Yeah, I know, I’ve played this bit before. But it’s just so worth it.
(And of course, apologies to National Lampoon for bastardizing their classic cover.)
Roger Rabbitspews:
I was bullied so badly by Seattle Times telemarketers that it took intervention by law enforcement to get them off my back. The Seattle Times engaged in what I call “harassment marketing,” in which marketers keep hounding you until you buy their product just to get them off your back. Coercive in nature, there’s little discernible difference between this kind of sales pressure and Mafia extortion rackets. When I asked them to stop, they ramped up the calls. I finally complained to the state attorney general’s consumer protection division, and the Seattle Times ultimately negotiated a legal settlement with the AGO under which their marketing calls to my home stopped. Obviously, this occurred several years ago, before the federal “Do Not Call” law was instituted.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Although I never seriously considered suicide as a way out, the bullying by the Seattle Times telemarketers was far worse than what I experienced in grade school. At least those bullies left me alone after stealing my lunch money. The Seattle Times robbed me of the peace and quiet of my own home.
The only comparably predatory marketing I’ve ever experienced is by Comcast, which has sent me over 1,000 pieces of junk mail, and recently has been sending salesmen to my door.
Sheesh. Seattle Times, Comcast … I mean, these guys are worse than the vinyl window companies that canvass neighborhoods door to door. The only more obnoxious thing I can think of is a Republican candidate knocking on my door and asking me to vote for him.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
Sounds like you are a mighty fragile guy.
I can only imagine the intensity of the “bullying” you received from some poor schmuck just trying to earn a buck!!
Have you ever heard of hanging up??
I suspect you might be slightly exagerating your fragile psychy. Based on years of tough guy talk here…seems like you pride yourself in your ability to hammer folks you don’t agree with….especially some poor telemarketer who could have been a minority Rog! Is this yet another chapter in the Racist World of Roger Rabbit???
Mr. Cynicalspews:
The Seattle Times has several cancellation drives every year. Apparently your ego requires you to somehow twist this into yet another Look at Me, I’m Goldy the Powerbroker moment.
Subscription cancellations do not impact newspapers much. Most of the folks here said they didn’t take the Times anyway, so I’ve got to seriously question the actual number of cancellations vs. new subscribers because the Times is finally questioning those in power.
I subscribed again. So have other friends & family.
Newspapers do publish annual reports on subscriber numbers…but would be kind of hard to interpolate the number caused by “Operation KLOWNstein”, if you know what I mean.
Anyway, keep patting yourself on the back Goldy.
Paul Shell was ultra liberal? I did not know this.
“I subscribed again.”
Just out of curiousity, how do they go about delivering the ST to you in Montana?
Major —— de Coverleyspews:
re 1: If you could work the picture of the Mountie with snow on his hat from the ‘Canadian Corner’, you would definitely be in contention for the Drollery of the Year award….
Roger Rabbitspews:
@4 For your information, Klown, of all the dozens of calls I received from the Seattle Times telemarketers, not one was a woman, and they all had white accents. Which leads me to suspect their telemarketing vendor doesn’t hire women or minorities.
The Times’ agressive sales– multiple calls to the house around dinner time, and multiple house calls in person by random strangers who seem to use it as a ruse to case one’s house for something else, is much more of a problem then alleged panhandlers. Where is Tim Burgess on this?
Roger Rabbitspews:
KPCQ 13 Lies
The local Fox affiliate’s newscasters told their viewers last night that garbage truck drivers make $100,000 a year.
This, like the BIAW’s mythological $100,000-a-year liquor store clerk, is bullshit.
“Waste Management had said it was offering union workers almost $71,000 in annual salary plus pension and medical benefits for a compensation package of $104,000 per year. But union officials say that pay is based on six hours per week of mandatory overtime and that straight-time pay would come to about $58,000 under the offer. The union … was seeking language to limit mandatory overtime, saying it greatly increases health and safety risks to workers.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: I see a pattern here. The rightwing propaganda machine appears to be consistently telling the public that ordinary blue-collar and pink-collar workers make $100,000 a year. This obviously is intended to stoke resentment among the Tea Partiers living off GAU checks of a few hundred dollars a month.
Either that, or the righties round everything up to an even $100,000 because they can’t do simple math. What I mean is, it’s easier for the math geniuses at BIAW to say “$100,000 a year” than multiply $13.50 an hour by 32 hours by 52 weeks.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@7 By socialized mail delivery, of course.
@12 heh-
# 12: Newspaper publishers have a long history of a favored relationship with the postal service. When Ben Franklin was the Crown Postmaster in Pennsylvania (pre-revolution), whenever the mail carrier didn’t have full bags, he would stuff them full of his newspapers for sell in other towns (at no postage cost to him). The postmaster job was a prime patronage position, and at one point it went to another printer, who did the same thing with his own newspapers (and refused to carry Franklin’s papers unless full postage was paid). After a few years, Franklin got the job back and returned the favor.
Today, “media mail” is just about the cheapest postage you can buy, if you don’t mind waiting a few weeks for your mail during otherwise busy mail times.
I mentioned before, at the Home Show the Seattle Times had a few tables. They were giving away umbrellas and other gifts if you would purchase a Times subscription which was free for several months, after which you would pay a modest fee for the remainder of the subscription period, and you could cancel at any time. When I told them I get my news online, they said I should subscribe to the paper just for the coupons enclosed therein.
So the Times was giving away a gift ($5.00 value), a free subscription for several months, after which you could cancel without owing anything else? I also noted that the salesladies never attempted to sell the paper based upon the news or editorial content – the only intrinsic value was the advertising inserts.
Based on those facts, it appears that even the Seattle Times is recognizing that the newspaper itself isn’t worth the cost of the paper it’s printed upon.
When you have selective information getting dispensed by a newspaper, readers don’t have an opportunity to make an informed judgment. When a TV news program provides selective information, viewers do not have an opportunity to make an informed judgment. It isn’t simply about questioning power, it is about delivering the information. Editorials are about questioning decisions. The news content should be equal and impartial. The Times has proven that it cannot do that. Over coverage of small gatherings with a like political agenda and no coverage of larger gatherings with opposing political agenda…doesn’t sound like a news service to me.
May I please see your data to back up your “waves of cancellations” claim?
@11 Viewed in light of the current situation, the timing of Waste Management’s COO Larry O’Donnell’s appearance on Undercover Boss a month and a half ago seems rather convenient, don’tcha think?
Major —— de Coverleyspews:
re 17: Since when has ‘data’ ever been a factor in your deliberations.
@15 When I was a young bunny, I had a paper route, and most of my customers told me they subscribed to get the grocery coupons.
Readers prioritize newspaper content roughly in this order:
1. Grocery coupons
2. Sports pages
3. TV schedule
4. Comics
5. Car ads
6. Obituaries
7. Crime reports
8. Personal ads
9. Employment ads
10. Miscellaneous classified ads
11. Local news
12. National news
Notice there’s no ranking of editorials in this list. Goldy is the only person I’ve ever met who actually reads newspaper editorials.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
How about Sodoku’s??
How about a recycle tax? The ST filled almost all of our recycle until we had the parasite treated.
Max Rockatanskyspews:
Our governor: “if we dont raise taxes, people’s legs will be amputated”
5. Mr. Cynical spews:
The Seattle Times has several cancellation (LOL) drives every year. Apparently your ego requires you to somehow twist this into yet another Look at Me, I’m Goldy the Powerbroker moment.
Subscription cancellations do not impact newspapers much.
Stick to what you know, Mr. Clown!!
This has a significant financial impact on newspapers. It’s CRITICALLY important to the financial health of a newspaper.
It’s not the revenue from the subscriber, hell that just about covers the actual production costs of the newspaper, but not quite.
Where it has the most financial impact is on the Advertising Rates the paper can charge advertisers.
The “magic number” to get premium ad dollars is 500,000 Sunday circ. The Times has been below this number for some time now and it’s cost them mightily.
As subscribers drop they have to begin discounting ad rates even more just to keep current advertisers.
Do you honestly think the cost of a full page, full color ad in the Little Nickel is the same as the Times??
It’s a lot more to advertise in the Times, but not as much as it used to.
As usual, you don’t know your clownish corn hole from your mouth. The breath is the same, but the voice changes.
Douche bag.
The Times is in trouble if it doesn’t change it’s Editorial mouthpiece.
Max Rockatanskyspews:
so people decide to subscribe to the ST or not based upon the editorial page?
hmm…so let me get this straight: the lemmings in the seattle area cant stand someone or something that disagrees with them. They NEED the times to agree with their opinions in order to make themselves feel “correct” or more important.
what a bunch of pussies…”waaaa, the times doesnt agree with me, so Im gonna cancel”…..”waaa, the times didnt hire me, so im gonna comlain on my blog”……”waaaa, the times said something I dont agree with, so Im gonna complain”……
pussies, all of ya…..
# 30: When there were two daily newspapers in town, I really didn’t care whether or not I agreed with the Seattle Times.
But now I do care, because there is no other daily printed competition, and because I don’t want my money to pay for Frank Blethen to try to direct public policy against the interests of me, and my family.
If Blethen and his ilk get their way and health care reform gets repealed or declared invalid by some hook or crook, what am I going to say to my children, if one needs expensive cancer treatment but can’t get it because an insurance company canceled their policy after they filed a claim? “Gee, I’m sorry, but I really liked reading the sports page, so I kept sending money every month to Blethen so he could have an oversized influence in making sure you died?”
30. Max Rockatansky spews:
so people decide to subscribe to the ST or not based upon the editorial page?
hmm…so let me get this straight: the lemmings in the seattle area cant stand someone or something that disagrees with them. They NEED the times to agree with their opinions in order to make themselves feel “correct” or more important.
what a bunch of pussies…”waaaa, the times doesnt agree with me, so Im gonna cancel”…..”waaa, the times didnt hire me, so im gonna comlain on my blog”……”waaaa, the times said something I dont agree with, so Im gonna complain”……
pussies, all of ya…..
It’s called the free market. You make something I don’t like I won’t buy it.
You douche bag.
IF you were consistent with your principles and arguments you’d have a modicum of creditability.
But, you aren’t so you look and write the moron you are.
Personally, no, my call for folks to cancel their subscriptions had little to do with the editors opinions, and their insistence on advocating for candidates and causes contrary to the interests and values of our community. The straw that broke the camel’s back for me was they way they just snidely dismiss everybody on the other side.
Nearly 20,000 citizens have joined the Facebook group opposing McKenna’s lawsuit, and they just brush us off as a “politically orchestrated hiss.” I try not to do business with people who disrespect me like that, and I would hope that other Times readers would feel the same way.
That for me is what this is about.
Max Rockatanskyspews:
@32…STFU numbnuts….and thank you for proving my point.
spineless fucks like you scurry around looking for someone like the times to validate your beliefs
what a joke.
Max Rockatanskyspews:
@33…goldy farts: The straw that broke the camel’s back for me was they way they just snidely dismiss everybody on the other side.
and you dont do the same thing?
I dont give a rats ass about the times..I dont read it….but you guys and your crying are just about as pathetic as an Iraqi Armored Division…
35. Max Rockatansky spews:
@33…goldy farts: The straw that broke the camel’s back for me was they way they just snidely dismiss everybody on the other side.
and you dont do the same thing?
I dont give a rats ass about the times..I dont read it….but you guys and your crying are just about as pathetic as an Iraqi Armored Division…
04/01/2010 at 4:36 pm
You know, we’d take assholes like you and MISTER PuddyBuddy and the excreble Mr. Cynical seriously if any of you made any sense.
Roger says: ” not one was a woman, and they all had white accents. Which leads me to suspect their telemarketing vendor doesn’t hire women or minorities.”
You mean no one called without that negro accent Harry Reid is so famous for discovering ? You sure have your stereotypes set…white accent ? What is this ? Have you ever talked to a guy from England Indian heritage, but british accent ? But deducing that this is a “white accent” or not…pretty racist. Maybe you should get out more
Max Rockatanskyspews:
@36…sure rujax…the only thing that makes sense to you is vandalizing churches….
34. Max Rockatansky spews:
@32…STFU numbnuts….and thank you for proving my point.
spineless fucks like you scurry around looking for someone like the times to validate your beliefs
what a joke.
I’ll Shut The Fuck Up when you can make me STFU.
Until then . . . well you could never make me shut the fuck up so it doesn’t matter, I’ll keep doing what I do. Which is whatever the fuck I want.
Max Rockatanskyspews:
LMFAO @ “white accent”
well what other comment would our very own goebbels worshiper come up with.
Max Rockatanskyspews:
HAHAHAHHAHAHAHA, oohhhhh tough guy gbs now….
go ahead and keep crying about the times, PUSSY.
*punk ass bitch-slap
proud leftistspews:
Tell me you watch Rachel Maddow, Keith Olbermann, Ed Schultz, and Chris Matthews, right?
Max Rockatanskyspews:
@42…..sometimes…especially when I need a laugh.
its funny to hear, on the radio, schultz get all unhinged, and then start talking like a tough guy.
that fat fuck couldnt kick beaver cleaver’s ass
Max Rockatanskyspews:
olbermann just reminds me of how pathetic a washed up sportscaster sounds.
and I must admit, PL, I cant watch madcow – the broad is so ugly she makes me want to throw up my cheerios…
41. Max Rockatansky spews:
HAHAHAHHAHAHAHA, oohhhhh tough guy gbs now….
go ahead and keep crying about the times, PUSSY.
*punk ass bitch-slap
A virtual bitch slapping, huh? Well that’s all a teeny penised, conservative like you could muster in the first place.
Climb upstairs out of the basement and ask your mommy to change your piss-stained, Fox News bed sheets you fucking bed wetter.
How old are you anyways? 35-40? Don’t you think it’s time to move out and become a man a functioning adult?
What’s your name, Trig?
Max Rockatanskyspews:
GBS is projecting again….although is sounds like you are describing Racist YLB to a T.
Saturated Maxie Pad @ 46:
That was the avoidance response I figured you give.
You like a cowering puppy with its tail tucked firmly between your legs and piddling all over the floor.
Better get that pool of urine cleaned up before your mommy rubs your nose it.
Oh, and you better hide your wet, Sarah Palin PJ’s.
Max Rockatanskyspews:
$47…you seem to have some strange fantasies there GBS….been hanging out on capital hill a but much me thinks…ass a little sore?
.Saturated Maxis Pad @ 48:
Capital hill? No.
My ass sore? No.
Just watching the news about Republicans and the way you molest Paige boys, hustle blow jobs in airport bathrooms, visit the DC madam, “hike the Appalachian Trail, have affairs with staffers while your parents write $96,000 “gift” checks.
OK you’re too easy. Too lame. And, a huge PUSSY
Max Rockatanskyspews:
poor gbs….wayyy too much projecting going on.
republicans, democrats…all crooks..whats the difference, they both pander to the lemmings, like you.
Max the sniveling coward has outdone himself in this thread.
Desperately trying to be relevant.
Max Rockatanskyspews:
@52 Desperately trying to be relevant.
the story of your life..even in bed, right YLB?
I haven’t forgotten about the dog
Thanks! I will be laughing all week at this.
Get real Goldy. The tens of readers of your site amount to a teeny tiny small pile of steaming shit to the Times. Not even a dent. Just goes to show how important and relevant you think (and wish) you are; when the total opposite is really reality. LOL. Try clicking your heels together a few times….good luck!
The Dukespews:
Thought you might like this old gem (number 12 being the true gem):
Here’s how to keep all that political ‘news’ in perspective:
1. The Wall Street Journal is read by the people who run the country.
2. The Washington Post is read by people who think they run the country
3. The New York Times is read by people who think they should run the country and who are very good at crossword puzzles
4. USA Today is read by people who think they ought to run the country but don’t really understand The New York Times. They do, however, like their statistics shown in pie charts
5. The Los Angeles Times is read by people who wouldn’t mind running the country, if they could find the time – and if they didn’t have to leave Southern California to do it
6. The Boston Globe is read by people whose parents used to run the country and did a poor job of it, thank you very much
7. The New York Daily News is read by people who aren’t too sure who’s running the country and don’t really care as long as they can get a seat on the train
8. The New York Post is read by people who don’t care who is running the country as long as they do something really scandalous, preferably while intoxicated
9. The Miami Herald is read by people who are running another country but need the baseball scores
10. The San Francisco Chronicle is read by people who aren’t sure if there is a country or that anyone is running it; but If so, they oppose all that they stand for. There are occasional exceptions if the leaders are handicapped minority feminist atheist dwarfs who also happen to be illegal aliens from any other country or galaxy, provided of course, that they are not Republicans
11. The National Enquirer is read by people trapped in line at the grocery store
12. The Seattle Times is read [or not] by people who have recently caught a fish and need something to wrap it in.
Yeah, I know, I’ve played this bit before. But it’s just so worth it.
(And of course, apologies to National Lampoon for bastardizing their classic cover.)
I was bullied so badly by Seattle Times telemarketers that it took intervention by law enforcement to get them off my back. The Seattle Times engaged in what I call “harassment marketing,” in which marketers keep hounding you until you buy their product just to get them off your back. Coercive in nature, there’s little discernible difference between this kind of sales pressure and Mafia extortion rackets. When I asked them to stop, they ramped up the calls. I finally complained to the state attorney general’s consumer protection division, and the Seattle Times ultimately negotiated a legal settlement with the AGO under which their marketing calls to my home stopped. Obviously, this occurred several years ago, before the federal “Do Not Call” law was instituted.
Although I never seriously considered suicide as a way out, the bullying by the Seattle Times telemarketers was far worse than what I experienced in grade school. At least those bullies left me alone after stealing my lunch money. The Seattle Times robbed me of the peace and quiet of my own home.
The only comparably predatory marketing I’ve ever experienced is by Comcast, which has sent me over 1,000 pieces of junk mail, and recently has been sending salesmen to my door.
Sheesh. Seattle Times, Comcast … I mean, these guys are worse than the vinyl window companies that canvass neighborhoods door to door. The only more obnoxious thing I can think of is a Republican candidate knocking on my door and asking me to vote for him.
Sounds like you are a mighty fragile guy.
I can only imagine the intensity of the “bullying” you received from some poor schmuck just trying to earn a buck!!
Have you ever heard of hanging up??
I suspect you might be slightly exagerating your fragile psychy. Based on years of tough guy talk here…seems like you pride yourself in your ability to hammer folks you don’t agree with….especially some poor telemarketer who could have been a minority Rog! Is this yet another chapter in the Racist World of Roger Rabbit???
The Seattle Times has several cancellation drives every year. Apparently your ego requires you to somehow twist this into yet another Look at Me, I’m Goldy the Powerbroker moment.
Subscription cancellations do not impact newspapers much. Most of the folks here said they didn’t take the Times anyway, so I’ve got to seriously question the actual number of cancellations vs. new subscribers because the Times is finally questioning those in power.
I subscribed again. So have other friends & family.
Newspapers do publish annual reports on subscriber numbers…but would be kind of hard to interpolate the number caused by “Operation KLOWNstein”, if you know what I mean.
Anyway, keep patting yourself on the back Goldy.
Paul Shell was ultra liberal? I did not know this.
“I subscribed again.”
Just out of curiousity, how do they go about delivering the ST to you in Montana?
re 1: If you could work the picture of the Mountie with snow on his hat from the ‘Canadian Corner’, you would definitely be in contention for the Drollery of the Year award….
@4 For your information, Klown, of all the dozens of calls I received from the Seattle Times telemarketers, not one was a woman, and they all had white accents. Which leads me to suspect their telemarketing vendor doesn’t hire women or minorities.
The Times’ agressive sales– multiple calls to the house around dinner time, and multiple house calls in person by random strangers who seem to use it as a ruse to case one’s house for something else, is much more of a problem then alleged panhandlers. Where is Tim Burgess on this?
KPCQ 13 Lies
The local Fox affiliate’s newscasters told their viewers last night that garbage truck drivers make $100,000 a year.
This, like the BIAW’s mythological $100,000-a-year liquor store clerk, is bullshit.
“Waste Management had said it was offering union workers almost $71,000 in annual salary plus pension and medical benefits for a compensation package of $104,000 per year. But union officials say that pay is based on six hours per week of mandatory overtime and that straight-time pay would come to about $58,000 under the offer. The union … was seeking language to limit mandatory overtime, saying it greatly increases health and safety risks to workers.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: I see a pattern here. The rightwing propaganda machine appears to be consistently telling the public that ordinary blue-collar and pink-collar workers make $100,000 a year. This obviously is intended to stoke resentment among the Tea Partiers living off GAU checks of a few hundred dollars a month.
Either that, or the righties round everything up to an even $100,000 because they can’t do simple math. What I mean is, it’s easier for the math geniuses at BIAW to say “$100,000 a year” than multiply $13.50 an hour by 32 hours by 52 weeks.
@7 By socialized mail delivery, of course.
@12 heh-
# 12: Newspaper publishers have a long history of a favored relationship with the postal service. When Ben Franklin was the Crown Postmaster in Pennsylvania (pre-revolution), whenever the mail carrier didn’t have full bags, he would stuff them full of his newspapers for sell in other towns (at no postage cost to him). The postmaster job was a prime patronage position, and at one point it went to another printer, who did the same thing with his own newspapers (and refused to carry Franklin’s papers unless full postage was paid). After a few years, Franklin got the job back and returned the favor.
Today, “media mail” is just about the cheapest postage you can buy, if you don’t mind waiting a few weeks for your mail during otherwise busy mail times.
I mentioned before, at the Home Show the Seattle Times had a few tables. They were giving away umbrellas and other gifts if you would purchase a Times subscription which was free for several months, after which you would pay a modest fee for the remainder of the subscription period, and you could cancel at any time. When I told them I get my news online, they said I should subscribe to the paper just for the coupons enclosed therein.
So the Times was giving away a gift ($5.00 value), a free subscription for several months, after which you could cancel without owing anything else? I also noted that the salesladies never attempted to sell the paper based upon the news or editorial content – the only intrinsic value was the advertising inserts.
Based on those facts, it appears that even the Seattle Times is recognizing that the newspaper itself isn’t worth the cost of the paper it’s printed upon.
When you have selective information getting dispensed by a newspaper, readers don’t have an opportunity to make an informed judgment. When a TV news program provides selective information, viewers do not have an opportunity to make an informed judgment. It isn’t simply about questioning power, it is about delivering the information. Editorials are about questioning decisions. The news content should be equal and impartial. The Times has proven that it cannot do that. Over coverage of small gatherings with a like political agenda and no coverage of larger gatherings with opposing political agenda…doesn’t sound like a news service to me.
May I please see your data to back up your “waves of cancellations” claim?
@11 Viewed in light of the current situation, the timing of Waste Management’s COO Larry O’Donnell’s appearance on Undercover Boss a month and a half ago seems rather convenient, don’tcha think?
re 17: Since when has ‘data’ ever been a factor in your deliberations.
You are just like Roger Pedacter.
Troll @17,
A) The Times editorial board never shows its data when it makes a claim, and
B) What’s today’s date?
17. Troll spews:
Not sure how Goldy can give you “hard copy” of his self-absorbed imagination.
Rushbo must be in Costa Rica by now. We all know he’s a man of his word.
Hey Rabbit–
Think I should sell my Randgold Stock today and pay ST capital gains??
@15 When I was a young bunny, I had a paper route, and most of my customers told me they subscribed to get the grocery coupons.
Readers prioritize newspaper content roughly in this order:
1. Grocery coupons
2. Sports pages
3. TV schedule
4. Comics
5. Car ads
6. Obituaries
7. Crime reports
8. Personal ads
9. Employment ads
10. Miscellaneous classified ads
11. Local news
12. National news
Notice there’s no ranking of editorials in this list. Goldy is the only person I’ve ever met who actually reads newspaper editorials.
How about Sodoku’s??
How about a recycle tax? The ST filled almost all of our recycle until we had the parasite treated.
Our governor: “if we dont raise taxes, people’s legs will be amputated”
Stick to what you know, Mr. Clown!!
This has a significant financial impact on newspapers. It’s CRITICALLY important to the financial health of a newspaper.
It’s not the revenue from the subscriber, hell that just about covers the actual production costs of the newspaper, but not quite.
Where it has the most financial impact is on the Advertising Rates the paper can charge advertisers.
The “magic number” to get premium ad dollars is 500,000 Sunday circ. The Times has been below this number for some time now and it’s cost them mightily.
As subscribers drop they have to begin discounting ad rates even more just to keep current advertisers.
Do you honestly think the cost of a full page, full color ad in the Little Nickel is the same as the Times??
It’s a lot more to advertise in the Times, but not as much as it used to.
As usual, you don’t know your clownish corn hole from your mouth. The breath is the same, but the voice changes.
Douche bag.
The Times is in trouble if it doesn’t change it’s Editorial mouthpiece.
so people decide to subscribe to the ST or not based upon the editorial page?
hmm…so let me get this straight: the lemmings in the seattle area cant stand someone or something that disagrees with them. They NEED the times to agree with their opinions in order to make themselves feel “correct” or more important.
what a bunch of pussies…”waaaa, the times doesnt agree with me, so Im gonna cancel”…..”waaa, the times didnt hire me, so im gonna comlain on my blog”……”waaaa, the times said something I dont agree with, so Im gonna complain”……
pussies, all of ya…..
# 30: When there were two daily newspapers in town, I really didn’t care whether or not I agreed with the Seattle Times.
But now I do care, because there is no other daily printed competition, and because I don’t want my money to pay for Frank Blethen to try to direct public policy against the interests of me, and my family.
If Blethen and his ilk get their way and health care reform gets repealed or declared invalid by some hook or crook, what am I going to say to my children, if one needs expensive cancer treatment but can’t get it because an insurance company canceled their policy after they filed a claim? “Gee, I’m sorry, but I really liked reading the sports page, so I kept sending money every month to Blethen so he could have an oversized influence in making sure you died?”
It’s called the free market. You make something I don’t like I won’t buy it.
You douche bag.
IF you were consistent with your principles and arguments you’d have a modicum of creditability.
But, you aren’t so you look and write the moron you are.
Max @30,
Personally, no, my call for folks to cancel their subscriptions had little to do with the editors opinions, and their insistence on advocating for candidates and causes contrary to the interests and values of our community. The straw that broke the camel’s back for me was they way they just snidely dismiss everybody on the other side.
Nearly 20,000 citizens have joined the Facebook group opposing McKenna’s lawsuit, and they just brush us off as a “politically orchestrated hiss.” I try not to do business with people who disrespect me like that, and I would hope that other Times readers would feel the same way.
That for me is what this is about.
@32…STFU numbnuts….and thank you for proving my point.
spineless fucks like you scurry around looking for someone like the times to validate your beliefs
what a joke.
@33…goldy farts: The straw that broke the camel’s back for me was they way they just snidely dismiss everybody on the other side.
and you dont do the same thing?
I dont give a rats ass about the times..I dont read it….but you guys and your crying are just about as pathetic as an Iraqi Armored Division…
You know, we’d take assholes like you and MISTER PuddyBuddy and the excreble Mr. Cynical seriously if any of you made any sense.
Roger says: ” not one was a woman, and they all had white accents. Which leads me to suspect their telemarketing vendor doesn’t hire women or minorities.”
You mean no one called without that negro accent Harry Reid is so famous for discovering ? You sure have your stereotypes set…white accent ? What is this ? Have you ever talked to a guy from England Indian heritage, but british accent ? But deducing that this is a “white accent” or not…pretty racist. Maybe you should get out more
@36…sure rujax…the only thing that makes sense to you is vandalizing churches….
I’ll Shut The Fuck Up when you can make me STFU.
Until then . . . well you could never make me shut the fuck up so it doesn’t matter, I’ll keep doing what I do. Which is whatever the fuck I want.
LMFAO @ “white accent”
well what other comment would our very own goebbels worshiper come up with.
HAHAHAHHAHAHAHA, oohhhhh tough guy gbs now….
go ahead and keep crying about the times, PUSSY.
*punk ass bitch-slap
Tell me you watch Rachel Maddow, Keith Olbermann, Ed Schultz, and Chris Matthews, right?
@42…..sometimes…especially when I need a laugh.
its funny to hear, on the radio, schultz get all unhinged, and then start talking like a tough guy.
that fat fuck couldnt kick beaver cleaver’s ass
olbermann just reminds me of how pathetic a washed up sportscaster sounds.
and I must admit, PL, I cant watch madcow – the broad is so ugly she makes me want to throw up my cheerios…
A virtual bitch slapping, huh? Well that’s all a teeny penised, conservative like you could muster in the first place.
Climb upstairs out of the basement and ask your mommy to change your piss-stained, Fox News bed sheets you fucking bed wetter.
How old are you anyways? 35-40? Don’t you think it’s time to move out and become a
mana functioning adult?What’s your name, Trig?
GBS is projecting again….although is sounds like you are describing Racist YLB to a T.
Saturated Maxie Pad @ 46:
That was the avoidance response I figured you give.
You like a cowering puppy with its tail tucked firmly between your legs and piddling all over the floor.
Better get that pool of urine cleaned up before your mommy rubs your nose it.
Oh, and you better hide your wet, Sarah Palin PJ’s.
$47…you seem to have some strange fantasies there GBS….been hanging out on capital hill a but much me thinks…ass a little sore?
.Saturated Maxis Pad @ 48:
Capital hill? No.
My ass sore? No.
Just watching the news about Republicans and the way you molest Paige boys, hustle blow jobs in airport bathrooms, visit the DC madam, “hike the Appalachian Trail, have affairs with staffers while your parents write $96,000 “gift” checks.
OK you’re too easy. Too lame. And, a huge PUSSY
poor gbs….wayyy too much projecting going on.
republicans, democrats…all crooks..whats the difference, they both pander to the lemmings, like you.
Nah, I deleted it.
Max the sniveling coward has outdone himself in this thread.
Desperately trying to be relevant.
Desperately trying to be relevant.
the story of your life..even in bed, right YLB?
Thanks! I will be laughing all week at this.
Get real Goldy. The tens of readers of your site amount to a teeny tiny small pile of steaming shit to the Times. Not even a dent. Just goes to show how important and relevant you think (and wish) you are; when the total opposite is really reality. LOL. Try clicking your heels together a few times….good luck!
Thought you might like this old gem (number 12 being the true gem):
Here’s how to keep all that political ‘news’ in perspective:
1. The Wall Street Journal is read by the people who run the country.
2. The Washington Post is read by people who think they run the country
3. The New York Times is read by people who think they should run the country and who are very good at crossword puzzles
4. USA Today is read by people who think they ought to run the country but don’t really understand The New York Times. They do, however, like their statistics shown in pie charts
5. The Los Angeles Times is read by people who wouldn’t mind running the country, if they could find the time – and if they didn’t have to leave Southern California to do it
6. The Boston Globe is read by people whose parents used to run the country and did a poor job of it, thank you very much
7. The New York Daily News is read by people who aren’t too sure who’s running the country and don’t really care as long as they can get a seat on the train
8. The New York Post is read by people who don’t care who is running the country as long as they do something really scandalous, preferably while intoxicated
9. The Miami Herald is read by people who are running another country but need the baseball scores
10. The San Francisco Chronicle is read by people who aren’t sure if there is a country or that anyone is running it; but If so, they oppose all that they stand for. There are occasional exceptions if the leaders are handicapped minority feminist atheist dwarfs who also happen to be illegal aliens from any other country or galaxy, provided of course, that they are not Republicans
11. The National Enquirer is read by people trapped in line at the grocery store
12. The Seattle Times is read [or not] by people who have recently caught a fish and need something to wrap it in.