Our good friend Tim Eyman showed up at the Secretary of State’s office this morning with only a “thin handful” of R-65 petitions. A veteran Capitol press corps reporter tells me that Timmy basically just used the assembled print journalists and TV cameras as an opportunity to plug his other initiative. He says he’ll be back tomorrow at 4pm. Uh-huh.
Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me.
I’d been predicting R-65’s failure for weeks, and told anybody who asked that I thought today’s event was a stunt along the lines of I-864. My reporter friend acknowledged: “Good call on your part.” Yet, the reporters still showed up and gave Timmy the forum he wanted.
Over on Slog, The Stranger’s Eli Sanders is justifiably outraged over being lured down to Olympia on a lie. The assembled reporters were furious, Sanders reports, but Eyman was unapologetic. “There’s no such thing as bad press, that’s the reality,” Eyman told Sanders.
So to my friends in the media I’d like to suggest that you take Timmy at his word one last time, and refuse to give him any coverage at all. Zero. Zilch. Nada. No clips on the news, no column inches in the paper… not even to curse him out. The guy just dissed you. (Again.) Don’t reward him.
Can the press resist? Sanders wonders the same thing:
Bottom line: This was one of the most unprincipled press conferences I’ve ever seen, and my sense is that the reporters whose time was wasted this morning are furious. I hesitate to even write about it, given Eyman’s “no such thing as bad press” mantra, but I do think it’s important to give a sense of how dishonest he’s willing to be in order to get a camera in front of him. It will be interesting to see how the dailies and the television stations handle this stunt
It is as difficult for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven as it is for a camel to jump through the eyman of a needle. For he who has ears…
Ahhhhhhh, what a shame.
Camera Slut Tim didn;t have the sigs.
Eli Sanders rips Timmy another one on the Slog.
Eyman must be one of our trolls, he sounds like them.
I hope that whatever drug Mr. Eyman is on is legal. I don’t engage in illegal drug use, and I want some of whatever he’s takin’.
Oops, Goldy jumped the gun again. Was the 2004 election stolen? No.
Postman from the Times pointed out that Eyman also wasted taxpayer money with his little stunt:
Sorry for the long link. One of these days I’ll take a few minutes to learn how to embed links.
MONTREAL — Oprah Winfrey is about to receive the custom-built, $42 million executive jet she ordered from Bombardier Aerospace, a Canadian newspaper reported. The talk-show host’s production company, Harpo, is paying for the Global Express XRS jet, which will have seating for about 10 passengers, the Montreal newspaper La Presse reported. [……………………………………………………..But, but, but what about global warming and fossil fuels!! I guess being black trumps environmental wackcos every time.]
You know, this whole stunt makes one think:
Eyman loves being the center of attention.
Eyman loves dressing up.
Eyman “real job” is selling jewlery (watches).
It would seem that Eyman needs to come out of the closet and stop hating himself.
“ The assembled reporters were furious, “
“ the reporters whose time was wasted this morning are furious. “
Cry me a liberal river… the fact of the matter is, it is their JOB to cover the news… not make it or whine over it.
What’s next, a Batman costume?
Sounds a lot like a typical Bush press conference: Another $200 billion down the tubes, and nothing to show for it.
Franklin Raines, CEO, Fannie Mae, Clinton Hack,…………………….William J Jefferson, DEMOCRAT, LA,…………………………Cynthia McKinney, DEMOCRAT GA……………………………..[hehe] JCH
VP Dick Cheney [Just another ChickenHawk] (I’m not too drunk to shoot):
Wow, back from fleet week. Turn a lot of tricks? Still insisting that just because you blow sailore you are “in the navy?”
And, since I don’t know if Oprah has a position on Global Warming, and I’m pretty sure you don’t know either, why do you insist on making another one of your racist attacks? I take it you still can not find a big black man to give you the hard loving that you really want.
Boy, how many self-loathing gays are on the right anyway?
Thanks for the link, LoonyLeft. Here’s what the article says:
” … before getting to exit polls I want to make two things clear. First, despite its weaknesses, the Kennedy article raises some important and troubling questions about real problems in Ohio in 2004. As Ohio State University Law Professor Dan Tokaji puts it, the article is ‘useful in exposing how shoddy election administration practices can result in lost votes, and how some recently enacted laws will make things worse rather than better.’
“The summary of problems deserving attention includes long lines in minority precincts, efforts of the Republican Party to selectively challenge (or ‘cage’) new registrants and the many examples of pure incompetence by local election officials. And then there is partisanship of Republican Secretary of State Ken Blackwell … Blackwell will need to answer to Ohio voters for … having ‘used his powers for partisan gain,’ issuing ‘a series of arbitrary and capricious voting and registration rules that could well have disenfranchised many people in the state’ ….
“Second, … I have never argued that the exit polls can be used to rule out or disprove the possibility that vote fraud may have occurred in Ohio or anywhere else during in 2004. The question has always been whether the exit polls provide affirmative evidence that fraud did in fact occur. This involves a very basic concept of statistical inquiry: We assume no effect until one can be proven, or more technically, we assume a ‘null hypothesis’ until we can prove some alternative. The same principle exists in law as the presumption of innocence. We do not assume a crime has been committed and work backwards to try to disprove it. We presume innocence until enough evidence has been established to prove guilt.”
6 (postscript)
P.S., for the sake of truth-in-advertising, how about changing your screen name to LoonyRight? That describes you much better.
Ahhh … but it’s OK to waste taxpayer money, as long as it’s being wasted for a right-wing cause.
LooneyRight @ 6:
Thanks for the link. Unlike most wingnuts, you tried to back up your point. Just a shame you didn’t read the article:
But before getting to exit polls I want to make two things clear. First, despite its weaknesses, the Kennedy article raises some important and troubling questions about real problems in Ohio in 2004. As Ohio State University Law Professor Dan Tokaji puts it, the article is “useful in exposing how shoddy election administration practices can result in lost votes, and how some recently enacted laws will make things worse rather than better.”
Oops, sucks to be you.
Goldy do not forget the Fremont fair this month you could get some support on stoping the school closure.
Roger and his friends at the Fremont Festival Fair. June 17 will be the next event so all show up and take pictures of Roger and his toothless friends.
Roger daughter leading him down the street with a leash.
Some Seattle finest citizens on praide.
These chaps are on the FBI 10 most wanted in Seattle
Showing of Seattle mayors newest car.
Wow…, Great minds, eh?
JCH — why should Republicans be the only people who can deduct private jets as “business expenses?” Why can’t Oprah have a jet and deduct it? Why not Kerry, too? Republicans want a monopoly on every fucking thing.
Fairs fair, you should change the headline of this post to “Eyman Lies, Again!”
Now that you’ve updated (updated, updated, updated – :-) ) your post to include the David Postman comments, could you remove my post above? Thanks.
Re #23, of course, I mean the current #7, not #5. That #5’s gold!
Hey Goldy, why not “bring down” some old petitions for having Eyeman declared a horses ass, and stand right next to him during his next press conference scam. We’ll see who gets the most footage. HAH
timmy is such a jerk…
At times like this I remember the post I did earlier this year,“Deceiving Tim Eyman,” which told a story about how Tim was on the receiving end, for once. I can’t figure out how to hyperlink, so just go to February 19, 2006 on http://www.howieinseattle.com.
here you go Howie:
howieinseattle: Deceiving Tim Eyman (UPDATED)
David @ http://www.homesteadbook.com/blog
Franklin Raines, CEO, Fannie Mae, Clinton Hack,…………………….William J Jefferson, DEMOCRAT, LA,…………………………Cynthia McKinney, DEMOCRAT GA……………………………..[hehe] JCH
” … the fact of the matter is, it is their JOB to cover the news …”
That’s right, Ass, and Timmy’s press conference isn’t news, it’s a waste of the reporters’ time. It’s the moral equivalent of a patient booking an appointment with a doctor, showing up at the appointed time, and announcing he doesn’t need to see a doctor and isn’t going to pay for the appointment. He’s just wasted half an hour of someone else’s time on their dime.
You picked a good screen name for yourself. You are indeed an Ass.
“Wow…, Great minds, eh?” Commentby JDB— 6/5/06@ 2:10 pm
They’d probably do ok in a head-to-head competition with gnats.
OK, howcanyoubePROUDtobeanEVILfuckingchristianistBITCH-
So yer little anti-homo hatefest fizzled out. Boo Fucking Hoo.
Do not give up hope!
Your wonderful Captian Codpiece, Chickenshit in Chief is RIDING TO THE RESCUE on his trusty mountain bike!!!
Your courageous defense of the 136 year old definition of marriage in the US is safely in the hands of these dedicated public servants:
(from Steve Guilliard’s NewsBlog) http://stevegilliard.blogspot......de-of.html
Ah, on hate the homos day, it’s good to remember what kind of upstanding people the GOP is comprised of.
Let’s start with the Bush family.
George W: Admitted boozehound and former playboy. Reportedly had a drug and alcohol problem.Rumors of cavorting with Mexican prosititutes and paying for one abortion
George H.W.: Reportedly chased hookers during his oil days. Hired mistress to work in White House
Jeb: Reported estranged from wife, rumors of affairs with several women, including Katharine Harris.
George P.: Arrested for driving on lawn of ex-girlfriend’s family
Barbara: Reportedly consorts with homosexuals, reported drug use,arrested for underage drinking
Jenna: Reported drug use, multiple abortions,consorts with homosexuals, public drunkeness.
Doro: Divorced, consorts with homosexuals-dated David Drier for year.
Neilsie: Whoremonger, adulterer, cheated on wife with mother’s help. Ex-wife had to threaten blackmail to get divorce settlement
Laura: Reputed marijuana dealer,killed boyfriend while driving
$$$ GOP officials $$$
Dick Cheney: Consorts with homosexuals, shot man in hunting accident
Lynne Cheney: Wrote novel praising homosexuality, consorts with homosexuals
Karl Rove: Reportedly has a mistress
Ken Mehlman: Consosrts with homosexuals, when asked about being heterosexual, he refused to discuss it.
Michael Scanlon: Cheated on girlfriend
Newt Gingrich: Filed for divorce from first wife while she was being treated for cancer, divorced second wife while she was being treated for cancer, married third wife who was 29 at the time. Wrote book on christian marriage with second wife.
Robert Ray: former Clinton prosecutor, charged wih stalking girlfriend while he was married.
Bill Bennett: Degenerate gambler, rumored to be client of dominatrix
Rudy Giuliani: Serial adulterer,married third cousin, consorts with homosexuals, paid off first mistress with high paying city job, married second mistress. Told wife of seperation via New York newspapers. Removed security team from children. Introduced mistress on Mother’s Day 2000. Called wife “greedy pig” for seeking just settlement.
Claude Allen: Arrested in shoplifting scam, rumored to consort with homosexuals
Jeff Gannon: Manwhore
Randy Cunningham: reportedly held parties where prosititutes were on offer
Dusty Foggo: Reportedly attend prostitute parties
Porter Goss: Also attended parties
Frank Figueroa: Accused of masturbating in front of 16 year old girl
$$$ GOP Politicians $$$
Don Sherwood: choked mistress
John Spencer: impregnated staff member while married, accused of bigamy by opponent.
Bob Livingston: Left house under cloud,rumored client of domninatrix
Henry Hyde: had mistress
Joe Scarbough: staffer turns up dead in office
Jack Ryan: tried to force actress wife to have sex in Parisian sex club
Jim West: closeted homosexual. Tried to hire intern for homosexual relations
Rick Perry: rumored to consort with homosexuals
Dan Burton: had illegitimate child with mistress
John Schmitz: former Congressman, serial adulterer and possible insectuous father. Daughter,Mary Kay LeTourneau abandoned four kids and husband to have a sexual affair with a 12 year old boy, whom she was impregnated by and later married.
Bill Thomas: adulterer with lobbyist
David Dreier-Consortswith homosexuals, rumored to be having homosexual sex with chief of staff.
Boy Oh Boy…your precious hatred, unreasonable FEAR and bigotry ARE in great hands with these upstanding, unquestionably MORAL servants of the christianist movement!
If only Eyman would have had a “Mission Accmplished” sign…
Sinking to JCH’s level a bit aren’t we?
Rujax is JCH….with 90% LESS brainpower!
I think its hilarious. The press got caught in their own info-stampede.
The loser of the debate gets bitch-slapped.
Ewwwwwwwwww….and Goldy bruises like a peach!
Dick Cheney: Consorts with homosexuals ETC ETC ETC
Commentby Rujax206— 6/5/06@ 2:53 pm
“Consorts with homosexuals”? Since when was that a crime?
Where did you get your source material from? Fred Phelps’ GODHATESFAGS.COM? Sure sounds like some trash that Phelps would come up with …
Rujax206 has invented practically a brand new expression. If you Google “consorts with homosexuals”, you only get about three or four hits.
You are accusing rujax of being anencephalic.
That is beyond the pale.
Wow — even Fred Phelps hasn’t thought of using the term “consorts with homosexuals”. You certainly have to give Rujax206 credit for furthering the language of bigotry.
v. con·sort·ed, con·sort·ing, con·sorts (kn-sôrt)
v. intr.
1. To keep company; associate: a politician known to consort with gangsters.
2. To be in accord or agreement.
Assciating with homosexuals is some new concept? Give me a break.
Tim Eyman either had enough signatures this morning, or he will never have enough. Nothing in between.
If he already had enough signatures, he gets a bunch of extra publicity from this morning’s stunt.
If he never gets enough signatures, hopefully he will fade off into the sunset. It would be a travesty if he comes up with a pathetic excuse to promote one of his initiative measures aimed at repealing HB 2661 — i.e. give me another month to come up with twice as many signatures for an initiative.
Looks like Eyman filed about 21 different initiative measures this year, together with 4 referendum measures. Amazing what someone can do with a $5.00 these days (the filing fee to file one with the Secretary of State).
Maybe Goldy should get into the initiative filing game as well. Just costs $5.00 to get a ballot number and ballot title synopsis, with free posting on the Secretary of State website. Never mind that signature gathering is extremely time consuming and rarely ever gets done without a lot of money.
Goldy could sponsor an initiative to reverse the decision of the Seattle School District to close Graham Hill School. And to guarantee all white liberal Democrats in Seattle the right to send their children to a majority white public school.
It’s even easier to file an initiative than to file to run for elective office, isn’t it?
It might be cheaper, but it is not easier. You have to write the initiative, then cooperate with the code reviser on its wording, then wait for the ballot title to be prepared, then probably go to court over the wording of the ballot title. A minimum of a $5.00 filing fee and a round trip to Olympia — and at least one more if there is a court hearing on the ballot title. The cost of gasoline is pretty high these days. And without signatures, the only publicity you are guaranteed to get is a few lines on the Secretary of State website.
Now, if you want to run for — let’s say Port of Seattle Commissioner, that is only a $60 filing fee and filing a simple piece of paper. You can write a voter pamphlet statement — 300 words saying whatever you like, and get it mailed out to over 700,000 households — probably closer to a million — in King County at public expense. You get guaranteed a place on the primary ballot, at the very minimum.
Or someone like Goldy could run for Seattle School Board — although his District 7 isn’t up for election again until 2009. He wouldn’t even have to pay a filing fee, since the position has no salary. He could write a voter pamphlet statement, and rant and rave all he wanted to about his daughter no longer being able to attend a majority white school program. Unfortunately, his statement would only go to his district (1/7 of the people) in the primary, so he would have to make it to the general election for everyone in Seattle to consider his message.
Wassamaddah Poop-
Hittin’ a little too close to home?
Wassamaddah Poop-
Hittin’ a little too close to home?
Commentby Rujax206— 6/5/06@ 3:53 pm
What’s wrong with “consorting with homosexuals”? You make it sound like some sort of sexual thing. In reality, most of the people you accuse of “consorting with homosexuals” merely have friends, relatives, or associates who are homosexual.
Roger one of your friends did this post on the Seattle PI. He sounds like he was educated in Seattle or Evergreen College. Like some folks on this blog afraid to post their real names “fear”. Maybe you can help him out with his argument. His spelling is as bad as my own but lacks any knowledge about the subject matter. They must have taught Pease, Love, Sex, and Rock and Roll, but forgot to introduce anything to survive in this world.
Posted by progressivebulldog at 6/5/06 7:29 a.m.
Mr. Lebeau,
So do you think sending poeple to die for control of oil and bigger profits for Halliburton is evil? Do you think invading a country who posed absolutely no threat to us and killing perhpas 100,000 people is evil? Do you think detaining prisoners without trial and tortuing them is evil?
Maybe you truly believe that this is a “just war” but these protestors do not. They are willing to stand against a war that they feel IS evil. Sure it would be easier for them to stay home, maybe toss back a few beers and gripe but instead they did something.
Sure it didn’t stop anything this time but maybe their example will inspire others who will, in turn, inspire even more.
You say you will be going to Iraq within a year? I hope that you come back whole, physically and emotionally. Maybe you’ll be lucky and this quaqmire will end before then.
Actually, it would be pretty easy to fake signatures on a referendum or initiative. Under WAC 434-250-120(3), you merely need someone to make a mark — i.e. “X” — instead of the voter’s signature, then having two people sign as witnesses. The witnesses don’t have to be identified, nor do their signatures need to be legible.
This happens all the time with absentee ballots, and the supposed “X” mark is never questioned, so long as two apparent signatures are also contained. Stefan even showed one person who was apparently voted under two registrations in his own name — once with his own apparent signature, and again with an “X” with two illegible witness signatures. This may have been one of Christine Gregoire’s 119 vote “victory” margin.
It would be much easier to do with initiatives and referenda. To do this with an absentee ballot, you have to physically get hold of (perhaps steal) someone else’s ballot. To do this at the polls, someone has to appear in person and impersonate another. But to do this on a petition, you simple need to take their name and address from the Secretary of State database.
You could even outsource the forgery work to a foreign country, so the forgers don’t have to worry so much about actual prosecution. The workers don’t even need to understand English — they can be trained on what to do in their native language.
But we have people advocating that the right to vote is precious, and suspicious ballots or voter registrations under similar bizarre circumstances must be counted, no matter what.
It is hilarious hearing reporters talk about principles. To see you, Goldy, write of the poor, put-upon press shows your essential youth and impressionability.
Not ready for prime time, babe.
Actually klake, progressivebulldog’s spelling is far better than yours.
Maybe Timmy was trying to help…er, “enhance” the effect the Republicans are hoping to get from their push for their “sanctity-of-marriage” amendment, which here in Washington would be to cement the homophobe vote in Clark County for McGavick. Well, let’s all set out to make sure that as many people as possible get to see that priceless photograph of Tim and his pot-bellied acolytes playing Halloween dress-up. (Hey, Tim! that codpiece looks even sillier than the one in Bush’s “mission accomplished” flight suit.)
Geez, I can’t believe it. The fucking world is going to END because of global warming, and here’s Goldy complaining about the tactics of a guy who runs initiatives.
Where the fuck are your priorities goldy?
Can someone get an Emperor Palpatine costume, and a Sith hand lightning generator, to greet Tim Eyman’s next public appearance?
From today’s paper:
“Feds go easy on medical privacy violations
“19,420 complaints filed, no fines imposed
“Government says it prefers voluntary compliance”
“Pentagon wants to drop ban on ‘degrading treatment'”
“Global warming may make Seattle grayer
“UW simulations suggest that increased clouds in springtime, more scorchers in summer and water-supply problems may be in store for the Northwest.”
Well Poop, Ol’ Buddy,
The purpose of my post as you would surmise is to skewer our dear old christianist dominionist biddie…ProudAss.
I AM known to be a father (of a member of a same sex couple) a friend and relative of some wonderful people who are atracted to, and have fine lives and relationships with significant others of the same gender.
I celebrate their lives and loves with them!
Straight myself (but not narrow), I do not “consort” in the way that is insinuated in my cite.
I find it absolutely hilarious when those who rail most loudly about the “EVILS” of same-sex liasons turn out to be practitioners of same.
The Boston Globe reported yesterday that the ABA’s Board of Governors unanimously voted yesterday to “investigate whether President Bush has exceeded his constitutional authority in reserving the right to ignore more than 750 laws that have been enacted since he took office.”
Bush typically attaches “signing statements” to congressional enactments asserting, in effect, that he doesn’t have to comply with laws he signs.
According to the Boston Globe article, “Among the laws Bush has challenged are the ban on torturing detainees, oversight provisions in the USA Patriot Act, and “whistle-blower” protections for federal employees.”
For complete story and copyright information, click here: http://www.boston.com/news/nat.....hallenges/
When the ABA, many of whose members are Republicans and which is almost as conservative as the American Medical Association, gets concerned enough about Bush’s lawless behavior to launch an investigation into whether he’s violating the Constitution, you can be damn sure something stinks in D.C.
If there’s any remaining doubt about where the torture authorization came from, Bush’s insistence that he has a right to torture detainees despite federal laws to the contrary is the smoking gun.
“Now, if you want to run for – let’s say Port of Seattle Commissioner, that is only a $60 filing fee and filing a simple piece of paper. You can write a voter pamphlet statement – 300 words saying whatever you like, and get it mailed out to over 700,000 households – probably closer to a million – in King County at public expense. You get guaranteed a place on the primary ballot, at the very minimum.”
Richard — is this a sneaky way of advertising your law practice at taxpayer expense? It’s pretty clear from your track record that you have no burning desire to actually get elected to, or serve in, any of the public offices you filed for.
Oh Oh…Chimpy lost the Log Cabin Republicans.
“But we have people advocating that the right to vote is precious, and suspicious ballots or voter registrations under similar bizarre circumstances must be counted, no matter what.”
Are you referring to the military ballots that didn’t satisfy Flordia’s legal requirements to be counted, but which were counted anyway, in 2000?
Is there ANYBODY (besides howcanyoubePROUDtobeanEVILfuckingchristianistBITCH of course) who can STAND this asshole anymore?
Are you referring to the military ballots that didn’t satisfy Flordia’s legal requirements to be counted, but which were counted anyway, in 2000?
Commentby Roger Rabbit— 6/5/06@ 4:52 pm
There is a federal court decision from many years back requiring Flordiaa to count overseas and military ballots for federal offices, if received within 10 days after electiond day.
While Flordia statutes are different, the U.S. Constitution and laws are the supreme law of the land. So a federal court decision becomes part of “Flordia’s legal requirements”.
Flordia is a great tourist destination, especially Walt Dinsey World and Maimi Beach.
“Dinsey” World? That’s truer than you know.
Dinsey World is in Flordia. Woger Wabbit said so himself.
who cares if taxpayer dollars get wasted? Apparently not the guys down at DSHS, who can’t explain where millions went.
Nor the Neoconvicts in Iraq who cannot account for tens of millions. . . .
Mark the Theiving Redneck,
“Geez, I can’t believe it. The fucking world is going to END because of global warming, and here’s Goldy complaining about the tactics of a guy who runs initiatives.”
Hey, Thief, your inability to comprehend is because suffer from a bad case of attention deficit disorder. Wingnut fucks tend to have that problem.
The rest of us are capable of multitasking. We have to be…there is a lot of Wingnut shit to clean up after 6 years of Wingnut incompetence and failure of leadership.
Try focusing on this, fuckface. You made a $100 bet with Goldy last year. You lost. You admitted you had a bet, and you admitted you lost. But you still haven’t paid up!
Keep focusing on that thread, dipshit, and you might just figure out what the next step is (if you have any sense if honor, anyway).
Perhaps Tim Eyman should have waited until tomorrow, 6/6/06, when he could have come dressed as the Anti-Christ to deliver his signatures. Why be a dark lord of the Sith when you can be the original Prince of Darkness?
Ken Camp @ 70
Excellent point!
Are you referring to the military ballots that didn’t satisfy Flordia’s legal requirements to be counted, but which were counted anyway, in 2000?
Commentby Roger Rabbit— 6/5/06@ 4:52 pm
There is a federal court decision from many years back requiring Flordiaa to count overseas and military ballots for federal offices, if received within 10 days after electiond day.
While Flordia statutes are different, the U.S. Constitution and laws are the supreme law of the land. So a federal court decision becomes part of “Flordia’s legal requirements”.
Flordia is a great tourist destination, especially Walt Dinsey World and Maimi Beach.
Commentby Richard Pope— 6/5/06@ 4:58 pm
Thanks for reminding us. This is not suprising from the dems but some of us forget. Remember Democrats = voter fraud.
“There is a federal court decision from many years back requiring Flordiaa to count overseas and military ballots for federal offices, if received within 10 days after electiond day.
While Flordia statutes are different, the U.S. Constitution and laws are the supreme law of the land. So a federal court decision becomes part of “Flordia’s legal requirements”.
Commentby Richard Pope— 6/5/06@ 4:58 pm
That’s not what I’m talking about, Richard. I’m talking about Florida military ballots that were not legal under ANY standard because they lacked postmarks, lacked signatures, etc.
But not to worry, the GOP’s grip on the military vote is weakening. This article http://www.washingtonmonthly.c.....wells.html, published in 2003, is now a bit dated BUT things are not going any better for Republicans; the troops are now being told they’ll be in Iraq for the foreseeable future, and certainly won’t come home on this president’s watch.
My money is still on our military getting out of Iraq before they receive thier next ballot from a liberal voting district.
So here we have it. The right wing taliban wing of the GOP fails again. This is a strong message to the hate-filled right. Your ideas aren’t welcome here in free Washington. We don’t want or need you. Your filth. You’re cowards. You’re a disgrace and again, we beat you like a drum. You and Timmy deserve each other. And he wasted your tax money – that’s the funniest part of all this.
“My money is still on our military getting out of Iraq before they receive thier next ballot from a liberal voting district.”
Sure…but who gives a fuck…you’re an idiot!
Ah go read the Boston Globe until you find a copy of Kerry’s medical records would ya. hehe
Rugrat the self-sufficient, “self-abuse”-ing homosexual.
Tell us Rugrat, tell us why you don’t trust your fellow citizens.
“Bill Bennett: Degenerate gambler, rumored to be client of dominatrix”
Oh, dear Lordy…that’s gonna give me nightmares.
That’s not what I’m talking about, Richard. I’m talking about Florida military ballots that were not legal under ANY standard because they lacked postmarks, lacked signatures, etc.
Commentby Roger Rabbit— 6/5/06@ 8:42 pm
There weren’t enough of those kinds of overseas/military ballots, by themselves, to change the outcome of the Florida race for President.
Yes, the total number of overseas/military ballots received in the 1st through 10th days after the November 2000 general election would have changed the winner in Florida. But not the problem ballots you are referring to.
As for missing postmarks, these were usually on ballots sent through the military mail system. No postage is required on such ballots if sent through military mail, so many military mail facilities didn’t postmark them.
In any event, please tell me exactly which elected officials were in charge of the military in November 2000, when those ballots should have been postmarked?
As I recall, Katherine Harris made a ruling that military ballots without postmarks had to be counted if received by the 10th day after the election.
Al Gore — who was one of the two federal elected officials in charge of the military at the time — did not challenge Harris’ ruling (for obvious reasons — why should he profit by the mistakes and omissions of his subordinates?).
The Republicans were prepared to take this particular issue to federal court. Had this happened, they would have certainly won — for the same reasons that a prior federal judge had ordered Florida to count military ballots received by the 10th day after the election. (The prior federal court ruling did not address ballots which did not contain postmarks at all.)
I seriously doubt that Florida counted ANY ballots that the voters neglected to sign. Unlike Washington, Florida doesn’t have any mechanism to correct such voter neglect.
Really now, the Darth Vader suit is a little over the top, Tim.
The news media fooled by Tim Eyman? Tell me it aint so! They’ve been giving him a free ride for years. And lately the lazy Seattle PI has been giving him all the attention he needs and asked all of us to check our brains at the door along with them.
I just came back from a meeting of the log cabin republicans. Saw Klake, Pope and surprisingly, Janet S who turns out to be a tranny. Ms. Cynical was there sporting her latest boob job and JCH was in the back room turning tricks. The platform of the log cabin republicans is to be gay but then attack gay marraige hoping it will distract America from the failed war in Iraq, Bush’s failure to find Osama, the high gas prices, loss of jobs to overseas workers, staggering deficits, corruption at every level of the republican party, record trade deficits and America’s failed health care system.
Who is the fat guy to the left of Darth? He needs to go on a diet for evil henchmen.
Goldy, you’re a phoney. You predicted R-65 would not have enough signatures to make the ballot??? Was that after Eyman announced he did not think he’d get enough signatures?? Yes Goldy it was. You’re an idiot and a lair….typical Liberal-
RE #84:
Don’t forget that they need to distract from the 4.6% unemployment, record home ownership and lack of terrorists smashing planes into buildings.
Talk about distracting, can one of you libs please get me some ice cream from William Jefferson’s (D-LA) freezer and a tupperware container of bribe money while your there?
As for Osama, why bother getting him for you liberals? When you were offered him the first time, your fallacio addicted idol didn’t want him.
I remember Goldy’s prediction. He made it before Eyman made a comment, based on a review of the financial reports. He pointed out that Eyman had raised only a paltry sum for this initiative, and there was clearly not enough money to pay for signature gatherers. Absent a huge groundswell of public support, only paid signature gatherers can collect the numbers needed, he pointed out. It was a couple of weeks later that Eyman conceded that he likely wouln’t get enough signatures, and was counting on the cburches to collect signatures for him if he had any chance at all.
I say Timmy doesn’t have enough signatures for R-65, and still won’t in another 7-1/2 hours when he has rescheduled his appointment with the Secretary of State.
The GOP and the fundamentalist pastor alliance should never have thrown in their lot with this false prophet. Instead of taking the bull by the horns on fighting HB 2661, they let Timmy take them by the balls on a grandstanding tour.
Pastors like Joe Fuiten and Ken Hutcherson really lacked the courage of their convictions in this matter. They should have been there front and center, taking all the flak and lightning. Instead, they cowered in a corner for many weeks, and let Timmy pretend to be doing something in this matter.
If Timmy doesn’t have enough signatures today, he should dress up as SATAN when he appears for his publicity stunt at 4 pm today. After all, today is 6/6/6. If he can’t qualify R-65 for the ballot, he can go STRAIGHT TO HELL.