[NWPT48]How could I have been so stupid? For weeks now I’ve been confidently predicting a Democratic victory in court, but all this time I’ve been focusing on the wrong trial, and the wrong court. See, there’s a reason why Republican partisans like John Carlson and Stefan Sharkansky sound so smug… they’ve already won!
Don’t get me wrong, I really appreciate John for giving me the opportunity to express my views on his show. But there’s something about the final exchange between me, John and Stefan that stuck in my craw. We all agree that there are two different trials going on: the one in the Wenatchee courtroom, and the one in the court of public opinion. But while I’ve always considered the latter to be the consolation prize, apparently both John and Stefan believe it’s the other way around.
Both John and Stefan’s insistence that the public will rely on “basic common sense” to judge Dino Rossi the winner, whatever the legal verdict, implies that the courts lack the same. As I stated on-air, I believe this attitude represents a total disregard for both the law and the courts that is typical of Republican rhetoric these days.
Yes, Rossi has the right to pursue an election contest. But the purpose of the contest statute is not to create a venue for scoring political points, or even to air out the general inadequacies of our electoral systems… the purpose of the contest statute is purely and simply to overturn an election where it is absolutely clear that the wrong candidate was certified the winner.
The Republicans have only four days to present their evidence, and after the first day and a half, they haven’t introduced a single new piece of information that hasn’t already been hashed out in the depositions, pre-trial briefs, and news media. After making splashy headlines with allegations of “fraud” and “ballot stuffing” they are not going to introduce direct evidence of a single stuffed ballot. Instead, they are going to use the entire trial as an opportunity for repeating and repeating and repeating allegations of errors in King County Elections.
The GOP strategy isn’t about meeting the statutory requirements for setting aside the gubernatorial election. Hell, this isn’t even about the gubernatorial election.
This is about unseating Ron Sims.
And eventually, Christine Gregoire… and other Democrats across the state.
Of course I’ve always understood the political implications of this case, but I didn’t realize until the trial started that this was so nakedly the primary focus of the Republican efforts. And the fact that John and Stefan and other GOP operatives are so publicly blunt in embracing the “two trial” thesis is telling.
The real “fraud” being proven by Republican attorneys is not in King County Elections… it’s the Republican case itself.
This entire contest is a sham.
You guys unseated Rossi; winner after 2 scientific machine counts.
We have no other venue; i mean really, where’s the investigation? Sims and his hand picked panel?
Its dem fault we’re finding all the dirt. Sims could have played it straight and done a partial mea culpa and we’d have no wind in our sails.
Now its you guys hiding behind incompetence. Nice strategy.
Yes Goldy, it is a sinister Republican plot. It has nothing to do with the crimes of dead peopl voting, felons voting, illegals voting and conspiracy to falsify an election report.
Did you take your meds today?
Yeah, aim your displeasure at your own guys. Sims dumped this pile of trash on your yard (only other explanation is you intentionally stole the election, but lets stick to incompetant KC management).
Buck stops here, right? (HST)
Check this out, Goldy–what FDR REALLY had in mind–but take your ant-acids first. He sounds a LOT like President Bush, especially in paragraph 9.
Well said, you go my brother! Goldy: ‘The entire contest is a sham’, well, all a matter of personal opinion. We’ll agree to disagree on that one. Ask yourself if you wouldn’t be doing the same thing if the tables were turned the other way. I suspect you would. Thanks.
Trolls et al. – Actually no, Democrats have not chosen to do this… though it seems to be a common Republican fallacy to legitmate running our democracy through the mud and then justifying it by saying if we were not trashing our traditions then the Democrats would.
Honest officer, if I hadn’t stolen that car someone else would have so why blame me?
Steven @ 4
They sound NOTHING like Bush’s comments, because Bush wants carve-outs, and FDR talks about add-ons.
Who is this Rossi guy anyway? I seem to remember he was running for governor or something? Oh well, who cares, just another stupid republifuk.
Goldy don’t forget the other reason for the sham bam in Chelan. The GOP wants to use this to raise money. They don’t expect to win. They can’t win. But they can push buttons with the brother and sister married and made mom and dad crowd.
And of course, their keen interest in the “rule of law” only applies when the law DOESN’T apply to them.
So why don’t all you Dems. join me and the Reps and Cat Stevens and let’s all ride on the fraud train. There’s enough fraud to go around for everyone. Unless idiotic Dems. say, “No, if we do that we’ll be just as bad as they are, and maybe end up winning.” Another Dumb thing that Dems. do is declare everyone a victim in need of special governmental help EXCEPT for white ,lower middle-class males. They supposedly are the cause of everyone elses problems. Them and corporations.
But guess who doesn’t vote Dem. anymore? Guess who would win elections if they did?
Apparently, given the Republicans’ disrespect for courts and our legal system, we should return to dueling as a means of resolving our disputes. Alternatively, given their disrespect for democracy, maybe we should just let one of their high priests, Bill Frist perhaps, consult the stars to decide winners and losers. The Republicans’ hostility toward the rule of law and democracy here at home makes me wonder why they are so keen, supposedly, on spreading such values in places abroad.
Proud commie;
You mean making qualified women judges wait 4 years to get confirmed, cuz ya’ll can’t stand a “diverse” candidate being a conservative?
They’re keen on installing puppet governments in counties that are sitting on useful raw materials. And they’ll kill every poor young person in the US if that’s what it takes to accomplish their mission. But don’t worry about a draft. Beecause
You guys unseated Rossi; winner after 2 scientific machine counts.
Actually, the state Constitution unseated Rossi. And he was never a winner, he was never certified. He led after the first two counts. Can’t you idiots get that FACT through your narrow-minded pea brains?
rwb@ 15
Actually Dino was certified…..
“Rossi Certified Winner in Washington, Recount Expected”
LAST EDITED ON 12-02-04 AT 04:00 PM (EST)
Rossi Certified as Winner in Washington Governor Race
Democrats Expected to Request Another Recount Friday
Just thought you would want to have all the facts;)
BF, certification is done by the Legislature. He was not certified there.
How can Rossi or his minions expect to understand the difference between certification by the legislature and certification by the auditor when Rossi himself has trouble with little things like the difference between being a Real Estate Agent and a Real Estate Broker? HE HE!
“Actually, the state Constitution unseated Rossi. And he was never a winner, he was never certified. He led after the first two counts. Can’t you idiots get that FACT through your narrow-minded pea brains?”
I was responding to the comment above. This comment says, “he was never certified” the writer does not distinguish the type of certification he is talking about.
However, it is difficult for us Pea Brained Rossi Minions to know the intent of the writer, when in all their obvious intellectual superiority, they chose to leave their intent unclear.
BF @ 19, There is only ONE certification that matters. But then Right Wing nut jobs cannot even distinguish between being nominated for a Nobel Prize by an unquilified Pol, and being actually Nobel prize nominated.
Get you head out of the right wing echo chamber and get back to the reality based world.
Both are called certifications……isn’t that correct?
Is there a right-wing echo chamber? How exciting, I feel like Alice when she discovered Wonderland. But then again, us right-wing nut job – idiot – narrow minded pea brained – Rossi Minions get excited over the simplest things.
I’m guessing that the more names I’m called within just a few short minutes the better chance I have of getting some kind of special award from the President which would be just fab’ ’cause he is my hero!
Me @ 20 “There is only ONE certification that matters”
BF @ 21 “Both are called certifications……isn’t that correct?”
Oh, boy. My mistake to take up debate with a parrot.
Look, I was responding to a point a person (RWB @15)made that “Rossi was never certified.” That’s not true, he was certified in December. That’s the language.
Buy anyway thanks, I am sure to get an award now that I have been called a parrot, a right-wing nut job, an idiot, pea-brained and a Rossi Minion!
BF @ 23
What was certified by the SoS was an abstract of the election results for the Governor’s race; however, that particular certification is about election results collected from the counties. The certification does not make Rossi Governor or even Governor elect. After the hand recount, the certification of the abstract of results was ammended to reflect the new totals. Each subsequent recount superceeded the previous count.
“RCW 29A.64.061 Upon completion of the canvass of a recount, the canvassing board shall prepare and certify an amended abstract showing the votes cast in each precinct for which the recount was conducted.
. . . .
If the nomination, election, or issue for which a recount was conducted was submitted to the voters of more than one county, the secretary of state shall canvass the amended abstracts and shall file an amended abstract with the original results of that election. An amended abstract certified under this section supersedes any prior abstract of the results for the same offices or issues at the same primary or election.”
Hey Scott,
If you really believe it is about money, I have a bridge in Tacoma for sale cheap… They are over a million in debt over this whole mess. Get your facts straight, oh wait, you do not let facts get in the way of your opinions.
Reply to 1
You’ve got to be kidding.
Reply to 2
Our side could make the same complaints about every election in which any Republican has ever been elected to anything in this state. We could, but we didn’t. Because we’re not whiners like you asinine Repubs.
Don’t worry, Goldy. The public’s attention span is less than 72 hours. In 2008 they will be saying “Dino who?”
More on certification:
The final “certification” for each of the executive offices is defined in the Constitution, Article 3 section 4.
“The returns of every election for the officers named in the first Section of this article shall be sealed up and transmitted to the seat of government by the returning officers, directed to the secretary of state, who shall deliver the same to the speaker of the house of representatives at the first meeting of the house thereafter, who shall open, publish and declare the result thereof in the presence of a majority of the members of both houses. The person having the highest number of votes shall be declared duly elected, and a certificate thereof shall be given to such person, signed by the presiding officers of both houses; but if any two or more shall be highest and equal in votes for the same office, one of them shall be chosen by the joint vote of both houses.”
Reply to 12
Qualified for what? Dismantling the Constitution? You call that qualified? Why don’t you ask the average Texan what he thinks of her. Not some oil baron or cattle baron or land baron, but just your average working stiff — ask him if he thinks this woman should be a federal judge with power to fuck over ordinary citizens. Because that’s exactly what she’s going to do.
Guess what, as I have stated NUMEROUS times I UNDERSTAND THIS!!! I was having a little fun playing on the words. You should be familiar with this, remember this gem? “It all depends on what is….is.”
But darn it, I am really disappointed you didn’t add anymore derogatory names to my list! I was going for a record.
Have a really super terrific great day! It is truly a beautiful day to be a Washingtonian!
Apparently, given the Republicans’ disrespect for courts and our legal system, we should return to dueling as a means of resolving our disputes.
Trouble is, Rossi wouldn’t show up at sundown.
We could, but we didn’t. Because we’re not whiners like you asinine Repubs. -Comment by Patrick— 5/25/05 @ 3:16
Ladies and gentlemen (and liberals), we indeed have a winner for todays most incredible statement, biggest lie and most delusional horses ass!
Congratulations Pattycakes!
Comment on 33
Wenatchee isn’t the only place Republicans are whining. In D.C., they’re whining that they’re going to get even with their fellow Repubs who cut a deal with the Dems on judges.
David @ 32
Rossi would send a surrogate, just like Bush sent 150,000 surrogates to Iraq to fight his own personal war. People of privilege never fight their own battles.
Harry Poon @10: “Another dumb thing dems do is declare everyone a victim…EXCEPT for white lower middle class males”. Bullshit. White males have been wet nursed, coddled, suckled and massaged along into every success they have ever had great or small. All it’s done for most of them is to inflate their ego and enlarge their already exagerated sense of entitlement. Now, if they aren’t given first consideration in everything, they’re “discriminatedd” against. Poor dears, what crap. As for voting Democratic? They never have. White, lower middle class males vote just like white upper class males and for the same reason: They are protecting what they perceived to be in their personal self-interest, that is, the promotion of white maledom, and they have contempt for everyone but white males. (Jim West is so easy to understand in that context). It is evident from many posts that the antagonism towards Governor Gregoire has as much to do with atavistic mysogyny as it does with political values. And oh yeah, conservative black male politicians, including Ron Sims, all too often aren’t different either. They simply want to bask in the same entitlements that white males have assigned to themselves. All to often their emphasis on equality is restricted to color and excludes gender. What do you think this whole dominionistic/reconstructionist religion thing that infests the political climate is about? You think the Taliban has a unique point of view or something? There wasn’t one atom of difference betweent the views of an Ashcroft and a Taliban cleric when it comes to women. You wonder why the women in your life lose patience with you? How often to do you support their interests instead of worrying about your own sense of entitlement? Figure it out. As for Rossi? Rossi is a white male conservative catholic. He is so obvious in his sense of entitlement and his condescension towards women (and towards Gregoire, because she is a woman) it is utterly revolting to anyone with a shred of independent Christian conscience.
There… That ought to rile things up. Been wanting to say that for a long time.
Been wanting to say that for a long time.
Marilyn -Comment by Marilyn— 5/25/05 @ 6:23 pm
I have no doubt you did.
Womens Studies major with a cute little pink tassle, no skills and a worthless diploma, dearie??
New Liberal@37: Not hardly, dearie, Don’t need to study what you’ve lived. BA in Economics. San Diego State Univerity. Deans List. Marilyn
I want — gimmee — waaa @ 37
Thanks for proving Marilyn’s point. My insignificant other couldn’t have said it more accurately himself.
Oh, I see.
Since I don’t sing the militant, man hating pink tune, model a (my?) vagina and bow down at the altar of Title IX and the totally useless Womens Studies (aka, angry females yelling a lot), I must be one of those neanderthal chauvinists pigs, eh?
Gimme @ 40
“Since I don’t sing the militant, man hating pink tune. . . . I must be one of those neanderthal chauvinists pigs, eh?”
Naaa. You are just a plain old idiot.
Naaa. You are just a plain old idiot. -Comment by dj— 5/25/05 @ 7:44 pm
As opposed to being oh-so-boringly-predictable when you have nothing to add to the conversation?
You girls need a new playbook – one that tells you that insulting your opposition and using vile invectives only hurts your already questionable credibility.
Eugenics @ 37 “Womens Studies major with a cute little pink tassle, no skills and a worthless diploma, dearie??”
@ 40 ” Womens Studies (aka, angry females yelling a lot), I must be one of those neanderthal chauvinists pigs, eh?”
@ 42 “You girls need a new playbook”
Ah c’mon Eugenics, you know you wanna say it! They are “femiNAZIS”, aren’t they?
Marilyn at 36
Thanks for letting me know Ron Sims is a conservative. What crack pipe are you using tonight?
Interpreters out there?
Any other Evergreen college grads able to decode this (from marylin) “What do you think this whole dominionistic/reconstructionist religion thing that infests the political climate is about”
Righton, I’d bet it translates into the fact she’s just not too darn happy with the new Pope… you know the one that NAMES evil without dancing around the meaning of the word is.
Righton@44: I don’t smoke – anything. But Ron Sims? He’s just like you, hon (and I think you know it). Marilyn
Feeling a just a tad bit defensive there donna, babe?
What exactly is the job market for that cute little pink tassle?
gimme — I want — waaa @ 40
Don’t knock Title IX. If it wasn’t for Title IX, Seattle wouldn’t have a single winning sports team.
Except for the Sonics, of course.
Hey 46, “evil” is the GOP …
Didn’t Plato say: “The penalty good men pay for indifference to public affairs is to be ruled by evil men.” Ron Dims, Jim McDimwitt, Dean Logan, Goldy?
Didn’t Sherrill Brown say: “It costs to be stupid. The stupider you are, the more it costs.” Now you know why this election costs so much. Dean Logan, Bill Huennekens, Garth Fell, Ron Dims.
Didn’t Albert Einstein say: “One must not attempt to justify them, but rather to sense their nature simply and clearly.” What is a soothsayer regarding the KCEC?
Righton, #45 was damn funny! At least at east coast universities they could put together a coherent thought! Don’t feel bad, I have the record of Nine vile curse names in the space of 20 blog replies. Ron Dims is a conservative black male? Man I better get over to Drinking Liberally and buy me a lot of that kool-aid.
Righton, your artful artificial intelligence is no match for their natural stupidity. For the democraps, for every Republican action, there is an equal and opposite democrapically conceived government program.
Patrick # 30 – Prove it about the Texans. Yeah, prove it. I need a link, quote, etc. Are you going to rip Janice Rogers Brown a new one too? She like Miguel Estrada embraced the American Dream. Oh yeah, she didn’t need Jesse Hi-Jackson to help her get move forward in life. I wait to hear Teddy “Chappaquiddick” Kennedy (oh yeah expelled from Harvard in 1950 for cheating) comments on her, or from Robert “KKK 3 Sheets to the Wind” Bird.
Liberal@40: “Since I don’t sing the militant…I must be one of those Neandertahl pigs, eh?”
Whatever. You know yourself better than we ever could, I’m sure.
Don’t knock Title IX. If it wasn’t for Title IX, Seattle wouldn’t have a single winning sports team. -Comment by Patricia— 5/25/05 @ 9:25 pm
Yep, you’re right… but so very little at the expense of how many thousands of capable and athletic young men since its inception 33 years ago?
Any clue how many college wrestling programs were sacrificed on the altar of Title IX? Over 440 – including ALL in the state of Washington. There are over a quarter of a MILLION talented, hardworking high school wrestlers and nowhere for them to participate in their chose sport after high school.
Congratulations ladies.
Oh wait… the “ladies” have now forced themselves onto high school teams (except in private schools, thank God) and golly, gosh gee whiz, these young female grapplers have nowhere to go beyond high school in their sport, either.
Come on guys; gotta have a female grappler joke out there somewhere….
How about, what would be worse, grappling with Marylin or with Jenny Durkan? Judge Bridges as referee. Mary Lane is out of bounds.
Pud at 52, thanks. But hardly a fair fight. Even Patrick is easy, cuz he just starts cussing which is the sign of a weak mind. :)
Boy aren’t you guys glad you didn’t bomb Newsweek?
Better send those ‘Newsweek lied’ tee shirts for sale at (u)SP back.
WASHINGTON (CNN) — Detainees at the U.S. naval base in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, alleged in 2002 that guards mistreated the Quran, according to some of the hundreds of FBI documents released by the American Civil Liberties Union.
The ACLU obtained the documents from the FBI through a federal court order in a lawsuit based on a Freedom of Information Act request. Most of them are records of detainee interviews with FBI agents.
According to the documents, a detainee interviewed in August 2002 said guards had flushed a copy of the Quran in a toilet.
Maybe we neeed to do a little more research into Dan Rathers’ story….we know it was true, like the Newsweek story all we need is Bush Sr. to unseal the records.
How much lying does it take for you guys?
Marilyn pay no attention to these wife beaters, they are all over at (u)sp…..they don’t think child support is fair and that just because they knocked their wives around a bit, they shouldn’t have left their sorry asses.
Actually, the young high school girl wrestlers that I’ve met have been lovely and dedicated young women.
Now, granted, I cannot understand WHY they choose to wrestle, despite their many and varied attempts to explain it to me.
I will give a hand to the WIAA: during the state Mat Classic, which no girl has ever attained (or regional success for that matter), the WIAA has provided mats, times and matches during the boys breaks for the girls to compete against each other for their own Mat Classic championships.
new lib @ 52
who told the universities to get rid of wrestling programs? Not Title IX. Their mandate was simply to equalize opportunity for team sports. The wrestling team should be pointing the finger at men’s football and basketball, for holding tightly onto as many as 100 scholarships a year in those two sports alone. Nowhere does the law say sports had to be cut, they could just as well have been added. Can’t blame the reaction on the law.
why did they need a law? Couldn’t the colleges decide what sports were best for their students?
Stupid big gov’t intrusion into private matters.
“How could I have been so stupid?” Surely you jest. This whole ‘election contest’ has been nothing more than red meat for the right wing meatheads that populate these blogs and talk radio.
Dale Foreman knows full well the “contest” will be brushed aside by our court system, despite the judge shopping the R’s indulged themselves with by going to Chelan county. But remember the current target of the right wing attack machine is the judicial system itself.
Watch how quickly they turn on both Bridges and the Supremes after two adverse rulings. It will be touted as yet another example of how left leaning our judiciary now is and the need for reform.
They know full well 95% of the public couldn’t care less who is governor and have literally no interest in this contest. So it’s a win/win for them. They get to gratify their fundo, bible thumping fringe with a valiant effort, then can cry foul and say they were hometowned by a leftest court system when they lose.
And the 95% just yawns and concludes both sides are just banging their own drums as they change the channel to American Idol.
You done thumping your copy of Das Kapital?
What would you know about Das Kapital?
read it?
know what it says?
even know who wrote it?
I didn’t think so. You SFB’s think just because you’ve listened to Rush “the admitted drug addict” Limbaugh for ten years, you are experts in foreign policy, political theory, and economic policy. I think the term “ditto head” is very apt.
Eugenics @ 48 “Feeling a just a tad bit defensive there donna, babe?
What exactly is the job market for that cute little pink tassle? ”
Ah, Eug, fixated on my pink tassle are ya? Don’t know about you, but the job market sucks. Even for biochemists.
Goldy, again. Thank you for this blog! This is soooo much fun, and you have the cutest little trolls!
Unkl; boy you outsmarted me; went away for a few minute while your tough test was out there for all comers. Yeah i’ve read parts, long time ago. Know enough to recall roughly, from those who can, lets take a give to those that need (so i’m likley paying your rent in some manner).
I thought all you guys were former druggies. Thought drug addicts had a disease and needed respect treatment, treatment centers, jobs, etc. Why dumping on a divorced, drug addicted fat white guy from southern missouri.
whatever happened to the claims that ron sims was a convervative? marilyn/donna/headless, come out, wherever you are..
Wrongo @ “Why dumping on a divorced, drug addicted fat white guy from southern missouri.”
Hypocrisy comes to mind.
“whatever happened to the claims that ron sims was a convervative? marilyn/donna/”
Never made the claim. Can’t help you.
Have you been drinking that whole 6-pack tonight?
confused you with your twin
And oh yeah, conservative black male politicians, including Ron Sims, all too often aren’t different either. They simply want to bask in the same entitlements that white males have assigned to themselves. All to often their emphasis on equality is restricted to color and excludes gender. What do you think this whole dominionistic/reconstructionist religion thing that infests the political climate is about? You think the Taliban has a unique point of view or something? There wasn’t one atom of difference betweent the views of an Ashcroft and a Taliban cleric when it comes to women. You wonder why the women in your life lose patience with you? How often to do you support their interests instead of worrying about your own sense of entitlement? Figure it out. As for Rossi? Rossi is a white male conservative catholic. He is so obvious in his sense of entitlement and his condescension towards women (and towards Gregoire, because she is a woman) it is utterly revolting to anyone with a shred of independent Christian conscience.
There… That ought to rile things up. Been wanting to say that for a long time.
Marilyn! I always wanted a twin!
Wrongo, give the keys to your wife, significant other, stable boy. Call in “sick” tomorrow. You have had enough.
Wow! That was incredible. Almost believable. Until you threw in Ron Sims. The fact of the matter is that Dino vs. Chris doesn’t have anything at all to do with gender and everything to do with honest, open, non-screwed up elections. Hmm….. Candidate A wins vote. Candidate A wins revote. Largest democratic county finds votes 11 different times, preferentially recanvasses votes based on Democratic Party pressure, is later found to have fraudulently submitted documents that were known at the time to be untruthful, and wala! – Democrat wins.
Let the honesty soak in. This has nothing to do with gender.
Reply to 74
“This has nothing to do with gender.”
Are you telling us there are no Republicans who dislike Gregoire simply because she’s a woman governor?
That’s horseshit.
Re Ron Sims, the conservative. I stand by that assertion.
I believe that many males are inherently conservative, especially white males, especially political ones, especially religious ones, because they have the most privilege to lose from social change. As for Ron Sims, my response to him is that, like many male politicians, his commitment to equality contains an element of falseness, in that it embraces only color, not gender. I have heard him speak, I have watched his behaviour, and I don’t like the way he responds to women in speech or behaviour. Marilyn
Continuation of 76: Many individuals give lip service to equality and justice and then use their “religious values” to exclude gender from their commitment to equality and justice. But men do that to a far greater and more consisent degree than do women. There isn’t a poster on this blog that doesn’t instinctively understand that and know that. Another example:
Jim West, or the Log Cabin Republicans: They arent’ about equality. They feel male homosexuals should be discriminated against because they are males. Homosexuality isn’t an exclusion for them. It is about equality for males. They also exclude gender from their commitment to equality and justice.
thanks for the responses. In rereading my post, I see I was too general, and nastier than I need to be to make my point, and I thank you for your patience.
correction @ 77: Jim west, or the Log Cabin Republicns: They aren’t about equality. They feel male homosexuals should NOT be discriminated against, because they are males. Sorry. Marilyn
I’m sorry, I feel really bad for you, someone must have hurt you very much for you to hate men as you apparently do :{
bs@79: Projecting again? Marilyn
Marilyn at 79,
First, I am not sure what you mean by again.
Second, no, I just feel sorry for you. Don’t read anything into it.
I don’t think I’ve written anything but the truth. It isn’t about hating men – though I realize that is a convenient cliche when any social criticism is cast in that direction. Obviously, you are uncomfortable with the message so I’m not offended that you’ve processed the message in the way that you have, so by all means, if it makes you happy to feel sorry for someone, by all means indulge yourself. It’s very sweet of you to be so concerned. Marilyn
Writeoff @69:
“Why dumping on a divorced, drug addicted fat white guy from southern missouri?”
My apologies, I honestly had no idea you were a fat-assed, divorced, white guy from southern Missouri. Had I known that, I’d never said such cruel things toward you.
Hope both you and Rush will give me the benefit of the doubt.
Marilyn, You said…
“As for Rossi? Rossi is a white male conservative catholic. He is so obvious in his sense of entitlement and his condescension towards women (and towards Gregoire, because she is a woman) it is utterly revolting to anyone with a shred of independent Christian conscience.”
I don’t know where you get this; I think Rossi appears to be a very loving man and a loving husband. It’s obvious he loves his wife and children very much. I have not once heard him say anything condescending towards a woman.
Why is it that people cannot live a life in which the church is an important part of their life? I personally do not attend church, however I always admire people who make that commitment. I think that it is honorable.
What I do abhor, is the constant “Christian Bashing.” If any person were to say about Jewish people, or Muslim People, or Black People what is apparently acceptable to say about Christians, the media and members of the Democratic Party would slaughter them. (Metaphorically speaking of course.)
The friends that I have who are Christian, are really great people with loving families and they certainly appear to be living very fullfilling lives.
bf@84: I don’t share your perspective on Rossi.
People can do and do live lives in which church (or temple, or mosque) is an important part of their lives. People are not prevented from doing that and it should be respected. As for “Christian Bashing” : What Christian Bashing? It seems to me that it is “Christians” , especially white Christians, who have been bashing Jewish people, Muslim People, Black people for years. For instance, quickly now, how many white Christian jokes have you heard as compared to those black jokes, Jewish jokes, and Muslim jokes. How many times have you heard the term Christian terrorist has compared to Islamic or Muslim terrorist? Did people routinely refer to Timothy McVeigh as a Christian terrorist? I don’t think so. Had he been of Middle Eastern heritage and Muslim, he would have been called a Muslim terrorist. Do people refer to the IRA as a Christian terrorist organization? Has the Ku Klux Klan ever been referred to as a white Christian terrorist organization? It was, and is, you know. How many times have your heard some white “Christian” whining about having to be “politically correct” and not being able to indulge their favorite anti-Semitic joke, their faorite sexist joke, their pet prejudice or hate fetish in polite company? If you haven’t experienced that, than all I can say is that you are either oblivious or you don’t get out enough.
Christian Is as Christian Does. Marilyn
I guess I just have nicer friends than you do.