate their vehicles lawfully, not for a minute, but I’m sorry nonetheless.
Poster Child,
Some cyclists are just fucking whiners. I see this as more prima donna skinny tire cycle whining coming from the same spandex crowd that won’t ride outside the fog lines because they might get a flat.
Believe it or not, many cyclists actually WANT to be hit by a car at least once in their life. It sounds crazy, but it’s a macho thing. They want the war story. In the cycling community, as insane as this sounds, if you haven’t been hit by a car, then you are a lightweight. You aren’t a true cyclist. You’re a pussy. A newbie. You can’t hang with the big boys. It’s like a badge of honor or something. It’s sick, if you ask me.
My boss at Boeing about 8-9 years ago was hit by a car while he was riding his bike into work. He needed something like 35 stitches in his face and some reconstructive surgery. I can assure you that he had no interest in being hit by a car either before or after that.
You’ve already made a spectacular ass of yourself in this comment thread. You might want to call it quits and try again in another thread…
I said many, not all. Your boss is the exception. And when I say they want a war story, I’m not talking about something that serious. They want to be hit by a car, but not to the point where they have to have surgery. I’ve been around a lot of cyclists. I see how their chest starts to puff out, and I see the macho swagger they get when the start reeling-off their accidents. There is no mistake about it. They are proud of them.
ah the tolerant left:
Censor! herkyjerky says: Please delete posts 7 & 9 as “off topic”. as it then responds to the “off topic”
Self delusion: Broadway Joe says: I love the smell of imploding trolls in the morning.
Name calling: Poster Child says: That said, there’s no whinier bitch than the motorists of this city (or perhaps the suburbs) who’ve been delayed for tweve seconds by a cyclist on the road.
Revisionist: BeerNotWar says: Redneck…when are you going to stop posting your lies?
IS THERE ANYTHING (yes you are THINGS… as you have not an ounce of humanity amongst) as INTOLERANT as those that CLAIM tolerance.
Poor delusional fools.
I know you are but what am I?
Welcome to the New Reality, Mister-Too-Big-Of-A-Pussy-To-Use-A-Real-Name. Where there is no mercy, no pity, and no hope of survival for the genetic defects better known as Republican.
Consider yourself targeted.
Broadway Joe: Dr. Savage claims Liberalism is a mental disorder.
Post #43 proves it.
Notify your widow, bitch.
Here comes the New Reality. And it’s aimed at you, Tom.
Let’s face it: You think liberalism is a disease? Well, I think Republicanism is a crime against humanity. That makes you a criminal. And when we take this country back from your filth, I will be delighted to lock you up and throw away the key.
BJ go for it!
Start looking over your shoulder.
Good god, I do love playing whack-a-troll!
Look for the cars with light bars.
Dr. Savage said liberalism is a disease. Must strike home huh Freddy Krueger?
Heh where’s the Ferry Boats that the 5 cent a gallon gas hike was suppose to help fund. Now we have a ferry boat crisis. Where was the planning on that one? Another false promise.
How’s the Viaduct emergency going?
Hows the 520 Emergency going?
Where’s the 9 1/2 cent plus 5 cent gas tax hikes going?
Democraps! Phooooeeeee