After wasting most of my day watching the election contest trial, I don’t feel like wasting much time analyzing the day’s events. So I’ll keep my day-two wrap-up brief.
The Republicans can’t prevail in court. They know it. And they don’t care.
More in the morning….
After wasting most of my day watching the election contest trial, I don’t feel like wasting much time analyzing the day’s events. So I’ll keep my day-two wrap-up brief.
The Republicans can’t prevail in court. The know it. And they don’t care.
Yes. It was painful. Painful and slow.
Maybe Wednesday, Rossi’s attorneys will read into the record the Encyclopedia Britannica to liven things up. If they select the right volume, maybe they can legitimately enter the word fraud into the record.
The GOP’s problem is they’ll look silly after getting blown out of a court in a hand-picked GOP county! Not to mention they;ll also look like (a) sore losers (b) buffoons who wasted the courts’ time and their supporters’ money.
The GOP must LOVE lawyers … paying millions to fight an unwinnable battle…
It’s nice that you are so confident.
Oh and Erik–
It’s called building the foundation of the case.
Lay out the dots–
Then connect the dots.
Don knows.
Write what you want but it’s pretty clear that nobody here has the foggiest idea how this will turn out.
Perhaps a little too much liberal “projection” goin on here?
The Republicans can’t prevail in court. -Goldy, 05/25/2005, 12:26 AM
Kinda makes you wonder about that statement: is it a substantive satement based on fact or is it a wishful, whining, mantra?
Well gosh he IS a liberal after all, I vote for the whining mantra!
“The Republicans can’t prevail in court. They know it. And they don’t care.”
Got any facts to back that up with? Or are we supposed to take that as the “gospel truth”, straight from the donkey’s butt??
I look at it this way… Even IF (and that’s a mighty big “IF”) the Repub’s don’t prevail in court, they’ve won a much bigger battle: The court of public opinion. KC elections staff, and their demo-rat handlers are an endangered species. Even moderate Dem’s are going to be responsible for the backlash.
Better start thinking about changing the name of your blog to “”.
Brian…since when do Republicans care about the “court of public opinion?
All I’ve heard is how Bush, et. al. doesn’t listen to polls. Why would it be different here?
Oh wait, it’s different because it benefits you. It’s not about logic, fairness or anything else. It’s about what’s good for Rs at the time being.
Great strategy.
I would think that “fairness” in elections would be good for EVERYBODY… R’s, D’s, or l’s.
But, I guess accuracy and integrity don’t mean too much to those who covet power, and will do anything to get it. Like assume office under a thunderhead of confusion and suspicion. If Gregoire truly was the duly elected governor of this state, I’d kiss her feet and acknowledge her legitimacy. Granted, I think she’ll be the WORST governor this state’s ever had, but she’d be a legitimate governor. As it stands now, there’s NO WAY that she can honestly proclaim her governorship is legit. And, as time goes on and more and more bungling, ineptitude, and FRAUD is uncovered, she sinks even lower into the abyss. And the party along with her.
I don’t care WHAT your affiliation is. Honesty and integrity are and should be the first priority. And we’ve seen that she and her blind supporters have NEITHER.
Actually, it’s more like the Dems can’t prevail in court, they care desperately , but have no idea what to do about it. It will leave them with that look on their faces that they had when they saw the US map light up predominanatly red (funny how we used to be the blue states, until Dems decided their cover was blown and reversed it). It will be ultimately satisfying–a lot like a tall, cool glass of ‘told ya so’.
The only way to get a representative democracy in the US is to totally disallow corporate funding of politicians in any way, shape, or form.
I’d rather go back to being a Constitutional Republic, thank you very much!
Brian Crock @ 9
Nice platitude. Too bad you guys didn’t apply it to Florida or Ohio. We wouldn’t have an unelected shit-for-brains president.
Stevie, Stevie, Stevie … be careful … you are setting yourself up for heartbreak. The judge is not your friend.
The best way to get democracy in the US is to totally disallow corporations.
Patrick; did you graduate andover, yale and harvard? Did you earn a masters degreee?
Flaciddick @ 13…
I thought we were supposed to “follow the law”? Seems as though the Dim’s were trying to twist the laws after an election, and the courts said “no way, no how”. Sucks, don’t it??
I think the “shit-for-brains” part came to mind in regards to the guy you saw in the mirror this morning. :~P
Whap – Brian C. hits boy wonder with a 2 x 4.
oH, That musta hurt.