I hear the phrase “exit strategy” and I automatically think about Iraq, and the Bush administration’s lack of a strategy (or desire) to get out of that ill-conceived war. So as we exit 2007 it’s important to pay attention to our own strategy for exiting the disastrous policies of the past seven years. Looking at the obstructionism of the Republicans in Congress and their party’s steadfast determination to stay the course at home and abroad, my personal exit strategy begins with more and better Democrats… and locally, that begins with Darcy Burner.
The 4th Quarter fundraising period is drawing to a close, and where Darcy stands in relation to Dave Reichert and to her fellow Democratic challengers will largely determine the level of financial and logistical support she will initially receive from the DCCC and other organizations. A strong showing will put Darcy near the top of the list, positioning her to make a strong run out of the gate in 2008. A disappointing showing could set her campaign back into the second tier of competitive races, giving Reichert the breathing room he so desperately needs.
Darcy needs your help to prove to the folks in D.C. that she has what it takes to kick Reichert’s ass, and that’s why I’m asking you to give whatever you can to help push Darcy’s 4th Quarter results over the top. Darcy is hoping to raise an additional $25,000 by the end of the quarter — if we all chip in, she can do that and more, and we can all do our part in bringing change to the other Washington.
The best exit strategy for Republicans is the door that opens to the alley 10 stories below. Hey — just kidding! Holiday wingnut humor.
In the true spirit of Republican Christmas cheer, Don Brunell, boss of the Association of Washington Business, is bitching about Washington’s minimum-wage workers getting a 14-cent an hour inflation adjustment.
Funny how Brunell isn’t bitching about his Republican business owner clients raising prices. Or about the inflation-inducing policies of the Republican administration. He seems to think our state’s poorest workers should bear the burden of the Bush Inflation by themselves while rich Republican business owners skate.
Brunell is also whining about the “burden on small businesses” of unemployment insurance, workers’ compensation, health care, and regulations. They’re costs of doing business, asshole!
Fucking grinch … I just knew some jerk was going to come along and spoil the holiday spirit.
If Darcy isn’t in the top 5 of the DCCC’s support list than they’re even more of a bunch of dopes than I think they are. I will always support individual Democratic candidates. I will never support the corrupt Democratic party.
[Deleted – see comments #36 and #41 at this post]
In other news, Republicans are up to their same-old dirty tricks again …
“S.C. Republicans Get Bogus Romney Card
“COLUMBIA, S.C. (Dec. 30) – Many South Carolina Republicans got a bogus holiday greeting card this week, purported to be from … Mitt Romney, that cites … controversial passages of the Book of Mormon. …
“‘It is sad and unfortunate that this kind of deception and trickery has been employed,’ said Will Holley, Romney’s South Carolina spokesman. ‘There is absolutely no place for it in American politics.’
“South Carolina Republican Party Chairman Katon Dawson said he intends to ‘contact the Federal Bureau of Investigation’s Elections Fraud Division and other appropriate authorities, provide them the copy of the mail piece delivered to South Carolina Republicans and ask for a thorough investigation into this matter.’
“The card contains passages that underscore some differences between the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints and those of denominations that are prevalent in South Carolina. ‘We have now clearly shown that God the Father had a plurality of wives, …,’ reads one passage …. The card also cites a passage on Mary’s virgin birth that underscores her race. ‘ … I beheld a virgin, and she was exceedingly fair and white.’ …
“Romney’s faith has been a recurring issue in South Carolina, where Christian conservatives dominate the GOP primary.”
Quoted under fair use; for complete story and/or copyright info see http://tinyurl.com/2yshfu
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Looks like we hit the trifecta here folks — dirty tricks, playing on religious and racial prejudices, and Republicans whining about Republicans behaving like Republicans!!!
How is the Democratic Party corrupt? We don’t do stuff like you see @4. For filthy and evil behavior, Democrats don’t even come close to the slobbering knuckledraggers of the GOP … the worst we do is a little internecine mudslinging, which by the way is a family affair and none of you goobers’ business.
[Deleted – see comments #36 and #41 at this post]
Crocodile Tears Dep’t.
In local news, a condo flipper is whining because he can’t sell his 1-bedroom apartment for $599,000.
@7 Who’s complaining? I’m just an observer and reporter.
I know better than to complain about Republicans. It doesn’t do any good. Besides, with a little patience, the problem will take care of itself. The ones the Rapture doesn’t get, global warming will.
[Deleted – see comments #36 and #41 at this post]
[Deleted – see comments #36 and #41 at this post]
[Deleted – see comments #36 and #41 at this post]
Using lawyers to file legal challenges to Nader being on the ballot is … what? Illegal? Immoral? Unethical? How? If the guy doesn’t meet a state’s legal requirements for getting on the ballot, he shouldn’t be on the ballot. If he does, he stays on the ballot. Such challenges don’t affect Nader’s ability to campaign — they work through the election commissions and courts while the campaigning goes on. Only an idiot what compare open and legal ballot challenges to underhanded dirty tricks as described @4.
Once again, puddinghead proves that goobers are fools and numbskulls.
Did you read your own link, Pud?
This line of attack actually began with Republicans in 2004, when President Bush’s campaign repeatedly accused his Democratic opponent John Kerry of voting against body armor.
Hey PFool,
clueless “moonbat”, according to PuddybudJAG officer resigns his commission:http://www.gateline.com/opinion/story/295.html
(scroll down a bit)
No sweat off your back, eh PStupes? He hails from Gig Harbor. He has to be tainted!
[Deleted – see comments #36 and #41 at this post]
PIdiot @ 4
Do the Dems have problems? Sure. Everyone here is for more and better Dems.
You are for R’s who pad more R pockets here at home and kill and torture more brown skinned people with funny last names overseas.
[Deleted – see comments #36 and #41 at this post]
Pud-Your obsession is flattering, in a creepy sort of way.
You are quick to criticize Democrats. I simply pointed out they were using the Bush/Rove playbook.
And I’ve done quite well for myself, with both public and private sector experience and some degree of regional recognition.
More details are none of your damn business.
[Deleted – see comments #36 and #41 at this post]
Puddybud, I’ll be awaiting your explanation for why a black police officer who raped a 15-year-old can be assumed to be a Democrat. Until then, you can’t participate here. When you successfully explain yourself, I’ll stop deleting your comments.
Looks like puddinghead could use a coach to help him stay on topic. Here’s a helpful hint for ya, puddybutt: The topic of this blog is
If you stay on that topic, you won’t get deleted!
@22 Wasn’t so long ago that wingnuts were bragging all cops, firefighters, and soldiers are Republicans … what changed?
@22 (continued) In Wingnutland, they’re “Republicans” until they behave like Republicans, then they magically become “Democrats” …
The whole point here is that the nature of the internet requires us to be vigilant over what gets posted here. Until Puddybud learns that serious accusations of any type require facts, he can’t post here. He either learns to back up his wild accusations or his comments will be deleted.
Roger, you need to be careful too. A lot of us know that there’s a level of theatre to what you do (and that’s certainly true with Puddybud as well), but that’s a fine line.
Answer Lee’s question PStupid.
Are you scared? Are you a coward?
Let’s see your “reasoning”.
Heh. There is none.
Note to Lee: you missed one @ 11.
Puddy is just here to stir up trouble. Facts shouldn’t get in the way of that…..
@25 I’m merely an actor of the stage of life.
The difference between me and puddy is that I don’t take myself seriously.
Thanks. Everything timestamped after comment #36 at the referenced post will be deleted. If Puddybud wants to insinuate that a rapist is inherently “one of us”, he needs to explain himself.
Its Time To Vote for 2007 Most Self-hating Jew Awards
awww damn, the link didn’t work
Its Time To Vote for 2007 Most Self-hating Jew Awards
I don’t see the darcyjewpimp but maybe we can start a local category…
Could have fooled everyone else.
The Piper
Let’s see my reasoning. I had to perform “research”. I use the simple HorsesASSHolers rule of guilt by association. Unless you declare you left the reservation (Mike Steele, Ken Blackwell, JC Watts) you know they are democrat. He lives in a blue city in an almost blue county, in a blue state. Can you dig it Lee?
First when I read he’s from the 26th Precinct in Harlem, I remembered the brouhaha over Bill Clinton and his offices in Harlem. The complaint was he’s just down the street from the 26th Precinct. Google this map from: 55 W. 125th St. New York New York to: 520 West 126th Street, New York, NY, 10027
Puddy doesn’t forget many things: http://www.readio.com/archives.....kers2.html
1) In 2004 90% of the black population voted democrat. I have a 9/10ths chance I am right.
2) Black City Cop in the 26th Precinct. 9/10th of blacks like democrats
3) The 26th Precinct is located in upper Manhattan and is bounded by the Hudson River and Henry Hudson Parkway. That’s Harlem HorsesASSHolers. 9/10th of blacks like democrats
4) From a liberal city Middletown, NY – The county barely went for Bush, the city went for Kerry.
5) Trent Young is black, lives in Middletown, New York State
6) The Mayor Marlinda Duncanson, Middletown, 16 James Street Middletown, NY 10940 is a democrat. She was Common Council President.
7) The Middletown Common Council is dominated by democrats
8) Puddy rule of liberal MSM news stories, if he was a Republican, his politics would be front and center. Again look up Michael Vu and tell me how long it takes to determine he’s a democrat.
10) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Politics_of_New_York
11) Bill Clinton’s offices 55 W. 125th St. Harlem
So Lee if you hate the politics of guilt by association, then I assume you’ll hold the leftist HorsesASSHolers to the same high standard? Can you dig it Lee?
[Deleted – see comments #36 and #41 at this post]
So Lee, you going to replace all of my removed posts now or, as I expect you’ll reject my 9/10 right argument and others.
[Deleted – see comment #42 below]
Roger Rabbit says:
The difference between me and puddy is that I don’t take myself seriously.
Funny bunny you streach the truth just to see if you can get away with it. Some of use know that if you (bunny)make a big lie that chances of getting away with it is real promising on this web site. We all know you learned it when visiting con’s to make a buck at Twin Rivers State Pen.
None of that even comes close to helping you Puddy. Your comments will continued to be deleted until you give a satisfactory answer for why you assumed that a rapist was a Democrat.
So Lee, you going to replace all of my removed posts now or, as I expect you’ll reject my 9/10 right argument and others.
Actually, I’m going to call out your lie. As your first reason in comment #36, you stated:
1) In 2004 90% of the black population voted democrat. I have a 9/10ths chance I am right.
However, in the previous thread, you stated:
It has nothing to do with color.
Your comments will continue to be deleted until you explain the discrepancy.
40 Klake, you wouldn’t recognize “the truth” if it shit into your open mouth.
37 – My spreadsheet can add just fine thank you..
So based on your “reasoning” can I take the next baby raper from a red locale and claim “he’s one of yours”?
Well I’ll take an old baby raper.
He’s one of yours! So, how does it feel?
Does that “reasoning” work for you?
And are you saying you want to stop using guilt by association? You couldn’t make most of your silly comments without using that!
Gee— LEE are you the Judge and Jury of postings. If you quit deleting posting every one would know what Hell your talking about. Its kind of like if your not going to play my way I’m going to take my bat and ball home.
[Deleted – You still haven’t answered my question in comment #42]
[Deleted – duplicate comment]
Two words for pudding head – “Alex Kelly”
George, every comment related to why I’m deleting Puddybud’s comments is still there. He cannot comment on anything else until he explains himself.
Well, George, there’s also this:
For giggles, you also can check out #19 in that thread.
Lee: Yes I did. You just don’t like the answer!
George: My answer to Lee the Judge and Jury:
How did I know Lee decides what’s acceptable?
Ahhhh yes Lee, here’s what you asked me in #10 in the same thread.
Lee: I thought you said you were black? Are you now assuming that all blacks are “one of us” even though you’re not? Or did you forget that you claim to be black here?
Question #1 I am. It’s obvious when you meet me. Maybe I’ll unzip too!
Question #2 90% are lock step in agreement with you.
Question #3 Meeting GBS put that question to rest here. Except nothing is every at rest in your mind.
DUH! It has nothing to do with color regarding him being a rapist it’s where he’s from and where he works, NY and NJ two blue states. Otherwise you’d look at me and think I was a rapist with RightEqualsStupid called me four times. Every hue and country has rapists. That’s what I meant. I am not saying every black is a racist. When there have been white guys accused of bad crimes in blue states I call the same thing. Look it up Lee. He was from lower NY State, working in NYC as a cop.
If that doesn’t suffice then you’ll be busy deleting my many posts because I will start single sentence posts just like Pelletizer ™.
Get ready to be busy Lee and Goldy Minionaires!
Exactly Clueless Gooberfool@44.
You guys made those claims in threads yesteryear. So I make one and Lee pops a blood vessel. Good! About time someone spanks back from our side.
Pudding head – not know what any of your deleted threads said, what was the point that you were trying to make?
Tommy Thompson: I was making this point that a rapist who lives in lower NY State and was a NYC cop has to be a democrat.
Lee popped a gasket. Yet over the many months when this attack was posted by one of your ilk, he gives it a pass.
[Deleted – see comment #71]
That doesn’t answer my question. The point you were trying to make was….?
[Deleted – see comment #71]
That would be like me saying that Alex Kelly (and his family) must be Repbulicans….and the point of me saying this would be what?
That would be like me saying that Alex Kelly (and his family) must be Repbulicans….and the point of me saying this would be what?
That would be like me saying that Alex Kelly (and his family) must be Repbulicans….and the point of me saying this would be what?
That would be like me saying that Alex Kelly (and his family) must be Repbulicans….and the point of me saying this would be what?
[Deleted – see comment #71]
all you have to do is google “alex rapist” – don’t even need his last name, he is so popular.
[Deleted – see comment #71]
[Deleted – see comment #71]
[Deleted – see comment #71]
Go for it…I will not waste my time trying to find out if that NYC Cop that lived in Lower NY State was a Democrat. And what if he is – would it matter? Are you suggesting that Democrats rape more. If you one makes the same correlation that you are trying to make with White Collar crime, then I guess it would be OK to say that more Republicans commit WHITE Collar Crime.
[Deleted – see comment #71]
xamples of white collar crime include: antitrust fraud, bankruptcy fraud, bribery, computer fraud, credit card fraud, counterfeiting, embezzlement, identity fraud, insider trading, insurance fraud, kickbacks, money laundering, obstruction of justice, perjury and price fixing.
White collar crime is steadily on the rise, thanks to our technologically advancing society, which relies on the increased use of cellular phones and computers to access personal and financial information. The National White Collar Crime Center (NW3C), a nonprofit agency that supports state and local police in their efforts to prevent, investigate and prosecute economic and high-tech crime, reports that while arrests for violent crimes have decreased in recent years, arrests for white collar crimes – especially fraud and embezzlement – have increased.
The rise in white collar crime incidents has also contributed to a rise in cost to the nation. According to National Fraud Center statistics, the cost of economic crime has risen from $5 billion in 1970 to $100 billion in 1990, and is only expected to increase as occurrences become more frequent. For example, the Federal Bureau of Investigation”s Economic Crime Unit reports that telemarketing fraud, one of the fastest growing types of white collar crime, has become an increasing problem in recent years, victimizing millions of people at a cost of $40 billion annually.
Tommy Thompson: I was making this point that a rapist who lives in lower NY State and was a NYC cop has to be a democrat.
Lee popped a gasket. Yet over the many months when this attack was posted by one of your ilk, he gives it a pass.
OK, genius, let’s deal with reality here. As you probably remember, my old boss was Kenneth Freeman, the one-time cop who was living in Seattle, but fled to China instead of facing trial for allegedly sexually assaulting his own daughter. Now he was a cop, and he lived in a blue city in a blue state, so does that mean he was definitely a Democrat? Of course not. The factor that makes you assume that he’s a Democrat is the fact that he’s black, even though you are black person who hates Democrats. So then, when I asked you why you assumed that a black man like yourself was a Democrat, even though you are an exception in your own generalization, you wrote:
Really? It doesn’t? And please don’t even think about saying that I’m taking that out of context. You can see the comment you’re responding to right here. Then, to explain away why you said that a black rapist was “one of us”, and after claiming that race had nothing to do with it, your first excuses are:
All of a sudden, it was about race. Surprise!
Puddybud, anybody can come here and be an asshole and I can deal with it. But every asshole should be bringing something to table other than calling people Clueless Gooberfool and trying to convince us that we only have to be 80-90% certain of something before we can start using it as a political cudgel. We don’t enforce the comment policy as much as we could here, and so it definitely looks like it gets used randomly. But just about everyone from Roger Rabbit, to Politically Incorrect to Piper bring stuff to the table, even if I disagree with a whole lotta shit they say. That’s why I don’t delete their comments.
You don’t bring anything. You’re just an annoying fuck who comes here to be obnoxious. I mean, seriously, that was the first comment you left in that other thread? – to post a link to a black NYPD officer who raped someone and then say he’s “one of us”? WTF? We don’t need you here, and seriously, I could give a fuck if we block your IP. Explain yourself or the comments keep getting deleted.
Bush has created his own legacy – there is not disputing him from anyone else – not his father, Nixon, Clinton, or Regan.
[Comment deleted – still no explanation]
[Comment deleted – still no explanation]
Let’s make a deal Lee.
And we know Lambchop can be trusted to live up to the terms of his agreements.
[Comment deleted – still no explanation]
Re 71: You would have to tell us if Kenneth Freeman was a democrat since you worked for him,(did you hold the camera?). If he was a cop his union contributes exclusively to democrats so maybe that’s where that comes from.
Deleting posts you don’t agree with though reminds me of a book I am reading. It’s called “Liberal Fascism” by Jonah Goldberg. You should give it a read. He talks about liberals like you who would rather quell speech instead of debate. Stuff like assaulting conservative speakers at universities and shouting down other speakers and deleting comments they don’t like from public forums.
You will be a busy man if you try and fact check every comment on this blog but you will fall into the fascist category if you do it selectively.
Rob, you’ll want to read this too. http://toohotfortnr.blogspot.com/ It’ll show why you wasted all that time reading Golberg’s joke of a book. It took Doughbob Loadpants the better part of a decade to write, and Spencer Ackerman demolished it in less than a week.
[Comment deleted – still no explanation]
Thanks TJ, I will.
@77 – “quell speech instead of debate” you call Puddybud’s comments a debate? And Republicans don’t quell speech – please.
[Comment deleted – still no explanation]
Lambchop is actually a compliment. The original Lambchop was a very nice sockpuppet; our Lambchop is a sockpuppet, sure, but not a very nice one.
As for Lambchop’s other claim, I’ve already proved it wrong.
September 15, 2005. My attitude on this blog changed forever 24/7!
Re: 81. When have republicans assaulted speakers at a college campus? You should be careful; you will get deleted if you don’t prove your argument!
I forgot, you are a member of the regime, they won’t censor you
[Comment deleted – still no explanation]
#82 – at least I’m not insipid.
rob – stick it up your ass….maybe the’ll sensor me for that.
PuddyBud – did you hear about the moron that was looking for weapons of mass destruction? He went to Yale, so he must be Republican.
[Comment deleted – still no explanation]
TJ. I tried to read that drivel at to hot for tnr. There is one thing certain, the author of that site can’t write and another is he does the usual facsist mime of selecting passages from the book out of context.
That’s the beauty of reading a book and deciding for yourself if you agree or not. I take it Liberal Facism is not on your bookshelf?
Maybe when you grow up you will look at both sides and make your own conclusions. Probably not but maybe.
TJ. I tried to read that drivel at to hot for tnr.
Try again. I have faith in you.
There is one thing certain, the author of that site can’t write and another is he does the usual facsist mime of selecting passages from the book out of context.
Someone who says, “There is one thing certain,” then goes on to list two things should tread lightly when complaining about other people’s writing. Just sayin’. :-)
Re: 93. Thanks for your repsonse. Now have you read the book or do you just follow?
BTW ATJ@83: You never renounced #56 either. Why is that?
Because I don’t read most of your “contributions.” But if you really need me to, okay, I renounce you and what you wrote in #56.
There. Happy?
Re: 93. TJ, you should have also corrected me when i used mime instead of meme. I guess neither one of us are writers.
Now have you read the book or do you just follow?
No, I haven’t read the book. I have no intention of buying it, and it’s not available yet in my local library. Have you read all of the posts from the link I provided?
Re: 88. Typical liberal response, sorry Tommy, you will have to go to gay hill for that kind of action. Good luck!
Re: 88. Now try answering the question?
Deleting posts you don’t agree with though reminds me of a book I am reading. It’s called “Liberal Fascism” by Jonah Goldberg. You should give it a read. He talks about liberals like you who would rather quell speech instead of debate.
Puddybud is not debating. He’s being an asshole on purpose. Posting the link to a rapist and saying that he’s “one of ours” is not debating. It’s being a fuckwit. I’m not deleting Puddybud’s posts because I don’t agree with him, I’m deleting his posts because they’re intentionally obnoxious.
[Deleted – still no explanation – HINT: this has nothing to do with Headless Lucy or any other commenter. This is about Puddybud]
Re: 100. And how many posts has Roger Rabbit entered here that were totally obnoxious?
[Deleted – still no explanation – HINT: this has nothing to do with Headless Lucy or any other commenter. This is about Puddybud]
Re: 100. 90% of the posts on this site are obnoxious Furher, this site should be a blank page if that is your criteria.
[Deleted – still no explanation – HINT: this has nothing to do with Headless Lucy or any other commenter. This is about Puddybud]
Once again, Puddybud, I’m still awaiting an adequate explanation for why you chose to claim a rapist was “one of us”, then claim that you didn’t say that because he was black, and then did a complete 180 and claim that you tried to associate us with a black rapist because 80-90% of black people vote for Democrats.
This shouldn’t be hard. Either you lied, you have a different rationale then you’ve claimed for divining that he was a Democrat, or that you’re being an asshole on purpose. Everyone here knows that it’s the first and third. Just come clean.
Yes, people have called you names before. And yes, I haven’t done this to them. And I didn’t do it to you until just know even though you’ve certainly been in violation of our comment policy a number of times. Ask yourself this: Do you really think any of the other people who come here are sitting around curious of what pearls of wisdom you’ve brought to this comment thread that they can no longer read? If you really believe that, you arguably need your head examined.
[Deleted – still no explanation – HINT: this has nothing to do with Headless Lucy or any other commenter. This is about Puddybud]
Rob, see comment #71. Being an asshole is fine, but you have to bring something else to the table. The difference is that Puddybud is only coming here to be an asshole. Roger does that sometimes, and I gave him a warning (comment #27).
[Deleted – see comment #106]
[Deleted – see comment #106]
[Deleted – see comment #106]
Re: 108. That is the beauty of America, it’s your site and you can control who comments or dosen’t. If the rest of us don’t like it we can leave. Just don’t claim to be something else.
[Deleted – see comment #106]
That is the beauty of America, it’s your site and you can control who comments or dosen’t. If the rest of us don’t like it we can leave. Just don’t claim to be something else.
I never do. I’d much rather have a comment thread with 15 intelligent comments than a comment thread with 250 posts of internet diarrhea. Generally, I’ve been patient about how much crap shows up down here (and it’s certainly in our interest to clean it up if we want to be a serious political site), but Puddybud crossed a line. He either needs to explain himself, apologize, or just find something better to do with his time.
[Deleted – see comment #106]
Re: 97. No I tried but maybe if you know the author you could ask him to give a coherent review of the book like the left of center New York Times DAVID OSHINSKY did. You may also notice that he didn’t contest any of Goldbergs points but just made it clear he didn’t like the book. But of course he is a liberal and wouldn’t much like it
If you need some good takedowns of the content in Liberal Fascism, you should head to Sadly No! They have a copy of the book and have already posted around 8-9 hilarious excerpts.
Re Darcy Burner: I’ve already given her a small amt. of $ but will give no more until I receive a response to this message:
I am a fairly low-income retired person hoping to support a few good Democrats for Congress in ’08 via ActBlue. I would really like to support you, and do not consider myself a one-issue voter. But: I have very reluctantly concluded that the Democratic congressional leadership is part of the problem, not part of the solution. Therefore, I will only support candidates who commit publically to support a serious challenger against Speaker Pelosi and Majority Leader Reid, and their colleagues in leadership positions such as Steny Hoyer, Rahm Emanuel and Charles Shumer. Where are you on this? Thank you.
Tom Fitzpatrick
Lee: I will look at it but that last time I made a foray to another liberal website I was sadly dissapointed.
Let’s just look at one point of liberal facsism though. You don’t need the book for this.
Franklin Delano Roosevelt: suspended habias corpus and interned over 100,000 American Citizens in the northern deserts for 4 years because of their race.
[Deleted – See comment #106 in this thread]
By the way FDR was the father of American Liberalism.
Interesting, thanks for the comment. Speaking for myself, I’m still generally supporting most Democrats to ensure that there’s a Democratic majority and a Democratic White House. But if they have both of those things and don’t start making some of the tough decisions that need to be made (especially regarding how we’re dealing with the Middle East), I will be expecting quite a bit more from Democratic candidates in 2010.
Let’s just look at one point of liberal facsism though. You don’t need the book for this.
Franklin Delano Roosevelt: suspended habias corpus and interned over 100,000 American Citizens in the northern deserts for 4 years because of their race.
OK, then which ethnic group is the American left supporting the suspension of habeas corpus for in order to lock people up en masse right now?
I never said that the left has never become authoritarian and anti-liberty. What I’m saying is that claiming that the current American left is somehow comparable to other fascist movements is beyond silly. And you don’t have to read Goldberg’s book to know that.
Re: 123. Lee, I have noticed that you have deleted all of the times you deleted puddy whatever’s comments. I guess to answer your question that would be you wouldn’t it?
What? I am an admin at this site, so I can delete his comments. The empty entries in the comment threads remain.
Re: 123, Now that I have called you out on your fascist deleting I will give you an answer to your question.
The left goes out enmasse to force conservative speakers off the stage at planed events. That is fascist; there is no other description of it.
I asked aka: tommy tomphson at 88 to give me an example of republicans doing that and he made a referance that he wanted to have gay sex with me. I told him to go to gay hill for that. He didn’t give me an example of conservatives quelling free speech though and I am not sure if he is just to ignorant to spell “Censor” as opposed to “sensor” or if that “sensor” is some kind of gay sex thing. Typical of a liberal.
125: you gave several referances to deleting his comments. Those are all gone now. Good job Gobel.
Lee, this is probably not a good night for you to speak in defense of “liberal fascists”
I am deleting his comments. I asked him for an explanation for things he posted earlier and he won’t explain himself. I think he was deliberately being an asshole and as one of the site’s monitors, I don’t think we need that. We run this site and we make the rules. If Goldy or Darryl or anyone else thinks I’ve crossed a line here, I’ll apologize. Otherwise, I’m still waiting for Puddybud to make it clear that he’s not just here to be an asshole.
And by the way, it’s Goebbels.
Ha, sorry I misspelled your name but what about all the comments you made while deleting his posts. They seem to have mysteriously disappeared?
Fascists squelch political speech. What I’m doing to Puddybud has nothing to do with any political opinion. It has to do with how he interacts with everyone. If I want to squelch political speech, then how come, in all the arguments I’ve had with Piper, I’ve never once deleted his comments?
Ha, sorry I misspelled your name but what about all the comments you made while deleting his posts. They seem to have mysteriously disappeared?
Um, no. None of my own comments have been removed. But I edited one to make it longer (hit send too soon)…
Lee, I already said it’s your site and you can do what you want with it. When you do it just do it and say it. Instead you seem to be trying to cover up that fact that you indulge in liberal fascism.
Re: 132. Oh really, want me to send you the screen save and then make the same absurd claim?
Again, it has nothing to do fascism unless it’s the suppression of political debate. Puddybud isn’t having a political debate here, he’s having a temper tantrum. Posting a link to a rapist and saying that he’s “one of us” is not political debate. Do you really struggle to understand that?
You have to remember Lee, we are dealing with the interwebs here. Once you say it it’s said. You can’t have do overs.
Re: 132. Oh really, want me to send you the screen save and then make the same absurd claim?
Please do. I have absolutely not deleted any of my comments.
You have to remember Lee, we are dealing with the interwebs here. Once you say it it’s said. You can’t have do overs.
Uh, ok.
@35 It doesn’t take much to fool you, piper. (And I don’t believe you’re authorized to speak for “everyone else”.)
@40 “Funny bunny you streach the truth just to see if you can get away with it.”
Wrong. I do it because wingers do it. I mimic wingers so you can see what winger behavior looks like when liberals do it. The idea is to give you a new perspective on what your side is doing. What I do is art. The purpose of art is to get you to look at familiar things in new ways. But I don’t expect a limited intellect like you to comprehend.
@52 Your confusion arises from assuming you could play by wingnut rules on a liberal blog.
135: I already told you, I didn’t see what he posted and could care less. There are a bunch of things said on this site that there are NO facts to support. Like for example tonight that republicans stifle free speech. The author of that comment disappeared when challenged but his comments didn’t.
By the way I am ok with that. I am also ok with you being the judge and jury over what is said here and what is not.
I just don’t appreciate hypocrisy.
I have to say, even with censorship, this blog is a good deal more generous to trolls like pudwhacker than any rightwing blog I’ve ever seen is to any liberal who attempts to carry on a civil and factually objective discourse.
How’s that good ol’ wingnut castor oil taste slidin’ down the ol’ windpipe, puddy?
Re: 137. ok where do I send them?
@55 Why do you think wingnut trolls should get equal or fair treatment here? Are you saying you expect Lee to behave like, ahem, a liberal?
I’ll bet every time they arrest one of those right-to-lifer terrorists who shoot doctors and torch abortion clinics, the first words out of his mouth are, “I want a lawyer!” And I’ll bet they want habeas corpus, and a jury trial, too! And they aren’t even waterboarded.
Puddy will now go running to the ACLU for legal free help because his free speech rights on HA are being infringed.
Re: 145. If you believe conservatives are looking for a fair shake here your pretending you are a bunny rabbit makes sense. Conservatives wanting fair treatment here would be like Jews asking Hitler for a vacation from the death camps. We just come here because we like showing how wrong you are little bunny.
Click through my name. My email is there. Probably going offline soon. Will get back to you in the morning.
I already told you, I didn’t see what he posted and could care less. There are a bunch of things said on this site that there are NO facts to support.
Sorry, but that’s not the bar here. I don’t delete comments just because the poster can’t back up their facts. That has nothing to do with what we’re talking about here. Puddybud said that a rapist is “one of us”. That right there is enough for most people that he’s not here to have any kind of political discussion at all. Then, when I responded to him, he told me that race had nothing to do with it, but then claimed that race had everything to do with it. I’m sorry, but that’s very clearly being obnoxious for the sake of being obnoxious. That’s not fascism, that’s dealing with an asshole. It’s no different than a bouncer kicking someone out of the bar for being a drunken ass. Does that make the bouncer fascist?
I just don’t appreciate hypocrisy.
Whatever, dude. If you ever want to point out when someone is being obnoxious for the sake of being obnoxious, you’ve got my email.
@77 Thanks for supporting free speech, rob. Now, could you persuade your friends at Free Republic to reinstate my posting privileges? They banned me for being a “troll” i.e. someone who doesn’t think like them and parrot their particular brand of hate.
Re: 149. That is so much bullshit Lee and I am uncomfortable defendant puddy. Every time a republican is accused of a sex crime (and most times they are guilty) this site lights up like a Christmas tree, you are all in glee that you have a republican suspect. When democrats like the head of the ACLU in Maryland are indicted and sentenced. You ignore it.
You use it as a political tool and could care less about the victims.
Like I said, I hate Hypocrisy.
RE: 150 sure, email me and I will
@85 When have Republican NOT assaulted people everywhere else?
RE: 150. Their particular brand of hate? You should maybe compare this site to Free Republic and then talk about hate. Facists democrats ake Franklin Delanore Roosevelt, are the only ones I know that hated another race so much that they imprisoned 100,000 them in a desert for 4 years while suspending habeas corpus. Unles you want to talk about Robert KKK Byrd.
The only reason Republicans don’t assault campus speakers is because they can’t get away with it in that venue.
@92 Are you praying? Praying is OK here. Agnostics and atheists are welcome, too.
That is so much bullshit Lee and I am uncomfortable defendant puddy. Every time a republican is accused of a sex crime (and most times they are guilty) this site lights up like a Christmas tree, you are all in glee that you have a republican suspect.
Again, that’s irrelevant. When someone is being obnoxious for the sake of being obnoxious, send me a mail.
@108 I’m innocent. All I do is behave like a wingnut so they can appreciate how wingnuts come across.
I don’t do anything they don’t do. I just copy them.
@112 “Re: 108. That is the beauty of America, it’s your site and you can control who comments or dosen’t. If the rest of us don’t like it we can leave.”
Oh my, a liberal is behaving like the wingers — you’re not used to that, are you?
“Just don’t claim to be something else.”
As I recall, he didn’t.
@119 “Franklin Delano Roosevelt: suspended habias corpus and interned over 100,000 American Citizens in the northern deserts for 4 years because of their race.”
And it takes a Michelle Malkin to praise him for it.
Re: 153: Rabbit, as for your first example you should be careful because assuming that the person pulling the hippys hair is a republican will get you deleted from this site unless you can prove it. I have seen this happen tonight. Ok it was a democrat accused without proof but I am sure that Lee will delete you just the same. Won’t you Lee?
As for the second one, I am glad it happened.
As for the third, you could get deleted again as it was a story about peace queers getting arrested. Now you are claiming the people the arrested them are republicans.
You should know that Lee looks down on those kind of assertions and deletes commenter’s who make that assumption.
Re: 161. And your point is? I didn’t know Michelle Malkin was a Democrat President.
rob, while you’re at it, you might also mention that Woodrow Wilson (a Democrat) instigated sedition laws and jailed people for criticizing him, and the KKK terrorists of the New South were all Democrats.
Sooooo … if your point is that Democrats aren’t perfect and have done some unholy shit — we admit it.
But we’ve changed. Wilson’s sedition bullshit wouldn’t get the time of day from today’s Democrats — in fact, that’s a GOP platform plank now. And all the KKK thugs are Republicans now, too. And a Republican hater (Malkin) is talking up FDR’s internment camps, and another Republican hater (Coulter) calls for re-establishing concentration camps in America. Funny how all these people are in the GOP. Maybe the reason is because Democrats finally grew up, and Republicans are still shrieking toddlers yearning for the 19th century’s social mores.
@121 Actually he wasn’t. American liberalism had many fathers — John Locke, John Stuart Mill, Thomas Jefferson, Thomas Paine, and yes, Abe Lincoln … and many others. FDR’s cousin, Teddy Roosevelt, was a liberal too (even though he was a Republican). Even William Randolph Hearst hate a common-man streak …
You see, rob, the creation of liberal values was a multi-generational group effort.
@126 I gave you several examples.
@129 One side of me says you’re being too arbitrary and the other side is enjoying you kicking puddy around!
Re: 165: That’s interesting, how come the current liberal candidates keep quoting FDR and pushing the new deal. Also it most circles other than those underground in bunnyville, FDR starting the “New Deal” and “Social Security” was the beginning of the nanny state.
@135 Hmmm, well, not to point too fine a point on it, but puddy’s not the only one. Personally, I think you should let him post his garbage and trust your readership to judge its merits. But I do so enjoy watching puddy getting flogged with the ol’ site admin’s cat-of-nine-tails …
not to put
Re: 164. Could you please point me to something credible that says Ann Coutler is wanting concentration camps in the United States? Like maybe a quote from her instead of the Socialist George Soros funded websites?
RE: 164: Your problem with Ann Coulter is the left has no one as smart or as witty as she is. I can’t think of any can you?
You resort to the typical facist memes of name calling because liberals are too stupid to compete in a debate.
Maybe you could throw a pie at her if you didn’t throw like girls.
Yo Rabbit @ #164:
The ONLY CURRENT MEMBERS of Congress w/ KKK ties are Democrats.
Find otherwise or apologize, you racist scum!
I guess we could go down to 3rd and Pine and ask the black folks how much better their lives are with democrats in power.
Of course the democrat congress has a 10 point lower approval rating than Gw has so I guess the answer would be not so much.
Congressional ties bankroll area company
But if you are a big contributor to democrats life is good.
@142 “There are a bunch of things said on this site that there are NO facts to support. Like for example tonight that republicans stifle free speech.”
“In the months before the 2004 election, dozens of people across the nation were banished from or arrested at Bush political rallies, some for … simply for holding signs or wearing clothing that expressed opposition to the war and administration policies.” — http://www.usatoday.com/news/w.....ters_x.htm
“Similar things have happened at official, taxpayer-funded, presidential visits, before and after the election. Some targeted by security have been escorted from events, while others have been arrested and charged with misdemeanors that were later dropped by local prosecutors.” — Id.
“Jeff Rank and his wife, Nicole, … [were] handcuffed and booted from a July 4, 2004, appearance by the president at the West Virginia Capitol in Charleston. The Ranks … had free tickets to see the president speak, but … were arrested and charged with trespassing for wearing anti-Bush T-shirts. ‘It’s nothing more than an attempt by the president and his staff to suppress free speech,’ said Andrew Schneider, executive director of the ACLU of West Virginia, which is providing legal services for the Ranks.” — Id.
” … [I]n Denver, [Leslie] Weise and two friends were evicted from a Bush town hall meeting on Social Security reform. Weise … [and] friends Alex Young and Karen Bauer … , dressed in professional attire and holding tickets …, arrived at the Wings Over the Rockies Air and Space Museum. … Weise and Bauer were … detained and told by staff they had been ‘identified’ and would be arrested if they tried ‘any funny stuff,’ according to court records. After finding their seats, they were approached again by staff and removed before Bush began speaking. Days later, Weise learned from Secret Service in Denver that a bumper sticker on her green Saab hatchback — ‘No More Blood for Oil’ — caught the attention of security. ‘I had every reason to attend that event, just as anyone else in the room had that day,’ said Weise. ‘If we raised security to a higher level just because we had an opinion different from the administration, I think that goes far beyond what is appropriate for this country.'” — Id.
“At the Republican National Convention in New York City and at other campaign stops, security segregated protesters in designated ‘free speech zones’ set up at a significant distance from each rally. … Political experts agree Bush … went to greater lengths than … any past campaign to choreograph a seamless, partisan rally free of the embarrassing moments that attract media attention.” — Id.
“The American Civil Liberties Union national office today filed a federal lawsuit against a former high-level White House staffer for enacting a policy that unlawfully excluded individuals perceived to be critical of the administration from public events where President Bush was present. The policy is laid out in an October 2002 ‘Presidential Advance Manual’ obtained by the ACLU. ‘The White House has gone too far in its attempt to make dissent invisible,’ said Chris Hansen, a senior ACLU attorney …. ‘When taxpayers foot the bill for a public event, the president does not have the right to use a partisan litmus test to stack the audience with his political supporters.’
“The ACLU … obtain[ed] a heavily redacted version of the Presidential Advance Manual from the Justice Department. This manual … repeatedly instructs organizers about ‘the best method for preventing demonstrators,’ [and] ‘deterring potential protestors from attending events ….’ The ACLU said it is clear … the aim of the White House policy is to keep people who are critical of the president away from him and from the news media. … ‘When the president attends a public event, the First Amendment does not allow him to speak or listen only to those who agree with him,’ said Arthur Spitzer, Legal Director of the ACLU of the National Capital Area …. ‘Public places cannot be “cleansed” of all dissent just to make the president look popular on television.'” — http://www.aclu-co.org/news/pr....._JUN07.htm
“The ACLU is suing Gregory Jenkins, former Director of the White House Office of Presidential Advance and a Deputy Assistant to President Bush, for setting the policy in the manual. Jenkins’ policies have led to the removal and, in some cases, arrest of innocent people from taxpayer-funded events.” — http://washoedems.org/node/470
I could continue — at great length, because the examples of Republicans suppressing free speech are endless — but this is sufficient to rebut your silly assertion that there are not facts supporting complaints that Republicans suppress free speech.
@148 “We just come here because we like showing how wrong you are little bunny.”
You’re even stupider than I thought.
@151 Where putty-fer-brains ran afoul of site admin. was the racist tinge to his remarks. Liberals don’t tolerate that sort of thing.
@154 Yes, their particular brand of hate. I stumbled across Free Republic when I was doing some research and water law and found myself linked to a comment by a Freeper in the Spokane area who baldly stated that if a Washington Department of Ecology official came on his property to enforce our state laws, he would shoot said official. And below that was posted a lot of rah-rah cheerleading by the Freeper crowd. By anyone’s definition (except maybe yours), that’s hate speech. Saying it in a public forum isn’t against the law, thanks to the First Amendment, but I sure as hell hope the State Patrol has this guy on a watch list.
research on water law
RE: 176. Sorry Rabbit but you failed to post any instances of the ACLU acutally winning one of those claims.
When the communists at ACLU acutually win something other than banning Christmas Trees come back and talk to me.
You and the ACLU are a joke.
Now could you please shoe me something more substantive that ACLU accustations that ANN COULTER WANTS CONSENTRATION CAMPS IN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA?
@154 The only thing we do on this site is mimic wingnut hate speech so you assholes can see what you look like. It’s satire, get it? Given what goes on in rightwing blogs, you’re quite the fucking hypocrite to come here and criticize us for doing the same thing.
RE: 179. It there a link to your fantasy or is it just your fantasy?
@162 Sorry, rob, but the accompanying news stories published at the time clearly identified the hair puller as a Republican.
Rabbit you should be careful. If you were a conservtive spouting all this unsubstantiated bullshilt your comments would be deleted. Just ask Lee!
184: Show me the link or just slink off into to your facists rabbit hole.
LEEEEEE! Roger Rabit is doing the same thing you accused puddy whatever of doing. WHERE IS THE DELETE BUTTON LEE?
I guess loyal libtards don’t get the delete button on facists websites.
Sorry by I had to say that.
Now the funny thing about news photos (and stories) is that when I post them some wingnut idiot like rob comes along and complains because I simply post what the news media reported; but when wingnut haters lift a news photo they lie about it.
A famous example is the photo of a VFW veteran with a cardboard “Bullshit Protector” over his ear. http://patriotfiles.org/images.....tector.jpg
The rightwing blogosphere lifted this photo (without permission) from the Associated Press and changed the original caption (without permission) from
“Bill Moyer, 73, wears a ‘Bullshit Protector’ flap over his ear while President George Bush, on screen at rear, addresses the Veterans of Foreign Wars at their 106th convention Monday, Aug. 22, 2005, in Salt Lake City. Moyer served in Korea and Vietnam, and in the post-WWII occupation of Germany.”
“Bill Moyer, 73, wears a ‘Bullshit Protector’ flap over his ear while Senator Ted Kennedy addresses the Veterans
of Foreign Wars.”
It was not, of course, the first time that rightwing bloggers used doctored media photos to spread falsehoods. And, even today, you still see rightwing web sites reproducing this particular piece of wingnut bullshit.
http://tinyurl.com/3888ld (scroll to bottom)
@187 What, calling wingers liars? I’m just stating facts.
@184 I did, you idiot, but in case you missed it the first time here it is again: http://www.talkleft.com/story/2004/09/10/444/61260
Rabbit, I had three question I wanted you to answer and you have failed on all three.
1. A quote from a substantiated source (not a communist blog) that Ann Coulter is calling for concentration camps in the United States.
2. That some hair puller was a registard republican.
3. that any of the communist ACLU allegations that you posted were decided in the ACLU’s favor.
If you can’t do that I demand that Lee delete all of your comments and treat you the same way he did puddy.
I know that won’t happen but I do love embarrassing you.
@163 This is the point, idiot. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/I.....Internment
RE: 190. Uhmmm speaking of idiots 184 was your comment brain surgeon. I won’t even click on a site named talk left.
I asked for something credible not a left wing fantasy site.
Try again asshole.
@172 No. I’m not your fucking research assistant. The remark is well known. Look for it yourself.
@173 “You resort to the typical facist memes of name calling because liberals are too stupid to compete in a debate.”
No, I do it because your side does it.
@174 Name one Democrat in Congress with current KKK racist ties.
BTW, I did NOT say any Republican congress scum were KKKers, what I did say was all the KKK scum are Republicans now, which is not the same thing.
@175 “I guess we could go down to 3rd and Pine and ask the black folks how much better their lives are with democrats in power.”
Better yet, we could look at polling data showing over 75% of them vote Democratic.
192: I looked and Michelle Malkin is still not a President or even close to being one.
Here is a link for you dumb fuck.
and relocation camps for 120,000 Japanese and Japanese-Americans as well as thousands of Italian and German-Americanshttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Franklin_D._Roosevelt
@181 Oh, I’m sorry. I thought you asked me for “facts to support … that republicans stifle free speech.” I don’t recall your saying anything about legal judgments.
Re: 197. It’s good to know that the democrats have the dumbass, gang and underacheivers vote.
Wow! This thread is already up to 200 posts! Taht’s more than the sucky little jihad blog* gets in a year!
* I call it the “jihad blog” because it contains material of this ilk:
“Congratulations Speaker Pelosi, now let the bombs fall where they may. My prediction: terror attack on domestic soil passenger aircraft within the next six months. Casualties in the 2-300 range. And, unfortunately, maybe that’s just what we need. It’s obvious people don’t remember what happened 5 years ago. Posted by FullContactPolitics at November 8, 2006 10:52 AM”
@183 Since I read that comment about 8 or 9 years ago, I doubt it’s still on their web site; but even if it is, I’m not inclined to spend my time searching for it just to kiss your ass. I know what I read, jerk.
@191 “I demand that Lee delete all of your comments”
I have a better idea. Why don’t you bend down and kiss my cute cottontail! For a good time, call 1-900-LICK-ROG. This is a toll call; all proceeds go directly to the Help Roger Rabbit Live Like A Republican Fund.
Hey rabbit, you democrats following women have seen the lowest approval rating for congress in the history of the United States. Of course that isn’t hard to figure when you have earmark whores lie Patty Murray, and Norm Dicks. Liberals are disgusting.
Congressional ties bankroll area company
@198 You asked me why I don’t debate wingnuts. I’ll tell you why. Because participating in a debate requires a capacity for logic that people like you lack. I’m NOT going to take the trouble to spell this out for you. Everyone else gets my point. If you don’t, that’s your personal problem.
Re: 203, as I figured, another liberal lie.
Do you ever get tired of your propoganda?
Re: 206. That’s odd that you would say that. Even Lee who is a devout liberal already warned you on this site at 27. I guess you forgot you already got spanked for you fantasies.
Silly rabbit.
“Hey rabbit, you democrats following women have seen the lowest approval rating for congress in the history of the United States.”
That’s true. Even Democrats have it in for this Congress. Want to guess why? Because the Democratic majority in Congress, and Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid, roll over for Bush like lapdogs, that’s why.
“Of course that isn’t hard to figure when you have earmark whores lie Patty Murray, and Norm Dicks. Liberals are disgusting.”
Earmarks weren’t a problem when Republicans did it, but now that Democrats are doing it, they’re a problem. Funny how that works, isn’t it, you fucking hypocrite?
@208 Tell you what. Write your complaints about me here [ ] and send them to Lee.
I am talking about facts. You made the following slanders against conservatives and you have failed (as liberals do)
to back them up.
You said Ann Coulter wants concentration camps in the US. I have asked your lying ass twice now to show me where that happened and you as a liberal representitive can’t do it
I asked you for proof of someone pulling someone’s hair that that hair puller is a republican. You failed to to that to because you are a liberal facist.
Re: 210. What a pussy, I don’t expect fair treatment on a facist website. I will just deal with you here.
Re: 209. The reason you have weak leadership is because you elected Patty Murray, Maria Cantwell, Norm Dicks and Harry Reid because they are women, not leaders. A lame duck President and a minority senate and congress spanked them and sent them home.
If you are fine with Murray and Dicks spending millions of your tax dollars to get contributions than live with it. I have to live with is because of all you whimp liberals that have moved to washington
Sorry, rob, I’m done for tonight has I have to prepare for tomorrow’s stock market opening bell. To get the same effect, go slam your head against a wall.
Amazing how that works. You slander Repulicans and Ann Coulter and you can’t back it up. You are a pussy Rabbit.
Have a nice nite.
Lee, You see how this works don’t you. You have a liberal commentor that makes up things and when he gets called on it he can’t produce. He slanders people and parties just hoping that no one will call him on it. I called him on it several times but he couldn’t come up with any facts. His life revolves around being obnoxious.
I asked him 3 things
1. show me where Ann Coulter wants concentration camps in the US
2. Show me where someone pulling someone’s hair is a republican.
3. Show me where any of the lawsuits filed (that he posted) turned out in a favorable ruling for the ACLU.
Rabbit was unable to do any of the three. He just posted them to be obnoxious.
Maybe if you were fair you would deltete this assholes fantasies. I am not holding my breath.
Lee was more than fair, he didn’t delete any of your obnoxious posts.
I’ve got to admit that Lambchop’s spittle-flecked meltdown in this thread was impressive. Shine on, you crazy diamond!
Lee, You see how this works don’t you. You have a liberal commentor that makes up things and when he gets called on it he can’t produce.
So what? You equated my demand for an explanation from Puddybud to be fascist when it wasn’t. I didn’t delete your comments.
He slanders people and parties just hoping that no one will call him on it. I called him on it several times but he couldn’t come up with any facts. His life revolves around being obnoxious.
Generally, his behavior on this blog has been a reflection of the Puddybud’s and other trolls who come here to be obnoxious. If it continues beyond that, I’ll be doing something about it.
I asked him 3 things
1. show me where Ann Coulter wants concentration camps in the US
You must not have read any of her books. I have. That woman is clearly past the point of being able to accept the idea of internment. She’s almost at the point of being able to accept genocide as a tool of war.
2. Show me where someone pulling someone’s hair is a republican.
Pulling someone’s hair? C’mon.
218 – Damn! I missed it.
#22 Lee says:
According to the rule of the liberals/democrats/dixiecrats/progressives, the republicans are racist, no black person would be a republican because that would be against their own best interests. Unless you have proof this cop was an “uncle tom,” “oreo” or any of the other names democrats call blacks that cross the isle, Puddy must be right.
According to the rule of the liberals/democrats/dixiecrats/ progressives, the republicans are racist, no black person would be a republican because that would be against their own best interests. Unless you have proof this cop was an “uncle tom,” “oreo” or any of the other names democrats call blacks that cross the isle, Puddy must be right.
You’re missing one of the major parts of this. Puddybud is black. As a result, he’s an example of the exception that he’s pretending doesn’t exist in order to make his point. When I forced him to acknowledge this, he then lied to me. Shortly after that, he refuted his own lie. All I’m asking for is an explanation. If you want to participate here, you can’t be an asshole just for the sake of being an asshole. You also have to be providing some benefit (either or humor or insight). Puddybud is not here to engage anybody in political debate. He’s here to be as obnoxious as possible, and we have every right to exclude him if he can’t explain the rationale for his behavior.
And Rob, I’m still waiting for your email with proof that I deleted my own comments.
Power trippin’ Lee just loves to swing that axe.
24-Hour Anniversary Celebration of #27: “Roger, you need to be careful too. A lot of us know that there’s a level of theatre to what you do (and that’s certainly true with Puddybud as well), but that’s a fine line.”
Pleeeeeease Roger, cross that line just one more time. Watch your crowded little theatre of the absurd turn into Lee’s Alamo with Lee Bowie’s long knife doing enforcer duty.
Kids, Kids put your keyboard away until next year and start fresh with new look.