I just got a call from 710-KIRO asking me to comment on the news that I-917, Tim Eyman’s Yet Another Thirty Dollar Car Tab Initiative has officially failed to qualify for the ballot. I’m not sure what soundbite they’ll use but I’m guessing I won’t come off sounding very surprised.
According to reports coming out of the Secretary of State’s office, 41,186 signatures have already been disqualified with about 30,000 left to verify. Considering Eyman only turned in 266,006 signatures, that leaves I-917 mathematically shy of the 224,880 signature threshold.
I’m not sure exactly how or why, but when it comes right down to it, Tim Eyman fucked up. Give me half a million dollars to buy signatures, and I could qualify for the ballot an initiative declaring September 11th “Osama bin Laden Day.” Yet somehow, Timmy flushed over $460,000 down the toilet, without reaching to the open wallet of Woodenville investment banker Michael Dunmire for the extra 40 grand needed to put I-917 over the top.
What a horse’s ass.
For years now Tim has been lauded as some kind of initiative guru but his track record is actually quite laughable. For the second time in three years Tim won’t have a single initiative on the state ballot, with only his over-reaching but superfluous performance audits initiative being approved by voters. Meanwhile, four out of five of his infamous anti-tax initiatives have subsequently been ruled unconstitutional.
The only thing remaining between Tim and political obscurity is Dunmire’s checkbook. Hard to imagine Timmy’s personal sugar daddy indefinitely throwing good money after bad.
Goldy and Gang it appears our European friends also underestimated our terrorist like your Socialist Democrats. Now that our number of troops have reduced, and the command and control is NATO they are using the French way of fighting (Kiss on both cheeks). Maybe they can get Roger over there as an advisor and the Taliban will surrender.
MONS, Belgium (Reuters) – NATO’s top commander of operations, General James Jones, acknowledged on Thursday the alliance had underestimated the level of violence in south Afghanistan and urged allies to provide reinforcements.
NATO Secretary-General Jaap de Hoop Scheffer joined his appeal, urging alliance members to come to the support of the British, Canadian and Dutch troops leading the fight against Islamist Taliban guerrillas in the south.
“Those allies who perhaps are doing less in Afghanistan should think: Shouldn’t we do more? … There are certainly a number of allies who can do more,” de Hoop Scheffer told reporters in Brussels.
Neither singled out individual NATO members. Diplomats say Germany, which leads the NATO mission in the relatively calm north, is under pressure to offer reinforcements for the south.
Tim keep up the good work, the goverment always needs a slap in the face. Yes Goldy loves you too for without your present he would have nothing to talk about.
Eyman fails? Boy, that’s a crying shame.
The Democrats have said that as soon as Harry Reid, Barbara Boxer, and John Kerry get their hands on the Senate Majority, they’ll use it as an outlet for their bitter revenge politics and to pursue their liberal agenda. Policies that include:
Endless tax hikes for hard-working Americans like you.
Cut and run from the War on Terror.
Reject President Bush’s judicial nominees.
Status Quo on the border, leaving the door open for added millions of illegal immigrants.
Impeachment of President Bush, and a non-stop kangaroo court of politically motivated investigations and hearings.
These are just a few items on the Democrats’ “to do” list if they win in November.
Sweet! What a dork. Bye, bye tim.
Wow, klake. Somehow I missed that memo, although the “Reject President Bush’s judicial nominees” part sounds pretty good to me. Is it possible to do that retroactively?
I like that “to-do” list! Bring it on!
Maybe they’ll ass-rape klake. I’ll vote twice for the Dems if that’s on their agenda. Oh, wait, vote twice is a republican thing.
While Dunmire is counting his lost money, perhaps we in the state of Washington should add up the taxpayer money wasted on Eyman’s initiatives.
In this case, its pretty apparant that Eyman knew he didn’t have enough signatures, what with his railing about the “receipt” and blaming the Secty of State’s office for “losing” some petitions. Yet he went through this whole charade, requiring the Secty of State’s office to hire extra workers to check each one of the signatures on Eyman’s petitions, only to reveal whay Eyman already knew – he didn’t have enough signatures. Eyman should have just admitted he fell short and saved the state taxpayers the money.
Add to that the other initiatives which failed in court due to poor drafting of the language of the initiatives, and you have an awful lot of taxpayer money spent in the initiative verification process, the election, and the court challenges during which the state Atty General was obliged to attempt to defend the faulty initiatives.
Add to that the 17.3% error rate on this petitions. Now, I know that petition signature gatherers don’t have the capacity to check the bona-fides of the people who sign their petitions. But given that kind of error rate among presumed Republicans signing a legal document under penalty of law, I really don’t want to hear any more complaints from them about the fraction of one percentage error rate in the last governor’s election.
@9 C’mon, rhp6033- two different error rates, having the bums out gathering signatures for booze money is not the same as our compensated civil servants and election workers being expected to competently manage an election.
Now if you want to come up with an error rate you can compare to an election error rate, go check the work of the initiative signature checkers and see how many valid signatures they failed to count, or how many invalid, fraudulent, or duplicate signatures they counted when they should not have.
I’ll wager they have a better record than King County Elections…
We should send Timmy a bill for all his failures and lies.
Eyeman’s problem was he took his car tab success and tried to parlay that into moral crusades. Hint for Tim: Not everyone who is opposed to over taxation wants to sign on with right wing Christian causes.
If he’d have simply stuck with fiscal issues, he wouldn’t be in this situation.
I used to be one of his supporters. But when I received letters from Monty what’s his name asking for money to “bring god into the schools”, that is where I went my separate way.
Posted by: pbj on September 7, 2006 04:09 PM
PBJ I did not know you were against religion so you went into bed with Liberals instead. Bad move!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Liberals are more fun to go to bed with…
Dear Conservatives:
We’re ticked off at the way you’ve treated California, and we’ve decided
we’re leaving. We intend to form our own country, and we’re taking the
other Blue States with us.
In case you aren’t aware, that includes Hawaii, Oregon, Washington,
Minnesota, Wisconsin, Michigan, Illinois and all the Northeast. We believe
this split will be beneficial to the nation, and especially to the people
of the new country of New California.
We spoke to God, and she agrees that this split will be beneficial to almost everybody, and especially to us in the new country of California. In fact, God is so excited about it, she’s going to shift the whole country at 4:30 pm EST this Friday. Therefore, please let everyone know they need to be back in their states by then. God is going to give us the Pacific Ocean and Hollywood. In addition, we’re getting San Diego. (Sorry, that’s just how it goes.) But God is letting you have the KKK and country music (except the Dixie Chicks).
To sum up briefly:
You get Texas, Oklahoma, and all the slave states.
We get stem cell research and most of the best beaches.
We get Elliot Spitzer. You get Ken Lay.
We get the Statue of Liberty. You get OpryLand.
We get Intel and Microsoft. You get WorldCom.
We get Harvard. You get Ole’ Miss.
We get 85 percent of America’s venture capital and entrepreneurs. You get
We get two-thirds of the tax revenue. You get to make the red states pay
their fair share.
Since our aggregate divorce rate is 22 percent lower than the Christian
Coalition’s, we get a bunch of happy families. You get a bunch of single
Please be aware that Nuevo California will be prochoice and antiwar and
we’re going to want all our citizens back from Iraq at once. If you need
people to fight, ask your evangelicals. They have kids they’re apparently
willing to send to their deaths for no purpose and they don’t care if you
don’t show pictures of their children’s caskets coming home. We do wish you
success in Iraq and hope that the WMDs turn up, but we’re not willing to
spend our resources in Bush’s Quagmire.
With the Blue States in hand, we will have firm control of 80 percent of
the country’s fresh water, more than 90 percent of the pineapple and lettuce,
92 percent of the nation’s fresh fruit, 95 percent of America’s quality wines
(you can serve French wines at state dinners), 90 percent of all cheese, 90
percent of the high tech industry, most of the U.S. low-sulfur coal, all
living redwoods, sequoias, and condors, all the Ivy and Seven Sister
schools, plus Harvard, Yale, Stanford, Cal Tech, and MIT.
With the Red States, on the other hand, you will have to cope with 88
percent of all obese Americans (and their projected health care costs), 92
percent of all U.S. mosquitoes, nearly 100 percent of the tornadoes, 90
percent of the hurricanes, 99 percent of all Southern Baptists, virtually
100 percent of all televangelists, Rush Limbaugh, Bob Jones University,
Clemson, and the University of Georgia.
We get Hollywood and Yosemite, thank you.
Additionally, 38 percent of those in the Red states believe Jonah was
actually swallowed by a whale, 62 percent believe life is sacred unless
we’re discussing the death penalty or gun laws, 44 percent say that
evolution is only a theory, 53 percent that Saddam was involved in 9/11 and
61 percent of you crazies believe you are people with higher morals then we
The Brain Trust States
Man, you sure got that right. Conservative gals just lay there and stink.
Jim King at 10: “C’mon, rhp6033- two different error rates, having the bums out gathering signatures for booze money is not the same as our compensated civil servants and election workers being expected to competently manage an election”
Uh, I was under the impression that there were quite a few volunteers involved in the counting of ballots during a regular election. Am I wrong? Were there no volunteers in the 2004 election in King County? So someone who is doing it for no money is more inclined to do a better job than someone who is doing it for “beer money”?
In that case, lets make it illegal to used paid signature gatherers. It might avoid the outright lies and distortions I personally heard in the last initiative process:
(a) one outside the Bellevue QFC even told my boss, a Japanese citizen, that he should sign the initiatives now, and he could file for citizenship later (he declined).
(b) Another (also outside QFC in Bellevue) swore to me that my estate, no matter how small, was subject to the “death tax” and at least half of it would be taken leaving my widow and children destitute, and requiring expensive probate proceedings of all estates.
(c) a third (in Everett) tried to tell my wife that she didn’t need to read the initiatives, that they had already been “approved” by the Secty of State, and by signing she was only confirming that she wanted to have a ballot mailed to her, but she needed to sign each one to make sure it was included in the ballot she received, regardless of which way she wanted to vote on it.
I think a 17+% error rate is directly attributable to these types of misleading or strong-arm tactics, and yes, I blame Eyman for perpetuating this type of abuse of the election system.
Facts @ 14
Outstanding. Let those Red State bastards drown in their own bile. I do want Montana, however. Could we trade Delaware? And, did you know that even a whole lot of country musicians can’t stomach Bush? Hell, Merle Haggard (he of “Okie from Mescogee” fame) has an anti-Bush song on his latest disk. Tim McGraw and Faith Hill are dedicated Democrats. Tim McGraw says he wants to be a politician like Bill Clinton. So, we need to include a few more country musicians in our new country. The future looks so bright . . .
I’ll wager they have a better record than King County Elections…
You’re faded, Jim. Put up or shut up.
Status quo at the borders is what the republican majority is guaranteeing through this session, at least.
And havn’t they been in control? And what have they changed?
Not to gloat…um…but I did point out on HA that it was almost impossible for I-917 to qualify, based on the error rate in the random signature test:
Hey Mark the Redneck…guess what statistical test was used. And used on data that are properly analyzed by the method.
klake is a moron. Learn to spell, moron.
So the Taliban is a problem in Afghanistan? Gee, I though W took care of all that. Oh, that’s right. He took his eye off the ball and invaded Iraq instead.
Just keep masturbating to the Bush Doctrine
So the Taliban is a problem in Afghanistan? Gee, I though W took care of all that. Oh, that’s right. He took his eye off the ball and invaded Iraq instead.
Just keep masturbating to the Bush Doctrine
Commentby treasonous pickle— 9/7/06@ 5:50 pm
treasonous pickle what a name you must be French! What is Kerry Doctrine? Don’t know? Look up your ass and make your report.
> Give me half a million dollars to buy signatures, and I could qualify for
> the ballot an initiative declaring September 11th “Osama bin Laden Day.â€
@14- Sorry, God told me that you’ve messed the description of her borders up. She’s giving blue Seattle to your new nation, but the rest of Washington stays with the good ol’ USA. That means you get Greg Nickels, Ron Sims, the Alaskan Way viaduct, and streets full of potholes. There will be no need for a new 520 bridge- you don’t get to cross the border.
We keep Microsoft, Boeing, all the agricultural areas (start up your pea patches) and all of the recreational areas. You get to keep the Experience Music Project and 300 square foot Belltown condos selling for $150,000.
We get Ft Lewis, McChord, Bangor, Bremerton, Everett, Whidby, and Fairchild. You can keep street gangs and deranged killers.
By the way, one of our submarines is off San Francisco and your President Pelosi has been given 24 hrs to surrender San Diego and any other part of California that wants to stay with us…
Hey, I just thought of something.
The big news this week was Alan Mulally resigning from Boeing Commercial Airplane Group to take over as Ford’s CEO. Alan Mulally did do an outstanding job in turning around Boeing’s commercial airplane fortunes, even through 9/11 and during a time when its most reliable customers, U.S. based airlines, have been largly absent from the sales tables. He also managed to do it despite Stoneciphers’ attempts to run Boeing into the ground, just as he did McDonell-Douglas.
But this got me to thinking. BCAG is a much more complicated business venture than Safeco insurance. It actually produces product, and has to sell to big customers who are incredibly picky about their product, and expect a long-term relationship with each aircraft purchased (often 20+ years). It is a high-technology business, requiring management of lots of assets around the world as well as union, non-union, and salaried personnel. It involves dealing with people from all over the world on a personal and professional bases. It requires the courage to “bet the company” on products with a long lead time in development, taking a chance that circumstances completely beyond his control might occur in the interim. And Boeing has to deal with comlicated financing issues which are at least as difficult as any Safeco faces in managing its underwriting and investment portfolio.
Safeco, on the other hand, didn’t have to do much to turn around from the situation it was in when McGavick arrived. It merely had to write off the books the bad investment it made in another company, and lay off some people to balance the books a bit until the value of their investment portfolio rebounded from the post 9/11 slump. So much for the incredible management skills the Republicans attribute to him.
So if McGavick gets 28.4 million for resigning from Safeco, how much will Alan Mulally get for resigning from Boeing? I’m not talking about stock options and bonuses already earned as of last Tuesday. Those were earned under his existing contract. I’m wondering how much he will get under the “new” contract, which he will negotiate with Boeing, just as Mike McGavick did, for assisting his successor over the next two months of transition.
If McGavick got 28.4 million for being “available” for two months during the transition to the new CEO of Safeco, then surely Alan Mulally should get at least a couple of billion from Boeing. After all, its a lot more complicated business, and the “turnaround” more dramatic. Although all investments in the U.S. got hit by the 9/11 attack, none were hit harder than the airline industry (literally and figuratively).
Of course, the situations are different. But why are they different? If any part of that discussion involves the fact that McGavick is running for public office, and Alan Mulally is not, then you have to admit that Safeco’s payment to McGavick is an illegal campaign contribution.
If the 41,186 signatures were on absentee ballots in King County, they’d be counted!
Watch the path to 911
You know if Clinton says something is a lie, its the truth. This is hilarious listening to the liberals whine about the truth.
you’ve only got one CD in Western WA and you’re about to lose it in November.
By the way, we get Bangor.
Wanna play ball Scarecrow?
Dear Blue States:
Imagine our relief that you’ve decided to secede and form some sort of bathing-optional commune headquartered in California. The money we’ll save in aspirin, now that we won’t have headaches from listening to your interminable whining, will be worth it to us alone.
We’ll finally be rid of you lazy, moping, latte-sucking Streisand fans now that you’re actually going to follow through–for once–on your promise to finally get off your butts and leave, as so many of you claimed you would every election cycle and then chickened out of actually doing. (Yeah, we’re looking at you, Alec Baldwin.)
But not so fast. You don’t get to take all the Blue States with you–just the Blue parts.
You see, your Blue States aren’t actually “blue.” Mostly, they’re states full of Red counties with pockets of Blue urban blight in them, who vote Democratic in such numbers that if the same results came out of a Third World country which, come to think of it, many of the “Blue” counties pretty much are–we’d think it was fraud and send election observers from the UN. Even California is pretty much a Red State: Bush won 35 out of 58 counties, while Kerry won LA and San Francisco. You want ’em? We won’t fight you for them, that’s for sure, but you’re going to have to found New California without 35 of your most beautiful counties and your second-largest city. Sorry about that.
Nationally, Bush won over 2.5 million square miles of U.S. counties (and an extra three and a half million votes, but we won’t rub that in.) Kerry won less than 600,000 square miles–meaning that in most states he was popular downtown and pretty much nowhere else. In other words, your guy won the places that people like him would get shot if he walked through them at night. Our guy won every place else.
So, the bottom lines is that you don’t get the Blue States. Those states have lots of towns and counties that would rather blow their dams and flood themselves out of existence rather than go with you. No, instead, you get the Blue Cities.
But we really feel we owe you full disclosure on this exchange. This might come as an unpleasant surprise, but you don’t actually get the lower divorce and single-motherhood rates and all that other good stuff you think you’re going to snag. Those are the conditions that are actually found out in the Red counties, pardner, not in the Blue cities, and you can’t have them.
Instead you get the urban single moms, not the soccer moms; the drug addicts, not the doctors; the waiters, not the chefs. You get the fine service you’ve come to expect from the brutal and corrupt inner-city police departments. You get the abysmal literacy rates and schools that are more dangerous than most prisons. All in all, you get to take with you a public sector in most cities so unmanageable they make Mogadishu seem like a tidily run little municipality by comparison. You get the labor union shakedown artists, “teachers” who can’t pass tests in their own subject, and city government leaders for whom graft, racial spoils systems, and outright theft are a way of life. They’re all very enthusiastic Blue voters, as you know, and we’re sure they’ll stampede their way to New California to start draining your wallets, wrecking your schools, and in general making a mess of your lives. (And don’t come complaining back to us when socialist central planning does for New California what it did for garden spots like East Berlin and Pyongyang. We’re putting a strict visa system into place once you all go.)
We, on the other hand, get those Red city suburbs and rural districts. You know, the ones with the good schools, the high property values, the quiet streets and the sheriffs and cops who don’t need to walk around armored up like they’re about to storm the Sunni Triangle.
And don’t even think about keeping the National Parks, the wide open spaces, all those water resources, and all the rest of America’s natural splendor, since those are all pretty much located in Red counties. Hell, we even get most of Oregon and Washington …ain’t it ironic? You get the urban liberals in Portland and Seattle and their friends in important social organizations (like, say, drug-running street gangs) and we get the rest of the Northwest. Ok by us; we’d be fools not to take you up on it.
So here’s how it works. All of you Blue whiners, please feel free to look at a map of the electoral results county by county in each state, and take the people with you who’ve made it clear they’d like to go.
That means you get places like downtown Pittsburgh and Philadelphia, and we get to keep the rest of beautiful Pennsylvania, thank you. You get to administer bloated public services to the violent, drug-addled, gunslinging populations of delightful inner-city sinkholes of poverty and corruption such as Miami, St. Louis, and the ever-popular District of Columbia–which has been governed by liberals (and the occasional crackhead) for so long and so incompetently that any semblance of order has broken down (beyond the carefully guarded borders of your Georgetown bistros, natch) to the point where even the mayor once asked the President to have the city patrolled by National Guardsmen. Lucky you, it’s all yours–enjoy it in good health, and don’t forget to wear your Kevlar…Blue “voters” up there in Northeast DC tend to be jumpy on the ol’ trigger finger.
In fact, all around our great nation, you get to keep all the Blue voters who’ve made urban war zones like downtown Detroit–a Blue bastion, of course–the proud showplaces they are today. We get the rest of Blue states like Michigan and Wisconsin and Illinois and…well, frankly, just about every state in the Union with the exception of Hawaii and New England–and even there, we’ll just hang on to a couple of chunks of New Hampshire and Connecticut. (You’re especially more than welcome to Rhode Island, which will immediately set up some sort of money-laundering scheme and bilk the rest of you once it has been incorporated into whatever sort of muddle-headed utopia you’re trying to create. The former mayor of Providence should be out of Federal prison in time to join your Politburo and help you get things set up–for a small consulting fee, of course.) We’ll miss the Hawaiian beaches, but since long stretches of coastline from New Jersey down to Florida and yes, even in Southern California (including San Diego, thanks) are actually in Red counties, we’ll be fine.
Sure, we get the rednecks and holy rollers. But since you’re apparently willing to trade them for the gangs and psychopaths terrorizing your Blue cities, what can we say? You want the Crips and the Bloods in low riders raking your streets with automatic gunfire, and you’re offering us Bubba heading off to church in his pickup? Hey, a deal’s a deal. Done.
True, you also get Manhattan, but darn the luck, you have to take the rest of the city, including the Bronx, Queens, and Brooklyn too, as well as Long Island, which is enough to almost make us feel sorry for you all out there in New California. (Almost.) For our part, we’ll take most of the rest of gorgeous New York State, although you get the scam artists who infest the legislature in Albany. And since for some unfathomable reason you actually want Elliot Spitzer, we’ll buy his plane ticket as a gesture of goodwill.
So that’s the deal. You get the cities, with all the crime, crack mommies, and corruption you can stand. And sure, you get many of the elite colleges too, with the professors who think that terrorists in Fallujah are freedom fighters and that the people who worked in the Twin Towers on 9/11 were no better than Nazis.
We get the suburbs, the countryside, and all the other beautiful places that remain unspoiled by liberal hypocrisy and addle-brained social experimentation.
And we’d like a favor, too: please keep your sky-high tax and crime rates, since we’re happy to have the corporations and jobs that continue to flee your Blue cities into our Red counties. Much appreciated, since our unemployment rates, to say nothing of our crime, single-parenting, and illiteracy rates, are far lower than yours.
Oh, and one last thing. We get the U.S. military, too. Did we mention that part? (You may have forgotten that they’re volunteers, and most are happy Red state voters.) Not to worry, though, since we’re sure that Islamic fundamentalist terrorists will be more than happy to reach an accommodation with a society that embraces radical feminism, gay marriage, gun control, hostility to organized religion of any kind, and Salman Rushdie. Good luck with that. But one day when some misogynist Saudi freak–who no doubt will sneak into your country by strolling over over the northern border after a few years sucking on the Canadian welfare system you all admire so much–blows up a couple kilos of plutonium on Sunset Boulevard, go send Sean Penn to ask the French for help. We’ll be busy that day.
Jimmy in the United States of America
PS: You can keep the marijuana. You’re going to need it, since selling it is one of the last stable industries left in Blue counties.
Seoul — North Korean leader Kim Jong-il’s health has worsened and he can no longer walk normally, a South Korea legislator said yesterday. Liver and heart problems and worsening diabetes are to blame for the reclusive communist leader’s difficulty in walking /break/ He said Mr. Kim went to Beijing for treatment in January. [………………………………………………….Carl Grossman, GBS, and “The Socialist”, would you consider donating a kidney or part of a liver “for the “progressive” cause?]
Let me help you out here with those red counties, lost little libs.
@16 rhp- I’ve never liked Eyman, and have been out there fighting his initiatives well before Goldstein or most of you woke up to them. As for paid signature gatherers- if our Democrat Governors had shown any backbone, state agencies would have been checking for their UBI’s, that their taxes were being paid, and otherwise making sure these people were complying with all of the laws my small business clients have to follow.
Let me help you out here with those red counties, lost little libs.
Commentby howcanyoubePROUDtobeanASS— 9/7/06@ 6:31 pm
You know you can use the same map to tell where most of the high crime and welfare areas are. Just change the heading”
High crime and welfare concentrations highlighted in blue.
If only land could vote!
Spokane, Washington – It’s 3 feet long, black in color, smells like a lily and must be saved from extinction, conservationists said Thursday in asking the federal government to protect the Giant Palouse Earthworm under the Endangered Species Act. /break/ Little is known about the giant worms: how many there are, where they live, how they behave, or why they are so scarce. [………………………………………………………………………………………In order to “protect” this unique species, all construction within 100 miles of Spokane must cease!!! In addition, tons of KFC “crispie” and King Cobra Beer are being trucked in to “save the black worms”. Finally, Jesse Jacksooooooooon and Carl Grossman have arrived in the area to “register” as many of the worms to vote Democrat in the upcoming November election!!!! “Anything less would be racist,” stated Carl!]
Jim King at 24: Okay, I’ve got to admit that’s pretty funny.
But if God is speaking to you personally, will you please have him take a few minutes to talk to Pres. Bush, while he is at it? I suspect he isn’t hearing him quite right, otherwise things would be going better.
And good luck keeping Boeing, without all those union workers that make it run. It’s going to be very quite in all the engineering offices and assembly lines. But I guess you can always ask MTR to help apply his chi-squred analysis to stress engineering problems on winglet structures.
If only land could vote!
Commentby Felix Fermin— 9/7/06@ 6:38 pm
Hey I would take that. It would cancel out some of the dead or illegal votes from the left.
Correction to 37: “quite” should be “quiet”. Dang, I wish this forum had a spell check!
The leader of al Qaeda in Iraq urged his followers to kill at least one American in the next two weeks using a sniper rifle, explosive or “whatever the battle may require,” according to an audiotape that aired Thursday on Al-Jazeera. The Arabic news network identified the man on the tape as Abu Hamza al-Muhajer, however CNN was unable to independently verify his identity. [………………..Dear al Qaeda, The following inmformation is provided: My Left Foot [Mr. Carl Grossman], Seattle, WA]
So the Taliban is a problem in Afghanistan? Gee, I though W took care of all that. Oh, that’s right. He took his eye off the ball and invaded Iraq instead.
Just keep masturbating to the Bush Doctrine
Commentby treasonous pickle— 9/7/06@ 5:50 pm
Coward who keeps changing his name:
Time to cut and run in Afghanistan too, Frenchfuck?
Kerry isn’t president. Bush fucked this up.
Learn to use punctuation, you uneducated pimple.
That’s absolutely priceless!
Breaking News
Sandy Burgler, former Clinton security advisor, has been arrested for trespassing at the ABC broadcasting center. Pictures of his arrest show Sandy wearing socks pulled up around his waist. He was caught in a security vault where “the path to 911” are kept.
Man, you sure got that right. Conservative gals just lay there and stink.
Commentby proud leftist— 9/7/06@ 5:21 pm
The cigar goes in her,dipshit,not up your ass.
Bill Draft Dodging Liar Clinton
Doofus Limbaugh:
As usual, you are wrong. The Blue Counties are where all the people live, so the crime rate is a little higher, but the Red States are where all the welfare goes:
Funny, that. I have in front of me the latest report from the Tax Foundation showing how much each state gets back in contracts, benefits and subsidies for every dollar of taxes paid. And it shows that, with a few exceptions, the anti-government red states are the net winners in the flow of funds while the pro-government blue states are almost all losers.
Many readers—many readers—sent us the Tax Foundation tables which show which states are federal free-loaders. And yes, the “red states”—the states whose denizens love to preach that bracing self-reliance—routinely take in more federal money than they submit in taxes. Meanwhile, who subsidizes these free-loading states? Who else? “Contemptuous” “elitists” from northeastern blue states, whose troubling values red-staters love to ponder!
amerikkka first:
Now that the one thing that it looked like Bush did right is falling apart, don’t you wish he had paid attention to Afghanistan? The one thing that everyone agreed on, and he fucked it up.
Yeah, most the welfare you are talking about are power plants and military installations that you blue staters dont want in your back yard but benefit from. Geeesh you donks are incredible.
Leave it to a donk to call building power plants in red counties welfare. hehe
Vote early, Vote often, Vote Democratic!!!!!!!!!!
I do believe that John Craig Herman of Pahoa, HI is making terroristic threats. I have forwarded this, along with a letter, to my local law enforcement agency for investigation. What happens, happens, but John Craig Herman of Pahoa, HI could be in a heap of trouble. The officer I spoke with mentioned several statutes that John Craig Herman could be in violation of. I take threatening my well being very seriously.
I do believe that John Craig Herman of Pahoa, HI is making terroristic threats. I have forwarded this, along with a letter, to my local law enforcement agency for investigation. What happens, happens, but John Craig Herman of Pahoa, HI could be in a heap of trouble. The officer I spoke with mentioned several statutes that John Craig Herman could be in violation of. I take threatening my well being very seriously.
Commentby My Left Foot— 9/7/06@ 7:44 pm
I suggest you gather more evidence. Borrow Left turns camera glasses and travel to Hawaii to get some photos. hehehe
Remember, Vote early, Vote often, Vote Democratic!!!!!!!!!!
I guess Left turn will not be attending church for the next couple of Sundays.
Rufus, you might want to get your butt to church. Ask God what Her plan is when the House comes under Democratic control in November. You might also ask for a little help in keeping the Senate under conservative control. Looks like that is getting a bit dicey too. Let me know what She tells you. Hey, while you are it find out if the Seahawks are going to cover the spread this week. Thanks!
Remember, Vote early, Vote often, Vote Democratic!!!!!!!!!!
howcanyoubePROUDtobeanASS…..Your post deserves “Post Of The Month” honors. The libs will hate, but understand as correct, every word of your post. Best regards, JCH
Rufus, you might want to get your butt to church. Ask God what Her plan is when the House comes under Democratic control in November. You might also ask for a little help in keeping the Senate under conservative control. Looks like that is getting a bit dicey too. Let me know what She tells you. Hey, while you are it find out if the Seahawks are going to cover the spread this week. Thanks!
Remember, Vote early, Vote often, Vote Democratic!!!!!!!!!!
Commentby My Left Foot— 9/7/06@ 7:58 pm
I do go to church. Dont have much time to talk to God though, I am to busy handing out voter pamphlets.
The Blue Counties are where all the people live, so the crime rate is “a little higher.”
Commentby JDB […………..”a little higher?????” ROTFLMAO!!!!!! Typical idiot “comment in fiction” by a “progressive” Democrat who somehow gets “reborn” when his wife and kid gets shot and killed by the CRIPS or BLOODS gang!!]
If the nation ever wises up and gets serious about voter fraud the democratic party is history.
Remember, Vote early, Vote often, Vote Democratic!!!!!!!!!!
-Commentby My Left Foot— 9/7/06@ 7:58 pm
The democratic party would be the REPUBLICAN PARTY.
I believe what you are so ineptly attempting to say is ‘vote democrat’… you do understand the difference, don’t you?
Eyman did better when he at least looked to some people like someone who had some integrity. He lost that when he turned into a paid politician and lied about it.
He wasted a ton of tax money while paying his bills. When you see inflation driven cost increases for transportation projects that were delayed because of his stunts, blame Eyman. And if you’re still stuck in traffic when you could have been unstuck years ago, blame him and GOP leadership that couldn’t see through the daze of silly tax cuts who offered no alternative.
The Eyman era is probably over. Party time.
Too late for the GOP in this state this year – watch for big gains, especially in swings, where every vote matters and the anti-gay anti-tax wing of the GOP finds itself with no reason to vote in November.
State House will pick up probably four-six more Democrats. Looks like the state Senate GOP will lose at least four more.
Fuck you goldy. Eyman has done more for The Producers of this state than you will EVER do.
No track record? How ’bout EIGHT BILLION DOLLARS and counting?
Day 17 September 7 2006 Where’s Goldy?
Mayor Nickels’
unprecedented tax increase proposal and
Tim Eyman’s opposition campaign not only screws the taxpayers into paying extra for basic services, but it also really puts Goldy and the rest of you seattle moonbats in a helluva predicament. I’ve been taunting Goldy for some time now with my “Where’s Goldy” series, and he still won’t tell us where he stands. No doubt, he’s between a rock and a hard place trying to figure out what to do. So as a true compassionate conservative, I’ll lay out the options here for ya Goldy:
1) Open up your wallet and pay more and more property tax every year until you are forced out of your home. Even if you can do it, do you want to make seattle a place where only the rich can live? Or do you not give a fuck about anybody else?
2) Join Eyman’s campaign to fight defeat the tax increase, and expose yourself to be the fucking hypocrite that you are. Admit that you are wrong about taxpayer rights, and thank Tim in pubic for giving you the right to vote on major policy issues.
3) Support the tax hike and agree that the tax money has to be raised, but make somebody other than you pay. You could take the tried and true class envy approach and make those “rich people” in Magnolia and Queen Ann pick up the tab. Remember, a “fair tax” in moonbat parlance is a tax that the other guy has to pay.
4) Or just keep quiet and hope I go away. That’s not gonna happen.
Kerry isn’t president. Bush fucked this up.
Learn to use punctuation, you uneducated pimple.
Commentby treasonous pickle— 9/7/06@ 7:04 pm
Now now, no name calling and I went to the same public schools you did, what a waste of time and money. Kerry didn’t get elected pressssident but he had a plan, ask HIM. First I vote for the WARRRR and then I voted against the WARRRRR. Now he did beat Howard Screammmming Dean and he also has a plan. Now sit down, spread you legs, slip you head past the sphincter muscle. Now you are almost there, whisper pissst Howard are you there? Now wait for the reply! Dean will tell you how he would support the enemies of this Nation. Pull your head out off your ass and tell everyone what he said.
Now that the one thing that it looked like Bush did right is falling apart, don’’t you wish he had paid attention to Afghanistan? The one thing that everyone agreed on, and he fucked it up.
Commentby JDB—— 9/7/06@ 7:21 pm
Right, General, Bush fucked everything up. Things would be much better if the Taliban still had Afghanistan and Saddam still had Iraq. Guess you’ve forgotten that the Dems voted to authorize the Iraq invasion, and now they whine that Bush tricked the gullible nitwits as soon as the going gets tough; a worthless bunch of Frenchfucks.
You libs never have any plan beyond don’t do what Bush did. If Bush pulled out of Iraq you’d start demanding that he pull out of Afghanistan. Any plan of attack whatsoever is beyond your comprehension. I doubt that you are capable of even describing coherently how things are “falling apart” in Afghanistan; and you certainly can’t describe any plan on how to win there. I doubt that you have the guts to try, but I hope I’m wrong. I’d love to see your plan, General.
Better stick to complaining, General, that’s what libs are good at.
@36- but rhp- those Boeing workers don’t live in Seattle- can’t afford the housing…
And I may listen to God, but I think the only person GWB listens to is his mom- ya’ll should be working on Barbara to lean on him. George is really a nice guy- sort of like Beaver Cleaver. But Karl Rove is one evil Eddie Haskell…
Vote early, Vote often, Vote Democratic!!!!!! Fuck you proudofyourfatlazyass, everyone knows what I mean. My point is made. But for you: Vote early, Vote often, Vote the candidates supported by the political party known as the Democrats. Now, proudofyourfatlazyass: GO FUCK YOURSELF!!!!!!
On topic….it is to bad that initiative lost. There’s no reason for us to pay as much as WA wants and to have it on a sliding scale is ridiculous. If I have a new car with better emissions, I’m paying more taxes than some VW bus spewing shit into the atmosphere, leaking oil and breaking down and holding up traffic.
Why can’t our government spend responsibly? And since they don’t why do Dems want more of our money to spend irresponsibly? I just don’t get it.
Blood pressure meds, Carl! Blood pressure meds!
Stick in the Eyman has had three chances to get this right. He is inept and has become a buffoon. I have no problem with $30 tabs. I have a problem with a paid whore who can’t get the job done right.
Leftbehind… you need help… you may want to work on it, sweetcheeks.
GO FUCK YOURSELF!!!!!! -Commentby My Left Foot— 9/7/06@ 9:06 pm
You mean as opposed to the way the DEMOCRATICS [/snicker] do it?
The Path to 9/11
But given that kind of error rate among presumed Republicans signing a legal document under penalty of law, I really don’t want to hear any more complaints from them about the fraction of one percentage error rate in the last governor’s election.
Commentby rhp6033— 9/7/06@ 4:49 pm
Dude: You are saying moonbats don’t care about $30 TABS?
Left foot. He did get it right twice. The dumbass legislature doesn’t give a shit about us “the people”. We are nothing to them. They want us all the same, poor shit heads or drugout freaks. Tim only lost because most people in this state are stupid and like you probably voted against what they believe because the didn’t like Tim. He’s a smarmy guy, but the initiative was sound.
and Seattle liberals
Remember, Vote early, Vote often, Vote Democratic!!!!!!!!!!
-Commentby My Left Foot— 9/7/06@ 7:58 pm The democratic party would be the REPUBLICAN PARTY. I believe what you are so ineptly attempting to say is ‘vote democrat’… you do understand the difference, don’t you? Commentby howcanyoubePROUDtobeanASS— 9/7/06@ 8:20 pm
No he be too stupid to comprehend the semantic differences of life!
The entire country has taken it up the ass from the WingNuts for the past 12 years. Your reign of terror is over. Deal with it. Proudofherfatlazyass seems to think that what is posted here actually affects those of us who disagree with her. The facts are this 63% percent, nearly two thirds, of America thinks that you Dumbo’s have fucked up. So, the reaction is that the other party gets a chance now. That is how it works. If you don’t like it, you can move to England where Tony Blair, oops, nevermind. They seem to have evicted him for his handling of the Iraq situation too. Funny how that works.
Just a question: If some foreign government came here and tried, by force of weapons, to give us a better government, how would you react? I know that I would load my weapons, get to the coast and introduce them to America properly. But when the Iraqi people do the same to us, we suddenly have God and morals on our side. Funny thing is, they believe that they have Allah on their side.
Who is right? They have the right to self determination, we have no right to force a democracy onto a people who fervently believe that theocracy is the right government for them. Saddam has been toppled from power and is no longer a threat. The prisoners in Cuba have been out of the loop for four years now, any information they have is useless at this point. They should be tried and sentenced or released if they are found not guilty (not likely to happen as the military judge was heard to say “Bring the guilty bastard in here and we will give him a fair trial”.
There we no WMD. There were secret CIA prisons, and there was torture. One lie, two violations of United States policy (well it used to be policy, now it is OK because GWB says so).
All this and you Dumbo’s run around wondering why you have lost favor with 63% of the American public. You stunned into disbelief at your presidents 38% job approval rating.
But don’t mind me, I am just one of the 63% of Americans who is apparently morally and intellectually confused. The irony here is that even if we are morally and intellectually confused, we are in the majority. In this country, except in 2000, the majority rules.
That’s right KKKlake.
Parrot all the Right Wing Authoritarian talking points.
Be a good follower.
Be sure to goose step along with your fellow followers.
Support Der President.
Heil Bush!
Will the Moonbats and the Freaks apologize to Karl Rove for the outright lies told here on ASSHeads?
One Leak and a Flood of Silliness
By David S. Broder Thursday, September 7, 2006; A27
Conspiracy theories flourish in politics, and most of them have no more basis than spring training hopes for the Chicago Cubs.
Whenever things turn dicey for Republicans, they complain about the “liberal media” sabotaging them. And when Democrats get in a jam, they take up Hillary Clinton’s warnings about a “vast right-wing conspiracy.”
For much of the past five years, dark suspicions have been voiced about the Bush White House undermining its critics, and Karl Rove has been fingered as the chief culprit in this supposed plot to suppress the opposition.
Now at least one count in that indictment has been substantially weakened — the charge that Rove masterminded a conspiracy to discredit Iraq intelligence critic Joseph Wilson by “outing” his CIA-operative wife, Valerie Plame.
I have written almost nothing about the Wilson-Plame case, because it seemed overblown to me from the start. Wilson’s claim in a New York Times op-ed about his memo on the supposed Iraqi purchase of uranium yellowcake from Niger; the Robert D. Novak column naming Plame as the person who had recommended Wilson to check up on the reported sale; the call for a special prosecutor and the lengthy interrogation that led to the jailing of Judith Miller of the New York Times and the deposition of several other reporters; and, finally, the indictment of Lewis “Scooter” Libby, Vice President Cheney’s chief of staff — all of this struck me as being a tempest in a teapot.
No one behaved well in the whole mess — not Wilson, not Libby, not special prosecutor Patrick Fitzgerald and not the reporters involved.
The only time I commented on the case was to caution reporters who offered bold First Amendment defenses for keeping their sources’ names secret that they had better examine the motivations of the people leaking the information to be sure they deserve protection.
But caution has been notably lacking in some of the press treatment of this subject — especially when it comes to Karl Rove. And it behooves us in the media to examine that behavior, not just sweep it under the rug.
Sidney Blumenthal, a former aide to President Bill Clinton and now a columnist for several publications, has just published a book titled, “How Bush Rules: Chronicles of a Radical Regime.” It is a collection of his columns for Salon, including one originally published on July 14, 2005, titled “Rove’s War.”
It was occasioned by the disclosure of a memo from Time magazine’s Matt Cooper, saying that Rove had confirmed to him the identity of Valerie Plame. To Blumenthal, that was proof that this “was political payback against Wilson by a White House that wanted to shift the public focus from the Iraq War to Wilson’s motives.”
Then Blumenthal went off on a rant: “While the White House stonewalls, Rove has license to run his own damage control operation. His surrogates argue that if Rove did anything, it wasn’t a crime. . . . Rove is fighting his war as though it will be settled in a court of Washington pundits. Brandishing his formidable political weapons, he seeks to demonstrate his prowess once again. His corps of agents raises a din in which their voices drown out individual dissidents. His frantic massing of forces dominates the capital by winning the communications battle. Indeed, Rove may succeed momentarily in quelling the storm. But the stillness may be illusory. Before the prosecutor, Rove’s arsenal is useless.”
In fact, the prosecutor concluded that there was no crime; hence, no indictment. And we now know that the original “leak,” in casual conversations with reporters Novak and Bob Woodward, came not from the conspiracy theorists’ target in the White House but from the deputy secretary of state at the time, Richard Armitage, an esteemed member of the Washington establishment and no pal of Rove or President Bush.
Blumenthal’s example is far from unique. Newsweek, in a July 25, 2005, cover story on Rove, after dutifully noting that Rove’s lawyer said the prosecutor had told him that Rove was not a target of the investigation, added: “But this isn’t just about the Facts, it’s about what Rove’s foes regard as a higher Truth: That he is a one-man epicenter of a narrative of Evil.”
And in the American Prospect’s cover story for August 2005, Joe Conason wrote that Rove “is a powerful bully. Fear of retribution has stifled those who might have revealed his secrets. He has enjoyed the impunity of a malefactor who could always claim, however implausibly, deniability — until now.”
These and other publications owe Karl Rove an apology. And all of journalism needs to relearn the lesson: Can the conspiracy theories and stick to the facts.
© 2006 The Washington Post Company
Awww too bad the moonbats didn’t get the Fitzmas! Does Goldie perform triage on his wayout and wrong moonbat rants? Naaah he’s amoonbat!
Hey Left Turdball: I do this this one qualifies as a moonbat:
Anytime people talk to cats and dogs for their political positions are moonbats!
I almost forgot:
Was the Jew killer a conservative or liberal. In the Seattle Times we have the following quote:
Haq’s friend said he couldn’t believe the timid, “geeky” man he knew from the tutoring center was capable of such violence.
“Are you sure we’re talking about the same person?” he said Sunday………….
He said Haq was not a devout Muslim and often complained that the Tri-Cities were too politically conservative.
“I’m beginning to think I was his only friend in the Tri-Cities. I don’t recall him hanging out with anybody else.”
Now for the other side we turn to Darryl’s story on HA July 30, 2006:
Ah it looks like the story was all a bunch of hot air. Well there you have it. Enjoy you Nazi libs
Moonbats: With oil prices dropping another of your worthless attacks is falling away: http://today.reuters.com/news/.....038;rpc=23
My friends on the right: Can you hear the sucking sound as the moonbats rush to hear their hero speak at the UN?
If Osama met with the 9/11 hijackers, I guess the 33% of moonbats whom think the WTC was blown up have to be smoking that Left Foot Crack stuff!
I haven’t seen too much of the raving lunatic Clueless lately. I guess his wife is finally reining him in? Wait… wife…?
I only have one thing to say
Why are the moonbats acting like Stalinists?
I thought we were a country of free speech?
GOldie’s girlfriend was in trouble?
Just to let you clods know, when the blue states secede we’re taking all of Washington with us. That means we get all the apples, but of greater importance, we get all the wine and all the hops in this state. Since we’re taking Oregon with us, that leaves Idaho as the major hop producing state in Wingnuttistan. Do you guys really want your beer to be made with hops that are grown alongside potatoes? (Not that most of you could tell the difference.)
Why is it okay to depict the killing of President Bush but the 9/11 show needs to be “killed”. Don’t moonbats have any shame?
No this is interesting:
Thu Sep 07 2006 19:52:02 ET
NEW YORK TIMES TV critics Alessandra Stanley reviews ABC’s upcoming ‘The Path to 9/11′ in Friday editions, newsroom sources tell DRUDGE.
“”The Path to 9/11″ is not a documentary, or even a docu-drama; it is a fictionalized account of what took place. It relies on the report of the Sept. 11 commission, the King James version of all Sept. 11 accounts, as well as other material and memoirs. Some scenes come straight from the writers’ imaginations,” writes Stanley.
“Dramatic license was certainly taken, but blame is spread pretty evenly across the board. It’s not the inaccuracies of “The Path to 9/11″ that make ABC’s miniseries so upsetting. It’s the situation on the ground in Afghanistan now.”
Stanley concludes: “Hindsight is heartbreaking and disturbing to watch, even in a made-for-television movie. But it’s even harder to take when those steps continue to contaminate the present.”
So Billy boy what is the problem?
Haq was a mentally-ill baptized Christian like DOOFUS and Puddybud.
The day JCH strings together a paragraph with some intelligent discussion, in his own words, and post it here, I will kiss a frog on the steps of the State House in Olympia. This man is morally bankrupt. He has the debating skill of a 9 year old.
Note to PussyPud: I don’t “understand the semantic differences in life”? WTF does that mean? The meaning of what I wrote is clear. You don’t like the satire posted here? YOu don’t like the language? You don’t get the humor? Then go to (un)SP and post there.
Conservative: One whose mind is so narrow, it has been squeezed right out of his head.
As someone posted here the other day: I am all for bipartisan cooperation. I will hug your elephant, you kiss my ass.
Republicans have bullied the American people for far too long. You tried to cement power with rule changes and fortunately cooler heads (Sen. McCain) prevailed. You were afraid of open debate in the legislature and you are afraid of it here. When you operate in secret, you fear the light of day. Welcome to the shining light of truth, justice and the American way, Democrat style. Open, above board and truly for the best interest of the people, for the people and by the people.
Oh yeah, freedom of speech is wonderful. Go fuck yourselves silly, you inbred cocksucking scumbag The day JCH strings together a paragraph with some intelligent discussion, in his own words, and post it here, I will kiss a frog on the steps of the State House in Olympia. This man is morally bankrupt. He has the debating skill of a 9 year old.
Note to PussyPud: I don’t “understand the semantic differences in life”? WTF does that mean? The meaning of what I wrote is clear. You don’t like the satire posted here? You don’t like the language? You don’t get the humor? Then go to (un)SP and post there.
Conservative: One whose mind is so narrow, it has been squeezed right out of his head.
As someone posted here the other day: I am all for bipartisan cooperation. I will hug your elephant, you kiss my ass.
Republicans have bullied the American people for far too long. You tried to cement power with rule changes and fortunately cooler heads (Sen. McCain) prevailed. You were afraid of open debate in the legislature and you are afraid of it here. When you operate in secret, you fear the light of day. Welcome to the shining light of truth, justice and the American way, Democrat style. Open, above board and truly for the best interest of the people, for the people and by the people.
Oh yeah, freedom of speech is wonderful. Go fuck yourselves silly, you inbred, cocksucking, scumbag charlatans.
Puddybud – the right’s bellyaching got that Reagan mini-series moved to Showtime. You don’t have move this 9/11 show anywhere. Just cut out the lies.
Why is it okay to depict the killing of President Bush but the 9/11 show needs to be “killed”. Don’t moonbats have any shame?
Commentby Puddybud Mo Money Ray Nagin— 9/7/06@ 10:06 pm
I wonder why the lefties have such a problem with “the path to 911”? Nevermind. I know why. hehehe
Oil prices dropping? China and India will be glad to hear. So will Europe and everywhere else.
Ooops. There they go back up again.
My speech was sooooo good I posted it twice, the second time with the two corrections, can you find them? LOL
It is not lost on the public that the price of gas is dropping almost as fast as the presidents approval ratings. Funny how that works.
Haq was a mentally-ill baptized Christian like DOOFUS and Puddybud. Commentby For the Clueless— 9/7/06@ 10:08 pm
The raving lunatic rises from the dungheap! If we were going to “kill” someone we’d claim to be moonbats!
Why is it okay to depict the killing of President Bush
Because this show only claims to depict an imagined future like War of the Worlds did. Also keep in mind that Shrub is similar to McKinley in that both started a war to get re-elected and had similar advisers guiding their political strategy with similar objectives – Rove for Shrub and Hannah for McKinley. McKinley went on to be assasinated.
The other tries to dramatize what happened but in reality depicts things that never happened. It’s propaganda.
But little left feets part of his disapproval rating is gas prices. Sooooooooo are you really saying what you are saying? Of course, moonbats speak first and then look at the consequences later!
If we were going to “kill” someone
Naaah. You’d claim you were trying to save the country or some other delusion.
Pud, Ruf and all the rest of you conservatives, why oh why do you get your balls all twisted when we do the exact same thing that you guys do.
In 2003 Right wingers had no trouble getting CBS to pull the movie “The Reagans”, saying the movie was inaccurate. When we leftwingers demand equal treatment for “The Flight to 9/11” you scream like a three year old. F-ck you and the horse you road on.
We will use your tactics, and we will crush you. If we win back one or both houses of Congress, we will use the Tom Delay rules of order, and we will rub your d-cks in the dirt.
Pussypud and proudfatass:
The price of gas is being used as a political tool.
Use of the word Democratic. You are so full of shit. Here is a paragraph from MSNBC.com:
It’s possible and even probable that Democrats will win many of these 13, but to nab 10 or more of them would be highly indicative of a major Democratic wave.
I suggest you write to them about semantics.
Vote early, Vote often, Vote Democratic!!!!!!
And as always, Go fuck yourselves silly, you inbred, cocksucking, scumbag charlatans.
Parrot all the Right Wing Authoritarian talking points.
Be a good follower.
Be sure to goose step along with your fellow followers.
Support Der President.
Heil Bush!
Commentby treasonous pickle— 9/7/06@ 9:50 pm
Hey Mannnnnn is that what Howard Screamingggggggggggggg Dean said before you extrated you head out of your ass?
It is not lost on the public that the price of gas is dropping almost as fast as the presidents approval ratings. Funny how that works.
Commentby My Left Foot— 9/7/06@ 10:18 pm
From the ABC new poll September 8, 2006:
Overall, 47 percent of Americans in this ABC News/Washington Post poll now approve of George W. Bush’s work in office; 52 percent disapprove. While hardly robust, that is up from a career low 39 percent-60 percent in early November to its best in nearly six months.
Hell Bush’s approval rating are higher than Clintons popular vote in 1992 by five percentage points. You lefties may want to heed Micheal Ray Richardson (Former NBA basketball player) advice: “the ship be sinking” hehe
It’s not ok to depict the assassination of Bush. I haven’t heard that many say it is. But that movie was a British movie, wasn’t it? And the ABC Mockery-drama is American made. Apples/oranges.
Isn’t it something how there’s an election coming up and the price of gas is going down.
Isn’t it funny that Bush is on a speech-a-thon quoting Osama and an old Osama tape surfaces. Every time an Osama tape surfaces the prez’z ratings go up. Coincidence??
What will the October surprise be? Let’s start a pool!! The winner gets an all expenses paid cruise to the Bahamas with Katherine Harris (and her perky boobs)
47% ?? BS
Actually “the path to 911” was easy on the Clinton adminstration. If the real truth ever came out the dems would be done. Somewhere in Sandy Burglar sock drawer the truth lies.
Quote from Jim Cannon, former president of Safeco Insurance Company, “are the people that got us into this mess the right folks to get us out”
Shorter ABC docucrap miniseries – It was all Bill Clinton’s fault.
Wait – that’s what the wingnuts say all the time!
Oh I get it. It must be wingnut propaganda. You all can go back to sleep now.
For all you Bush loving traitros, ya better get your copy of this movie early. You are worried about Eyman’s piddly tabs bills, check out the billions upon billions being wasted by our liar in chief.
It is funny how you righties squeal so loud about a few crumbs when the whole bread factory is being given away….
Hypocrite = The new Republican Party Symbol
You attack Clinton like there is no tomorrow, and Clinton doesn’t criticize Bush. Go figure. How much more class he has than any of you…… Just think how hard it is for Bill to not criticize the sleazebag lying traitor protector that is destroying our country….
@90- sorry, but those REPUBLICAN apple orchardists and hop growers in Wenatchee and Yakima are staying with the good ol’ USA- and they got the firepower to do so. You’ll have to live off of avacodoes in your New California- and drink Ernest and Julio’s wines…
47% ?? BS
Commentby treasonous pickle— 9/7/06@ 10:36 pm
Your right and I am wrong, the story I had was written for today but qouted his ratings at this time in 2004. My fault. The latest CNN poll has Bush at 41% approval. Just shy of Clintons 1992 popular vote.
“ The whining of Bubba & Co.
Posted: September 8, 2006
1:00 a.m. Eastern
Unable to compete in the world of free debate with transparent facts, liberals behaved like children this week, proving that in the end national security and even national identity are always subservient to their own ego, reputation and appearance.
It was pathetic, cowardly and sickening.
It is also far too typical.
Liberals, who in large part are people devoid of true substance and belief, who also have great contempt for God, morality and truth, are often unable to deal with facts that reflect poorly upon them. And using pathetic, self-serving, crybaby tactics is how they are commemorating this week, the fifth memorial of 9/11.
By now you’ve no doubt read all about the ABC miniseries “The Path to 9/11” and some of what it will contain on Sunday and Monday evening. This no-holds-barred look at mistakes that were made in both the Clinton and Bush administrations will criticize decisions made and the decision makers in the run up to Sept. 11. Beginning just before the World Trade Center bombing in 1993, based upon the 9/11 commission’s report, it will trace events that led up to the horrific event we commemorate this week.
Every insider I spoke to who has seen it has referenced it as “amazing, historical and important.” Others have called it an “even-handed critique.” It sounds to me to be very faithful to the original report.
But then came word that Bill Clinton and four of his top staffers objected to the way they were portrayed. But they didn’t just object. They bellyached, they threatened, and in the end they were able to force ABC television to cave on some material that took a critical look at their role in the years between 1993-2000.
Something that particularly irked them was the implication that the Clinton administration allowed Osama bin Laden to escape. But this was no implication – it is fact. On at least two occasions, OBL was within our grasp but it was our lack of initiative that let him slip through our fingers. While Clinton was being serviced by an intern and Hillary was busy letting him, he bombed an aspirin factory in response to terrorist actions taken against us.
The Clinton staffers who squealed like pigs over the ABC series do so for the same reason they did most things when they were in power. The central focus of the Clinton years was not, “What is best for the nation?” It was always, “What is best for the Clintons and the people they liked?” As long as the dot-com boom held up we as a nation were told that the State of the Union was strong, even as our enemies plotted, planned and even attacked us – and no response came.
Now that the ugly truth is about to be seen by millions of Americans, and because it will embarrass those in powerful positions, Clinton and his staff demand the facts be changed to assuage the people’s opinion of them.
And one of those making the demands is none other than Mr. “Stuff the papers down my pants” Sandy Berger.
But in reigniting this debate over the image of liberals in America, they have exposed themselves as something worse. Not only are they unable to deal with criticism – something all leaders must do to be effective – but they are a true danger to America.
The great sin of 9/11 was that we as a nation did not dare to imagine the destruction that our enemies could cook up for us.
In Clinton’s time, his administration refused to!
And this holds true for us today. Where are the great voices from the Democratic Party ready to lead the charge to make America safe from the dangers of open borders? Where are the vibrant leaders in liberal America who are ready to deal justice to those who seek to kill Americans? Where are those on the ideological left who have any clue as to how to aggressively stop terror threats from re-emerging?
The few that used to exist have been run out of the party.
Because liberals are under the misguided notions that 1) there is no such thing as moral absolutes, good and evil, right vs. wrong, and 2) if we just take the time to talk to them we can get them to like us, they are not even aware that the “infidels” the enemy seeks to kill first would be their immoral, self-serving, hedonistic, wicked selves. And in that ignorance they are also blinded to the direct overtures the enemy continues to make – recently, even Mr. Ahmadinejhad saying directly, “Bow down to Islam, or you will be forced to.”
Liberals are pathetic because they serve selfish, immoral purposes. That is also what makes them weak. In their twisted thinking they believe with all their hearts that such weakness is actually strength. And that perversion of reality is sealing their doom.
Their doom does not have to be America’s end.
And, whether they realize it or not, by preventing them from regaining power, we are saving them from themselves! “
119 – Where’d you get that crap ASS? WingNut Daily? NewsWhackos?
I sounds like he pulled that one right out of his butt
So- having been reading the spin on Darcy’s and Peter’s fundraising, what is the official Horse’s Ass Spin on the following:
“Federal campaign finance reports filed by the two camps Thursday showed that McGavick had $2.78 million in the bank on Aug. 31 compared with Cantwell’s $5.13 million.
“In the two months from July 1 to Aug. 31, however, Cantwell raised only slightly more money than McGavick, $1.02 million to the Republican’s $928,299, including interest, refunds and other non-contribution receipts.
“Actual net campaign contributions to McGavick during the quarter were $17,000 less than Cantwell’s.”
Now, is McGavick running neck and neck, or is he miles behind and not catching up? Please be consistent with previous analysis of congressional race fundraising… :)
from that last cut/paste of p’ASS gains membership in the Coulter ‘inner circle’. Those 2 are definitely from the same mould!
pud @ 84:
When oil and gas prices were spiraling, I distinctly recall Bush saying that he had no control over prices. Are you saying that when the price goes down again, this is due to good Republican management?
(no, I don’t think the White House can run the price of oil up and down at will. Like a lot of things in the economy, the price is set by a number of factors, many if not most of which are completely out of the control of the government. Just the same, I find putting your palms up and saying “market forces” when the price is spiraling and taking credit when the price takes a SMALL dip to be disingenuous in the extreme)
Goldy and Gang is Howard Dean the Socialist Democrats really losing the War on terror? From what disinformation that’s spreading around it appears they are supporting the enemies of this Nation rather than its Troops in harm’s way. What say you who are supporting al-Qaeda these last four years under the ploy, “let debate the subject why are we fighting this War”,” where was the WMD,” and “that’s not un-American to debate how this country will copulate this War.” Now all you John Kerry’s who voted for the war and you didn’t vote for the War what’s up?
A recent Scripps Howard/Ohio University poll of 1,010 Americans found that 36 percent suspect the U.S. government promoted the attacks or intentionally sat on its hands. Sixteen percent believe explosives brought down the towers. Twelve percent believe a cruise missile hit the Pentagon.
Distrust near Ground Zero
Distrust percolates more strongly near Ground Zero. A Zogby International poll of New York City residents two years ago found 49.3 percent believed the government “consciously failed to act.”
You could dismiss this as a louder than usual howl from the CIA-controls-my-thoughts-through-the-filling-in-my-molar crowd. Establishment assessments of the believers tend toward the psychotherapeutic. Many academics, politicians and thinkers left, right and center say the conspiracy theories are a case of one plus one equals five. It’s a piling up of improbabilities.
Goldy and Gang is Howard Dean the Socialist Democrats really losing the War on terror? From what disinformation that’s spreading around it appears they are supporting the enemies of this Nation rather than its Troops in harm’s way. What say you who are supporting al-Qaeda these last four years under the ploy, “let debate the subject why are we fighting this War”,” where was the WMD,” and “that’s not un-American to debate how this country will copulate this War.” Now all you John Kerry’s who voted for the war and you didn’t vote for the War what’s up?
A recent Scripps Howard/Ohio University poll of 1,010 Americans found that 36 percent suspect the U.S. government promoted the attacks or intentionally sat on its hands. Sixteen percent believe explosives brought down the towers. Twelve percent believe a cruise missile hit the Pentagon.
Distrust near Ground Zero
Distrust percolates more strongly near Ground Zero. A Zogby International poll of New York City residents two years ago found 49.3 percent believed the government “consciously failed to act.”
You could dismiss this as a louder than usual howl from the CIA-controls-my-thoughts-through-the-filling-in-my-molar crowd. Establishment assessments of the believers tend toward the psychotherapeutic. Many academics, politicians and thinkers left, right and center say the conspiracy theories are a case of one plus one equals five. It’s a piling up of improbabilities.
Goldy and Gang is this the source of your information for not fighting the War on terror?
Like most Americans, I was gripped by senses of profound shock, horror, revulsion, sadness, and rage as I watched the horror of September 11, 2001 unfolding live on my television screen. Watching the mass murder of thousands of innocent people live on television was the most upsetting experience of my life. How could any person of sound moral character not be enraged at witnessing this horrific act of barbarism? To read about some faraway, long-ago genocide in a newspaper or a book is distressing enough. But to actually witness the mass murders of what was, at first, believed to have been tens of thousands of innocent people is truly heart stopping and traumatic. I barely slept for two nights afterwards and suffered nightmares. Polling data would later reveal that 65% of Americans actually shed tears on 9-11.
NYT REVIEW OF ABC 9-11 MOVIE is an utter joke and dismissed with prejudice.
Tim Eyman serves a very important purpose in WA government: he tries to bitch-slap these spend-and-spend-some-more politicians. Occassionally he succeeds, sometimes he doesn’t.
Goldy et. al, you haven’t heard the last from Eyman.
NYT REVIEW OF ABC 9-11 MOVIE is an utter joke and dismissed with prejudice. -Commentby Another TJ— 9/8/06@ 7:42 am
Whatsammatter bubbe… NYT suddenly not goosestepping to the pretty pink koolaid comrades game plan?
Richard Pope @ 134
I think we pretty much have. Tim Eyman has gone from being the symbol (though clearly not the embodiment) of reform sentiment in our state to a pathetic, ineffective joke. It’s his own doing–once unmasked as a money-grubbing fraud, he never did anything to make anyone think he has changed in the least.
Bar clarifies low rating for judge candidate
By Ashley Bach
Seattle Times Eastside bureau
Richard Pope, King County District Court candidate
A week after rating Richard Pope “not qualified” as a judicial candidate in this month’s primary for King County District Court, the King County Bar Association took the unusual step Thursday of explaining its decision.
The one-sentence explanation, posted on the group’s Web site, referred to sanctions or “unprofessional conduct” in four court cases where Pope — a Bellevue attorney — was ordered to pay fees or otherwise punished for a missed filing date, frivolous motions and other court delays.
The group rarely explains its ratings, but Pope’s history was unusual enough to make an exception to the rule, association President John Ruhl said.
I know that at 130+ posts, this is about to be a dead thread, but I was browing through some articles online about CCR, and just couldn’t help chuckling at they lyrics to “Fortunate Son”, and their uncanny resemblence to George W. Bush. I’m sure others have noticed the resemblence also.
As you will recall, Senator (and later President) George H.W. Bush pulled some strings to get his son, George W. Bush, out of the draft and instead into the Texas Air National Guard, where he was to bravely defend the shores of Texas from the pending invasion by godless communist Vietnamese hordes.
So in honor of the anonymous soldier who went to Vietnam in place of George W. Bush, I offer the following lyrics, authored by John Fogerty and performed by CCR:
“Some folks are born made to wave the flag,
Ooh, they’re red, white and blue.
And when the band plays “Hail to the chief”,
Ooh, they point the cannon at you, Lord,
It ain’t me, it ain’t me, I ain’t no senator’s son, son.
It ain’t me, it ain’t me; I ain’t no fortunate one, no,
Some folks are born silver spoon in hand,
Lord, don’t they help themselves, oh.
But when the taxman comes to the door,
Lord, the house looks like a rummage sale, yes,
It ain’t me, it ain’t me, I ain’t no millionaire’s son, no.
It ain’t me, it ain’t me; I ain’t no fortunate one, no.
Some folks inherit star spangled eyes,
Ooh, they send you down to war, Lord,
And when you ask them, “How much should we give?”
Ooh, they only answer More! more! more! yoh,
It ain’t me, it ain’t me, I ain’t no military son, son.
It ain’t me, it ain’t me; I ain’t no fortunate one, one.
It ain’t me, it ain’t me, I ain’t no fortunate one, no no no,
It ain’t me, it ain’t me, I ain’t no fortunate son, no no no.
NYT suddenly not goosestepping to the pretty pink koolaid comrades game plan?
Suddenly? What’s funny is the right still thinks the left worships the NY Times. If that was ever true, it ended a long time ago.
Richard Pope: I also read the Times article, referring to the King County Bar Association ratings.
I don’t vote in King County, so it doesn’t make much difference to me. And I know the bar ratings can be rather subjective, as are the Martindale-Hubbel rankings. If you tick off an opposing attorney and they happen to get the questionaire, they can do a lot of damage to you, and you’ll never even know who did it.
Also, being a judge is a completely different skill set than being a practicing lawyer, even a trial lawyer. A lot of medioctre lawyers would make great judges or law school professors, and a lot of great trial lawyers make terrible judges.
Since Roger Rabbit gave you his endorsement (as the best of three choices), I do feel compelled to ask: what is your experience with criminal law, other than your basic law school courses and the bar exam? It seems to me that misdemeaner criminal cases are the bread-and-butter of the King County District Court judge’s calander, and the very types of cases from which the incumbent Ottinger ran into trouble. Do you have enough experience in this area to avoid the problems which the incumbent encountered, and to avoid new problems as well?
hey rhp6033,
Are you old enough to have been caught-up in the Vietanm unpleasantness?
Antother TJ @ 140:
There are some good arguments for limited government and conservative values, but you won’t find them here.
All I can figure about our resident trolls is that they looove the abuse.
There are some good arguments for limited government and conservative values, but you won’t find them here.
Sadly, that’s true. If we’re going to be precise, *I* am more conservative than most of the trolls here. I believe government should be only as big as it needs to be, that change should happen slowly under most circumstances, that markets are a useful tool for distributing the benefits and costs of society, etc. Unfortunately, what conservatives have become is no longer conservative, but authoritarian.
All I can figure about our resident trolls is that they looove the abuse.
I’m very hesitant to guess their motives. I truly don’t understand what drives them to invest so much time and effort into being so consistently wrong.
I’ll ask the gnomes. :-)
TJ at 42: I had just turned 18 in the spring of 1975 when Saigon fell.
In March 1975 I was in Washington D.C. and met with Rep. Sen. Bill Brock, who assured me that the U.S. would “stay the course” with our S. Vietnamese allies, and do anything necessary to protect that government. This was while the S. Vietnamese government was collapsing, S. Vietnamese troops were shooting at refugee flights in a desperate attempt to get a seat on board, and it was clear that the S. Vietnamese government could not survive without a large-scale permananat U.S. troop presence.
When I informed Sen. Brock that there was no support among my classmates for a re-introduction of U.S. troops into Vietnam, he got rather red in the face, and yelled quite loudly that he was sure that the type of people I associated with were not representative of the fine, patriotic young people who would answer the call of their country if called upon to do so.
This resulted in a very silent room. You see, I was in Washington D.C. as part of a national conference of Explorers (older Boy Scouts), and all of us composed the Tennessee delegation to that convention (about 50 of us). In 1975, you could not have found a more likely conservative audience, but I was speaking for all of them. Bill Brock lost his attempt at re-election in 1976.
I spent most of my teenage years expecting to be drafted to fight in Vietnam. I registered for the draft at age 18, but when my wallet was stolen in Wash. D.C. and I went back to the draft board to get my draft card replaced, I was informed that they weren’t issuing any more, becuase they had alrady received orders to close the offices.
After I received my undergraduate degree, and while I was in graduate school, I volunteered for the reserves, but I flunked the physical due to very poor eyesight. They pointed out that if I lost my glasses I would be helpless, which was true.
Dang, “medioctre” obviously was a typo. I sure wish this forum had an edit function.
rhp6033, just for clarification purposes, that wasn’t me at 142; that was someone named A.J.
And also in # 145, I should have referred to “AJ” rather than “TJ” at 142.
By the way, I didn’t know previously that CCR’s John Fogerty was in the Army Reserves during much of his band’s successful years. He served six months of active duty, and then did two weeks a year for the remainder of his six year tour of duty.
I’m wondering how he handled the haircut problem. I guess if you only get one haircut a year, its not too hard to handle?
Commentby Seaman Recruit JCH — 9/7/06@ 8:00 pm
“howcanyoubePROUDtobeanASS…..Your post deserves “Post Of The Month” honors. The libs will hate, but understand as correct, every word of your post. Best regards, JCH”
Actually, Recruit, I think most of us enjoyed it, even if we were the target. It was well written and carefully thought out. I may not agree, but I got a good chuckle out of it, and there are a few very well-made points in it. Yes, I did like the first post better, but it was on “my side” and I think Howcanyoubeproud had less time to work on his. All-in-all, a very witty reply.
Your posts on the other hand, are just what we have all come to expect from you.
rhp @ 9:19am,
the KCBA statement speaks for itself.
Richard’s record at trial is very mixed, and does include several instances in which he scheduled conflicting trials, missed filings, etc. As you are aware, this crap does more than just piss off opposing counsel. It wastes a ton of court time and money (not to mention ripping off the client). No one who aspires to serve as a judge should bring frivoulous suits. What’s the definition of a frivolous suit?
At least one definition might be a suit you have no intention of ever bringing to trial, a suit you never even bother to do trial prep for, a suit you are managing so poorly that you don’t even notice when a trial date is set that conflicts with another trial on your calendar.
Now consider this. DC Judges calendars are packed. DC Judges must be efficient as hell and mow through those chippy little misdemeanor cases like a scythe through dry grass. That kind of pressure is what got Ottinger into trouble in the first place. There’s no time on those calendars to ponderously review criminal trial procedure or deal with secheduling confusion. Does it sound to you like Richard is prepared to manage such a case load?
JB, I wish I could take credit for it but alas, I can only take credir for passing it on…
Blogcritics.org August 03, 2005 …
but before you criticize, please note Dear Red States was not only unattributed but sloppily re-named and re-arranged from the original.
“Time to cut and run in Afghanistan too, Frenchfuck? ”
Unfortunately, Bush has created such a clusterfuck in both Iraq AND Afghanistan that what to do will be hard no matter what we do. There may come a time when, like in Iraq, when things are so fucked up that our presence causes more chaos than order. If that’s true, something somewhere on the continuum from redployment with a new strategy to complete withdrawal will be needed. At this point I just want to replace the idiots in charge with someone who a) knows what they’re doing and b) won’t let ideological blinders guide them.
Face it, these guys are hopeless. Bush-Cheney-Rumsfeld told us we are in the fight of our lives against a new Islamic fascism, and let’s have an unprecedented wartime tax cut and shrink our armed forces. They told us we are in the fight of our lives against a new Islamic fascism, but let’s send just enough troops to topple Saddam — and never control Iraq’s borders, its ammo dumps or its looters. They told us we are in the fight of our lives against a new Islamic fascism, but rather than bring Democrats and Republicans together in a national unity war coalition, let’s use the war as a wedge issue to embarrass Democrats, frighten voters and win elections. They told us we are in the fight of our lives against a new Islamic fascism — which is financed by our own oil purchases — but let’s not do one serious thing about ending our oil addiction.
Time for a change.
“ Just days shy of the fifth anniversary of the September 11th attacks, Al Jazeera released yet another video featuring Osama bin Laden – this time appearing on camera with a number of the hijackers who carried out those atrocities. “
“ The tape also contains “suicide statements” from two of the hijackers, who said they are attacking America to avenge the deaths of Muslims in Bosnia and Chechnya. Yes, you read that right – Bosnia and Chechnya. Not Israel, not the first Gulf War, not because of our troops stationed in Saudi Arabia. But Bosnia, where U.S. forces actually helped to save Muslims, and Chechnya, which is Russia’s fight with radical Islam. “
Hmm… Bosnia 1995
Hmm… Chechnya 1999
Hmm… Bush inaugeration, January 20, 2001
“I don’t belong to an organized political party. I’m a Democrat.” – Will Rogers.
Howcanyoubeproud 9/8/06@ 12:59 pm
No criticism from me. I still got a good chuckle, even if my side was the target.
Sometimes we take ourselves much too seriously, and if you hang out too much on these boards (either side’s boards) it becomes too easy to forget that most of the people on the “other side” are really pretty decent folks.
Don’t think that means I’ll give you even an inch of slack, however, when criticizing your positions or candidates. I just don’t see the purpose of demonizing everyone that doesn’t think exactly the way I do.
Oh, JB, don’t be shy. Tell us how you really feel…
What the Left Never Will Understand About the War on Terror
Written by JB Williams
“ The first thing liberals fail to understand is that war is a serious business. If you are not prepared to take a side, you had better not stand in the middle of the battle field. Sit it out and remain silent, because the minute you speak, you have taken a side, whether you meant to or not, and if you speak against your own, you have chosen the wrong side. This error in judgment among liberals has earned them the current title of un-American or even Al Qaeda
sympathizer. “
“ Wrong from the start, the left actually thinks that the war on international terrorism is all about one man, one terror network, one event, one country and one day. How many liberals have you heard ask the question, “What about Bin Laden?” or, “What did Iraq do to us?” or, refer to Iraq as the “wrong war” in the “wrong place”, a “departure from the war on terror” – a war which in their feeble minds, exists only in Afghanistan. “
“ This notion is akin to suggesting that WWII was only about Pearl Harbor. Like Pearl Harbor, 9/11 was just a calling card, an invitation to engage in a much bigger (world) problem. Like Pearl Harbor, 9/11 was not our first invitation to engage in what was fast becoming a world-wide threat. Like Pearl Harbor, it was an invitation we couldn’t afford to leave unanswered. “
“ We received an invitation to the war on terror as far back as 1979 in Tehran. We received several more invitations throughout the 80’s and 90’s. We were invited in no uncertain terms in 1993, when Bin Laden first attempted to level the World Trade Towers. We were invited again in 1995 by Hezbollah in Saudi Arabia and yet again by Bin Laden in Kenya and Tanzania in 1998. We received yet another open invitation to join the war against international terrorism in October of 2000 with the bombing of the USS Cole, again, courtesy of Al Qaeda. Meanwhile, much of the free world was already engaged. We declined to answer any of these invitations… “
“ We were not just patient in ignoring these invitations – we were cowardly and short sighted. Only when the invitation reached the massive intensity of 9/11, with nearly 3000 innocent American men, women and children dead, our financial center, defense center and government center under attack all at once, were we ready to accept these
invitations. “
“ A year before 9/11, the FBI had identified the New York Al Qaeda cell that would one year later, fly planes into the WTC, the Pentagon and even the White House, if not for the brave souls on Flight 93. But the Clinton administration looked at the threat as a “criminal” matter. That meant that the FBI and CIA could not share information concerning the New York cell and without proper warrants based on indisputable evidence, they did nothing… “
“ One year later, that cell killed almost 3000 American citizens with apparent ease and liberals still contend today, that the war on terror is a “criminal” matter. They insist that the terrorists have civil rights and that our courts, filled with frivolous law suits, is the place to deal with this threat. “
“ Despite numerous attacks and arrests all over the world, liberals still think that the war on international terrorism is limited to one man, Bin Laden, one network, Al Qaeda and one event, 9/11. Had we thought the same after Pearl Harbor, we would have leveled Japan and come home. Most of Europe would be speaking German and every Jew on earth would be baked to extinction. Most of the world would be living under communist rule and America would not be America today. “
“ Yet the leftists in control of the once great Democratic Party fail to see reality. When they search for the enemy, they only see Bush. When they plot their military strategy, they only see defeat. When you ask them about terrorists, they think you are talking about American soldiers and when you ask for their victory plans, retreat is their answer. The retreat plan was tried in Vietnam and we are still trying to justify that decision today. “
“ Prior to the Clinton administration, dangerous regimes like that in North Korea, Syria, China and Iran, had the desire but not the means to strike terror world-wide. By the time the Clinton’s left office, both China and North Korea had long range nuclear warheads, Iran and Syria were working on it. But liberals will tell you that Bush made America less safe, answering the invitation and taking the fight to the enemy on their soil. Has there been another successful attack in the US that I am unaware of? Not that it can’t still happen. That’s really the point. It can still happen and if we don’t get more serious about winning this war, it will. “
“ The Hussein regime in Iraq had terrorized its citizens and neighbors throughout the 90’s, broken every UN resolution ever written and played cat and mouse with UN inspectors until Hussein finally got bold enough to just toss them from Iraq, telling both Clinton and the UN to shove it. But according to leftists, they had Hussein “contained”. Doing UN paper work I guess? “
“ Today, as we head into the 2006 mid-term elections, liberals remind us that they have changed their collective minds about none of this. They still think the world wide war against international terrorism is about one man, one terror network, one country, one event and one day. They still believe it is a criminal matter for our police and our courts and they still insist that America, more specifically Bush and our military, are the real terrorists. They still believe that Bush lied, that Iranian, Syrian and Arabian terrorists killing innocent Iraqi citizens are just “civil insurgents” and that the central front in the war on terror, is a departure from the war on terror. “
“ Now if you can sleep well at night with your families’ lives in the hands of people like this, God Bless! Knock yourself out at election time. Vote yourself more money from the federal trough of socialist handouts and let the chips fall where they may on national security. “
“ But if on the other hand, like me, you have something to lose, something worth fighting for, someone to pass this country on to in one piece, then pay attention… “
“ Clearly, liberals don’t get it. They don’t like Bush’s war because they can’t begin to comprehend the very real world wide threat that Bush decided to confront on September 12, 2001. They don’t get it because unlike the rest of us, they see more wrong than right with America and therefore, nothing worthy of defense. They won’t fight because they don’t know how and that limits their thinking to faux diplomacy via the most corrupt institution on earth, the United Nations. “
“ They fear Bush more than Bin Laden. They trust those European nations that profited by keeping the most brutal regime on earth in business while holding the UN and US hostage as the international terror threat gathered global strength and reach. They trust the UN more than the US and firmly believe that we can negotiate peace with Muslim extremists willing to strap bombs on the chests of their grade school children and send them into a pizza parlor. “
“ In short, liberals don’t know anything at all about real American values or principles today and they know even less about what it takes to protect and preserve those principles and values for future generations. Therefore, the idea that they can be entrusted with upholding, protecting, defending and preserving the very principles that they spend every day attacking, is insane. But if insanity is your thing…go for it! “
“ NO! They just don’t get it… any of it – and apparently, no matter the mountain of evidence before them, they never will. “
“ Those they have trained to be federal dependents will vote for them no matter what. Those who can’t tell the difference between an American soldier and a real terrorist will vote for them too. Those who can’t read a butterfly ballot will vote for them. So will those just released from prison and even those without a pulse. “
“ People who believe that Americas “bubble of supremacy” needs to be “burst”, like billionaire socialist and currency wrecker George Soros will fund them, as will Hollywood limousine liberals, New England ketchup queens and tree dwelling former draft-dodgers in the North West. “
“ And that’s why the rest of us better show up on Election Day… “
From Suskind’s “The One Percent Doctrine,” regarding bin Laden’s October 29, 2004 videotape:
“At the five o’clock meeting, [deputy CIA director] John McLaughlin opened the issue with the consensus view: ‘Bin-Laden certainly did a nice favor today for the President.'”
and Jami Miscik, CIA deputy associate director for intelligence, responded:
“Certainly, he would want Bush to keep doing what he’s doing for a few more years.”
Hmm… I wonder why bin Laden would continue to offer the GOP campaign help.
“I don’t belong to an organized political party. I’m a Democrat.” – Will Rogers.
Commentby howcanyoubePROUD— 9/8/06@ 2:28 pm
Ok, you asked how I really feel, here it is.
“ The first thing liberals fail to understand is that war is a serious business. If you are not prepared to take a side, you had better not stand in the middle of the battle field. Sit it out and remain silent, because the minute you speak, you have taken a side, whether you meant to or not, and if you speak against your own, you have chosen the wrong side. This error in judgment among liberals has earned them the current title of un-American or even Al Qaeda sympathizer.”
Ah, but what conservatives fail to understand is that to disagree with the tactics of a battle is not the same as to disagree that the battle should be fought. While we on the left have a very few “moonbats” that think that anything America does is wrong, most liberals simply think that the tactics we are using are not just wrong, but are actually hurting our cause (stopping global terrorism). If we think that the current tactics are ineffective or worse, we would be criminally negligent if we did not object.
“We received an invitation to the war on terror as far back as 1979 in Tehran” (several other examples given)
And, contrary to the author’s contention, we answered all of them, in ways that were slowly building relationships and allies in that fight. Ramsey Yousev (spelling uncertain) is currently rotting in jail, other various terrorists are also in various other jails. Saddam Hussain, evil bastard that he was, was effectively frustrated and contained.
To make an analogy, if there are gang members terrorizing your street, you can run out the door swinging a baseball bat and try to chase them off – or – you can organize a neighborhood watch, meet the parents of the gang members and try to defuse the situation.
The first way might even work for a while, but not for long. It is far more emotionally satisfying than the second way, and gives an immediate feeling of accomplishment, but it doesn’t solve the problem. The gang members will be back, in greater force.
The second method is slow and frustrating. Some folks will stand up and say “why aren’t we DOING something?”, but it’s more likely to solve the problem.
“They fear Bush more than Bin Laden.”
In some ways, yes. Bin Laden only has the power to kill limited numbers of Americans. This is a terrible thing, but President Bush has the power to diminish our precious civil liberties for generations. Speaking only for myself here, “Give me liberty or give me death” is more than a phrase in the history books. It is the way I think. I put my tender pink skin on the line for many years to defend that liberty, and I’m not willing to give it up to gain some temporary security.
History teaches us that we are far more likely to lose that liberty to an internal threat than we are to some external enemy. The Germans, Spaniards,and Italians did not lose their liberty from some external enemy. Further back, the Russians and French did not lose their fledgling republics to external enemies. It was home-grown “leaders” that convinced the people to give up those precious liberties.
“In short, liberals don’t know anything at all about real American values or principles today”
Perhaps not. Perhaps security is more important than liberty to Americans today. I hope not, because if that is true, I really don’t understand the priorities of today’s America. Still, I’m not going down without a fight.
And that, friend, is what I really think.
Ok, you asked how I really feel, here it is.
And that, friend, is what I really think. -Commentby John Barelli— 9/8/06@ 6:55 pm
LOL John Barelli… I just knew you’d read that wrong…
I was actually commenting on the stridency and passion of the AUTHOR of the piece…
What the Left Never Will Understand About the War on Terror
Written by JB WilliamsJB… allllll those bold QUOTE marks…
Too funny.
I’ll go back and read PAST the 1st line of your ‘rebuttal’ now…
Fair enough John… you argue quite eloquently.
However, No one has yet been able to name one single liberty they have lost under the policies of President Bush.
Not one.
Secondly, the terrorists that despise all of us, liberal and conservative, Christian and Jew, black, white, rich, poor, educated or uneducated would care even LESS for our civil liberties. Their goals are to destroy us or CONVERT us to their way of thinking. It seems to me forcing women to hide in burkas is far more ‘civil liberty’ diverting than monitoring overseas phone calls and banking records of terrorist supporters.
Personally, I will give them written PERMISSION to monitor my phone, email, banking transactions… whatever, if it would keep my children safe because I have nothing to hide. But I also find it totally unnecessary because, as I said, no one has yet been able to claim even one liberty they have lost.
Bin Ladens power is not his ability to pick off a few Americans at his pleasure.
His true power is the devisiveness he foments… successfully I might add.
His power is the fear of unknown terror.
His power is in convincing stupid little sheep that they will gain some otherworldly glory by sacrificing themselves now.
His power is convincing them their only worth can be claimed by their death in his name.
Talking to your neighborhood bullys is just grand.
But first you have to get their attention.
Granny with her baseball is attention getting.
And, contrary to the author’s contention, we answered all of them, in ways that were slowly building relationships and allies in that fight.
And the terror attack against America did not stop. how many Americans died at the hands of terrorists since all that talking began? Is there a magic number that indicates too many before giving up on talking?
Since we went to Afghanistan, since we went to Iraq, there has not been a terror attack against America.
Talk only “works” if the other guy listens, cares about what he hears and has something to lose if he doesn’t listen.
I’m glad those guys are in jail. However did you happen to catch that Hezbollah struck BECAUSE Israel had a couple of the Hezbollah guys in their jail?
Organized terror against a country is an act or WAR and must be responded to as such.
Do you know any Holocaust survivors? Have you ever met or known anyone with a Holocaust tatoo on their arm? Ask them how much solace they found when the Nazi’s were acquited, when the Nazi’s were given 20 years imprisonment, or even when the Nazi’s were given life. Ask them if that was solace enough for the purposeful butchering of their parents, their children, their siblings.
161 – Yeah and bin Laden seems to have complete power over YOU to shutdown your worthless BRAIN!!!
By the way, why’s he still running loose?
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